Elements and Compound

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Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher:Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 40 mins Date:
Attainment target: Recognise that elements are classified on the basis of their physical properties.

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)

Students will be able to recognize that elements are classified on the basis of their physical properties.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 40 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning
Recalling their prior knowledge by asking these
questions.  Answering these questions
5 mins  Oral discussion
1 what is an element ?
2.what is meant by electrolysis

 Variable and  Asking different

 Explaination of the rules for use of  Taking notes 18-20 number cards questions related
physical properties  Asking questions mins to the topic.

Individual work:
 Students will write the given
 Explanation of how to solve question1 2 statements of Q1 in the form of 15 mins  Written response
trigger question
 Students will write review q 1,2
 Asking questions like what are basic
 Oral answers 2 mins  Oral response
properties of elements
How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

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Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 40 mins
Attainment target: Describe and explain differences between metallic and non-metallic elements

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)

Students will be able to understand Describe and explain differences between metallic and non-metallic elements

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 40 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning
SYMBOLS  Giving answers to asked questions 5 mins Oral responses
 Asking questions

 Taking notes  Practice now on pg 95

15-18  Oral responses
 Explanation of how to solve questions r  Class discussion  (using distributive
mins  Class discussion
 Explanation of use of ELEMENTS property)

Individual work:
 Explanation of how to solve questions  EXOPLANATION OF METALLIC AND  Written responses
 Oral responses
Asking different questions related to the topic. 2 mins
Giving oral answers

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

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Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. SubjECT SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 80 mins Date:
Attainment target: Explain the idea of a compound.
Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)
To be able to how to Explain the idea of a compound.
Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and
Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 80 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning
Explaining how to solve questions  Written work  WB activity 3.1  Written response

 Explanation of simplification of algebraic

expressions we will first combine the
elements 20-25  practice now on pg
 Class discussion  Class discussion
 Explanation of compounds that like mins  (simplification f )
 Taking notes
terms are the terms that have different

 Written task
 Review q3 4 25-30
 Explaining how to form compounds   Written responses

 I’ll wrap up the lesson by asking orally the  Giving answers 5-7
  Oral responses
steps to form compounds mins

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

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Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 40 mins Date:
Attainment target: Know that compounds are substances consisting of two or more elements.
Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) Students will be able to Know that compounds are substances consisting of two or more elements.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 40 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning
 Asking oral questions about previous 3-5
 Answering questions  Oral responses
topic taught mins

 Asking questions  Class discussion

 Explanation of the topic with examples
 Class discussion 15 mins  Type of questions
on board
 Solving questions on board asked by them

 Students will solve Q2 and Q6 )related

 Explanation of how to solve given
to Know that compounds are substances 15 mins  Written responses
consisting of two or more elements.

 Summarizing what have they

 Plenary 5 mins  Oral responses
 Discussing answers

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

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Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 80 mins Date:
Attainment target: Describe some processes of forming compounds.
Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) to be ble to apply the knowledge of forming compounds
Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and
Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 80 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning
Explaining how to solve questions Solving questions  RP pg 54  Written response

 Recalling their prior knowledge by

 Work book activity 3.2
 Asking questions about compound s asking following questions related to  Asking different
and 3.3
properties find common uses of compounds.
20-25  Iron questions related to
 Explanation of the topic
mins  Sulpher the topic.
 Explaining that to . Describe some  What is compound? 
 Spirit lamp Class discussion
processes of forming compounds.  Reinforcing the knowledge of
 Match box
compound’s 3 formation ways

 Giving them some questions to solve in Individual work:

copies  Solving Q5 & Q6 of review question   Written response
 Guiding them how to solve the questions related to simplify the topic

 Summarizing the concept by asking orally

the steps to understand three ways of Responding to questions asked 5 mins   Oral response
formation of compounds
How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Beaconhouse School System
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Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 40 mins Date:
Attainment target Name some common compounds including oxides and chlorides.

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) how to multiply and divide algebraic fractions and express the answers in the simplest form.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 40 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning

 Explaining how to solve question try it out  Solving questions 10 mins RP pg 62  Written response

 Explaining how to remember the Name some  By asking different

common compounds including oxides and  Taking notes questions related
chlorides.  Class discussion 20 mins to the topic.
 Explaining that electrolsis must be
 Class discussion

 Explanation of questions review and

 Writing few examples related to elements  Individual work:  Written response
10 mins
and compounds s. For examples  Students will solve 7&8 of ex 4C for
 Sodium chloride , nitrogen dioxide simplification of concept

 Plenary  Summarizing what have they

2 mins  Oral response

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Beaconhouse School System
Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 40 mins Date:
Attainment target: Reinforce the properties of compounds

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) Students will be able to write the properties of compounds by regrouping).

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 40 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning

 Reinforcing previous concepts taught  Discussing important points 5 mins  Discussion

 Explaination of the concept of factors to make

students understand the concept of  Asking different
formation of compounds.  Discussion  Practice now 57 pg 60 questions related to
15 mins
 Also, take factorization as the inverse process  Asking questions  (explaination ) the topic.
of multiplication of an algebraic expression  Class discussion
with a number or a variable or both.

 Giving them some questions to solve in copies 15-18

 Individual work:
 Guiding them how to solve the questions mins  Written response
 Students will try it out)

 Summarizing by asking following question

ldifferentiate betweeen element and  Responding to questions asked 2 mins  Oral response

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 40 mins Date
Attainment target: Distinguish between elements and compounds on the basis of their properties.

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) to be able to Distinguish between elements and compounds on the basis of their properties.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 40 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning

 Answering questions on resource

 Revising the concepts 5 mins RP periodic table  written answers

 Explanation of the topic that how are we  Taking notes  Class discussion
suppose to break a compound with the  Asking questions 15 mins  Type of questions
help of examples asked by them

 Writing questions on board 15-18

 Solving questions  Written response
 Explaining how to solve question mins

 Plenary  Summarizing the concept of 2 mins  Oral response

midterm breaking

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Beaconhouse School System
Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Name of Teacher: :Mahira Maqsood Class: 7A, B & C. Subject: SCIENCE

Topic: ELEMENT AND COMPOUND Duration: 80 mins Date:
Attainment target: Reinforcing the concept oft compounds are substances consisting of two or more elements.
Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) Students will be able to Know that compounds are substances consisting of two or more elements.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) Time (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) 80 mins that will support the
learning as it is
teaching and learning
Revising the main concepts of algebra
o Simplification of chemical
o Knowledge of different symbols  Discussing the topics where they are
to simplify compound having difficulties 20-25 Revision worksheets of  Oral questions and
expressions  Asking questions mins workboook discussion
o Factors on formation(by taking
out common terms and by

 Working in pair and solving RP pg 8, WB 20-25

 Explaining them how to solve questions  Written response
pg67 mins

 Takeing test of objectives tauhgt during 20-25

 Students will give test.  Written response
the week. mins
 Giving feedback about the concepts 5-10
 Plenary  Oral response
studied regarding algebra mins
How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation

Beaconhouse School System
Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

15 weeks

Unit 5: Circulation and respiration                              (3 weeks)

Unit 6: Ecology and man’s impact on the ecosystem (3 weeks)

Unit 7: Heating and cooling                                        (4 weeks)

Unit 8: Magnetism                                                       (2 weeks)

Unit 9: Chemical reactions and energy changes       (3 weeks)

Unit 5: Circulation and respiration
Time: 3 weeks

Focus of scientific enquiry:

1. Ask questions and develop lines of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience;
2. Choose appropriate apparatus and use it correctly;
3. Make careful and accurate measurements;
4. Use information from secondary sources;
5. Use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during field work and laboratory work, paying attention to health and safety.
6. Present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to predictions and hypothesis.

Beaconhouse School System

Attainment Targets

Suggested strategies

Suggested resources

Students should be able to:

1. Recognise the basic components of the circulatory system and describe its functions.
2. Know the structure and anatomy of heart, veins, arteries, capillaries and coronary vessels.
3. Describe the link between respiration and circulation. (exchange of gases)
4. List the components of blood with their functions.

 Dissection of an animal’s heart.

 Watching videos and writing explanations about how the heart works.
 Listen to a heart-beat through a stethoscope.
 Students come up with safety rules and discuss the importance of same.
 Group Model making to show working of the various sections of the circulatory system.
 Measuring the pulse rate.
 Link artery and pulse.
 Investigate heart beat before and after exercise by taking pulse in the neck or wrist.

 Videos
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIcAF34MPpU
 https://www.khanacademy.org/.../human.../circulatory-system-an...
 https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/human-circulatory-system
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JlXy91svKQ (Animations)
 https://educators.brainpop.com/bp-topic/circulatory-system/ (lesson plan ideas)
 https://www.pinterest.com/explore/circulatory-system/
 www.neok12.com/quiz/CIRSYS04.htm
 Stethoscope, equipment for dissection, enlarged Diagrams

Vocabulary: circulatory system, circulation, cellular respiration, aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, glucose, carbondioxide, glucose, oxygen,
carbondioxide, blood vessels, heart, blood, oxygenated blood, deoxygenated blood, veins, arteries, capillaries, chambers, coronary vessels, aortic arch,

Beaconhouse School System
pulmonary artery, pulmonary arch, pulmonary vein, left atrium, right atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, mesenteric artery, hepatic vein, iliac artery, iliac
vein, carotid artery renal artery, renal vein jugular vein, plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets

Unit 6: Ecology and man’s impact on the ecosystem

Time: 3 weeks

Focus of scientific enquiry:

1. Ask questions and develop lines of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience;
2. Use information from secondary sources;
3. Present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to predictions and hypothesis;
4. Identify further questions arising from their discussions.

Attainment Targets Suggested Suggested resources


1. Know what is  Observing  Cambridge checkpoint Science -3

ecology. different  http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-biodiversity-definition-and-relation-to-ecosystem-
2. Know that habitats and stability.html
different writing a report  https://www.greenfacts.org/en/biodiversity/
populations in on the  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zPcR7wgh0c  https://www.youtube.com/watch?
a habitat interdependen v=IKZMGBA_0Ik
make ce of  different  (video negative impact of human activities)
community. populations of
3. Recognise the flora and
biotic and fauna.
abiotic  Comparing two
environmental habitats for
factors their
affecting the differences and
size of similarities.
populations.  Case studies
4. Describe some  Research on
strategies the causes of
which plants global warming

Beaconhouse School System
and animals and how it
adapt to avoid affects
the effect of humans.
environmental Finding out
factors. some of the
5. Understand steps we can
the take to reduce
interdepende the emission of
nce of gases which
organisms in a cause global
habitat. warming.
6. Recognise that  Planning and
some human conducting an
activities have awareness
long–term campaign to
negative reduce
consequences pollution
on the caused by
ecosystem. human
(such as activities.
eucalyptus  Visiting natural
plantation, habitats to see
Chinese the impact of
mulberry human
conocarpus) activities on
7. Describe the
human environment.
activities Writing a
which pollute report on the
the air, water causes of
and land. pollution, its
8. Explain how effects on
human organisms and
activities over suggesting
exploit the ways to reduce
natural it.
resources on  Carrying out
Earth. self reflection
9. Recognise the (given in book)
effects of  Investigating
Beaconhouse School System
individual and the ways how
collaborative human activity
efforts in is influencing
improving the climate, and
environment. suggesting
what can we
do about it.
 Recap of Prior
knowledge of
ce of living
 Consider
points of view
while assessing
human impact
on ecosystem –
st, local
 Reading
 Watching
videos and
about the
impact of
es on
 Suggested out
of school
 Visit to wild life
park/lakes to
Beaconhouse School System
see the impact
of human
activities on
do we know
that human
activity is
climate, and
what can we
do about it?

Vocabulary: flora, fauna, ecology, organism, habitat, environment, community, biodiversity, population, community, environment, biotic environment,
abiotic environment, factors, physical factors, air, water, minerals, light, temperature, pH, producer, prey, predator, shedding leaves, hibernating, nocturnal,
migration, aestivation, acidity/alkalinity, competition, compete, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scavenger, camouflage, mimicry, symbiosis, mutualism,
lichen, parasitism, ecosystem, pollution, pollutants, haze, acid rain, carbon dioxide, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, global warming, climate change,
habitat, extinct, water pollution, untreated wastewater, litter, fertilisers, land pollution, over-hunting, exploitation, over-exploitation, deforestation, soil
erosion, conserving, conservation, 3Rs, reduce, reuse, recycle, environmental friendly, harness, renewable energy, reforestation, sustainable development

Unit 7: Heating and cooling

Time: 4 weeks

Focus of scientific enquiry:

1. Decide which apparatus to use and assess any hazards in the laboratory.
2. Make observations and measurements using appropriate scales.
3. Interpret results using scientific knowledge and understanding.
4. Ask questions and develop lines of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience

Attainment Targets Suggested strategies Suggested resources

1. Analyze the effects of heat gain (heating)  Carrying out surveys to observe  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKXHDM3q06Y
and heat loss (cooling). expansion and contraction (heating and cooling curve)

Beaconhouse School System
2. Draw heating and cooling curve of  Plan and carry out investigations  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3ee3rSg7xs
different states of water. to measure changes in  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3N9XyTkSBI
3. Identify the effect of thermal expansion temperature, to observe (conduction, convection and radiation)
and contraction with their applications in expansion and contraction in  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY3oGlgZRgI
daily life. solid, liquid and gas. (insulation in buildings
4. Classify materials as thermal conductors  watching simulations and
and insulators of heat. generating questions
5. Explain why metals are good thermal  KWHL chart
conductors and fluids are poor  OWL (observe, write and learn)
conductors of heat using the particle
 building chart/graph
model of matter.
6. Describe the process of heat transfer  AFL ( think-pair-share, entry/exit
through conduction, convection and slip, 3-2-1 response, quiz, one
radiation. sentence summary)
7. Distinguish between good and bad  Project: Use tools and materials
emitters, good and bad absorbers of to design and build a structure
infra-red radiation. that will reduce the warming
8. State and explain the important practical effect of sunlight on an area.
methods of thermal insulation used for
constructing buildings.

Vocabulary: conduction, convection, convection current, radiation, expansion, contraction, thermal, insulator, conductor, temperature, heat gain, heat loss,
heating and cooling curve, bimetallic strip, poor absorber/ reflector, infrared waves, radiator/ absorber, emitter

Unit 8: Magnetism
Time: 2 weeks

Focus of scientific enquiry:

1. Ask questions and develop lines of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience
2. Choose appropriate apparatus and use it correctly.
3. Make careful and accurate measurements.
4. Apply mathematical concepts and calculate results.

Attainment Targets Suggested strategies Suggested resources

Beaconhouse School System
1. State the properties  Guided structured Investigation/  Plastic sheets and strings
of magnets. Experimentation  Magnets
2. Describe electrical  Concept cartoon as a discussion strategy for  https://nationalmaglab.org/education/magnet-
methods of different concepts. academy/history-of-electricity-magnetism/pioneers/william-
magnetization and  Problem solving activities gilbert
demagnetization.  Projects for magnetic field and electromagnets.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJBrMXSn-h
3. Construct and use
 Demonstrations  A doorbell to see how electromagnets work
an electromagnet.
4. Recognise that earth  Simulations/ show magnetic field.  https://learning-center.homesciencetools.com/article/the-
has a magnetic field  Use secondary sources to find out about the power-of-magnetism3a-lesson-plan/
which attracts a Northern and Southern Lights as phenomenon  http://www.teach-
freely pivoted caused by the interaction of Sun's charged nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/science/physics/magnets.
magnet to line up particles with Earth's magnetic field. htm
with it.  Use secodary sources to find out about the
5. Recognise and contribution of William Gilbert
reproduce the  Use secondary sources to find out about the
magnetic field ancient country of Magneisa in Turkey and the
pattern of a bar loadstone.

Vocabulary: magnetic force, attraction, repulsion, magnetic field, poles, gravitational force, electromagnets, magnetization and demagnetization, stroke
method, electrical method

Unit 9: Chemical reactions and energy changes

Time: 3 weeks

Focus of scientific enquiry:

1. Using a range of equipment correctly;

2. Discussing and controlling risks to themselves and others;
3. Identifying appropriate evidence to collect and suitable methods of collection;
4. Discussing explanations for results using scientific knowledge and understanding and communicating these clearly to others;
5. Comparing results with predictions.

Attainment Targets Suggested strategies Suggested resources

Beaconhouse School System
1. Compare and differentiate between  Carrying out surveys to  Lower Secondary Science Book 2
physical and chemical changes. observe rusting  Samples of elements  and compounds
2. Explain that chemical reactions lead to  Carry out investigations  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rlsm7aXcYwc    (Physical and
new products to see how iron or other chemical hanges)
3. Use word equations to represent metals react with water  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsKGD0evbAc   (Physical
chemical reactions. and sulphuric acid and chemical changes)
4. Recognise that there are different types  Watching simulations  Samples of copper, zinc or other metals
of chemical reactions. and generating
5. Understand the processes of burning  Periodic table
questions,  Secondary sources to read about acid rain
and rusting and combustion as chemical  KWL chart,
changes.  Research on corrosion of metals
 OWL (observe, write  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd2B9yCKzc0  (rusting)
6. Recognise that acids react with some
and learn)
metals to produce new substances.
7. Recognise that acids react with  Building chart,
carbonates to produce new substances.  Plan investigations
8. Recognise that usually oxides are  Carryout tests to
formed when materials burn. observe chemical
9. Recognise that burning fossil fuels reactions
produces carbon dioxide.  AFL ( think-pair-share,
entry/exit slip, 3-2-1
response, quiz, one
sentence summary)

Vocabulary: physical change, chemical change, chemical reaction, reactants, products, rusting, precipitate, word equation, reversible and irreversible
changes, acid, alkali, thermal decomposition, combustion or burning, conservation of mass, combination, decomposition, oxides, carbonates, sulphates,
chlorides, hydroxides, fossil fuel, carbonates, metals


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