Beaconhouse School System L1

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Beaconhouse School System

Teacher’s Name: Saima Usman Class:VI Subject: Science
Topic: STATES OF MATTER & MATERIAL STRUCTURES Duration: 40MIN Date: October 9, 2022-October 14 , 2022
● Attainment target: reinforce that different everyday materials have different properties.
Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)
● reinforce the way a material is used depends on its properties.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Time Day to day assessment
The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) understand the topic?) (What resources will you use
40 mins (How do you plan to assess
that will support the teaching
learning as it is happening?)
and learning activities?)
Recalling their prior knowledge by asking these
● At the beginning of the lesson, the class will do a Think pair share 3 mins ● Oral discussion
Think-Pair-Share to discuss the objective.

● Students will brainstorm a list of properties
for each object provided to them. ● Asking different
● I’ll Guide them into understanding that questions related to
Whole class discussion
these can be classified as metals and 10 ● the topic.
● I’ll ask students to compare the physical
properties of metal and non-metals. like
conductivity, shiny etc.

Written Task: I’ll ask students to do W/bk Pg#51-52. written Ans 25 mins written ans
H.w: Students will do Course book Qs 1-5 in the copy. mins

Wrap up: Students will be asked to tell at least 2 ● Oral answers 5mins ● Oral response
properties of metals and non-metals each. mins

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement
Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Beaconhouse School System
Teacher’s Name: Saima Usman Class:VI Subject: Science
Topic: STATES OF MATTER & MATERIAL STRUCTURES Duration: 40MIN Date: October 9, 2022-October 14 , 2022
● Attainment target: Know that different everyday materials have different properties.

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)

● Describe and explain the differences between metals and non-metals on the basis of their properties.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Time Day to day assessment
The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) understand the topic?) (What resources will you use
40 mins (How do you plan to assess
that will support the teaching
learning as it is happening?)
and learning activities?)
● Recapping the important points of the
previous session. ● Giving answers to asked questions
10 mins Oral responses

Written Task: Class Test, Students will do the given Qs in ● Written responses
Individual work: 25 mins
the copy.
● Oral responses
H.W: Course book pg#83 Qs1-5 5 mins
Giving oral answers

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation

Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

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