Ga Roadmap 2.0: Making Ga Safer and Cheaper

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Dear GA community,
The Coronavirus has challenged us like nothing else we have seen in
many of our lifetimes.  We had hoped that we could all meet at AERO in
Friedrichshafen but sadly this is not possible. 
Still we wanted to provide you all with an update on the EASA General
Aviation Roadmap and other important activities.  Keep updated
with things on the EASA website and join the discussion in our
GA Community Site. 
We look forward to seeing you at AERO in 2021.
The EASA GA team


The GA Roadmap 2.0 – the second phase of the GA roadmap – contains

important strategic priorities that will help to ensure a  safe and
sustainable future for GA in Europe.
Six GA Strategic Priorities
• A continuing priority for General Aviation: GA will remain
high priority for EASA. The Agency will provide progress
information at the EASA Safety Conference on General Aviation
which takes place every 4 years – the next one is due in 2022;
• Net Safety Benefit: EASA will establish a policy on the net
safety benefit approach that enables some flexibility in the
introduction of new safety technologies in General Aviation;
• Embracing new business models: EASA will adapt its
regulatory requirements to facilitate the introduction of new
business models; 
• Adapt design and production rules: EASA will use the
provisions of its new Basic Regulation to simplify Part 21
requirements for the design and production of General
• GA goes digital: EASA will coordinate the development
of innovative technical solutions that will provide cockpit-
accessible real-time aeronautical and flight data;
• Share General Aviation Safety Culture: EASA is extending its
existing General Aviation community platform to include Safety
Promotion material.


In the year since the GA Roadmap 2.0 was released, we have already
recorded several key achievements:
• The VFR into IMC project involving 12 GA pilots taking part
in flight simulator sessions has resulted in interesting and
engaging Safety Promotion material.
• New Safety Promotion strategy developed under the banner
of “Together4Safety” - The Sunny Swift series continues to
provide monthly information on important GA safety issues in
24 languages.

Previous Achievements
• GA pilot training streamlined
• Balloon and sailplane specific operating rules were simplified
and issued
• Adoption of CS-STAN simplifying changes and repairs to GA
• Simpler rules for the operation of non-commercial aircraft
• EASA Basic Regulation adopted to provide a new level of
flexibility in Rulemaking
Many other activities of the GA Roadmap are under development and
will be implemented in the coming year. Owners of light aircraft can now
benefit from Part-ML (Part-M light) improvements to the maintenance
rules. Part-ML was adopted by the European Commission in 2019 and is
applicable as of 24 March 2020. Other activities include simplified rules
on IFR flying and a more pro-active approach to Safety Promotion for
the GA Community.

The new Annex VIII (Part-DTO) to Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011,
published and in force from late 2018, introduced a  new training-
organisation category exclusively for non-commercial licenses – known
as Declared Training Organisation (DTO). With numerous significant
improvements compared to the regulatory framework for ATOs, the GA-
tailored Part-DTO represents a milestone in the quest for simpler, lighter
and better private-pilot training.
Part-DTO is applicable for non-commercial licence training in accordance
with both Part-FCL and the new Part-BFCL and Part-SFCL (see below).

Easier access for GA pilots to Instrument Flying Rules (IFR) flying is a high-
priority measure that will improve the safety and utility of GA flying.
EASA has proposed the Basic Instrument Rating (BIR) EASA Opinion
No. 01/2019(A) that resulted in an amendment to Regulation (EU) No.
1178/2011 published on 4 March 2020. The new BIR requirements
will apply as of September 2021 and introduce a  qualification to
fly in accordance with Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), but based on
more proportionate requirements when compared to the traditional
Instrument Rating (IR). Both privileges and competency-based training
requirements in the BIR are tailored-made to the needs of GA pilots.

In order to simplify operational and licensing requirements for balloons
and sailplanes, EASA decided to remove these requirements from the
more complex regulatory framework of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
and Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, and to establish stand-alone
regulations exclusively for balloons and sailplanes.
Air sport federations, industry, and national authorities supported
EASA in developing the rules, resulting in the new regulations on air
operations for balloons (Regulation (EU) 2018/395, in force from 8 April
2019) and sailplanes (Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, in force from 9 July
2019). In 2020, both of these regulations have been amended to include
revised flight crew licensing requirements for balloons (Part-BFCL) and
sailplanes (Part-SFCL). Published on 4 March 2020, Part-BFCL and Part-
SFCL will be applicable from 8 April 20201.
Both regulations, including applicable operational and flight
crew licensing requirements, are less complex, more flexible, and
proportionate to the lower complexity required for the operation
and training for balloons and sailplanes. For example, the onerous
air operator approval for commercial operations was replaced by
a declarative system. As regards flight crew licensing, the light-aircraft
pilot licence (LAPL) for balloons and sailplanes was deleted. This change
simplifies the overall licensing system allowing BPL and SPL holders
to hold an LAPL medical certificate for non-commercial flights among
a number of achieved improvements.
In the context of the COVID-19
outbreak, some Member States
are using the flexibility provisions
of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 to
adapt some of the transitional
provisions, in order to have more
time for the implementation of
Part-BFCL and Part-SFCL under the
current circumstances. For further
information please contact the
competent authority of the
particular Member State.

Owners of light aircraft2 can now benefit from Part M Light (Part-
ML), containing improvements to the maintenance rules. Part-ML
was adopted in February 2020 by the European Commission under
Regulation (EU) No. 2020/270 and is applicable as of 24 March
2020. The key deliverables are:
• Based on the Minimum Inspection Programme
(MIP), owners of light aircraft can establish their own
maintenance programme;
• There is no need to have the maintenance programme
reviewed by your Civil Aviation Authority or by
a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
• Any independent EASA-licensed engineer can do the
annual inspection;
• A possibility for the pilot / owner to defer defects;
• A possibility of a combined approval (Part-CAO) for small
organisations to manage the airworthiness of non-
complex aircraft and do maintenance within one approval.
Part-ML simplifies existing maintenance rules, and offers
a  less prescriptive and burdensome approach to maintenance
programmes, airworthiness reviews, defect deferments and TBO
extensions. It also provides more privileges for the pilot, owner,
independent certifying staff and, together with Part-CAO, more
privileges for small continuing-airworthiness organisations.

Applicable to aeroplanes up to 2730 kg, other ELA2 (European Light Aircraft) aircraft
and helicopters up to 4 occupants, including the pilot, with an MTOM (Maximum Take-
Off Mass) up to 1200 kg.

Regulation (EU) No. 2018/1142 introduces two new GA maintenance-
licence categories: ‘B2L’ and ‘L’.
NAAs have been able to issue ‘B2L’ licences since 5 March 2019 and
these have also been valid for use since that date. During the transition
period for the ‘L’ licence, competent authorities may issue ‘L’ licences
as of 1 October 2019, and they will be mandatory as of 1 October 2020.
‘B2L’ avionics licence features:
• Similar privileges (avionics and electrical systems) to a ‘B2’
license but only for non-complex aircraft;
• Less training, examination and experience needed;
• Based on systems ratings, regardless of the aircraft category;
• The license holder can increase the privileges by adding new
system ratings
‘L’ license features:
• It is a license for sailplanes, balloons, airships and ELA1
• Allows the holder to release CS-STAN repairs and modification,
carry out Airworthiness Reviews and issue the ARC;
• No training is required. An examination can be performed
anywhere in agreement with the authority;
Those with maintenance privileges under the national systems will have
those privileges converted to the ‘L’ license and will retain the same


The Certification Specifications (CS-STAN) make standard changes,

repairs and upgrades to light aircraft easier, faster and less costly as
there is no approval required. This can only be possible where standard
changes and repairs are checked and released by an appropriately
licensed mechanic. In some cases, CS-STAN allows the fitting of non-
certified equipment to certified aeroplanes.
According to Part 21, the CS-STAN concept is applicable to the
following aircraft:
• Aeroplanes of 5 700 kg MTOM or less;
• Rotorcraft of 3 175 kg MTOM or less;
• Sailplanes, powered sailplanes, balloons and airships as defined
in ELA1 or ELA2.
The ultimate goal is to support the operation of the affected aircraft in
Europe, reducing the regulatory burden when making simple changes
and repairs in certain aircraft, while fulfilling the acceptable methods
and promoting safety.
EASA is committed to developing new standard changes and standard
repairs and to improving existing requirements. The first issue of CS-
STAN was published in July 2015, the second issue followed in March
2017 and the third issue published in April 2019.
The overall content of CS-STAN has significantly increased in recent
years and there are currently 47 standard changes and 4 standard
repairs covering several domains. The number of applications for minor
changes/repairs submitted to the Agency has dropped significantly
following the introduction of CS-STAN.
On the basis of lessons learned, proposals submitted by stakeholders,
and technological innovations that deliver cost-efficient safety benefits,
CS-STAN will be regularly amended and expanded.

Today, the design and production of these GA aircraft is mostly subject
to the same regulatory requirements (‘Part 21’) as large commercially-
operated aircraft.
The EASA regulatory system for design and manufacturing is currently
perceived as being too complex for the lower end of GA, which results
in a barrier for manufacturers wishing to enter in the wider European
To address this issue, EASA intends to simplify the airworthiness
regulatory system, covering small aircraft and low risk operations, by
developing simplified entry levels into the EASA system, which will be
known as ‘Part 21 Light’.
EASA is committed to proposing a  new regulatory framework that
fully corresponds with and is proportionate to the nature, risk and
needs of sports and recreational aircraft stakeholders, while ensuring
appropriate levels of safety.
The revised Basic Regulation has paved the way by allowing for more
flexibility in regulations addressing General Aviation. Based on this
revision, the concept of a  drastically simplified airworthiness system
will be developed in cooperation with our Stakeholders.
The Agency will consider recognising common standards (not
regulations) as a basis for certifying aircraft. This change will take into
account industry experience and allow for the introduction of new
technologies. With the correct mix of authority involvement and the
appropriate mind set, it will be possible to create a  system that all
European Member States can support.
Detailed information on this development is available on a  dedicated
EASA Part 21 Light webpage.

EASA implemented an administrative process for validating FAA STCs
(Supplemental Type Certificate) classified as Basic, for single serial
number aircraft applied for by the CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness
Management Organisation) or the aircraft owner/operator.
This is a simplification of the EASA validation process for those specific
cases where the holder of an FAA STC classified as Basic is unwilling or
unable (orphaned STC) to apply for EASA validation. This new approach
allows for an application to be made by the owner/operator of the
aircraft where the validation will be limited to a  single specific serial
The application process can be found on the dedicated page on the
EASA Website
When you have questions about this process, please check our FAQ or
contact [email protected].
More than a  hundred applications per year have been reviewed and
approved since the implementation of this process in 2017.
EASA aims to extend the scope of this process to rotorcraft (MTOM
≤ 3 175 kg and limited to 4 seats, including pilot).


At AERO 2019, EASA launched the first GA Safety Award to recognise

and award prizes to the most safety-beneficial smartphone/tablet
application for use by GA pilots.
The GA Safety Award aims to promote development of reliable tools to
improve safety, encourage investment in this area, support and enhance
visibility of valuable products, and further enhance the General Aviation
community’s engagement to safety.
Apps submitted were required to address one or more of the four major
safety concerns identified in the European Plan for Aviation Safety
(EPAS): Staying in control, managing the flight, preventing mid-air
collisions and coping with weather.
We are pleased to announce the winners as follows:
1st Prize of 8,000 € - Sebastien Chaumontet for his Open Glider Network
(OGN) project. OGN provides a  unified tracking platform for gliders,
GA aircraft, paragliders, drones and other small airborne objects. The
OGN platform helps to reduce mid-air collision risks by connecting
information from a range of iConspicuity devices. It also enables easier
provision of weather information directly into the cockpit to help pilots
to cope with changing conditions.
2nd Prize of 5,000 €  - EasyVFR 4 is a  complete solution for flight
preparation, route planning, and flight navigation. EasyVFR 4 helps pilots
to manage the flight and reduce the risk of mid-air collisions through
the provision of planning tools that also enable the identification of
different types of airspace and links to relevant NOTAMs. It also provides
weather graphics on the display in the cockpit.
3rd Prize of 2,000 € - Flytool offers a Safety Management solution for
the GA Community that supports the management of the flight and
also reduces general risks across all accident categories. It does this by
providing a simple and easy occurrence reporting function that allows
club managers to review occurrences and share lessons learned with the
pilot community. It also provides other functions such as an electronic
logbook and licensing reminders.

In addition, a special recognition award was given to Oscar Yankee APS
for their Wings Toolbox. This App was developed in a short period of
time and already shows considerable promise to support improvements
in aviation safety. It provides features such as standby instruments in
the event of a major technical failure, airfield and location information
to help with situational awareness and helps pilots cope with weather
by providing a “Personal Barometer” function. It also provides all Sunny
Swift stories to the user.
Visit the EASA GA Community Site for more information on the winners,
some other contestants and other tools and applications.

While information is freely available via smart phones and other devices, and users can
choose to be connected 24/7, it is still difficult to know where to find the latest, correct
information on a particular GA subject or safety topic. In a collaborative initiative with
the GA Community website, the new “Together4Safety” Safety Promotion portal will
be launched to better match and meet your requirements for information delivered in
new and interesting formats.
Through the GA Community website, the EASA website and our social media channels
we will keep you updated on the latest rulemaking changes and important safety issues.
You can also sign up for email newsletters and much more. In 2019, Together4Safety
hosted its first practical Safety Promotion event, which involved 12 GA pilots learning
more about the challenges of flying in IMC conditions. For 2020, a major activity on
preventing loss of control is planned, with some changes to reflect the current situation
regarding COVID-19 – stay tuned for the latest information.
The website is also the best place to stay in touch with all the latest updates from Sunny
Swift. You can find all the cartoons that have been created over the past 2 years and
every issue is available in all EU languages.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Postal address
Postfach 101253
50452 Cologne
Visiting address
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3
Photo credits: ©iStock, ©Pipistrel

50668 Cologne
Tel. +49 221 89990-000

An Agency of the European Union

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