Astm Contaminacion de Hidrocarburo Con Microorganismos

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Designation: D6469 − 11

Standard Guide for

Microbial Contamination in Fuels and Fuel Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6469; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D130 Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Petro-

1.1 This guide provides personnel who have a limited leum Products by Copper Strip Test
microbiological background with an understanding of the D396 Specification for Fuel Oils
symptoms, occurrence, and consequences of chronic microbial D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
contamination. The guide also suggests means for detection and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-
and control of microbial contamination in fuels and fuel ity)
systems. This guide applies primarily to gasoline, aviation, D515 Test Methods for Phosphorus in Water4
boiler, industrial gas turbine, diesel, marine, furnace fuels and D664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products
blend stocks (see Specifications D396, D910, D975, D1655, by Potentiometric Titration
D2069, D2880, D3699, D4814, D6227, and D6751), and fuel D888 Test Methods for Dissolved Oxygen in Water
systems. However, the principles discussed herein also apply D910 Specification for Aviation Gasolines
generally to crude oil and all liquid petroleum fuels. ASTM D974 Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color-
Manual 472 provides a more detailed treatment of the concepts Indicator Titration
introduced in this guide; it also provides a compilation of all of D975 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
the standards referenced herein that are not found in the Annual D1067 Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity of Water
Book of ASTM Standards, Section Five on Petroleum Products D1126 Test Method for Hardness in Water
and Lubricants. D1293 Test Methods for pH of Water
D1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific
1.2 This guide is not a compilation of all of the concepts and Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid
terminology used by microbiologists, but it does provide a Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method
general understanding of microbial fuel contamination. D1331 Test Methods for Surface and Interfacial Tension of
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as Solutions of Surface-Active Agents
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this D1426 Test Methods for Ammonia Nitrogen In Water
standard. D1655 Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the D1744 Test Method for Determination of Water in Liquid
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Petroleum Products by Karl Fischer Reagent4
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- D1976 Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Coupled Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. D2068 Test Method for Determining Filter Blocking Ten-
2. Referenced Documents D2069 Specification for Marine Fuels
D2274 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Distillate Fuel
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 Oil (Accelerated Method)
D2276 Test Method for Particulate Contaminant in Aviation
Fuel by Line Sampling
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum D2880 Specification for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils
Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.14 on
Stability and Cleanliness of Liquid Fuels. D3240 Test Method for Undissolved Water In Aviation
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2011. Published March 2011. Originally Turbine Fuels
approved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D6469–08´1. DOI: D3241 Test Method for Thermal Oxidation Stability of
MNL 47, Fuel and Fuel System Microbiology: Fundamentals, Diagnosis, and
Aviation Turbine Fuels
Contamination Control, Passman, F. J., ed., ASTM International, 2003. D3242 Test Method for Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced
the ASTM website. on

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D6469 − 11
D3325 Practice for Preservation of Waterborne Oil Samples E1326 Guide for Evaluating Nonconventional Microbiologi-
D3326 Practice for Preparation of Samples for Identification cal Tests Used for Enumerating Bacteria
of Waterborne Oils 2.2 Energy Institute Standards:5
D3328 Test Methods for Comparison of Waterborne Petro- IP 385 Determination of the viable aerobic microbial content
leum Oils by Gas Chromatography of fuels and fuel components boiling below 390°C -
D3414 Test Method for Comparison of Waterborne Petro- Filtration and culture method
leum Oils by Infrared Spectroscopy IP 472 Determination of fungal fragment content of fuels
D3699 Specification for Kerosine boiling below 390°C
D3867 Test Methods for Nitrite-Nitrate in Water 2.3 Government Standards:6
D3870 Practice for Establishing Performance Characteristics 40 CFR 152 Pesticide Registration and Classification Proce-
for Colony Counting Methods in Microbiology4 dures
D4012 Test Method for Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Con- 2.4 Other Standards:
tent of Microorganisms in Water Test Method 2540D Total Suspended Solids Dried at
D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and 103–105°C7
Petroleum Products 98/8/EC Biocidal Products Directive8
D4176 Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contami- TPC Publication No. 3 The role of bacteria in the corrosion
nation in Distillate Fuels (Visual Inspection Procedures) of oil field equipment9
D4412 Test Methods for Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Water
and Water-Formed Deposits 3. Terminology
D4418 Practice for Receipt, Storage, and Handling of Fuels 3.1 Definitions:
for Gas Turbines 3.1.1 aerobe, n—an organism that requires oxygen to re-
D4454 Test Method for Simultaneous Enumeration of Total main metabolically active.
and Respiring Bacteria in Aquatic Systems by Microscopy Discussion—Aerobes use oxygen as their terminal
D4814 Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine electron acceptor in their primary energy-generating metabolic
Fuel pathways. Aerobes require oxygen for survival, using aerobic
D4840 Guide for Sample Chain-of-Custody Procedures metabolic processes to generate energy for growth and sur-
D4860 Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contami- vival.
nation in Middle Distillate Fuels (Clear and Bright Nu- 3.1.2 aggressiveness index (A.I.), n—the value computed
merical Rating) from the sum of the pH + log alkalinity + log hardness of water
D4870 Test Method for Determination of Total Sediment in sample where both alkalinity and hardness are reported as
Residual Fuels milligram CaCO3L.
D4952 Test Method for Qualitative Analysis for Active Discussion—As A.I. decreases, water becomes more
Sulfur Species in Fuels and Solvents (Doctor Test) corrosive. At A.I. $ 12, water is noncorrosive. At 10 # A.I. <
D5304 Test Method for Assessing Middle Distillate Fuel 12, water is moderately corrosive. At A.I. < 10, water is
Storage Stability by Oxygen Overpressure strongly corrosive.
D5452 Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Avia- 3.1.3 anaerobe, n—an organism that cannot grow or prolif-
tion Fuels by Laboratory Filtration erate in the presence of oxygen.
D6217 Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Middle Discussion—Anaerobes use molecules other than
Distillate Fuels by Laboratory Filtration oxygen in their primary energy-generating metabolic path-
D6227 Specification for Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Con- ways, such as sulfate, nitrate, ketones, and other high-energy
taining a Non-hydrocarbon Component organic molecules. Although anaerobes may survive in the
D6426 Test Method for Determining Filterability of Middle presence of oxygen, anaerobic growth typically occurs only in
Distillate Fuel Oils an oxygen depleted environment.
D6751 Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) 3.1.4 anoxic, adj—oxygen free.
for Middle Distillate Fuels 3.1.5 antimicrobial, n—see biocide.
D6974 Practice for Enumeration of Viable Bacteria and 3.1.6 bacterium (pl. bacteria), n—a single cell microorgan-
Fungi in Liquid Fuels—Filtration and Culture Procedures ism characterized by the absence of defined intracellular
D7463 Test Method for Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Con- membranes that define all higher life forms.
tent of Microorganisms in Fuel, Fuel/Water Mixtures and
Fuel Associated Water
D7464 Practice for Manual Sampling of Liquid Fuels, As- Available from Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish St., London, WIG 7AR,
sociated Materials and Fuel System Components for 6
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Docu-
Microbiological Testing ments, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401.
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in 7
Available from American Public Health Association, 800 I Street, NW
ASTM Test Methods Washington, DC 20001.
Official Journal of the European Communities, 24.4.98, L123/1–63(1998).
E1259 Practice for Evaluation of Antimicrobials in Liquid 9
Available from NACE International (NACE), 1440 South Creek Dr., Houston,
Fuels Boiling Below 390°C TX 77084-4906,

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D6469 − 11 Discussion—All bacteria are members of the bio- 3.1.14 depacifying, adj—the process of removing hydrogen
logical diverse kingdoms Prokaryota and Archaebacteriota . ions (protons) from the cathodic surface of an electrolytic cell,
Individual taxa within these kingdoms are able to thrive in thereby promoting continued electrolytic corrosion.
environments ranging from sub-zero temperatures, such as in 3.1.15 deplasticize, v—the process of breaking down poly-
frozen foods and polar ice, to superheated waters in deep-sea mers in plastics and similar materials, resulting in loss of the
thermal vents, and over the pH range < 2.0 to > 13.0. Potential material’s structural integrity.
food sources range from single carbon molecules (carbon
dioxide and methane) to complex polymers, including plastics. 3.1.16 facultative anaerobe, n—a microorganism capable of
Oxygen requirements range from obligate anaerobes, which growing in both oxic and anoxic environments.
die on contact with oxygen, to obligate aerobes, which die if Discussion—Facultative anaerobes use oxygen
oxygen pressure falls below a species specific threshold. when it is present, and use either organic or inorganic energy
sources (nitrate, sulfate, and so forth) when oxygen is depleted
3.1.7 bioburden, n—the level of microbial contamination
or absent.
(biomass) in a system. Discussion—Typically, bioburden is defined in terms 3.1.17 fungus (pl. fungi), n—single cell (yeasts) or filamen-
of either biomass or numbers of cells per unit volume or mass tous (molds) microorganisms that share the property of having
or surface area material tested (g biomass / mL; g biomass / g; the true intracellular membranes (organelles) that characterize
cells / mL sample, and so forth). The specific parameter used to all higher life forms (Eukaryotes).
define bioburden depends on critical properties of the system 3.1.18 metabolite, n—a chemical substance produced by
evaluated and the investigator’s preferences. any of the many complex chemical and physical processes
3.1.8 biocide, n—a poisonous substance that can kill living involved in the maintenance of life.
organisms. 3.1.19 microbial activity test, n—any analytical procedure Discussion—Biocides are further classified as bac- designed to measure the rate or results of one or more
tericides (kill bacteria), fungicides (kill fungi), and microbio- microorganism processes.
cides (kill both bacterial and fungi). They are also referred to Discussion—Examples of microbial activity tests
as antimicrobials.
include loss or appearance of specific molecules or measuring
3.1.9 biodeterioration, n—the loss of commercial value or the rate of change of parameters, such as acid number,
performance characteristics, or both, of a product (fuel) or molecular weight distribution (carbon number distribution),
material (fuel system) through biological processes. and specific gravity.
3.1.10 biofilm, n—a film or layer of microorganisms, biopo- 3.1.20 microbially induced corrosion (MIC), n—corrosion
lymers, water, and entrained organic and inorganic debris that that is enhanced by the action of microorganisms in the local
forms as a result of microbial growth and proliferation at phase environment.
interfaces (liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, liquid-gas, and so forth)
(synonym: skinnogen layer). 3.1.21 mold, n—form of fungal growth, characterized by
long strands of filaments (hyphae) and, under appropriate
3.1.11 biomass, n—biological material including any mate- growth conditions, aerial, spore-bearing structures.
rial other than fossil fuels which is or was a living organism or Discussion—In fluids, mold colonies typically ap-
component or product of a living organism.
pear as soft spheres; termed fisheyes. Discussion—In biology and environmental science,
biomass is typically expressed as density of biological material 3.1.22 obligate aerobe, n—microorganism with an absolute
per unit sample volume, area, or mass (g biomass / g (or / mL requirement for atmospheric oxygen in order to function.
or / cm2) sample); when used for products derived from Discussion—Obligate aerobes may survive periods
organisms biomass is typically expressed in terms of mass (kg, in anoxic environments but will remain dormant until sufficient
MT, etc.) or volume (L, m3, bbl, etc.). oxygen is present to support their activity. Discussion—Products of living organisms include 3.1.23 obligate anaerobe, n—microorganism that cannot
those materials produced directly by living organisms as function when atmospheric oxygen is present.
metabolites (for example, ethanol, various carbohydrates and Discussion—Obligate anaerobes may survive peri-
fatty acids), materials manufactured by processing living ods in oxic environments but remain dormant until conditions
organisms (for example, pellets manufactured by shredding become anoxic.
and pelletizing plant material) and materials produced by
processing living organisms, their components or metabolites 3.1.24 oxic, adj—an environment with a sufficient partial
(for example, transesterified oil; also called biodiesel). pressure of oxygen to support aerobic growth.
3.1.12 biosurfactant, n—a biologically produced molecule 3.1.25 shock treatment, n—the addition of an antimicrobial
that acts as a soap or detergent. agent sufficient to cause rapid and substantial (several orders of
magnitude) reductions in number of living microbes in a fluid
3.1.13 consortium (pl. consortia), n—microbial community
or system receiving that concentration.
comprised of more than one, species that exhibits properties
not shown by individual community members. 3.1.26 skinnogen, n—synonymous with biofilm. Discussion—Consortia often mediate biodeteriora- Discussion—Generally applied to a biofilm formed
tion processes that individual taxa cannot. at the fuel-water interface.

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D6469 − 11
3.1.27 sour, v—to increase the concentration of hydrogen samples to a sufficient range of appropriate tests to permit
sulfide. accurate root-cause diagnosis. Section 9 provides more infor-
3.1.28 sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), pl., n—any bacteria mation on examining and testing samples.
with the capability of reducing sulfate to sulfide. 4.5 Microbial contamination control requires a well de- Discussion—The term SRB applies to representa- signed strategy that considers system design, sampling and
tives from a variety of bacterial taxa that share the common analysis, and preventive and remedial treatment. See Section
feature of sulfate reduction (SO4= to S=). SRB are major 11 for details.
contributors to MIC. 4.5.1 Good system design minimizes contaminant entry and
3.1.29 taxa, pl., n—the units of classification of organisms, provides for adequate sampling, water removal, and periodic
based on their relative similarities. cleaning and inspection. Discussion—Each taxonomic unit (group of organ- 4.5.2 Effective monitoring programs cost-effectively bal-
isms with greatest number of similarities) is assigned, begin- ance biodeterioration risks with sampling and analytical costs.
ning with the most inclusive to kingdom, division, class, order, 4.5.3 Remedial efforts may include fuel filtration, recondi-
family, genus, and species. Bacteria and fungi are often further tioning, disposal, biocide treatment, or tank/system cleaning, or
classified by strain and biovariation. combination thereof. Health, safety, and environmental consid-
erations are critical to proper tank remediation.
3.1.30 viable titer, n—the number of living microbes present
per unit volume, mass, or area. 5. Significance and Use Discussion—Viable titer is reported in terms of
either colony forming units (CFU) or most probable number 5.1 This guide provides information addressing the condi-
(MPN) per millilitre, milligram, or centimetre squared. tions that lead to fuel microbial contamination and biodegra-
dation and the general characteristics of and strategies for
4. Summary controlling microbial contamination. It compliments and am-
4.1 Microbes may be introduced into fuels as products cool plifies information provided in Practice D4418 on handling
in refinery tanks. Bacteria and fungi are carried along with dust gas-turbine fuels. More detailed information may be found in
particles and water droplets through tank vents. In seawater the IP Guidelines and in ASTM Manual 47.
ballasted tanks, microbes are transported with the ballast. 5.2 This guide focuses on microbial contamination in re-
Vessel compartments ballasted with fresh, brackish, or seawa- fined petroleum products and product handling systems. Un-
ter, all of which may contain substantial numbers of microbes, controlled microbial contamination in fuels and fuel systems
may easily become contaminated with the microbes trans- remains a largely unrecognized but costly problem at all stages
ported with the ballast water. See Section 6 for more a detailed of the petroleum industry from crude oil production through
discussion. fleet operations and consumer use. This guide introduces the
4.2 After arriving in fuel tanks, microbes may either stick to fundamental concepts of fuel microbiology and biodeteriora-
overhead surfaces or settle through the product. Some mi- tion control.
crobes will adhere to tank walls, whereas others will settle to 5.3 This guide provides personnel who are responsible for
the fuel/water interface. Most growth and activity takes place fuel and fuel system stewardship with the background neces-
where fuel and water meet. The tank bottom fuel/water sary to make informed decisions regarding the possible eco-
interface is the most obvious fuel/water boundary. However, nomic or safety, or both, impact of microbial contamination in
there is also a considerable area of fuel/water interface on the their products or systems.
interior surface of tank-shells. Microorganisms require water
for growth. Although bacteria and fungi can be present in the 6. Origins of Microbial Contamination
fuel phase, their growth and activity is restricted to the water 6.1 The high temperature characteristic of distillation and
phase of fuel systems. The water phase includes volumes other refinery processes sterilize refinery stocks used in fuel
ranging from trace (several µL) to bulk (>1 m3) accumulations blending. However, conditions in refinery tankage, transport
and water entrained within deposits that accumulate on system systems, terminal tankage, and users’ system tankage may lead
surfaces. Typically, fuel and system deterioration is caused by to microbial contamination and possible biodeterioration.
the net activity of complex microbial communities living 6.2 In refinery tankage, water can condense and coalesce as
within slimy layers called biofilms. Biofilms may be found on product cools. Tank vents draw moisture from the outside
tank roofs, shells, at the fuel/water interface, and within bottom atmosphere and may allow precipitation to enter the tank.
sludge/sediment. Section 7 provides greater detail. Moreover, product withdrawal creates a partial vacuum that
4.3 Obtaining representative samples may be challenging. pulls pollen, dust, and other microbe-carrying particulates
For best results, samples should be collected from the interface through tank vents. Consequently, refinery products tanks are
zones, especially the fuel/water interface, described in 4.2. the first stage of petroleum handling where significant micro-
Refer to Section 8 for more details. bial contamination can occur.
4.4 Sample analysis includes gross observations as well as a 6.3 In transport by means of tanker or pipeline, additional
battery of physical, chemical, and microbiological tests. Be- water may be introduced by condensation. In contrast to
cause biodeterioration shares symptoms with other fuel and pipelines, condensate is not the major source of additional
fuel-system degradation processes, it is critical to subject water. Rather, inadequate cargo compartment stripping, use of

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D6469 − 11
water as false bottoms to facilitate complete cargo discharge,
and other incidental, intentional water use provide substantial
water to fuel tanks. Biofilms can form on tanker or pipeline
surfaces where they entrain water, inorganic particles, and
nutrients to support growth. Such growth can slough off and be
carried to terminal and end user tankage (see 6.4). In terminal
tanks, turnover rates may be a week or longer, allowing
particulates (including biofilm flocs) to settle into the sludge
and sediment zone before product is drawn from the tank. As
turnover rates increase, the likelihood of drawing biomass with
fuel also increases, due to reduced settling times. Population
densities of less than two million cells/mL will have no effect
on fuel clarity. Consequently, contaminated fuel is rarely
detected visually at the terminal rack. where:
6.4 End-user tank materials and configurations are varied, (a) = refinery distillation towers
reflecting use applications that range from small reservoirs (< (b) = refinery product tanks
3 L) on power appliances (chain-saws, mowers, and so forth) (c) = fuel transportation pipeline (low points in pipeline trap
to large (> 4000 L) day tanks feeding major power generation water)
(d) = distribution terminal tanks
and propulsion engines. Location (above or below ground) and (e) = commercial dispensing rack and tank truck
proximity to the point of combustion will also vary. End-use (f) = retail/fleet underground storage tank
tanks accumulate water and bioburden that can lead to engine (g) = retail/fleet dispensing system; arrows indicate sites
failure through fuel starvation resulting from filter or feed line water and biologicals tend to accumulate
plugging, or both. Moreover, MIC may compromise fuel tank
integrity, leading to leakage. Substantial water volumes may be FIG. 1 Fuel Distribution System
introduced into fuel tanks intentionally. In some ships, water is
used as ballast and may occupy greater than 80 % of the total
tank volume. At some tank farms, a layer of water is used to NOTE 1—The risk of uncontrolled microbial contamination is generally
reduce the risk of ground water, contamination due to fuel greatest in tropical regions. However, in the absence of adequate house-
leakage. keeping practices, microbial contamination problems can also occur in
fuel systems located in cold climates.

7. Occurrence and Impact 7.1.4 Water pH is generally not a controlling factor in fuel
systems. Most contaminant microbes can tolerate pH’s ranging
7.1 Microbes require water as well as nutrients. Conse- from 5.5 to 8.0. As with temperature, there are microbes that
quently, they concentrate at sites within fuel systems where prefer acidic environments (some grow in the equivalent of 2N
water accumulates (see Fig. 1). sulfuric acid) and others that grow in alkaline systems with pH
7.1.1 Water is essential for microbial growth and prolifera- > 11. Fuel tank bottom-water pH is usually between 6 and 9.
tion. Even negligible traces of water are sufficient to support 7.2 As water activity tends to be greatest at interface zones,
microbial populations. this is where microbes are most likely to establish communi-
7.1.2 Nutrients are divided into macro-nutrients and micro- ties, or biofilms. Numbers of microbes within biofilms are
nutrients. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and typically orders or magnitude greater than elsewhere in fuel
phosphorus (CHONSP) comprise the macro-nutrients, and systems. Biofilms can form on tank overheads, at the bulk-fuel,
most of these are readily available in fuels. Only phosphorous bottom-water interface, and on all system surfaces.
is likely to be growth limiting in most fuel systems. A variety 7.2.1 Using fuel hydrocarbon vapors as their carbon source,
of elements, including calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, mag- microbes can colonize tank overheads, where condensation
nesium, manganese, copper, cobalt, nickel, and other metals, provides the necessary water activity. Biofilms on overheads
are required in trace quantities. None of these elements is generally look like slimy stalactites.
limiting in fuel systems. Fuel systems that provide both the 7.2.2 The biofilm that develops at the fuel-water interface
requisite water and nutrients will support microbial growth and (sometimes called the skinnogen layer because of its tough
proliferation. membranous characteristics) represents a unique micro-
7.1.3 The rate of microbial growth increases with increasing environment relative to either the overlying fuel or underlying
temperature within the physiological range (temperature range water. Nutrients from both the overlying fuel and underlying
within which growth occurs) of a given microorganism. water are concentrated in this third-phase.
Microbes are generally classified into three groups, based on 7.2.3 Whereas a 1-mm thick biofilm on a tank wall may
their temperature preferences/requirements. Some microbes seem negligible, it is 100 times the thickness of most fungi, and
require low temperatures (<20°C). Others thrive in superheated 500 to 1000 times the longest dimension of most bacteria. This
environments (>100°C). However, the physiological range of seemingly thin film provides a large reservoir for microbial
the microbes most commonly recovered from fuel tanks is 0°C activity. Within the biofilm micro-environment, conditions can
to 35°C, with growth optimal between 25°C and 35°C. be dramatically different from those in the bulk product.

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D6469 − 11
7.2.4 The microbial ecology of biofilms is complex. Micro- duced at concentrations that are difficult to detect against the
bial consortia (communities) give the biofilm community complex chemistry of fuel components, these metabolites can
characteristics that cannot be predicted from analysis of its have a significant deleterious effect on fuel stability. Although
individual members. most of the change occurs within a few centimeters of the Biofilms are formed when early colonizers, or pio- biofilm-fuel interface, product mixing can distribute metabo-
neers, secrete mucous-like biopolymers that protect cells from lites throughout the fuel system.
otherwise harsh environmental conditions. 7.3.2 The most commonly recognized symptom of micro- These biopolymers trap nonpolymer producing mi- bial contamination is filter plugging. Two distinct mechanisms
crobes, that then become part of the biofilm community, and can cause this problem. When flocs of biomass are transported
cations that act as ligands that strengthen biofilm structural through the fuel system and are trapped in the filter medium,
integrity. they can restrict flow. Direct observation of filters plugged by Aerobes and facultative anaerobes (bacteria that this mechanism reveals masses of slime on the filter element’s
grow aerobically under oxic conditions and anaerobically external surfaces. Alternatively, microbial contaminants may
under anoxic conditions) scavenge oxygen, creating conditions colonize filter media. The biopolymers they produce within the
necessary for obligate anaerobes to grow and proliferate. filter medium’s matrix eventually plug the filter. Some bacterial and fungal species produce biosur-
factants that create invert emulsions, which in-turn make 8. Sampling
nonpolar fuel components available for use as food. 8.1 Bottom samples, as described in Practices D4057 and Microbes able to attack hydrocarbons directly ex- D7464, provide the best material for evaluating microbial
crete waste products that other consortium members use as contamination. Practice D7464 provides guidance specific to
food. The net effect is a change in pH, oxidation-reduction (or the collection of samples intended for microbiological testing.
redox) potential, water activity, and nutrient composition that 8.2 Because sample analyses may be performed by more
has little resemblance to the environment outside the biofilm. than one laboratory, good sample chain of custody procedures The biofilm consortium acts like a complex biore- should be followed (see Guide D4840). Hill10 offers detailed
actor, causing several types of significant changes to the fuel suggestions for collecting and handling samples intended for
and fuel system. microbiological testing. Biofilm communities are directly involved in MIC
8.3 Both biological and nonbiological deterioration pro-
that can result in pinhole leaks in tanks and pipelines. The
cesses continue in a sample during the period between collec-
problem of MIC is a consequence of several microbial pro-
tion and analysis. Ideally, all testing should be accomplished at
the sampling site, within a few minutes after a sample is drawn. First, the heterogeneity of biofilm accumulation
As this is rarely possible, good practices for preserving and
creates electropotential gradients between zones of covered
preparing samples for analysis should be following (see
and uncovered surfaces.
Practices D3325 and D3326). SRB and other anaerobes use the hydrogen ions,
thereby depacifying the electrolytic cell and accelerating the 8.4 Samples for pH, alkalinity/acidity, and dissolved oxygen
corrosion reactions (TPC Publication No. 3). The hydrogen determinations should be tested within 1 h after sampling.
sulfide generated by biological sulfate reduction sours the fuel, 8.5 Samples for microbiological testing should be kept on
causing copper corrosion test (see Test Method D130) failure. ice for transport to the laboratory. Tests should be performed
Moreover, toxic hydrogen sulfide trapped within bottom sludge within 1 h and no later than 24 h after sampling. Samples
can be a safety hazard to personnel entering gas-freed tanks. stored at higher temperatures, or for longer times, may show Microbes growing anaerobically produce low mo- the presence of microbial contamination that does not represent
lecular weight organic acids (formate, acetate, lactate, pyru- actual fuel system conditions.
vate, and others). These acids accelerate the corrosion process 8.5.1 Samples for microbiological testing should be col-
by chemically etching the metal surface. There are data lected in new, unused containers.
demonstrating that biofilm communities can deplasticize the 8.5.2 If microbiological tests are not going to be completed
polymers used in fiberglass synthesis. Such activity can result within an hour after sample collection, the container should not
in catastrophic tank failure and is most likely to occur along the be more than half-full. This provides adequate headspace to
longitudinal centerline (the same place of the greatest fre- minimize the risk of conditions within the sample container
quency of MIC pinholes). becoming anoxic. Samples to be examined for anaerobic
7.3 Biodeterioration shares many symptoms with nonbio- bacteria should be filled completely to maintain oxygen de-
logical fuel deterioration processes. Without an adequate bat- pleted or anoxic conditions.
tery of tests, the root cause of a given fuel degradation problem 8.6 Sampling intervals should be set so that there are at least
may be misdiagnosed. The following paragraphs discuss symp- three sets of data obtained during the period between system
toms caused by microorganisms. However, many of these
symptoms may also be caused by nonbiological factors.
Hill, G., “Sampling Methods for Detecting Microbial Contamination in Fuel
7.3.1 Biosurfactants facilitate water transport into the fuel
Tanks and Systems,” Chapter 2 in MNL 47, Fuel and Fuel System Microbiology:
phase and some fuel additive partitioning into the water phase. Fundamentals, Diagnosis, and Contamination Control, Passman, F. J., ed., ASTM
Other metabolites may accelerate fuel polymerization. Pro- International, 2003.

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D6469 − 11
changes. For example, if microbial loads take six months to Presence of significant amounts of precipitated ma-
exceed criteria levels after biocide treatment, then tests should terial in jars containing tank or pipeline samples further
be performed every 1.5 to 2 months. This provides a compro- suggests the presence of microbes.
mise between controlling monitoring costs and detecting po- Hydrogen sulfide and other atypical (rancid) odors
tential problems before they affect operations. may indicate heavy microbial contamination. Compare the gross properties (see Test Method
9. Examination and Testing
D4176) or near-bottom fuel (from 5 to 10 cm above fuel-water
9.1 Some analytical methods can be performed in the field interface or tank bottom) with those of the bottom sample
under less than optimal conditions, but many others will fuel-phase. Differences in clarity or color indicate that there are
require the services of a laboratory with specialized equipment. differences in fuel chemistry. Microbial activity may be the
9.2 Gross Observations: cause.
9.2.1 Gross observations, such as color, odor, clarity, and 9.2.4 Pipe or filter blockage also indicates that severe
appearance of the fuel/water interface, are made during routine infestation may be present in a fuel system. Test Method
housekeeping and change over practices. When careful records D5452 can be used to predict a fuel’s filter plugging tenden-
are kept, they can identify changes in operating practices and cies.
environmental conditions that result in increased levels of 9.2.5 The major advantage to gross observations is their
microbial contamination. Gross observations should be made speed and simplicity. Their principal disadvantage is that gross
whenever a sample is drawn from the tank. changes typically occur late in the biodeterioration process,
9.2.2 Check any accessible tank surfaces for the presence of after significant damage has occurred.
microbial mats or slime. Their presence is evidence of micro- 9.3 Physical Testing:
bial infestation.
9.3.1 Physical testing requirements for fuels are listed in
9.2.3 Observe an interface sample that contains both water
each product grade specification (see Specifications D396,
and fuel (see Fig. 2).
D910, D975, D1655, D2069, D2880, D3699, D4814, and Uncontaminated samples contain either no water or
only two clear and bright phases. Turbidity in the fuel phase
(see Test Methods D4176 and D4860) indicates a significant 9.3.2 Microbial contamination is most likely to affect filter-
problem, which might be due to microbial activity, high water ability (see Test Methods D2068, D2276, D4870, D5452,
content, surfactant contamination, or chemical instability. D6217, and D6426) and oxidation stability (see Test Methods Emulsified brown to red to black material in either D2274, D3241, and D5304). Severe contamination can even-
phase indicates the presence of microbes. These colors gener- tually affect viscosity (see Test Method D445) and density (see
ally reflect the presence of iron oxide or iron hydroxide, or Test Method D1298). Consequently, when these parameters are
both. Formation of these precipitates may involve microbial outside the specification range, microbial contamination should
activity or may be the result of nonbiological processes. be considered as one of the possible causes. The presence of a third phase (the rag phase or cuff 9.3.3 Physical tests for bottom-water samples are not in-
layer) between the fuel and water suggests a microbial prob- cluded in fuel standards. One particularly useful test is deter-
lem, although the rag layer may also be formed nonbiologically mination of suspended solids by filtration (see Test Method
due to fuel component polymerization or inorganic precipitate 2540 D). This test determines the mass of material that is
formation, or both. present in the contaminated water sample.
9.3.4 The measurement of interfacial tension (see Test
Methods D1331) is sometimes used as a surrogate for direct
surface active by-product (fatty acids and proteins) analysis.
The presence of these biosurfactants is indicative of microbial
activity. This test method is most useful if baseline data (fresh
fuel over sterile water) are available. Both near-bottom fuel and
bottom-water should be tested periodically to determine
changes in their respective contact angles (interfacial tension).
9.4 Chemical Testing:
9.4.1 Chemical testing should be performed on the fuel
phase, water-phase, and filter material, if available.
9.4.2 ASTM fuel product specifications include chemical
tests. Microbial contamination may contribute to changes in
any chemical property of a fuel. Consequently, a microbial
cause should be considered when investigating a fuel’s failure
to meet chemical specifications. Several additional standard
fuel chemistry tests facilitate diagnosis of fuel diodeterioration.
In addition, there are a variety of commercially available test
FIG. 2 Schematic of Fuel Tank Bottom Sample with Significant kits for many of the parameters discussed below. Typically the
Microbial Contamination and Biodeterioration test kits provide a simplified means for obtaining data. In many

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circumstances, data from test kits are sufficient for contamina- used to compute aggressiveness index. Moreover, hard water
tion monitoring and diagnostic purposes. Operators or labora- (> 200 mg CaCO3 / L) tends to support more robust microbial
tory personnel intending to substitute a simplified test should communities than does soft water.
confirm that the simplified test meets their specific needs and Compute A.I. from pH, alkalinity/acidity, and hard-
expectations. Guide E1326 offers suggestions for evaluating ness data.
the suitability of nonconventional or nonstandard test methods. (a) Water with A.I. > 12 is considered noncorrosive. If A.I.
9.4.3 Acid/base (see Test Methods D664, D974, and D3242) is between 10 and 12, the water is moderately corrosive, and if
number indicates the extent to which the fuel composition has A.I. <10, it is strongly corrosive. Low bottom-water A.I. is a
changed through production of fatty acid by-products, carbon strong indication of biological activity.
dioxide, or other by-products of metabolism or non-biological Dissolved oxygen (see Test Methods D888) in
processes. bottom-water from uncontaminated tanks is typically at 50 to
9.4.4 Water content (see Test Method D1744 or D3240) 75 % saturation. Moreover, the oxygen concentration is an
provides information related to the amount of water present in uncontaminated sample that is aerated to saturation will remain
the fuel phase. Water is critical to the successful establishment greater than 50 % saturation for at least 4 h after aeration is
of a microbial population in the fuel phase. discontinued. Consequently, a bottom-water sample with an
9.4.5 Copper corrosion (see Test Method D130) testing may oxygen concentration less than 50 % of the saturation concen-
indicate the presence of anaerobic microbes, sulfate-reducers, tration, or a sample in which the oxygen concentration de-
and clostridia and other protein fermenters that also produce creases by more than 50 % in a 4 h period is likely to have a
hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The copper corrosion strip test is rapid significant bioburden.
and economical and is included in some fuel specifications. Metal ion analysis by inductively-coupled argon
9.4.6 Proteins, lipids, and fatty acids in the fuel and bottom-
plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (see Test Method
water are directly proportional to biomass.11
D1976) provides a measure of the extent to which metals from
9.4.7 Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) fin-
tanks, pipes, and other equipment surfaces have been solubi-
gerprinting may reveal compositional changes in the fuel
lized. Microbes involved in MIC can directly or indirectly
components that can be evaluated using simulated distillation
cause solubilization of metals from system components. Con-
methods and elemental analysis. Certain types of changes are
sequently, the presence of increased soluble iron over time
expected in a product contaminated with microbes. These
strongly suggests bacterial activity. Changes in aluminum and
include a diminution in alkanes (normal, iso-, and cyclo-)
manganese (along with iron) are also indicative of corrosion.
relative to uncontaminated fuels.
9.4.8 Water phase tests are not included in fuel specifica- Nitrogen analysis (see Test Methods D1426 and
tions but provide critical information about fuel system biode- D3867) is useful because nitrate-reducing bacteria convert
terioration. nitrate ions to nitrite and ammonia. Bottom-water samples should be measured for pH Sulfate reducers produce hydrogen sulfide from
(see Test Methods D1293). Bottom-water pH is normally sulfate ions. Increased sulfide concentrations in bottom-waters
alkaline (> pH 7.0). Samples with pH <7.0 are suspect for (see Test Methods D4952) are characteristic of biodeterioration
microbial activity. in fuel systems. Acidity or alkalinity (see Test Methods D1067) data Fuel components that have partitioned into the
are used to compute the aggressiveness index of bottom-water. water-phase can be analyzed by Test Methods D3328 or Test
The alkalinity of uncontaminated bottom-water under middle Method D3414. Biosurfactants increase petroleum emulsifica-
distillate fuel typically ranges from 75 to 150 mg CaCO3 / L. tion into bottom-water.
Under gasoline that has been augmented with amine-based Phosphorus is often a growth-limiting nutrient in
anticorrosion additives, alkalinities > 2500 mg CaCO3 are not bottom-water. Determine phosphorus in bottom-water samples
unusual. To be most useful, baseline bottom-water alkalinity using Test Methods D515.
should be determined using fresh fuel over local tap or freshly
collected rainwater, or any readily available fresh water with a 9.5 Microbiological Testing:
known low (< 50 mg CaCO3 /L) alkalinity. If total alkalinity 9.5.1 In contrast to many of the gross observations, physical
falls below half of the baseline value, microbial activity is the and chemical tests, there are no generally accepted criteria for
most likely cause. Microbial activity is also likely in bottom- acceptable microbial contamination levels. In many applica-
water samples with any measurable acidity, as the by-products tions, any detectable microbes in the fuel-phase trigger correc-
or microbial metabolism tend to be acidic and readily partition tive action. However, populations of greater than 105 cells/mL
into the water phase. These include the by-products of hydro- may be tolerable in bottom-water. As discussed in Section 10,
carbon metabolism: acetate, butyrate, formate, and others, as it is critical to monitor contamination trends and to correlate
well as carbon dioxide. microbiological data with operational, chemical, and physical Although not affected directly by microbial growth, data in order to define the role of microbial contamination in
hardness (see Test Method D1126) is one of three variables specific fuel or system problems
9.5.2 Direct microscopic examination enables the analyst to
directly examine all sample phases (fuel, water, filter medium,
Gerhardt, Phillip, ed., Manual of Methods for General Bacteriology, American and so forth). A skilled analyst can assess the relative distri-
Society for Microbiology, 1981. bution of different groups of microbes and enumerate total cell

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numbers (see Test Method D4454). IP 472 provides a tech- 9.5.5 Microbial activity tests may be used as an alternative
nique for recovering and observing fungal fragments from fuel or supplement to viable titer tests. These tests typically require
samples. some skill and laboratory equipment to complete but provide a
9.5.3 Electron microscopy (Scanning Electron Microscopy more direct indication of actual or potential biodeterioration.
(SEM) or Time of Flight SEM) is useful in special circum- A variety of chemical and potentiometric test meth-
stances.12 These have a practical resolution of about 25 nm, ods can be used to measure the rate of molecule production or
compared with about 300 nm for conventional light micros- disappearance. Examples include periodic measurements of
copy, and a depth-of-field at least 300 times greater. However, dissolved oxygen (see Test Methods D888) to determine the
both methods currently require water to be removed, which rate of oxygen consumption and periodic spectroscopic analy-
may alter surface structures creating artifacts. ses to measure changes in relative concentrations of fuel
9.5.4 Enumeration methods estimate microbial loads from components, primarily molecular species.
the growth of microorganisms either in liquid or on solid 9.5.6 Cell component measurements provide a fourth ap-
nutrient growth media (see Practice D3870). proach to quantifying bioburdens. Over the past two decades, On solid media, viable titer estimates are computed numerous test methods have been developed and automated for
from the number of colonies that form on the inoculated analyzing clinical samples for specific cell constituents. A
growth medium. The three most common solid media viable growing number of these test methods have been adapted for
titer methods are the pour-plate, spread-plate, and membrane environmental and industrial testing. Adenosine triphosphate
filtration methods (see Practice D6974). (ATP) (see Test Method D4012 and D7463), catalase activity, In liquid media, viable titer estimates are based on nucleic acid, and protein concentrations are four examples of
turbidity development or color change, or both. Liquid media molecules routinely monitored in industrial systems. Guide
are better suited for estimating viable titers in fuel-phase E1326 provides more guidance on test method selection.
samples, because fuel hydrophobicity (tendency to reject
water) interferes with sample dispersion across a solid medi- 10. Data Interpretation
um’s surface. 10.1 The critical element for all data interpretation is change Viable titer methods are most meaningful for detect- measurement. This, in turn, depends on three factors.
ing subpopulations with specific physiological attributes. Ex- 10.2 Tests should be selected based on their ability to guide
amples include hydrocarbon or additive mineralization and system management decisions. This means that test results
sulfate reduction (see Test Methods D4412). should indicate conditions of the system, which if not properly The choice of medium has a large effect upon what controlled could result in biodeterioration.
microbes are recovered and constitutes a bias introduced into
this type of testing. Frequently, microbes that are important NOTE 2—The mere presence of recoverable microbes in bulk fuel
indicates heavy contamination levels. In contrast, values from 1 × 103 to
components of the ecosystem being studied do not grow in the 1 × 105 CFU/mL in bottom-water may be acceptable if all other fuel and
media used for viable titers. system conditions are normal. Typically sample volumes from 0.01 to 1.0 mL are
10.3 The precision and accuracy of each test method needs
used to inoculate solid media, and 1.0 to 5.0 mL are used to
to be known to determine whether observed changes are real or
inoculate liquid media. Given the nonuniform (heterogeneous)
are within the limits of experimental error (see Practice E177).
distribution of biomass in fuel systems, it is difficult to get a
Once test precision and variation are defined, criteria levels can
truly representative sample. Any given sample of water or
be assigned. For fuel samples, the criteria listed in the
hydrocarbon may not come from where the bulk of the
respective ASTM standards can be used. For water and system
microbes are growing at the site. Dislodging bacteria attached
samples, managers should define criteria that meet their spe-
to equipment surfaces is not easy. Population counts based on
cific needs.
planktonic (suspended) microbes generally severely underesti-
mate the total population present at the site. 10.4 Different microbiological growth media will yield Several suppliers offer solid media on dip-slides and different results. Therefore, consistency in sampling and test
liquid media in pre-measured vials. These devices provide data procedure is important for establishing baseline and special-
comparable (precision and accuracy) to viable titers deter- cause variance conditions.
mined by standard laboratory test procedures while offering
11. Strategies for Controlling Microbial Growth
convenience for field use. Since viable recoveries from fuel are typically less 11.1 System Design—Strategies for controlling microbio-
than 1 CFU/mL, samples can be filtered through 0.22 and logical growth should begin with system design.
0.45-µm filters to concentrate bacteria and fungi respectively. It 11.1.1 All tanks should be designed to facilitate water and
is useful to filter up to 1000 mL of fuel in order to decrease bottom-solids removal, minimize contaminant entry, and facili-
detection limits from 1 CFU/mL (from the plate count method tate sample collection.
described in to 1 CFU/L (see IP 385). 11.1.2 Bulk tank bottom geometry should be cone-down
(concave) with sufficient slope to permit sludge and sediment
to migrate toward a central sump.
Lawrence, J. R., Korber, D. R., Wolfaardt, G. M., and Caldwell, D. E.,
“Analytical Imaging and Microscopy Techniques,” Chaper 5 in Manual of Envi-
11.1.3 Floating of roof tanks should be fitted with a non-
ronmental Microbiology, Hurst, C. J., ed., American Society for Microbiology, floating supraroof (false roof) to minimize precipitation and
1997. debris accumulation on the floating roof surface and to protect

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the above-floating-roof shell-surface from the environment. If bottoms, with sumps drawing from the lowest point, retain the
this is not possible or economically feasible, tank bottoms least amount of water.
should be checked daily for free water. Any free water found 11.3.5 Not all free-water accumulates in tank bottoms. The
should be drained from the tank. biofilm layer that accumulates on tank walls is typically greater
11.1.4 Horizontal, cylindrical, underground storage tanks than 90 % water. This creates a substantial, but difficult to
should be fitted with a second access port at the opposite end sample, habitat for microorganisms. Data from bottom-water
from the fill-pipe to allow dipping the tank for water at both samples are used to estimate the likelihood of significant tank
ends and pumping out bottom-water from the low-end. surface contamination. Generally, evidence of significant
11.1.5 During system design, biodeterioration control con- bottom-water contamination is predictive of significant tank
siderations are typically subordinate to other issues. Moreover, surface contamination. In the absence of performance prob-
existing systems are not likely to be redesigned to accommo- lems, acceptable bottom-water contamination levels also indi-
date biodeterioration prevention programs. Consequently, the cate acceptable tank-surface contamination levels. However, if
other components of biodeterioration control strategies become performance problems indicate that there is significant micro-
more important. bial contamination, but bottom-water data are either negative
11.2 Sampling and Analysis: or equivocal, the bottom-water data may not be a satisfactory
11.2.1 An adequate sampling and analysis program can be indicator of overall microbial contamination within the tank.
the most critical element of an effective biodeterioration 11.4 Biocide Use:
control strategy. Although the details of the sampling program
11.4.1 By definition, biocides are toxic materials. They can,
will depend on system operations and configuration, minimal
sampling requirements will include bulk fuel and near-bottom however, be used and handled safely. Users are advised to
fuel/bottom-water samples. Suitable sampling locations and review and comply with the safety, handling, and disposal
techniques are paramount in determining both the presence and requirement information provided in each product’s material
the extent of biological contamination. Microbiological con- safety data sheet (MSDS) and technical information litera-
tamination generally resides at a low point in a storage vessel ture.In the United States two groups within the Environmental
or pipeline. Another potential location is filters. Biological Protection Agency regulate fuel biocide use. The pesticides
contamination requires water to metabolize fuel, and filter group issues restrictions for all industrial biocides (see 40 CFR
media provide a perfect collection area for both water and the 152), while the air quality group issues restrictions for all fuel
ability to hold matter. additives. Only biocides meeting both pesticide and fuel
11.2.2 In dealing with living organisms, it is important to additive restrictions should be used to treat fuel systems. In
sample with equipment that is free of contamination. Both addition, end-user groups (for example, the aviation industry
samplers and containers should be sterile if possible. Sample and the U.S. Department of Defense) may place further
containers should be new and kept closed prior to use. restrictions on biocide selection options. Finally, biocides are
11.2.3 Once contamination has been detected, further inves- required by law to be registered in the state(s) in which they are
tigation and analysis can determine the extent of the problem. used. Outside the United States different countries have unique
biocide regulatory requirements. Always check with manufac-
11.3 Remediation: turers or the appropriate local authorities.
11.3.1 Remediation really begins with prevention. Because 11.4.2 In the United States, all industrial biocides, including
microbes require water, an intensive water removal program is
antimicrobial pesticides used to treat microbial contamination
important. Many storage systems have been poorly designed in
in fuels and fuel systems, are regulated by the United States
relationship to water removal, so extra effort may be necessary
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and require ap-
to determine the best method of removal. The best advice that
proval by the USEPA Office of Pesticides Programs prior to use
can be given is that for each location, a sampling procedure
in commerce (40 CFR 152).
may have to be written to accommodate the differences in tank
and piping design. After a pesticide is registered by US EPA, states
11.3.2 After removing water from a system, a representative can require pesticide registration under state-specific pesticide
sample from that water may be tested for presence of biological registration laws.
activity. If the test is positive, it is likely that contamination is Other countries have national biocide registration
present in the facility. Additional steps, such as chemical requirements. Use only those antimicrobial pesticides that are
treatment or tank cleaning, or both, may be required. registered by the national and other authorities with jurisdiction
11.3.3 For systems that have high microbial loads, but no over the location where the product is to be used (for example,
other gross evidence of contamination, water removal and the Biocidal Products Directive in the European Economic
biocide treatment usually suffice. Union, 98/8/EC).
11.3.4 Water removal is never 100 % effective. Most tank Once registered, a pesticide may not legally be
configurations make it impossible to remove all water. Most used unless the use is consistent with the approved directions
bulk tanks with installed water removal systems still retain for used on the pesticide’s label or labeling. Therefore,
water after draining. Tank bottom configuration has a major registered microbicides must have fuel, fuel-associated water,
impact on water removal capabilities. Flat and convex bot- or fuel system treatment listed specifically as an approved end
tomed tanks retain the most water. Concave (optional) tank use.

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D6469 − 11 For certain applications, additional administrative 11.5 Tank Cleaning:
approvals may be required (for example, the aviation industry 11.5.1 The option of tank cleaning is expensive, potentially
and the U.S. Department of Defense). disruptive, and risky. A plan of action needs to be carefully Before using a fuel treatment microbicide, check considered before this step is utilized. Care should be exercised
with the supplier to ensure that the product has all of the in the selection of a contractor because of the liability of a
required regulatory and administrative agency approvals for system’s owner is exposed to should a spill occur or waste be
the intended application. disposed of improperly.
11.4.3 There are three major groups of fuel biocides: fuel 11.5.2 Heavily contaminated systems generally require tank
soluble, water soluble, and universally soluble. and pipe cleaning in conjunction with biocide treatment. The
most effective programs include a three-step process. Fuel soluble biocides are unstable or insoluble in Systems are first shock-treated with biocide.
water. Their principal advantage is that they reside in the fuel
Biocide-treated surface biofilms will slough-off system walls
phase and can be transported throughout the fuel system. Their
and accumulate in tank bottoms.
primary disadvantage is that they are typically inactivated by Next, systems are cleaned. There are a variety of
water, where the microbes tend to grow.
tank-cleaning strategies offered by service companies. Water-soluble biocides are insoluble in fuel. They
tend to be inexpensive and are best used to shock-treat NOTE 3—Certain commonly used materials, such as strong detergents,
are not suitable for cleaning aviation fuel systems. Any cleaning material
bottom-water contamination in tanks that are not drained used should first be checked for compatibility with both the fuel and fuel
routinely. The microbes found in bottom-water can contribute system.
to the wastewater treatment process. Consequently, there is Fuel system operators should evaluate alternative
little value in using a biocide to kill microbes in water that is
recommendations to ensure that the proposed methods meet
destined for waste treatment. Water-soluble biocides do not
their needs.
persist in the fuel phase enough to diffuse into system surface After cleaning, the freshly charged fuel system
biofilms. Consequently, they tend to be effective only against
should be retreated with a second biocide dose. This treatment
bottom-water populations.
decontaminates surfaces that may not have been reached either Universally soluble biocides are stable in both fuel by the initial dose (biocide is consumed as it kills microbes) or
and water. Typically, these products are primarily fuel-soluble, subsequent cleaning (microbes protected by surface irregulari-
with sufficient water solubility to perform in both phases. Like ties, called aspersions, may escape mechanical cleaning). If
fuel soluble biocides, universally soluble products can be stored fuel had been temporarily removed to accommodate
transported throughout the fuel system. Their water solubility tank cleaning, filtering it as it is pumped back into the cleaned
makes them equally effective against biofilm and bottom-water tank may reduce the risk of recontaminating the tank with
microbes. Their principal disadvantage is their high cost microbes that may be present in the original fuel.
relative to the other two fuel biocide groups. Biocide treatment frequency and dose levels are 12. Keywords
both system and biocide product specific. Test Method E1259 12.1 biocides; biodegradation; biodeterioration; biological
addresses fuel biocide performance testing. Fuel system opera- contamination; contamination; fuel quality; microbial contami-
tors should consult with manufacturers or others with biocide- nation; microbially induced corrosion; microbiological testing;
use expertise before using fuel treatment biocides. sampling

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