Gas Turbine Fuel Oils: Standard Specification For

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D2880 − 20

Standard Specification for

Gas Turbine Fuel Oils1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2880; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-

1.1 This specification covers the selection of fuels for gas mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
turbines, excepting gas turbines used in aircraft, for the Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
guidance of interested parties such as turbine manufacturers 2. Referenced Documents
and the suppliers and purchasers of fuel oils. The specification
sets forth the properties of fuels at the time and place of 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
custody transfer to the user. D56 Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester
D86 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products and
1.2 Three appendixes are provided for informational pur- Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure
poses only and do not constitute a requirement of this specifi- D93 Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens
cation unless mutually agreed upon between the interested Closed Cup Tester
parties. D97 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products
1.2.1 Appendix X1 describes the five grades of gas turbine D129 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Gen-
fuels covered by this specification. Further, it states the eral High Pressure Decomposition Device Method)
significance of various test methods used in inspecting the D396 Specification for Fuel Oils
fuels. D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
1.2.2 Appendix X2 discusses the sources of fuel contami- and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-
nants and notes the significance of such contaminants in the ity)
operation of gas turbines and gas turbine fuel systems. The D482 Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products
particular significance of trace metals in gas turbine fuels is D524 Test Method for Ramsbottom Carbon Residue of
noted. Upper limits of trace metals are recommended for the Petroleum Products
various grades of gas turbine fuels, but these recommended D975 Specification for Diesel Fuel
limits do not constitute a requirement of the specification D1266 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp
unless mutually agreed upon by the interested parties. Limita- Method)
tions due to the use of used or recycled oil are also noted. D1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API
NOTE 1—The gas turbine operator should consult Practice D4418 for Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Prod-
methods of ensuring fuels of adequate cleanliness and for guidance on ucts by Hydrometer Method
long-term storage of distillate fuels and on liquids from non-petroleum D1552 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
sources as gas turbine.
NOTE 2—Nothing in this specification shall preclude observance of High Temperature Combustion and Infrared (IR) Detec-
federal, state, or local regulations which may be more restrictive. tion or Thermal Conductivity Detection (TCD)
NOTE 3—The generation and dissipation of static electricity can create D1796 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Fuel Oils by
problems in the handling of distillate gas turbine fuel oils. For more the Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure)
information on the subject, see Guide D4865.
D2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
1.3 This international standard was developed in accor- Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- D2709 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Middle
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the Distillate Fuels by Centrifuge
D3605 Test Method for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels
by Atomic Absorption and Flame Emission Spectroscopy
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D02.E0.03 on Gas Turbine Liquid Fuels. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2020. Published May 2020. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1970. Last previous edition approved in 2018 as D2880 – 18a. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D2880-20. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D2880 − 20
D3828 Test Methods for Flash Point by Small Scale Closed handling, distribution or storage, that makes the fuel less
Cup Tester suitable for the intended use.
D4052 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Discussion—Contaminants, which can be soluble in
Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter the fuel or insoluble (suspended liquid droplets or solid or
D4294 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum semi-solid particles), can be the result of improper processing
Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spec- or contamination by a wide range of materials including water,
trometry rust, airblown dust, deterioration of internal protective coatings
D4418 Practice for Receipt, Storage, and Handling of Fuels on pipes or vessels and products of fuel degradation and
for Gas Turbines microbial growth.
D4865 Guide for Generation and Dissipation of Static Elec- Discussion—Solid or semisolid contaminants can be
tricity in Petroleum Fuel Systems referred to as silt or sediment.
D5453 Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in 3.1.3 hydrocarbon oil, n—a homogeneous mixture with
Light Hydrocarbons, Spark Ignition Engine Fuel, Diesel elemental composition primarily of carbon and hydrogen that
Engine Fuel, and Engine Oil by Ultraviolet Fluorescence may also contain sulfur, oxygen, or nitrogen from residual
D5949 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products impurities and contaminants associated with the fuel’s raw
(Automatic Pressure Pulsing Method) materials and manufacturing processes and excluding added
D5950 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products oxygenated materials.
(Automatic Tilt Method)
D5985 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products Discussion—Neither macro nor micro emulsions are
(Rotational Method) included in this definition since neither are homogeneous
D6469 Guide for Microbial Contamination in Fuels and Fuel mixtures.
Systems Discussion—Examples of excluded oxygenated ma-
D6728 Test Method for Determination of Contaminants in terials are alcohols, esters, ethers, and triglycerides.
Gas Turbine and Diesel Engine Fuel by Rotating Disc Discussion—The hydrocarbon oil may be manufac-
Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry tured from a variety of raw materials, for example, petroleum
D7042 Test Method for Dynamic Viscosity and Density of (crude oil), oil sands, natural gas, coal and biomass. Appendix
Liquids by Stabinger Viscometer (and the Calculation of X3 discusses some matters for consideration regarding the use
Kinematic Viscosity) of fuel oils from feedstocks other than petroleum.
D7094 Test Method for Flash Point by Modified Continu- 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
ously Closed Cup (MCCCFP) Tester 3.2.1 fuel entering the combustor(s)—the fuel that is actu-
D7220 Test Method for Sulfur in Automotive, Heating, and ally burned in the gas turbine. Fuel may be sampled at a point
Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray upstream from the point of entry into the combustor(s),
Fluorescence Spectrometry provided the sample is representative of the fuel actually
D7344 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products entering the combustor(s).
and Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure (Mini Method)
4. General Requirements
D7345 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products
and Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure (Micro Distil- 4.1 The grades of gas turbine fuels herein specified shall be
lation Method) hydrocarbon oils with the use of additives to enhance perfor-
D7346 Test Method for No Flow Point and Pour Point of mance properties, if required. The hydrocarbon oils shall be
Petroleum Products and Liquid Fuels free of inorganic acid, and free of excessive amounts of solid
D7945 Test Method for Determination of Dynamic Viscosity or fibrous foreign matter likely to make frequent cleaning of
and Derived Kinematic Viscosity of Liquids by Constant suitable strainers necessary.
Pressure Viscometer NOTE 4—Additives are generally included in finished gas turbine fuel
oil to improve performance properties (corrosion and anti-corrosion, and
2.2 Other Documents:3 so forth).
26 CFR Part 48 Diesel Fuel Excise Tax; Dye Color and
4.2 All grades containing residual components shall remain
homogeneous in normal storage and not separated by gravity
40 CFR Part 80 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives
into light and heavy oil components outside the viscosity limits
for the grade.
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions: 5. Detailed Requirements
3.1.1 contamination, n—any process which introduces con- 5.1 The various grades of gas turbine fuel oil shall conform
taminants into the fuel. to the limiting requirements shown in Table 1. As noted in the
3.1.2 fuel contaminant, n—material not intended to be supplementary footnotes to Table 1, the requirements for Grade
present in a fuel, whether introduced during manufacture, Nos. 1-GT and 2-GT conform in most respects to correspond-
ing Grade Nos. 1 and 2 fuels in Specification D396, and to
Grade Nos. 1-D and 2-D in Specification D975. The viscosity
Available from Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing range of Grade Nos. 3-GT and 4-GT fuel brackets the Grade
Office, Washington, DC 20402. Nos. 4, 5, and 6 of Specification D396 and Grade No. 4-D of

D2880 − 20
TABLE 1 Detailed Requirements for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils at Time and Place of Custody Transfer to UserA,B,C
Property Test
MethodD No. 0-GT No. 1-GT No. 2-GTF No. 3-GT No. 4-GT
Flash point D93 38 (100) 38 (100) 55 (130) 66 (150)
°C (°F) min
Water and sediment D2709 0.05 0.05 0.05 ... ...
% vol max D1796 ... ... ... 1.0 1.0
Temperature D86
°C (°F)
90 % volume recovered
min ... ... 282 ... ...
max ... 288 338 ... ...
Kinematic viscosity
2 mm/sH D445
AT 40 °C (104 °F) min 1.3 1.9 5.5 5.5
max 2.4 4.1 ... ...
AT 100 °C (212 °F) max ... ... 50.0 50.0
Carbon residue D524 0.15 0.15 0.35 ... ...
10 % distillation
% mass, max
% mass, max D482 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 ...
Density at D1298
15 °C kg/m3
max ... 850 876 ... ...

Pour point D97 ... −18 −6 ... ...
°C (°F) max
To meet special operating conditions, modifications of individual limiting requirements may be agreed upon between purchaser, seller, and manufacturer.
Gas turbines with waste heat recovery equipment may require fuel sulfur limits to prevent cold end corrosion. Environmental limits may also apply to fuel sulfur in selected
areas in the United States and in other countries.
See Section 4 and 5 for further statements on gas turbine fuel oil requirements.
The test methods indicated are the approved referee methods. Other acceptable methods are indicated in 6.1.
No. 0-GT includes naphtha, Jet B fuel and other volatile hydrocarbon liquids. No. 1-GT corresponds in general to specification D396 Grade No. 1 fuel and D975 Grade
1-D diesel fuel in physical properties. No. 2-GT corresponds in general to Specification D396 No. 2 fuel and D975 Grade 2-D diesel fuel in physical properties. No. 3-GT
and No. 4-GT viscosity range brackets specification D396 Grades No. 4, No. 5 (light), No. 5 (heavy), and No. 6, and D975 Grade No. 4-D diesel fuel in physical properties.
Under United States regulations, Grades No. 1-GT and No. 2-GT are required by 40 CFR Part 80 to contain a sufficient amount of dye Solvent Red 164 so its presence
is visually apparent. At or beyond terminal storage tanks, they are required by 26 CFR Part 48 to contain the dye Solvent Red 164 at a concentration spectrally equivalent
to 3.9 lb per thousand barrels of the solid dye standard Solvent Red 26.
When the flash point is below 38 °C (100 °F) or when kinematic viscosity is below 1.3 mm2/s at 40 °C (104 °F) or when both conditions exist, the turbine manufacturer
should be consulted with respect to safe handling and fuel system design.
For cold weather operation, the pour point should be specified 6 °C below the ambient temperature at which the turbine is to be operated except where fuel heating
facilities are provided. When a pour point less than −18 °C is specified for Grade No. 2-GT, the minimum viscosity shall be 1.7 mm2/s and the minimum 90 % recovered
temperature shall be waived.

Specification D975. It is the intent that fuels meeting Specifi- therefore, require on-site clean-up, quality control procedures,
cation D396 and D975 requirements may also be supplied special handling, or other arrangements.
under these specifications provided they meet the requirements
listed in Table 1. 6. Test Methods
5.2 Modifications of limiting requirements and the inclusion 6.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification shall
of fuel additives to meet special operating conditions may be be determined in accordance with the following ASTM meth-
agreed upon between the interested parties. ods except as noted:
5.3 The properties listed in this specification are those of 6.1.1 Flash Point—Test Methods D93, except where other
greatest significance in obtaining acceptable performance of methods are prescribed by law. For all grades, Test Method
the turbine. However, trace metals, even in fractional parts per D3828 and D7094 may be used as an alternative with the same
million, are detrimental to gas turbine service life. Information limits. For Grades No. 1-GT and No. 2-GT, Test Method D564
on the maximum concentration of critical metallic elements in may be used as an alternative with the same limits provided the
the fuel as it enters the turbine combustor(s) is provided in flash point is below 93 °C and the viscosity is below 5.5 mm2/s
Appendix X2. Distillate fuels are usually of satisfactory purity at 40 °C. This test method will give slightly lower values. In
as refined, but suppliers rarely have control over possible case of dispute, Test Method D93 shall be used as the referee
contamination by trace metals in distribution and storage. The method.
limits in Appendix X2, although required as the fuel enters the
combustor(s), do not apply to the fuel as delivered unless
mutually agreed upon by the interested parties. Fuels may, 4
Other mutually acceptable methods may be used.

D2880 − 20
6.1.2 Pour Point—Test Method D97. For all grades, the Test Method D7042 may be used as alternative results for Test
automatic Test Methods D5949, D5950, D5985 or D7346 may Method D445. Section 15, Precision and Bias, of Test Method
be used as alternates with the same limits. In case of dispute, D7042 contains bias-correction information. In case of dispute,
Test Method D97 shall be used as the referee method. Test Method D445 shall be used as the referee method.
6.1.3 Water and Sediment—Test Method D2709 is used for 6.1.8 Density—Test Method D1298 or D4052.
Grades 0-GT, 1-GT, and 2-GT. Test Method D1796 is used for 6.1.9 Sulfur—Test Method D129, Test Methods
Grades 3-GT and 4-GT. D1552,5 D2622, and D4294 can also be used for all grades. In
6.1.4 Carbon Residue—Test Method D524. addition, Test Method D1266 can be used for Grades No. 0 and
6.1.5 Ash—Test Method D482. No. 1, but only with samples having sulfur contents of 0.4 %
by mass and less (down to 0.01 %). Test Method D5453 can be
6.1.6 Distillation—Distillation of grades No. 0-GT, No.
used for Grades 0, 1, and 2 GT oils, but only with samples
1-GT, and No.2-GT fuels oils shall be determined in accor-
having sulfur contents of 0.8 % by mass and less (down to
dance with Test Methods D86, D7344, or D7345. Results from
0.001 %). Test Method D7220 may be used for Grades 0, 1,
Test Method D7344 shall be reported as “Predicted D86”
and 2 GT oils, but only with samples having sulfur contents of
results by application of the corrections described in Test
0.942 % by mass and less (down to 0.0003 %). Test Method
Method D7344 to improve agreement with D86 values. Results
D129 is the referee sulfur test method for Specification D2880.
from Test Method D7345 shall be reported as “Predicted D86”
results by application of the corrections described in Test 7. Keywords
Method D7345 to improve agreement with D86 values. In case
7.1 fuel oils; gas turbine; petroleum and petroleum products
of dispute, Test Method D86 shall be used as the referee test
For information on the precision of the ASTM methods of test for fuel oils refer
6.1.7 Viscosity—Test Methods D445, D7042, or D7945 may
to “An Evaluation of Methods for Determination of Sulfur in Fuel Oils” by A. R.
be used. Test method D7945 may be used with the same limits Crawford and G. V. Dyroff (1969). This document is available from the Publications
as D445 for grades 1-GT and 2-GT. Bias-corrected values from Section, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Scope X1.2 Grades

X1.1.1 This specification divides the fuel oils encompassed X1.2.1 Grade 0-GT includes naphtha, Jet B, and other light
by Specifications D396 and D975 into four grades, based upon hydrocarbon liquids that characteristically have low flash point
their applicability for use in gas turbines. Also there is a No. and low viscosity as compared with kerosine and fuel oils.
0-GT grade to cover low-flash naphthas. The specification does X1.2.2 Grade 1-GT is a light distillate fuel oil suitable for
not include fuels primarily intended for aircraft use. It places use in nearly all gas turbines.
limiting values on a number of the properties of the fuels in
X1.2.3 Grade 2-GT, which is a heavier distillate than Grade
each grade. The properties selected for limitation are those that
1-GT, can be used by gas turbines not requiring the clean
are believed to be of the greatest significance in determining
burning characteristics of Grade 1-GT. Fuel heating equipment
performance characteristics of the oils in the various gas
may be required by the gas turbine depending on the fuel
turbine applications.
system design or ambient temperature conditions, or both.
X1.1.2 The physical properties of commercial fuel oils that X1.2.4 Grade 3-GT may be a heavier distillate than Grade
are important in gas turbine operation are generally the same as 2-GT, a residual fuel oil that meets the low ash requirements,
those specified by Specifications D396 and D975. In addition, or a blend of distillate with a residual fuel oil. Fuel heating will
gas turbine operating experience has shown that certain chemi- be required by the gas turbine in almost every installation.
cal properties of the fuel oil ash must be controlled since
slag-forming substances present in the oil ash can cause X1.2.5 Grade 4-GT includes most residuals and some
corrosion and deposits on those turbine parts that must operate topped crudes. Because of the wide variation and lack of
at surface temperatures of 593 °C and above. This specification control of properties, the gas turbine manufacturer should be
includes the applicable physical properties from Specifications consulted with regard to acceptable limits on properties.
D396 and D975. Appendix X2 lists restrictions required to NOTE X1.1—Fuels prepared to different specifications and sold under
control high temperature corrosion and deposits. different names may meet the requirements of fuels specified under

D2880 − 20
Specification D2880. However, specification tests would normally have to X1.4.1.5 Ash is the noncombustible material in an oil.
be run to ensure compliance with the requirements of Specification D2880 Ash-forming materials may be present in fuel oil in two forms:
as other fuels are not necessarily interchangeable with D2880 fuels
throughout the range permitted by the other specifications. (1) solid particles and (2) oil- or water-soluble metallic
compounds. The solid particles are for the most part the same
X1.3 Selection of Particular Grade material that is designated as sediment in the water and
X1.3.1 The selection of a particular gas turbine fuel oil from sediment test. Depending on their size, these particles can
one of these five ASTM grades for use in a given gas turbine contribute to wear in the fuel system and to plugging of the fuel
requires consideration of the following factors: filter and the fuel nozzle. The soluble metallic compounds have
X1.3.1.1 Availability of the fuel, little or no effect on wear or plugging, but they can contain
X1.3.1.2 Design of the gas turbine and fuel handling elements that produce turbine corrosion and deposits as de-
system, scribed subsequently.
X1.3.1.3 Maintenance of the gas turbine, and
X1.4.1.6 Distillation—The distillation test shows the vola-
X1.3.1.4 Operating requirements for the gas turbine.
tility of a fuel and the ease with which it can be vaporized.
X1.4 Significance of Test Methods Distillation temperature is not directly significant to operation
X1.4.1 The significance of the properties of fuel oil on of gas turbines designed for Grades 3-GT and 4-GT. In other
which limitations are placed by the specifications is as follows: gas turbines that are most susceptible to carbon deposition and
X1.4.1.1 Flash point is an indication of the maximum smoke formation, the more volatile fuels may provide better
temperature at which a fuel oil can be stored and handled performance.
without serious fire hazard. The minimum permissible flash X1.4.1.7 Viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to
point is usually regulated by federal, state, or municipal laws flow. In fuel oil it is highly significant since it indicates both the
and is based on accepted practice in handling and use. relative ease with which the oil will flow or may be pumped,
X1.4.1.2 Pour point is an indication of the lowest tempera- and the ease of atomization by the fuel nozzles. Minimum
ture at which a fuel oil can be stored and still be capable of viscosity is limited because some fuel pumps will not perform
flowing under gravitational forces. The pour point is prescribed satisfactorily if the viscosity reaches too low a value. Maxi-
in accordance with the conditions of storage and use. Fuels mum viscosity is limited since too high a viscosity can cause
with higher pour point are permissible where heated storage excessive pressure losses in the piping system, and poor fuel
and adequate piping facilities are provided.
X1.4.1.3 Water and Sediments—Appreciable amounts of
water and sediment in a fuel oil tend to cause fouling of the X1.4.1.8 Density alone is of little significance as an indica-
fuel-handling facilities and to give trouble in the fuel system of tion of the burning characteristics of fuel oil. However, when
the gas turbine. An accumulation of sediment in storage tanks used in conjunction with other properties, it is of value in
and on filter screens may obstruct the flow of oil from the tank weight-volume relationships and in calculating the specific
to the combustor of the gas turbine. Water in distillate fuels energy heating value of an oil.
may cause corrosion of tanks and equipment, and water in X1.4.1.9 Sulfur normally burning to sulfur dioxide, also can
residual fuel may cause emulsions. be oxidized partially to sulfur trioxide which then can combine
X1.4.1.4 Carbon residue is a measure of the carbonaceous with sodium and potassium compounds from the ash in the fuel
material left in a fuel after all the volatile components are to form sulfates, pyrosulfates, and such compounds as sodium
vaporized in the absence of air. It is a rough approximation of or potassium iron trisulfate. The pyrosulfates, and the trisul-
the tendency of a fuel to form carbon deposits in the combustor fates have melting points in the operating range of the gas
of the gas turbine. Combustion systems designed for use on turbine. Hence, the compounds produce severe corrosion of the
Grades 3-GT and 4-GT are insensitive to this property, but turbine blading. In general, it has been found impractical to
other gas turbines may require a limit on the carbon residue. To prevent corrosion by limiting the sulfur content of the fuel, so
obtain measurable values of carbon residue in the lighter
corrosion of this type is controlled by limiting the sodium and
distillate fuel oils, it is necessary to remove 90 % of the oil by
potassium. Gas turbines with waste heat recovery equipment
distillation in accordance with Test Method D86, and then
may require additional sulfur control to prevent cold-end
determine the carbon residue concentrated in the remaining
10 % bottoms. corrosion.

D2880 − 20


X2.1 Scope procedures. Each of the four classes of contaminants defined in

X2.1.1 This appendix discusses the sources of fuel contami- X2.2.2 has its own significance to system operation.
nants and notes the significance of such contaminants in the X2.3.2 Water will cause corrosion of tanks, piping, flow
operation of gas turbines and gas turbine fuel systems. dividers, and pumps. Corrosion or corrosion products in close
X2.1.2 The particular significance of trace metals in gas tolerance devices such as flow dividers may cause plugging
turbine fuels is noted and upper limits of trace metals are and may stop flow to the turbines. Free water is potentially
recommended for the various grades of gas turbine fuels. corrosive; in sulfur-containing fuels, it may be particularly
corrosive. Free water may contain dissolved salts that may be
X2.2 Sources of Contaminants corrosive, and may encourage microbiological growth.
X2.2.1 Water may be present in the fuel as dissolved water X2.3.3 Microbial slimes caused by microorganisms can
or as free (undissolved) water, or both. The free water may be plug filters and other close-tolerance openings. Some organ-
fresh or saline. Fresh water may enter the fuel from steam coils isms can cause corrosion as well as produce slimes. Under
in storage tanks, from condensation out of moisture-laden air, anaerobic conditions, hydrogen sulfide, which may cause
or from leaking cooling coils. Saline water can enter the fuel corrosion, can be generated by biological action. Biocides are
during transportation in barges or tankers. available for controlling the growth of microorganisms, but
X2.2.2 Microbial slimes may result when conditions are their effect on trace metal levels and other fuel properties
conducive to the growth of microorganisms, which are always should be considered. Since water is required for the growth of
present. The presence of free water is essential to the growth of the microorganisms, one way of controlling their growth is to
many of these microorganisms, which grow in tank water eliminate the presence of water through tank-stripping opera-
bottoms and feed on nutrients in the water or on the hydrocar- tions or other separation techniques. Refer to Guide D6469 for
bons. a more complete discussion.
X2.2.3 A significant source of particulate solids in gas X2.3.4 Particulate solids may shorten the life of fuel system
turbine fuel systems can be the degradation of the fuel to form components. Life of fuel pumps and of various close-tolerance
fuel insoluble compounds. The chemical reactions that cause devices is a function of particulate levels and size distributions
this degradation vary with the chemical composition of the fuel in the fuel. High levels of particulates can lead to short cycle
but can include oxidation, polymerization, and acid-base reac- times in the operation of filters, filter/separators, centrifuges,
tions. The use of appropriate fuel additives can often provide and electrostatic purifiers. Since such separation devices do not
some control of these reactions. Particulate solids can enter a remove all the particulates, certain quantities will be present in
fuel from the air (suspended dirt and aerosols) or from the the down-stream fuel.
distribution and storage systems (rust, corrosion products, X2.3.5 Trace metals refer both to those metals present as
gasket debris, and so forth). metallic compounds in solution and to metals present in
X2.2.4 Metals may be present as metallic compounds in the particulates like rust. They are dissolved or suspended either in
fuel as a natural result of the composition of the crude oil and the fuel hydrocarbons or in free water present in the fuel. The
of the refining process. However, unless special precautions are significance of several individual trace metals with respect to
taken, additional metallic compounds can be acquired during hot corrosion is discussed in Appendix X1. Although lower
distribution and storage. A commercial product pipeline may levels of trace metals in a fuel will promote longer turbine
contain residues of lead-containing gasoline which would then service from a corrosion standpoint, the specification of exces-
be dissolved by the gas turbine fuel. Tank trucks, railroad sively low levels may limit the availability of the fuel or
tankcars, barges, and tankers may be inadequately cleaned and materially increase its cost. Table X2.1 suggests levels of trace
contain residues of past cargos. Acidic components in saline
water salts in the fuel may react with distribution and storage TABLE X2.1 Trace Metal Limits of Fuel Entering Turbine
Trace Metal Limits, mg/kg
X2.3 Significance of Contaminants Designation Sodium plus
Vanadium Calcium Lead
(V) (Ca) (Pb)
X2.3.1 Contamination levels in the fuel entering the com- (Na + K)
bustor(s) must be low for improved turbine life. Low contami- No. 0-GT 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
No. 1-GT 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
nation levels in the fuel in the turbine’s in-plant fuel system is
No. 2-GT 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
required to minimize corrosion and operating problems. To No. 3-GT 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
provide fuel of adequate cleanliness to the gas turbine com- No. 4-GT (Consult turbine manufacturers)
bustor(s) may require special actions by the user. These actions A
Test Method D3605 may be used for determination of vanadium, sodium,
might include special transportation arrangements with the fuel calcium, and lead.
Test Method D6728 may be used for determination of vanadium, sodium,
supplier, particular care in on-site fuel storage and quality potassium, calcium, and lead.
control procedures, and establishment of on-site clean-up

D2880 − 20
metals that would probably yield satisfactory service. gas turbine blades. If there is sufficient magnesium in the fuel,
X2.3.6 Sodium and potassium can combine with vanadium it will combine with the vanadium to form compounds with
to form eutectics which melt at temperatures as low as 566 °C higher melting points and thus reduce the corrosion rate to an
and can combine with sulfur in the fuel to yield sulfates with acceptable level. The resulting ash will form deposits in the
melting points in the operating range of the gas turbine. These turbine and will require appropriate cleaning procedures.
compounds produce severe corrosion, and for turbines operat- X2.3.8.1 When vanadium is present in more than trace
ing at gas inlet temperatures above 650 °C additives are not yet amounts either in excess of 0.5 mg ⁄kg or a level recommended
in general use which control such corrosion. Accordingly, the by the turbine manufacturer, it is necessary to maintain a
sodium-plus-potassium level must be limited, but each element weight ratio of magnesium to vanadium in the fuel of not less
is measured separately. Some gas turbine installations incor- than 3.0 in order to control corrosion.
porate systems for washing oil with water to reduce the X2.3.8.2 An upper limit of 3.5 is suggested since larger
sodium-plus-potassium level. In installations where the fuel is ratios will lead to unnecessarily high rates of ash deposition. In
moved by sea transport, the sodium-plus-potassium level most cases, the required magnesium-to-vanadium ratio will be
should be checked prior to use to ensure that the oil has not
obtained by additions of magnesium-containing compounds to
become contaminated with sea salt. For gas turbines operating
the fuel oil. The special requirements covering the addition of
at turbine inlet gas temperatures below 650 °C (1200 °F), the
and type of magnesium-containing additive, or equivalent,
corrosion due to sodium compounds is of minor importance
shall be specified by mutual agreement between the various
and can be further reduced by silicon-base additives. A
high-sodium content is even beneficial in these turbines be- interested parties. The additive will vary depending on the
cause it increases the water-solubility of the deposits and application, but it is always essential that there is a fine and
thereby increases the ease with which gas turbines can be uniform dispersion of the additive in the fuel at the point of
water-washed to obtain recovery of the operating performance. combustion.
X2.3.8.3 For gas turbines operating at turbine inlet gas
X2.3.7 Calcium is not harmful from a corrosion standpoint;
in fact, it serves to inhibit the corrosive action of vanadium. temperatures below 650 °C, the corrosion of the high-
However, calcium can lead to hardbonded deposits that are not temperature alloys is of minor importance, and the use of a
self-spalling when the gas turbine is shut down, and that are not silicon-base additive will further reduce the corrosion rate by
readily removed by water washing of the turbine. The fuel absorption and dilution of the vanadium compounds.
washing systems used at some gas turbine installations to X2.3.9 Lead can cause corrosion and in addition it can spoil
reduce the sodium and potassium level will also significantly the beneficial inhibiting effect of magnesium additives on
lower the calcium content of fuel oil. vanadium corrosion. Since lead is only rarely found in signifi-
X2.3.8 Vanadium can form low melting compounds such as cant quantities in crude oils, its appearance in the fuel oil is
vanadium pentoxide that melts at 691 °C, and causes severe primarily the result of contamination during processing or
corrosive attack on all of the high temperature alloys used for transportation.


X3.1 The purpose of this appendix is to provide some stakeholders, including that fuels perform appropriately in the
general guidance from Subcommittee D02.E0 on evaluation of specified application.
new materials or blends containing new materials intended to
meet Specification D2880, Grades No. 0-GT, No. 1-GT and X3.3 Historically, gas turbine fuel has been hydrocarbon
No. 2-GT type fuels. molecules refined from petroleum. As a result, Specification
D2880 has evolved to define performance requirements (and
X3.2 ASTM International is an organization made up of tests to determine if those requirements were met) for gas
volunteers and open to all stakeholders and interested entities turbine fuels composed of conventional hydrocarbon oils
including users of fuels, producers of fuels, and general refined from petroleum. Because the specification evolved to
interests, including members of the public, and governmental describe this type of fuel, some of the properties necessary for
and nongovernmental organizations. Technical committees and use in a gas turbines which are inherent in petroleum derived
subcommittees of ASTM International do not certify, approve, oils may not be addressed in Specification D2880.
reject, or endorse specific fuels. Rather, ASTM International
Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and X3.4 Specification D2880, however, does not require that
Lubricants and its Subcommittee D02.E0 on Burner, Diesel, fuels be derived from petroleum. Subsection 4.1 reads, “The
Non-Aviation Gas Turbine, and Marine Fuels develop fuel grades of gas turbine fuel herein specified shall be hydrocarbon
specifications and, with other subcommittees, test methods for oils with the use of additives to enhance performance
gas turbine fuel oils. These fuel specifications and test methods properties, if required.”
provide minimum requirements for properties of fuels covered
by these documents in commerce and address the concerns of X3.5 It should be noted that fuel specifications other than

D2880 − 20
Specification D2880 may be developed for fuel for gas not in the test method’s scope. Chemical and physical limits set
turbines. Other new specifications are under development. in existing standards may or may not be appropriate to the new
Some new materials may require new standard specifications if fuel or components. The new material may also require
they are significantly different than current gas turbine fuels chemical or physical limits that are not appropriate to fuels in
and require different parameters to be controlled or different existing standards. These along with other considerations may
test methods to properly measure required parameters. indicate the need for separate new specifications. Although
each case will require a separate evaluation, logic suggests that
X3.6 Because the composition and properties of new fuels the fewer chemical and physical differences there are between
may vary, the particular path to a specification for a new fuel the new fuel and traditional petroleum-based gas turbine fuel,
may vary. Some current alternative fuels are similar to tradi- the fewer differences in test methods and chemical or physical
tional petroleum-refined fuel oil while others are chemically limits will be needed.
and physically different. Future fuels may vary more than
current fuels. X3.9 If the proponent of the new fuel desires to move
forward via the consensus process as described by ASTM
X3.7 Three areas for consideration when reviewing new bylaws and as implemented in Committee D02, then the
fuels alignment with existing standards or developing new proponent or a task force including the fuel manufacturer or
standards are: test methods, chemical and physical limitations proponent will bring forward ballot revisions to Specification
of fuels in existing specifications, and chemical and physical D2880 or a new specification appropriate for use of the new
limitations appropriate for new fuels. The test methods that fuel or blendstock. Because D02 specifications are established
have been developed for existing gas turbine fuels may or may based on technical data, such data should exist before the
not be appropriate for a new fuel. Guidance on materials used specification process moves forward. If such data does not
to develop a test method, and its applicability, can generally be exist, it needs to be developed.
found in a test method’s scope and precision statements. The
test method may also work for other materials. X3.10 This guidance is not all-encompassing and cannot
replace the judgment and process of a task force and subcom-
X3.8 Applicability of the test method to materials outside its mittee charged with evaluating a new fuel or blendstock.
scope may be established by the subcommittee responsible for However it may give some guidance to proponents or fuel
the method. Also, Subcommittee D02.E0, during the specifi- manufacturers who are considering participation in ASTM
cation development process, may determine that a test method Committee D02 and its subcommittees to promote the inclu-
is applicable for specification purposes, even if the material is sion of their new fuel or blendstock in ASTM standards.


Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D2880 – 18a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2020.)

(1) Added Test Method D7945 to Section 2. (2) Revised subsection 6.1.7.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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