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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D6224 − 16

Standard Practice for

In-Service Monitoring of Lubricating Oil for Auxiliary Power
Plant Equipment1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6224; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


A more systematic approach to monitoring auxiliary power plant equipment can help to minimize
the high cost of oil changes and unplanned shutdowns. These avoided costs must be balanced against
the cost of sampling and laboratory testing.
This practice is designed to help the user evaluate the condition of the lubricant through its life cycle
by carrying out a meaningful program of sampling and testing of oils in use. This practice is performed
in order to collect data and monitor trends which suggest any signs of lubricant deterioration and to
ensure a safe, reliable, and cost-effective operation of the monitored plant equipment.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice covers the requirements for the effective 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
monitoring of mineral oil and phosphate ester fluid lubricating D92 Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland
oils in service auxiliary (non-turbine) equipment used for Open Cup Tester
power generation. Auxiliary equipment covered includes gears, D95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and
hydraulic systems, diesel engines, pumps, compressors, and Bituminous Materials by Distillation
electrohydraulic control (EHC) systems. It includes sampling D257 Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of
and testing schedules and recommended action steps, as well as Insulating Materials
information on how oils degrade. D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
NOTE 1—Other types of synthetic lubricants are sometimes used but are and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-
not addressed in this practice because they represent only a small fraction ity)
of the fluids in use. Users of these fluids should consult the manufacturer D664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products
to determine recommended monitoring practices. by Potentiometric Titration
1.2 This practice does not cover the monitoring of lubricat- D665 Test Method for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of
ing oil for steam and gas turbines. Rather, it is intended to Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water
complement Practice D4378. D892 Test Method for Foaming Characteristics of Lubricat-
ing Oils
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as D893 Test Method for Insolubles in Used Lubricating Oils
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this D943 Test Method for Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited
standard. Mineral Oils
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the D974 Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Indicator Titration
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- D1169 Test Method for Specific Resistance (Resistivity) of
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Electrical Insulating Liquids
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. D1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API
Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Prod-
ucts by Hydrometer Method
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum
Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricantsand is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee D02.C0.01 on Turbine Oil Monitoring, Problems and Systems. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2016. Published November 2016. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1998. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D6224 – 09. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D6224-16. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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D6224 − 16
D1401 Test Method for Water Separability of Petroleum Oils niques to Eliminate the Contribution of Water and Inter-
and Synthetic Fluids fering Soft Particles by Light Extinction
D1500 Test Method for ASTM Color of Petroleum Products D7669 Guide for Practical Lubricant Condition Data Trend
(ASTM Color Scale) Analysis
D1533 Test Method for Water in Insulating Liquids by D7687 Test Method for Measurement of Cellular Adenosine
Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration Triphosphate in Fuel, Fuel/Water Mixtures, and Fuel-
D2272 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Steam Tur- Associated Water with Sample Concentration by Filtration
bine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel D7720 Guide for Statistically Evaluating Measurand Alarm
D2273 Test Method for Trace Sediment in Lubricating Oils Limits when Using Oil Analysis to Monitor Equipment
D2422 Classification of Industrial Fluid Lubricants by Vis- and Oil for Fitness and Contamination
cosity System D7843 Test Method for Measurement of Lubricant Gener-
D2668 Test Method for 2,6-di-tert-Butyl- p-Cresol and 2,6- ated Insoluble Color Bodies in In-Service Turbine Oils
di-tert-Butyl Phenol in Electrical Insulating Oil by Infra- using Membrane Patch Colorimetry
D7978 Test Method for Determination of the Viable Aerobic
red Absorp
Microbial Content of Fuels and Associated Water—
D2896 Test Method for Base Number of Petroleum Products
Thixotropic Gel Culture Method
by Potentiometric Perchloric Acid Titration
E1064 Test Method for Water in Organic Liquids by Coulo-
D2982 Test Methods for Detecting Glycol-Base Antifreeze
metric Karl Fischer Titration
in Used Lubricating Oils F311 Practice for Processing Aerospace Liquid Samples for
D3427 Test Method for Air Release Properties of Hydrocar- Particulate Contamination Analysis Using Membrane Fil-
bon Based Oils ters
D3524 Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel F312 Test Methods for Microscopical Sizing and Counting
Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography Particles from Aerospace Fluids on Membrane Filters
D4052 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API
2.2 ISO Standard:3
Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter
ISO 3448:1992 Industrial liquid lubricants—ISO viscosity
D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and classification
Petroleum Products ISO 4406:1999 Hydraulic fluid power—Fluids—Method for
D4378 Practice for In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Tur- coding the level of contamination by solid particles
bine Oils for Steam, Gas, and Combined Cycle Turbines
2.3 SAE Standards:4
D4739 Test Method for Base Number Determination by
J300 Engine Oil Viscosity Classification
Potentiometric Hydrochloric Acid Titration
J306 Automotive Gear Lubricant Viscosity Classification
D5185 Test Method for Multielement Determination of
Used and Unused Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by 3. Significance and Use
Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrom-
etry (ICP-AES) 3.1 This practice is intended to help users, particularly
D6304 Test Method for Determination of Water in Petro- power plant operators, maintain effective control over their
mineral lubricating oils and lubrication monitoring program.
leum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Cou-
This practice may be used to perform oil changes based on oil
lometric Karl Fischer Titration
condition and test results rather than on the basis of service
D6810 Test Method for Measurement of Hindered Phenolic
time or calendar time. It is intended to save operating and
Antioxidant Content in Non-Zinc Turbine Oils by Linear maintenance expenses.
Sweep Voltammetry
D6971 Test Method for Measurement of Hindered Phenolic 3.2 This practice is also intended to help users monitor the
and Aromatic Amine Antioxidant Content in Non-zinc condition of mineral lubricating oils and guard against exces-
Turbine Oils by Linear Sweep Voltammetry sive component wear, oil degradation, or contamination,
D7155 Practice for Evaluating Compatibility of Mixtures of thereby minimizing the potential of catastrophic machine
Turbine Lubricating Oils problems that are more likely to occur in the absence of such
an oil condition monitoring program.
D7414 Test Method for Condition Monitoring of Oxidation
in In-Service Petroleum and Hydrocarbon Based Lubri- 3.3 This practice does not necessarily reference all of the
cants by Trend Analysis Using Fourier Transform Infrared current oil testing technologies and is not meant to preclude the
(FT-IR) Spectrometry use of alternative instrumentation or test methods that provide
D7546 Test Method for Determination of Moisture in New meaningful or trendable test data, or both. Some oil testing
and In-Service Lubricating Oils and Additives by Relative devices and sensors (typically used for screening oils that will
Humidity Sensor be tested according to standard methods) provide trendable
D7464 Practice for Manual Sampling of Liquid Fuels, As-
sociated Materials and Fuel System Components for
Microbiological Testing Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.
D7647 Test Method for Automatic Particle Counting of 4
Available from SAE International (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale,
Lubricating and Hydraulic Fluids Using Dilution Tech- PA 15096, http://www.sae.org.

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D6224 − 16
indicators that correlate to water, particulates, and other con- 4.5 Turbine Oils or Circulating Oils, or Both—These oils
taminants but do not directly measure these. provide satisfactory lubrication and cooling of bearings and
3.4 This practice is intended for mineral oil products, and gears (for example, in auxiliary turbines, pumps and gearboxes
not for synthetic type of products, with the exception of as circulating oils). They also can function as a governor
phosphate esters fluids typically used in power plant control hydraulic fluid. The oil must have a viscosity high enough to
systems. maintain a sufficiently thick film of oil on load-bearing
surfaces, but low enough to minimize energy losses while
4. General Properties of Lubricating Oils providing adequate cooling. These oils are recommended
4.1 In general, lubricating oils are designed to reduce where the degree of loading on bearings and gears is less than
friction and wear, provide cooling, control deposits, and in gear oil applications. Turbine or circulating oils, or both,
combat the effects of contamination. A base oil’s lubricating have excellent oxidation resistance and contain rust inhibitors;
properties are enhanced by selected additives. Different ma- they are often referred to as rust and oxidation inhibited (R&O)
chines have different lubricant additive requirements, some of oils. They can also contain additives to improve water separa-
which are described in this section. Proper lubrication mini- bility and decrease foaming tendency.
mizes or precludes contact between metal surfaces and reduces
4.6 Compressor Oils—In addition to possessing the correct
component wear.
viscosity for satisfactory bearing and cylinder lubrication,
4.2 Gear Oils—The primary requirement of gear oils is that particularly for air compressors, very good oxidation resistance
they prevent wear and minimize other forms of damage such as is required to avoid degradation of the lubricant in the presence
pitting and scuffing by maintaining a lubricant film between the of heated air. This is particularly important for mineral oils
moving surfaces. where discharge temperatures are high, since carbon and
4.3 Hydraulic Oils—A hydraulic fluid is required to transmit oxidized oil deposits may autoignite if exposed continuously to
hydraulic pressure and energy, minimize friction and wear in temperatures above 148 °C. The fire potential that exists under
pumps, valves, and cylinders, and protect metal surfaces these conditions make low volatility and high auto-ignition
against corrosion. To obtain optimum efficiency of machine values equally or more important than high-flash or fire points.
operation and control, the viscosity of the oil should be low In compressor lubrication, condensed water is present fre-
enough to minimize frictional and pressure losses in piping. quently. For this reason, the oil must possess properties that
However, it also is necessary to have a sufficiently high ensure that the oil rather than water wets the metal surfaces.
viscosity to provide satisfactory wear protection and minimize Also, to avoid the accumulation of water-in-oil emulsions in
leakage of the fluid. High-viscosity index fluids help to the after coolers, the water should separate out rather than form
maintain a satisfactory viscosity over a wide temperature an emulsion.
range. The anti-wear properties of high-quality hydraulic oils
4.7 Electrohydraulic Control (EHC) Fluids—Triaryl phos-
usually are improved by suitable additives. Since the clear-
phate ester EHC fluids are inherently fire-resistant and main-
ances in pumps and valves tend to be critical, it is important to
tain this property throughout their service life. The very low
provide adequate filtration equipment (full flow or bypass, or
vapor pressure and chemical nature of these fluids result in
both) to maintain a minimum particle content and thus mini-
high flash point, fire point, and autoignition temperature. EHC
mize wear. The antioxidant additives in the hydraulic oil
fluids should be continuously purified using bypass systems to
should give the oil good oxidation stability to avoid the
maintain acid number, moisture, and particulates at low levels.
formation of insoluble gums or sludges; the oil should have
Moisture can cause hydrolysis of EHC fluids which results in
good water separation properties, and, because air may be
elevated acid number. Components constructed of copper and
entrained in the system, the oil should have good air-release
lead alloys should be avoided. These fluids are chemically
properties and resistance to foaming. Similarly, good rust
different from mineral oils; consequently, the interpretation of
protection properties will assist in keeping system metals in
test results will be significantly different. The fluid supplier
satisfactory condition.
should be consulted if there is a question about interpretation of
4.4 Diesel Engine Oils—In addition to the typical role of analytical results.
lubricating oils which is to lubricate, clean, cool and seal,
diesel engine oils are formulated to provide protection from 5. Operational Factors Affecting the Service Life of Oils
acids and disperse soot particles that are created during the
combustion process. Diesel engine oils are compounded with 5.1 New Oil Quality and Suitability for Intended Use—Use
alkaline additives to neutralize the sulfuric acids that are of high-quality oils that meet recognized standards (such as
produced when the diesel fuel is combusted. They are also manufacturer military specifications and OEM specifications)
compounded with dispersant/detergents to keep the engine is the best assurance of potentially long service life. Careful oil
clean and the by-products of combustion (fuel soot) suspended. storage is important to prevent the degradation of the lubricant
The combination of wear regimes found in the diesel engine while in storage or being dispensed. Accurate labeling of
require the lubricants to have high levels of anti-wear additives lubricant containers is vital to ensure proper identification.
to protect the engine from wear during the most severe 5.1.1 Viscosity is the most important characteristic of an oil.
condition. Multi-grade lubricants (high viscosity index) are Oil load bearing and lubricating properties are related to its
often employed in diesel engine lubricants that are required to viscosity. The use of oil with incorrect viscosity can increase
operate over a wide temperature range. wear rates, heat build-up, and lube degradation. In extreme

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D6224 − 16
cases, the use of oils with incorrect viscosities can result in 5.2.2 Thermal Degradation—This process occurs in the
rapid catastrophic failures. absence of oxygen and at much higher temperatures. Typically,
5.1.2 Oils that meet the equipment manufacturers’ require- temperatures of more than 300 °C may cause the hydrocarbon
ments should be used. For situations where the manufacturer molecule to crack and produce various degradation species.
simply offers a generic viscosity classification without specific Some of these species are low molecular weight by-products
performance criteria, the user should consult the equipment that evaporate or burn (producing a noticeable “burnt” smell in
manufacturer, lubricant suppliers, and experts in the field of the oil) and other degradation species are high molecular
lubrication. weight by-products that form sludge and varnish.
5.1.3 When fresh, unused lubricants are received, it is 5.2.3 Lubricant Deposits and Sludge (Lacquering/
advisable to obtain typical test data from the oil supplier. Upon Varnishing)—As lubricants degrade either through thermal and
receipt of the first oil charge, take a sample of oil to confirm the mechanical forces, they may produce submicron, high molecu-
typical test data. lar weight, polar insoluble particles. These particles may Because systems usually contain some residual oil, agglomerate, become insoluble in the oil, as it is non-polar in
(whether from a previous charge or a flush) the baseline sample nature, and adsorb onto the metal parts of a lubricating system.
to be used for condition monitoring comparisons should be Some highly refined base oils used in the manufacturing of
taken after the new oil is charged and circulated for up to 24 h lubricants (API Group II and above) may be less tolerant to the
(depending on the size of the reservoir and turnover time). presence of these degradation by-products due to their high This baseline should be the reference sample for the purity and lower solvency. Base oils with proper formulation
physical and chemical properties of the fluid, and for future can result in low deposit tendency oils. Deposits (such as
comparisons with in-service oil information. This is most varnish) could be very costly to an equipment operator, as they
important! Recommended tests for new oil are given in the may deposit on bearing and turning gear surfaces increasing
schedules of this practice. (Warning—Physical and chemical wear, settle in servo-valves causing valves to stick and seize,
properties of lubricants after installation may not match results coat heat exchangers lowering their performance and form in
obtained for new oil as received from the supplier.) reservoirs acting as a catalyst to further degradation. If deposits
(Warning—Storage conditions affect the shelf life of lubri- are found in the system, analysis can be performed on the
cants. Manufacturing shelf life recommendations should be deposit to identify possible root causes. The insoluble polar
followed. If no shelf life guidance information is available and compounds (soft contaminants) may be removed by the use of
the lubricants is greater than two years old, the lubricant varnish separation technologies and through carefully per-
manufacturer should be consulted to confirm suitability for formed high velocity flushes.
use.) When these conditions of lubricants deposits and
5.1.4 Manufacturer shelf life recommendations should be sludge occur, dramatic reductions in the viscosity of the oil are
observed. Oils should be stored to preserve their original possible and the flash point of the resulting fluid can also
quality and prevent contamination. Stored oils may be tested to change.
ensure and document their quality, cleanliness, and continued
5.2.4 Hydrolysis—Hydrolysis is a mode of degradation in
suitability for their intended use. It is suggested that oil
the presence of moisture. This is very important for phosphates
manufacturers’ recommendations be followed when storing
(and other esters) and may also have an effect on additive
lubricants to ensure maximum product life.
systems in oil-based products. The major characteristic of
5.1.5 Make-up oils should normally be of the same type,
hydrolysis is the generation of corrosive acids in the fluids.
quality, and manufacturer. Available formulations may change
over a period of time. Lubricant incompatibility can arise from 5.2.5 Loss of Additives—Additives are used to protect the oil
mixing differing base stocks and additive packages and should and enhance its performance abilities. When these additives are
be avoided. When oils must be mixed, testing should be depleted as a result of service, the performance of the oil will
performed in an attempt to determine compatibility in accor- be reduced as a consequence of oil oxidation, foaming,
dance with Practice D7155. Consideration should be given to excessive wear, or premature rusting.
consulting the lubricant supplier(s) and equipment manufac- 5.2.6 New Oil Make-up Rate—Addition of new oil is
turer prior to mixing oils. required in nearly every system to make up for losses due to
leakage, filter changes, or other maintenance. Monitor the
5.2 Deterioration of Oils in Service—Air (oxygen), elevated
amount and frequency of added make-up oil, since they play a
temperatures, metals, and water (moisture) are present to some
very significant part in determining the life of a system oil
extent in lubricating systems. Record these factors that pro-
mote lubricant degradation. Lubricant deterioration occurs by
one or more of the following processes: 5.3 Contamination—Contamination of lubricating oils oc-
5.2.1 Oxidative Degradation—This process occurs as the curs both from outside and from within the system. Common
result of chemical changes brought about by oxygen in the types of contamination are: debris introduced at initial startup
atmosphere and proceeds by a chain reaction that is with the or after an overhaul, lubricant degradation byproducts, com-
presence of water, heat, and certain metals. The results of ponent wear debris, airborne particulates, and water (moisture).
oxidation can consist of AN increase, viscosity (KV) increase), Contamination is often the most significant factor affecting oil
or sludge and varnish deposits, or a combination thereof as service life. Contamination of oil is a valid reason to change oil
end-products within the lubricating system. and flush to restore system cleanliness.

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D6224 − 16
5.3.1 Condition of Equipment on Start-up—Oil system con- both are at the same temperature. Samples should be taken in
tamination prior to start-up usually consists of preservatives, the same manner each time to allow reliable trending of oil
paint, moisture, rust particles, and construction debris such as properties.
dust, dirt, or welding spatter. Whenever practical, flushing the 6.2.1 It should be noted that on occasion a sample may be
system before starting operation is recommended. Fluid clean- requested which will not be representative. At that time,
liness should be brought to a level of one to two ISO FDIS sampling instructions, as specified by the requestor, must be
4406.2 classes below warning levels before beginning opera- followed. For example, a sample might be taken off the top or
tion. If flushing is not performed, oils should be tested soon the bottom of a tank to check for contamination. In all cases,
after startup or repair to verify their cleanliness. the sample point should be marked on the sample container.
5.3.2 External Contamination-Solids—Solid contamination 6.3 Sampling Location—Assign sample location upstream
consists of any material small enough to pass through bearing of filters and downstream of machine components such as
seals and vents or which can be introduced with make-up oil. bearings and gears to obtain the best data. The sampling
From whatever source, contamination must be dealt with by downstream of the filters is only advised to determine the
monitoring oil condition and using purification devices such as efficiency (beta-ratio) of filters or filtration systems.
filters and centrifuges on a regular basis.
5.3.3 External Contamination-Liquid—Coolant leaks, mois- 6.4 Flushing Procedures—Always flush a sample line be-
ture or steam condensation, or introduction of improper lubri- fore a sample is taken and flushing will be achieved by flushing
cating oils can compromise the oil. Accumulated water pro- properly the sampling valves, devices, and hardware thor-
motes oil degradation as well as interfering with lubrication. oughly prior to taking oil samples.
Contamination with an improper lubricant is not easily cor- 6.4.1 The flushing is usually accomplished using a spare
rected without a complete oil change. An oil monitoring container/bottle to catch the purged fluid. It is important to
program may be used to monitor and identify contaminants flush 5 to 10 times the dead space volume before obtaining the
likely to be encountered in service. sample.
5.3.4 Internal Contamination—Contaminants include wear 6.4.2 All hardware that the oil comes into contact with is
debris, oil degradation products, and microbial growth. The considered dead space and must be flushed, including, system
types of internal contaminants will vary by equipment type and dead-legs, sampling ports, valves and adapters, probe on
oil type; the rate of generation will be highly dependent on the sampling devices, adapters for using vacuum sample extraction
equipment operating conditions. The analysis methods em- pumps, as well plastic tubing used for vacuum pumps (this
ployed must be able to identify expected wear debris and tubing should not be reused to avoid cross-contamination
degradation products. Testing frequencies should be sufficient between oils).
to account for operating conditions. 6.4.3 After opening the sample port and flushing, fill the
sample container/bottle to approximately 50 % of its capacity
6. Sampling with the oil—leave enough void to allow shaking of the sample
prior to testing. In case of flash point testing, for most accurate
6.1 General—When taking lubricant samples from storage testing, reduce the head space volume.
tanks or equipment in service, it is important that the extracted
sample is representative and is taken from a specified loca- 6.5 Documenting Sampling Procedures—To ensure that
tion(s) to monitor the properties of the lubricant. The following each sample is taken in the same manner and from the same
are some suggested guidelines for proper sampling technique point, the operator defines and documents oil sampling proce-
and sample handling techniques. (See also Practice D4057.) dures for each system such as: (1) tools needed, (2) line
The user should have written procedures to insure that samples flushing requirements, (3) sampling locations, (4) sampling
are taken consistently according to good maintenance prac- methods, (5) safety requirements, and (6) sample bottle label-
tices. ing.
6.1.1 Microbiological Testing—When sampling in order to 6.5.1 It should be noted that on occasion a sample may be
perform microbiological testing, refer to Practice D7464 for requested which will not be representative. At that time,
guidance on sample collection and handling. sampling procedures, as specified by the requestor, must be
followed. For example, a sample might be taken off the top or
6.2 Representative Sampling—A representative sampling the bottom of a tank to check for contamination. In all cases,
location is a sampling location that supports repeatable and the sample point should be marked on the sample container/
representative lubricant sampling to monitor the health of the bottle.
equipment and the properties of the lubricant. Collect oil
6.6 Oil Sampling Frequency—Take oil samples at a speci-
samples when machines or equipment are running at normal
fied frequency; this will ensure that any problems are identified
operating temperatures, loads, pressures and speeds. To ensure
early. Sampling frequencies will be set specifically for each
that insoluble material is suspended evenly throughout the
machine or piece of equipment, since each is unique in its
system. A fluid sample is probably not representative if: (1) the
intended performance, condition, locality, operating
system fluid is hot while the sample is cold, (2) the fluid in the
environment, and maintenance schedule.
system is one color or clarity in an in-line sight glass while the
sample is a different color or clarity, and (3) the fluid viscosity 6.7 Oil Sample Container/Bottles—Take oil samples in oil
of the reservoir fluid is different from that of the sample when sample containers or bottles which should be:

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D6224 − 16
6.7.1 Clean—If in doubt about its cleanliness, use another 6.9.3 In cases where the product is suspected of being
sample container/bottle. If this is not possible, flush it out with non-uniform, sample a larger number of drums. Where con-
the fluid to be sampled. Take special care to ensure that sample tamination is suspected, there may be no alternative to sam-
containers/bottles for water separability, particle count, and pling every drum.
wear debris testing are clean. 6.9.4 For bulk consignments, sample each tanker compart-
6.7.2 Resistance to the Material Being Sampled—For ment. If these are clear of debris and water, then the samples
example, fire-resistant phosphate ester fluids will dissolve can be combined for subsequent laboratory analysis of the
certain plastics. (This includes the liner in bottle caps.) To consignment. The user may decide to perform a limited
verify the sample container/bottle’s resistance, if time permits, number of tests on individual compartment samples; a com-
allow the sample to stand in the sample container/bottle and posite sample may be tested for other properties.
observe its effects. Aluminum foil or polytetrafluoroethylene 6.9.5 From tanker deliveries, sample individual tanker com-
(PTFE) make good, resistant cap liners. partments. The sample should be taken preferably from the
6.7.3 Appropriate for Required Handling—Sample outlet of the flexible pipework or at least from the tanker
containers/bottles with leaking tops and glass sample bottom valve manifold. This is important because the tanker
containers/bottles improperly protected are not suitable for contents can become contaminated by residual material left in
shipment. Stringent packaging requirements must be followed the bottom valve manifold. This can occur particularly when
if shipment is to be made by air. different products are being carried in separate compartments
6.7.4 Appropriate for the Analyses Required—As an or previous deliveries of a different product have been made to
example, some plastic sample containers/bottles may not be other locations without subsequent adequate cleaning and
acceptable for flash point testing (per Test Method D92) flushing. Dead leg piping should always be drained and flushed
because volatile materials may leak through the container/ prior to sampling.
bottle walls. Use sample containers/bottles of either glass or 6.9.6 Bottom samples (if desired) must be collected by
polyethylene for wear debris analysis samples (to avoid mate- either a tube or thief sampler (for example, Bacon bomb).
rial leaching). These samplers permit collection of settlings on the bottom of
the containers without introducing false contamination by
NOTE 2—Some lubricant suppliers and commercial testing laboratories
provide sample containers/bottles that meet all these requirements. Use scraping the container lining or wall.
these whenever possible. If frequent samples are taken, an adequate 6.10 Preservation of Sample and Analysis of Oil
supply of containers/bottles should be kept.
NOTE 3—For samples intended for microbiological testing, see Practice
Samples—It is generally advised to ship the oil samples
D7464. Although the guidance provided in Practice D7464 is nominally immediately to the oil analysis laboratory, as ideally, oil should
for fuel sample collection, the procedures provided are equally applicable be analyzed within as soon as reasonably achievable after
to turbine oils. being sampled. If oil samples are stored for an extended period
6.8 Sample Labeling—Properly label a sample container/ of time, this may result in a non-representative sample.
bottle in order to track the history of a particular piece of 6.10.1 If the samples are to be retained for extended periods
equipment. The equipment must be identified uniquely. Labels of time, special arrangements should be made in agreement
should include the following information as appropriate: with the oil analysis laboratory to ensure that the integrity of
6.8.1 Customer name, the sample is not compromised. The special arrangement may
6.8.2 Site (or plant name), include storing in dark amber glass bottles in an ambient
6.8.3 Location (unit number, tank number, compartment temperature area as the longer an oil sample is stored in the
number, and so forth), container/bottle, the more oxidation products will be generated.
6.8.4 Equipment serial number (or other ID), 6.10.2 Store the sample(s) away from strong light and as
6.8.5 Oil and machine service hours, close to room temperature as possible.
6.8.6 Date sample taken,
6.8.7 Type of fluid sampled, 7. Examination of New Oil on Delivery
6.8.8 Sampling point, 7.1 Experience has shown the need for standardizing pro-
6.8.9 System operating temperature and temperature of oil cedures and acceptance criteria for the sampling, examination,
at sampling point, and acceptance of incoming supplies of lubricating oil. It is
6.8.10 Type of purification system (filters, centrifuge, and so essential that personnel responsible for sampling and testing
forth), have the necessary experience and skills, and that scrupulous
6.8.11 Make-up (volume) since last sample was taken, and attention to detail be applied at all times to avoid erroneous
6.8.12 Coolant additives. results.
6.9 Sampling of New Oil Deliveries—Thoroughly clean all 7.2 It is equally essential that all incoming supplies of oil be
sampling devices before use to avoid cross-contamination. adequately monitored to guard against incorrect or contami-
6.9.1 Take samples representative of the fluid being exam- nated material being delivered. This information can be used
ined but obtained from the point(s) most indicative of gross from quality control of in-coming fluid as well as future fluid
contamination by debris and water, that is, just above the reference data. The cleanliness of the delivery container should
bottom of the drum or tanker compartment bottom. be noted; if the container is dirty on the outside, there may be
6.9.2 When consignments of oil are in drums, sample them particulate contamination of the oil inside. Particulate contami-
in accordance with Practice D4057. nation can also be a problem when the lubricant comes in

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D6224 − 16
contact with dirty or poorly maintained equipment. Final 7.6 With tanker deliveries, the additional tests to be com-
filtration while filling equipment may be used in lieu of or in pleted before the tanker is discharged can only be judged from
addition to particle counting. The final filter should be as fine the risk involved by the acceptance of non-specification
or finer than the lubrication system filter of the equipment product. That is, can the charge be readily recovered and
being filled. corrected before passing into service if the subsequent tests
7.3 Sampling of incoming supplies should be in accordance indicate this is necessary.
with proper sampling procedures (see Section 6). 7.7 Handling and dispensing methods contribute to the
7.4 All samples should be immediately examined for ap- required health and cleanliness specifications of the lubricant.
pearance. All sources and opportunities of contamination must be
7.5 Testing schedule guidelines for various types of new oils
are provided in Table 1. With drums, tests should be completed 7.8 The product specifications for new oils should be clearly
on a composite (or bulked) sample before the oil is used in communicated between the user and supplier. If a sample of oil
service. Individual samples should be retained until the bulk fails to meet the product specifications agreed upon by user and
sample is passed as satisfactory. supplier, the sample should be retested to verify the initial test

TABLE 1 Guidelines for Sampling and Testing New OilsA

NOTE 1—Legend–R = Recommended; O = Optional.
NOTE 2—An infrared spectrum may be obtained for new oil to ensure that the oil is not contaminated and to provide a baseline for comparison to spectra
of in-service oil.
Diesel Air EHC EHC
Common Hydraulic Turbine/
Test Gear Oils Engine Compressor (PO4 (Mineral
Methods Oils Circulating Oils
Oils OilsB Esters) Oils)
AppearanceC Visual R R R R R R

Viscosity, (40 °C) D445 R R O R R R R

Viscosity (100 °C) D445 R

Acid number D664 R R R R R R


Water D6304E OF OF RF OF OF R OF

Antioxidants/Oxidation inhibitor D2668 O O

D6971G OG OG

Oxidation stability (RPVOT) D2272 O O

API gravity or density D1298 O


Flash point (COC) D92 O

Water separability D1401 O O

Particle counts Equipment R O O


Base number D974 R


Electrical resistivity D257/D1169 R

Elemental Analysis D5185 O O O O O O O
Tests which are performed on in-service oils for trending purposes should also be performed on new oils for baseline information.
Does not include refrigeration (chiller) oils.
Appearance includes observations such as color, clarity, odor, and sediment.
A diesel engine oil must be tested at 40 °C and 100 °C if it is necessary to determine whether it is the proper multi-grade oil.
Test Method D6304 Procedure C is recommended for lube oils.
Recommended if oil is not clear and bright.
Test Method D6971 is not recommended for zinc-based lubricating oils.
Another spectrochemical method such as rotating disk electrode (RDE), atomic absorption (AA), or x-ray fluorescence (XRF) may be substituted for the ICP method.

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D6224 − 16
result. A resample should be taken and tested if needed to cannot be maintained by an oil which contains a significant
verify that the sample is representative of the shipment. If the quantity of water. The analytical range for Test Method D95 is
retest or resample still fails to meet product specification, an 0.05 % to 25 % and the range for Test Method D6304 is
investigation should be made to determine whether the prob- 50 µg ⁄g to 1000 µg ⁄g. Other methods (such as Test Methods
lem is due to transportation, handling, or product formulation. D1533 and E1064) are available for measuring the water
The user must recognize that typical values are not the same as content in oils.
purchase specifications.
8.5 Antioxidants Level—The measurement of antioxidant
8. Significance of Tests concentration is important for monitoring the oxidation of
industrial lubricants and their remaining useful life. Existing
8.1 In determining the condition of the oil and equipment practices for measuring the concentration of phenolic (or
for continued service, important properties of in-service oils amine) antioxidants include infrared spectrometry Test Method
include: D2668 and linear sweep voltammetry Test Method D6971 or
8.2 Viscosity—Most commercial turbine oils are sold under D6810.
ISO (International Standards Organization) viscosity classifi- 8.5.1 FTIR—The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) by Test
cation system. Typical turbine fluids fall into ISO VG-32, Method D7414 is a refined infrared spectroscopy method,
VG-46, VG-68 and higher viscosity grades corresponding to which can be used to monitor the remaining antioxidants
32 mm2/s, 46 mm2/s, 68 mm2/s at 40 °C (Classification blended into the oil. It can also be used to monitor the increase
D2422). The viscosity of gear oils is classified using either in oxidation products as the oil degrades. Each antioxidant is a
ISO 3448 or D2422 viscosity classification for industrial gear specific chemical substance and will absorb infrared light at
oils or SAE J306 for automotive gear oils. The viscosity of particular wavelengths and absorptivities; some antioxidants
diesel engine oils is classified according to SAE J300. The may not be detectable by infrared spectroscopy. (Test Method
viscosity (for example, for multi-grade oils) can be measured at D2668 may be used for antioxidants if the wavelengths and
40 °C and 100 °C in order to calculate the viscosity index and absorptivities are known.)
determine that the correct oil has been used. The main purpose 8.5.2 Linear Sweep Voltammetry—Voltammetry is an elec-
for checking the viscosity of in-service oil is to determine if the trochemical test technique, which can be used for measuring
correct oil is being used and to detect contamination. In many antioxidant additives. The technique applies a voltage
extreme cases, in-service oils will experience a significant ramp through a 3 electrode sensing system and measures the
increase in viscosity due to thermal or oxidative degradation. current flow that occurs when the applied voltage equals the
Contamination can cause the viscosity to either increase or oxidation potential of the antioxidant. The potential at peak
decrease, depending on the contaminant. Emulsified water and current is diagnostic for the antioxidant, and the amplitude of
diesel fuel soot will increase the viscosity, while diesel fuel,
the peak is proportional to the concentration of the antioxidant.
Freon, or solvents will decrease the viscosity. Dissolved water
Antioxidants such as hindered phenols and amines can be
in phosphate ester fluids can reduce the fluid viscosity slightly.
measured by Test Method D6971 or D6810.
Contamination from a different lubricant can change the
viscosity of the oil in either direction. The method normally 8.6 Oxidation Stability (Rotary Pressure Vessel Oxidation
used for viscosity determinations is Test Method D445. Test, RPVOT)—One of the most important properties of new
8.3 Acid Number—The test most used to indicate the extent oil containing oxidation inhibitor is its ability to resist oxida-
of oxidation is the acid number (Test Method D664 or D974). tion while in service. This is accomplished by the addition of
With phosphate esters, acidity is most frequently an indication antioxidants. Measuring the concentration of the antioxidant
of hydrolysis. Many rust inhibitors used in lubricating oils are additive or the ability of the additive to resist oxidation (as
acidic and contribute to the acid number of the new oil. An compared to the new oil) is an important factor in monitoring
increase in acid number above the value for new oil indicates the degradation of industrial lubricants. The result of this
the presence of acidic oxidation products or, less likely, measurement will offer the user a rating of oxidation stability
contamination with acidic substances. The acid numbers deter- reserve. Methods of measuring the resistance to oxidation are
mined by these two test methods are not identical and only generally thermo-oxidative, catalytic degradation techniques
loosely correlate; a single method should be used consistently. such as Test Method D943 or D2272. Test Method D943 is
The use of Test Method D974 on aged phosphate ester fluids generally reserved for new lubricant comparison and is too
which have significantly darkened in color, and especially lengthy to be used for in-service monitoring. Test Method
those which have been dyed prior to use, is not recommended. D2272, however, is widely used for in-service monitoring of
oxidation stability reserve when compared to the new oil.
8.4 Water Content—If a mineral oil is clear and bright, the
amount of dissolved water present is of little significance. Most 8.7 Color—New lubricating oils have colors ranging from
mineral oils will remain clear with up to 75 µg ⁄g water at room light to moderately-dark. Darkening will occur in service but
temperature. Phosphate ester fluids can hold more than the change is usually slow over a period of time. Frequent
1000 µg ⁄g water at ambient temperature and still be clear and checks for color are therefore useful as a quick on-the-spot test.
bright. The presence of water determined by screening meth- A significant color change would be indicative that something
ods (such as the hot plate splatter test for mineral oils) may be has changed. A more detailed examination would be necessary
confirmed using a standard test method. Adequate lubrication to find the cause. Test Method D1500 is the standard method

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D6224 − 16
for defining the color of lubricants. Color darkening alone is 8.13 Rust Evaluation—Anti-rust protection provided by the
not itself a cause for alarm (unless supported by additional lubricant is important for certain systems. Protection is re-
tests). quired in areas of fluid flow, for surfaces covered by static
8.8 Gravity or Density—This test only has significance with drops of water, and for areas which are only occasionally
respect to contamination. As an example, phosphate ester EHC splashed by the lubricant. New oil containing an anti-rust
fluid cannot tolerate contamination with mineral oil. This test is inhibitor additive must meet test requirements such as Test
of little value to determine the degree of degradation. The Method D665. In service, this additive can become depleted by
method normally used is Practice D1298 (hydrometer). (1) performing its proper function, (2) by removal with water,
(3) by adsorption on wear particles and other solid debris, or
8.9 Flash Point—Lubricants must have flash points well (4) by chemical reaction with contaminants. In exceptional
above the minimum applicable safety requirements. Flash circumstances where alkaline or polluted water enters the
point is useful for detecting contamination with diesel fuel oil system, additive removal will be much more rapid. Test
or low-boiling solvents. However, flash point is of little Method D665 Procedure A (distilled water rust test) is usually
significance for determining the degree of degradation of adequate for determining a satisfactory level of anti-rust
in-service oils, since normal degradation has little effect on the inhibitor for inland equipment. For marine usage, Test Method
flash point. The method in common use is Test Method D92 D665 Procedure B (seawater rust test) is recommended.
(Cleveland Open Cup).
8.14 Foaming Characteristics—Foaming characteristics are
8.10 Insolubles—Pentane insolubles (Test Method D893) measured by Test Method D892 which indicates both the
may include oil-insoluble materials and some oil-insoluble tendency of the oil to foam and the stability of the foam after
resinous matter originating from oil or additive degradation, or it is generated. This test may be useful in troubleshooting oil
both. Toluene insoluble materials may come from (1) external foaming problems in equipment. System foaming problems
contamination, (2) fuel carbon and highly carbonized materials have three possible origins.
from degradation of fuel oil, and additives, and (3) engine wear 8.14.1 Mechanical—The system design can have a major
and corrosion materials. A significant increase in insolubles impact on the foaming tendency of a lubricant.
indicates a potential lubrication problem. The measurement of 8.14.2 Antifoam Additive Depletion—Anti-foam agents may
insolubles can also assist in evaluating the performance char- be removed mechanically (due to fine filtration or centrifuging)
acteristics of a new oil or in determining the cause of because they are dispersed and not dissolved in the oil. They
equipment failure. are known to absorb to filter fibers. They may also become less
8.11 Insoluble Color Bodies—This test can be a guide to end effective over time due to mechanical shearing.
users on the formation of lubricant-generated, insoluble depos- 8.14.3 Contamination—An attempt should be made to iden-
its. This test method extracts insoluble contaminants from a tify and remove the contaminants. In cases where this cannot
sample of in-service turbine oil onto a 47 mm diameter 0.45 be done adequately, this may be corrected with an addition of
µm thickness membrane patch. The color of the patch is then defoamant. This should only be carried out with advice from
analyzed using a spectrophotometer and the results are reported the lubricant supplier or qualified researcher and only after
as a ∆E value in the CIE LAB scale, as per Test Method A45 confirming performance on lab scale before treating the entire
(Membrane Patch Colorimetry, MPC) system.
8.12 Water Separability—Water can get into lubrication 8.15 Air Release Properties—Agitation of lubricating oil
systems due to oil cooler leaks, normal system breathing, and with air in equipment such as bearings, couplings, gears,
other means. Water adversely affects oils by acting with metals pumps, and oil return lines may produce a dispersion of finely
to catalyze oxidation. It also depletes water sensitive oil divided air bubbles in the oil. If the residence time in the
additives such as some types of rust inhibitors, and can cause reservoir is too short to allow the air bubbles to rise to the oil
rusting and corrosion. For some oils, water will settle to the surface, a mixture of air and oil will circulate through the
bottom of the storage tank where it should be drained off as a lubricating oil system. This may result in an inability to
routine operating procedure. Purification systems will also maintain oil pressure (particularly with centrifugal pumps),
assist in removing the water. Unfortunately, if the oil has incomplete oil films in bearings and gears, and poor hydraulic
developed poor water separability properties (poor system performance or failure. The time required for air
demulsibility), significant amounts of water may stay in the entrained in the oil (in Test Method D3427) to reduce in
system and create problems. In addition to chemical effects on volume to 0.2 % is recorded as the air bubble separation time.
the oil and additives, the lubricating properties of the oil can be 8.16 Base Number—New and used petroleum products
adversely affected. The water separability characteristics of an (especially diesel engine lubricants) can contain basic addi-
oil are adequately measured using Test Method D1401. This tives. The relative amount of these materials can be determined
test determines the time required for significant amounts of by titrating with acids. This base number is a measure of the
water to separate from an oil-water emulsion. By design, water amount of basic substances in the oil and, hence, is a measure
will not separate from some lubricating oils such as engine oils. of additive depletion. Condemning limits must be empirically
The dispersant additive present in these oils disperses water as established. The base number methods do not provide equiva-
well as combustion residues, dirt, and oxidized compounds. lent test results; one method should be used consistently.

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D6224 − 16
8.17 Chlorine Content—The chlorine content in phosphate successive number. Desired cleanliness levels are sometimes
ester EHC fluids can be determined via microcoulometry. designated by the equipment manufacturer or user. If a clean-
Excessive chloride ion can cause electrochemical corrosion liness level is not specified by the manufacturer, cleanliness in
since the fluid flows through small openings at a rapid velocity. the range from ISO 16/14/11 to 18/16/13 (ISO 4406:1999) is
8.18 Resistivity—Phosphate ester EHC fluids with low elec- usually considered satisfactory.
trical resistivity can cause servo valve erosion. 8.23 Wear Particle Concentration (WPC)—It has been
8.19 Mineral Oil Content—The mineral oil content in phos- shown that the separation and measurement of large and small
phate ester EHC fluids must be minimized to preserve the wear particles is beneficial in the detection and diagnosis of
fire-resistant properties. related machine wear regimes. Techniques used to measure
WPC should not be considered to be particle counts, rather a
8.20 Glycol Content—Leakage of glycol-based antifreeze measurement of specific wear metal concentrations. Caution
into the crankcase is serious because the coolant tends to should be used when evaluating results since separation and
interfere with the lubricant and its ability to lubricate; it also measurement techniques may be alloy-specific. The wear
promotes sludging. Ethylene glycol present in the coolant can particle concentration for a particular piece of equipment is
increase varnish deposit formation in the crankcase due to monitored over time in order to detect a sudden increase in the
glycol oxidation and the interaction between glycol and lubri- wear trend and reduce the likelihood of catastrophic failure.
cant. Lubricant displacement, sludging, and deposit formation
all lead to engine malfunction and possible seizure. It is 8.24 Wear Debris Analysis (WDA)—A microscopic analysis
important to detect glycol-base coolant contamination at low of wear debris can be used to describe a wear condition as
levels because early detection enables corrective measures to normal rubbing wear, severe sliding wear, cutting wear, gear
be taken to prevent leaking coolant from accumulating and wear, or bearing wear. In addition, this debris analysis can
seriously damaging the diesel engine. reveal fibers, sand/dirt, lubricant degradation residue, red
oxides, black oxides, and ferrous spheres. A rating can be given
8.21 Fuel Dilution—Some fuel dilution of the diesel engine
to each type of wear condition which is a combination of the
oil may take place during normal operation. However, exces-
size of the wear debris and the concentration of particles of the
sive fuel dilution is of concern in terms of possible perfor-
same type.
mance problems.
8.22 Particle Counts—The most deleterious solid contami- 8.25 Elemental Analysis—Emission spectroscopy can be
nants found in oil systems are those left behind when the used to analyze for elements found in used lubricating oil. This
system is constructed and installed or when it is opened for analysis is generally limited to dissolved materials or particles
maintenance and repair. The need for proper cleaning and smaller than about 8 µ. The elements found derive from wear
flushing of new or repaired oil systems is emphasized. In debris, additives, and contamination. (See 9.5.)
operation, there are few opportunities for solids to enter the 8.25.1 Some wear on metal parts can be considered to be
lube oil system, although in very dusty areas where units may normal (although not desirable). Large amounts of metal
be outdoors, some solids can enter through improperly in- contaminants usually indicate a serious machine problem.
stalled or operating vents as well as seals and air intakes. Since different machine parts are made from different metals,
During operation, the equipment begins to accumulate signifi- the presence of particular metals indicate which components
cant amounts of particulates. Some may enter the system are wearing. When a machine has been sampled several times
through the makeup oil when it is added. Fly ash may be drawn (or when multiple machines of the same type have been tested),
in with the air at bearing shaft seals. Other contaminants may an evaluation is made to determine whether the metal concen-
be abrasive degradation and corrosion products developed in trations are outside of the normal range. Samples from a piece
the system. Whatever the source, the presence of abrasive of equipment that have metal concentrations increasing at an
solids in the oil cannot be tolerated since they will promote unusually high rate or outside of the normal range indicate that
scoring and damage to bearings and journals as well as causing the equipment may have a problem. When no historical data is
malfunction and sticking of control mechanisms. These must available, there is a chance that not enough significance will be
be removed by the use of filters or centrifuge, or both. When given to a particular wear metal and its concentration.
the amount of makeup is low and the various filters and 8.25.2 Certain elements which are found as lubricant oil
purifiers are operating satisfactorily, abrasive solids are gener- additives can also be analyzed to ensure that the appropriate
ally removed before any damage is done. In a properly additives are present and that there are no other inorganic
maintained system the particulate level presents no problem. additives which indicate that cross-contamination has oc-
Cleanliness of the system oil can be determined by gravimetric curred. An analysis should be performed on unused oil in order
means (Practice F311 or Test Methods F312) or by particle to establish a baseline for future comparisons.
counting (for example, Test Method D7647), the latter nor- 8.25.3 Contaminants (such as dirt and water) in the oil can
mally by means of electronic particle counters. Cleanliness be carried throughout the machine and cause severe wear or
levels can be represented by classification systems such as ISO corrosion. The presence of dirt can be detected by the presence
4406:1999. ISO 4406:1999 uses a numeric code to reference of silicon (or aluminum). Inorganic constituents of fresh and
the number of particles larger than 4 µm/mL, 6 µm/mL, and 14 treated water may be detected using elemental analysis. Ex-
µm/mL of oil. ISO 4406:1999 assigns integer values to denote amples of these may be: calcium from untreated water, sodium
a range of particles whose upper limit doubles with each and magnesium from sea water, and potassium, sodium or

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D6224 − 16
boron from cooling water. In EHC fluids, the presence of of test data; (3) corrective action steps; and (4) insurance of
sodium, aluminum, calcium, and magnesium is most com- maintenance follow-up.
monly found as a result of either release of Fuller’s earth or 9.1.1 The application of the ASTM Standards for trending
activated alumina into the system or the production of soluble/ (Guide D7669) and for evaluating limits (Guide D7720) is an
insoluble metal soaps in the fluid (which can have an adverse advisable approach for long term fluid condition monitoring.
effect on foaming and air release properties). While test limits are important, they serve as a warning limit.
8.26 Microbiological Contamination—If contamination Trends in test data over time are important to monitor as well,
with water occurs, microbial growth can occur in oils in service to get a holistic view of equipment performance. Condemning
and in storage. The microbes can grow in water accumulated at a fluid based on one data point, or one test method may lead to
system low points and in water droplets suspended in the oil. premature replacement of fluid. Consult your lubricant fluid
They feed on and degrade the base oils and additives, accel- experts or test laboratories to discuss data when questions
erating oxidative and hydrolytic processes. The slime (bio- arise. No one test variable or test result should be used to
mass) formed by the microbes can block filters, oil lines, and decide if intervention is required.
system orifices. Microbially generated acids cause increase in 9.2 Sampling and Testing of Oil Samples—Schedules should
AN and can lead to severe system corrosion. The oil formula- be tailored to the individual facility depending on the criticality
tion may provide all of the necessary nutrients for microbial and severity of usage of the equipment. The schedules included
growth although sometimes nutrients are supplemented by the in Table 2 are typical and should only be used as a guide. Refer
contaminating water. Microbial growth will generally only to the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) instructions or
occur when and where temperature is below 50 °C and, thus, it other regulatory guidelines for lubricant testing requirements.
is primarily a risk in medium and low temperature systems or In addition to the tests in Table 2, any deposits found in the oil
during prolonged system outage or oil storage. or removed from the system should be examined and identified
8.26.1 Depending on the method employed, particle counts (if possible).
and tests for acid number may highlight the possibility of 9.2.1 Recommended (R) tests represent the minimum level
microbial contamination in the oil system. Further investiga- of monitoring. These tests provide the most information about
tion by microbiological testing may be warranted. Where the quality of a particular fluid and about the condition of the
temperatures are conducive to microbial growth and where equipment in which the in-service fluid is used. (Alternate
there is a known issue of water accumulation, routine microbial testing devices which indirectly measure these properties may
testing is recommended. be substituted at the discretion and risk of the user.)
8.26.2 There are currently no designated standard methods 9.2.2 Optional (O) tests are those which may provide
for microbiological testing of oils. The microbiological method additional information on the oil or equipment condition.
employed should be appropriate for testing viscous, non- These tests may be beneficial in certain but not all facilities. If
aqueous samples. Two suitable methods which have been sample amount or analysis time is limited, omitting these tests
demonstrated to be suitable for testing oils in the field or the would generally have less impact than omitting recommended
laboratory are Test Methods D7687 and D7978; both these tests.
methods are designated for testing fuels and associated con- 9.2.3 As needed (AN) tests may provide information about
taminating water and although they can be utilized to test oils, operational problems. For example, the foaming characteristics
this is outside the currently defined scope. test would determine whether a foaming problem was due to Test Method D7687 measures the concentration of the oil or mechanical reasons. As needed tests may also be
cellular- Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) present in the sample. performed based on results from other tests. For example, a
ATP is a constituent of all living cells, including bacteria and wear debris analysis may be performed when the wear particle
fungi. Consequently, the presence of cellular-ATP is an indi- concentration is above a certain level.
cator of total metabolically active microbial contamination. 9.3 Logging, Trending, and Interpretation of Test Data—It
Test Method D7687 can be used for oils using the procedure is important to keep accurate records of test results and
described for fuels. make-up. Graphical representations are highly recommended Test Method D7978 measures culturable, viable for key parameters such as acid number, antioxidants, wear
aerobic microbial content present in the form of bacteria, fungi particle concentration, base number, wear metals, and RPVOT.
and/or their spores. Test Method D7978 can be used for oils In this way, unusual trends become apparent and better
using the procedure described for testing heavy and residual estimates made of remaining service life. Interpretation of test
fuels. data should take into account such factors as oil addition In some cases additional tests for specific types of (make-up or replacement oil), possible intermixing of oils,
microbes may be warranted, for example for sulfate reducing newly installed parts, and recent system inspections. Guide-
bacteria (SRB) which generate sulfide and can cause rapid and lines for warning levels are provided for various lubricant types
severe corrosion. in Table 3. Oil supplier or original equipment manufacturer
(OEM), or both, guidelines supersede Table 3. These warning
9. Condition Monitoring Program levels should also be considered with trending information.
9.1 A sound condition monitoring program is based on four 9.3.1 The measurement of a defined warning level is not
factors: (1) obtaining representative samples and testing at necessarily a reason to change the fluid. It is a reason to study
appropriate intervals; (2) logging, trending, and interpretation the remainder of the fluid’s properties (both chemical and

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TABLE 2 Guidelines For Sampling and Testing In-Service Oils
NOTE 1—Legend–R = Recommended; O = Optional; AN = As Needed.
NOTE 2—Infrared spectra of in-service oils may be compared to the new oil spectrum in order to detect degradation (such as oxidation) or contamination (such as water, fuel oil, or glycol).
Common Hydraulic Diesel Engine Turbine/ EHC
Test Gear Oils Compressor (PO4
Methods Oils Oils Circulating Oils Mineral Oils
OilsA Esters)
Frequency 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 6 months

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Appearance Visual R R R R R R

Viscosity, (40 °C) D445 R R O R R R R

Viscosity (100 °C) D445 R

Acid number D664 R R R R R R


Water D6304D /D95 RE RE RE RE RE R RE

Antioxidants/ D2668F O O
Oxidation inhibitor D6971G OG OG

Oxidation stability (RPVOT) D2272 O O

Color D1500 O O O O O

API gravity or density D1298/D4052 O

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Flash point (COC) D92 O O O O

Insolubles D893 O O O O O O
D2273 D893 D893 D893
D6224 − 16

Insoluble color bodies (MPC) D7843 O R R O

Water separability D1401 O O O

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Rust evaluation D665 O O O O O

Foaming characteristics D892 AN AN AN AN AN

Air release D3427 AN AN AN

Base number D974 R


Chlorine Coul. R

Electrical resistivity D257/D1169 R

Mineral oil Fluid Supplier’s O


Glycol D2982 O

Fuel dilution D3524 O

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TABLE 2 Continued
Common Hydraulic Diesel Engine Turbine/ EHC
Test Gear Oils Compressor (PO4
Methods Oils Oils Circulating Oils Mineral Oils
OilsA Esters)
Frequency 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 6 months
Particle counts Equipment R R O R R

Wear particle concentration Equipment O O O O O O


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Wear debris analysis Equipment AN AN AN AN AN AN


Elemental analysis D5185H R R R R R O R

Microbial contamination D7687 or D7978 AN AN OI AN AN AN AN
D6224 − 16

Does not include refrigeration (chiller) oils.
Two hundred fifty to five hundred hours for continuously operated equipment; six months for standby equipment.
Appearance includes observations such as color, clarity, odor, and sediment.

Dody Dody (PT PLN UPHK Medan) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Test Method D6304 Procedure C is recommended for lube oils.
Recommended if oil is not clear and bright.
Test Method D2668 may be used for antioxidants if the oil is known to contain 2,6-di-tertiary-butylphenol and/or 2,6-di-tertiary-butylcresol.
Test Method D6971 is not recommended for zinc-based anti-wear hydraulic oils.
Another spectrochemical method such as rotating disk electrode (RDE), atomic absorption, (AA), or X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) may be substituted for the ICP method.
Only for slow and medium speed diesels with oil temperature <50 °C.
TABLE 3 Warning Levels of In-Service Oil Test Data
Diesel Air EHC EHC
Hydraulic Turbine/
Test Gear Oils Engine Compressor (PO4 Min.
Oils Circulating Oils
Oils OilsA Esters) Oils
Appearance Heavy, cloudy, visible debris. Not clear and bright.

Viscosity ±5 % of new ±5 % of new ±10 % of new ±3 % of new ±5 % of new ±10 % of new ±5 % of new
oil, max. oil, max. oil, max. oil, max. oil, max. oil, max. oil, max.

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Acid Number increase of 0.5 mg increase of 0.2 mg increase of 0.2 increase of 0.2 mg >0.2 mg KOH/g increase of 0.2 mg
KOH/g KOH/g mg KOH/g KOH/g KOH/g

WaterB >0.1 % by mass >0.05 % by mass >0.2 % by mass >0.05 % by mass >0.1 % by mass >0.05 % by mass

Antioxidants <20 % by mass <10 % by mass <10 % by mass

<20 % by mass <20 % by mass

Oxidation stability <25 % of newC <25 % of newC


Color unusual or rapid unusual or rapid darkening


API gravity or ±0.01 API


Flash point decrease of decrease of 20 °C from new oil

30 °C

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Insolubles >0.5 % by mass >0.1 % by mass >2.5 % by mass >0.1 % by mass

>2.0 % by mass
Insolubles color bodies (MPC)D 30 ∆E 30 ∆E Report Report
D6224 − 16

Water separabilityE >30 minE >30 min

Rust evaluation light fail light fail light fail

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Foaming characteristics tendency >450 tendency >450 tendency >450 tendency >450
(Sequence I) stability >10 stability >10 stability >10 stability >10

Air release (50 °C) >5 min to 20 minF >5 min to 20 minF >10 min

Base number <20 % of new oil

Chlorine >100 µg/g

Resistivity <5 × 109


Mineral oil >1 % by mass

Glycol any detected

Fuel Dilution >1 % to 5 % by


Particle counts (ISO Code) 17/14 max. 17/14 max.
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TABLE 3 Continued
Diesel Air EHC EHC
Hydraulic Turbine/
Test Gear Oils Engine Compressor (PO4 Min.
Oils Circulating Oils
Oils OilsA Esters) Oils
Wear particle

Wear metals <10 µg/g total <10 µg/g total

Additive elements ±25 % of new oil

Microbial contamination Ten-fold increase above established normsJ
Does not include refrigeration (chiller) oils or synthetic compressor fluids.
The maximum acceptable amount of water depends on the type of equipment and service. Reduced component life is generally correlated with greater amounts of water in the oil.
Some oils may undergo degradation leading to insoluble contaminants and deposit formation prior to reaching the warning limits (for example, the 25 % RPVOT warning limit) suggested in Table 3 causing problems

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such as filter plugging, servo-valve sticking or bearing deposits. This issue appears to be most prevalent in large frame industrial gas turbines, especially those used in peak-loaded or cyclical modes, as well in some

types of steam turbines. Under these circumstances, close monitoring of the oil cleanliness by particle count particularly those particles in the less than or equal to 4 micron range or incorporating additional tests that
detect soft deposits formation such as sludge or varnish, or both, should be included as part of a condition monitoring program to provide a potential warning.
Some turbine systems or certain types of turbine fluid respond differently, making an MPC patch value by itself may not indicate good or bad fluid health. One should check the actual hardware in the system for signs
of deposits, varnish, and sludge, or consult with your lubricant fluid suppliers.
This represents the time required to reach the endpoint in Test Method D1401 (#3 mL emulsion). The suggested limit only apply to steam turbines.
D6224 − 16

The maximum air release time depends on the oil viscosity.
The maximum amount of tolerable fuel oil dilution depends on the type of diesel engine.
The warning level ranges from --/18/15 to --/22/18 depending on the application. Longer component life is generally correlated with the cleanliness of the system.

Dody Dody (PT PLN UPHK Medan) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
A recommended warning level is a concentration of two standard deviations above the mean of six or more prior results. In cases where there are insufficient analysis results to provide a good baseline or in cases where
the increase in concentrations is steady but gradual, the equipment manufacturer should be consulted for guidance.
Microbes are ubiquitous in many environments and there are no universally accepted limits for microbial contamination in oils. The levels of contamination which can be tolerated will depend on the system and the
type of microbial contamination. Microbes will generally be far more numerous in low point samples and samples containing water. For routine microbiological monitoring, baseline contamination levels should be
established for designated sample points, which should include a system low point and a representative sample of circulating oil (before any filters or centrifuges). A ten-fold increase in microbial counts should highlight
that microbial growth may be occurring. Typically, microbial counts of over 1000 microbes per milliliter of oil in low point samples or over 100 microbes/mL in representative samples of circulating oil indicate contamination
levels are above normal background level. Counts ten times these levels could indicate a potential for microbially related operational problems.
D6224 − 16
physical) to determine what actions should be taken based on 9.5 Possible sources of wear metals, additive elements, and
the warning observed. A warning level is a flag for an action contaminants are presented in Table 5. This table is a compi-
that the user should undertake. It tells the user that further lation of information from industry. It is intended as a guide
testing of the fluid maybe necessary to properly understand and should not be considered to be all encompassing. Any
how to properly deal with this action. additive element from a lubricant other than the desired
9.3.2 It is often recommended that trending of multiple lubricant could be described as a contaminant.
parameters be used to determine the fluid’s condition. The use
of the interpretations in Table 4 can also assist in the determi- 9.6 Maintenance Follow Up—When maintenance is per-
nation of proper actions. formed on equipment included in the oil monitoring program,
the records of work performed and problems found should be
9.4 Action Steps—The main purpose of a monitoring pro-
documented and made available to those responsible for
gram is to ensure long trouble-free operation of the equipment.
This can only be achieved by prompt and proper action steps interpreting the oil test data. In this way, the test data
when necessary. Such action steps must be based on a correct interpreter can (1) ensure that recommended maintenance was
interpretation of test results (see Table 4), usually gathered performed, (2) make better recommendations, and (3) learn
over a period of time. Corrective action should generally never better how test data correlate with equipment problems.
be taken on the basis of one test result since it may be incorrect
due to poor sampling or faulty testing. Resampling and 10. Keywords
retesting is recommended before proceeding. Actions recom- 10.1 auxiliary power plant equipment; condition monitoring
mended by the oil supplier or original equipment manufacturer, program; lubricating oil
or both, supersede those in Table 4.

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TABLE 4 Interpretation of In-Service Oil Test Data and Recommended Action
Interpretation of Data
Test Recommended Action Steps
Beyond Warning Levels
Appearance Gross contamination of water or solids, or both. Perform further analysis to identify contaminant, Remedy source. Investigate
cause and remedy. Filter or centrifuge oil.

Viscosity Oil is contaminated or severely degraded, or Determine cause. If viscosity is low, determine flash point. Change oil. For EHC
wrong oil. fluid, consult supplier.

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Acid number (a) Oil near end of life, Look for increased sediment on filters or centrifuge. Change oil if RPVOT is <25 %
(b) Oil Contaminated, or of new oil. Test more frequently if oil is left in system. For EHC fluid, consult
(c) Wrong oil supplier.

Water Oil contaminated. Potential water leak. Investigate and remedy cause. Centrifuge oil or use vacuum dehydration, control
oil reservoir, or change oil. For EHC fluid, consult supplier.

Antioxidants/ Additive depleted. Oil approaching end of Check RPVOT, acid number, viscosity. Consider changing oil or consult with oil
Oxidation inhibitorA service life. supplier regarding reinhibition.

RPVOTA Oil approaching end of service life. Consider oil change or consult with oil supplier regarding reinhibition. Consider
also the acid number.

Color Indicates contamination, overheating, or Determine cause and rectify. Consider oil change.
excessive degradation.

API gravity or Oil contaminated, or wrong oil. Investigate cause. Change oil.

Flash point Probable contamination or severe degradation. Determine cause. Check other parameters (such as viscosity). Consider oil

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Insolubles Indicates oil or additive degradation, or contamination of oil Centrifuge, filter, or purify oil with electrostatic separators, ion-exchange
by equipment wear or other debris. technologies, or consider oil change.

Water separability Oil is contaminated or degraded, or demulsifier depleted. Centrifuge, filter or purify oil with electrostatic separators, consult with oil supplier
D6224 − 16

or change oil, or both.

Rust evaluation Additive depletion, excessive contamination. Change oil or consult with oil supplier regarding reinhibition.

Dody Dody (PT PLN UPHK Medan) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Foaming Anti-foam depletion or contamination. Rectify cause. Consult with oil supplier regarding inhibition.
(Sequence I)

Air release (50 °C) Contamination Change oil. (For EHC fluid, consult the fluid supplier.)

Base number The alkaline reserve is depleted. Consider oil change.

Chlorine Contamination. Consult EHC fluid supplier.

Resistivity Contamination. Consult EHC fluid supplier.

Mineral oil Contamination. Consult EHC fluid supplier.

(in EHC fluid)

Glycol Glycol-based antifreeze has leaked into the oil. Investigate and remedy cause. Change oil.

Fuel dilution Excessive fuel has leaked into the oil. Investigate and remedy cause. Change oil.

Particle counts Source of particles may be make-up oil, dust, Locate and eliminate source of particulates. Filter or centrifuge oil.
ash, or wear condition.
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TABLE 4 Continued
Interpretation of Data
Test Recommended Action Steps
Beyond Warning Levels

Wear particle Possible wear condition. Perform wear debris analysis.


Wear debris analysis Possible wear condition. Investigate source of particles and make necessary maintenance or operational

Wear metals, Indicates the presence of a wear condition or contamination. Identify source and make necessary maintenance or operational changes. Then

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contaminants See Table 2. filter oil. For EHC fluid, consider that some acid scavenging filters contribute to

wear metals.

Additive elements Additive nearly depleted, wrong oil added, oil dilution, or Consider changing oil or consult with oil supplier regarding situation. Check for
additive precipitation. excessive fuel or other dilution.
D6224 − 16

Microbial contamination Microbial growth is occurring with potential for filter plugging, Identify source of water and make necessary maintenance or operational changes.
system fouling, oil degradation and corrosion. Water ingress Use filters and/or centrifuges to remove microbial contamination and water. In
or accumulation is occurring. severe cases flushing and/or biocide treatment may be needed

Dody Dody (PT PLN UPHK Medan) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Some oils may undergo degradation leading to insoluble contaminants and deposit formation prior to reaching the warning limits (for example, the 25 % RPVOT warning limit) suggested in Table 3 causing problems
such as filter plugging, servo-valve sticking or bearing deposits. This issue appears to be most prevalent in large frame industrial gas turbines, especially those used in peak-loaded or cyclical modes. Under these
circumstances, close monitoring of the oil cleanliness by particle count particularly those particles in the less than or equal to 4 µm range or incorporating additional tests that detect soft deposits formation such as sludge
or varnish, or both, should be included as part of a condition monitoring program to provide a potential warning.
D6224 − 16
TABLE 5 Sources of Inorganic Elements in Oil
NOTE 1—Bronze alloys typically contain 88 % copper, 8 % to 10 % tin, and 2 % to 4 % zinc. Babbitt alloys typically contain 84 % to 92 % tin, 4 %
to 8 % copper, and 4 % to 8 % antimony. Lead-based Babbitt typically contain 75 % to 80 % lead, 5 % to 10 % tin, and 15 % antimony.
Element/ Wear Primary Secondary
Additive Contaminant
Symbol Metal Sources Sources
Aluminum/Al X X pistons, journal bearings, blowers, turbo dirt, alloy with copper in rolling element
charge vans, thrusts, torque converters, bearing cages, housings and cases
pump vanes

Antimony/Sb X X X journal bearings grease, anti-scuff additive

Barium/Ba X Additives grease

Boron/B X X additive, treated coolant water few

Cadmium/Cd X journal bearings plating

Calcium/Ca X X Additives water, grease

Chromium/Cr X compression rings, chrome cylinders alloyed with iron found in rolling ele-
ment bearings, shafts found in hard

Copper/Cu X X bearings, cages, bushings, thrusts, valve automotive lubricant additive

guides, oil coolers, bearing cages, pumps

Iron/Fe X X cylinders, shafts, gears, rolling element rust, fretting corrosion

bearings, housings, cases; for EHC fluid, some
acid scavenging filters may contribute this ele-
ment to the fluid.

Lead/Pb X X journal bearings, main bearings, platings, paint, solder, seals


Magnesium/Mg X additive; for EHC fluid, some acid scavenging sea water
filters may contribute this element to the fluid.

Manganese/Mn X shafts, valves, blowers few

Molybdenum/Mo X X additive compression rings

Nickel/Ni X alloyed with iron for hard steel shafts, rolling few
element bearings

Phosphorus/P X X additive; for EHC fluid, this is the primary com- surface finish for gears

Potassium/K X coolant additive few

Silicon/Si X X X sand, dirt, dust, antifoam additive; for EHC fluid, alloyed with iron (cast iron)
some acid scavenging filters may contribute this
element to the fluid.

Silver/Ag X wrist pins (Electro-Motive Diesel, EMD), flashing solder

Sodium/Na X X found in some new oils, cooling additive; for sea water, grease
EHC fluid, some acid scavenging filters may
contribute this element to the fluid.

Tin/Sn X journal bearings, alloyed with copper in rolling solder

element bearing cages, flashing

Titanium/Ti X turbine blades paint

Vanadium/V X turbine blades valves

Zinc/Zn X X Additive galvanized steel, platings, grease

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D6224 − 16

Subcommittee D02.C0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D6224 – 09) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1, 2016.)

(1) Revisions made throughout standard to add information on

microbial contamination and to update the standard in general.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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