Paragraph Writing: A Bus Stand

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Paragraph Writing

A Bus Stand
A bus stand is usually a crowded and busy place full of clattering sound all the time. Generally, it is
located beside the roads or at terminals or in big towns and cities. It covers a large area where buses
stop to take passengers alongside dropping other passengers. Sometimes, a number of buses are
parked in rows at a bus stand. A bus stand often takes the form of a small market if it is a big bus
stand. Different types of stalls and restaurants are also clearly visible at bus stands. There are other
small vehicles available at a bus stand. Some bus stands arrange sitting room or waiting rooms for
the passengers. Some bus stands don’t have these facilities for the passengers. Some bus stands are
equipped with modern amenities. But some give a very poor and old show. Hawkers remain busy
hawking and selling their goods to the passengers. Some people who are not passengers waste time
gossiping and wandering at bus stand. Apart from lame, crippled, blind and old people are seen
begging in the bus stand area. When a bus comes from a distance, the total area becomes more
boisterous. Passengers start hue and cry all around. They become unbound to get on and get off the
bus. Pinching, punching and pushing activities are seen among the passengers. Actually, a bus stand
is a peculiar place that makes passengers impatient and unbound. However, a bus stand has made a
good affinity between passengers and itself for easy journey from home to a distance place.

A Winter Morning

A winter morning is quite different from other mornings in a year because it brings different taste,
smell, sound and sight in nature. A winter morning usually gives people a gloomy and dismal picture
of nature. Grass and tree leaves are absolutely laden with morning dew. Nature looks hazy and
obscure. Places are cut off for smog and mist. The blazing sun often remains hidden because of
dense fog everywhere. When the fog begins to disappear, the sun suddenly peeps up over the
mountains, trees, highland or tall buildings. Roads, fields, houses, shops, market places get wet with
snowdrops in the morning. People who have typical morning work remain in bed until the sunrise
due to bitterly and freezing cold outside. Sometimes fog gets so heavy that the day laborers cannot
join their daily work. If the weather gets a little bit odious, the winter mornings become quite
unbearable and offensive to people. On the other hand, the smile of the sun in the winter mornings
gives people extra strength and vigor. Children bask in the sun and often gather dry straw, wood and
timber to make fire just to warm them. People sometimes have a special breakfast with cakes and
dry food in a winter morning. Actually, a winter morning adds a sheer variety to life. So it should not
be taken as a curse.

A Rainy Day
A rainy day is a special phenomenon of reckless nature because it offers people a different picture.
In fact, it is a different day when it rains ceaselessly or with a little break all day long. On a rainy
day the weather remains dreary, drizzly, soggy, and gloomy. The sky gets covered with large and
dark cloud. Sometimes rainbows appear in the sky adding an amazing beauty to nature. On a rainy
day rain drops splash down onto roof, window and streets and make buzzing sound like angry bees.
Sometimes heavy downpour causes flood. As result roads, streets, fields go under knee deep water.
Ponds, rivers and canals get filled to the brim. Besides, roads get muddy and slippery and at this
situation vehicles stop plying. A rainy day adds untold misery to people, especially the poor ones
who live from hand to mouth. People cannot imagine going out for a single minute. Actually, on
the one hand a rainy day brings suffering for people on the other hand it gives people relief from
suffocating and boring typical work. A rainy day is a great moment for people to make and eat
delicious food and watch movies or listen to music. Additionally, they can have family party and
make a lot of fun. Finally a rainy day should be taken as a wonderful blessing of the Almighty.

A Railway Station

A railway station typically refers to a place where passengers crowd to get on or off their expected
train. Sometimes goods are seen to be loaded and unloaded at a railway station. Generally a railway
station is built to handle passengers and goods. A railway station is highly characterized with an
uncommon scenario. Normally a train station has some old buildings including office room, counter,
waiting room, platforms, and some shops and stalls. Platforms are set to let passenger get on and off
the train easily and safely. There always goes stream of passengers at a railway station__ morning,
noon and night. A railway station is always noisy with buzzing sound of passengers and trains,
especially large railway stations are filled with passengers, porters, beggars, and hawkers and staff.
Sometimes a railway station becomes very dirty and stinky because of ignorance and indiscipline of
the passengers. But some modernized rail stations are highly praiseworthy for their cleanliness and
good discipline. Passengers get excited and cheerful when their expected train stops at the platform.
When a train actually arrives, passengers get busy getting on and off the train. To sum up, a railway
station is a transitory home for passengers.
A Book Fair
A book fair is an occasion of selling and buying books in a different way creating a festive mood
between book sellers and book lovers. Book fair also means a place where people master strong for
selling and buying books. Another way, book fair is a method of selling books at a large number at a
time. In a word it is a magnificent display of books for sell. A book fair is usually held in a busy and
focusing area so that visitors can feel it easy going. The main target of a book fair is to encourage
people to buy books and read books with all sorts of arrangement. This fair is quite fashionable and
popular with the present generation. This is why most big cities around the world are used to
arraigning more book fairs with varied colors and taste. Book fair often takes a festive mood if it is
decorated tastefully. For example, stall setting, visitors’ sitting places, coffee bar, coffee shop, snack
bar, arranging concert, seminars etc. make a book fair attractive and eye-catching. A book fair is
usually held in a busy and focusing area so that visitors can feel it easy going. The most focusing
thing in the book fair is the presence of authors, publishers, media partners, librarians, and
journalists. The visitors luckily get opportunity to talk to their favorite writers. Actually it becomes a
great moment for them to share their feelings and thoughts with the writers. Also a visitor can buy
books at a cheap rate and with his heart content.

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