MNRE's Solar Park Plans

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Energetica India

MNRE’s Solar Park Plans

The article studies the government’s scheme to develop solar parks and ultra mega solar power

he Indian government is implement- • The States, applying under the scheme, management of the solar park. This agency
ing a scheme for Development of will have to designate an agency for could be a State Government Public Sector
Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar the development of solar park Undertaking (PSU) or a Special Purpose Ve-
Power Projects in the country commencing hicle (SPV) of the State Government.
from 2014-15 to 2018 – 19. Scheme for development of Solar Mode 2: A Joint Venture Company is set
Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power up between State designated nodal agen-
Objective of the Programme: Projects cy and SECI for the development & man-
• The scheme aims to provide a huge The solar park is a concentrated zone of agement of solar park with 50% equity
impetus to solar energy generation by development of solar power generation from SECI and 50% equity from the State
acting as a flagship demonstration fa- projects and provides developers an area Government Agency (State Government
cility to encourage project developers that is well characterized, with proper in- may also allow more than one agency pro-
and investors, prompting additional frastructure and access to amenities and vided total equity from State Government
projects of similar nature, triggering where the risk of the projects can be mini- remains 50%).
economies of scale for cost-reductions, mized. Solar Park will also facilitate devel- Mode 3: The State designates SECI as the
technical improvements and achiev- opers by reducing the number of required nodal agency and SECI undertakes the de-
ing large scale reductions in GHG approvals velopment and management of solar park
emissions on behalf of State Government on mutu-
• It would enable States to bring in sig- The Programme ally agreed terms.
nificant investment from project devel- • MNRE through this scheme plans to set Mode 4: Private entrepreneurs promote
opers, meet its Solar Renewable Pur- up 25 solar parks, each with a capacity solar parks without any equity participa-
chase Obligation (RPO) mandate and of 500 MW and above; thereby target- tion from SECI, but may have equity par-
provide employment opportunities to ing around 20000 MW of solar power ticipation from the State Government or
local population installed capacity. its agencies.
• The State will also reduce its carbon • These solar parks will be set up within The Implementing Agency or Special Pur-
footprint by avoiding emissions equiv- in a span of 5 years commencing from pose Vehicle (SPV) will undertake follow-
alent to the solar park’s installed ca- 2014-15 and the solar projects may ing activities to achieve the objective of
pacity and generation. then come up as per demand and in- speedy establishment and implementation
• Further, the State will also avoid pro- terest shown by developers. of Solar Power Parks in the States:-
curing expensive fossil fuels to power The solar park will provide a huge impe- • Plan, finance, develop, execute, oper-
conventional power plants. tus to solar energy generation by acting ate and maintain the Solar Power Park
as a flagship demonstration facility to en- • Identify potential site and acquire/lease-
Implementation arrangements courage project developers and investors, hold/possess land for Solar Power Park
• All the States and Union Territories prompting additional projects of similar • Carry out site related studies/
are eligible for benefitting under the nature, triggering economies of scale for investigations
scheme cost-reductions, technical improvements • Obtain statutory & non statutory clear-
• The solar parks will be developed in and achieving large scale reductions in ances and to make area development
collaboration with the State Govern- GHG emissions. Some Ultra Mega Solar plan within Solar Power Park
ments and their agencies. Solar Ener- Power Projects may be set up in these • Design a plan for sharing development
gy Corporation of India (SECI) would Parks or the entire park may individually be cost between the developers
be MNRE’s Agency for handling this an Ultra Mega Solar Power Project. • Create necessary infrastructure like
Scheme Solar parks are envisaged to be devel- water, transmission lines, roads, drain-
• The choice of implementing agency for oped in the following four modes:- age etc. to facilitate Solar Power Pro-
developing and maintaining the park is Mode 1: The State designated nodal ject developer for faster implementa-
left to the State Government agency undertakes the development & tion of Solar Power Projects

4 energética india · JAN|FEB15

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