Solar Power: Financial Model

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solar power

ing the following facilities to the solar pro- and security, each of which would have which an estimate will be prepared be-
ject developers for the development of the entailed additional costs for the developer forehand by the nodal agency. Based on
solar park: outside the park. this estimate the implementing agency will
Each of these specialized services offer formulate a recovery model to ensure the
significant benefits to the developers but sustainability of the park.
come at a premium. Land plots within the The implementing agency may raise the
solar park will be more expensive than out- funds as follows:
side due to these services. • The implementing agency can have a
Centralized Weather Monitoring Sta- process of registration for prospective
tion would be set-up by the implementing developers to register so that the de-
agency so as to provide weather data to mand for the solar park can be assessed
the projects in the solar parks. • The implementation agency may sell/
lease out the plots to prospective pro-
Financial model ject developers. Lease period can be of
The implementing agency, entrusted 30 years or as per State land policy. The
with implementing the programme will Allotment Price per metre square (inclu-
get the land developed and provide nec- sive of all applicable taxes, duties, cess
essary infrastructure like road connectivity, etc.) payable by the plot applicant for
transmission infrastructure etc. Significant the applications must be specified in
investments will also be made in the op- a transparent manner. The allotment
eration & maintenance of the solar park, price may be reviewed annually and an
employing staff and other activities like annual increment may also be specified.
marketing etc. • A one-time registration fee (per project
The entire cost of development includ- or per MW) may be collected by inviting
ing cost involved in acquisition of land applications from the prospective buy-
stretch of land with high insolation levels, will form the total cost for the project for ers when the scheme is finalized, land
saving the private developer from mak-
ing the effort of identifying the ideal site
Milestone % of subsidy disbursed
for the plant. In addition, the site within
Date of issue of administrative approval 5%
the park is already levelled and devel-
Land acquisition (not less than 50% land acquired) 20%
oped reducing these costs for the project Financial Closure 20%
developer. Construction of Pooling Substation, Land Development and other Common facilities as per DPR 25%
In addition, the Park will provide road ac- Construction of transmission line and Grid Connectivity 20%
cess, water (via a dedicated reservoir locat- Final instalment on completion 10%

ed within the premises), boundary fence Table 1.

6 energetica india · JAN|FEB15

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