Sermon On Victory Against Overwhelming Odds
Sermon On Victory Against Overwhelming Odds
Sermon On Victory Against Overwhelming Odds
Introduction to 2 Chronicles 20
This past week I’ve had to pray with people battling overwhelming odds against health
issues, relationship problems, addictions, emotional distress, and many other issues. People
feel overwhelmed and discouraged. Are you struggling against overwhelming odds today? In
that case, this story taken from 2 Chronicles 20 will definitely inspire you.
As we read 2 Chronicles 20, we find that a coalition of armies had come against King
Jehoshaphat and the nation of Judah. It was a strong, vast army (verse 2-4) that brought a
sense of terror upon the inhabitants of Judah. King Jehoshaphat realizing the seriousness of
the challenge before him, cried in desperation, “We have no power to face this vast army
that is attacking us. We do not know what to do…” (verse 12). Maybe you too are in a
similar situation?
Proposition – Through God’s help, we can have victory against overwhelming odds.
In our scripture passage, God brought about an amazing victory for Judah. We can therefore
learn how to find victory against overwhelming odds by looking at 4 responses shown by
King Jehoshaphat. They are:
Prayer is the greatest weapon we have as God’s children. It is the powerful key that gives us
victory against every oppression. A famous quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson says, “More
things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” So, when facing overwhelming
odds and when you may not even feel like praying, there is only one thing to do. Keep on
Jehoshaphat inquired of the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout the land. The people
responded in unison as the King cried out to God at the temple (2 Chronicles 20:3-5).
Jehoshaphat said, “Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you. …
You will hear us and save us. … Our eyes are upon you (2 Chronicles 20:6,9,12).” He was
depending completely on God’s strength!!
God sometimes permits staggering odds to come against us to drive us to our knees in prayer.
Verse 14 and 15 tells us that the Prophet Jahaziel, under the anointing of God’s Spirit, began
to prophesy over the situation. He said, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this
vast army. … stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.” He encourages
the people to take up their battle positions and to face the enemy without fear (2 Ch 20:16-
How true is the following quote that I came across, although I’m not sure who penned it. It
says, ‘What a nation needs more than anything else is not a Christian ruler in the palace, but
a Christian Prophet within earshot.’ We need men like Jahaziel to speak to our rulers and our
God has a specific word for every challenge we face; especially when overwhelming odds are
against us. It can come through a scripture, a song, a sermon, a prayer, wise counsel or a
prophetic word. Once we receive such a specific word from God, we should hold on to it and
not give up till the victory is final (refer verse 20).
In verse 17, the Prophet Jahaziel said, “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your
positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and
Jerusalem.” He further emphasized “the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles
20:15). Therefore, if you are battling overwhelming odds today, realize that the Lord is
fighting for you and that the banner of ‘Jehovah Nissi’ is always over His children.
I recently heard a testimony from a lady who had been praying for a child for 19 years. She
had seen every available Doctor and tried everything possible to conceive. After 13 years of
disappointment, she decided that she would only trust the Lord thereafter for a miracle.
Around 6 years later she gave birth to a son who is now in his twenties!! The battle is the
As the people of Judah began to praise God and fall down in worship before Him (2
Chronicles 20:18-19), God began a mighty work. When the army went out for battle the
following morning, Jehoshaphat “appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise Him for
the splendor of His holiness (2 Chronicles 20:21).” In fact it was this worship team, and not
the battle-hardened soldiers, that were placed at the head of the army!! Seeing this strange
phenomenon, the enemy may have been laughing their sides out!!
What were the singers focusing on? It was on a well-known worship refrain that spoke about
God’s enduring love. They sang, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever ( 2
Chronicles 20:21).”
As the worship team began to sing and praise God, reflecting on His unfailing love, the Lord
brought disarray and confusion to the enemy’s camp. The enemy armies began to annihilate
each other and an amazing victory unfolded (2 Chronicles 20:22-23)!! As you stand against
overwhelming odds, will you too reflect on God’s unfailing love which endures forever? He
will come through for you, often in unexpected ways! His love never fails!!
God will give you victory against the overwhelming odds that are against you at present.