The Danger of False Humility
The Danger of False Humility
The Danger of False Humility
For most of my life, I have struggled with issues of low self-esteem and self-worth.
Unfortunately, my self-consciousness and my feelings of unworthiness have often caused me to
either 1) Try Too Hard – go overboard in an effort to prove myself, or 2) Not Try At All – give
up and retreat in defeat, convinced that I will never measure up. And even though God
graciously lifted much of the burden of guilt and shame for my sins after I surrendered my life to
Christ, I continued to struggle with self-condemnation and negative feelings about myself for
several years. In other words, even though I had accepted God’s forgiveness, I wasn’t completely
willing or able to forgive myself! And I think a part of me believed that as a Christian, I wasn’t
supposed to feel too good about myself – that it was actually just Humility (which is, after all, an
important character trait for a Christian)! However, I was harboring a False Humility, which was
really hurting more than it was helping. In case anyone else out there battles these same demons,
I want to explain the danger of False Humility and share some important lessons I learned that
turned things around for me.
First, we need to understand the real meaning of HUMILITY. According to Holman’s Bible
Dictionary, the Biblical definition of Humility is “the personal quality of being free from
arrogance and pride and having an accurate estimate of one’s worth.” I underlined that last part
because it was the real sticking point for me: Over time I came to realize I did not have an
accurate estimation of my own worth. God began revealing to me that my feelings of self-
loathing and self-condemnation were causing me to under-estimate and devalue myself. Humility
is NOT beating myself up, engaging in negative self-talk or being filled with self-loathing. The
real purpose of Humility is to help us recognize where we stand in relation to God. Yes,
Humility is certainly the heart attitude necessary for repentance (The sacrifice you want is a
broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise. ~Psalm 51:17). But it is
not God’s intention for us to remain face down, discouraged and drowning in the muck and mire
of our own sin and failures! James 4:10 offers this assurance: When you bow down before the
Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor. When we
humble ourselves before God, He lifts us up and gives us honor! To have an accurate picture of
my own worth, I need to see myself as God sees me, and understand that what He says about me
is much more important than what I say about myself! (More on this later.)
False Humility is a twisted form of PRIDE. It may seem strange to say that someone with low
self-esteem has an issue with pride. We tend to think of Pride as an overly confident, arrogant
and smug attitude or disposition; an over-inflated sense of self. But, the flip side of that coin is
when we view ourselves as worthless and possess an inferior or too low estimation of ourselves.
Basically, Pride causes us to have either too high or too low an opinion of ourselves and to
believe that our opinion of ourselves is more important than God’s opinion of us. I found this
helpful explanation of Pride on the website Truth or Tradition: In the midst of pride is always
“I.” One side of PRIDE is P R, which is Personal Reputation. Pride bolsters and protects its
Personal Reputation. The other side of PRIDE is D E, which is Devalued Estimation (or False
Humility). False Humility occurs when we do not submit to God’s will and thankfully and
fearlessly accept what He has done for us (
true-humility-is). The bottom line is, Pride skews the way we see ourselves, and ultimately leads
us away from God. Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor (Proverbs 29:23).
False Humility is an affront to the work Jesus Christ completed for us on the cross! This truth
struck like an arrow God aimed straight at my heart one day many years ago when I was
listening to Moody Radio and heard a preacher say this: “If you continue to condemn yourself
for sins that God has already forgiven, you are, in effect, telling God that Jesus’ death on the
cross was inadequate for the forgiveness of your sin.” The very idea that my inability to forgive
myself might be somehow offensive or disrespectful to the sacrifice Jesus made for me was
enough to bring me to knees! Would I dare to hold myself to a higher standard than God does???
If God is willing to forgive me, how can I do any less? That moment has stuck in my memory
because it was so personally convicting for me, and God was able to use that truth to enable me
to finally forgive myself for being a flawed and sinful human being. Christ loved me enough to
willingly sacrifice His life to pay the price for my sin, and I choose to trust completely in the
work He accomplished for me in His death and resurrection.
The Bible has many wonderful and reassuring things to tell us about how God sees us (our
“Identity in Christ”) once we have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior. These are the truths we
must cling to and define ourselves by.
3. Christ lives in me, and my trust is in the One who loved and sacrificed for me.
I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in
the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. ~Galatians 2:20
Jesus offers us forgiveness, healing, redemption, and restoration. He doesn’t diminish us in any
way, but instead, His love and light expand, enlighten, empower and encourage us to be more
than we were before we knew Him. Jesus told His disciples in John 10:10, “The thief’s purpose
is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” Jesus wants to give
us LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS! He wants our lives to be a reflection of His love and His
goodness so that others will be attracted to Him because of us.
Jesus said, “You are the light of the world – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one
lights a lamp and then puts in under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives
light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see so
that everyone will praise your heavenly Father” (Matthew 4:16).
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.