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Mythic Odysseys of Theros Adventure Guide

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wrath of
the forsaken
Adventure Guide
Time and Place Description
The gods walk among us. Theros is a unique setting
with its roots deeply entrenched in Greek lore. Epic wars
rage between the soldiers of Iroas, the God of Victory,
TIME TBD and the wild hordes of Mogis, God of Slaughter. He-
LOCATION Online liod, the God of the Sun, watches over his devotees and
bathes in the warmth of the sun. Meanwhile Thassa,
PLATFORM Roll20 Goddess of the Depths, has claimed the Ocean as her
domain and views the squabbles of mortals and gods
alike as infantile and foolish.
But where gods in other worlds are mostly withdrawn,
those of Theros are essential to Therian culture and life.
Relevant information They bless “heroes” with their gifts so that they can
fulfill the will of their god and take destiny into their
own hands. They paint prophecies and ominous messag-
PLAYER LEVEL 1st Level es among the stars in the night’s sky. Oracles interpret
these omens and receive visions of things to come.
ALIGNMENT Any Dragons, Kraken, Hydras and Nyxborn, Theros has seen
ABILITY SCORES Point-buy its fair share of wars and catastrophes.
The people of this land believe that each person has
their fate - a predestined course which their life takes.
LANGUAGE German Try as you might, regular mortals are unable to shed the
shackles of fate.
But heroes, those chosen and blessed by the gods, have
the power to change their destiny. To be more than the
All official Wizards of the Coast 5th Edition fate foresaw for them. To lead Theros to peace and
D&D resources. prosperity, or to make descend into despair. To be loved,
Unearthed Arcana by arrangement with the worshiped or feared. Who will you be?
Dungeon Master.


Roleplay (35%)

Combat (50%)

Exploration (15%)
Reference Material
Official Sources
Below you find a list, along with all documents that
are allowed for character creation in this campaign. If
you want to use Unearthed Arcana please contact the
DM beforehand to see if and how the playtest material
can be integrated into the setting.
In the setting of Theros the only playable races are: Cen-
taur, Human, Leonin, Minotaur, Satyr and Triton.
When writing your character background please think of
these things: What is my characters goal? What drives
them? What are some persons that are important to my
character? What is my character’s flaw / dark secret?
As this requires the DM and the players to cooperate
in the character creation process, please let the DM
know when you have an idea for your character so that
you can discuss how to best incorporate your concept
into the world of Theros.
Should you notice that the character, race, class, etc.
isn’t quite what you hoped it would be, you are free to
change aspects of your character (or the entire character)
within the first 3 sessions.

Official Wizards of the Coast 5e Sources

Name Abbreviation
Dungeon Master's Guide DMG
Elemental Evil Player’s Companion EEPC
Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica1 GGtR
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes MToF
Player’s Handbook PHB
Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide SCAG
Volo’s Guide to Monsters VGtM
Eberron - Rising from the Last War2 ERLW
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything XGtE
Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount3 EGtW
Mythic Odysseys of Theros 3

As the setting for this game is Theros, please refrain from
using the Guild affiliation backgrounds from the Ravnica

This setting is vastly different from the general tone of and
idea behind Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Please do not use any
content from it.

Mythic Odysseys of Theros and The Explorer’s Guide to
Wildemount have not been released yet, but all relevant
resources and classes are available on DnD Beyond.
the more powerful a respective deity becomes and can
Relevant lore therefore expand their domain.
But while the gods send omens, visions and sometimes
In this section you can find the lore that is relevant agents of their wrath, they do not casually present them-
for the campaign, but could also influence your character selves to mortal eyes.
creation process. In their stead their chosen roam the land and perform
It is written from the perspective of an average citizen deeds of greatness that reflect well upon their patron.
of Theros. It provides insights about the functions and These exceptional beings are commonly referred to as
machinations of this realm without spoiling the adven- heroes. While a hero of Nylea might protect the wild
ture. Once the DM receives your character concepts, from encroaching civilization by summoning nature’s
they can give you additional information which your wrath, a hero of Mogis will decimate entire populations
character (depending on their origin) would know, but to blood and ashes, as they tear through them with a
the other members of your group would not. destructive rage. A hero of Purphoros might vanquish
Moreover the content presented in this section is com- those seek to opress others, but they might also destroy
plementary to that presented in the player section of established structures that have outlived their usefulness.
Mythic Odysseys of Theros. If you have any questions And though some deities are considered evil. they are all
about the use of certain subclasses in this setting (Blood necessary and represent parts of life that, even if dread-
Hunter, Warlock of the Great Old One, Psionics Wizard ed, are necessary and inevitable.
and the like), contact the DM to see how this content And while some deeds might please certain gods and
could be integrated into the campaign. Generally you grant you their favor, others will look upon your actions
can pretty much select any class and subclass you like. with disdain and fury.
Should you have more questions about the world itself Curing someone of a deadly disease by using a rare
and your character’s place within it, feel free to contact medicine that you have painstakingly created might
the DM. bring you the favor of Pharika, but Klothys might not be
pleased as you have interferred with the course of fate
Gods and heroes and the cosmic balance.
At the same time taming a deadly beast and domesti-
Theros is a realm of adventure and heroism. As the cating it to protect a population might make Karametra
gods watch over their mortal devotees, they also strive look favorably upon you, but as you have diminished
to harvest more devotion. The more people revere them, and shackled the primal power of the wild, Nylea might
Icon Name and description Domains suggested classes
Cleric, Monk Rogue,
The one ferrying the souls of the deceised to their final resting Death, Grave
place in the Underworld. Uncompromising and impartial.
Bard, Cleric, Monk,
The founder of civilization. She established the first code of law and Knowledge, Light
Paladin, Wizard
helps cities (polis) thrive.
Cleric, Fighter,
Ruler of the Underworld and custodian of perished souls. Mortals Death, Trickery
Rogue, Wizard
can struggle as they will, eventually their souls will be his.
Cleric, Fighter,
The ruler of the gods. The light of the sun enables civilization and Light
Monk, Paladin
nature alike to prosper and grow. Wants to help humanity thrive.
Barbarian, Cleric,
Personifies the glory of victory, honorable combat and physical War Figher, Paladin,
competition. Values strength, courage and discipline. Sorcerer


Cleric, Fighter,
Maternal goddess that values community, stability and the blance Life, Nature
Paladin, Ranger
of nature. She is fierce when it comes to protecting her own.
Barbarian, Bard,
God of storms and wisdom. Merciless and impatient, he supports Cleric, Druid,
those who seek wisdom and knowledge to overcome problems. Sorcerer, Wizard


Barbarian, Cleric,
A mysterious deity that has only recently appeared in Theros. She Knowledge, War
Ranger, Warlock
mercilessly ensures that the cosmic balance is upheld.
Bard, Cleric,
Enigmatic god of mysteries, horizons and the passage of time. Druid, Monk,
Considered a minor deity by many in Theros. Ranger, Wizard


Barbarian, Cleric,
Thriving on violence, slaughter, unrestrained hatred and merciless- War Druid, Fighter,
ness, Mogis emobodies the bloodlust in mortals. Warlock


Barbarian, Cleric,
This deity claims dominion over the natural world and wilderness; Nature
Druid, Ranger.
especially hunger, predation, the seasons, rebirth and the forest.
Cleric, Druid,
Death, Knowledge,
Affliction, medicine, alchemy and aging are all domains of Pharika’s Ranger, Rogue,
portfolio. She is secretive and cruel, but fair in her own way. Warlock, Wizard


Bard, Cleric, Monk,
Patron of deception, betrayal, lies and cheats. He is calm, calculat- Trickery
Rogue, Warlock
ing and always looking for his next scheme.
Barbarian, Bard,
God of fire and unbridled creativity. He is restless, obsessive and Forge, Knowledge Cleric, Fighter,
impulsive - oftentimes leading to destruction. Sorcerer


Knowledge, Cleric, Fighter,
Goddes of the sea. Thassa is impassive and slow to anger, knowing
Tempest Rogue, Wizard
that her domain is secure from the interference of gods and dryfolk.
take affront and see your action as an insult to nature gymnasuims, where people go to hold discussions about
itself. philosophy, witness spectacles and lectures or simply to

History, Science and Culture Locations in theros

As the world of Theros mimics the aesthetic and feel
There exist a variety of locations within Theros, the
of ancient Greece (albeit in a much more epic form),
chief three cities being Akros, Meletis and Setessa. Each
science isn’t as prevalent as in other settings. Bronze is
of those locations is, for the most part, culturally dif-
something that is well established, but the discovery and
ferent to the others. These differences mainly arise as a
use of iron is still in its infancy.
consequence of what main deity they worship and what
As magic is something fairly common and accepted
that deities’ ideals are.
in this realm, science isn’t really something that is
Enclosed you find a short summary of the known (great-
practiced among the popluce. Though physicians will
er) locations that exist on Theros.
attempt to create cures out or rare herbs and materials,
Akros. A militaristic city surrounded by mountains and
there are no such things as firearms, machines or other
bordering on the territory of the minotaurs. The people
mechanical contraptions.
here follow Iroas’s ideals.
In this setting Paladins and Clerics are not the not the
Meletis. Wisdom and Knowledge reign supreme in Me-
only classes with ties to the gods. Virutally every hero
letis. A city of diversity at the border of the Siren Sea. A
was chosen by some deity, in one way or another, and
great variety of deities are worshiped here, Ephara and
strives to further their ideals in the world. The epic
Heliod chief among them.
adventures these champions embark on bringt glory to
Mountain Ranges. There exist two major mountain
themselves, but also expand the influence of their god.
ranges in Theros. The Orianad Mountains to the east
It isn’t rare to find statues of heroes in larger cities and
and Katachthon Mountains to the southwest. Magnifi-
hear songs and tales of their exploits.
cent, ominous and horrific tales surround either of them
As Theros has fewer races than regular D&D settings,
Nyx. The realm of gods. Glimpses of it can be seen at
this also shows in the languages that appear in this
night in the starry sky. The tales and legends told of it
realm. Essentially, the following languages exist.
are awe-inspiring.
Oreskos. The plains where the Leonin dwell and hunt.
language Spoken by They keep to themselves and are well known for their
Celestial Gods disdain of gods.
Common Humans Phoberos & Skophos. To the north of Theros. This
Draconic Dragons
realm harbors minotaurs and all those who revel in war,
bloodlust and violence. Mogis holds sway here.
Giant Cyclopses, Giants
Realms of the Returned. A dangerous, accursed and
Leonin Leonin dismal land. Those who exist here have left life behind and
Primordial Tritons and are husks of what they once were. Erebos and (to a much
Minotaur Minotaurs lesser extent) Phenax reign over this desloate domain.
Sphnix Sphinxes (no script) Setessa. Karamtera’s realm and the domain of nature.
The people living here are overwhelmingly female. They
Sylvan Centaurs, Satyrs
are renowned throughout the realm for their combat
prowess and trained falcons.
Generally speaking Celestial, Draconic and Sphinx are
Siren Sea. A vast ocean that reaches from Theros to the
exotic languages that are rarely spoken among mortals.
far west, where the world ends. The Triton live below its
Oracles, devout priests and mages are among those who
surface and worship Thassa, who sees herself and her
would study and use them.
realm removed from those of the dryfolk and their gods.
History in Theros is a strange thing. People don’t really
Skola Vale. A place of revelry and merrimaking. Nylea
refer to specific timeframes or windows. Especially
is the patron of this valley. She opposes any domestica-
when they recount the tales of old, they will usually use
tion of the wild and natural. As consequence this place
phrases such as “a long time” or “in ages long past” to
is as beautiful as it is dangerous.
indicate how long ago historic events happened.
Underworld. The realm of the Erebos and, to a limited
As the methods of recording history are still ramshackle
extend, Athreos. The souls of the deceiced land here
at best, a lot of the respective knowledge is transmitted
and are guided to their final resting place within the
orally - as a result of this, much of ancient history has
Underworld. Few mortals who have ventured there, have
been lost to time. Ancient tales of odysseys, adventure
returned to tell the tale.
and hardship are exhanged over campfires or in

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