Mangrove Flora of Malaysia - Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS) (December 2018)
Mangrove Flora of Malaysia - Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS) (December 2018)
Mangrove Flora of Malaysia - Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS) (December 2018)
Cetakan Pertama / First Printing, 2018
Hak Cipta / Copyright Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Kementerian Air, Tanah dan Sumber Asli
Hak cipta terpelihara. Tiada bahagian daripada terbitan ini boleh diterbitkan
semula, disimpan untuk pengeluaran atau ditukarkan ke dalam sebarang bentuk
atau dengan sebarang alat juga pun, sama ada dengan cara elektronik, gambar
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terlebih dahulu.
1. Mangrove plants--Malaysia.
2. Mangrove plants--Identification.
3. Government publications--Malaysia.
I. Norhayati Ahmad.
II. Abdul Latiff Mohamed.
III. Judul. IV. Judul: Mangrove Flora of Malaysia: Malaysia Biodiversity
Information System (MYBIS).
ISBN 978-967-412-727-5
Flora Bakau
Chapter 3: Conservation of Mangrove Forests
Jumlah liputan hutan bakau di seluruh dunia adalah 15.62 juta The total number of mangrove forest coverage worldwide is 15.62
hektar, 3.7% atau 577,940 hektar daripada jumlah ini terletak million hectares, of which 3.7% (577,940 hectares) is located in
di Malaysia. Walaupun peratusannya kecil, hutan bakau adalah Malaysia. Although, the percentage is small, mangrove forests are
antara jenis hutan yang paling penting di negara kita. Malaysia among the most important types of forest in Malaysia. Malaysia has
mempunyai 104 spesies bakau iaitu 38 spesies bakau eksklusif, 104 species mangrove out of which 38 are exclusive mangrove species,
57 spesies bakau bukan eksklusif dan 9 spesies sekutu bakau. 57 are non-exclusive species and 9 are mangrove associate species.
Penerbitan ‘Flora Bakau Malaysia’ adalah salah satu usaha The publication of ‘Mangrove Flora of Malaysia’ is one of the efforts
Kementerian untuk mendokumenkan spesies tumbuhan bakau by the Ministry to document the mangrove plant species found in
yang ditemui di Malaysia. Buku ini juga merupakan sebahagian Malaysia. It is also a part of the ministry’s effort to increase public
daripada usaha kementerian untuk meningkatkan kesedaran awareness on the importance of mangrove forests, as the coastline’s
awam tentang kepentingan hutan bakau, sebagai pertahanan first defence against storms, strong waves and tides, as well as
pertama pantai terhadap badai, gelombang dan pasang tsunami. The uniqueness of mangrove forest ecosystems can attract
surut, serta tsunami. Keunikan ekosistem hutan bakau boleh many people for education, recreation and ecotourism purposes as
menarik ramai orang untuk tujuan pendidikan, rekreasi dan well.
Additionally, this book promotes the Malaysia Biodiversity Information
Di samping itu, buku ini mempromosikan Malaysia Biodiversity System (MyBIS) as a one-stop repository centre for biodiversity in this
Information System (MyBIS) sebagai pusat repositori setempat country. I am confident that this book will provide information and
untuk kekayaan spesies flora dan fauna di negara ini. Saya reference on the mangrove flora to students, researchers, nature-lovers
yakin bahawa buku ini akan menjadi satu sumber maklumat and policy makers.
dan rujukan mengenai flora bakau kepada pelajar, penyelidik,
peminat alam dan pembuat dasar. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all parties involved in
the successful publication of this book.
Akhir sekali, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi
penghargaan kepada semua yang terlibat dalam menjayakan YB. Dr. Xavier Jayakumar,
penerbitan buku ini. Minister of Water, Land and Natural Resources
Buku mengenai kekayaan spesies flora bakau di Malaysia ini This book on the richness of mangrove species in Malaysia is
ialah santapan yang sesuai bagi segenap lapisan masyarakat a suitable read for all levels of local and foreign communities.
tempatan dan luar negara. Hutan bakau ialah salah satu Mangrove forest is one of the most productive tropical rainforests
jenis hutan hujan tropika yang sangat produktif dan amat and pertinent to the survival of all organisms. However, not many
penting kepada kelestarian kehidupan semua organisma. know about the actual functions and uses of mangrove forests.
Namun demikian, tidak ramai yang tahu sebenarnya fungsi Therefore, this book is published to raise public awareness on the
dan kegunaan hutan bakau. Oleh itu, buku ini diterbitkan beauty and importance of our mangrove forests.
untuk meningkatkan kesedaran awam tentang keindahan dan
kepentingan hutan bakau kita. This book contains updated information on selected species of
mangrove flora in Malaysia presented in an interesting way. In
Buku ini mengandungi maklumat terkini mengenai spesies flora accordance with the title of this book, the best pictures have been
bakau terpilih di Malaysia yang dipersembahkan dengan cara selected to highlight the pages of the book, complete with QR codes.
yang menarik. Sesuai dengan tajuk buku ini, gambar-gambar Readers can get more detailed information for each species in the
yang terbaik telah dipilih untuk menyerikan halaman buku, MyBIS database via this QR code on websites that can be accessed
dan dilengkapi dengan kod QR. Pembaca boleh mendapatkan online for free.
maklumat yang lebih terperinci bagi setiap spesies di dalam
pangkalan data MyBIS melalui QR kod ini di laman sesawang The information contained in this book actually have taken a very
yang boleh diakses dengan percuma secara atas talian. long research time and photography efforts. Many people have
helped in our efforts to conduct field studies and works and cannot
Hasil yang terkandung dalam buku ini sebenarnya mengambil be acknowledged enough. However, for the publication of this book
masa penyelidikan dan kerja fotografi yang sangat lama. Ramai we would like to thank His Honourable YB. Dr. Xavier Jayakumar,
orang yang telah membantu dalam usaha kami menjalankan Minister of Water, Land and Natural Resources (KATS); YBhg. Dato’
kajian dan kerja lapangan dan tidak mungkin dapat diberikan Dr. Tan Yew Chong, Secretary General , KATS; YBhg. Dato’ Wan
penghargaan yang secukupnya. Namun demikian, bagi Mazlan Wan Mahmood, Under Secretary, Biodiversity and Forestry
penerbitan buku ini kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima Management, KATS; Director General of the Forestry Department
kasih kepada YB. Dr. Xavier Jayakumar, Menteri Air, Tanah dan of Peninsula Malaysia, YBhg. Dato’ Akhiruddin Hj. Mahmood; YBhg.
Sumber Asli, (KATS); YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Tan Yew Chong, Ketua Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Sri Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali, Vice Chancellor of
Setiausaha, KATS; YBhg. Dato’ Wan Mazlan Wan Mahmood, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Prof. Dr. Mohammad B. Kassim,
Setiausaha Bahagian Pengurusan Biodiversiti dan Perhutanan, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST); YBhg. Dato’ Dr.
KATS; Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Abdul Latif Mohmod, Director General of Forestry Research Institute
Malaysia, YBhg. Dato’ Akhiruddin Hj. Mahmood; YBhg. Prof. Tan Malaysia (FRIM); Dr. Lillian Chua Swee Lian, Director of Forest
Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali, Naib Canselor, Universiti Biodiversity Division, FRIM; and last but not least, Mr. Postar Miun
Kebangsaan Malaysia; YBerusaha Prof. Dr. Mohammad B. from the Forest Research Centre, Sepilok for his help in confirming
Kassim, Dekan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi (FST); YBhg. Dato’ the identification of the mangrove species featured in this book. The
Dr. Abdul Latif Mohmod, Ketua Pengarah, Institut Penyelidikan printing of this book is funded by the Ministry of Water, Land and
Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM); YBerusaha Dr. Lillian Chua Swee Natural Resources.
Lian, Pengarah, Bahagian Biodiversiti Hutan, FRIM; dan akhir
sekali En. Postar Miun, Pusat Penyelidikan Perhutanan, Sepilok, Wan Juliana Wan Ahmad
Sabah di atas pertolongan mengesahkan spesies bakau yang Norhayati Ahmad
dimuatkan di dalam buku ini. Percetakan buku ini telah dibiayai Abdul Latiff Mohamed
sepenuhnya oleh Kementerian Air, Tanah dan Sumber Asli.
Mangrove forest is defined as a vegetation area dominated by mangrove plants Mangroves spend all or much of their time with their roots in seawater, which
with a minimum patch size of about 0.01 km2 (1 ha). Mangrove distribution is changes following the tides. Additionally, plant roots often grow into mud that
constrained primarily by latitude, temperature, and to a lesser extent, aridity. is starved of oxygen, except for the top few millimetres. Nevertheless, there are
Thus, mangrove forests are found in tropical and subtropical regions and are many specialist plants that can withstand the harsh and challenging environment,
among the most productive ecosystems in the world. The total number of and most of these plant species come from several families. Therefore, how can
mangrove forest coverage worldwide is 15.62 million hectares, of which 3.7% mangrove plants survive the challenges of life?
is located in Malaysia, or 577,940 hectares. Although, the percentage is small,
mangrove forests are among the most important types of forest in Malaysia. Physiologically, mangrove roots have evolved efficient ultrafiltration mechanism
The area of mangrove forest in Peninsular Malaysia is 17% of the total area in via tissues that form a sheath around the xylem of the roots, preventing salt from
Malaysia, or 98,249.8 ha. Sabah has the largest mangrove area in Malaysia with entering the water conducting vessels, and polluting the rest of the plant. There
58.6% of the total area or 338,672.8 hectares, and Sarawak covers 24.4% or are many variation in the capability of different mangrove species to perform
141,017.4 hectares. this filtration, but the red mangroves (Rhizophora spp.) are particularly good
at it. Those that are less efficient, such as Avicennia spp. have other means of
The mangrove forest is typically dominated by low trees, but some species extracting salt out by excreting it out actively using energy in the process from
sometimes can grow to a height of about 50 to 60 m. The mangroves generally special glands in their leaves. Salt water that is excreted out will eventually dry
extend only a few kilometres inland from the coastline or river estuarines. out during evaporation as salt crystals. The roots of mangrove plants are also
Unlike other forest types, there is a lack of shade-tolerant understorey plants in varied ranging in form from aerial roots, stilt, and pneumatophores that could be
mangrove forests. At ground level, there are just too many roots, water, and mud knee-like or pencil-like. The surfaces of these roots are perforated with lenticels
for other plants to grow. or fine holes used for breathing. These pneumatophores act like a snorkel for the
plants to breathe.
Keunikan ekosistem hutan paya bakau ini mampu menarik minat ramai
orang untuk tujuan pendidikan, rekreasi dan ekopelancongan. Sebahagian
besar perkhidmatan paya bakau tidak mempunyai harga pasaran yang
ditetapkan. Oleh itu, nilai ekosistem yang unik ini secara amnya diremehkan.
Nilai ekonomi pelbagai fungsi yang ekosistem paya bakau berikan seperti
perlindungan pantai, habitat tapak semaian, dan sinki karbon tidak diambil kira
oleh pembuat keputusan.
Mangroves offer a broad array of goods and services to the local community.
Among the important roles played are on- and offshore fishery, nursery
habitats and shelter for juvenile fish, habitats and food resources for a host of
fauna, nutrient influx, and a source of timber and fuel wood for some people.
Besides that, mangrove forests have the capability to sequester a significant
amount of carbon, and most importantly, protect the shoreline from soil
erosion due to strong waves and currents, as well as tsunamis.
The uniqueness of mangrove forest ecosystems can attract many people for
education, recreation and ecotourism purposes. A large apart of the mangrove
services does not have assigned market prices. Thus, the value of this unique
ecosystem is generally underestimated. The economic value of the diverse
functions they provide such as shoreline protection, nursery habitats and carbon
storage are not accounted for by decision-makers.
Aegiceras corniculatum
Family: Primulaceae
Black mangrove, river mangrove or khalsi
Kacang-kacang, kuku helang
©Norhayati Ahmad
Allophylus cobbe
Family: Sapindaceae
Congkol, cungkil, tumbit kayu
Ardisia elliptica
Family: Primulaceae
Shoebutton ardisia, duck’s eyes, coralberry
Cempenai, jangkang, lutus, mata ayam, mata itik,
mata pelanduk
Flagellaria indica
Family: Flagellariaceae
False rattan, common Flagellaria
Rotan dini, rotan tikus
©Muhammad Razali Salam
Heritiera littoralis
Family: Malvaceae
Keeled-pod mangrove, looking-glass tree
Dungun, bayur laut, atun laut, buah pelir kambing
©Norhayati Ahmad
Pandanus tectorius
Family: Pandanaceae
Pandanus palm, screw pine
Mengkuang laut, mengkuang duri, pandan darat, pandan
©Norhayati Ahmad
Xylocarpus granatum
Family: Meliaceae
Mangrove cannonball tree, cannonball mangrove, cedar mangrove
Nyireh bunga
©Norhayati Ahmad
©Norhayati Ahmad
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Mohd Nizam, M.S., Fera Fizani, A.F., Norhayati, A. & Latiff, A. 2004. Community structure Wan Juliana, W.A., Razali Salam, Ehwan Ngadi, Faizi Zulkifli, Azmil Razak, Mohd-Arrabe,
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Nibung palm 64 Rusiga 45 Sunda fig 52
Nipah 63 Salang 48 Talipariti tiliaceus 84
Nipah palm 63 Sand mangrove 75, 76 Tembaga suasa 44
Nyan 40 Sarunai 72 Tengar 42
Nyatoh laut 69 Saruni air 78 Terentang tikus 36
Nyireh 87, 88, 89 Screw pine 67 Teruntum bunga putih 61
Nyireh batu 88 Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea 77 Teruntum merah 60
Nyireh bunga 87 Sea daisy 62 Thespesia populnea 85
Nypa fruticans 63 Sea Dendrolobium 47, 48 Titberry 24
Omis-omis 23 Sea Gutta 69 Tree-avens 43
Oncosperma tigillarium 64 Sea Hibiscus 84 Tui 49
Oriental mangrove 35, 36 Sea holly 20 Tulang-tulang 86
Osbornia octadonta 65 Sea ox-eye 62 Tumbit kayu 24, 26
Otak udang 36 Sea pong pong 40, 41 Tumu putih 35
Oxyceros longiflorus 66 Sea purslane 78 Ulang 37
Pacific rosewood 85 Sea randa 56 Volkameria inermis 86
Pandan 67 Sebasah 77 Waru 85
Pandan darat 67 Selang 48 Water coconut 63
Pandanus palm 67 Selasih dandi 83 White firefly mangrove tree 27, 28, 29
Pandanus tectorius 67 Selasih hutan 83 White mangrove 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Pawan 86 Sembor 30 Xylocarpus granatum 14, 87
Pedada 79 Semetik 49 Xylocarpus moluccensis 88
Pemphis acidula 68 Seremai 62 Xylocarpus rumphii 89
Perepat 79 Serenah 62 Yellow cow wood 43
Peringat 30 Serenai laut 62 Yellow-eyed Cerbera 41
Petai belalang 47 Sesuvium portulacastrum 78 Yellow mangrove 42
Petai laut 47 Setui 48 Yellow Teak 69
Pidada 79 Sharp-horned vine 66
Pluchea indica 70 Shoebutton ardisia 25
Pong-pong 40 Shrubby coral pemphis 68
Portia tree 85 Singam 77
Premna serratifolia 72 Singkel 72
Puah pipit 36 Small flower Bruguiera 34
Puan 36 Small-leaved mangrove 68
Pulau dammar 69 Sonneratia alba 79
Red-flowered black mangrove 60 Sonneratia caseolaris 80
Rhizophora apiculata 73 Sonneratia griffithii 81
Rhizophora mucronata 74 Sonneratia ovata 82
Rhizophora stylosa 75 Sparrows’ mango 36
Rhizophora x lamarckii 76 Spider lily 44
River mangrove 21, 22 Squirrel’s claws climber 37
Rotan dini 54 Stachytarpheta indica 83
Rotan tikus 54 Suicide tree 41
Rumphius’ mangrove apple 89 Sunai laut 62
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