Adolf Hitler - Planets On The Fixed Stars

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The Other Planets On The Fixed Stars:

Neptune on Mirfak (0^ C 31`)

It gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying. By the
Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Lamed and the 12th Tarot Trump "The
Hanged Man". (Robson).
The constellation is indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those
events caused by major meteorological phenomena. When prominent in a natal chart it is
said to denote adventurous individuals, but also those who are less than honest in their
dealings with others. (Noonan).
General influence of the star: Sorrow, woe and distress. (Noonan).
Pluto on Prima Hyadum (4^ C 14`) in the constellation of Gamma Taurus, of the nature of
Saturn and Mercury.
Pluto, (placed in the VIIIth House) the planet of transformation, change, total annihilation,
is conjunct the Star group of Hyades, reputed to give phenomental sexual urges, dissolution,
the striving after power where, if the energy is sublimated, high position can be obtained but
the underlying reckless dissoluteness will then break through causing downfall.
Saturn in Xth (Kramasthan) on the stars of:
1. Acubens (Sertan) 12^ E 05` in the constellation of Alpha Cancer, of the nature
of Saturn and Mercury. General influence of the star: Activity, malevolence and
poison, making its natives liars and criminals. (Robson).
Acubens has a Martian nature and a strong blending in of Saturnian influence,
conveying an unbalanced and "jumpy" nature. If the chart is a disharmonious one
to people effected by it and especially if Acubens is in conjunction with Mars,
Sun or Uranus, this will make for an unsettled mentality and helplessness. If in
conjunction with Saturn, major disappointments in life, ordeals and trials, mental
suffering, excitements, loss, opposition, disputes and deception are
indicated. According to Elsbeth Ebertin's experience, this is the case especially if
these persons are in positions of social standing or are politically active.
One significance of Acubens is the enforced use of applied intelligence when
finding oneself in combat at someone else's behest. But a generally more positive
quality to read from Acubens is that of a sharp intellect and ease of coming to
grips with problems, for which one might earn public renown. But, again there is
the note of doing this under pressure of others demanding 'from behind'. (Dr. Eric
Morse). This star has martian qualities with much of Saturn added. Linked to
- 177 -
Jyotisha Bharati
Bharatitya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai. Prof. Anthony Writer
Saturn it bring major disappointments, trials, mental stress, disputes and
deception in the tenth house. It hints at a final downfall after a rise.
Dubhe in the constellation of Alpha Major, of the nature of Mercury and Venus.
According to Ebertin it is credited with the destructiveness of Mars, working
itself out particularly in mundane maps, in a nasty way if conjunct
Saturn. Conjunct Hitler's Saturn, Mao Tse Tung's Moon.
Uranus (in the XII th house) on Foramen (20 G37`) in the constellation of Eta Carina, of the
nature of Saturn and Jupiter. According to Robson it causes peril, dignity, piety, usefulness
and acquisitiveness, and gives danger to the eyes. According to Prof. Gopal Modi, this is a
degree of assassination.
The debate on Hitler has been going on and men and women from all disciplines in the
corridors of time. Many feel that his upbringing, ill-treatment and circumstances were the
cause as per the following line quoted from a biographer:
“As a child, Hitler had no witness. His father destroyed everything his son did. He could
never tell anyone the pains he was suffering. In Sweden they made a play, “Hitler's
from a chapter in my book. The story shows how that child looked for contact,
longed for a glance, but was constantly treated like a dog. […] Behind every act of violence
there is a history. A history of being molested, a history of denying. The denial is a law
governing us, but it is ignored by society and still not investigated by the professionals. Yet
it holds the keys to our understanding why pure nonsense can be still held in high esteem in
our culture, such nonsense as Sigmund Freud's idea that a child would invent traumas.”
With better treatment, love and understand from childhood, perhaps there could be Hitler
with constructive ideas of taste and refinement. Viewing his chart in totality, many
astrologers have pointed out that the Square aspect of Saturn ( on Seratan and Dubhe) and
Mars, from the Culmination to the Descendant, his Moon on Facies, the opposition of
Uranus (ascendant) and Mercury (descendant) and Pluto (in the VIIIth) on the Hyades was
the cause of this evil and monster-like human being unleashing a reign of terror, treachery,
horror, destruction and annihilation on the face of the earth. According to Prof. G.B. Forbes,
there is a point of view that Hilter was indeed the second Anti–Christ.. He is perfectly right
Hitler’s life history is an indicator that he preached, propogated and practiced all that was
against compassion, love, peace and goodwill on earth. On the contrary he unleashed a
reign of terror and horror and devastation in collaboration with the evil axis of Japan and

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