استاندارد Wbgt Iso 7243

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Second edition

Hot environments - Estimation of the heat

stress on working man, based on the
WBGT-index (wet bulb globe temperature)

Ambiances chaudes - Estimation de ia contrainte thermique de rhornrne au travail,

basée sur l'indice WBGT [température humide et de globe noir)


Reference number
I S 0 7243 : 1989 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. I S 0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on ail
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with I S 0 procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.

International Standard I S 0 7243 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159,


This secood edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 7243 : 19821, of which it
1.- . -
constiturei a: minor revision. -.

Annexes A to D of this International Standard are for information only.

o I S 0 1989
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproducedor utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing from the publisher. --``,``,,````,,,``,,,`,`,``,,```-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 o CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
I S 0 7243 : 1989 (E)

I nt roduction
This International Standard is one of a series (listed in annex D) intended for use in the
study of thermal environments.

The aim of this series of International Standards is in particular

- the finalization of definitions for terms to be used in methods of measurement,

test and interpretation, taking into account those standards already existing or
which are being drafted;

- the drafting of specifications relating to the methods of measurement for

physical parameters characterizing thermal environments;

- the selection of one or more methods of interpretation of the parameters;

- the establishment of recommended or maximum values for exposure to ther-

mal environments in the regions of comfort and extreme environments (hot and

- the drafting of specifications relating to the methods of measurement of the ef-

ficiency of devices or procedures for individual or collective protection against heat
‘and cold.

In the light of the increasing interest being shown in the problems presented by the ex-
posure of individuals to thermal environments and the fact that thete are few
documents or national standards in this field, it seemed desirable to publish this Inter-
national Standard, without waiting for the complete series to be drafted.

The wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index is one of the empirical indices
representing the heat stress to which an individual is exposed. This index is easy to
determine in an industrial environment. The method for evaluating the heat stress
based on this index is a compromise between the desire to use a very precise index and
the need to be able to carri out control measurements easily in an industrial environ-
ment. It should be regarded as an exploratory method.

A method of estimating the thermal stress based on an analysis of the heat exchange

between man and environment allows a more accurzte estimation of stress and an
analysis of the methods of protection. But with the present technology of measure-
ment, the method has the drawback of being longer and more difficult to undertake.
Such a method will therefore be used either directly when it is desired to carry out an
intensive analysis of working conditions in heat, or in addition t o the method based on
the WBGT index when the values obtained using the first approach exceed the
reference values shown.

Establishing a method of evaluating heat stress based on the WBGTindex is only one
step towards the definition of an index showing the advantages of both methods
togethei. However, as there is no such index at present it seemed advisable to en-
courage immediately the development of an International Standard capable of being
used in an industrial environment.

~ -- ~~ -


Hot environments - Estimation of the heat stress on

working man, based on the WBGT-index [wet bulb globe
7 -

1 Scope - Outside buildings with solar load :

This International Standard gives a method, which can easily WBGT = 0,7 t,, + 0,2tg + 0,l ta
be used in an industrial environment, for evaluating the heat
stress t o which an individual is subjected in a hot environment This method of estimating heat stress is based on the measure-
and which allows a fast diagnosis. ment of these different parameters and the calculation of mean
values taking into account any space-time variations of these
It applies t o the evaluation of the mean effect of heat on man parameters.
during a period representative of his activity but it does not
apply to the evaluation of heat stress suffered during very short The data collected and dealt with in this way are compared with
periods, nor t o the evaluation of heat stresses close to the the reference values and then it is necessary
zones of comfort.
- either t o reduce directly the heat stress or strain at the
work-place by appropriate methods;

2 - Principl& and general definition .

- or to carry out a detailed analysis of the heat stress
using methods that are more elaborate but are also usually
The heat stress to which a person exposed to a hot environ- longer and more difficult to apply.
ment is subjected is, in particular, dependent on the production
These reference values correspond t o levels of exposure to
of heat inside the body as a result of physical activity and the
which, under the conditions specified in annex A, almost all in-
characteristics of the environment governing heat transfer
dividuals can be ordinarily exposed without any harmful effect,
between the atmosphere and the body.
provided that there are no pre-existing pathological conditions.
The internal thermal load is the result of metabolic energy
Moreover, the fixing of these levels of exposure in relation to
caused by activity.
the health of the individual in no way prejudices ?hose which
A detailed analysis of the influrnce of the environment on lieat might possibly be fixed for other important reasons such as the
alteration of psychosensorimotor reactions likely to cause ac-
stress requires a knowledge of the following four basic
cidents at work.
parametars : air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air
speed, and absolute humidity.[31 However, an overall estima-
tion of this influence can be mads by measuring parameters
derìved from these basic parameters and which are a ftinctior,
3 Measurement of parameters characteristic
of the physical characteristics of the space used. of the environment i

The WBGT index combines the measurement of two derived Measurement of the W B G T index necessitates the measure-
parameters, naturai wet-bulb temperature (tnJ and the globe ment of two derived parameters, natural wet bulb temperature
temperature (f,) and in some situations, the measurement of a and globe temperature and the measurement of a basic
basic parameter, air temperature (fa) (dry bulb temperature). parameter, air temperature.
The following expressions show the relationship between these
different parameters : 3.1 Measurement of derived parameters
- Inside buildings and outside buildings without solar The information supplied by the sensor for measuring the de-
load : rived parameters is always dependent on the physical
characteristics of the sensor used, all things being equal. These
WBGT = 0,7,,f + 0.3 ig characteristics are specified in 3.1.1 and 3.1 2.
IS0 7243 : 1989 (E)

3.1.1 Natural w e t bulb temperature sensor e) Accuracy of measurement:

The natural wet bulb temperature is the value indicated by a - range 20 OC to 50 O C : f 0,5 O C ;
temperature sensor covered with a wetted wick which is ven-
tilated naturally, ¡.e. placed in the environment under con- - range 50 O C to 120 O C : f 1 O C .
sideration without forced ventilation. The natural wet bulb
temperature is thus different from the thermo-dynamic Any device for measuring the natural wet bulb temperature or
temperature determined with a psychrometer. the globe temperature which, after calibration in the specified
measuring ranges, provides results to the same degree of ac-
The temperature sensor shall comply with the following curacy may also be used.

a) ‘Shape of the sensitive part of the sensor : cylindrical.

3.2 M e a s u r e m e n t of a i r t e m p e r a t u r e
The air temperature, a basic parameter, may be measured by
b) External diameter of the sensitive part of the sensor:
any suitable method, whatever the shape of the sensor used. It
6 m m f 1 mm.
is, however, necessary to comply with the measurement

precautions relating to air temperature measurement.

ci Length of the sensor: 30 mm rf 5 mm.
The air temperature sensor shall, in particular, be protected
d) Measuring range : 5 OC to 40 O C .
from radiation by a device which does not impede the circula-
tion of air around the sensor. The measuring range for the air
e) Accuracy of measurement : f 0,5 OC.
temperature is 10 O C to 60 OC and the accuracy i 1 OC.
f) The whole sensitive part of the sensor shall be covered
with a white wick of a highly water-absorbent material (for
example, cotton). 4 Measurement or estimation of metabolic
g) The support of the sensor shall have a diameter equal to
6 mm, and 20 mm of it shall be covered by the wick to The quantity of heat produced inside the body is an element of
reduce conduction from the support to the sensor. heat stress. It is therefore essential to determine it in order to
evaluate the latter. Metabolic energy which presents the total
hi The wick shall be woven in the shape of a sleeve and quantity of energy consumed inside the body, is a good esti-
shall be fitted over the sensor with precision. Too tight or mation of this for most industrial situations (negligible external
too loose a grip is detrimental to the accuracy of measure- work).
-” , h Metabolic rate may be determined
i) The wick shatijbe kept clean.
- either by measuring the oxygen consumption of the
j) The lower part of the wick shall be immersed in a reser- worker:
voir of distilled water. The free length of the wick in the air
shall be 20 mm to 30 mm. - or by estimating it from reference tables.

k) The reservoir shall be designed in such a way that the Due to the nature of the WBGTindex it is sufficient to estimate
temperature of the water inside cannot rise as a result of
the metabolic rate according to the reference tables.
radiation from the environment.
The estimation of metabolic rate requires some practice and
3.1.2 Globe temperature ssnsor shall preferably be done by individuals having some experience
in this field.
The globe temperature is the temperature indicated by a
temperzture sensor placed in the centre of a globe having the In the absence of an evaluation using reference tables,
following characteristics: classification of the activities may be restricted to five main
classes, namely : resting, low metabolic rate, moderate
a) Diameter: 150 mm. metabolic rate, high metabolic rate, very high metabolic rate.
Table 1 is intended to facilitate such a classification. The values
b) Mean emission coefficient: 0,95 (matt black globe). given have been established for continuous activities.

c) Thickness: as thin as possible. In case of difficulty in interpreting the data, the metabolic rate
considered to be the most accurate is the metabolic rate
d) Measuring range: 20 OC to 120 OC. measured directly on the individual.


1) An International Standard is in preparation.

IS0 7243 : 1989 (E)

Table 1 - Classification of levels of metabolic rate

Metabolic rate range, M
Value to be used
Class related to ir a mean skin for calculation of Examples
a unit skin surface area mean metabolic rate
surface area of 1.8 m2
W/m2 w W
M<65 MG117 65 117 Resting
1 Sitting at ease: light manualwork (writing, typing,
Low 65<M<13û 117<1M<234 100 180 drawing, sewing, book-keeping); hand and arm
metabolic work (small bench tools, inspection, assembly or
rate sorting of light materials); arm and leg work-(driving.
vehicle in normal conditions, operating foot switch
or pedal).
Standing :drill (small parts); milling machine(small
parts); coil winding; small armature winding;
machining with low power tools; casual walking
(speed up to 3.5 km/h).
2 Sustained hand and arm work (hammering in nails,
Moderate l39<M<200 165 297 filling); arm and leg work (off-roadoperation of lor-
metabolic ries, tractors or construction equipment); arm and
rate trunk work (work with pneumatic hammer, tractor
assembly, plastering, intermittent handling of
moderately heavy material, weeding, hoeing, pick-
ing fruit or vegetables); pushing or pulling light-
weight carts or wheelbarrows; walking a t a speed of
3,5 km/h to 5,5 km/h; forging.
3 Interise arm and trunk work; carrying heavy
High 200 M ~ 2 6 0 360<MG468 230 414 material; shovelling; sledge hammer work; sawing,
metabolic planing or chiselling hard wood: hand mowing; dig-
rate ging; walking at a speed of 5,5 km/h to 7 km/h.
Pushing or pulling heavily loaded handcarts or
wheelbarrows; chipping castings; concrete block
4 Very intense activity at fast to maximum pace;
Very high M > 260 M>468 290 522 working with an axe; intense shovelling or digging;
-metabolic climbing stairs, ramp or ladder; walking quickly with
. rate . i small steps, running, walking at a speed greater
than 7 km/h.

5 Measurement specifications If analysis prior to heat stress at the point studied or at points of
a related type have shown that the environment was practically
homogeneous (heterogeneity G 5 %I, a simplified procedure
5.1 Measurement specifications relating to the
heterogeneity of the environment consisting in carrying out only one determination of the WBGT
index at abdomen fevel may be adopted. Whatever the cir-
When certain parameters do not have a constant vaIue in the cumstarices, in case of dispute in the interpretation of the
space surrounding the worker, it is necessary to determine the analysis, the WBGT index determined in accordance with the
WBGT index at three positions corresponding to the height of normal procedure (three measurements) shall be considered as
the head, abdomen and ankles in relation to the ground. When the reference value.
the worker is standing, the measurements shall be performed
0.1 m, 1.1 m and 1.7 m above the floor; when seated, 0,l m, For a rapid determination of the WBGT index it is enough to
0.6 m and 1.1 m above the floor. Measurements used to deter- carry o ~one
t measurement at the levet where the heat stress is
mine the indices shall preferably be carried out simultaneously. maximum. The use of this procedure induces a security biased
over-evaluation of the heat stress. The use of this procedure
The mean value of the WBGT index is obtained from the shall be noted in the evaluation report.
following three weighted indices, using the following formula :
In the case where it is impossible to situate the sensors at the
normal place of work, they should be situated where they will
be exposed to approximately the same influence from the en-
I S 0 i243 :19û9 (EI

5.2 Measurement specifications relating to the 6 Period and duration of measurements

time variations of the parameters
6.1 Period of measurements
If the analysis of the work-place and of the activity have shown
that a parameter does not show a constant value in time, a
The determination of the WBGT index in accordance with this
representative mean value has t o be determined. International Standard allows only the estimation of the heat
stress t o which a worker is subjected at the time when the
The moct accurate procedure consists in measuring the con- measurements were carried out. Consequently, it is therefore
tinuous development o f this parameter as a function of time recommended that these be carried out at the period cor-
and deducing from it the mean value by integration. responding t o the maximum heat stresses, ¡.e. generally during
the hot summer period and in the middle of the day or when the
As this method can only be used with difficulty in many cases, heat-generating equipment is in operation.
the variations of each parameter considered are thus classified
into almost constant levels. The mean value of the parameter
considered is then obtained by weighting the levels of the dif- 6.2 Duration of the measurements
ferent categories by the total time during which each of these
teveis was obtained. The duration of each measurement depends on the response
time of the sensor, which on certain occasions may be con-
The time base T f o r the calculation of the mean values is a siderable (globe temperature especially).
period of work/resting of 1 h, which is representative of the
mam'mum for heat stress. It shall be calculated from the beginn- It will be possible to carry out only a single measurement or
ing of a period of work. estimation for each of the levels used for each parameter. The
duration of the measurements is therefore distinct from the
The mean value of a parameter p (for example : metabolic rate, duration of the analysis proper (time base) as defined in 5.2.
globe temperature or WBGT in the case of simultaneous
measutementof the three parameters of the environment), for
which the development as a function of time has been broken 7 Reference values
down into "n" levels is therefore expressed by the foltowing
formula The values of the WBGT-index given in annex A are given as a
reference. They are based on data available in the scientific

If these values are exceeded, it is necessary

where - either t o reduce directly the heat stress at the work-
place under consideration by appropriate methods (control
Pl, 2 ;p: i? the level. of the parameter.obtained of the environment, of the level of activity, of the length of
during the time rl;>t2, . . .,
tn; time spent in the environment, and using individual protec-
r1 + r 2 + . . . + rn = T = 1 h. tion);

- or to carry out a detailed analysis of the heat stress in

The number of measurements to be carried out depends on the accordance with more elaborate methods.
variation speed of the parameters, the response characteristics
of the sensors used and the desired accuracy of measurement. The reference value corresponding to a given situation for an
individual normally clothed (thermal insulation index
5.3 Mean value of the metabolic energy r,,= 0,6 physically fit for the activity being considered
and in good health, is given in annex A.
The above considerations apply t o the determination of the
mean value of the metabolic rate based on values measured or These reference values are representative of the mean effect of
estimated from reference tables. If the metabolic rate is simply heat on the individaal over a fairly long period of work. They do
classified under one of the five main classes mentioned in not take into account the peak values of heat stress to which in-
c l a w 4, the mean metabolic rate level is determined as above dividuals may be subjected for short periods (a few minutes)
by taking, for each elementary activity. the mean value of the either as a result of a particularly hot environment, or of
metabolic rate given in tabte 1. momentarily intense physical activity. In fact, in such cases, the
heat stress may exceed the permissible values without the
in case of dispute in the interpretation of the data, the mean reference values representative of a mean activity or mean en-
parameter taken to be the most accurate is that calculated from vironment being exceeded.

the variations o f the parameter measured continuously, fol-

lowed by that calculated from the greatest number of levels When there is doubt with regard to the metabolic rate value t o
accurately determined. be adopted, the reference value to be used is that corre-

1) A unit for thermal resistance of clothing: 1 Cl0 = 0.155 rnZ.K/W

I S 0 7243 : 1989 (E)

- spanding t o the highar metabolic rate, if necessary class 4 if ali 8 Evaluation report
measurement or estimation is impossible.
The evaluation report of the heat stress t o which an individual is
NOTES subjected in a given situation should indicate the following
1 If the clothing worn is not a standard working garment (permeable data :
to air and steam, with a thermal insulation index i,, = 0,6 CIO), the
referencevalues shall be modified in the light of the special properties a) place where the evaluation was carried out (for exam-
of the garment and the environment being considered. In general wear- ple : factory, workshop, work-place);
ing of clothing which is impermeableto water vapour necessitates a
decrease in the referencevalues. On the other hand wearing of reflec-
ting clothing may result in an increase in the reference values. In all b) period at which the evaluation was made (year, month,
caces, due to difficulties of estimating the corrections, it is recom- day, hour);
mended to consutî a specialistwhen the characteristics of the clothing
eryemble differ significantly from the specified reference clothing.
c) authority or individual carrying out the evaluation;
2 Annex €3 also gives as a guide some reference values for WBGT
established for various worklresting cycles based on the hypothesis
that the value of WBGTat the location reservedfor resting was equal d) detailed results of the measurements or estimations of
or very close to the value of WBGTat the work-place. the parameters (reference);
3 A partial acclimatization may be achievedin 7 days by a gradual in-
crease of heat stress Annex i3 gives, as an example, a method of ac- e) mean value of WBGTand its position in relation to the
climatization basedan the gradual increaseof the working periods and reference values.
the allocation of additional resting. One considersas non-acclimatized
all persons who have not been exposed daily to heat during the Annex C shows, as an example, a method of presenting the
preceding working week. results.

3 4 B 5 1 7 0 3 0077577 B i
I S 0 7243 : 1989 (E)

Annex A

Table of reference values of the W B G T heat stress index

Table A.l - Reference values corresponding to a given situation

1 Metabolic
Metabolic rate, M
Reference value of WBGT

rate*ciass Related to a unit (for a mean skin Person acclimatized Person not acclimatized -
skin surface area surface area of t o heat to heat
1,8 m*)
W/m* W OC OC
. .. (resting) M<65 M<117 33 32
1 65<M<130 117 < M < 234 30 29
2 130 <M<200 28 26
3 200 <M<260 360<M<46a No sen- Sensible No sen- Sensible
sible air air move- sible air air move-
I 23
4 1 M>260 I I 23 I 25 I 20
NOTE - The values given have been established allowing for a maximum rectal temperature of 38 OC for the persons concerned.


. .

Annex B

Curves showing reference values of W B G T and method of acclimatization to


B.1 Curves showing reference va1ue.s of tation process which increases the tolerance of an individual
WBGT established for various worklresting when he has been exposed t o a given environment for a suf-
cycles ficient period of time. In comparison with an individual who is
* not acclimatized, an individual who is acclimatized shews less
The curves are plotted on the assumption that the value of physiological strain for the same heat stress.

WBGTat the location reserved for resting is equal or very close
t o the value of WBGT at ihe work-place (time base equal to Acclimatization of this nature may be achieved either artificially
1 h; sensible air movement; person acclimatized t o heat). by means of repeated controlled exposure in an acclimatization
These curves are given for information only in figure 6.1. They chamber, or naturally by the individual carrying out the work of
may facilitate the reorganization of the work by changing the his trade for short periods to begin with and then for increas-
work/rest cycles. Strict application of this International Stan- ingly longer periods.
dard with weighting of the different values of WBGTmeasured
is preferable. The work/rest cycles for acclimatized and non-acclimatized
persons are determined by estimating the WBGT according to
this International Standard and the reference values in
8.2 Method of acclimatization to heat annex A. The increase of the duration of the work period from
the non-acclimatized to the acclimatized state should take place
Acclimatization is the state resulting from a physiological adap- gradually over a period of 7 days.


-. . t
. -. ,* 25 % work - 75 % resting

50 % work - 50 % resting

75 % work - 25 % resting

Continuous work


100 200 300 400 500 500 w

Metabolic rate

Figure 6.1

I S 0 7243 : 1989 (E)

Annex C

Example of an evaluation report

Ir person
:arrying out

lescription of the work-place and measuring position (if necessary, use the back of this page for making a drawing of the place) :
Date :


'eriod when Year: External atmospheric conditions :

,valuation was Month :
:arried out Day :
Time :
legree of acclima- Clothing :
:ization of the
Jerson working at
the place being
rime base for calculation of the mean value
)f WBGT, T = 1 h
Detailed results of the measurements or estimation
I Indications concerningthe measurement I Levels I
Continuous Discon- Homo-
measurement tinuous Estimation geneous Heterogeneous environment
Parameters (see curve measure- environ- Exposure Mean
No. 1 ment ment Head Abdomen Ankles length value
Jlobe tempëratúre; 18.
Vatural wet-bulb
temperature, I
4ir temperature, fa

WBGT íoveraII I I
)r calculated1

Metabolicrate, M
Overall result
WBGT heat stress index

Reference value of Person acclimatized to heat ._

WBGT for
I,./ = 0,6 CIO Person not acclimatized to heat
Reference value of WBGT according to clothing
Conclusion :

IS0 7243 : 1989 (E)

Annex D


í11 IS0 7726, Thermalerwironments - Instruments and methods for measuring physical quantities.

I21 IS0 7730,Moderate thermalenvironments- Determinationof the PMVand PPD indices andspecification of the conditions for
thermal comfort

f$ IS0 7933, Hot environments - Analytical determination and interpretationof thermalstress using calculation of required sweat


, -

IS0 7243 : 1989 (EI

UDC 331.433
Descriptors :ergonomics, operating areas, work safety, human body, thermal comfort.

Price based on 9 pages


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