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Department of Business Management

VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)

Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)

Department of Business Management

VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur

Batch 2019-20 Admission Onwards

Semester - I
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction to Management, Definition, process and nature, Indian Business Environment and its
impact on managers job, different approaches to management analysis, managerial functions and
roles, evolution of management thoughts, Contributions of FW Taylor, Henry Fayol, Elton Mayo
and other management thinkers.

2. Introduction to decision making; defination nature and process, types of decisions, decision making
under uncertainty, Planning; defination nature and process, types of plans and planning process,
Objectives; Types and processes of objective setting, Management By Objectives (MBO).

3. Nature and process of organizing, Types of organizational level and span of management, structure
and process of organizing, different methods of departmentation, line/staff, an introduction to

4. Human factors in managing; behavioral models, motivation, concept, theories and approaches,
approaches and theories for leadership analysis.

5. The basis control process, feedback and feed forward control, requirements for effective control,
Budget and non-budgetary control techniques, emerging issues in management; culture ad multi-
culturalism, competitiveness, teamwork.

1. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weiriele, ‘Essentials of Management’, TMH 1990
2. Stoner Jones AF, Freeman R Edward and Gilbest Jr David R, ‘Management’, PHI 1996
3. Kreitner Robert, ‘Management’, AITBS, New Delhi 1990
4. Criffin Rickey, ‘Management’, AITBS, New Delhi 1990
5. Ivancevich John M, Develly Jr. James H. and Gibson James, ‘Management Principles and
Functions’, Richard Irwin Inc and AITBS, 1998
6. Leslie W Pera and Lloyd El Bayers, Management: Skills and Applications’ Irwin 1995
7. L.M. Prasad, ‘Principles and Practices of Management’, 2000
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction to Business Environment; Nature, Elements, scope and importance, Various

classification of Business environment analysis; Micro and Macro, General specific environment,
Environment scanning and diagnosing, Technique of environmental analysis, Steps in
environmental analysis process.

2. Government an exploring business, Constitutional provisions relating to trade and industry, EXIM
policy, FEMA, Environment Protection Act, and Consumer Protection Act, Industrial policy
reforms in India; Five years plan and Planning Commission.

3. Economic environment: Concept, Nature and Components, Monitory and fiscal policy, Salient
feature of new industry policy, public sector undertaking and privatization, Labialisation and India,
WTO/ GAT and its impact on Indian Business.

4. Technology-Society interface, Socio cultural environment and it impact on business, social

responsibility of business, emerging trends towards corporate accountability to social development,
Introduction to Environment Management and ISO 14000.

5. Human values and Management, Indian insights, need for values in global change, Indian
perspective, Holistic approach for managers in decision-making, spiritual values in management.

1. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment, Himalaya Book, New Delhi,
2. Rudra Dutt & Sunderam, Indian Economy, S. Chand & company, New Delhi.
3. Chakraborty, S.K.: Foundations work – contributions from thought, Himalaya Publishing House
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction to Managerial economics, Definitions, factors influencing managerial decision, chief

characteristics of managerial economics, scope of managerial economics, nature of managerial
economics, micro economics & macro economics, basic economic tools in managerial economics.

2. Utilize analysis, characteristics of utility, measurement of utility – TU & MU, law of diminishing
marginal utility importance & limitation of the law, of equi – marginal utility – assumptions of the
law, explanation of the law, law of proportionally, limitations of the application of the law,
Consumers goods & producers goods, types of consumers goods, types of producers goods,
consumption, complement of waste management & Resource Management Wastivity &

3. Demand, types of demand price, demand, income, gross demand, change in demand, factors causing
changes in demand, the law of demand – assumptions of the law, demand curve, Reasons for the
law of demand, elasticity of demand, measurement of price elasticity of demand total outplay or
expenditure method, flux or percentage method, point or geometric method, demand forecasting
methods or techniques of demand forecasting, input – output analysis,

4. Production – Definition methods, factors of production, function types (Fixed, variable, Cobb
Douglas, linear horogenous), Law of returns – law of diminishing returns assumptions of the law,
why the law of diminishing return operates, limitations of the law of increasing returns –
Assumptions, why the how operates, law of constant returns, returns to scale, cost analysis –
concept of lost, short run lost and long run lost, short run cost analysis, Marginal cost, Relationship
between TC & MC long run cost analysis – Diminution of LAC & LMC, Relationship between
LMC & SMC, Revenue concepts & revenue analysis.

5. Theory of Pricing: Price Determination under perfect competition, Difference between pure
competition and perfect competition, Price and determination under monopoly, Features of
monopoly – Equilibrium of the monopoly in the long run, effect of change in demand and supply of
equilibrium price, elements of time in price, element of time in price determination, Monopolistic
Competition, Duopoly and Oligopoly: Meaning and main features, price determination of a firm,
(monopolistic competition), Excess capacity and monopolistic competition and non-price
competition, product differentiation and pricing diversity.

1. Lewis, Chris W, and Peterson, H Gaig ‘Managerial Economics’
2. Diwedi, DN, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House
3. Mehta, PL, ‘Managerial Economics: Text and Cases’. Sultan Chand
4. Joel Dean, ‘Principles of Managerial Economics’ PHI – New Delhi
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Financial Accounting – Users of Financial Accounting Information, Difference Between Managerial

Accounting and Financial Accounting. Recording of Accounting Transactions-Journal-Its Division
Cashbook, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Rectification of Errors.

2. Corporate Accounting-Shares & Debentures.

3. Financial Statement Analysis-Ratio, Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement, Price Level
Change and Accounting.

4. Nature of Managerial Accounting-Concept, Cost Accounting and Managerial Accounting

Management Process and Roll of Management Accounting, Decision Making Process, Cost Concept
and Classification-cost, Expenditures, Classification of Cost, Cost Behaviour in Relation to Change
in output of activity Volume, Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, for Decision Making and Planning:
Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost, Relevant Cost, Different Cost, Cost For Control; Controllable and
Uncontrollable Cost, Standard Cost, Joint Cost.

5. Product Costing-Job Costing and Process Costing, Job Costing: Nature of Job Costing, Job Cost
Sheets and Job Ledger, Contract Costing, Process Costing, Standard Costing & Variance Analysis,
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis-Techniques, Limitation, Presentation of Management Control Report,
Budgeting and Zero Base Budgeting.

1. Anthony RN and Reece JS. Accounting Principles 6 th Ed., Homewood, Illinois, Richard D Irwin
2. Bhattacharya SK & Dearden J Accounting for Management: Text and Cases New Delhi Vikas.
3. Heitger, LE & Matulich, Serge, Financial Accounting.
4. Hingorani NL & Ramanathan AR, Management Accounting.
5. Horngren Charles, Principles of Financial and Management
6. Needles, Belverd Financial and Managerial Accounting
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction of Research: Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Significance, Life of research,

Approach to research methods, Research Methodology, Characteristics of good research, Criteria
conducting a good research, Problem countered by research in India.

2. Research problem: Meaning, component, formulation of research problem hypothesis: Meaning,

function, types, form of hypothesis, different between research problem and hypothesis, Research
Design: Meaning, Need component, feature of design, type of design.

3. Collection of data, Primary and Secondary data, Method of collecting Primary data, Sources of
secondary data, Sampling and sampling technique.

4. Classification and Analysis of data; Tabulation, coding, graphical representation of data, analysis of
data, Statistical tools, Measures of central tendency, correlation, regression, testing of hypothesis, T-
Test, Chi-square test.

5. Report writing: Features of good report, types of report, pre-caution should be taken when writing a
report, Application of research in management, Research and decision making, marketing and
personnel research.

1. Introduction to Statistics by Ramendu Roy, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
2. Research Methodology by CB Kothari.
3. Survey Methods by Fowler and Floyd, Sage Publications.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Communication: Definition & Process, Barriers and Gateways in Communication, Type of

Communication Flow, Communication Networks, Business Communication and Its Importance.

2. Verbal Communication: Oration, Public Speaking & Dyadic Communication Employer-Employee,

Employee-Employee and Employee-Employer Situations, Presentation: Presentation and Delivery,
Preparing for Meeting & Interviews. Telephonic Communication and Negotiation.

3. Written Communication: Job Applications, Resumes. Interdepartmental Communication, Business

Letter Writing, Memos & Orders, Communicating Through E-Mail, Do’s & Dont’s of Business

4. Business Report Writing: Steps and Process.

5. Case Study and Exercises for Developing Communication and Decision-Making Skills.

1. Bowman Joel P & Bernadine P Business Communication: From Process to Product.
2. Hach, Righard, Communication in Business.
3. Treece, Mairah, Successful Business Communications
4. Sinha, KK, Business Communication
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Fundamental and computer Application: Computer application, Hardware, Software, Languages of

computer, Operating system.

2. MS-Word: File, Edit, Format, Drawing, Tools, Tables, Practicing on Cut-Copy Paste, merger, Letter
Writing, Page Setup.

3. MS-Excel/Basics: Creating Worksheet, Entering and Editing Test, Numbers and formulas cells
lookup tables, auto fill. Rearranging work sheets: Moving, copying, sorting, inserting deleting cells,
deleting & parts of work shared, reaction at foumulas to worksheet design changes. Excel
formatting: Excel page setup. Auto format, manual format using styles; format painter. Changing
font sizes and attributes. Wrapping text, using border buttons and command. Working with
graphics: Creating and placing graphic objects, resizing positioning graphic

4. Power Point basics terminology colour scheme: Power Point templates, getting started. Creating
presentation: Auto content wizard, inserting,deleting slides. Working with text: Editing and moving
text, spell checking, finding and replacing text; formatting text-aligning text. Show Time: Arranging
previewing and rehearsing slides, transition and Build effects, Deleting slides printing presentation
elements creating overhead transparencies; sharing presentation tiles with other.

5. MS-ACCESS (Data Base Managing System): Preparation of database corresponding to

management practices such as level information farm-level in information. Agro-climatic zone
information, etc. Creating database and tables: Creating database with and without wizards, access
tables wizard, field names, data types and properties, adding deleting, renaming and moving fields,
resizing fields, primary key fields, indexing fields. Forms: The form wizard, saving modifying
forms, designing forms. Entering and Editing data: Typing, adding records, undo, correcting entries,
global replacements moving records. Finding Sorting and Displaying Data: Queries and Dynasts,
creating and using select queries, multiple search reformatting dynasts, multilevel sorting, showing
all records after a query Cross tab queries. Printing Reports, Forms Letters and labels: Simple table,
form and database printing. Manual reporting and modifying properties in reports, saving printing,
mailing labels, changing label design.

A. Make new files and use of cut, copy, paste, merger.
B. Creating and formatting tables using work excel.
C. Creating and managing data files of agriculture management system.
D. Use of Internet for World Wide Web browsing.
E. Sending and receiving e-mails through e-mail POP 3 account.
F. Creating worksheet and different types of graphs using excel.
G. Creating slides and presentation using PowerPoint.
H. Study of small and submission of report of the system in terms of suitable system.

1. P. K. Sinha & P.Sinha, ‘Computer Fundamentals’, BPB Publication
2. Ed Bott & Woody Leonbard, ‘MS-Office 2000’ , Prentice Hall India
3. Nelson, ‘MS-Office 2000’, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)

Department of Business Management

VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur

Batch 2019-20 Admission Onwards

Semester - II
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Organization: Concepts and types; Organization behaviour; meaning, nature, determinants and
models. Role of O.B in management of modern organization

2. Perception: Process and factors influencing perception, perceptual errors, values systems spruces
and attitude formation.

3. Personality: Types & theories; Motivation: process and theories; Learning: process and theories.

4. Group Dynamics: Meaning, What is small group? Formal structural framework of group
cohesiveness conflict management & resolution techniques.

5. Management of change and OD: Meaning & intervention.

1. Luthans F,Organisation behavior ,7th edition ,new York Mc graw Hill 1995
2. Robbins S.P,Organisational behaviour,7 th edition New Delhi.Prentice Hall of India 1996
3. Anderson A H and Barker D Effective Wenterprise and Change Manegement, Blackwell Publisher Ltd
4. Frenchh W E and Bell C H Organisation Development ,New delhi Prentice –Hall of India 1995
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Essential of A Valid Contract Agreement, Performance of
Contracts, Breach of Contract & Remedies, Quasi-Contracts.

2. The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and Type of Companies, Formation, Memorandum and Articles
of Association, Prospectus Allotment of Shares & Share Capital, Membership, Borrowing powers,
Management & Meeting. Compromise Arrangements and Reconstruction, Prevention of Oppression
& Management. Winding Up.

3. The Sale of Good Act, 1930: Formation of Contract, Conditions & Warranties, Rights of an Unpaid
Seller. Performance of the Contract of Sale.

4. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Nature and Types, Negotiation and Assignment, Holder-
in-Due Course, Dishonour and Discharge of Negotiable Instrument. Arbitration.

5. Indian Partnership Act, 1930: Nature an Formation of Partnership, Registration of Firm, Rights
and Duties of The Firm, Dissolution of the Firm.

1. Avatar Singh, Company Law, 11th Edition, Easter, Lucknow, 1996.
2. Khergamwalla, JS, The Negotiable Instrument Act, NM Tripathi, Bombay, 1980.
3. Ramaya A, Aguide to Companies Act. Wadhwa, Nagpur, 1992
4. Tuteja SK, Business Law For Managers, Sultan Chand New Delhi, 1998
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Marketing: Definition, nature and scope, corporate orientation towards place, core marketing
concepts, the marketing environment, customer satisfaction, value and retention.

2. Introduction to marketing research and marketing information system, understanding consumer and
industrial buying behavior, market segmentation, targeting and positioning.

3. Product decisions, product mix, new product development and product life cycle, branding and
packaging decisions.

4. Pricing methods and strategies, promotion decisions, promotion mix, channel management
decisions, selection, types, retailing, whole-selling and market logistics.

5. Organising and implementing marketing in the organization, evaluation and control of marketing

1. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, PHI 2002
2. Stanton Willliam J., Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw hill, 1994
3. Ranaswami, V.s. and Namakumari, S., Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control McMillan, 1990
4. Neelmeghan, S., Marketing In India, Caseand Readings, N. Vikas, 1988.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction to HRM and its nature, Concepts and perspectives on HRM, HRM in changing
Environment, Corporate objectives and HR Planning, Career and Succession planning.

2. Job analysis and role description, methods of manpower search, attracting and selecting human
resources, steps in selection process, methods of selection.

3. Induction and socialization of manpower, Manpower training and development, Need, Techniques
and Evaluation of training programme.

4. Performance Appraisal and Potential Evaluation: Quantitative and Qualitative appraisal, Role of
Appraisal in HRM, Employee welfare and compensation.

5. Industrial Relations & Trade Unions, dispute Resolution and Grievance Management, Employee

1. HR Management by CB Mamoria
2. HR and Personnel Management by K Aswathappa
3. Personel Management by Adam Flippo
4. Personel Management by Monappa and Saiyadain
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Production and operations management: Meaning, Nature, Scope, Importance and Functions,
Evolution from production to operations management, Productivity-Measurement and variables,
OM system model

2. Types of production systems: Intermittent production-project, jobbing, batch production. and

Continuous production- mass, process , characteristics of each method

3. Location decisions, need and importance of location, factors affecting location decisions, Location
models-factors rating method,locational break even analysis, centre of gravity method, Geographical
Information System (GIS)

4. Layout decisions: meaning, objectives, importance, factors influencing layout decisions, types of

5. Inventory management, importance, functions, types of inventory, ABC analysis, EOQ, Quality
management, TQM,JIT, ISO certifications

1. Haizer Jay & Render Barry, Operations management (6th edition ),PH,NJ
2. Buffa,Production and operations management.
3. Adam,EE & Ebert RJ Production and operations management .6th edition New Delhi. PHI 1995
4. Amrine Harold T etc .Manufacturing Organization and management. Engelwood Cliffa .New Jersey PHI 1993
5. S.N.Chany, Production & Operation Management
6. Aswathapa, Production & Operation Management
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Financial Management: Meaning, nature, scope, and objectives; Time value of money; Valuation
of long-term securities; Risk and return.

2. Investment Decision: Cost of capital; Capital budgeting and its methods.

3. Financing Decision: Sources of finance; Leverage; Capital structure–theories, factors determining

the capital structure.

4. Dividend Decision: Factors affecting dividend decision; Dividend valuation models.

5. Working Capital Management: Concepts of working capital; Determinants of working capital;

Meaning, and major issues in working capital management and financing of working capital.

1. Financial management and Policy by James C Van Hone, PHI New Delhi .
2. Financial management by IM pandey
3. Financial management by Hingorani.
4. Financial management by Khan and Jain.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Management Information System (MIS): Definition system concepts, need, purpose, objectives,
components of an information system, Information system resources, Information system activities,
Ethical and social impact of information system.

2. Developing an I.S: Feasibility studies, system analysis, system design, prototyping, implementing a
new information, maintenance of a new information system

3. Applications of Information System: Production information system., Marketing information

system, HR information system & Finance information system.

4. Data Base Management Systems –Introduction to database, Importance, Objectives, Data

and Data Mining, Information Security

5. DSS group decision support system, executive support system: Definition & characteristics,
Artificial intelligence (AI), Expert systems, Neural Networks.

1. James o Brien, Management information system, PHI N Delhi
2. Laudon and Laundon, Management Information system, PHI, N Delhi
3. Rajaraman,V Analysis and design of information system, N Delhi PHI 1991
4. Gary Cornell, Visual Basic Tata Mcgraw Hill N Delhi.

Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


8-10 Case studies are to be discussed on general management. The selection of the cases would be done by
the concerned faculty members.

The examination would be of two-hour duration. One Case-Study would be provided to the students which
may or may not be from the list of the cases already discussed in the class. The students would be required to
answer the questions asked on the basis of supplied case. The test would be for 50 marks.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)

Department of Business Management

VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur

Batch 2019-20 Admission Onwards

Semester - III
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction to strategy, Business Policy and Strategic Management, Strategic Management Process,
Strategic Decision Making, Role of board of directors, CEOs and Top management in the strategic
management, An introduction to corporate governance, Mission and objectives.

2. Constituents of External Environment and their impact, Environmental analysis steps, Assessment
of opportunities & threats, Competition analysis, Preparation of ETOP.
Internal corporate analysis, Determination & measurement of strengths & weaknesses, Models to
analyse strength & weakness,

3. Formulation of strategy, Tows Matrix, Grand strategies, Growth, Stability, Retrenchment &
Combination strategy, Genetic competitive strategies.
Portfolio Analysis, BCG Model, GE-Nine Cell Model, Corporate parenting.

4. Strategy Implementation Process, Interrelationship between strategy formulation & Implementation,

Organizing for effective Implementation, Leadership Implementation, Behavioral Issues in strategy

5. Functional strategy: Marketing, Operations, Finance, Recent R & D & HR strategies, Resent Issues
in strategic Management: Diversification, Integration, Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A), RE-
engineering and Restructuring.

1. William Glueck: Business Policy & Strategic Management, McGraw Hill.
2. Ansaff H. Iger, Corporate Strategy: An Analytical approach to Business Policy for Growth & Expansion, McGraw
3. Azhar Kazmi, Business Policy, McGraw Hill.
4. Porter M.E., Competitive Advantage, The Freepress New York.
5. Steiner G.A., J.B. Mier, E.R. Gray, Management Policy & Strategy, McMillan, London.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction: Meaning, concept of entrepreneur, entrepreneur types, traits and functions, Role of
entrepreneurs in the economic growth.

2. Entrepreneurship: Concept, nature and characteristics, phases of entrepreneurship development,

factors affecting entrepreneurship in economic growth.
Competing theories of entrepreneurship, Drucker, Schumpeter & Walker’view of entrepreneur,
Economic, sociological & psychological theories of entrepreneurial origin, entrepreneurs Vs.
Managers, entrepreneurs Vs. Entrepreneurship.

3. Establishing Entrepreneurial system: Search for business idea, sources of ideas, idea processing
& input requirements, preparation of feasibility report , legal formalities & documentation.

4. Entrepreneurial Development Programme in India: History, Objectives, Support, Stages of

Performances, Planning and EDP: Objectives, Target group, Selection of centre, Pre-training work,
Govt. Policy towards SSIs.

5. Institutional set up assisting entrepreneurship: DIC and Industrial estate, NSIC, NPC, STEP &
commercial banks, Women Entrepreneurship, Rural Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurs.

1. Entrepreneurial Development in India, Gupta and Srinivasan, Sultan Chand, New Delhi.
2. Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Desai, V., Himalaya, New Delhi.
3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Drucker, Henimann, London.
4. Motivating Economic Achievement, McClelland, DC & winter, Freepress, New York.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction: Meaning, features, nature and scope of Operations Research, Historical development
of OR, Limitations of OR.
Linear Programming Problems: General Statement of LP Problem, Assumptions underlying
Linear Programming, Formulation of Linear Programming Problems.

2. Solution to Linear Programming Problems: Graphic Method; Simplex method: Conditions for
application of simplex method, solution to maximization and minimization problem, Big M method,
Duality in LP & sensitivity analysis.

3. Transportation Problems: Solution to the Transportation Problem, Unbalanced Transportation

Problem, Degeneracy,
Assignment Problems: Assignment Problems and their solutions, Unbalanced Assignment
Problem, Traveling salesman problem.

4. Queuing Theory: General structure of Queuing system, Operating characteristics of a queuing

system, deterministic queuing model, Probabilistic Queuing model: Poisons exponential, Single
server model-infinite population model only.
Theory of Games: Two person Zero sum game, Solution of 2Xn and mX2 games with their

5. PERT & CPM: Problems and Solutions.

Simulation: Process of simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, Application of simulation, Advantages
and disadvantages of simulation..

1. Sharma, J.K., Fundamentals of Operations Research, McMillan, New Delhi.
2. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative techniques.
3. Kanti Swaup, Operations Research.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction to consumer behaviour: Definition, importance, applications, consumer buying process,

stages of buying process, participants in the buying process, Consumer Research: Concept,
Importance, Process and Design. Market Segmentation: Concept, Definition, Importance, bases for
market segmentation.

2. Different Determination of CB: Personality, Attitude, Motivation, Perception, and Learning with
their applications in the study of CB; Family and Lifestyle; Social class and consumer behaviour.

3. Consumer Decision-Making process: Models of consumer behaviour: Howard Sheth Model, Engel
Blackwell,. Family decision-making model.

4. Introduction to Marketing Research: Marketing Research Process; Different Research Designs, Data
Types, Sampling Methods and Procedure; Data collection and Compilation.

5. Data analysis and Report Writing, Application of Marketing Research.

1. Schiffman Leon, Kanuk Lestie Lagae, Consumer Behaviour, Fifth Ed. (1996), PHI.
2. London Dovidh, Della Bitta Albert J, Consumer Behaviour, Fourth Ed. (1993), Mc Graw Hill
3. Nair Srya R, Consumer Behaviour, First Ed (1999), Himalaya Publishing.
4. Lal AB, Jam MK, Consumer Behaviour, First Ed. (1994), Shree Publication.
5. Gupta SL, Pal Sumitra, Consumer Behaviour, First Ed. (2001), Sultan Chand & Sons.
6. Assael H. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing (1995), Ohio South Western
7. Hawkins D I et al, Consumer Behaviour Implications for marketing strategy (1995) Fexas Business.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Concept, nature, scope and objectives of security analysis; Investment Vs. Speculation; Effective
investment program; Primary market (new issues market), Secondary market, Operations of Indian
capital market; Listing of Securities; Mechanics of Investing.

2. Market Brokers; Market Indices; Security Credit Ratings; Valuation of securities: Bond analysis,
bond valuation, risk immunization; Common stock analysis-Equity valuation.

3. Risk & Return Analysis; Government Securities; Non-Security Forms of Investment; Security
Analysis: Fundamental & Technical Approach, Efficient Market Theory.

4. Portfolio Management, Portfolio Selection & its models, Markovitz model, Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM), Arbitrage Pricing theory

5. The relationship between the unleveraged & leveraged Portfolio, Application of market model in
portfolio construction, Constructing Efficient Frontier, Investment Timing and Portfolio
Performance Evaluation.

1. Fisher & Jordan, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management.
2. Avadhani, V.A.,Investment and Security Market in India.
3. Bhalla, V.K. & Tuteja, S.K., Investment Management
4. Singh Preeti, Investment Management
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction, meaning, concept and nature of IR, Components of IR system. IR and emerging socio
economic scenario.

2. Trade Unionism: concept, objectives and functions of trade unions. Emergence of trade union in
India. Problems of trade unions.

3. Industrial Conflict: Disputes- meaning, nature, & types. Types of strikes & lockouts. IR machinery:
code of discipline, standing orders, preventive machinery, settlement machinery, conciliation, court
of enquiry, voluntary arbitration, adjudication.

4. Collective Bargaining – concept, importance & principles of collective bargaining. Forms process &
prerequisites of collective bargaining. Emerging Trends in CB. Employee participation, concept,
forms & levels of participation.

5. Employee Empowerment & quality management. Industrial Relations & Technological Change.
Industrial Relations & Globalization, Trade union strategies liberalization & Technological change.
Labour Flexibility & Gain Sharing.

1. Dynamics of IR in India, Mamoria & Mamoria, Himalaya N. Delhi.
2. Laloer Intertution & economic development in India ………….. TS & Rodgers, GILO, Geneva.
3. Participative management Vs collective bargaining, Virmani B.R. vision scoks, longman, Melbourne.
4. Industrial Relations, Conceptual & Legal framework, A.M. Sharma, Himalaya, N. Delhi.
5. Industrial Relations, T.N. Chabbra , Dhanpatrai, Delhi.
6. Dynamics of Personnel Administration, Rudravasavaraj, Himalaya N. Delhi.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. International Marketing: Introduction, Definition & Nature, Difference between domestic &
international marketing, Recent trends in India’s Export Trade, International marketing decision,
Modes of entry in international business.

2. International marketing environment: Constituents, Issues & Challenges. International institutions:

World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD, WTO, Regional grouping, FTA, Common markets, Custom unions
and economic union.

3. Constraints in international marketing: Fiscal & non-fiscal barriers, Non-tariff barriers, Import and
Export Policy, Bilateral Trade Agreements, Export Promotion Councils, ECGC, Public sector
trading agencies.

4. International marketing mix: Product decisions & international product life cycle, Pricing decisions,
distribution channel decisions, promotional measures.

5. Export documentation and procedures, registration of exporters, export quotations, negotiations of

document, bill of lading, bill of exchange, letter of credit. Shipping and transportation of Goods,
Insurance of Goods.

1. Bhattacharya, B., Export Marketing: Strategies for Success.
2. Keegan, Warren, Global Marketing management, PHI.
3. OnKvisit, Sak and Shaw, J.J., International Marketing Analysis and Strategy, PHI.
4. Francis Cherunilam, International Marketing.
5. Varshneya, R.L., International Marketing.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Basic Concepts of Income-tax; Residential status of company; Computation of income of a company;

Computation of tax liability of a company; Set-off and carry-forward of losses, Deductions and
exemptions in additional tax on undistributed profit.

2. Meaning and Scope of tax planning; Location of undertaking, Types of activity, Ownership pattern;
Tax planning regarding dividend policy, issue of bonus shares, inter- corporate dividends &

3. Tax planning relating to Amalgamation and Merger of companies, Tax planning in respect of
managerial remuneration, foreign collaborations and joint ventures, Implications of avoidance of
double taxation relief agreements.

4. Tax considerations in respect of specific managerial decisions like Make or Buy, Own or Lease,
Close or Continue, Sale in domestic markets or Export, Replacements and Capital budgeting
decisions etc.

5..Goods & Services Tax(GST), Introduction, Objectives, Benefits of GST, Components of GST,

1. Lakhotia, R.N. and Lakhotia, Corporate Tax Planning.
2. Prasad, Bhagwati, Law and Practice of Tax in India.
3. Raina, H.P., Corporate Taxation.
4. Srinivas, E.A., Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Emergence and objectives of labour laws and their socio-economic environment, Industrial relations
laws- laws relating to industrial dispute.

2. Trade unions and Standing orders, laws relating to discharge, Misconduct, Domestic enquiry,
Disciplinary action.

3. Socio-security laws - laws relating to Workmen’s compensation, Employees state insurance,

Provident fund, Gratuity and Maternity relief.

4. Wages and Bonus laws – the law of Minimum wages, Payment of bonus, laws relating to working
conditions – the laws relating to functions.

5. Establishment and contract labour, interpretations of labour laws, their working and implications for
management, union, workmen, the economy and the industry.

1. Ghaiye, B.R., Law and Procedure of Departmental Enquiry in Private and public Sector, Eastern Law Co.,
Lucknow, 1994.
2. Malik, P.L., Handbook of Industrial Law, Eastern Book, Lucknow, 1995.
3. Malhotra, O.P., The Law of Industrial Disputes, Vol. I & II, Bombay, N.M. Tripathi, 1985.
4. Srivastava, S.C., Industrial Ralations and Labour Law, New Delhi, Vikas, 1994.
5. Seth, D.D., Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, Vol.- I & II, Bombay, N.M. Tripathi, 1995.
6. Saini, Debi S., Labour Judiciary, Adjudication and Industrial Justice, New Delhi, Oxford, 1995.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1.Introduction (concept, nature and scope, objectives & importance) to Adverting & its role in marketing
process, ethics & social issue in adverting.

2. Adverting planning & decision-making: Adverting goals & objectives, Adverting message and
communication process,

3. Adverting Budget decision, media decisions, media factors, media class, media vehicles, media
options scheduling & timing. Evaluating adverting effectiveness.

4. Sales Management: Meaning scope, importance, objectives, role of sales management in marketing
program, Characteristic and functions of a successful sales executive, AIDAS theory of selling,
types of personal selling, selling process, sales organization: purposes and types.

5. Sales meetings, Sales contests, Sales quotas, Sales budget, purpose, budgetary procedure, Sales
audit, Sales analysis,
1. Adverting Management, Aaker, David, PHI, Delhi.
2. Introduction to Advertising & Promotion, Belch, George E & Belch, Irwin, Chicago.
3. Ogilvy on Advertising, Ogilvy, David Longman, London
4. Adverting Management, concept & cases, M. Mohan, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
5. Anderson R, Professional Sales Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, PHI, 1999
6. Dalrymple D.J., Sales Management-Concept and Cases, New York, John Wiley, 1989
7. Still R.R., Cundiff EW etc Sales Management, New Jersey, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, PHI, 1988
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Multinational Finance Management: Evolution of the International monetary & Financial System,
Nature and Scope of IFM, Factors leading to fast strides in international financial management.

2. Role of International financial markets, features, role of IMF and World Bank, Nature of Foreign
Exchange Market, Currency Futures & Options. SWAP Market.

3. Foreign Exchange Risk Management- Exchange Rate Risk assessment & techniques of covering
Risk, Interest Rate Risk Management- Measures, Foreign Risk Exposure- Concept, types of
exposure & exposure Management techniques.

4. International investment and Foreign Operation: benefits foreign investment, financing foreign
operations including international projects.

5. Short term international finance: International dimensions of cash management, management of

receivables and inventory.

1. Abdullah, F.A.: Finance Management for the multinational firm, Englewood cliffs, N.Jersey Prentice Hall Inc.1987
2. Mauris D.Levi, International Finance, TMH, N. Delhi.
3. V.A.Avadhani, International Finance, Theory & Practice, Himalaya, N. Delhi
4. P.G.Apte: International Finance Management, TMH, N. Delhi
5. V.K.Bhalla: IFM, Anmol Publications, N. Delhi
6. Jain et,al: IMF, Macmillan, N. Delhi
7. Varshney: IMF, Sultan Chand, N. Delhi
8. Shapiro, Alan C: Multinational Financial Management, N. Delhi, PHI, 1995
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Introduction, Need, Objectives and overviews of training & development, Training Processes.

2.Training, Role, Responsibilities & challenges to training managers, Organization & Management of
Training function, training needs assessment.

3. Learning process, training climate and pedagogy, development training modules.

4. Training methods & techniques, facilities planning and training aids.

5. Training communication, training evaluation, training and development in India.

1. Beunet, Roger Ed., Improving Training Effectiveness, Aldershot, Gower, 1988.
2. Buckley, R. & Caple, Jim, The Theory & Practice of training, London, Kogan & Page, 1995.
3. Lynton, R. Pareek, U., Training for Development, 2 nd ed., New Delhi, Vstaar, 1990.
4. Pepper, Allan, D., Managing the training & Development Function, Aldershot, Gower, 1984.
5. Roe, L., How to Measure Training Effectiveness, Aldershot, Gower, 1986.
6. Reid, M.A., etc., Training Interventions: Managing Employee Development, 3 rd ed. London, IPM,1992.
7. Senge, P., The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, London, Century,
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


The students shall be required to undergo practical training/Project work for a period of 6
to 8 weeks in any organization connected with Industry/ Trade/ Commerce/ Business
approved by the department of the University. The student will submit a training report,
which shall be evaluated by experts.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


8-10 Case studies are to be discussed on general management. The selection of the cases would be done by
the concerned faculty members.

The examination would be of two-hour duration. One Case-Study would be provided to the students which
may or may not be from the list of the cases already discussed in the class. The students would be required to
answer the questions asked on the basis of supplied case. The test would be for 50 marks.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)

Department of Business Management

VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur

Batch 2019-20 Admission Onwards

Semester - IV
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Total Quality Management: Definition, Fundamental principles, approaches and models-Fuji Xerox,
Model, Normal Rickad Model, Difference Between Quality and Total Quality; TQM versus
Management; Cost of Quality.

2. Contributions of TQM Gurus – W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M Juran, Philip B Crosby, Kaoru

3. Quality-planning process, Quality improvement methodologies; Problems solving process and

Management tools; Kaisen-Continous improvement; Quality Circles; Six Sigma and Statistical
Process control;

4. Benchmarking; Important issues of TQM – Team work, leadership , Business Process Re-
engineering; Creating Quality culture.

5. An Introduction to Quality System Standards and ISO 14000

1. Michael J. Stahl, Total Quality Management in the global environment, Infinity Books (New Delhi,
2. D.D. Sharma, Total Quality Management Principles practise and cases, S.chand & sons (New Delhi
3. Bounds, Yorks, Adams & Ranney, Beyond TQM Toward the Emerging Paradigm, Mc Graw Hill (New Delhi 1994)
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Nature, Characteristics and Potential of Rural Markets in India; Introduction to Agriculture

Marketing – Organization and functions; Classification of Agricultural Products.

2. Marketing of goods and services in rural markets-Design of Marketing Mix. Nature, Scope and Role
of Cooperative Marketing in India

3. An Introduction to the Retailing System; Retailing: Definition, structure and Functions; Retailing

4. Retail Store Location and Layouts; Creative Display; Retail Pricing; Retail Promotions;

5. An Introduction to different forms of retailing: Franchising, Direct Marketing, Chain Stores,

Exclusive Shops and E-Retailing.

1. Desai Vasant, Rural Development, S. Chand, 1988 (New Delhi)
2. Rudra, Ashok, Indian Agricultural Economics: Myths and Realities, Allied, 1982 (New Delhi)
3. Stalk, George, Competing Against Time, Free Press, 1990 (New York)
4. Diamond Jay and Gerald Pintel, Retailing, Prentice Hall, 1996 (NJ)
5. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, PHI, 2001 (New Delhi)
6. Morgen Stein, Melvin and Harriat Strongin, Modern Retailing, Prentice Hall, 1992 (NJ)
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Financial institutions and economic growth; Economic growth & capital formation, Investment &
Finance, Problems of capital formation in under developed countries, Role of financial institutions.

2. Types of financial institution; money & capital market, money market institutions, central bank,
commercial banks, Indigenous financial agencies, discounting houses Accepting houses, Capital
market institution, Investment Banks, Merchant banks, Development banks, mutual funds.

3. Banking law & regulation, provision of RBI’s regulation, credit & monetary planning, Insurance
companies, Development Banks, Role of Development Banking in industrial financing in India.

4. Financial planning of financial institutions, Role of IFCI, ICICI, IDBI, UTI, LIC, Mutual funds.
Capital adequacy, capital planning, strategy of growth, International aspects of F.I.

5. NBFC’s: Concept, significance, types of NBFC’s with examples, Objectives, Functions, Role of
NBFC’s in economic growth.

1. Vij, Madhu. Management of Financial Institution of India, New Delhi, Anmol Pub. 1991
2. Yeager, Fred C & Seitz, Nail E, Financial Institution Management: Text & Cases, Angele wood cliffs,
New Jersy, PHI, 1989
3. V.K. Bhalla, Indian Financial System, Anmol Pub. Delhi, 1998
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Organisational change: An Overview, Management of Change, Process of Change, Overcoming

Resistance to change.

2. Approaches to Problem Diagnosis, Some Major Techniques of Planned Change.

3. Organisation Development: Steps in Organisation Development, General Organisation Development

Competencies, Organisation Development Skills.

4. Designing Interventions: Interpersonal, Team, Intergroup and System.

5. Evaluation of Organisation Development, Ethics of Organisation Development, Future of

Organisation Development.

1. Abad Ahme, Developing Effective Organisation, New Delhi, Sri Ram Center for Ind. Relation, 1980.
2. French, W H & Bell, C.H. Organisational Development, New Delhi, PHI 1991.
3. Sinha, Dharani, P. Cunsultant & Cunsulting Styles, New Delhi, Vision, 1982.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Marketing – Strategic Management Interface; Strategic Marketing Orientation, Strategic Marketing

Planning – Business and Corporate Level;

2. Market Planning and Strategy Formulation – Situation Analysis, Planning Gap Determination,
Strategy Search, Contingency Planning and Evaluation; Components of Marketing Strategy.

3. Competitive (Rival Oriented) Strategies – Defining Competitions and Assessing Capabilities;

Collecting Information; Determination and Selection of Strategies.

4. Marketing Intelligence – An Introduction; Information Requirements for Strategic Marketing; MIS,

DSS and Competitive Intelligence (CI); Strategic Approach to Design Marketing Mix.

5. Implementation and Organisation for Strategic Marketing

1. O’ Shaughnessy John, Competitive Marketing: Strategic Approach, ELBS, London
2. Tom cannon.: Marketing Management
3. Kotler Philip: Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning, and Implementation & Control.
4. Porter, M.E.: Competitive Advantages: Creating, Sustaining Superior Performance.
5. Porter, M.E.: Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries Competitors.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Project Planning: Generation and screening of project ideas, Monitoring the Environment, Corporate
Appraisal, Preliminary Screening, , Project Life Cycle.

2. Project Analysis: Market Demand and Situational Analysis, Demand Forecasting, Technical
Analysis: Location & Site, Project Charts and Layouts,

3. Analysis of project Risk: Type and Measures of Project Risk, Identification of Critical Sources of Risk,
Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Analysis, Decision – tree Analysis

4. Project Selection and Appraisal: Relevance of cost of Capital, Appraisal Critical – NPV, Benefit
Cost Ratio, IRR, Critical Evaluation, Social Cost Benefit Analysis – Rationale.

5. Project Implementation & Review: Project Management, Forms of Project Organisation, Project
Control, Project Review – Performance Evaluation.

1. Bhalla V.K.: Modern Working Capital Management.
2. P.C. K. Rao: Project Management & Control.
3. Chandra, Prasanna, Projects: Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and Implementation, Tata McGraw
Hill 1987
4. Ahooja, G.K. and Gupta, Ravi. Systematic Approach to Income Tax. Allahabad, Bharat Law House,
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Definition and function of HRD, strategic planning approach, organizational environment and

2. Principles of Learning, Learning and behaviour, Teaching/Learning debate, Training and

development, Management Development – perspectives,. Pitfalls, need for effective MD.

3. MD policy and committees, planning strategies and programme to reach MD objectives, training
methodology, training process.

4. Management effectiveness audit: training needs assessment and training objectives, designing
training for effective learning.

5. Methods of MD including training for human relations, leadership, teamwork, communication and
creativity, conduction of MD programme – role of programme coordinator, trainee, top
management; evaluation.

1. Binsted, Don. “Development in Interpersonal Skills Training”. 1986. Gower London.
2. Robert Craig, Training & development handbook
3. David A.DE Cenzo, Stephen. P. Rokkins, Personnel/ HRM
4. V.N. Srivastava, Gridhar. J. Gyani, Training manual on HRM & Organisational learning
5. Biswjeet patnayak, HRM
6. T.N. Chabbra, HRM
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Understanding Brands – Brand Hierarchy, Brand Personality, Brand Image, Brand Identity, Brand
Positioning, Brand Equity, Brand – Customer Relationships, Brand Loyalty and Customer Loyalty,
Managing Brands: Brand Creation, Brand Extensions,

2. Brand portfolio, Brand assessment through research, Brand Identity, Position, Image, Personality
Assessment and Change, Brand Revitalization,

3. Emergence of service economy, Nature of services, goods vs services marketing, Marketing

challenges in service Businesses, Marketing framework for service businesses, Service

4. Service product management, Service encounter, The service consumer behaviour, quality issues in

5. Advertising, Branding and Packaging of services, Recovery Management and Relationship

Marketing, Service Marketing, Origin and growth, Classification of services – marketing of
financial services – the India scene.

1. Aaker, David, A. Managing Brand Equity. New york, Free Press 1991
2. Cowley, Don. Understanding Brands. London, Kogan Page 1991.
3. Lovelock, Christopher H. Services Marketing, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, PHI, 1993.
4. S.M. Jha, Services Marketing, Himalaya Publication, New Delhi 2000.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Foreign Exchange Market: Types & Transactions, Quoting foreign exchange rate, economic forces
in foreign exchange market, Recent developments in foreign exchange market, spot rates, cross
rates, forward rates.

2. Currency futures & options, currency swaps, future Vs forward market, Hedging, Different types of
hedging, Mechanism of option trading, relationship between option & futures.

3. Exposure management; Foreign exchange risk, exposure information system, different exposure
management techniques.

4. Foreign exchange rate projections; forecasting techniques; technical & fundamental forecasting,
limitations of forecasting, mixed forecasting.

5. Parameters & Constraints on exposure management; Financial & Socio-political factors, Tax
treatment of foreign exchange gains & losses, FEMA.

1. Bhalla, V.K. International Financial Management
2. Shapiro A.C. International Financial Management
3. Vij Madhu International Financial Management
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


1. Counseling concept, Essential elements of counseling, counseling process, problems in counseling,

personal qualities of the counselor.

2. Counseling skills, counseling approaches, planning counseling skills training, running CST.

3. Evaluating counseling skills workshops, self and peer evaluation, an evaluation questionnaire.

4. Employee counseling, concept, need functions, procedure, pre-requisites.

5. Case study.

1. S. Narayan Rao, Counseling and guidance
2. Philip Burnard, Counseling skills training
3. T.N. Chhabra, HRM.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


The students are required to do some project work on the topic decided with consultation of the
subject experts in the department. The project should be innovative problem solving, research
oriented which give ultimate benefit to the industry and society. The student will submit a project
report, which shall be evaluated by experts.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


Students will be required to make the presentation of the project work to the experts and there will
be a viva-voce on the theme based on the project work.
Department of Business Management
VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur – 222003 (U.P.)
Syllabus_MBA (Batch 2019-20 onwards)


8-10 Case studies are to be discussed on general management. The selection of the cases would be done by
the concerned faculty members.The examination would be of two-hour duration. One Case-Study would be
provided to the students which may or may not be from the list of the cases already discussed in the class.
The students would be required to answer the questions asked on the basis of supplied case. The test would
be for 50 marks

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