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Roll No.

8 . E / B.Tech (Full Time) D E G R E E END S E M E S T E R EXAMINATIONS, NOV / D E C 2013


Third Semester


{Regulation 2008)

Time: 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks 100

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Define kinematic pair and classify it.

2. Define instantaneous centre of velocity.
3. Differentiate between pivot and collar bearing.
4. List down the applications of antifriction bearings.
5. What are the disadvantages of V-belt drive over flat celt?
6. What are the functions of clutches?
7. How are cams classified based-on the follower motion?
8. Where are the roller follower extensively used?
9. Where the epicyclic gear trains are used?
10. Differentiate between governor and flywheel.

P A R T - B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. In a four bar chain ABCD, link AO is fixed and the -crank AB rotates at 10 radians per
second clockwise. Lengths of the links are AB = 60 mm, BC = CD = 70 mm and DA =
120 mm. When angle DAB = 60° and both B and C lie on -the same side of AD, find
1. Angular velocities (magnitude and direction) of "BC and CD; and 2. Angular
acceleration of BC and CD.

12. a) A load of 25 kN is supported by a conical pivot with angle of-cone as 120°. The intensity
of pressure is not to exceed 350 kN/m . The external radius is 2 times the internal

radius. The shaft is rotating at 180 rpm and coefficient-of friction is 0.05. Find the power
absorbed in friction assuming uniform pressure.
12.b) In a thrust bearing the external and internal radii of the contact surfaces are 210 mm
and 160 mm respectively. The total axial load is 60 kN and coefficient of friction = 0.05.
The shaft is rotating at 380 rpm. Intensity of pressure -is not to exceed 350 kN/m . 2

Calculate :
(i) Power lost in over-coming the friction and
;(ii) Number of collars required for the thrust bearing.
13.a) A belt drive is r-equir-ed to transmit 10 kW from a motor running at "600 rpm. The belt is
12 mm thick -and -has a mass density of 0.001 g/mm . Safe stress in the belt is not to

exceed 2.5 N/mm . Diameter of the driving pulley is 250 mm, whereas the speed of the

driven pulley is 220 rpm. The two shafts are 1.25 m apart. The coefficient of friction is
0.25. Determine the width of the belt.
13. b) Calculate the power transmitted by a single plate clutch at a speed of 2000 rpm, if the
outer and inner radii of Triction surfaces -are 150 mm and 100 mm respectively. The
maximum intensity of pressure at any point of contact surface should-not exceed 0.8 x
10 N/m . Take both sides of the plate as effective and coefficient of friction = 0.3.
5 2

Assume uniform wear.

14. a) A cam operating a knife-edged follower has the following data:

(i) Follower moves outwards mrough 40 mm during 60° of-cam rotation.
-(ii) Follower dwells for the next 45°.
•(iii) Follower returns to its original position during next 90°.
(iv) Follower dwells for the rest of-the rotation.
The displacement of the follower is to take place with simple harmonic motion during
both the outward and return strokes. The least radius of the cam is 50 mm. Draw the
profile of the cam when the axis of the follower is offset 20 mm towards right from the
cam axis.
14.b) Draw the profile of the cam when the roller follower moves with cycloidal motion as
given below:
(i) Outstroke with maximum displacement of 44 mm during 180° of cam rotation.
(ii) Return stroke for the next 150° of cam rotation.
(iii) Dwell for the remaining 30° of cam rotation.
The minimum radius of cam is 20 mm and the diameter of the roller is 10 mm. the axis
of the roller follower passes through the cam shaft axis.

15.a) Classify with neat sketch and an application of the following

(i) Toothed gearing
(ii) Gear trains
15.b) All the arms of a porter governor are 250 mm long. The upper arms are hinged a t a
distance of 40 mm from the axis of rotation whereas the lower arms are pivoted at a
distance of 50 mm from the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is 2.5 kg and mass of
sleeve is 25 kg. The force of friction on the sleeve is 20 N. The masses revolve at a
radius of 125 mm at minimum speed and at a radius of 150 mm at maximum speed.
Determine the range of speed.

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