Birth Certificate Bond

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The document discusses the Birth Certificate Bond, which relates a birth certificate to monetary instruments. It provides a process and form for accepting the bond and references other sources like Winston Shrout that further explain the concept.

The Birth Certificate Bond relates a birth certificate to monetary instruments based on definitions in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 31, Section 103.11. This section defines monetary instruments to include incomplete instruments or securities in bearer form, which can include a birth certificate.

The process involves filling out a form to accept the bond, which includes details like the registered mail number, names, signatures, and witnesses. It is then submitted to the Treasury to credit the bond to the associated Treasury account.

Birth Certificate Bond

19 Thursday JAN 2012


Birth Certificate, Birth Certificate remedy, EIN number, PN Date, Solutions in Commerce, sovereign documents,
Winston Shrout

(For Austin)
Blog Master’s Note: I’m glad I took the time to spend a night and day researching into the Birth
Certificate Bond. There are many examples, some pro and con. I discovered other things in the
process, like Cornell University hides information. For instance don’t go there and try to look up
Code of Federal Regulations Title 31, Section 103.11 and beyond under Section 103. What you will
find is only Section 103. It’s important because one of Austin’s Documents, and his e-mails, are
directed at 103.11 Meaning of Terms. In fact he highlighted a portion of 103.11, concerning the
Birth Certificate and here it is:

(u) Monetary instruments.

(1) Monetary instruments include:

(i) Currency;
(ii) Traveler’s checks in any form;
(iii) All negotiable instruments (including personal checks, business checks, official bank checks,
cashier’s checks, third-party checks, promissory notes (as that term is defined in the Uniform
Commercial Code), and money orders) that are either in bearer form, endorsed without restriction,
made out to a fictitious payee (for the purposes of §103.23), or otherwise in such form that title
thereto passes upon delivery;
(iv) Incomplete instruments (including personal checks, business checks, official bank checks,
cashier’s checks, third-party checks, promissory notes (as that term is defined in the Uniform
Commercial Code), and money orders) signed but with the payee’s name omitted; and
(v) Securities or stock in bearer form or otherwise in such form that title thereto passes upon
(2) Monetary instruments do not include warehouse receipts or bills of lading.
(v) Originator. The sender of the first payment order in a funds transfer.
Originator’s bank. The receiving bank to which the payment order of the originator is issued if
the originator is not a bank or foreign bank, or the originator if the originator is a bank or foreign
(x) Payment date. The day on which the amount of the transmittal order is payable to the recipient
by the recipient’s financial institution. The payment date may be determined by instruction of the
sender, but cannot be earlier than the day the order is received by the recipient’s financial
institution and, unless otherwise prescribed by instruction, is the date the order is received by the
recipient’s financial institution.
(y) Payment order. An instruction of a sender to a receiving bank, transmitted orally,
electronically, or in writing, to pay, or to cause another bank or foreign bank to pay, a fixed or
determinable amount of money to a beneficiary if:
(1) The instruction does not state a condition to payment to the beneficiary other than time of
(2) The receiving bank is to be reimbursed by debiting an account of, or otherwise receiving
payment from, the sender; and
(3) The instruction is transmitted by the sender directly to the receiving bank or to an agent, funds
transfer system, or communication system for transmittal to the receiving bank

(I was going nuts trying to find this on Cornell but instead I found it here: 31 CFR 103.11 Pay
attention to (x) payment date, it will come up again on Austin’s forms as PD date. Why would
Cornell pretend that Section 103.11 didn’t exist?)

Austin’s message: Here are files under Title 31 which the bank is held to specifically perform . . .
study these definitions and use them where applicable . . . don’t go diving into these bastards
making threats . . . it allows them to bring in their lawyers and then you’ll never clean it up.
Educate yourself first . . . threats are seen as a weakness . . . I never threatened an asshole who
had it coming . . . I just busted his ass in the middle of his rant.

Lots on the Birth Certificate . . . the transition of the Death Certificate gives access
to the trading of the Birth Certificate with Dunn and Bradstreet (a British entity
that goes back centuries) . . . they want to keep you mothers commercial energy
and “Bond” trading on the market and without a timely demand for probate of the
Treasury Account, they will claim the account as abandon property, subject to
salvage . . . this is the info you need to know and understand when you speak with
these assholes. Put the burden on them, tell them you will need them to provide
you with all of their purported authorities in writing indicating how they believe
you are to specifically perform under Title 31 and the Uniform Commercial Code
and signed by an officer of the bank.



Issued by: «ManFullName», Principal

c/o temporary mailing location:
U. S. P. O. Postmaster
non-domestic without the United States
Beneficiary: Timothy F. Geithner, U.S. Trustee d/b/a REGISTERED MAIL
Secretary of the Treasury RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED
Department of the Treasury REGISTERED NO. «BCBondRegMailNo»
c/o 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220


In accordance with H.J.R. 192, 05 June 1933, Chapter 48, 48 Stat. 112 In the matter of:
Certificate of Live Birth No. «BCNumber», Accepted for Value and Exempt from Levy, For
deposit to the Department of the Treasury, For further credit to: «StrawmanAlt2», «SocSec»

The undersigned «ManFullName» (“Principal”), a living Christian man in rerum natura, herewith accepts for
value the enclosed bond, Certificate of Live Birth No. «BCNumber» and all endorsements front and back in
accord with Public Law found at Chapter 48, 48 Stat. 112, Public Policy found at House Joint Resolution 192
of June 5, 1933, and the Uniform Commercial Code, the Principal being the sole authorized acceptor of the
said bond, contributor of value thereto, and contributing beneficiary thereof.


Please deposit this bond to an account bearing the Registered Mail No. «BCBondRegMailNo» for future
identification purposes, to be used for setoff of any and all bills, taxes, liabilities and claims (i) against
«ManFirstName» «ManMiddleName» «ManLastName» as listed on Certificate of Live Birth, No.
«BCNumber» a/k/a «StrawmanAlt1», (ii) against the Principal’s debtor: «StrawmanFullName» a/k/a
«StrawmanAlt1» a/k/a «StrawmanAlt2» a/k/a any and all similar alphanumeric derivatives («SocSec»; File
No. «UCCFileNoPresentState»; «DateofUCCPresentState», annexed hereto), or (iii) against any of the
Principal’s various debtors or beneficiaries, the said claims to be identified by the Principal’s acceptance for
value and endorsement noted thereon…

Please transfer all assets from the Principal’s previous such accounts bearing the Registered Mail Numbers
RR _____________ US (Date) and RR _____________ US (__________) to the said account No.
«BCBondRegMailNo». Please (i) adjust any and all such bills, taxes, claims and liabilities to a zero (-0-)
ending balance or ending balance favorable to the Principal; (ii) charge, settle and close any such account,
and (iii) return all interest to the Principal via «StrawmanFullName» («SocSec») in care of the above

Respondent shall have thirty (30) days from the date of verified receipt of this Bond to perform or dishonor
this Bond by returning it with all attachments to the Principal at the above-noted location by non-domestic
post. Failure to so return shall constitute Respondent’s acceptance of and performance on all terms and
provisions herein.

This Bond shall be posted as an asset to the benefit of the United States Department of the
Treasury and shall expire upon expiration of the Principal.

We, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby solemnly attest to the authenticity of

the foregoing signatures and seals on this the
______________ day of _____________________ in the Year of Our
Lord Two Thousand and ____________.


Signature Print Location


Signature Print Location

Accepted for value by drawee

________________________ «PN Date»

«ManFullNameSignature» Date

Exemption ID. No. «EIN»

Deposit to the U.S. Treasury and credit to the Account of and benefit of

«StrawmanFullName» ID No. «SocSec»

This is an issue of currency for cause. Deposit to the U.S. Treasury and credit to
the Account of and benefit of «StrawmanFullName» ID No. «SocSec»


Here are some other links that I found, one from the U.S. Treasury that says this is a fraud. But
here is another one, notice the difference; both have witnesses, where the fraud doesn’t. The EIN
# (Exemption Number) is your social security number without the dashes between the
numbers. Now you see the PN date, which is the current date plus 30 days. The ‘seal’ is your
thumb print using red ink. This is the form that Austin used years ago, and it worked. Here is
another interesting link, Judicial DECEPTION. Now it is time to go to Winston Shrout,
“Solutions in Commerce” beginning at Video 3 and going into Video 4, he will discuss both
Accepted for Value and Accepting for Value the Birth Certificate. Here is the link.
Birth Certificate . . . Tracking Its Movement In "acceptance for value"
Ten Basic Foundations of Commercial Law (Part 2) In "acceptance defined"
Birth Certificates and Remedies In "affidavit of abatement"

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