Density Gradient Centrifugation
Density Gradient Centrifugation
Density Gradient Centrifugation
Discovery by: Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl
Presentation by: Sarah Gorbatov and Nurit Schlosberg
Matthew Meselson: Background Check
❏ Born in Denver on May 24, 1930
❏ Graduated high school 1.5 years
early = nerd (he never received a
❏ Enrolled at UChicago and studied
liberal arts
❏ Travelled throughout Europe
❏ Attended Berkeley and UChicago,
studying chemistry
❏ Began working under Pauling at
CalTech and researching
equilibrium density gradient
centrifugation/x-ray crystallography
Stahl: Background Check
❏ Born on October 8,
❏ Attended public
school in the
suburbs surrounding
❏ Also a nerd, surprise
❏ Studied biology at
the University of
Rochester and
thereafter Harvard
❏ Received his PhD for
the work he did on
bacterial viruses
known as phages
The both of them were interested in
researching different methods of
proving or disproving the
Watson-Crick Rosalind Franklin
model of double-helical DNA.
The wedding’s