Experimental Investigations of Sol-Gel Process Parameters For Wear Reduction On Thermal Barrier Coated AA2024 Aluminum Alloys With The Use of Taguchi-Based Optimization

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Sådhanå (2020)45:187  Indian Academy of Sciences


Experimental investigations of sol-gel process parameters for wear

reduction on thermal barrier coated AA2024 aluminum alloys
with the use of Taguchi-based optimization
Mechanical Engineering Department, Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (RKGIT), Ghaziabad 201 003,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad,
Prayagaraj 211 004, India
e-mail: [email protected]

MS received 24 January 2020; revised 25 May 2020; accepted 30 May 2020

Abstract. The present sol-gel processes present a surface modification technique for improving the sliding
wear resistance characteristics of metallic materials of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy. With the help of dip-coating
methods, seven weight% yttria stabilized zirconia (7YSZ) as a top-coat is applied over the air plasma sprayed
bond-coated materials, CoNiCrAlY, on aluminum alloys. Thereafter, coating thickness is measured using an
optical microscope. Further, sliding wear tests are performed on Pin-On-Disc Friction and Wear test rig as per
L16 orthogonal arrays of Taguchi method. Investigations revealed temperature as the most influencing parameter
for uncoated samples while temperature and applied load, both for coated samples. In comparison to base
metallic alloys, sol-gel derived YSZ coating on the AA2024 surface exhibited better wear resistance, resulted
into the reduction of wear rate.

Keywords. Dry-sliding wear; sol-gel thermal barrier coating; AA2024-T351; Taguchi method.

1. Introduction highest hardness is noted in 2024 AA among all other

aluminum alloys, means more beneficial and less critical to
Sliding wear is defined as stepwise degradation of material wear [22, 23] due to the presence of intermetallic ternary
when two bodies are in a contact during relative motion Al-Cu-Mg phase in the form of CuAl2 and CuMgAl2
under load [1]. Mechanical system failures under these [21, 24, 25].
conditions are subject matter of interest since long time [2]. For improving wear resistance, there are number of
Various types of metallic alloys are being used in the case surface protection methods like nitriding, laser gas alloying,
of sliding contact of components depending upon the electron beam surface alloying, sputtering and duplex sur-
applications [3, 4]. Although it is noticeable that strength of face engineering techniques are found to popular [26–31].
aluminum alloys reduces considerably at high temperature In this direction, there are tremendous work done with
[5–11]. Therefore, wear behavior of Al-Si aluminum alloys, application of ceramic materials and found to offer many
which are used in internal combustion engine compo- advantages over metallic materials [3, 4]. Thermal spray
nents[12, 13], as well as other series of aluminum alloys, techniques for the deposition of ceramic materials forming
e.g., AA 2014 [14], AA 7004-T6 [15], AA 2024-T4 [15], ceramic oxide coatings such as alumina, zirconia, titania,
AA 7039 [16] and Al-Si-Cu alloys [17] are studied. In chromia and silica on the surface are conventionally
comparison to 2024-T4 AA, low coefficient of friction but
accepted as surface protection of materials to improve wear
with high wear rate in 7 series aluminum alloys against
and erosion resistance [27, 32]. Among ceramic oxide
steel disc is reported [15]. But, some researchers are also
coating materials, zirconia based ceramics were extensively
found lack of adequacy in surface hardness and wear
considered to be a good coating candidate material due to
resistance in aluminum alloys and so, are restricted in
its superior thermo-physical properties [27, 33]. With the
application to a certain extent [18–20]. Under heat treat-
tremendous performance of Air Plasma Spraying (APS) in
able conditions whether it is naturally aged (2024-T4),
aerospace [34, 35] and internal combustion engines com-
artificially aged (2024-T6) or both (2024-T351) [21, 22],
ponents [34, 36], it was found to be attained more popu-
larity as conventional thermal spray technique to fabricate
*For correspondence thermal barrier coating (TBC) on different substrates.
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Therefore, most of the tribological studies of TBC are as specimen. The chemical composition AA2024-T351 are
related to studies on coatings prepared by APS [37–39]. shown in table 1. Bond coat of CoNiCrAlY on the flat
The wear characteristics of zirconia based ceramic coatings surface of cylindrical substrate were prepared by air plasma
were found complicated due to the anisotropic nature of the spraying at Ms. Anode Plasma Pvt. Ltd., Kanpur (India).
coatings and, the complexity increased further with the The parameters used for APS are shown in table 2. For top-
variation of wear factors [40]. coat, sol-gel of 7YSZ was synthesized and deposited on the
From few decades, various researchers have done bond coated substrate by automatic dip coatings machine
excellent work on nanostructure coatings and they com- (M/s Apex Instrument, Kolkata, Model: dip SV1).
pared it to plasma spraying technique in all aspects of areas Yttria stabilized zirconia sol was synthesized from zir-
including tribological performance. It was obtained with conium propoxide-acetyl acetone-sulphuric-acid-water-1-
good toughness, high wear resistance, high hardness, good propanol system. Precursors used for the yttria stabilized
creep resistance and thermal properties [41–44]. There powder synthesis were zirconium(IV)propoxide (Zr(OPr)4)
were lot of difficulties faced during the deposition of nano (Aldrich), yttrium(III)nitrates hexahydrate (Y(NO3)3.6H2O)
particle via plasma spraying due to lack of momentum of (Alfa Aesar), solvent was 1-propanol (SRL). Chelating
powder particles. So, spray drying was used for the agents were used as acetyl acetone (AcAc) and Sulphuric
development of nanoceramic coatings from the nano- acid. Zirconium n-propoxide n-propanol complex ((C3H7-
powders [45–47]. On other hand, it was also obtained O)4Zr-C3H7OH) was used as a starting material which was
expensive process [48]. Alternatively, sol-gel derived diluted with 1-propanol till the molarity of [Zr] reduced to
nanostructure coating is observed very economical with 0.4M. In the 7YSZ composite sol, 2 weight% Polyvinyl
low crystallization temperature [49–53]. Thereafter, well alcohol (2PVA) was mixed and mechanically stirred for
established sol-gel technology (SG) with good chemical making slurry viscous [60]. Dip-coating on the bond coated
bonding were successfully obtained [53, 54]. Sol–gel flat surface of substrate was performed at controlled dip-
derived alumina coatings produced were found dense, hard, ping and withdrawal speed of 250 mm/min [61]. After
wear and corrosion-resistant ceramic coatings after heat dipping for 25 minutes, samples were withdrawn and
treatment at temperatures as low as 300-500C [55, 56]. heated at 60C for 15 minutes. This process was repeated
Further, sol-gel derived 60 lm thick alumina coating was for 150 cycles. After fabrication of top coat, it was dried at
successfully applied over grit blasted 25 mm square 6061 room temperature [60].
aluminum alloy samples [57] and then it were tested to dry
sliding wear against both hard bearing steel ball
(SAE52100) and mild steel pin (AISI1018 steel) at different 2.2 Preparation of samples for wear rate
sliding speeds and contact loads on Pin-On-Disc apparatus. of uncoated AA2024 substrate
To present date, sliding wear of sol-gel based top-coat The wear test samples for uncoated substrate were groun-
prepared on bond coated substrates is not reported in the ded using SiC emery paper from No. 220 to 2000. After
literature and is studied in the present work for the case of grinding of uncoated samples, it was lapped to get the
AA2024-T351 substrate. Bond coat of intermetallic CoN- surface finish in the range of Ra 0.023-0.029 lm. After
iCrAlY was fabricated on the substrate by air plasma lapping samples were washed by acetone. Finally, cleaned
spraying (APS) [58]. For comparison sliding wear tests were samples were dried and weighed using an electronic bal-
also conducted on uncoated AA2024-T351 substrate. 7 ance (Make: CONTECH, 224D) having a resolution of 0.01
weight % yttria stabilized zirconia sol-gel was synthesized mg [60].
and dip coated as top coat on the bond coated AA2024-T351
aluminum alloy substrate. The tests were performed by
selecting four different temperatures (25C, 150C, 275C 2.3 Preparation of samples for wear test of coated
and 400C), disc speeds (200 RPM, 400 RPM, 600 RPM and samples
800 RPM), loads (15N, 30N, 45N and 60N) and sliding
velocities (0.5 m/s, 0.6 m/s, 0.7 m/s and 0.8 m/s). Taguchi Heat treated AA2024-T351 SGTBC substrates were dried
based orthogonal array (OA) was used for experimentation at 120C, followed by 220C, 340C, 400C for 8 h to
and an optimal sliding wear parameter were determined for increase the strength of the coating and reduce the rough-
minimum sliding wear rate (SWR) [59]. ness. Finally, sol-gel deposited top-coat aluminum alloy
substrates were aged for 24 h at 60C before wear testing.
The coatings obtained were found to be smooth with
2. Experimentation
Table 1. Chemical Composition of AA2024-T351substrate.
2.1 Substrate and coating materials
Elements Cu Mg Si Zn Mn Al
In the present study, cylindrical pin of 10 mm diameter and
Compositions (%) 4.7 1.4 0.5 0.25 0.5 Balance
30 mm length of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy was selected
Sådhanå (2020)45:187 Page 3 of 12 187

Table 2. Spraying Process Parameters for bond coat of CoNiCrAlY.

Current Voltage Primary gas, Ar (l/ Secondary gas, H2 (l/ Powder feed rate (g/ Spray distance Travel speed (mm/
(A) (V) min) min) min) (mm) sec)
550 67 43 9.5 20 100 30

roughness of coating between 3-4 lm Ra. Finally, samples 2.5 Sliding wear test
were dried and weighed using an electronic balance (Make:
CONTECH, 224D) of resolution 0.01 mg. Dry sliding wear tests were performed on coated specimens
(Ø10 mm 930 mm long pin) against EN31 steel disc using
pin-on-disc type wear testing machine (Ducom Pvt. Ltd,
Bangalore, India) as per the ASTM standard G99-04. For
2.4 Taguchi design of experiments
uncoated samples, after every 10 minute of test run, weight
Selection of optimal process parameters is very significant of the samples was measured and the wear debris were
for obtaining improved quality characteristics. To achieve removed to avoid presence of debris between the contacting
one, it required large number of experiments. Taguchi [61] surfaces. In the case of sol-gel TBC samples, samples were
has proposed different orthogonal arrays (OA) to reduce cleaned off from loose debris using compressed air and re-
number of experiments and is exceptionally realistic for weighed till the loss of coating. The wear testing was done
complex processes. The experimental data were examined thrice to ensure the repeatability of the test and an average
on the basis of signal–to-noise ratio (SNR) [62, 63]. This of three was selected. The wear rates (g/N.m) were calcu-
quality characteristic is a smaller-the-better type of per- lated as the ratio of wear mass loss in gram divided by the
formance characteristics as smaller wear rate will be better applied load and sliding distance [64]. Weight loss of both
[59]. Four control factors namely temperature, disc speed, coated and uncoated samples during the wear test was
load and sliding velocity were selected for performing measured using an electronic balance with a resolution of ±
experiments are given in table 3. In this experimental study, 0.01 mg. Wear tested uncoated AA2024-T351 samples and
L16 orthogonal array (OA) is selected as there are four coated AA2024-T351 samples are shown in figures 1 and 2,
control factors with four levels and is summarized in respectively.
table 4. Pin-On-Disc tests were conducted as per the levels
of control factors given in table 4 for both uncoated and
coated AA2024-T351 substrate. After conducting tests,
3. Results and discussion
SNR for both coated and uncoated samples were calculated
on the basis of the equation (1) which is used for the cases
3.1 Analysis of effect of control factors on sliding
of smaller-the-better type of quality characteristic/objective
function [59, 62, 63]. wear
  The sixteen experimental test runs conducted as per table 4
S=R ¼ 10 log ð1=nÞR y2i ð1Þ are summarized in figure 3 for uncoated AA2024-T351
where n is the number of observations (test runs); yi is the aluminum alloys and 7YSZ sol-gel coated AA2024-T351
observed data. Further, a statistical analysis of variance aluminum alloy substrates. Under all test run conditions,
(ANOVA) was performed to check the statistically signif- the sliding wear rate of uncoated aluminum alloy is more
icance sliding wear conditions. Analysis of influence of than coated samples. For the case of uncoated samples,
each sliding wear parameter was carried out by using sta- sliding wear is maximum under test run conditions of 1 (test
tistical tool box MINITAB 16.0. run 1) when temperature was 25C, disc speed was 200
RPM, sliding speed was 0.5 m/sec and applied load was
15N (figure 3). With the increase in temperature wear rate
Table 3. Control factors for Sliding Wear experiment and their decreases for fixed load conditions. At fixed load of 15 N,
levels. for uncoated sample, wear rate is minimum for test run 16,
when temperature was 400C, disc speed was 800 rpm,
Levels sliding speed was 0.7 m/sec. For coated and uncoated
Codes Control factors L1 L2 L3 L4 samples, wear rate is maximum under test run 1 when
parameters are temperature 25C, normal load of 15 N, disc
A Temperature (C) 25 150 275 400 speed of 200 rpm and sliding velocity of 0.5 m/sec. At high
B Disc speed (RPM) 200 400 600 800
temperature of 400C and for uncoated samples wear rate is
C Normal load (N) 15 30 45 60
D Sliding speed (m/sec) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
minimum for test run 16 when disc speed was 800 rpm,
normal load was 15 N and sliding velocity was 0.7 m/sec.
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Table 4. Experimental design matrix using L16 orthogonal array.

Sliding Wear Rate Smaller-the-better

Levels (910-6 g/Nm) S/N ratios (SNR)

Test run A B C D 2024 SGTBC 2024 SGTBC

1 25 200 15 0.5 0.925 0.876 0.677 1.149
2 25 400 30 0.6 0.551 0.117 5.176 18.636
3 25 600 45 0.7 0.385 0.134 8.291 17.457
4 25 800 60 0.8 0.251 0.163 12.006 15.756
5 150 200 30 0.7 0.184 0.169 14.704 15.442
6 150 400 15 0.8 0.292 0.181 10.692 14.846
7 150 600 60 0.5 0.196 0.124 14.155 18.132
8 150 800 45 0.6 0.176 0.0463 15.089 26.688
9 275 200 45 0.8 0.123 0.0319 18.202 29.924
10 275 400 60 0.7 0.129 0.107 17.788 19.412
11 275 600 15 0.6 0.168 0.118 15.494 18.562
12 275 800 30 0.5 0.124 0.053 18.132 25.514
13 400 200 60 0.6 0.180 0.080 14.895 21.938
14 400 400 45 0.5 0.174 0.071 15.189 22.975
15 400 600 30 0.8 0.156 0.0368 16.137 28.683
16 400 800 15 0.7 0.141 0.079 17.016 22.047
Average of SNR 13.353 19.823

Figure 1. Worn surface of uncoated AA2024-T351 substrate.

At high temperature of 400C, for coated samples, sliding Figure 2. Worn surface of coated AA2024-T351 substrate.
wear rate was maximum for test run 13 and minimum for
test run 15. At test run 15 other test parameters were disc
speed of 600 rpm, normal load of 30 N and sliding velocity
3.2 Optimization of control factors for wear rate
of 0.8 m/sec. At maximum testing temperature of 400C,
maximum wear rate for coated and uncoated samples was Results of the sliding wear experiments conducted as per
observed at maximum applied load of 60 N. Wear rate was L16 orthogonal array of Taguchi is given in table 4 for both
found to be decreased linearly with increase in disc speed uncoated AA 2024 aluminum alloy substrate and 7YSZ sol-
and decreased in applied load. One thing was common at gel coated TBC. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) were calcu-
400C for a coated sample was that wear rate was almost lated as per the expression for ‘‘the-smaller-the-better’’ type
constant for all sliding velocities except at 0.8 m/sec. In of optimization expressed by equation (1). SNR for
general, wear rate of coated sample decreased with increase uncoated and coated samples are also given in table 4. The
in temperature. There are effects of interactions of different average of the SNR for each control factor at each level is
parameters of test runs given in table 4 and to get the effect given in table 5a for uncoated AA2024-T351 and in
of interactions, if any and optimal control factors Taguchi table 5b for 7YSZ sol-gel coating on AA 2024-T351. In
design of experimental is applied. tables 5a and 5b, D is the difference between largest and
Sådhanå (2020)45:187 Page 5 of 12 187

contribution ratio is maximized for temperature. Further, it

was concluded that from the results, the most influencing
factor for minimization of wear rate is temperature, fol-
lowed by load, disc speed and sliding speed. With the
application of 7YSZ sol-gel coating, the temperature was
again observed as most influencing factor for minimization
of wear rate that followed by load, disc speed and sliding
speed. The average of SNR for each level of control factors
in shown in figures 4a and b, for uncoated and coated AA
2024-T351 samples, respectively.
Figures 4a and b also show that temperature is the most
dominant performance characteristics among all other fac-
tors for both aluminum alloys and sol-gel coated aluminum
alloys. Better performance is obtained at A3 level of tem-
perature and thus the lowest wear rate for uncoated alu-
minum alloys. The temperature sensitivity of 2024-T351
aluminum alloys increased the hardness, hence resulted in
reduction of wear rate at 275C but with further increase in
temperature up to 400C the wear rate increases. Whereas
for coated sample (figure 4b), wear rate decreases up to
Figure 3. Effect of temperature on wear rate of uncoated and 400C showing complete protection of metallic substrate by
coated substrate. the application of YSZ sol-gel coating that indicates that
nanostructured sol-gel coating improves the wear resistance
in comparison to uncoated metallic substrate AA2024-
smallest average SNR for a particular control factor. From T351. Due to sliding action in wear testing, frictional heat
this difference, percentage contribution which is a ratio of generated is partially delivered into the 7YSZ coating layer
D and summation of D of all control factors is calculated. as 7YSZ coating materials is low thermal conductivity.
For the case of uncoated samples, (table 5a) the percentage This may be due to formation of hard ceramic oxide in the

Table 5a. SNR for Sliding Wear Rate (SWR) of AA2024 substrate.

Control factors

Level Temperature Disc speed Load Sliding speed

1 A1 = 6.537 B1 = 12.119 C1= 10.969 D1= 12.038
2 A2 = 13.660 B2 = 12.211 C2 = 13.537 D2 = 12.664
3 A3 = 17.404 B3 = 13.519 C3 = 14.193 D3 = 14.449
4 A4 = 15.809 B4 = 15.561 C4 = 14.711 D4 = 14.259
DFactor = Difference of Max. & Min. 10.867 3.442 3.742 2.411;
DTotal = 20.462
Contribution Ratios (%) = DFactor/DTotal 53.11 16.82 18.29 11.78
Rank 1 3 2 4

Table 5b. SNR for Sliding Wear Rate of AA2024 SGTBC.

Control factors

Level Temperature Disc speed Load Sliding speed

1 A1 = 13.249 B1 =17.113 C1 =14.151 D1 = 16.943
2 A2 = 18.777 B2 =18.967 C2 = 22.068 D2 = 21.456
3 A3 =23.353 B3 =20.708 C3 = 24.261 D3 = 18.589
4 A4 =24.161 B4 = 22.501 C4 = 18.809 D4= 22.302
DFactor = Difference of Max. & Min. 10.912 5.388 10.110 5.359;
DTotal = 31.769
Contribution Ratios (%) = DFactor/DTotal 34.35 16.96 31.82 16.87
Rank 1 3 2 4
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Figure 4a. The effect of design parameters of A, B, C and D on sliding wear behavior of uncoated AA2024-T351.

Figure 4b. Effect of design parameters of A, B, C and D on sliding wear behavior of sol-gel (SG) coated 7YSZ ceramics AA2024-T351
aluminum alloy substrate.

contact region [65, 66] which might be attributed to better wear resistance at this value. The reduction in the wear rate
wear resistance for coated substrate than uncoated one at with the increase of disc speed may be attributed to the
high temperature. Yan et al [67] also pointed out low wear development of frictional heating during wear testing. AA
rate at high temperature (200C) compared to that of room 2024-T351 has inherent properties of formation of
temperature and 100C testing conditions when Mg-alloys CuMgAl2 intermetallic alloys [68] layers at high tempera-
was treated for pin specimen against stainless steel disc. ture which resists the developed heat with the increase of
For parameter B (disc speed), fourth level B4 is having sliding speed. One important behavior is noticed in sliding
highest average SNR for both uncoated and coated samples, wear rate is insensitive to variation of speed for both coated
figures 4a and b. For uncoated and coated samples, lowest and uncoated samples.
average SNR is for 200 RPM disc speed (B1) indicating For control parameter C (applied load) high performance
highest wear rate of aluminum alloys and highest value of characteristics is for fourth level of parameter C (i.e.,
average SNR is for 800 RPM disc speed showing lowest applied load of 60 N) therefore wear rate will be minimum
Sådhanå (2020)45:187 Page 7 of 12 187

Table 6. Optimum Control factors of Sliding wear Rate in uncoated AA2024 and 7YSZ SGTBC.

Control factors

Temperature Disc speed Load Sliding speed

AA2024 substrate
Optimum level A3 B4 C4 D3
Optimum value 275C 800RPM 60N 0.7 m/sec
Optimum level A4 B4 C3 D4
Optimum value 400C 800RPM 45N 0.8 m/sec

at this level of parameter C for the case of uncoated alu- sliding velocity. This may be due to interaction effect of
minum alloy substrate and third level of applied load i.e., different parameters.
45 N was observed for low wear rate in SG7YSZ TBC. It is In order to obtain minimum wear rate in uncoated alu-
observed that, regardless of the magnitude of the applied minum alloys, the optimum level of parameters is temper-
load, the uncoated substrate has a much higher wear rate ature A3 (275C), disc speed B4 (800 RPM), applied load
than that of the coated substrate [3]. It is cleared that forces C4 (60N) and sliding velocity D3 (0.7 m/sec). For the case
developed might be principally controlled by the manner of of coated substrate, the optimum level of parameters is
material removal in YSZ ceramic materials [27]. temperature A4 (400C), disc speed B4 (800 RPM), load C3
For both coated and uncoated samples, the wear rate, in (45 N) and sliding velocity D4 (0.8 m/sec). These values are
general, decreases with the increase in applied load. In the summarized in table 6 also. It was observed that the pres-
case of coated samples, wear rate suddenly increases at 60N ence of a sol-gel derived 7YSZ coating significantly redu-
applied load (C4). Singh et al [69] also reported rapid ces the sliding wear rate in compared to uncoated metallic
increase in wear at higher load in the range of 50-80 N for alloy substrate.
APS deposited alumina coating against EN32 steel disc. In order to obtain the influence of each parameter on
This adverse effect at high load range is due to establish- wear rate on uncoated and coated aluminum alloys sub-
ment of differential thermal stress into the coating due to strate, analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied. The
low thermal conductivity of 7YSZ coatings. When the load results of ANOVA for both the cases are presented in
on the pin is increased at 60N, the actual area of contact tables 7a and b, respectively using the statistical tool box
would increase towards nominal area, resulting in increase Minitab 16. One can observe from these results that all the
of frictional force between two mating surfaces. The design parameters (i.e., control factors) of wear rate have a
increased frictional force and surface area of coated sample bearing on the average value.
in contact bring higher wear rate. In the case of uncoated The percentage contribution ratio of each control factor
pin sample and steel disc, wear rate is decreased with for uncoated and coated aluminum alloys substrate are
increase of load, indicating that hardness of uncoated pin shown in figures 5a and b, respectively. Significance
sample increased with increasing of load due to high tem- parameter for both the cases are also shown in figure 6
perature effects during testing. based on average SNR for each control factors.
Similarly, third level of parameter D, i.e., 0.7 m/s sliding
velocity shows the higher performance characteristics,
(figure 4a) indicating low wear rate in the uncoated alu- 3.3 Confirmation experiment
minum alloy substrate. For the case of 7YSZ sol-gel coat-
The confirmation experiment is the last step in the design of
ing, the fourth level of sliding speed i.e., 0.8 m/sec is experiment process. Through confirmation test, optimized
having the highest performance characteristics and thus control factors are validated. The confirmation tests were
lowest wear rate. From the current dry sliding wear tests, it performed on two sets of optimal control factors namely
is also realized that the wear rate is low at the high sliding A3B4C4D3 and A4B4C3D4 to predict the sliding wear rate of
speed as compared to the low sliding speed (figures 4a and uncoated and SG coated 7YSZ AA2024 (SGTBC) sub-
b). With the increase in sliding velocity, time available for strate, respectively. The wear rate at optimum control fac-
frictional heat dissipation from contact surfaces to atmo- tors (figure 4a) of A3B4C4D3 for uncoated AA2024-T351
sphere is very less. This friction heating in the contact zone substrate was obtained as 0.115 (910-6g/Nm) which is less
must be accelerating the formation of oxidize layer of than the lowest wear rate of 0.123 for control factor levels
ceramic giving better performance at high sliding velocity A3B1C3D4 reported in table 4. The SNR at optimized
[64]. Although, at third level of sliding velocity, i.e., 0.7 control factors was 22.06, whereas for A3B1C3D4 (table 4)
m/s, wear rate is in comparison to second level i.e., 0.6 m/s control factors was 18.202. The improvement in SNR was
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Table 7a. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for S/N ratios for Sliding Wear Rate of AA2024 substrate.

Factors DOF Sum of square Variance F-ratio Percentage contribution P-value Importance
A (Temperature) 3 275.956 91.985 33.50 77.35 0.008 Most Significant
B (Impact angle) 3 30.908 10.303 3.75 8.66 0.153 Not significant
C (Impact velocity) 3 33.053 11.018 4.01 9.26 0.142 Not significant
D (Erodent flow rate) 3 16.913 5.638 2.05 4.73 0.285 Not significant
Error 3 8.238 2.746
Total 15 365.067 43.31

Table 7b. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for S/N ratios for Sliding Wear Rate of AA2024 SGTBC.

Factors DOF Sum of square Variance F-ratio Percentage contribution P-value Importance
A (Temperature) 3 293.90 97.97 8.18 44.26 0.059 Significant
B (Disc speed) 3 64.13 21.38 1.78 9.64 0.323 Not significant
C (Load) 3 231.75 77.25 6.45 34.90 0.080 Significant
D (Sliding velocity) 3 74.53 24.84 2.07 11.20 0.282 Not significant
Error 3 35.94 11.98
Total 15 700.25 18.48

Figure 5a. The contribution ratio of each control factors of uncoated AA2024-T351.

0.584 dB (table 8). Level A3B1C3D4 is corresponding to rate is corresponding of control factors A3B1C3D4 and it is
minimum wear obtained for the case of sol-gel coated 0.0319 (910-6 g/Nm) for coated sample. The SNR was
samples (Test run no. 9 in table 4). Similarly, confirmation 32.690 dB which was also more than the presented SNR in
test was conducted at optimum control factors (figure 4b) table 4. Improvement in SNR with respect to sliding wear
of A4B4C3D4 for 7YSZ sol-gel coating. Sliding wear rate at rate at control parameter A3B1C3D4 is 2.766 dB. The SNR
this level of experimental parameters was 0.0232 (9 10-6 can also be predicted for sliding wear rate in uncoated
g/N.m) which is minimum among all test results shown in metallic aluminum alloys AA2024 substrate with the help
table 4 for coated samples. As per table 4, minimum wear of equation (2) [59]
Sådhanå (2020)45:187 Page 9 of 12 187

Figure 5b. The contribution ratio of each control factors of coated AA2024SGTBC.

Figure 6. Optimal combination of control factors for uncoated AA2024 and coated 2024SGTBC.

Table 8. Results of the Confirmation Experiments for Sliding Wear Rate in AA2024.

Optimum Parameters
Initial Parameters
Level A3B1C3D4 A3B4C4D3 (Prediction) A3B4C4D3 (Experimental)
Sliding wear rate 0.123 (g/Nm) – 0.115 (910-6 g/Nm)
SNR (dB) 18.202 dB 22.066 dB 18.876 dB
Improvement of S–N ratio for Erosive wear rate = 18.786 – 18.202 = 0.584 dB

ðg2024 ÞPr ediction ¼ T þ ðA3  TÞ þ ðB4  TÞ þ ðC4  TÞ Where T is the average of SNR values equal to 13.353 as
þ ðD3  TÞ given in table 4 and A3 , B4 , C4 , D
3 are average SNR at
levels A3, B4, C4 and D3 as given in table 5a. Similarly, the
estimated SNR for sliding wear rate in AA2024 SGTBC
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Table 9. Results of the Confirmation Experiments for Sliding Wear rate in AA2024 SGTBC.

Optimum Parameters
Initial Parameters
Level A3B1C3D4 A4B4C3D4 (Prediction) A4B4C3D4 (Experimental)
Sliding Wear Rate 0.0319 (910 g/Nm) – 0.0232 (910-6g/Nm)
SNR (dB) 29.924 dB 33.756 dB 32.690 dB
Improvement of S–N ratio for Sliding Wear Rate = 32.69 – 29.924 = 2.766 dB

can be calculated by the following predictive equation (3) References

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