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NASA Technical Memorandum 107165

Simplified Micromechanics of
Plain Weave Composites

Subodh K. Mital
University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio

Pappu L.N. Murthy and Christos C. Chamis

Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio

March 1996

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Trade names or manufacturers’ names are used in this report for identification
only. This usage does not constitute an official endorsement, either expressed
or implied, by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Subodh K. Mital
The University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio

Pappu L.N. Murthy and Christos C. Chamis

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio


A micromechanics based methodology to simulate the complete hygro-thermomechanical behavior

of plain weave composites is developed. This methodology is based on micromechanics and the classical
laminate theory. The methodology predicts a complete set of thermal, hygral and mechanical properties of
plain woven composites, generates necessary data for use in a finite element structural analysis, and predicts
stresses all the way from the laminate to the constituent level. This methodology is used in conjunction with a
composite mechanics code to analyze and predict the properties/response of a generic graphite/epoxy woven
textile composite and a plain weave ceramic composite. The fiber architecture, including the fiber waviness
and fiber end distributions through the thickness, is properly accounted for. Predicted results compare rea-
sonably well with those from detailed three-dimensional finite element analyses as well as available experi-
mental data. However, the main advantage of the proposed methodology is its high computational efficiency
as compared with three-dimensional finite element analyses.


There is growing interest in the use of woven composites for structural applications. Such applications
range from bio-medical components, aircraft and space structures to automotive and other applications. In the
case of aircraft structures, woven or braided composites can be used for a wide variety of cross-sectional forms
such as stiffeners, truss members, rotor blade and spars etc. to reduce the fabrication costs. Reinforcement of
these composites are formed by various processes such as weaving, braiding or knitting, etc. Woven fabric
composites, in particular, are constructed by weaving two fiber tows into each other to form a layer. These
layers are then impregnated with a resin or matrix material, stacked in a desired orientation, and cured to
obtain a composite laminate. The interlacing of fiber bundles has several advantages such as increasing the
intra- and inter-laminar strength, greater damage tolerance, as well as providing a possibility to produce near
net shape structural components. Such capabilities are very important for producing thick laminates. However,
these advantages come at the expense of some loss in the in-plane stiffness and strength, which depends upon
the weave architecture. There is certainly a need for sound engineering data as well as verified and efficient
analytical/design methodologies to evaluate different parameters. These design methodologies must account
for processing parameters and microstructural/geometrical features for accurate modeling of such composites.
This need has been addressed by many researchers (refs.1 to 9). There are certain models based on
classical laminate theory which are used mainly to predict laminate level properties. These models include
the mosaic model, the fiber undulation model, and the fiber bridging model. They are generally based on
laminate theory. Then there are numerical models which are based on three-dimensional finite element
analyses. Notable among these is the work of Whitcomb (ref. 5) for analyzing textile fabric composites.
Whitcomb analyzed plain weave textile composites using brick elements and predicted properties of the unit
cell for different waviness ratios and strain concentrations in the fiber cross-over regions. The moduli and the
Poisson's ratios were predicted for a generic graphite/epoxy woven textile composite for various waviness
ratios. Raju et al. (ref. 3) provided an overview of the analytical methods for woven composites. However,
using the above analytical methods, it would be difficult to smoothly incorporate processing and environmental
degradation effects. Furthermore, numerical analysis techniques such as finite element analyses are very
tedious and cannot be used in a routine manner for woven composites. The model generation itself is very
cumbersome and extremely time-consuming for such complex fiber architectures. Such numerical techniques
should only be used either at the structural level or strictly for verification purposes at the micromechanical
NASA Lewis Research Center has been involved in the development of micromechanics based
composite analysis codes for over two decades and several computer codes have been developed as part of
that effort. One of these codes is ICAN (Integrated Composite Analyzer, ref. 10) that has been developed for a
comprehensive analysis of continuous fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites. The program performs
micromechanics, macromechanics and laminate analysis including the hygrothermal response of fiber com-
posites. Fabrication-related issues and environmental degradation effects are also taken into account. Another
code that is under development is CEMCAN (Ceramic Matrix Composite Analyzer, ref. 11) which performs a
comprehensive analysis of ceramic matrix composites. The objective of the present work is to develop a
methodology to predict the laminate properties and response of woven composites, that can be used in con-
junction with composite mechanics codes such as ICAN and CEMCAN computer codes mentioned earlier. The
intention of the present work is to develop a methodology that can make use of the capabilities that already
exist for laminated composites, yet account for fiber waviness and fiber end distributions through the thickness
accurately to simulate woven composite behavior. The present analysis parallels fiber crimp or undulation
model (ref. 2). Micromechanics based techniques have certain advantages - the response can be decomposed
down to the constituent level and since the micromechanics itself is based on closed-form equations, it is
inherently much more efficient than a numerical analysis technique—both in terms of analysis time and the
time required to generate a model. In the following, the methodology based on micromechanics for the
analysis of woven composites, is explained briefly and is applied to a generic graphite/epoxy plain weave
composite to predict the properties and the response to the applied in-plane tensile loading. These predictions
are compared with the results obtained from a detailed three-dimensional finite element analyses and with
some available experimental data. The properties of a SiC/SiC balanced fabric plain weave ceramic
composite are also predicted and compared with measured values.


As mentioned before, there are several geometries/architectures for woven composites. In the case of
two-dimensional woven fabric composites, two sets of mutually orthogonal sets of yarns of the same material
(non-hybrid) or different material (hybrid) are interlaced with each other. The various types of architectures
can be formed depending on how the pattern in the interlaced regions is repeated. Plain weave is a special
case of two-dimensional woven fabric composites. In the case of plain woven composites, a "warp" or longi-
tudinal fiber tow is interlaced with every second "fill" or width fiber tow as shown in figure 1. A representative
volume element (RVE) or a unit cell for such a laminate construction is shown in figure 2 which has a dimen-
sion of a x a x h (only 1/4 of the actual unit cell is shown here). Symmetry is used and only this portion of the
unit cell is used in the analyses. If one takes a section such as shown in figure 3, there is a portion where the
tow is straight and the construction is like a [0/90] laminate and then there is a wavy portion of the tow. A
useful parameter defined by Whitcomb (ref. 5) is the waviness ratio which is defined as the length of the wavy
portion of the tow to the total fiber tow length (au/a). The other orthogonal tow is dispersed on either side of
this wavy tow as shown in the figure and there is also a matrix rich area whose volume fraction depends upon
material and geometry and can be a substantial fraction of the overall volume. A three-dimensional finite
element mesh of the unit cell is also generated and various elastic analyses are carried out as explained in a
later section.


A typical section of the unit cell is shown in figure 3. and shows a warp fiber tow, a fill fiber tow in
the orthogonal direction and a matrix rich region that arises due to the geometry of plain weave composites.
The undulated shape of the fiber tows is chosen as follows, as suggested by Chou and Ishikawa (ref. 2) and
shown in figure 3. For the warp fiber:

0 0 ≤ x ≤ a1
h a π 
h1 ( x ) = 1 + sin x −  a1 ≤ x ≤ a2 (1)
4  2  au 
a2 ≤ x ≤ a

The sectional shape of the fill region:

0 ≤ x ≤ a1
h  a π  a
1 − sin x −   a1 ≤ x ≤
4 2 au  2
h a π  (2)
−  a
1 − sin x −   ≤ x ≤ a2
4 2 au  2
− a2 ≤ x ≤ a

where: au is the length of the undulated (wavy) fiber tow, h is the height, a1 and a2 are as shown in figure 3.
It is assumed that the laminate plate theory is applicable at each section of the model along the
x-axis. The section (fig. 3) is divided into several slices. For a slice in the straight region, the equivalent pro-
perties of the slice can be obtained by running a [0/90] laminate analysis. For the undulated region, the follow-
ing technique is used - a typical slice in the undulated region may look like the one shown in figure 4. In
general, it will have three regions - fill fiber region, warp fiber region and a matrix rich area. The off-axis angle
for the warp yarn is:

dh1 ( x )
θ( x ) = tan −1 (3)

Knowing θ for a particular slice (at the mid-point of the slice), the Exx for the slice can be obtained
by running a laminate analysis of a [90/θ/0] laminate. The Exx of this "laminate" is same as the Exx for the
slice. The 90° "ply" in this laminate represents the fill yarn, θ "ply" represents the warp yarn and the 0 "ply" is
the matrix or resin rich area. The matrix is assumed to be isotropic, while fibers can be transversely isotropic
(E2 = E3). The thickness of each "ply" is properly accounted for depending upon the location of a particular
slice in the section. Equivalent through-the-thickness modulus (Ezz) of the slice can be obtained as the Eyy of
the [0/θ/0] laminate, where the first 0 "ply" now represents the fill fiber tow region. Since the ply orientation in
laminate theory is in x-y plane, a proper orientation has to be taken into account to compute equivalent slice
properties and the corresponding thickness of each region within a slice. Poisson's ratios and shear moduli are
also computed in a similar manner (i.e. using laminate theory in a judicious manner). Knowing the equivalent
properties of the slices, these are stacked as "plies" in a "laminate" and the computed laminate properties
represent the equivalent properties of this section. For the stress analysis, a laminate analysis is carried out
with an applied load (in-plane or out-of-plane) to obtain equivalent slice stresses in warp and fill regions.
Using micromechanics analysis once again, these stresses in the fill and the warp regions can be divided into
fiber and matrix microstresses if desired. Thus, this technique can provide a very detailed response at any
level. All the features that are already built into a laminate analysis code such as ICAN (ref. 10) (e.g. incor-
poration of processing, effect of voids, environmental degradation, and cyclic load effects) can be easily incor-
porated in this analysis. Such detailed response can not be obtained from a numerical analysis technique in an
efficient manner. The CEMCAN (Ceramic Matrix Composite Analyzer, ref. 11) computer code currently under
development at NASA Lewis Research Center was used for composite mechanics computations in the case of
predicting SiC/SiC plain weave properties, while the ICAN computer code also developed at NASA Lewis
Research Center was used for laminate analyses in the case of woven polymeric composites.


A set of three-dimensional finite element analysis was also carried out to verify the predictions of the
micromechanics analysis. Figure 5 shows a finite element mesh of the plain weave composite considered in
this work. The waviness ratio is taken as 0.5. The unit cell is 30 mils × 30 mils (760 × 760 µm) in the planar
dimension and is 10 mils (254 µm) thick (dimension of the unit cell depends upon the particular material and
is generally provided as number of fiber tows per linear inch). This mesh has 1008 solid elements (mostly 8

noded bricks) and 1375 nodes. Both normal and shear loadings were considered for computing normal and
shear moduli. Boundary conditions were applied in such a manner that if the face at x=0 has a specified
displacement u=0 and the face at x=L has a specified displacement u=u 1, other faces are constrained to move
in a planar manner through the use of conditions that mimic multi-point constraints (MPC). The details of the
boundary conditions are provided in reference 5. The finite element mesh was generated using the MSC Patran
computer code (ref. 12). Resulting nodal forces due to the applied displacements are computed and by dividing
them by the cross-sectional area average stresses are computed. Equivalent modulus is computed by dividing
this average stress by the applied strain. Equivalent moduli were also computed by equating the external work
done to the internal strain energy. Poisson's ratios are also computed by computing the average strain in the
transverse direction and dividing it by the applied strain. The analyses in this work were limited to linear
elastic analyses.


Two material systems were considered in this work as explained below -

Graphite/Epoxy Plain Weave Textile Composite.—The material used for this work is a generic
graphite/epoxy composite. The tow properties were selected that correspond to a 62% fiber volume ratio (fvr)
AS Graphite/Epoxy unidirectional tape prepreg material. The epoxy matrix is isotropic. The material properties
for this composite system are shown in table I. The properties of a conventional [0/90] laminate fabricated from
the same tape material (62%t fvr graphite/epoxy composite) were computed using laminate theory for
comparison purposes. These properties are listed in table II for comparison purposes. One note worth
mentioning again - there is some loss in axial stiffness due to the waviness of the fibers. Moreover, because of
the matrix rich areas, overall fvr are somewhat lower than they are in the tow areas. Hence, the reduction in
properties, as compared to a [0/90] laminate occurs due to both of the above factors. The results presented
below should be viewed in that light.
Table II shows the normal and shear moduli and Poisson's ratios for this weave. The section was
divided into 20 slices (each 1.5 mil or 38 µm wide). There is 20 to 30 percent drop in the in-plane longitudinal
modulus as compared to a [0/90] laminate modulus., while the drop in through-the-thickness modulus is
approximately 10 percent. Although, the fibers have a component in the z-direction, which will cause an
increase in through-the-thickness stiffness, the matrix rich area causes the reverse effect and for this particular
weave there is a drop in through-the-thickness modulus. There is a slight increase in the vxy value as compared
to a [0/90] laminate value. Such observation compares well with the experimental observation in reference 6,
which noted that there is an increase in vxy as the waviness ratio increases. In-plane shear modulus shows a
slight decrease. The difference in micromechanical predictions and finite element analysis results is less than
10 percent. These results also compare quite favorably with the earlier work by Whitcomb (ref. 5) which used
a three-dimensional finite element analyses to analyze these woven composites.
Figures 6 through 8 show the stresses in the fiber tows in the loading direction, fiber and matrix
stresses in the various regions of the unit cell. The latter can only be obtained from a micromechanics based
analysis as it has the capability to decompose fiber tow stresses into individual constituent values. Such
detailed analysis will be useful for strength predictions. Stress predictions from the micromechanical analysis
are also within 10 percent of the finite element predictions. At this time, no attempt was made to either refine
the mesh or to increase the number of slices in the micromechanics model to determine the sensitivity of
stresses. Work is continuing in this area. The user can divide the unit cell section in as many slices as desired
or until a single slice will contain a single fiber in the width direction.

SiC/SiC Plain Weave Composite - The constituent material properties for the SiC/SiC 0/90 balanced
fabric plain weave composite are shown in Table III. The fiber in this composite is Nicalon fiber and has
500 filaments/tow and fiber tow thickness is 152 µm (ref. 9) in the fabricated composite. These composites
also have a high degree of porosity - about 11.5 percent closed porosity (i.e. the porosity in the fiber tow
regions) and 8.5 percent as open porosity (i.e., porosity in the matrix rich area), for a total porosity of about
20 percent. The overall fiber volume ratio is 0.4. The thickness of the unit cell is 304 µm (12 mils), twice
the thickness of the fiber tow. The section of the unit cell is 1168 µm (46 mils) wide and it was divided into
23 slices at 50 µm (2 mils) wide each. The interphase was assumed to be 2 percent of the fiber diameter in

thickness and the modulus of the interphase was assumed to be a very low 3.5 GPa (0.5 Msi), almost a
negligible value. The equivalent slice properties were computed by using the CEMCAN computer code. The
predicted results and some available measured values (ref. 13) are shown in table IV. These values can also be
predicted at different porosity levels as shown in figure 9 since voids are modeled explicitly in CEMCAN
computer code. The predicted values of the elastic mechanical properties compare quite favorably with the
measured values. However, there is some discrepancy between the predicted and measured values of thermal
properties. Because of [0/90] laminate construction; a weak interphase and the matrix modulus being higher
than the fiber modulus, fibers have little effect and the laminate thermal properties are controlled by matrix
thermal properties. Hence, if the matrix has isotropic thermal properties, it will result in generally isotropic
thermal properties for this laminate. There is some discrepancy either in the measured thermal properties or in
the constituent properties provided. For example, the coefficient of thermal expansion for SiC matrix is known
to be approximately 4 - 4.5 × 10-6 °C. However, assuming this value for CTE of matrix, the resulting composite
CTE turns out to be quite different and higher than the measured properties. This is being further investigated.
In any case, a micromechanics based model that can predict properties/stresses of woven composites
was developed. The predicted results are within 10 percent of those from finite element analysis or measured
values, except in the case of some thermal properties of SiC/SiC composite. Incorporating effects of voids,
processing and environmental degradation effects on the response is rather straight forward since these features
are already included in many composite mechanics codes and certainly in the NASA developed micro-
mechanics codes such as ICAN (ref. 10), which was used for laminate analysis in the above computations. The
analysis presented for the plain weave can also be extended in a fairly simple manner to other two-
dimensional woven architectures.


A technique was presented that in combination with micromechanics based laminate analysis codes
can efficiently predict the properties/response of the plain weave composites. Since this technique is based on
micromechanics, any level of detail in the microstress/microstrain can be obtained in an efficient manner as
compared to a numerical analysis technique. Limited verification with a set of detailed three-dimensional
finite element analysis shows that the predicted results compare reasonably well with the predictions of the
finite element analyses and compare well with the available limited experimental data. Further work is
continuing to refine the model and evaluate other materials. Modifications to existing micromechanics based
laminate analysis codes will be made that will incorporate features of the model presented here for the
analysis of woven composites.


Thanks are due to Dr. Ali Abdul-Aziz of NYMA Inc., NASA Lewis Research Group for his help in
generating the finite element model used in this work.


1. Textile Structural Composites, Composite Material Series, Vol. 3, T. W. Chou and F. K. Ko, Eds., Elsevier
Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1989.

2. Chou, T.W. and Ishikawa, T.: "Analysis and Modelling of Two-Dimensional Fabric Composites," in Textile
Structural Composites, Composite Material Series, Vol. 3, T.W. Chou and F.K. Ko, Eds.,Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1989, Ch. 7, pp. 209-277.

3. Raju, I.S., et. al.: "A Review of Analytical Methods for Fabric and Textile Composites", Proceedings of the
Indo-U.S. Workshop on Composite Materials for Aerospace Applications. Narosa Publishing House,
Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 274-294.

4. Raju, I.S. and Wang, John T.: "Classical Laminate Theory Models for Woven Fabric Composites", Journal
of Composites Technology & Research, Vol. 16, No. 4, Oct. 1994, pp. 289-303.

5. Whitcomb, John D.: "Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis of Plain Weave Composites", NASA TM–101672,
Nov. 1989.

6. Foye, R.L.: "Mechanics of Fabric Reinforced Composites", Fiber-Tex 1988, NASA Conference Publication
3038, 1989, pp. 237-247.

7. Sankar, B.V. and Marrey, Ramesh V.: "A Unit Cell Model of Textile Composite Beams For Predicting
Stiffness Properties", Technical Report, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics & Engineering
Science, University of Florida, 1992, AeMES TR-92-1-01.

8. Pastore, C., et. al.: "Applications of Computer Aided Geometric Modelling for Textile Structural
Composites", Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, United Kingdom, 1994, pp. 45-53.

9. Goldberg, R.K. and Hopkins, D.A.: "Application of the Boundary Element Method to the Micromechanical
Analysis of Composite Materials", Computers & Structures, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 721-731, 1995.

10.Murthy, P.L.N., et. al.: "Second Generation Integrated Composite Analyzer (ICAN) Computer Code", NASA
TP–3290, Jan. 1993.

11.Mital, S.K. and Murthy, P.L.N.: "CEMCAN—Ceramic Matrix Composites Analyzer User’s Guide—Version
2.0", NASA TM-107187, 1996.

12.MSC P3/PATRAN Computer Code, Version 3.0. McNeal Schwendler Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.

13.DuPont CVI Ceramic Matrix Composites, Preliminary Engineering Data, DuPont Composites, Newark,



Graphite/epoxy Epoxy

E11 136 GPa 3.,45 GPa

E22 (= E33) 9 GPa 3.45 GPa
v12 (= v 13) 0.26 0.35
v23 0.41 0.35
G12 (=G13) 4.6 GPa 1.3 GPa
G23 2.6GPa 1.3 GPa


Property Finite element 0/90 laminate Micromechanics


Exx (GPa) 49.0 72.5 54.5

Ezz (GPa) 8.8 9.9 8.3
vzx 0.09 0.05 0.07
vzy 0.08 .05 0.07
vyx 0.04 .03 0.04
vyz 0.53 .38 0.5
Gxy (GPa) 4.4
4.1 4.6
Gyz (GPa) 3.9 3.6 3.5



Property Nicalon fiber SiC matrix

Density, gm/cm 3 2.57 3.22

E1, GPa 200 350
E2 (=E3), Gpa 200 350
v12 0.25 0.2
v23 .25 .2
C.T.E., 10 -6/C 3.0 2.2
Thermal conductivity, W/m-C 12.0 8.3


[fvr 0.4, void 0.2.]

Property Predicted Measured

Density, gm/cm3 2.45 2.5

Exx, GPa 214.4 214
Ezz, GPa 193
Gxy, GPa 80
Gyz , GPa 79.3
vxy 0.18 0.17
vyz 0.2
C.T.E.-x, 10-6/C 2.2 3.0
C.T.E.-z, 10-6/C 2.1 1.7
Ther. Cond.-x, W/m-C 8.7 19
Ther. Cond.-z, W/m-C 8.3 9.5

The unit structure

of plain wave

P p'

Figure 1.—Structure of a plain weave fabric.

Matrix rich area

Warp fiber

Fill fiber tow
Figure 2.—1/4 portion of the "Unit Cell" or representation
volume element (RVE).

z w
h2(x) h1(x) Warp fiber


a1 a2 Fill

Figure 3.—Micromechanics model representation.

Fill fiber tow

Warp fiber tow


Matrix rich area

Figure 4.—A typical slice showing warp, fill and matrix



Figure 5.—Finite element mesh (1008 solid elements, 1375


Normalized stress (w.r.t. applied stress)



0 90 sf11 sm11
tow stress tow stress
Figure 6.—Stresses in the straight fiber region (section B-B)
due to tesile loading in the x-direction.


Normalized stress (w.r.t. applied stress)



Tow stress sf11 sm11
Figure 7.—Stresses in the undulated fiber region (section
C-C) loading in x-direction.


Normalized stress (w.r.t. applied stress)



Fiber sf11 sm11
tow stress
Figure 8.—Stresses in the undulated region in the middle
of the unit cell (A); loading in the x-direction.

Modulus, GPa



0 5 10 15 20 25
Porosity, percent
Figure 9.—In-plane modulus versus porosity (SiC/SiC com-
posite; 0.4 fvr).

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March 1996 Technical Memorandum

Simplified Micromechanics of Plain Weave Composites


Subodh K. Mital, Pappu L.N. Murthy, and Christos C. Chamis



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Lewis Research Center E–10115
Cleveland, Ohio 44135 – 3191



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, D.C. 20546– 0001 NASA TM–107165


Subodh K. Mital, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606 (work funded by NASA Grant NAG3–1264); Pappu L.N.
Murthy and Christos C. Chamis, NASA Lewis Research Center. Responsible person, Pappu L.N. Murthy, organization
code 5210, (216) 433–3332.

Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category 24

This publication is available from the NASA Center for Aerospace Information, (301) 621–0390.
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

A micromechanics based methodology to simulate the complete hygro-thermomechanical behavior of plain weave
composites is developed. This methodology is based on micromechanics and the classical laminate theory. The method-
ology predicts a complete set of thermal, hygral and mechanical properties of plain woven composites, generates neces-
sary data for use in a finite element structural analysis, and predicts stresses all the way from the laminate to the constitu-
ent level. This methodology is used in conjunction with a composite mechanics code to analyze and predict the proper-
ties/response of a generic graphite/epoxy woven textile composite and a plain weave ceramic composite. The fiber
architecture, including the fiber waviness and fiber end distributions through the thickness, is properly accounted for.
Predicted results compare reasonably well with those from detailed three-dimensional finite element analyses as well as
available experimental data. However, the main advantage of the proposed methodology is its high computational
efficiency as compared with three-dimensional finite element analyses.


Composite mechanics; Textile composites; Properties; Woven composites; Laminate 14

theory; Composite mechanics; Waviness
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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