Module No. 3: Week 3: 2 Quarter

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Module No.

3: Week 3 : 2nd Quarter


Learning Competency

1. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving addition and subtraction of

decimal numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
Code: M5NS - IIc - 108.1

Lesson 1. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving

addition and subtraction of decimal numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools

Let’s Recall (Review)

Arrange the following decimals from least to greatest.

1. 3.23, 3.023, 3.12, 3.31 ___________________________

2. 0.8, 0.08, 3.08, 3.08 ___________________________
3. 0.22, 0.022, 0.0022, 0.0202 __________________________
4. 5.5, 5.055, 5.0050, 5.05 ____________________________
5. 3.7. 3.9, 3.07, 3.907 ___________________________

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Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Aling Delia a dress maker, bought fabric to make Personal Protective

Equipment. She bought 5.6 m of white, 7.4 m of blue, 12.75 m of green, and
4.45 m of yellow fabric. How many meters of fabric did she buy altogether?

Understand the Problem

Know what is asked? The number of meters of fabric she bought altogether.
Know the given facts: 5.6m, 7.4m, 12.75m, 4.45m
Determine the operation to be used: altogether is a clue for Addition
Write the number sentence: 5.6m + 7.4m + 12.75m + 4.45 = n
Show your solution:
5.60 m
7.40 m
12.75 m
+ 4.45 m
. 30.20 m total number of fabric per meters she bought altogether.

Check and look back

Review and recheck your answer

Here is another example:

Karen wants to buy a bag that costs P457.75. If she has saved P253.50 for it,
how much more does she need?

Understand the Problem

Know what is asked? The amount of money Karen still needs to buy the bag.
Know the given facts: P457.75 and P253.50
Determine the operation to be used: much more is clue for subtraction
Write the number sentence: P457.75 – P253.50 = n

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Show your solution:
- P253.50
P204.25the amount of money she needed to buy the bag

Check and look back

Review and recheck your answer

The steps in solving routine problems are:

 Understand the problem - Know what is asked? What are
 Plan-Know the operation. Write the number sentence.
 Solve - write the number sentence and write your answer with
correct units /labels
 Check and Look back- Review and check your answer.

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Andoy took a walk around a park twice. He took 18.5 minutes to walk the
first round. In the second round, he took 6.3 fewer minutes than he did the first
round. How long did Andoy take to complete his walk altogether?

Understand the problem

Know what is asked? The number of minutes Andoy take to complete his walk
altogether .
Know the given facts: 18.5 minutes, 6.3 fewer minutes
Solve: You can construct a model to represent the problem

18.5 min 18.5 min

- 6.3 min +12.2 min
12.2 min 30.7 min
Andoy took 30.7 minutes to complete his walk altogether.
Here is another example:

Marga filled the container with 6.3 liters of water. Her mother used 0.68
liters of water for cooking and 2.15 liters for palamig. How much water was left
in the container?

Understand the problem

What is asked? the amount of water left in the container
Given facts: 6.3 liters, 0.68 liters, 2.15 liters
Determine the operation to be used:
Addition will be used to determine the total amount of water used in cooking and

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in Palamig
Subtraction will be used to know the amount of water left
Number sentence: 6.3 -(0.68 + 2.15) = n
Show your solution: 0.68 6.30
+ 2.15 - 2.83
2.83 3.47
3.47 is the amount of water left in the container

Check and look back

Review and recheck your answer

The steps in solving non-routine problems are:

To solve non- routine problems, read and analyze the problems.
Identify what is asked and what the given facts are. Use other strategies like
act out the problem, listing/table method, guess and test, drawing /making a
diagram, using patterns, working backwards and other in solving for non-
routine problems.

Let’s Apply (Exercises)

Analyze the problems by answering the questions below each problem.

1. Kate had P158.29. Her mother gave her P234.35 and her sister gave her P65.39.

How much money does she has now?

Understand the problem

What is asked? ______________________________________

given facts: ______________________________________
Determine the operation to be used: __________________________
number sentence: _________________________________
Show your solution:

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2. Margie bought 4 items worth P46.30, P78.50, P 37.75 and P 250.25. How
much change will I get from P500-bill?

what is asked? ______________________________________

given facts: ______________________________________
Determine the operation to be used: __________________________
number sentence: _________________________________
Show your solution:

3.Lito wants to buy a pair of shoes that costs P456.75. If he has saved P246.75 for it,
how much more does he need?

what is asked? ______________________________________

given facts: ______________________________________
Determine the operation to be used: __________________________
number sentence: _________________________________
Show your solution:

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Let’s Analyze (Enrichment Exercises)

Nancy bought alcohol for P95.75. She gave a P100 to the cashier. How much
did she get back from the cashier?

Understand the problem

What is asked? ______________________________________

given facts: ______________________________________
Determine the operation to be used: __________________________
number sentence: _________________________________
Show your solution:

Mandy had P356.48. She gave P87.65 to Mike and P137.50 to Terry. How
much money is left with her?

Understand the problem

What is asked? ______________________________________

given facts: ________________________________________
Determine the operation to be used: __________________________
number sentence: _________________________________
Show your solution:

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Let’s Try (Evaluation/Assessment)
Read the following problems carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
answer sheet.

Hope had P900.75. She bought a scientific calculator that costs P307.65 and
a book that was P75.25 less, than of the scientific calculator. How much change will
she receive?
1. What is asked in the problem?
A. The amount of money Hope had.
B. The amount spent for the school supplies.
C. The amount of money paid for each school supply.
D. The amount of money left after paying the expenses.
2. What is the hidden question in the problem?
A. cost of the book
B. cost of the scientific calculator and the book
C. amount of money Hope have
D. amount of money left to Hope
3. What operations or processes used to solve the problem?
A. Addition and Subtraction
B. Subtraction and Multiplication
C. Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
D. Division, Multiplication and Subtraction
4. What is the correct mathematical sentence for the problem?
A. P 900.75 – 307.65 + 75.25 = N
B. P 900.75 – 307.65 - 75.25 = N
C. P 900.75 + 307.65 + 75.25 = N
D. P 900.75 – [307.65 + (307.65- 75.25)] = N
5. How much money did she have after paying for the calculator and the book?
A. P360.70 B. P360.80 C. P360.90 D. P360.99

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