Academic Calendar 2010-2011: Summer Sessions 2010

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Academic Calendar 2010–2011

Additional calendar dates specific to departments or schools are listed under the respective departments or schools.
Financial dates are listed in the financial section, pp. 58–62.

Summer Sessions 2010

Registration for summer terms 2010 begins Monday, March 22, 2010.
Last days of registration for summer terms 2010 are May 10 (Term 1), June 7 (Term 2), and July 6 (Term 3).

Summer Term 1 (May 10–June 4, 2010)

3 Mon Clinical Laboratory Science: Senior summer semester clinicals begin.
3–28 May Express
6–28 Seminary: Archaeological Excavations at Tall Jalul, Jordan
7 Fri Seminary: Hebrew placement examination, 10 a.m.
9 Sun New international students: Orientation, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Seminary: New student orientation, 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
9–14 Sun–Fri Seminary: Bible Lands Study Tour: Pre-classes
10 Mon University level schools: Registration, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.; summer Term 1 classes begin
11 Tue University level schools: late course registration fee for summer Term 1 classes in effect
12 Wed University level schools: last day to enter summer Term 1 classes, drop a class with full tuition refund, complete a drop/
add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record, change audit to credit; does not apply to AU/GU courses
Undergraduate seniors: last day to apply for August graduation
Graduate students: last day to apply for August graduation
16–June 6 Seminary: Bible Lands Study Tour
School of Architecture: deadline for application to professional program
26 Wed RMES: graduation
28 Fri RMES: last day of school
28–30 Fri–Sun AA: commencement weekend
30–June 13 School of Education: Higher Education China tour
31 Mon All campus schools: Memorial Day—holiday

1 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for summer Term 1 classes or to withdraw from a class
with a W
4 Fri University level schools: last day of summer Term 1 classes

Summer Term 2 (June 7–July 2, 2010)

7 Mon University level schools: Registration, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; summer Term 2 classes begin
8 Tue University level schools: late course registration fee for summer Term 2 classes in effect
9 Wed University level schools: last day to enter summer Term 2 classes, drop a class with full tuition refund, complete a drop/
add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record, change audit to credit; does not apply to AU/GU courses
10, 11 Thu, Fri, School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
11 Fri School of Education: MA comprehensives, 8:30–11:30 a.m.; 1–3 p.m.
11, 14 Fri, Mon School of Education: EdS comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
14, 15 Mon, Tue School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
15–20 Tue–Sun Institute of World Mission: Welcome Home seminar
22–24 Tue–Thu Seminary: SEEDS at Southern Adventist University
28–Jul 24 Intensive English: Action America
29 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for summer Term 2 classes or to withdraw from a class
with a W
Last date to enroll for AU/GU courses for summer term

2 Fri University level schools: last day of summer Term 2 classes
3–30 Action America
5 Mon All campus schools: Independence Day—holiday

Summer Term 3 (July 6–30, 2010)

5–30 Intensive English: Action America
6 Tue University level schools: Registration, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; summer Term 3 classes begin
7 Wed University level schools: late course registration fee for summer Term 3 classes in effect
8 Thu University level schools: last day to enter summer Term 3 classes; drop a class with full tuition refund; complete a
drop/add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record; change audit to credit; does not apply to AU/GU courses
12–31 Institute of World Mission: Mission Institute
19–23 Mon–Fri School of Education: Leadership and Educational Administration orientation
23 Fri Clinical Laboratory Science: senior summer session clinicals end
26 Mon Clinical Laboratory Science: Registry Review Week begins
26–28 Mon–Wed School of Education: Leadership Roundtable Conference
27 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for summer Term 3 classes or to withdraw from a class with a W
30 Fri University level schools: last day of summer Term 3 classes
Consecration service: 8 p.m.
31 Sat Baccalaureate service: 11:20 a.m.

Seminary: Seminary dedication service, 4–5:30 p.m.

Clinical Laboratory Science: Certification ceremony, 5 p.m.

1 Sun University Summer Commencement: 9 a.m.
Enrollment open for AU/GU courses for fall term
1–6 Sun–Fri Seminary: Natural Remedies & Hydrotherapy Workshop
4 Wed University level schools: summer semester grades due by 11:59 p.m.
2–20 School of Education: First Days of School Experience (register for credit summer 2010 or in the semester of student

Fall Semester 2010, August 23–December 9, 2010

Registration for fall semester 2010 begins Monday, March 22, 2010.
Late registration fee in effect August 24, 2010.
Last day of registration for fall semester 2010 is Wednesday, September 1, 2010.

15 Thu  ll university level students: Financial Plan portion of Registration Central opens. Make payment plans by August
15. Complete insurance information.

6 Fri School of Education: fall semester student teacher orientation assembly
9–11 Mon–Wed RMES Faculty: Teacher’s Convention
9–12 Mon–Thu Seminary: Greek review session, 5–8 p.m.
9–13 Mon–Fri Seminary: Hebrew review session, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
10–11 Tue–Wed New university faculty: orientation seminar, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
12 Thu University faculty: seminar, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
13 Fri University advisors: advisors breakfast/orientation, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Faculty/Staff: Fall Fellowship
14 Sat Faculty/Staff: Fall Fellowship
15 Sun University level students:
• First payment due for financial clearance
• Full payment due for 1% and 3% rebate and Tuition Guarantee Plan
• ID cards activated for dining services and bookstore in Registration Central when financial plan box is checked
• Financial clearance needed to register and move into the dorm
• Cancellation of classes for students who do not confirm attendance
15–16 Sun–Mon New undergraduate students: First Stop—dorm move-in, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Financial clearance required to move into dorm.
16 Mon University faculty: individual school meetings, 1–4 p.m.
College of Arts & Sciences: department meetings and retreats
RMES/AA: teachers report for faculty pre-session
16–17 Mon–Tue New international students: orientation—new freshman students on Monday only, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
16–18 Mon–Wed New undergraduate students: registration and orientation
16–20 Mon–Fri RMES/AA: faculty pre-school week
18 Wed New international students: English placement test, 8:30–11 a.m.
Seminary: Greek placement test 1 p.m.; orientation, 3 p.m.
University faculty: individual school meetings, 1–4 p.m.
18–21 Wed–Sat Seminary: fall new student orientation
19 Thu Seminary: Hebrew placement test 8:30 a.m.
19–22 Thu–Sun New undergraduate students: All Fired Up! Orientation Conference
20 Fri University faculty: departmental meetings
Seminary: Biblical Literacy entrance exam, 8:30 a.m.
22 Sun University level schools: fall semester registration, 12–3 p.m.
23 Mon University level schools: classes begin
Intensive English: classes begin
RMES/AA: school begins
23–24 Mon–Tue Seminary: Doctor of Ministry Conference
24 Tue University level schools: late course registration fee for fall semester classes in effect
25 Wed University level schools: cancellation of unconfirmed course reservations
26 Thu University level schools: University Convocation, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (11:30 a.m. classes cancelled); notification of
potential cancellation of low-enrollment classes
31 Tue Cancellation of classes with below minimum enrollment
31–Dec 16 School of Education: fall semester student teacher schedule

1 Wed University level schools: last business day to enter fall semester classes, drop a class with full tuition refund, com-
plete a drop/add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record, change audit to credit; must be completed by
5 p.m.; does not apply to AU/GU courses
3 Fri Seminary: Church Policy exam review session
6 Mon All campus schools: Labor Day—holiday
10 Fri Seminary: Church Policy exam
11 Sat Seminary: Adventist Heritage Sabbath
15 Wed Census Day
School of Architecture: 3½ Year MArch and advanced standing application deadline for spring (January) admission

20–24 Mon–Fri University Fall Week of Spiritual Emphasis

30–Oct. 3 Thu–Sun Alumni Weekend
25 Sat Fall term first installment payment due

1 Fri Graduate students: last day to apply for December degree conferral
Undergraduate seniors: last day to apply for December degree conferral and May graduation
10, 11 Sun, Mon Seminary: H.M.S. Richards Lectureship on Biblical Preaching (Attendance required for MDiv students)
11 Mon RMES/AA: Columbus Day—holiday
11, 12 Mon, Tue University level schools—except Seminary: fall recess
13 Wed All campus schools: classes resume
17, 18 Sun, Mon University Preview Event
18–21 Mon–Thu Seminary: 180° Symposium
20 Wed Mid-semester
21, 22 Thu, Fri School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
22 Fri School of Education: MA comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.; 1–3 p.m.
22, 25 Fri, Mon School of Education: EdS comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
25 Mon Fall term second installment payment due
25, 26 Mon, Tue School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
31 Sun Last date to enroll for AU/GU courses for fall term

1 Mon University level schools: registration opens for spring semester 2011
2 Tue School of Education: department assembly: “How to Apply for Student Teaching”
5 Fri RMES: no school
Seminary: Challenge exam—CHIS504, 8:30–10:30 a.m.
7, 8 Sun, Mon University Preview Event (for Lake Union Conference Juniors)
11 Thu School of Education: spring semester student teacher orientation assembly
12 Fri TOEFL Test, 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
15 Mon Seminary: Classical Seminary Fall Concert, 7 p.m.
16 Tue University level schools: all comprehensives must be completed for December degree conferral
21–28 Sun–Sun Seminary: Thanksgiving break
23 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for fall semester classes or to withdraw from a class with a W
24–28 Wed–Sun All schools except Seminary: Thanksgiving break (begins after last scheduled class on Tue)
AA: Thanksgiving break (begins 12 p.m., Wed, Nov. 24)
RMES: Thanksgiving break (begins 12 p.m., Wed, Nov. 24)
25 Thu Fall term third installment payment due
26 Fri School of Education: deadline for application to student teaching
29 Mon All campus schools: classes resume
30 Tue Enrollment open for AU/GU courses for spring term

2 Thu Last day of fall semester classes
3 Fri University level schools: reading day (exam preparation)
Seminary: Hebrew placement examination, 10 a.m.
6–9 Mon–Thu University level schools: fall semester finals begin Mon 7:30 a.m.
9 Thu University level schools: fall semester ends
11 Sat Seminary: Dedication service, 4–5:30 p.m.
15 Wed University level schools: spring semester
• First payment due for financial clearance.
• Full payment due for 1% and 3% rebate
• Financial clearance required to register
University level schools: fall semester grades due by 11:59 p.m.
20–Jan 2 RMES/AA: Christmas vacation
31 Fri December conferral of degrees

Spring Semester 2011, January 3–May 1, 2011

Registration for spring semester 2010 begins Monday, November 1, 2010.
Late registration fee is in effect January 4, 2011.
Last day of registration for spring semester 2011 is Wednesday, January 12, 2011.

1 Sat FAFSA available online (filing for Financial Aid)
Andrews University financial paperwork available at
3 Mon University level schools: spring semester classes begin
New international students: English Placement test, 8:30–11 a.m.; Orientation, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
RMES/AA: second semester classes begin
4–April 29 School of Education: spring semester student teaching schedule
4 Tue University level schools: late course registration fee for spring semester classes in effect
5 Wed University level schools: cancellation of unconfirmed course reservations
6 Thu University level schools: notification of potential cancellation of low-enrollment classes
11 Tue University level schools: cancellation of classes with below minimum enrollment

12 Wed University level schools: last business day to enter spring semester classes; drop a class with full tuition refund; com-
plete a drop/add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record; change audit to credit; must be completed by 5
p.m.; does not apply to AU/GU courses
15–17 Sat–Mon Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
17 Mon University level schools: Martin Luther King,Jr. Day—MLK educational events replace classes
RMES/AA: Martin Luther King Jr. Day—holiday
18 Tue All graduate students: last day to apply for May graduation
24–29 Mon–Sat University Spring Week of Spiritual Emphasis
28 Fri RMES: no classes

1, 3, 4 Tue, Thu, Fri Seminary: Seminary Scholarship Symposium
14 Mon School of Architecture: 3½ Year MArch and advanced standing application deadline for summer (May) or fall
(August) admission
21 Mon All campus schools: Presidents' Day—holiday
25 Fri Spring term first installment payment due

2 Wed Mid-semester
6, 7 Sun, Mon University Preview Event
11–20 Fri–Sun University level schools: spring semester break (begins after last scheduled class on Thursday)
14–18 Mon–Fri RMES/AA: spring break
15 Tue Priority processing for financial aid
21 Mon All campus schools: classes resume
University level schools: registration for summer terms and fall semester 2011 opens
24–27 Thu–Sun International Student Week
24, 25 Thu, Fri School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
25 Fri Spring term second installment payment due
School of Education: MA comprehensives, 8:30–11:30 a.m.; 1–3 p.m.
25, 28 Fri, Mon School of Education: EdS comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
28, 29 Mon, Tue School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
31 Thu Last date to enroll for AU/GU courses for spring term

1 Fri University level schools: last day for all comprehensives to be completed for May degree conferral
2, 3 Sun, Mon University Preview Event
4 Mon Seminary: E.G. White and Current Issues symposium, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Seminary: Classical Seminary Spring Concert, 7 p.m.
8 Fri TOEFL Test, 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
12 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for spring semester classes or withdraw from a class with a W
School of Education: 2011–2012 student teacher orientation assembly
21 Thu University level schools: last day of spring semester classes
22 Fri University level schools: reading day (exam preparation)
25 Mon Spring term third installment payment due
RMES/AA: Easter—holiday
25–28 Mon–Thu University level schools: spring semester finals begin Monday, 7:30 a.m.
28 Thu University level schools: spring semester ends
29 Fri Clinical Laboratory Science: senior spring semester clinicals end
School of Education: teacher dedication ceremony, 5 p.m.
Consecration service: 8 p.m.
30 Sat Baccalaureate services
Nursing: Pinning, 4 p.m.
Seminary: Dedication service, 4–5:30 p.m.
Dietetics: Dedication service, 5:30 p.m.
Enrollment open for AU/GU courses for summer term

1 Sun Commencement services
2 Mon Clinical Laboratory Science: senior summer semester clinicals begin
4 Wed University level schools: spring semester grades due by 11:59 p.m.
8–13 Sun–Fri Seminary: Pre-classes for New Testament Tour
13 Fri Seminary: Hebrew placement examination, 10 a.m.
15 Sun Seminary: new student orientation, 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
15–29 Seminary: New Testament Tour
20 Fri School of Architecture: deadline for application to professional program
26–29 Thu–Sun AA: Commencement weekend
30 Mon RMES: Memorial Day—holiday

1 Wed RMES: graduation
3 Fri RMES: last day of school

Summer Sessions 2011

Registration for summer terms 2011 begins Monday, March 21, 2011.
Last days of registration for summer terms 2011 are May 9 (Term 1), June 6 (Term 2), and July 5 (Term 3).

Summer Term 1 (May 9–June 3, 2011)

8 Sun New international students: orientation, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
9 Mon University level schools: registration, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.; summer Term 1 classes begin
10 Tues University level schools: late course registration fee for summer Term 1 classes in effect
11 Wed University level schools: last day to enter summer Term 1 classes; drop a class with full tuition refund; complete a drop/
add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record, change audit to credit; does not apply to AU/GU courses
Undergraduate seniors: last day to apply for August graduation
Graduate students: last day to apply for August graduation
30 Mon University level schools: Memorial Day—holiday
31 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for summer Term 1 classes or to withdraw from a class with a W

3 Fri University level schools: last day of summer Term 1 classes

Summer Term 2 (June 6–July 1, 2011)

6 Mon University level schools: registration, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; summer Term 2 classes begin
7 Tue University level schools: late course registration fee for summer Term 2 classes in effect
8 Wed University level schools: last day to enter summer Term 2 classes, drop a class with full tuition refund, complete a
drop/add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record, change audit to credit
9, 10 Thu, Fri School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
10 Fri School of Education: MA comprehensives, 8:30–11:30 a.m.; 1–3 p.m.
10, 13 Fri, Mon School of Education: EdS comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
13, 14 Mon, Tue School of Education: EdD/PhD comprehensives, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
20–26 Mon–Sun Institute of World Mission: Welcome Home Seminar
26 Sun Intensive English: Action America begins
28 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for summer Term 2 classes or to withdraw from a class with a W

1 Fri University level schools: last day of summer Term 2 classes
4 Mon All University Schools: Independence Day—Holiday

Summer Term 3 (July 5–29, 2011)

5 Tue University level schools: registration, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; summer Term 3 classes begin
6 Wed University level schools: late course registration fee for summer Term 3 classes in effect
7 Thu University level schools: last day to enter summer Term 3 classes, drop a class with full tuition refund, complete a
drop/add without a fee or entry on permanent academic record, change audit to credit
11–30 Institute of World Mission: Mission Institute
15 Fri All university students: Financial Plan portion of Registration Central opens for fall semester 2011. Make payment
plans before August 15. Complete insurance information.
TOEFL test, 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
Intensive English: Action America ends
18–22 Mon–Fri School of Education: Leadership and Educational Administration orientation
22 Fri Clinical Laboratory Science: senior summer session clinicals end
25–27 Mon–Wed School of Education: Leadership Roundtable Conference
25 Mon Clinical Laboratory Science: Registry Review Week begins
26 Tue University level schools: last day to change credit to audit for summer Term 3 classes or to withdraw from a class with a W
29 Fri University level schools: last day of summer Term 3 classes
Consecration service: 8 p.m.
30 Sat Baccalaureate service: 11:20 a.m.
Seminary: Dedication service, 4–5:30 p.m.
Clinical Laboratory Science: Certification ceremony, 5 p.m.
31 Sun University Summer Commencement: 9 a.m.
31–Aug 5 Sun–Fri Seminary: Natural Remedies and Hydrotherapy Workshop

3 Wed University level schools: summer semester grades due by 11:59 p.m.

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