(Item Inventory) The Homebrew Inn

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Item Inventory II 2019

Patreon | Homebrewinn
Designer/DM Notes Artist Notes
Cap of Faux Appearance. This was a hard item to Grappleshot Crossbow. This thing comes to mind
create, but only because I wanted it to be useful and not whenever I wonder what all of my characters would
overpowered to keep it a common magical item. want... I tend to play daring, caution-to-the-wind type
I imagine there's an entire range of these, with all characters, and this heavily appeals to my raucous
kinds of monster designs for the beanie - dragons, mind sensibilities! Hell, I think I want one of these in real life.
flayers, etc. The latest fashion statement!
A great item for the creative player, and not just for Cap of Faux Appearance. Ming realllly wanted a
bards either as stated in the item description. I have left cutesie beanie in the shape of a beholder. I personally
it mostly up to the DM to determine what is/isn't like rough, gritty and dark designs, so its way out of my
"suspicious behaviour" but the idea is that unless you're ballpark – still its kinda cute I suppose! You’d never
drawing attention to yourself, you'll go under the radar. catch any of my characters wearing it, but I’m certain a
few of my party members would love it!
Grappleshot Crossbow. This was an Alex item, I think
he wanted the challenge of designing something that Honorous Duster. Ahh the badass coat. This one lets
needed to look like it worked - so short of a few gnomish you tell massive lies and get away with it... perhaps it
enchantments I made sure that it was a mechanical just makes you look so cool and confident that its easy
contraption. to believe you. The sash and seal certainly adds
The game mechanics behind it were to ensure it didn't legitimacy. Just make sure that if you do get into a scrap
get out of hand while still remaining useful, and we for the lies you’ve been telling, you leave someone alive
wanted to add a "get-over-here" type attack as well as to appreciate just how good you look in this thing!
being able to Spiderman your way through town.
Again, the wording in this item was probably a bit Wistful Wine. We figured this month if we’re going to do
overboard, but I wanted people to be able to use it a tavern theme we need *at least* one alcoholic
without having to ask 1001 questions. beverage. I drew the art before we had decided on an
effect, and it was after reading about a bit of the elves’
Honorous Duster. Ah yes, the badass jacket. There lore that we decided what we wanted it to do. The
were a lot of non-combat items in this month's content answer was to have it interact with and aid an elf’s
as it was a tavern theme. It was another case of making ability to recall past lives – and even grant other non-fey
the item useful but not overpowered for its rarity, I could consumers the ability to recall moments from their past
definitely see creative players (myself included) abusing with clarity.
the hell out of it to craft all these nonsensical rumours to
get their way.
I accidentally forgot the clause to stop the charm effect Early Sketch of the Cap
if the target is attacked by the item owner, so I've added
that in now. Sorry to anybody who wanted to abuse the
charmed condition haha.

Wistful Wine. Alex mentions it in his notes, had to

include at least one alcoholic drink. I've actually got a
fair few more, like liquid courage, liquid sleep, dragon
firewine. Which we might release at some point in the
future, but we didn't want to do a month of just alcohol.
Mechnically, it gives you DM inspiration (whatever
form that takes for your group) and the opportunity for
roleplay. Need to find some information? Feed it to the
elf and have them dream of their past lives. Or
something I'd personally do, have a player roleplay
some powerful moment from their 14 page backstory.
If you can make your players cry, then job well done.

Singing Lute Concept Art

Unused Items

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Cap of Faux Appearance

Grappleshot Crossbow

Grappleshot Crossbow
Weapon (heavy crossbow), uncommon
This modified heavy crossbow has been fitted with a
grappling hook, a length of silk rope, and an enchanted
reeling mechanism. The grappleshot crossbow has a
range of 50/200, or as long as the length of rope
attached permits, and deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
The crossbow comes with a 50-foot rope but may be
fitted with any length of silk rope up to 200 feet. The
enchantment on the reeling mechanism means that it
only requires a fraction of the usual strength necessary
Cap of Faux Appearance to reel in the rope and it will automatically reel in any
Wondrous item, common slack. You must have at least one hand on the reel if
you wish to stop it from unwinding, but the enchantment
This wool and leather cap comes in a variety of different
means you don’t need to exert any effort.
designs. While wearing this hat, other creatures will
As an action you may fire the grappling hook at a
have a temporary lapse in judgement when determining
structure or anywhere else with enough structural
whether or not you are dressed appropriately. Examples
integrity to hold your weight. As long as you hold onto
of this lapse include deeming a barbarian’s loincloth as
the crossbow with both hands, or the reel with one hand
the latest fashion, a fighter’s weapons as accessories,
if the crossbow is also firmly attached to you, you may
or a wizard’s staff as a walking stick. This effect only
use your movement to move in a straight line directly
extends to physical appearance and not behaviour, and
towards the hook – reeling the crossbow as you do so.
acting suspiciously may break the enchantment. Any
Alternatively, you may make a ranged weapon attack,
creature that becomes suspicious of you may use their
restraining a target that is large or smaller instead of
action to attempt a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check to
dealing damage on a successful attack. Once the target
shake off the haze, fully realising what you are wearing
has been restrained in this way, you may use your
on a successful check. Unless you are actually dressed
action to pull the target 25 feet closer to you. To release
inappropriately, they may just be confused at their
the target, the rope must either be cut (AC 11, 2 HP),
temporary change in fashion sense.
broken by a successful DC 17 Strength check, or
Creatures that are immune to being charmed are
someone other than the target must spend 1 minute
unaffected by this effect.
untangling them from the rope and hook.

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Honorous Duster
Armour (leather), rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this armour, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
This armour also carries subtle enchantments that help
you convince others of your (real or otherwise)
formidable reputation. You may use an action to speak
the coat’s command phrase and attempt to charm a
creature that can hear and understand you. The
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw or be magically charmed by you for 1 minute. The
Honorous Duster
creature automatically succeeds the saving throw if you
or your companions are attacking it, and the effect ends
if the creature takes any damage. While charmed in
such a way, the creature automatically believes most
claims you make regarding deeds that you’ve
accomplished. If you claim something that contradicts
what the creature knows to be true (or is truly
outlandish), the DM may call for a Charisma
(Persuasion) check for you to convince them.
If a creature succeeds on the saving throw, or the
effect ends for them, they are immune to the charm of
the armour for 24 hours. However, any lasting effects of
the reputation you crafted will remain so long as you are
wearing and attuned to the armour.

Wistful Wine
Potion, uncommon or rare
Although the flavour of this elven wine is bittersweet, it is
undeniably comforting. The glass jug that this wine is
served in contains enough of the beverage for two uses.
Elves that drink this uncommon wine before trancing
will experience vivid reflections of their previous lives,
drawing feelings of melancholy, clarity, and inspiration.
Non-elven humanoids that drink the wine before taking a
long rest will experience similar reflections on poignant
moments from their past – often seeing things from a
new perspective or gaining some semblance of
catharsis. In either case, the individual will regain
consciousness and gain one use of Inspiration separate
from the normal DM Inspiration. You can’t gain the
benefits of wistful wine again until that Inspiration is
Fortified Wistful Wine. A rare version of the wistful
wine that is more potent. Upon imbibing the fortified
wine, a creature can recall any one moment they have
experienced in the past, but with perfect clarity. This
isn’t limited to moments they remember and can include
memories from when they were too young to recall or
even memories that might have been purposefully
blocked out. Elves may also recall specific moments
from their past lives. The individual will also experience
the same catharsis provided by normal wistful wine but Wistful Wine
gain the inspiration immediately.

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