Jayadvaita Swami Identifying As A Jew

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Atmavidya Das

22 timer ·
What follows is a follow-up to my previous posts.
My outlook has changed to a large degree after some shocking facts about Jay Israel aka
Jayadwaita Swami were brought to my attention by Padmagarbha Prabhu in a thread on the
BBT Edit Review Group.

I start with my reply to him. At the end you will find an account of his personal experience with
the man in question (JAS)
Padmagarbha Das Prabhu,
I had to let that account of yours sink in.
Well, it sunk in and I am still shocked. It changes everything for me in regard to Jay Israel. I am
glad and thankful to you for opening my eyes a bit more.

Devotees who know me personally and worked with me will agree that I am rather of a
harmonizing nature. Although I may have a fairly radical side too as shown in recent years by
some of my satirical posts.

Now, my leniency is wearing thin. Thinner and thinner by the day.

What I read in your account of what transpired in Laguna Beach and communications with Los
Angeles proves what many devotees claimed before. JAS is acting totally on the bodily and
mental platform, considering himself to be Jewish. That would be nothing out of the ordinary –
but it is dawning upon me that it is much more serious than I thought.

We are dealing with nothing less than a Zionist/Jewish attempt at subversion and corruption of
the Hare Krishna Movement and the literature of our spiritual master, in particular. Presently we
witness that mainly in the person of JAS. In this case, “Nomen est Omen” holds true: “Jay Israel
!” = Glories and Victory to Israel! That is his mission.

I must say that I feel extremely sorry for those devotees of Jewish background who have risen
above the bodily concept. I would not like to see those sincere souls being lumped in with the
man in question. Both, the ones who are with us and the ones who have departed.

Unfortunately, devotees are quite gullible in general. Hardly anyone will question the accepted
historical accounts of World War II, and what triggered it. After intensive research, I came to the
conclusion that the Zionists/Jews started the war years before official outbreak by declaring war
on Germany and vowing to destroy the German economy. All with the help of London

We must admit that they won that war, without firing a single shot themselves. All through
propaganda and subversion. I find that impressive and utterly disgusting at the same time. It
was done so expertly, that they did not even have to provide forensic evidence for their wild
claims of the so-called holocaust. Just for example.

Whatever the case, I noticed one thing with Jay Israel in recent pictures and videos. Namely,
that gleam of madness in his eyes which is hard to define. Insanity seems to be Krishna’s
preferred punishment for the most offensive type.

Padmagarbha Das:

Atmavidya Das,
and then there is my personal experience with Jai Israel:
Around 1976-77 while I was the Tempel Commander in the Laguna Beach Temple Jai Israel
came to visit from New Dvarka, and on that visit he deposed the acting Temple President
[Dhumrakesha dasa], and declared himself the President.
Pretty much from that day on the resident brahmacaris would totally reject me as any kind of an
authority [I was still the Temple Commander], they would literally refuse ANY requests or
instructions from me. Most of them just stopped doing their service altogether.

After a couple months Jai Israel got tired of being Tempel President in Laguna Beach, and he
moved back to New Dvarka, letting Dhumrakesha dasa again be the President.
After Jai Israel had left the brahmacaris approached me and apologized to me for their behavior,
for refusing to even acknowledge my presence when I approached them. They told me that Jai
Israel had instructed them to do so, simply for the reason hat I had a German accent, that I was
from Germany.
And they also told me that Jai Israel NEVER spoke my name when speaking to them of me, but
instead he always referred to me by one of three names, either 'that Gestapo, that Nazi, or that
Concentration Camp Guard'.

And in addition to that Jai Israel had me hand deliver an open envelope [of course curiosity
made me read it] to Jayatirtha [the GBC] in which he told Jayatirtha not to recommend me to
Srila Prabhupada for second initiation as I had absolutely no brahminical qualifications, and
would likely require many, many more years to develop such, if ever.

The point being, Jai Israel then and most likely still is 100% on the bodily platform, identifying
himself with being his Jewish body rather than being a spirit soul.

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