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Analysis of Damage Mechanisms in Composite Risers and Umbilicals at Aberdeen University On

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Analysis of damage mechanisms in composite risers and


Aberdeen University (/phds/aberdeen-university/?40w000)

School of Engineering (/phds/school-of-engineering/?c0w0g9g0)

 Dr M Menshykova , Dr O Menshykov , Prof I Guz

 Applications accepted all year round
 Self-Funded PhD Students Only

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About the Project

With increasing water depth, especially in excess of 1000 m, both platform designs
and the design of the risers and umbilicals begin to become highly weight-sensitive.
The weight reduction can be achieved through the introduction of composite risers
and umbilicals. There are signi cant opportunities for the use of carbon bre
composite elements, which may be either thermoplastic or thermoset-based, in the
armour for weight-saving, and because of corrosion problems with steel. However,
one of the main concerns with layered composite structures is the development and
propagation of various forms of intra- and inter-laminar damages in the form of
cracking and delaminations.

The overall aim of the project is optimal design of materials used in composite risers
and umbilicals. The developed analytical and numerical models shall be able to
accurately capture initiation and propagation of cracks and delaminations because it
is crucial for damage-tolerant composite structures. Multiparametric numerical
analysis of the damage propagation and its in uence on the strength and stiffness
of the structure will be done during the project.

Candidates should have (or expect to achieve) the UK honours degree at 2.1 or
above (or equivalent) in Engineering, Materials or Applied Mathematics. It is
essential that the applicant has a background in Fundamentals of Engineering
Materials and Stress Analysis
Numerical Methods.

The project is likely to involve a combination of analytical studies and computer

modelling including FEM&BEM analysis and MatLab programming, so the
appropriate computing skills would be quite bene cial but not compulsory.


• Apply for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering

• State name of the lead supervisor as the Name of Proposed Supervisor
• State ‘Self-funded’ as Intended Source of Funding
• State the exact project title on the application form

When applying please ensure all required documents are attached:

• All degree certi cates and transcripts (Undergraduate AND Postgraduate MSc-
o cially translated into English where necessary)
• Detailed CV

Informal inquiries can be made to Dr M Menshykova ([email protected]),

with a copy of your curriculum vitae and cover letter. All general enquiries should be
directed to the Postgraduate Research School ([email protected])
It is possible to undertake this project by distance learning. Interested parties should
contact Dr Menshykova to discuss this.

Funding Notes
This project is advertised in relation to the research areas of the discipline of
Engineering. The successful applicant will be expected to provide the funding for
Tuition fees, living expenses and maintenance. Details of the cost of study can be
found by visiting View Website
(https://www. ndaphd.com/common/clickCount.aspx?
theid=121800&type=184&DID=4133&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.abdn.ac.uk). THERE

1. Menshykova MV, Guz IA. Stress analysis of layered thick walled composite pipes
subjected to bending loading, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014,
88: 289-299.
2. Menshykova M, Guz, I. & Paik, JK. Thick-walled composite tubes for offshore
applications: an example of stress and failure analysis for lament-wound multi-
layered pipes, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(3): 304-322.

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The information you submit to Aberdeen University will only be used by them or their data
partners to deal with your enquiry, according to their privacy notice
(https://www.abdn.ac.uk/about/our-website/privacy.php). For more information on how we use
and store your data, please read our privacy statement (/privacy.aspx).
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