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ABB Zenon Template v.8.10 - User Manual ABB Template

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ABB zenon Template v.8.10

zenon Add-ons Manual
ABB zenon Template v.8.10
zenon Add-ons Manual

Table of contents

3AXD50000338115 v.8.10 Rev B

EFFECTIVE: 2019-09-16

© 2019 ABB Oy. All rights reserved.

Table of contents 3

Table of contents

1 General
Contents of this chapter .......................................................................... 5
Applicability ........................................................................................ 5
Target audience .................................................................................. 6

2 ABB zenon Template

Configuring a new project ....................................................................... 7
Welcome tab ................................................................................... 8
Project Info tab ................................................................................. 9
General settings tab .......................................................................... 10
Logo tab ........................................................................................ 11
Menu bar tab ................................................................................... 12
Hamburger menu tab ......................................................................... 13
Finish tab ....................................................................................... 14

3 Editing projects and control elements

Using control elements ........................................................................... 17
Variable buttons and inputs/outputs ............................................................ 17
Selectors and function buttons .................................................................. 20
Selectors ........................................................................................ 20
Radio buttons .................................................................................. 20
Example of Radio button script .......................................................... 20
Function buttons ............................................................................... 21
WPF controls ...................................................................................... 22
Creating a WPF element ..................................................................... 22
Configuring a WPF element ................................................................. 24
Configuring WPF slider ....................................................................... 24
Configuring WPF bar graph .................................................................. 25
Configuring WPF gauge ..................................................................... 27
Configuring WPF combo box ................................................................ 28
Colors and text style function ................................................................... 29

4 Tables
Table wizard ....................................................................................... 31
Exemplary tables .................................................................................. 32
Example 1: Table with just static values ................................................... 32
Example 2: Table with each field set as dynamic ......................................... 33
Example 3: Mixed table with static such as dynamic values ............................ 33
Write set value and styles ....................................................................... 33

5 Other features
Screen types ....................................................................................... 35
Themes, keyboard and vertical menu ......................................................... 36
User login .......................................................................................... 37
4 Table of contents

Alarm ............................................................................................... 38
Alarm list (active alarms) ..................................................................... 38
Alarm list log (alarm history) ................................................................. 39
CEL (Chronological Event List) ................................................................. 40
Trend ................................................................................................ 41
Trend filter elements .......................................................................... 42

6 Appendix: Open source software licenses

BSD 3-Clause License ........................................................................... 45
Microsoft Public License (MS-PL) .............................................................. 46

Further information
General 5


Contents of this chapter

This chapter describes the contents of the manual. It also contains information on the
applicability and intended audience.



The manual includes only general information of the software. If the software was
adapted to a specific customer requirement or application, the changes to the
software, that is handling, installation and operating instructions are not described
in the manual. You may find this information in a separate document, e.g. technical
data or engineering notes. For further assistance, contact your local ABB


Use the software as specified in the contractual documents.

Operate the software only under stipulated conditions mentioned in the technical
Service the software periodically as per ABB maintenance schedule.
Use the software within ABB recommended specifications scope.
Only authorized personnel should modify the software. Contact your local ABB
6 General

Target audience
This manual is intended for people who install, operate and maintain the zenon software.
The personnel must have knowledge of:
• software and relevant specifications
• functions of the operating panel and the driven process
ABB zenon Template 7

ABB zenon Template

Configuring a new project

In the ABB zenon Template, you can create a basic project consisting of variables, frames
and screens in a grid, all in ABB theme.
To open the wizard,
1. Go to File → Project new...
2. In the New project window, type the desired project name and click OK.
3. Wait a few minutes while the new project is created and the Project Configuration Wizard
appears. See Welcome tab (on page 8) and description of other tabs in sections
8 ABB zenon Template

■ Welcome tab
In the Welcome window, read information about basic settings and click (next).


Click the ? (Help ) button at top-right corner, to open the ABB zenon Template
ABB zenon Template 9

■ Project Info tab

In the Project Info window,
1. Enter information about your project. For example, Author and Company name.
2. Enter comments about your project, if required.
3. In Backup settings, check Versioning.
4. In History of changes, check Active.
5. Click (next).
10 ABB zenon Template

■ General settings tab

In the General settings window,
1. Set the monitor size and screen resolution that fits your device.
2. In Runtime settings, check Alarm status line active.
3. In Start screen, check Create a start screen .... at runtime) to create an exemplary
start screen.
4. In Screen grid, check Use screen grid ... manually), if you prefer to arrange the
control elements in a structured way.
5. In Multi-touch, select the required recognition.

Multi-touch recog- Description

nition type

Deactivated Switches off Multi-touch recognition function.

Windows 7 Activates Multi-touch recognition function supported by Windows 7. This function

allows you to zoom and scroll in the worldview.
Note: Multi-Touch recognition function can be implemented via VSTA.

Windows 8/ Activates Multi-touch recognition function supported by Windows 8 or Windows 10.

Windows 10 You can use zenon properties to set up Multi-touch recognition.

6. Click (next).
ABB zenon Template 11

■ Logo tab
In the Logo window,
1. Select a logo to customize your project.
2. Set the required Width and Height.
3. Click (next).
12 ABB zenon Template

■ Menu bar tab

In the Menu bar window, you can add or remove navigation and sub navigation buttons.
1. In Navigation menu, select a Navigation column and in the Edit column, click a required
task, for example, remove main.
The selected Main Navigation or its associated Subnavigation is added/removed.
2. In Settings, check the option(s) that you prefer to see in the menu, i.e. alarm list,
login/logout button, and language option.
3. Click (next).
ABB zenon Template 13

■ Hamburger menu tab

In the Hamburger menu window, you can set a vertical menu.
1. In Actions, check Create menu to show the Menu layout.
2. In Menu layout, against a menu item, click (delete) to remove a menu. If you prefer
to show the menu again, click Reset.
All the deleted menus will display again.

Menu item Description

Alarm List of warnings and error messages. See also Alarm (on page 38) .

Trend Runtime values in the form of trend curves.

User User administration function. You can also link this menu item to your company's admin-
istration system.

Batch/Recipe User defined slots.

CEL Chronological event list.

Reload Updates runtime without restart. This function quickly confirms and applies the changes.

Theme Changes the theme. See also Themes, keyboard and vertical menu (on page 36) .

3. Drag and drop the items if you prefer to change the structure of the menus. To revert
back to the original or default structure, click Reset.
4. Click (next).
14 ABB zenon Template

■ Finish tab
1. In the Finish window, click Finish, to complete the wizard configuration and to load the
new project.
2. Wait for a while until the template is installed. You can also check the status reading
the messages in the progress box.
3. When the message Template has been installed successfully appears. Click OK.
4. In the Finish window, click Close to close the wizard window.
Editing projects and control elements 15

Editing projects and control elements
In the zenon workspace, you can edit and customize projects according to your requirements.
The Symbol Library contains the several usable control elements needed to edit projects.
16 Editing projects and control elements
Editing projects and control elements 17

Using control elements

To view control elements, in the project manager, go to Screens > Symbol Library.
A few usable control elements are listed below. Other elements are help symbols needed
to create the template.
• ABB_UI_Text Input Field
• ABB_UI_Number Input Field
• ABB_UI_Output Field
• ABB_UI_Switch
• ABB_UI_Radio Button
• ABB_UI_CheckBox
• ABB_UI_Normal Button
• ABB_UI_Primary Action Button
• ABB_UI_Discrete Button
To use a control element,
1. In the project screen, drag and drop each element into the picture on the Screens
window and acknowledge the shortcut rules.


For instructions on how to create a new Screen, see zenon help

2. Select an element and change the interface parameters.

The interface parameter of a symbol consists of the "$_" sign in front of its label. In
below sections, see the description of all available control element symbols used in the
Add-on template and its interface parameters. See also section Screen types (on
page 35) .

Variable buttons and inputs/outputs

Variable buttons

Input/output fields (start screen)

18 Editing projects and control elements

The add-on template consists of a set of variable buttons and input/output fields (see table
below). To view the list, in project manager, go to Screens → Symbol Library. Open the
interface of an element and set the required parameters.
For example, if you selected the interface ABB_UI_TextInput Field, double-click or right-click
and select Properties. In the Linked symbol wizard, select an element/parameter and click

Element type Description Element/ Parameters

Text input field (alphanu- Input field that allows text or numbers. $_Input: Connected variable to write.
merical) $_lock: Used to lock the box either by itself
of through interlock button.

Number input field (numer- Inputs field that allows only numbers. $_Input: Connected variable to write.
ical) $_lock: Used to lock the box either by itself
of through interlock button.

Output field Output field to show the input vari- $_Input: Variable to show.
ables. Note: Only one output field exists.

Normal Button See the representation of Normal $_NormalButton: Connected variable which
Button in the figure. triggers when button is hit.
$_Text: Label of the button.
$_ABB_UI_Locked_Text: Label of the but-
ton in locked state.
$_ABB_UI_Locked: Locks the button
See also interface parameters of Normal
button in below figure.
Editing projects and control elements 19

Element type Description Element/ Parameters

Discrete Button See the representation of Discrete $_DiscreteButton: Connected variable

Button in the figure. which triggers when button is hit.
You can label the Discrete button with $_Text: Label of the button.
(House) icon. Insert the icon file $_Enable: Locks the discrete button
path in the Picture Light Theme/Pic-
ture Dark Theme parameter. Make
sure to set a picture for each theme.
Note: If test is used, leave the theme

Primary Action Button The Primary Action Button is same $_PrimaryActionButton: Connected variable
Input/output fields (start as Normal Button, except that it is which triggers when button is hit.
screen) highlighted in blue. See in figure Se- $_Text: Label of the button.
lectors (on page 20) . $_ABB_UI_Locked.Button.Text: Label of
the button in locked state.
$_ABB_UI_Locked Button: Locks the
primary action button
20 Editing projects and control elements

Selectors and function buttons

■ Selectors
Selectors can be used to quickly enable/disable an option and simultaneously display the
selected status. See the different selectors in the figure Variable buttons and
inputs/outputs (on page 17) . The table below description the different selectors.

Selector type Parameters

Switch $_switch: Connected variable control

$_Enable: Enables the element

Check box $_CheckBox: Connected variable control

$_Enable: Enables the element

Radio buttons $_RadioButton: Connected variable control

$_Enable: Enables the element
The add-on template contains up to three Radio buttons as default. You can add more
if needed. The default setting deactivates the others after a radio button is selected. You
can also copy this behavior by defining appropriate functions.
See also Radio buttons (on page 20) .

■ Radio buttons
The default setting is based on radio button functions listed in below table. You can find
them in the zenon workspace.

Radio buttons function Setting

ABB_UI_Ex_PressRadioButton1 Script:execute

ABB_UI_Ex_PressRadioButton2 Script:execute

ABB_UI_Ex_PressRadioButton3 Script:execute

ABB_UI_Ex_ResetRadio1 Write set value

ABB_UI_Ex_ResetRadio2 Write set value

ABB_UI_Ex_ResetRadio3 Write set value

ABB_UI_Ex_SetRadio1 Write set value

ABB_UI_Ex_SetRadio2 Write set value

ABB_UI_Ex_SetRadio3 Write set value

Example of Radio button script

Editing projects and control elements 21

■ Function buttons
To set up a function button,
1. In Project Manager window, go to Screens → Symbol Library, select the state0 element,
for example, ABB_UI_Normal_button_state0.
2. From zenon tool bar, drag a default button.
3. In the button's style settings, set the background color to transparent.
4. Change the parameters of this button to trigger a specific function.
For examples of function buttons, see figure in section Variable buttons and inputs/outputs (on
page 17) .
22 Editing projects and control elements

WPF controls
The figure below shows the different WPF controls.

WPF controls

■ Creating a WPF element

To create a WPF element,
1. In the Screens window, go to Elements → WPF element.
2. Hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to draw a rectangle. Make sure the
cursor pointer shows WPF.
3. In the File selection window, select a file with .xaml extension to add any one of the
following elements and click OK.
• Slider
• Combo box (as input fields)
• Bar graph
• Gauge (as output fields)
Editing projects and control elements 23


Files with following extensions only are valid.

• .xaml—Extensible Application Markup Language
• .cdwpf—WPF collective file, also shows preview image
Note: The files must already be present in the Project Manager. See in path
Files/graphics or created in the dialog.

4. Configure the links. See Configuring a WPF element (on page 24) .
24 Editing projects and control elements

■ Configuring a WPF element

To configure a WPF element, follow below steps:
1. With the WPF element selected, in Properties window, select WPF links.

2. Click Configuration to select a WPF element.

3. In the WPF element window, select and preview an element from the Available elements
list. Click OK.
4. Click column @Type of link, to change the dedicated property.

• The items that can be changed start with a "_" in front of its name.
• You can connect a variable or a constant to each parameter. If no value is
connected, the standard value in WPF-Info is used. See description of each
parameter in the sections below.

■ Configuring WPF slider

The WPF slider element can be used to enter correct values within a specified range. In the
WPF element window, the column @Type of link can be modified in each parameter using
the options listed in below table.

Options Description

Nothing linked Default option. Parameter control is not possible.

Authorization/Interlocking Defines the following authorization type for a selected parameter.

• Can be operated
• Cannot be operated
• Not interlocked
• Operating authorization available
• Operating authorization does not exist

Constant value Defines the constant value for a parameter.

Variable Defines a variable link to control parameter.

Editing projects and control elements 25

ABB_UI_Slider.xaml: Slider WPF element parameters

Parameters Description

_ColorIndexEmpty Background color of empty slider. The index number is used from color palette.

_ColorIndexFilled Bar color of the filled slider. The index number is used from color palette.

_ColorIndexText Text inside the control. The Index number is used from color palette.

_ColorIndexThumb Handle of slider. The Index number is used from color palette.

_Disabled Disables control if value is set to TRUE.

Note: This value cannot be changed.

_Minimum Minimum value of slider

_Maximum Maximum value of slider

_Value Selected value of slider

■ Configuring WPF bar graph

The bar graph element can be used to monitor a specified value.
ABB_UI_BarGraph.xaml: Bar graph WPF element parameters

Parameters Description

_colorIndexBarAlarm Color of bar, warning triangle and value, if value is lower than _LimitLowLow or
higher than _LimitHighHigh. The index number is used from color palette.

_colorIndexBarEmpty Background color of the empty bar. The index number is used from color palette.

_colorIndexBarNormal Color of filled bar. The Index number is used from color palette.

_colorIndexBarWarning Color of the bar, warning triangle and value, if value is between _LimitLow and
_LimitLowLow or _LimitHigh and _LimitHighHigh. The Index number is used from
color palette.
26 Editing projects and control elements

Parameters Description

_colorIndexBarText Color of text inside the control. The Index number is used from color palette.

_LimitHighEnd End of the highlighted area on the higher end.

_LimitHighStart Start of the highlighted area on the higher end.

_LimitLowEnd End of the highlighted area on the lower end.

_LimitLowStart Start of the highlighted area on the lower end.

_Markers Type of area highlights.

1—Vertical lines
2—Horizontal lines

_Maximum Maximum value of graph.

_Minimum Minimum value of graph.

_SetPoint Position of triangle marker.

_ShowSetPoint Visibility of triangle marker.

_Value Current value of the graph.

_ValueLetter Big letter, Eg. letter "P" is used here.

_ValueName Property name, e.g. Value Name

_Value_Unit Unit text, e.g. unit. See in above figure.

Editing projects and control elements 27

■ Configuring WPF gauge

The Gauge element works the same as bar graph, but displays information in a circle

ABB_UI_Gauge.xaml: Gauge WPF element parameters

Parameters Description

_colorIndexText Text inside the control.

_colorIndexBarEmpty Background color of empty bar.

_colorIndexBarNormal Filled bar color.

_colorIndexBarWarning Color of bar and warning triangle when value is in the range of _LimitLow and
_LimitLowLow or _LimitHigh and _LimitHighHigh.

_colorIndexBarAlarm Color of bar and warning triangle when value is lower than _LimitLowLow or higher
than _LimitHighHigh.

_Markers Type of area highlighting.

1—Radial lines
2—Curved lines

_Maximum Maximum value of graph

_Minimum Minimum value of graph

_LimitLowStart Start of highlighted area on the lower end

_LimitLowEnd End of highlighted area on the lower end

_LimitHighStart Start of highlighted area on the higher end

_LimitHighEnd End of highlighted area on the higher end

_SetPoint Position of triangle marker

_ShowSetPoint Visibility of triangle marker

28 Editing projects and control elements

Parameters Description

_Value Current value of graph

_ValueName Property name. Eg. Active power

_ValueUnit Unit text. Eg. pu

■ Configuring WPF combo box

The combo box element can be used to get a dropdown list with a set of option to select.
To search a specific option, type the option inside the combo box. E.g: Typing "text1" will
select the corresponding option. If the option does not exist in the list, the failure appears
as a red frame around the combo box. If you delete the current option, the combo box will
be empty.
With combo Box element you can select ItemText001 to ItemText100 and ItemValue001 to
ItemValue100. The selected ItemText moves the respective ItemValue to the SelectedValue

ABB_UI_combobox.xaml: Combo Box WPF element parameters

Parameters Description

_Label Text displayed in the unit when it is empty.

_Disabled Set if element is lockable.

_SelectedValue Variable of the selected value (see items).

_ItemText* Allows configuration of up to 100 different options for selection: Item Text001 to Item-
Text100 and ItemValue001 to ItemValue100.
Editing projects and control elements 29

Colors and text style function

You can customize your project by configuring colors and text styles in the style tab of editor.
Each control element consists of a style group with all attached configurations.
Alternately, you can use these settings to change colors or text styles for all items from
Symbol library. For example, Color filling Input Field can be used to change the color of
the input fields by selecting another color from the color panel.
Note: Make sure to compile the complete project to apply the changes.
Tables 31


Table wizard
With the table wizard, you can customize tables and display data.

To create a table using table wizard,

1. Go to Tools → Start Editor wizards...
2. In the Wizards selection window, go to Wizards → ABB, and select Table Wizard.
Click OK.
32 Tables

3. In the Table Wizard window, select the required values to their specific fields.

Fields Description

Project Project name

Screen Screen where the table should be displayed

Style Standard table style. For example, selecting new style enables all given
customization options.
Note:You can find all styles in the zenon workspace at Screens → Styles.
You can edit the styles later, for example, change colors or fonts.

Table name Unique table name

Top header Top/left header

Left header

Columns Number of rows and columns


Cell width Cell width and height

Cell height

X position Coordinates of upper left corner of the table in the selected screen
Y position

Top header alignment Text alignment in table cells

Left header alignment
Content alignment

4. In Preview, see how the table looks like.

Note: You can also set values later in the editor. See xxx (write set value and styles)
5. Click Create, to put up the table.
6. Click Close, to end the wizard.

Exemplary tables
The examples below show different tables and table styles. Each table contains four rows,
three columns and first row header enabled.

■ Example 1: Table with just static values

Tables 33

■ Example 2: Table with each field set as dynamic

■ Example 3: Mixed table with static such as dynamic values

Write set value and styles

In the table, you must edit the Write set value, according to the data type.
To edit, double-click a cell and find Properties → Write set value. The table below contains
information about the settings for each data type.

Data Settings

BOOL Set value/change by: TOGGLE

Without dialogue

Write set value

Propose current value

Write set value via: DIALOGBOX

Write set value

Propose current value

Write set value via: DIALOGBOX
34 Tables

As default, text is displayed in defined colors for limit values (red/green). To change this
1. In Properties, go to Text.
2. Find Text color dynamic and uncheck Use Limit Value Color.
For each table you set up, a new style is created. You can find the new styles in Style
overview. All styles are customizable. As standard, the table text style follows the default
guidelines of your project.
Other features 35

Other features

Screen types
The ABB template provides a customized ABB-style picture for each scenario. As default,
there are several useful control elements given in a basic grid for every picture.
You can,
• edit every ABB screen type template according to your requirements
• insert an ABB screen type to use the intended control elements.
See the different screen types depicted in below figure.
36 Other features

Themes, keyboard and vertical menu

Element Description

Themes In the Hamburger menu, you can select a theme: Light theme or dark theme. All control
elements change their color automatically based on the selected theme.
With dark theme all control elements appear with higher contrast to the background.
Note: If the Discrete button labeled with an icon is used, make sure to set a matching picture
for each theme. See Variable buttons and inputs/outputs (on page 17) .

Keyboard You can drag and drop the on-screen keyboard using mouse or touch (exception: in Trend).

Vertical menu You can change the vertical menu.

Other features 37

User login
The ABB-bar, displays the current user status. For example, see in below figure, no user is
signed in. There is also the logout button.

Click on user/user name or click on symbol:

• If no user is signed in, the login window pops up.

• If a user is signed in, a pop-up asks if the user wants to sign out.
38 Other features

■ Alarm list (active alarms)
The Alarm screen displays all active and unacknowledged alarms. In the vertical menu,
click Alarm, to identify the different lists: Alarm List and Alarm List log.

The table below describes the different states of alarms and its associated symbols. You
can customize the appearance of these symbols using the function in zenon workspace.

Symbol Status zenon function

active alarm, unacknowledged ABB_UI_WarningTriangle_Red_Full

Full red triangle with ex-

clamation mark

inactive alarm, unacknowledged ABB_UI_WarningTriangle_Red_Pale

Pale red triangle with ex-

clamation mark
Other features 39

Symbol Status zenon function

active alarm, acknowledged ABB_UI_WarningTriangle_Red_contour

Red contoured triangle

with exclamation mark

When there is an alarm, several information is displayed. The alarm can be acknowledged
individually or all currently displayed alarms can be acknowledged using the Acknowledge
page button. The acknowledged alarms are archived in the Alarm list log (see Alarm list
log (alarm history) (on page 39) .
You can also set filters to display alarm messages according to your requirements, for
example, time period or message type (error/warning/ ...). The filter elements are similar to
the Trend filter elements (see Trend (on page 41) . In the workspace, you can redefine all
default options of the alarm list filters with the function ABB_UI_Activate Picture Alarmlist.

■ Alarm list log (alarm history)

The inactive and acknowledged alarms are archived in the Alarm list log. To browse and
monitor the alarm messages,
1. In the Hamburger menu, go to Alarm → History.
2. Click Filter, to display the archived messages.
In the workspace, you can set the default number of log messages to display using the
function ABB_UI_Activate Picture Alarmlist_Archiv. The function is similar to Alarm list filter
settings function (see Alarm list (active alarms) (on page 38) ).
40 Other features

CEL (Chronological Event List)

The CEL stores and displays all notifications and system messages. Each action is
protocolled, for example, a new user login or a failed action. The actions are located in the
Hamburger menu, in CEL. You can set filters to display all messages of current interest
information about filter element, using the function ABB_UI_Activate Picture AuditTrail. For
information about filter settings, see Alarm list (active alarms) (on page 38) .
Other features 41

Using the Trend element, you can display output in graphics format (see figure below). To
set up a Trend, you must define two or more variables that should be tracked.

The ABB template includes the function ABB_UI_Activate page Extended Trend, that
functions similar to the Filter menu and enables you to customize all important options of
the Trend projection. The template also provides a default screen with several control
elements with which you can change the elements in editor. See Editing projects and control
elements (on page 15) . To add new buttons, see Function buttons (on page 21) .
42 Other features

■ Trend filter elements

The default screen contains two control element areas:
• Horizontal area— control elements appear above the trend graph (see figure below)

• Vertical area: at the right of trend graphic (see fig xx control elements)
Other features 43

The table below describes the trend filter elements:

Filter element Description

Filter Opens the Filter menu, which enables you to adjust some options. For example, Refresh
rate is set to standard maximum value of 1 sec.
To add new variables or to change the default values, go to ABB_UI_Activate page
Extended Trend function.

Filter profiles A dropdown menu that shows current and other filter profiles defined in the Filter dia-
logue. Select a profile to apply to the graphics.

Save/Delete Saves or deletes current settings and filter profiles.

Note: If you deleted a filter profile accidently, it is possible to restore a copy using the
Import filter element. See Import/Export description below.

Import/Export Export—saves the current settings as filter file

Import—imports the saved filter files into your trend profiles list

Play/Stop Starts or stops the trend visualization.

Refresh search Displays the current process value.

44 Other features

Filter element Description

Zoom/Rezoom Zooms into a specific sector. Place your cursor on the point you want to zoom into.
Zoom—scales the X- and Y-axis
Rezoom—resets to previous value

Cursor on/off Enables/disables the cursor, which can be used to select a specific data point and dis-
plays its values.

<< / >> Moves the cursor along with trend graphic. Press Stop to enable.

Copy to clipboard Copies the current trend graphic to the clipboard. Paste it into a graphic tool (e.g. MS
Paint) to save it as an image file.

Settings Changes the properties of the displayed graphic.

Print Save a PNG file in the project folder. You can change this to actually printing the trend
graphic in a physical printer in the Filter dialogue.
Appendix: Open source software licenses 45

Appendix: Open source software
This appendix includes information about the open source software licenses used in ABB
zenon Template.

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2015-16, Jan Karger (Steven Kirk)
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distributions.
* Neither the name of gong-wpf-dragdrop nor the names of its contributors may be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written
46 Appendix: Open source software licenses



Microsoft Public License (MS-PL)

This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept
this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software.
1. Definitions
The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and "distribution" have the same
meaning here as under U.S. copyright law.
A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software.
A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution under this license.
"Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its contribution.
2. Grant of Rights
(A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions
and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of its
contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative works that you create.
(B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and
limitation in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or
otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution
in the software.
3. Conditions and Limitations
(A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any contributions'
name, logo, or trademarks.
(B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed
by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
(C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent,
trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software.
(D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only
under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you
distribute any portion of the software in complied or object code form, you may only do so
under a license that complies with this license.
(E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. The contributors give no
express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights
under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the extent permitted under your
local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose and non-infringement.

Further information
Project support
You can receive support for all real projects you may have from our Support team. Contact via
email at [email protected]

General help
If you cannot find any information you require in this help chapter or can think of anything that
you would like added, contact via email at [email protected] .

Licenses and modules

If you find that you need other modules or licenses, contact www.abb.com/zenon or
[email protected].

Document library on the Internet

You can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the Internet at
For more information, contact your
local ABB representative or visit

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