Fire Pump Test Form

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The document outlines the procedures and checklist for testing and maintaining a fire pump system.

The steps include checking various parameters, performing flow tests at different rates, identifying any issues, and making repairs as needed.

Components checked include the fuel system, exhaust system, battery system, intake/ventilation, lubrication system, and others as described on pages 1-3.

Fire Pump Test form

Driver type, make and model

Pump manufacturer
Manufacturer's model no.

Year installed
Lpm/kPa rating Lpm □ □ RPM□

Phone no. I Pump on bar/kPa Jockey pump on bar/kPa

Fax no. I Pump off bar/kPa Jockey pump off bar/kPa

Date tested
Tested by
Pressure at pump startup
Method of start
Motor running time (min.) I
Suction pressure
Discharge pressure
Temperature and tightness
of shaft seal packing
Level of water supplies
(suction tank should be overflowed)
Water temperature in
suction tank/reservoir
Pump room temperature
Engine instrument readings RPM
Oil pressure
Crank case oil level
Last oil change / Next oil change
Fuel tank level should be
at least¾ full
Condition of battery charger

Last time battery charged

Battery electrolyte level normal
Cooling system strainer condition
Cooling system temperature
Operation of room ventilation
dampers and fans (if provided)
Inspection of drive belts/hose;
replace per manufacturer's
recommended frequency
Pump flowtestresults Explain findings

□Satisfactory □Unsatisfactory
□ Provide a work order for immediate repair.
□ Follow impairment procedures detailed in Managing Fire Protection System Impairment(P9006).
□ Keeprecordsonfileforreviewbyappropriatepersonnel.
□ Sign off when pump is restored to automatic:
/sign here)

□ Record water flow measurements, suction readings and discharge readings for several different flow volumes. These
can be plotted on a rating chart as a way to help gauge pump performance from year to year. The performance of any
given test can be compared with the pump acceptance test, other yearly tests, and the pump manufacturer's
characteristic pump curve.
□ Take flow and pressure readings for at least three well-spaced points on the pump curve (at churn or no-flow, near
the pump rating and at the 150-percent flow point). If required flow cannot be met, or if there is more than a slight
change in performance, find the problem and correct it without delay .
□ Run water flow through a hydrant or hose header, or through an Approved flow meter discharging to a safe location.

Pump Coupling
□ Pump coupling alignment Checked
□ Lubrication of coupling

Diesel Engines
Diesel Engine Fuel
□ Tank level switches
□ Fuel solenoid valve operation
□ Strainers, filters, etc.
□ For water and foreign material in fuel tank
□ Flexible hose lines and connectors
□ Tank vents and overflow piping for obstructions
□ General condition of piping
□ Speed governor and over-speed shutdown operation
□ water discharge rate with previous observations and the recommended rate.
□ Antifreeze level/quality; change as necessary.
□ Heat exchanger; clean (rod out) as necessary.
□ Water pump
□ Condition of flexible hose lines and connections
□ Jacket water heater
□ Water strainer
□ High water temperature switch
□ Cooling water solenoid valve operation

Exhaust System
□ For leakage
□ Condensate trap; drain as necessary.
□ For excessive back pressure
□ Exhaust system hangers and supports
□ Flexible exhaust section
Battery System
□ Charger and charge rate/equalize charge

Intake System/Ventilation
□ Air filter
□ Room louver operation
□ Obstructions (debris, insects, etc.)

Troubleshoot Problems
□ Identify deterioration in pump performance, and correct problems before the pump becomes incapacitated. A loss of
more than 10 percent of capacity requires investigation and possible repair.

Diesel Engine Lubrication System

□ Change engine oil and filter. This should be clone regardless of the number of hours in operation.
□ Lube oil heater (if provided)
□ Low oil pressure switch

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