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Series TD: Type TDL Type TDM

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Series TD

Type TDL
Type TDM
Automatic Recirculation Valve
for pump protection
Series TD
The SCHROEDAHL Automatic Recirculation Valve
is used as a pump protection system for centrifugal pumps

SCHROEDAHL is the largest supplier of Automatic
Recirculation Valves in the world. These ARVs, or pump
protection systems, are our principal products. During
the last 50 years we have supplied more than 50,000 of
these valves to satisfied customers all over the world.

ƒƒ Automatic bypass operation

ƒƒ Modulating functioning

ƒƒ Low maintenance

ƒƒ Easy to install

ƒƒ Damping of system pulsations

ƒƒ Suitable for all fluids

ƒƒ Self operated

ƒƒ Reduces plant investment and

operational costs

The SCHROEDAHL Automatic Recirculation Valve is a high quality automatic solution to protect centrifugal
pumps against overheating, excessive noise, instability and cavitation, during zero process flow and low
load conditions.

It works, if the flow through the system is, or falls below a certain level, so that the bypass system opens
automatically and the fluid will be recirculated, providing the required minimum flow for the pump (and
wise versa).

Special operation requirements, low load cases, complicated commissioning situations and the pressure
in the bypass recirculation line have an impact on the valve design and therefore are typically a part of
customers RFQ information - SCHROEDAHL can offer solutions on a very high level.

The SCHROEDAHL automatic recirculation valve is therefore a high quality and a cheaper and easier
solution for clean liquid pump protection - much easier than an conventional modulating control valve

Sectional drawing of an Automatic Sectional drawing of an Automatic

Recirculation Valve type TDM Recirculation Valve type TDL

Operation of the
Automatic Recirculation Valves

Fig. 3

Fig.4: Type TDL

Fig.5: Type TDM

Operation Range Definition check valve is seated. The bypass is fully closed
Two following descriptions are typically classifying when the check valve is in its upper position,
the pump protection application: thereby allowing full pump flow to the system.

1. Standard Operation Range Application:

Flow sensitive modulating
The usual operation of the pump protection valves
is in the load range from 40% to 100% of the rated bypass controll
The check valve moves upwards with increasing
process flow. The automatic valve will self-operated
main flow and downwards with decreasing flow.
handle the typical time limited start-up and shout
The check valve transmits this motion via a lever
down phase with modulating bypass control
to the bypass system (Fig. 3 and 4) and therefore
modulates the bypass flow.
TDM valves at high pressure service may need
also an adequate high bypass back pressure, e.g.
Type TDL
an orifice restriction in bypass line, to prevent
The TDL consists of the check valve section (Fig. 3)
cavitation during bypass flow condition.
with bypass configuration type L (Fig. 4). The lever
2. Full Operation Range Application: controls the position of the bushing, which in turn
For high pressure TDM applications with the explicit opens less wide the holes in the control head. The
definition of the full load range from 0% to 100% minimum flow is thereby bypassed in a modulating
process flow, it is request before order placement way. Applicable for differential pressures up to 40
to evaluate special design influences at the valve. bar. Standard with non-return function.
Otherwise the application will be classified as a
standard range type. Type TDM
The TDM consists of the check valve section (Fig. 3)
For the high load range, depending to the exiting with bypass configuration type M (Fig. 5). The
bypass pressure level, it is may requested to movement of the lever is transmitted via a piston
increase the bypass back pressure to prevent to the multi-stage vortex plug. The minimum flow
cavitation also in the low load range, where the is then bypassed in a modulating way over several
bypass is in modulating action. Therefore the pressure reduction stages.
installation of an special back pressure valve Applicable for differential pressures from 20 bar
BPV is at the full operation range application to 230 bar. The standard TDM design has an build
recommended, to ensure that the bypass pressure in bypass non-return function (~2 bar dp level
level is always on an suitable pressure level (an requested).
orifice solution is then not allowed).

The outlet main flow controls the check valve at
a certain position. The stem of the check valve
transmits the motion via a lever to the bypass.
The bypass system regulates the bypass flow in a
modulating way and reduces the pressure down to
the bypass outlet pressure level without cavitation.
The full minimum flow is bypassed when the main

Options for the
Automatic Recirculation Valves

Options A:

A1 A2 A3

A4 A5

Options Information
Depending to the plant design, or additional requirements, different options fort the start-up/warm-up side
(A), or for the bypass trim side (B) can be selected.

Options A: A typical option is the start-up connection acc. figure A1, to run low pressure flow to the
process/boiler for the start-up process, or to warm-up the neighbor pump/system.

Options B: Depending to the plant commissioning condition (dirt, spec. load case,…) a special
commissioning bypass trim sets can be selected. The valve will then be shipped with the option bypass set
and also attached with the original bypass trim set (to be installed after commissioning).

Please contact SCHROEDAHL for additional information.

Options A: Options B:
Additional connection options (on request): Commissioning options for the
bypass side (on request):
A1: Start-Up / Warm-up above check valv
B-TDL: Commissioning bypass internals
A2: Start-Up/ warm-up below check valve.
for TDL valve (bigger clearances, modulating)
A3: Warm-Up above check valve.
B-TDM: Commissioning bypass internals
A4: Warm-Up below check valve. for TDM valve (continuous open, fixed flow
coefficient, non-modulating, without moving parts)
A5: Degasification Nozzle

Options B:



Valve sizes Materials
Standard size from DN 25 (1“) to DN 300 (12“). Standard housing materials:
ASTM A105 (Carbon Steel), DIN 1.0460
Pressure rating ASTM 316L (Stainless Steel), DIN 1.4404
Pressure rating from PN 10 to PN 400 (150 Ibs to
The standard internals of the TD valves are
2500 Ibs). Other ratings upon request.
manufactured from stainless steel with a minimum
chrome content of 13%. Other forged materials for
housing and internals are available upon request.
Flanges are standard according to EN 1092-1
Selection of the seal material is done according to
or ASME. Flanges according to other standards
medium and temperature conditions. The housing
(EN 1092-1, ISO, BS, JIS, NF) are available upon
material is selected according to medium, pressure
request. The inlet and outlet connections can
temperature conditions and customer resvisitions.
also be supplied with welding ends. The bypass
connection is always flanged (for inspection
purposes). Manual start up upon request. Draining
or warm-up connections are available, too.

Size-Code Pressure Class-Code Connection-Code Configuration-Code

05 = DN 25 (1”) 1 = PN10 F = Flanges acc. to EN 1092-1 V = Vertical Installation
06 = DN 32 (1 1/4”) 2 = PN 16 U = Flanges acc. to ASME H = Horizontal Installation
07 = DN 40 (1 1/2”) 3 = PN 25 (150 lbs) S = Welding Ends (not for bypass) A = Manual start-up
08 = DN 50 (2”) 4 = PN 40 J = Japanese Standard connection
09 = DN 65 (2 1/2”) 7 = PN 160 (900 lbs) B = British Standard W = Standard oversized
10 = DN 80 (3”) 8 = PN 250 (1500 lbs) bypass
11 = DN 100 (4”) 9 = PN 320 CS = Carbon Steel
12 = DN 125 (5”) 0 = PN 400 (2500 lbs) SS = Stainless Steel
13 = DN 150 (6”) SD = Duplex Steel
15 = DN 200 (8”)
16 = DN 250 (10”)
17 = DN 300 (12”)

TDM116UVW-CS: valve type TDM; 4“, class 600, ASME-Flanges, vertical installation,
housing material in carbon steel

Installation Information
The Automatic Recirculation Valve should be installed as close as possible to the centrifugal pump
discharge, preferably directly on the outlet of the pump.

To prevent low frequency shocks, caused by pulsation of the medium, the distance between pump
outlet and valve inlet should not exceed 5 m with straight pipe run at the inlet. Exceptions have to be
communicated with SCHROEDAHL.

Vertical installation is preferred, but horizontal installation is also possible on request. The TDL and TDM
valves operate at a low noise level and ensure a high reliability due to their sturdy design.

The recommended filter at the pump inlet should have a maximum mesh size of 0.3 to 0.5 mm. For
commissioning procedure we recommend a smaller filter mesh size (e.g. 0,1 mm).

Maintenance, Spares and Test

Maintenance instructions are available upon request or at www.schroedahl.com. Typically we recommend
an inspection after commissioning (a gasket set is then needed) and regarding two years operation we
recommend a bypass set (one complete bypass unit) for your stock.

A complete valve performance valve test run is recommended to be done together with the original pump.
The bypass Kv/Cv value test can be certified at our test facility.

Please contact SCHROEDAHL for additional information.

Place for BPV or

To the system Orifice

Straight pipe run 3 x DN As near as possible

to the tank



Best Distance: zero !

maximum 3 m with straight
pipe run of 2 x DN
No elbow allowed at inlet!

Parts list

Housing Bypass L


Housing assembly Bypass L

Pos. Description Pos. Description
01 Lower Body 11 Control Head
02 Upper Body 13 Lever
03 Stemguide 14 Pivot Pin
04 Guide Bolt 15 Crank Arm
06 Spring 16 Control Bushing
07 Check Valve cpl. 23 Orifice Bushing
07.1 Check Valve 31 O-Ring
07.2 Stem 36 O-Ring
08 Liner or Venturi-Ring 37 Spring
09 Bypass Branch 38 Bottom Ring
25 Guide Pin
26 Bolt
27 Bolt
28 Hexagon Nut
29 Hexagon Nut
30 O-Ring

Bypass M Manual Startup (Option A1, example)

Bypass M Manual Start-up

Pos. Description Pos. Description
10 Vortex Bushing 10 Vortex Bushing
11 Control Head 18 Vortex Plug
12 Vortex Plug 19 Holder
13 Lever 20 Pin
14 Pivot Pin 23 Orifice Plate
15 Relief Bushing 31 O-Ring
16 Relief Piston 32 O-Ring
21 Threaded Ring 36 O-Ring
23 Bypass Orifice / Cone
31 O-Ring
32 O-Ring
33 O-Ring
33.1 Glyd-Ring
34 O-Ring
34.1 Glyd-Ring
35 O-Ring
35.1 Glyd-Ring
36 O-Ring

Sizing and selection

Nominal size and pressure class of the Automatic Notes

The following table is only to be used
Recirculation Valve should preferably be selected the
as an indication. Other bypass sizes
same as the outlet of the pump. available upon request. For final valve
selection please contact our office.

Size-Code 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 17

DN P, R (mm) 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300

DN P, R (inch) 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 4 5 6 8 10 12

Max. flow P,R for TDL

16 26 35 55 100 150 250 400 530 860 1240 1780
and TDM valves (m3/h)
Bypass L /M DN (mm) 25 25 25 25 40 40 50 50 65 80 100 125

see Fig.3/4 DN (inch) 1 1 1 1 1½ 1½ 2 2 2½ 3 4 5

Max. Bypasflow
18 18 18 18 40 40 65 65 115 180 280 480
P-B (m3/h)

Example valve selection

Kv = Qmin x S.G. Qmin = Minimum flow in m3/h, s.g. specific gravity in kg/dm3
Δp = Differential pressure in bar over the bypass at minimum flow

Conditions: DN 100 pump, PN 100, main flow is 180 m3/h, required bypass flow is 40 m3/h,
S.G. is 0.95, Δp is 70 bar at Qmin.

Selection: a. The main flow is in the range of a DN 100 valve

b. The ∆p at minimum flow is ≥ 40 bar, this means that we have to select a valve type TDM.
c. Kv = 40 x 0.95 / 70 = 4.8 m3/h , this means a DN 100 valve with a DN 50 bypass can be
used as the maximum Kv is 5.4 m3/h

Automatic Recirculation Valve
Technical Data

Customer: Data sheet:

Enquiry no.:
Prior reference: Quantity:
Order no.:

Automatic Recirculation Valve type:

Valve inlet [in.] DN PN Fl.Code.:

Valve outlet [in.] DN PN Installation:  vertical  horizontal
Bypass outlet [in.] DN PN Paint:
Start-up [in.] DN PN Start-up  above  below checkvalve

Mat.-/test certificates:
Housing: Internals: Seals:

Medium Operating temp. [°C]:

S.G. [kg/m³]: Design temp. [°C]:

H0 = m
QM = m³/h HM = m Suction pr. pv bar
Q100 = m³/h H100 = m Differential pr. (p1-pn) bar
Qmax = m³/h HQmax = m Backpressure pN bar
QA = m³/h HA = m Backpressure pA bar


Revision Date Description Name Signature

H0 Rangeability Q
P2 tank
H50 Duty point
Head H in m


QM 50 100 Pv
Flow Q in %


EN Size DNR/DNP PN DNB L (mm) S (mm) H (mm) Weight (kg)

051-052-053-054 10-16-25-40 190 153 73 15
055 25 63 25 250 182 90 32
056 100 250 182 90 32
061-062-063-064 10-16-25-40 190 153 73 17
065 32 63 25 250 182 90 30
066 100 300 182 90 30
071-072-073-074 10-16-25-40 200 155 75 19
075-076-077 40 63-100-160 25 260 190 90 34
078 250 300 215 120 47
081-082-083-084 10-16-25-40 230 163 90 26
085 63 300 185 115 47
50 25
086-087 100-160 300 193 110 56
088 250 350 223 130 85
091-092-093-094 10-16-25-40 290 184 110 37
095 63 340 219 125 56
65 40
096-097 100-160 340 227 125 83
098 250 400 260 145 89
101-102-103-104 10-16-25-40 310 191 115 48
105 63 380 233 140 69
80 40
106-107 100-160 380 240 140 85
108 250 450 265 165 125
111-112-113-114 10-16-25-40 350 221 125 72
115 63 430 258 155 105
100 50
116-117 100-160 430 266 155 150
118 250 520 300 190 200
121-122-123-124 10-16-25-40 400 266 135 100
125 63 500 280 175 183
125 50
126-127 100-160 500 291 175 223
128 250 600 321 215 345
131-132-133-134 10-16-25-40 480 295 165 195
135 63 550 350 190 255
136 150 100 65 550 355 190 270
137 160 585 355 200 275
138 250 700 405 250 480
151-152-153-154 10-16-25-40 600 395 200 355
155 63 650 405 215 467
200 80
156-157 100-160 680 430 225 550
158 250 830 485 290 920
161-162-163-164 10-16-25-40 730 475 240 460
165 63 775 520 260 677
250 100
166-167 100-160 800 560 270 970
168 250 900 560 310 1470
171-172-173-174 10-16-25-40 850 530 280 1020
175 63 900 550 300 930
300 125
176-177 100-160 1050 650 360 1600
178 250 1200 720 420 2100

P = Pump outlet
R = Pipeline/ process
B = Bypass connection
(A = Start-up connection as option)

ASME Size DNR/DNP PN DNB L (mm) S (mm) H (mm) Weight (kg)

073 150 200 155 75 19
075 300 260 190 90 34
076 1½" 600 1" 260 190 90 34
077 900 300 200 110 34
078 1500 310 215 120 47
083 150 230 163 90 26
085 300 300 185 115 40
086 2" 600 1" 300 193 110 56
087 900 340 203 130 56
088 1500 350 233 130 85
093 150 290 174 110 37
095 300 340 199 125 56
096 2½" 600 1½" 340 220 125 83
097 900 380 230 140 83
098 1500 400 250 145 89
103 150 310 191 115 48
105 300 380 220 140 69
106 3" 600 1½" 380 240 140 85
107 900 410 250 150 85
108 1500 450 275 165 125
113 150 350 211 125 72
115 300 430 240 155 105
116 4" 600 2" 430 266 155 150
117 900 450 280 160 150
118 1500 520 300 190 200
123 150 400 266 135 100
125 300 500 290 175 183
126 5" 600 2" 500 300 175 223
127 900 525 310 185 223
128 1500 650 341 235 345
133 150 480 295 165 195
135 300 550 350 190 255
136 6" 600 2½" 550 355 190 270
137 900 585 355 200 275
138 1500 700 405 250 480
153 150 600 395 200 355
155 300 650 405 215 467
156 8" 600 3" 680 430 225 550
157 900 700 430 225 550
158 1500 880 485 310 920
163 150 730 475 240 460
165 300 775 520 260 677
166 10" 600 4" 800 560 270 970
167 900 800 560 270 970
168 1500 980 570 340 1470
173 150 850 530 280 1020
175 300 900 550 300 930
176 12" 600 5" 1050 650 360 1600
177 900 1050 650 360 1600
178 1500 1250 720 440 2100

2015 XYQOM.net / Rev. 20
Spezialarmaturen GmbH & Co. KG
Schoenenbacher Str. 4
51580 Reichshof-Mittelagger
Phone +49 2265 9927-0
Fax +49 2265 9927-927
[email protected]

Schroedahl International Corporation

2400 Augusta Dr. Suite 285
Houston, Texas 77057
United States of America
Phone +1 713 9758351
Fax +1 713 7800421
[email protected]

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