1.4.4 Prepare Phase 1 Research Report

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provided input that helped to integrate the construction considerations with the preliminary

continuity design details and identify potential issues along with suggestions for improvement.

1.4.4 Prepare Phase 1 Research Report

The results of the above tasks are summarized in this report. Several areas requiring
further study were also identified based on the detailed preliminary designs. The research team
held focus group meetings with TxDOT engineers, as well as the precasters and contractors from
the industry, to discuss the results and suggestions related to the design and construction benefits
and issues of the proposed preliminary continuity details. This helped to narrow down the
specific requirements of the different organizations such as design, fabrication, transportation,
and erection and construction on the site. Recommendations from Phase 1 of this project will
focus on specific pretensioned girder shapes and continuity splice details to be investigated in the
experimental study that will be a part of Phase 2 of the project. A summary of the spliced
prestressed concrete girder bridges, continuity designs using standard TX girder sections, and
critical design issues and recommendations for Phase 2 are documented in this report.

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to this research project. Chapter 2 includes a
comprehensive literature review of continuous precast, prestressed concrete girder bridges built
in the United States. It also highlights issues in the widespread use of spliced girder technology.
Chapter 3 outlines the preliminary designs developed for continuous spliced precast, prestressed
concrete girders. Chapters 4 and 5 present the results and findings from the preliminary designs
conducted for Tx70 and Texas U54 girders, respectively. Chapter 6 discusses several design
issues that were identified in the preliminary design stage of continuous prestressed concrete
girders and recommendations provided by the research team. Chapter 7 presents the preliminary
continuity splice connection details used for precast, prestressed concrete girder bridges along
with the advantages and disadvantages of each splice connection type and approach. Chapter 8
gives the industry feedback from the precasters and contractors on the preliminary design and
details with focus on potential implementation of the promising continuity details for precast,
pretensioned girders made continuous. Chapter 9 provides the summary of Phase 1 of the project
with conclusions and recommendations to be considered in finalizing the work plan for Phase 2.


Splicing technology facilitates construction of longer spans using standard length girder
segments. A spliced girder system can provide a number of constructible design options by
altering parameters such as span and segment lengths, depth of superstructure, and number and
location of piers. The standard I-shape and bulb-tee precast concrete girder sections designed and
fabricated in lengths up to 160 ft constitute approximately one-third of the bridges built in the
United States (Castrodale and White 2004). The use of precast, prestressed concrete girders has
facilitated the use of long-span girder segments that can be efficiently hauled and constructed,
and presents a cost-effective solution with good serviceability and minimal maintenance. The
application of prestressing to bridges has grown rapidly and steadily, beginning in 1949 with
high-strength steel wires in the Walnut Lane Bridge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From 1950 to
the early 1990s, the count of prestressed concrete bridges surpassed 50 percent of all bridges
built in the United States. Prestressing has facilitated the span capability of concrete bridges. By
the late 1990s, spliced-girder spans reached a record 320 ft.
Over the years, the development of materials, section properties and fabrication
technology coupled with improved methods for transportation and erection have helped to
increase the span of single girders extending over the whole span up to 160 ft. Where it became
necessary to eliminate intermediate substructure units, special techniques were used to extend
spans up to 300 ft. The post-tensioning method of prestressing is one of the commonly used
methods for bridge structures with long spans and unusual layouts. Investigation of the different
methodologies for providing continuity employing standard precast, prestressed concrete girders
is necessary to construct an economical and structurally efficient bridge system. A combination
of post-tensioning with splicing of girders presents attributes of high performance and feasible
construction. Implementation of splicing technology has the potential to extend the simple spans
by approximately 50 percent and at the same time presents a simple and cost-effective solution
(Castrodale and White 2004).
The proposed research will aid in sharing knowledge of the current state-of-the-art and
practices for the use of precast, pretensioned girders made continuous. This study will help to

draw attention to the benefits, as well as the shortcomings, of various connection details that can
be used to achieve continuity.


Table 2.1 provides a summary of on-pier splicing details, which have been used for
continuous precast, prestressed concrete girders. Additional details are provided below.

2.2.1 Non-Prestressed Design Options Conventional Deck Reinforcement

Kaar et al. (1960) investigated the development of continuity in precast, prestressed
concrete bridge girders used in conventional designs for extending span lengths. The
conventional design used deformed reinforcement in the CIP deck slab over the girders to
provide continuity designed for resisting the live loads. Kaar et al. (1960) carried out tests on the
connection detail where the deformed rebar in the deck slab is made continuous over the
supports and resists the negative bending moment. This detail also included the use of a
diaphragm over the piers extending laterally between the girders on either side. The width of the
diaphragms was greater than the spacing between the ends of the girders, which helped to
provide lateral restraint to strengthen the concrete in compression. The results from this study
found that this continuity connection detail was desirable as it permits sufficient redistribution of
moment and is simple to construct and relatively economical.
Mattock and Kaar (1960) carried out additional tests on the continuity connection for
precast, prestressed concrete bridge concrete girders with introduction of details for resisting the
positive moments resulting from creep and shrinkage. They conducted static and dynamic load
tests on half-scale component specimens of a two-span continuous connection between girders
with CIP deck and diaphragm. The results from the static tests confirmed the results determined
by Kaar et al. (1960). From the dynamic test using repeated pulsating loads applied to the free
ends of the girders, the researchers found that the connection can potentially resist an indefinite
number of applications of design loads without failure. However, the width of the cracks and the
resulting flexibility of the connection were found to increase. They tested two connection details
for positive moment resistance: (i) fillet welding the projecting ends of the reinforcement bars to
a structural steel angle, and (ii) bending the projecting ends of the reinforcement to form right

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Problems 457
the flowrate passing between the tanks? Assume the friction fac-
tor to be equal to 0.02 and minor losses to be negligible.
20 m †8.96 Gasoline is unloaded from the tanker truck shown in
Diffuser Fig. P8.96 through a 4-in.-diameter rough-surfaced hose. This is a
“gravity dump” with no pump to enhance the flowrate. It is claimed
that the 8800-gallon capacity truck can be unloaded in 28 minutes.
1m Do you agree with this claim? Support your answer with appropri-
120 m of 0.30-m-diameter ate calculations.
cast-iron pipe
F I G U R E P8.91

*8.92 In some locations with very “hard” water, a scale can build Midstate Gasoline
up on the walls of pipes to such an extent that not only does the
roughness increases with time, but the diameter significantly de-
creases with time. Consider a case for which the roughness and di-
ameter vary as e ⫽ 0.02 ⫹ 0.01t mm, D ⫽ 50 (1 ⫺ 0.02t) mm,
where t is in years. Plot the flowrate as a function of time for t ⫽ 0
to t ⫽ 10 years if the pressure drop per 12 m of horizontal pipe re-
mains constant at ¢p ⫽ 1.3 kPa.
8.93 Water flows from the nozzle attached to the spray tank shown F I G U R E P8.96
in Fig. P8.93. Determine the flowrate if the loss coefficient for the
nozzle (based on upstream conditions) is 0.75 and the friction fac- 8.97 The pump shown in Fig. P8.97 delivers a head of 250 ft to
tor for the rough hose is 0.11. the water. Determine the power that the pump adds to the water.
The difference in elevation of the two ponds is 200 ft.
Nozzle diameter
= 7.5 mm
KL = 1.0

p = 150 kPa Pump

KL = 1.5
D = 15 mm KL = 5.0
0.80 m ᐉ = 1.9 m Pipe length = 500 ft
Pipe diameter = 0.75 ft
40° KL = 0.8 Pipe roughness = 0

F I G U R E P8.93 F I G U R E P8.97
8.94 When the pump shown in Fig. P8.94 adds 0.2 horsepower to
the flowing water, the pressures indicated by the two gages are 8.98 Water flows through two sections of the vertical pipe shown
equal. Determine the flowrate. in Fig. P8.98. The bellows connection cannot support any force in
the vertical direction. The 0.4-ft-diameter pipe weighs 0.2 lb兾ft, and
Length of pipe between gages ⫽ 60 ft the friction factor is assumed to be 0.02. At what velocity will the
Pipe diameter ⫽ 0.1 ft force, F, required to hold the pipe be zero?
Pipe friction factor ⫽ 0.03
Filter loss coefficient ⫽ 12
Free jet
Filter Pump

f = 0.020 Pipe weighs

0.20 lb/ft

F I G U R E P8.94
D = 0.40 ft
8.95 Water is pumped between two large open tanks as shown in
Fig. P8.95. If the pump adds 50 kW of power to the fluid, what is Bellows

Dm = 0.5 m
Pump F I G U R E P8.98

8.99 Water is circulated from a large tank, through a filter, and back
Pipe length = 600 m to the tank as shown in Fig. P8.99. The power added to the water by
F I G U R E P8.95 the pump is 200 ft # lbⲐ s. Determine the flowrate through the filter.
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8.48 Water flows through a horizontal 60-mm-diameter galvanized 8.55 A 3-ft-diameter duct is used to carry ventilating air into a ve-
iron pipe at a rate of 0.02 m3 s. If the pressure drop is 135 kPa per hicular tunnel at a rate of 9000 ft3 min. Tests show that the pres-
10 m of pipe, do you think this pipe is (a) a new pipe, (b) an old sure drop is 1.5 in. of water per 1500 ft of duct. What is the value
pipe with a somewhat increased roughness due to aging, or (c) a of the friction factor for this duct and the approximate size of the
very old pipe that is partially clogged by deposits? Justify your an- equivalent roughness of the surface of the duct?
8.49 Water flows at a rate of 10 gallons per minute in a new hor- Section 8.4.2 Minor Losses (Also see Lab
izontal 0.75-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe. Determine the pres- Problem 8.131.)
sure gradient, ¢p/, along the pipe.
8.56 Obtain photographs/images of various pipe components that
8.50 Two equal length, horizontal pipes, one with a diameter of would cause minor losses in the system. Print these photos and
1 in., the other with a diameter of 2 in., are made of the same ma- write a brief paragraph that discusses these components.
terial and carry the same fluid at the same flow rate. Which pipe
produces the larger head loss? Justify your answer. 8.57 An optional method of stating minor losses from pipe com-
ponents is to express the loss in terms of equivalent length; the
†8.51 A 6-inch-diameter water main in your town has become head loss from the component is quoted as the length of straight pipe
very rough due to rust and corrosion. It has been suggested that with the same diameter that would generate an equivalent loss. De-
the flowrate through this pipe can be increased by inserting a velop an equation for the equivalent length, /eq.
smooth plastic liner into the pipe. Although the new diameter
will be smaller, the pipe will be smoother. Will such a procedure 8.58 Given 90° threaded elbows used in conjunction with copper
produce a greater flowrate? List all assumptions and show all pipe (drawn tubing) of 0.75-in. diameter, convert the loss for a sin-
calculations. gle elbow to equivalent length of copper pipe for wholly turbulent
8.52 Blood (assume m  4.5  105 lb # s ft2, SG  1.0) flows
through an artery in the neck of a giraffe from its heart to its head 8.59 Based on Problem 8.57, develop a graph to predict equiva-
at a rate of 2.5  104 ft3  s. Assume the length is 10 ft and the di- lent length, /eq, as a function of pipe diameter for a 45° threaded
ameter is 0.20 in. If the pressure at the beginning of the artery (out- elbow connecting copper piping (drawn tubing) for wholly turbu-
let of the heart) is equivalent to 0.70 ft Hg, determine the pressure lent flow.
at the end of the artery when the head is (a) 8 ft above the heart,
8.60 A regular 90° threaded elbow is used to connect two
or (b) 6 ft below the heart. Assume steady flow. How much of this
straight portions of 4-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe. (a) If
pressure difference is due to elevation effects, and how much is
the flow is assumed to be wholly turbulent, determine the equiv-
due to frictional effects?
alent length of straight pipe for this elbow. (b) Does a pipe fit-
8.53 A 40-m-long, 12-mm-diameter pipe with a friction factor of ting such as this elbow have a significant or negligible effect on
0.020 is used to siphon 30 °C water from a tank as shown in Fig. the flow? Explain.
P8.53. Determine the maximum value of h allowed if there is to be
8.61 To conserve water and energy, a “flow reducer” is installed
no cavitation within the hose. Neglect minor losses.
in the shower head as shown in Fig. P8.61. If the pressure at
point 112 remains constant and all losses except for that in the
“flow reducer” are neglected, determine the value of the loss co-
efficient 1based on the velocity in the pipe2 of the “flow reducer”
10 m if its presence is to reduce the flowrate by a factor of 2. Neglect
__ in. Flow reducer washer

30 m
50 holes of
diameter 0.05 in.

F I G U R E P8.61

8.62 Water flows at a rate of 0.040 m3 s in a 0.12-m-diameter pipe

that contains a sudden contraction to a 0.06-m-diameter pipe. De-
termine the pressure drop across the contraction section. How much
F I G U R E P8.53 of this pressure difference is due to losses and how much is due to
kinetic energy changes?
8.54 Gasoline flows in a smooth pipe of 40-mm diameter at a rate 8.63 A sign like the one shown in Fig. P8.63 is often attached to
of 0.001 m3 s. If it were possible to prevent turbulence from oc- the side of a jet engine as a warning to airport workers. Based on
curring, what would be the ratio of the head loss for the actual tur- Video V8.10 or Figs. 8.22 and 8.25, explain why the danger areas
bulent flow compared to that if it were laminar flow? (indicated in color) are the shape they are.
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tube if it is to measure the average velocity in the pipe. (b) Repeat

part (a) for turbulent flow with Re ⫽ 10,000.
8.36 The kinetic energy coefficient, a, is defined in Eq. 5.86. Show
that its value for a power-law turbulent velocity profile (Eq. 8.31) is
given by a ⫽ 1n ⫹ 12 3 12n ⫹ 12 3 Ⲑ 34n4 1n ⫹ 3212n ⫹ 32 4 .
8.37 When soup is stirred in a bowl, there is considerable tur-
bulence in the resulting motion (see Video V8.7). From a very
simplistic standpoint, this turbulence consists of numerous inter-
twined swirls, each involving a characteristic diameter and ve-
locity. As time goes by, the smaller swirls (the fine scale struc-
ture) die out relatively quickly, leaving the large swirls that
0.12 m continue for quite some time. Explain why this is to be expected.
0.10-m-long needle
8.38 Determine the thickness of the viscous sublayer in a smooth
8-in.-diameter pipe if the Reynolds number is 25,000.
8.39 Water at 60 °F flows through a 6-in.-diameter pipe with an
average velocity of 15 ftⲐ s. Approximately what is the height of
the largest roughness element allowed if this pipe is to be classi-
patm = 101 kPa (abs) fied as smooth?
F I G U R E P8.30
Section 8.4.1 Major Losses (Also see Lab Problem 8.126.)
Section 8.3 Fully Developed Turbulent Flow 8.40 Obtain photographs/images for round pipes of different mate-
8.31 Obtain a photograph/image of a “turbulator.” (See Fluids in rials. Print these photos and write a brief paragraph that describes the
the News article titled “Smaller heat exchangers” in Section 8.3.1.) different pipes.
Print this photo and write a brief paragraph that describes its use. 8.41 A person with no experience in fluid mechanics wants to esti-
mate the friction factor for 1-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe at a
8.32 For oil (SG ⫽ 0.86, m ⫽ 0.025 NsⲐm2) flow of 0.3 m3Ⲑs
Reynolds number of 8,000. They stumble across the simple equation
through a round pipe with diameter of 500 mm, determine the
of f ⫽ 64/Re and use this to calculate the friction factor. Explain the
Reynolds number. Is the flow laminar or turbulent?
problem with this approach and estimate their error.
8.33 For air at a pressure of 200 kPa (abs) and temperature of
8.42 Water flows through a horizontal plastic pipe with a diameter
15 °C, determine the maximum laminar volume flowrate for flow
of 0.2 m at a velocity of 10 cm/s. Determine the pressure drop per
through a 2.0-cm-diameter tube.
meter of pipe using the Moody chart.
8.34 Show that the power-law approximation for the velocity pro- 8.43 For Problem 8.42, calculate the power lost to the friction per
file in turbulent pipe flow (Eq. 8.31) cannot be accurate at the cen- meter of pipe.
terline or at the pipe wall because the velocity gradients at these
locations are not correct. Explain. 8.44 Oil (SG ⫽ 0.9), with a kinematic viscosity of 0.007 ft2/s, flows
in a 3-in.-diameter pipe at 0.01 ft3/s. Determine the head loss per unit
8.35 As shown in Video V8.9 and Fig. P8.35, the velocity profile length of this flow.
for laminar flow in a pipe is quite different from that for turbulent
flow. With laminar flow the velocity profile is parabolic; with tur- 8.45 Water flows through a 6-in.-diameter horizontal pipe at a rate
bulent flow at Re ⫽ 10,000 the velocity profile can be approxi- of 2.0 cfs and a pressure drop of 4.2 psi per 100 ft of pipe. Deter-
mated by the power-law profile shown in the figure. (a) For lami- mine the friction factor.
nar flow, determine at what radial location you would place a Pitot 8.46 Water flows downward through a vertical 10-mm-diameter
galvanized iron pipe with an average velocity of 5.0 m Ⲑs and exits
Turbulent with Re = 10,000 as a free jet. There is a small hole in the pipe 4 m above the outlet.
u = 1 – __r 1/5
1.0 __
Vc [ R ] Will water leak out of the pipe through this hole, or will air enter
into the pipe through the hole? Repeat the problem if the average
velocity is 0.5 mⲐs.
R 8.47 Air at standard conditions flows through an 8-in.-diameter,
14.6-ft-long, straight duct with the velocity versus pressure drop
Laminar with Re < 2100 data indicated in the following table. Determine the average fric-
u = 1 – __
r 2 tion factor over this range of data.
Vc (R)
V (ft min) p (in. water)
R r
3950 0.35
Vc 3730 0.32
3610 0.30
3430 0.27
0 0.5 1.0 3280 0.24
3000 0.20
2700 0.16
F I G U R E P8.35
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454 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes

Estimate the extra pressure drop between points (1) and (2) caused
by these straws.


WARNING Stand clear of

Hazard areas while engine is
Tightly packed 0.25-in.-diameter,
12-in.-long straws

12 in.

WARNING Stand clear of

Hazard areas while engine is
F I G U R E P8.66

8.67 Repeat Problem 8.66 if the straws are replaced by a piece of

porous foam rubber that has a loss coefficient equal to 5.4.
8.68 As shown in Fig. P8.68, water flows from one tank to an-
other through a short pipe whose length is n times the pipe diam-
eter. Head losses occur in the pipe and at the entrance and exit.
F I G U R E P8.63 (See Video V8.10.) Determine the maximum value of n if the ma-
jor loss is to be no more than 10% of the minor loss and the fric-
tion factor is 0.02.
8.64 (See Fluids in the News article titled “New hi-tech foun-
tains,” Section 8.5.) The fountain shown in Fig. P8.64 is de-
signed to provide a stream of water that rises h  10 ft to
h  20 ft above the nozzle exit in a periodic fashion. To do this
the water from the pool enters a pump, passes through a pres-
sure regulator that maintains a constant pressure ahead of the
flow control valve. The valve is electronically adjusted to pro-
vide the desired water height. With h  10 ft the loss coefficient D
for the valve is KL  50. Determine the valve loss coefficient
needed for h  20 ft. All losses except for the flow control valve ᐉ = nD
are negligible. The area of the pipe is 5 times the area of the exit
F I G U R E P8.68

h 8.69 Air flows through the fine mesh gauze shown in Fig. P8.69
with an average velocity of 1.50 m/s in the pipe. Determine the
loss coefficient for the gauze.

4 ft
Gauze over
end of pipe

V = 1.5 m/s

Pump Flow control valve Water

Pressure regulator 8 mm
F I G U R E P8.64

F I G U R E P8.69
*8.65 Water flows from a large open tank through a sharp-edged
entrance and into a galvanized iron pipe of length 100 m and di-
ameter 10 mm. The water exits the pipe as a free jet at a distance 8.70 Water flows steadily through the 0.75-in-diameter galva-
h below the free surface of the tank. Plot a log–log graph of the nized iron pipe system shown in Video V8.14 and Fig. P8.70 at
flowrate, Q, as a function of h for 0.1 h 10 m. a rate of 0.020 cfs. Your boss suggests that friction losses in the
straight pipe sections are negligible compared to losses in the
8.66 Air flows through the mitered bend shown in Fig. P8.66 at threaded elbows and fittings of the system. Do you agree or dis-
a rate of 5.0 cfs. To help straighten the flow after the bend, a set agree with your boss? Support your answer with appropriate cal-
of 0.25-in.-diameter drinking straws is placed in the pipe as shown. culations.
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Problems 459
Elevation = 60 m 8.116 A 2-in.-diameter orifice plate is inserted in a 3-in.-diameter
pipe. If the water flowrate through the pipe is 0.90 cfs, determine
Elevation = 20 m the pressure difference indicated by a manometer attached to the
flow meter.
Elevation = 0
D = 0.10 m 8.117 Air to ventilate an underground mine flows through a large
ᐉ = 200 m 2-m-diameter pipe. A crude flowrate meter is constructed by placing
f = 0.015
a sheet metal “washer” between two sections of the pipe. Estimate
the flowrate if the hole in the sheet metal has a diameter of 1.6 m and
the pressure difference across the sheet metal is 8.0 mm of water.
D = 0.08 m D = 0.08 m
ᐉ = 200 m ᐉ = 400 m 8.118 Water flows through a 40-mm-diameter nozzle meter in a
f = 0.020 f = 0.020 75-mm-diameter pipe at a rate of 0.015 m3  s. Determine the pres-
F I G U R E P8.112 sure difference across the nozzle if the temperature is (a) 10 °C,
or (b) 80 °C.
8.113 (See Fluids in the News article titled “Deepwater pipeline,” 8.119 Air at 200 °F and 60 psia flows in a 4-in.-diameter pipe at
Section 8.5.2.) Five oil fields, each producing an output of Q bar- a rate of 0.52 lb s. Determine the pressure at the 2-in.-diameter
rels per day, are connected to the 28-in.-diameter “main line pipe” throat of a Venturi meter placed in the pipe.
(A– B–C) by 16-in.-diameter “lateral pipes” as shown in Fig. 8.120 A 2.5-in.-diameter flow nozzle is installed in a 3.8-in.-
P8.113. The friction factor is the same for each of the pipes and diameter pipe that carries water at 160 °F. If the air –water
elevation effects are negligible. (a) For section A– B determine the manometer used to measure the pressure difference across the me-
ratio of the pressure drop per mile in the main line pipe to that in ter indicates a reading of 3.1 ft, determine the flowrate.
the lateral pipes. (b) Repeat the calculations for section B–C.
8.121 A 0.064-m-diameter nozzle meter is installed in a 0.097 m-
diameter pipe that carries water at 60 °C. If the inverted air –water
Q Lateral Q U-tube manometer used to measure the pressure difference across
Q the meter indicates a reading of 1 m, determine the flowrate.
A B C 8.122 Water flows through the Venturi meter shown in
Main line Q Fig. P8.122. The specific gravity of the manometer fluid is 1.52.
Q Determine the flowrate.
F I G U R E P8.113

†8.114 As shown in Fig. P8.114, cold water (T  50 F) flows 6 in. 3 in.
from the water meter to either the shower or the hot water heater.
In the hot water heater it is heated to a temperature of 150 F. Thus,
with equal amounts of hot and cold water, the shower is at a com- 2 in.
fortable 100 F. However, when the dishwasher is turned on, the SG = 1.52
shower water becomes too cold. Indicate how you would predict
this new shower temperature (assume the shower faucet is not ad- F I G U R E P8.122
justed). State any assumptions needed in your analysis.
8.123 Water flows through the orifice meter shown in Fig. P8.123
at a rate of 0.10 cfs. If d  0.1 ft, determine the value of h.

Hot Dishwasher

Cold d
Q 2 in.
Water meter
Hot water heater

F I G U R E P8.123

F I G U R E P8.114
8.124 Water flows through the orifice meter shown in Fig. P8.123
such that h  1.6 ft with d  1.5 in. Determine the flowrate.
Section 8.6 Pipe Flowrate Measurement (Also see Lab
8.125 The scale reading on the rotameter shown in Fig. P8.125
Problem 8.127.) and Video V8.14 (also see Fig. 8.46) is directly proportional to the
8.115 Obtain a photograph/image of a flowrate measurement de- volumetric flowrate. With a scale reading of 2.6 the water bubbles
vice. Print this photo and write a brief paragraph that describes the up approximately 3 in. How far will it bubble up if the scale read-
measurement range of the device. ing is 5.0?

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