Myp Horizontal Vertical Planner With Atl Technology

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The document discusses planning for various technology and design units focusing on concepts like symmetry, elements of art, and spreadsheet skills.

The objectives of the unit on symmetry and balance are to use Adobe Creative Suite to investigate and create patterns while evaluating aesthetic design and types of balance.

The objectives of the unit on the 7 elements of art are to follow a plan to create a single document showing mastery of all 7 elements using tools in Adobe Creative Suite and to document and justify any modifications made to the design plan.

IB MYP Horizontal/Vertical Planner

Subject Area: Digital Media MYP Level: 4-5

Time State/Provincial MYP Unit MYP Assessment
Unit Topic MYP Objectives AoI Concept MYP Criteria
Frame Standards Question Task
Symmetry/ Students will use Analysis and Environments: Naming the Why is a Project with Adobe A: Investigate
Balance Adobe Creative Suite Interpretation: Students will be different types of butterfly Creative Suite B: Design
Q1, competently to 1. understand how a aware of the balance symmetrical? documented in C: Plan
2 synthesis of the symmetries (symmetries) Design Folder D: Create
investigate and create
weeks following involved in found or created E: Evaluate
patterns. components of media natural, built, in natural, built, F: Attitudes in
arts is used to define and virtual and virtual technology
Students will evaluate a work in media arts: environments. environments
the aesthetic design of a. elements, including and how balance
the project and what image, sound, space, (symmetry) is
improvements/changes time, motion, and used to create
to type of balance sequence elements in those
would be needed. b. principles, such as environments.
balance, repetition,
emphasis, unity, or
f. technical skills, such
as selection and use of
the tools of the

3. use artistic
processes to create a
single, complex work
or multiple works in
media arts
7 Elements The students will Analysis and Human Create and How can Project with Adobe A: Investigate
Q1, of Art follow the plan to Interpretation: Ingenuity: explain each of technology Creative Suite B: Design
2-3 create a single 1. understand how a Students will the seven initiate documented in C: Plan
weeks document that will synthesis of the reflect on the elements of art change? Design Folder D: Create
show mastery of all 7 following components impact of using Adobe E: Evaluate
elements of art and the of media arts is used innovation and Creative Suite. F: Attitudes in
tools necessary to to define a work in creation. technology
recreate them in media arts:
MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix
Revised 2009
Adobe Creative Suite. a. elements, including
Students will document image, sound, space,
and justify any time, motion, and
modifications made to sequence
the design plan. b. principles, such as
The students will repetition, unity, or
document the process contrast
in detail in Microsoft f. technical skills, such
Word and present it at as selection and use of
the end of each stage the tools of the
in the file “Design medium
1. understand the
integration of the
following components
of media arts:
a. elements, including
image, sound, space,
time, motion, and
b. principles, such as
repetition, unity, or
f. technical skills, such
as selection and use of
the tools of the

Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills Matrix Fill in boxes with AtL Student Learning Expectations aligned to your unit. You do not have to cover each AtL skill in each unit, but try
to cover them all at some point during your course.

Organization Collaboration Communication Information Reflection Thinking Transfer

Students will use Students will Students will know, Students will self- Students will use
principles of design analyze others’ interpret and use a evaluate—including use digital media
– balance to create ideas, respect range of balance the keeping of knowledge to
designs. others’ points of (symmetric) learning in design create a design with
view, and use ideas terminology. portfolio balance
critically to (notebook) and (symmetries).
influence design. reflecting at
MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix
Revised 2009
different stages in
the learning

Students will Students will use Students will

manage files of the web to select evaluate the most
Unit: 7
each element of art and organize efficient tools and
and compile a final information about procedures to
of Art
portfolio. the elements of art. create elements of

IB MYP Horizontal/Vertical Planner

Subject Area: Digital Photo MYP Level: 4/5

Time State/Provincial Significant Concept MYP Unit
Unit Topic MYP Objectives AoI Assessment MYP Criteria
Frame Standards Question
Symmetry/ Students will: Analysis and Environments: The Dichotomy of What is Photo portfolio A: Investigate
Q1; 2 Balance  Investigate the Interpretation: Students will Nature vs. Human-made Symmetry? How and Design B: Design
weeks three main types of 1. understand understand issues subjects does Balance Folder C: Plan
Visual Balance. how a synthesis that natural and (Organic/Geometric). influence Natural, D: Create
of the following human-made Built, and Virtual E: Evaluate
 Use appropriate
components of environments Environments? F: Attitudes in
techniques and media arts is present for technology
equipment to create used to define a technology
clear examples of work in media
three types of Visual arts:
Balance, together a. elements,
including image,
with the dichotomy
sound, space,
of Nature Subjects,
time, motion,
and Human-Made and sequence
Subjects. b. principles, such
as balance,
emphasis, unity,
or contrast
f. technical skills,
such as selection

MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix

Revised 2009
and use of the
tools of the

3. use artistic
processes to
create a single,
complex work or
multiple works in
media arts

Digital Students will create an Analysis and Human Ingenuity: A professional portfolio How can I apply Photography A: Investigate
Q2: Photography electronic digital Interpretation: Students will be can showcase my my knowledge portfolio and B: Design
2 Portfolio photography portfolio 7. support able to create an knowledge and skills for and skills to design folder C: Plan
weeks that will showcases personal electronic digital life after high school. create a D: Create
knowledge and abilities reactions to photography professional E: Evaluate
for post-secondary media art works portfolio that will electronic F: Attitudes in
pursuits. using the showcase portfolio? technology
components of knowledge and
media arts; and abilities for post-
8. articulate secondary pursuits.
evaluations of
media art works
using selected

4. generate and
clarify artistic
intent for work in
media arts
7. revise media
art work using
multiple sources
of critique and

MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix

Revised 2009
Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills Matrix Fill in boxes with AtL Student Learning Expectations aligned to your unit. You do not have to cover each AtL skill in each unit, but try
to cover them all at some point during your course.

Organization Collaboration Communication Information Reflection Thinking Transfer

Students will use Students will Students will know, Students will self- Students will use
principle of design – analyze others’ interpret and use a evaluate—including digital photography
balance to create ideas, respect range of balance the keeping of knowledge to
photos others’ points of (symmetric) learning in design demonstrate
Unit: view, and use ideas terminology. portfolio symmetry.
Symmetry critically to (notebook) and
influence design. reflecting at
different stages in
the learning
Students will self- Students will Students will apply
manage to create showcase their sequencing and
an organizational knowledge to technological
system that reflects others through an knowledge in a
their learning. interactive logical manner that
presentation using showcases their
technology. learning.

IB MYP Horizontal/Vertical Planner

Subject Area: Technology MYP Level: 4-5

MYP State/Provincial Significant Concept MYP Unit MYP

Time Unit Topic AoI MYP Assessment Task
Objectives Standards Question Criteria
Class: IC3 91006 Internet Computing Core Certification
4 My Professional A-F Design See map of MN Human A professional social How can I create a Summative: LinkedIn site showing A-F Tech
wks Social Media Brand Cycle Obj. standards and IT Ingenuity: media brand can help professional social students’ professional social media Assess
(Level 4-5) prof. people and media brand that brand, and using professional e-mail Criteria
certification It is organizations reach will help me address/identity. (Level 4-5)
standards by imperative their goals. succeed in school Formative (included in notebook):
class. to reduce It is imperative to and career? project timeline, brand investigation
MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix
Revised 2009
MYP State/Provincial Significant Concept MYP Unit MYP
Time Unit Topic AoI MYP Assessment Task
Objectives Standards Question Criteria
risks of reduce risks of negative Sub-question: sheets, personal vs. professional
negative exposure, which are what is my brand comparison, professional
exposure, often created through personal social brand poster, peer & teacher
which are the students’ personal media brand, and feedback by rubric + checklist.
often social media brands. how is it different
created or the same as my
through the professional
students’ brand?
social media

Class: Excel 91056 Data Design 1 w/Excel Certification

4 Inquiring Minds A-F Design Health & Asking questions and How can Summative: Visual representation of A-F Tech
wks Want to Know Cycle Obj. “” Social: understanding answers technology help findings from student-designed, Assess
(Level 4-5) is a powerful social and me learn about single-item survey of peers, plus Criteria
Students professional skill. other people and student presentation on the process, (Level 4-5)
will see that communities? findings and improvement ideas.
Excel is Formative (included in notebook):
widely used project timeline, example/discovery
to organize exercise, research question selection
and analyze exercise, confidentiality &
data about participation/consent statement,
individuals raw data sheet, subtotaling sheet
and showing mean/std dev & total for
communitie each gender and overall; peer &
s, to inform teacher feedback by rubric +
opinions checklist.
and actions
and groups.

Class: Web Apps 91646 Data Design 2 w/SQL & Web Apps
7 Student Voice A-F Design Community A successful enterprise How can Summative: functioning Web App, A-F Tech
wks Polling Web App Cycle Obj. “” & Service: listens to its customers. technology be based on example, with student Assess
(Level 5) used to make sure customization, plus reflection paper Criteria
Technology student voices are and process notebook on Design (Level 5)
solutions heard in school Cycle Stages A-F.
MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix
Revised 2009
MYP State/Provincial Significant Concept MYP Unit MYP
Time Unit Topic AoI MYP Assessment Task
Objectives Standards Question Criteria
like web planning? Formative (included in notebook):
applications project timeline, description of web
are designed app specifications and development
to solve resources/ options, description of
problems system requirements/settings for
and meet users and developers, sketches of
real-world user interfaces, diagram of relational
information database, peer & teacher feedback
needs. by rubric + checklist.

Class: IC3 91006 Internet Computing Core Certification

6 wks My Cloud A-F Design See map of MN Environ- For good or ill, we are How can I get the Summative: The student’s second A-F Tech
Cycle Obj. standards and IT ments: the main tech support most out of version of My Cloud publication. Assess
(Level 4-5) prof. providers for our own technology for the Formative: project timeline, Criteria
certification Students PANs (Personal Area least money and investigation notes, chapter (Level 4-5)
standards by will reflect Networks), including stress? sketches, chapter drafts, My Cloud
class. on the role vital connections to publication version 1; peer & teacher
of virtual outside resources. review by rubric + checklist
ts in
our other

Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills Matrix AtL Student Learning Expectations aligned to unit(s).

Organization Collaboration Communication Information Literacy Reflection Thinking Transfer

Students must Peer/ teacher IT students must Identify and utilize The Evaluate Phase IT projects require Writing, editing,
manage project review and conceive of overall best fit technology in provides an thinking ahead/ revising, data
timeline, interim revision is part of communication quickest/ most opportunity for planning for future. collection and
tasks, work files, each project. strategies behind IT professional reflection, and to Students must analysis, IT
IT Units technologies and projects, as well as manner. create better understand and implementation.
improvement/ managing daily solutions/ solve describe what
versioning communication to problems over time. problem is being
get the projects solved, why and
done. how.

MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix

Revised 2009
MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix
Revised 2009

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