CSA Guide To The IoT Security Controls Framework Version 2

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The document outlines an IoT Security Controls Framework with objectives, risk impact levels, implementation guidance and control assignments for different system components.

The goal of the framework is to provide guidance on security controls for IoT systems across different risk impact levels.

The framework is targeted towards IoT system owners, managers, developers and assessors to help secure IoT systems.

CSA Guide to the IoT

Security Controls
Framework Version 2
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Initiative Leads:
Aaron Guzman
Michael Roza
Brian Russell

Renu Bedi
Ramon Codina
Umesh Jaiswal
Raj Sachdev
Ashish Vashishtha

Hillary Baron
AnnMarie Ulskey (Graphic Design)

© Copyright 2021, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 3

Table of Contents
Target Audience...................................................................................................................................5
How to Use the IoT Security Controls Framework................................................................................7
Security Control Objectives (Columns A, B, C, D, E, F)...................................................................8
IoT System Risk Impact Levels (Columns G, H, I)..........................................................................10
Supplemental Control Guidance (Columns J, K)........................................................................... 11
Implementation Guidance (Columns L, M, N).............................................................................. 11
Device, Network, Gateway and Cloud Assignment (O, P, Q, R).................................................... 13
Additional Resources......................................................................................................................... 15

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The Internet of Things (IoT) market continues to expand with newly introduced advances in connectivity
and autonomy across industry sectors. A reliance on IoT-generated data and features is rapidly increasing,
requiring enterprise organizations that adopt these new technologies to plan for accessible, secure,
and resilient deployments. Given the rapid evolution of connected technologies and the constant
flow of new threats, these aspirations are challenging. Creating a safe IoT environment requires
security engineering that addresses unique risks and employs appropriate implementation mitigation
measures. The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) IoT Security Controls Framework provides a starting
point for organizations that wish to better understand and implement security controls within
their IoT architecture. This accompanying guide explains how enterprise organizations can use the
framework to evaluate and implement IoT systems securely.

The IoT Security Controls Framework is relevant for enterprise IoT systems that deploy a diverse
set of connected devices and associated cloud services, networking technologies and application
software. The framework has utility across many IoT domains, ranging from systems processing
only “low-value” data with limited impact potential to highly sensitive systems that support critical
services. System owners classify components based on the value of data being stored and processed
and the potential impact of various physical security threats.

The framework helps users identify appropriate security controls and allocates them to specific
architectural components, including:

• Devices
• Networks
• Gateways
• Cloud Services

Controls allocated to each layer in the architecture represent best-case security postures. In
some cases, architectural components cannot implement certain recommended controls in this
framework. In these cases, the system security architect should identify those shortcomings and
develop plans to mitigate residual risk using alternative measures.

The IoT Security Controls Framework provides a tool to evaluate implementations› security as they
progress through the development lifecycle to ensure they meet industry-specified best practices.

Target Audience
The IoT Security Controls Framework is a resource for system architects, developers, and security
engineers tasked with designing secure IoT ecosystems. IoT system evaluators such as auditors and
penetration testers may leverage the framework to validate controls and their deployed implementations.

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Version 1 of the IoT Security Controls Framework introduces 155 base-level security controls required
to mitigate many risks IoT systems face operating in various threat environments.

Version 2 of the IoT Security Controls Framework evolves the Version 1 framework to better
categorize controls into a new set of domains and minimize control allocation to components
within an IoT architecture. The significant changes include developing a new domain structure and
infrastructure, explained in the pages below.

• Updated controls: All controls have been reviewed and updated for technical clarity.
• New domain structure: Control domains have been reviewed and updated to better
categorize each control.
• New legal domain: Introduces relevant legal controls.
• New security testing domain: Introduces security testing of architectural allocations.
• Simplified infrastructure allocations: Device types have been consolidated to a single
category to simplify the distribution of controls to architectural components.

Future Changes - Version 3 will include the following noteworthy improvements:

• IoT Framework Shared Responsibility Matrix

• Safety specific controls
• Indicators of compromise
• IoT Framework to European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)
Guidelines for Securing the Internet of Things
• IoT Framework to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security
Framework (CSF) and 800-53 Mappings

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How to Use the IoT Security Controls
Figure 1 below details the flow that
Review Applicable
users of the CSA IoT Security Controls Controls (F)
Framework should follow as they assess
and then implement security controls for
a unique environment. The letters in this Impact Level (G)
illustration correspond to columns in the
Tailor to System
framework (spreadsheet).
(O, P, Q, R)

Evaluation begins through an Determine Integrity

understanding of the system Impact Level (H)
architectures’ security and data impact Determine Control
levels. These are characterized based Implementation
on standard processes, such as Federal Approach (L, M,N)
Information Processing Standard Determine
Publication (FIPS) 199. Once impact-level
Impact Level (I)
determinations are made for system
confidentiality, integrity, and availability, Identify and Mitigate
the framework can be filtered to show Residual Risk
only the controls applicable to those Figure 1
impact levels.

Review each of the resulting controls in Column F and review any additional guidance in Column J.
Columns O, P, Q, and R include a tool for allocating controls to different architectural components.

These columns allow users to filter controls based on whether they apply to the device, the network
that hosts the device, a gateway, or cloud services.

Users can also understand how to implement each control using columns L, M, and N. These
columns offer control-type recommendations, whether controls should be manual, automated, or a
combination of both, and how often controls should be exercised.

Following this initial process, the framework provides insight into an idealized version of a secure
baseline tailored to an IoT system architecture. Some components within an IoT architecture may
not be capable of meeting a subset of the controls. In these cases, the security architect must
understand the residual risk and identify compensating controls to mitigate that risk.

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Security Control Objectives (Columns A, B, C, D, E, F)

Control Domain (Column A): Organized by logical groupings of the individual security control
measures (see table below) and detailed in column F (Control), the name of each corresponding
control specification is italicized below the category of “Control Domain.”

Control Domain (Column B): Domains are categorized for filtering purposes.

Control Sub-Domain (Column C): Sub-domains provide granularity for filtering purposes.

# Control Domain Name Abbr. Sub-Domains

1 Asset Management ASM Naming Convention, Inventory Assets, Monitor Assets

2 Configuration CCM Configuration Files, Firmware Updates, Configuration

Management Control, End-of-Life Planning

3 Secure COM Trusted Communications, Message Queuing Telemetry

Communications Transport (MQTT) Security, Encrypted Communications

4 Secure Data DAT Data Classification and Taxonomy, Data Cleansing,

Encrypted Data at Rest

5 Governance GVN Governance Framework, Regulatory and Legal

Requirements, Compliance Management, Privacy,
Business Continuity, Safety

6 Identity and Access IAM Password Mgmt, Authentication, Authorization, Access

Management Control, Certificate Mgmt, Key Mgmt, Trust Anchor
Management, Bootstrap, Account Audit

7 Incident Management IMT Incident Response

8 IoT Device Security IOT Certified Devices, Secure Platform, Secure Configuration

9 Legal LGL Legal Assessment, Legal Implementation Plan,

Document Measures for Legal Purposes, Terms and
Conditions and Privacy Policy, Contracts, Disclaimers,
Disclosures, Notifications Waivers, Liability, Data Transfer

10 Monitoring and MON Threat Intelligence, Threat Hunting, Automated Malware

Logging Log Mgmt., Analytics, Event Definition, Radio Frequency
(RF) Monitoring

© Copyright 2021, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 8

11 Operational OPA Maintenance, Fail-Over, Distributed Denial of Service
Availability (DDoS) Protection, Service-Level Agreements

12 Physical Security PHY Physical Access Controls

13 Policy POL Policy Definition, Acquisition Security Policy, Secure


14 Risk Management RSM Risk Management Strategy, Risk Management Execution,

Limit Liability

15 Secure Applications SAP Mobile Applications, Cloud Services, Autonomous


16 Secure System SDV Process Security, Supply Chain/ Acquisition, Secure

Development Lifecycle Development Practices, Security Testing

17 Secure Networks SNT Secure Discovery, Network Hardening, Zero Trust,

Network Visualization

18 Secure Wireless SWS RF Architecture, Bluetooth Security, Near Field

Communication (NFC) Security, Zigbee Security

19 Training TRN Administrator Training, User Training

20 Vulnerability VLN Responsible Disclosure Program, Vulnerability Scanning,

Management Updates and Patches

21 Security Testing SET Assessment Scoping and Planning, Penetration Testing,

Red Teaming, Third-Party Assessments, Bug Bounty, IoT
Applications and Services (Internally Developed)

Control ID (Column D): The control identification (ID) is the official identifier of a specific security
control. The ID (e.g., “RSM-01”) allows controls to be referenced elsewhere by their position in the

CCM ID (Column E): Security controls in the framework are associated, or mapped, in this column to
the identifiers from the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM). When the IoT security control is derived or
linked to a CCM control, one or more entries are identified. The associated controls involve partial to
full coverage of the control specifications in each framework.

Control Specification (Column F): Specifications are written as mitigations or countermeasures
addressing specific risk areas for an IoT system. For usability, each control is separated into a
simplified action to address unique IoT environments.

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IoT System Risk Impact Levels (Columns G, H, I)

Columns G through I: This information enables the
initial tailoring of security controls to a user’s unique
environment. Before beginning the process of tailoring
individual security controls, users should review two
U.S. Department of Commerce publications: “Standards
for Security Categorization of Federal Information
and Information Systems” (FIPS 199)1 and “Minimum
Security Requirements for Federal Information and
Information Systems” (FIPS 200)2. The FIPS 199
and 200 publications categorize risk impact levels as “low,” “moderate,” or “high” in three areas:
confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Confidentiality (Column G): Some data in an IoT system, such as personal privacy and proprietary
information, necessitates restricted access via various security controls to remain appropriately
confidential. To evaluate components of an IoT system’s confidentiality risk, it is necessary to estimate the
potential impact (low, moderate, or high) if system data were made public or compromised by an attacker.

Integrity (Column H): To protect data integrity, an enterprise must guard against improper data
modification or destruction and ensure information authenticity. To evaluate an IoT system’s integrity risks,
assess the impact (low, moderate, or high) if system data were destroyed or inappropriately modified.

Availability (Column I): To assess the degree to which system information must remain accessible in a
timely and reliable manner, evaluate the system›s potential risks if it became inoperable for any duration.

To assess whether specific risks regarding confidentiality, integrity, and availability of system data is
low, moderate, or high, consult “Table 1” on page six of “FIPS 199: ‘POTENTIAL IMPACT DEFINITIONS

After determining these risk impact levels, the IoT Security Controls Framework can identify all
needed security controls for a specific environment.

Note that when an impact level is high, all available security controls should be applied—including
those for low, moderate and high-risk levels. When an impact level is moderate, apply all controls for
moderate and low-risk levels.

FIPS 199: “Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems,”
Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, Computer Security Division, U.S. Department
of Commerce; February 2004. https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.199.pdf
FIPS 200: “Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems,”
Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, Computer Security Division, U.S. Department
of Commerce; March 2006. https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.200.pdf

© Copyright 2021, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 10

Below are examples of three impact ratings and the necessary corresponding controls.

Type of Security Risk Impact Level Security
Risk Controls

Confidentiality High High, Moderate

and Low

Integrity Moderate Moderate and Low

Availability Low Low Only

Figure 2

Supplemental Control Guidance (Columns J, K)

Additional Direction (Column J): When assessing or implementing any of the individual security
protocols in the IoT Security Controls Framework, be sure to view this supplementary information
detailing special requirements, explanations of terms, helpful operating tips, and more.

References (Column K): Consult this section for professional source information, such as
government publications, regulatory information, and other references necessary to understand and
implement a control specification fully.

Implementation Guidance (Columns L, M, N)

When implementing an enterprise’s security plan, use the framework’s
“Implementation Guidance” section to determine control types
for unique environments (Column J). This insight will include how
organizations can implement the controls (Column K) and the
frequency with which each security control measure should be
enacted (Column L).

© Copyright 2021, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 11

Types of Security Controls (Column L)
The IoT Framework’s security controls are classified into three types, based on when, where, and
how the measures work to increase security.

Preventive controls: Stop something from happening (i.e., limiting physical access to a room through
a locked door or require higher-level biometric identification protocols).

Detective controls: Identify and then characterize incidents. Examples include researching an inventory
discrepancy after a physical count, recording video, and using motion sensors to detect trespassing.

Corrective controls: Mitigate damage caused by security incidents. For example, utilize a fire
extinguisher to limit fire damage or ensure a duplicate data center’s availability if a primary data
center crashes.

Control Implementation Guidance (Column M)

Security controls are implemented in three ways, depending on the level of automation.

Manual controls: A human performs manual controls. For example, in a risk management process
review, someone evaluates the process to confirm it has been executed in accordance with policy.

Automatic controls: A system performs automatic controls without human intervention. For
example, in a user access check, a user logs in with a username and password. The system then
verifies the combination before granting access.

Semi-automatic controls: Semi-automatic controls combine automated and manual efforts. For
example, in a physical inventory, items are counted, and the results are compared to a system-
generated list. Differences are then reconciled through an investigation, which may involve paper and
electronic records.

Control Frequency (Column N)

Some organizations require more frequent controls based on internal risk priorities or regulatory
compliance requirements. The following frequencies are recommended for different situations
(depending on individual enterprise needs).

• Annually
• Quarterly
• Monthly
• Weekly
• Daily
• Event: Control performed irregularly (e.g., a software update)
• Continuously: Control performed many times per day (e.g., user access)

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Device, Network, Gateway and Cloud Services (O, P, Q, R)
The IoT Framework guides the application of architectural element controls in an IoT system. These
architectural elements represent standard layers within an IoT architecture, as shown in the below figure.

Implementers should consult these document sections to determine if controls are applicable at
each layer. Each column describes opportunities to create trust boundaries within IoT architecture.
Discrete controls should be applied at each layer.

Device (Column O)

Controls applied directly at the device layer that focus on the data processed, stored, and/or
generated by the device. A generic IoT device will incorporate sensors, actuators, and potentially a
minimal user interface. The device may also be capable of collecting and storing events or security
logs, using configuration files that must be integrity-protected.

Network (Column P)

At the network layer, components such as wireless access points (WAPs) support device WiFi
connectivity. Other network components may include key management servers that support
protocols such as ZigBee. Additionally, network security controls may consist of zero trust designs,
virtual local area network (VLAN) segmentation, firewalling, and intrusion detection. Consider data
encryption and integrity protection as data traverses an IoT network.

Gateway (Column Q)

The gateway represents a high potential IoT network entry point for threat actors. The gateway may
have additional security controls applied that exceed what devices typically implement.

Cloud Services (Column R)

Most IoT devices require cloud environments to operate. Devices may send data directly to the cloud
or managed through a cloud service. Data transmitted to the cloud must be protected during transit
and persistently within cloud provider storage volumes. In some cases, anonymity protections must
be applied within the cloud to ensure identities cannot be linked to IoT data.

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The figure below provides a visual depiction of these architectural layers.

Network (P) Wireless

Device (O) Protocol Gateway (Q)

Actuation Data Store Data Store
Discovery Discovery
Authentication Process Wireless

Comms Process/Resource
User Interface Process/Resource
Comms Management User Interface

Configuration File
Trust Store
Pairing Process Pairing
Sensing Configuration File Firmware
Trust Store

Cloud Service (R) Remote Access

IoT User Interface

Protocol Configuration Files
Data Store Management
Data Interface Translation
Trust Store
Queuing and Security
Analytics Logs Management Authentication


Trust Boundary Process Data Store Data Flow

Figure 3

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Additional Resources
Fagan, Michael. Megas, Katerina N. Scarfone, Karen. Smith, Matthew. “Foundational Cybersecurity
Activities for IoT Device Manufacturers.” https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2020/NIST.IR.8259.pdf
May 2020. NISTIR 8259, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Fagan, Michael. Megas, Katerina N. Scarfone, Karen. Smith, Matthew. “IoT Device Cybersecurity
Capability Core Baseline.” https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2020/NIST.IR.8259A.pdf May 2020.
NISTIR 8259A, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Boeckl, Katie. Fagan, Michael. Fisher, William. Lefkovitz, Naomi. Megas, Katerina N. Nadeau, Ellen.
Piccarreta, Ben. Gabel O’Rourke, Danna. Scarfone, Karen. “Considerations for Managing Internet
of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity and Privacy Risks.” https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2019/NIST.
IR.8228.pdf June 2019. NISTIR 8228, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Iorga, Michaela. Feldman, Larry. Barton, Robert. Martin, Michael J. Goren, Nedim. Mahmoudi, Charif.
“Fog Computing Conceptual Model: Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology.” https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.500-325.pdf March
2018. NIST SP 500-325, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Interagency International Cybersecurity Standardization Working Group. “Interagency Report on

the Status of International Cybersecurity Standardization for the Internet of Things (IoT).” https://
nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2018/NIST.IR.8200.pdf November 2018. NISTIR 8200, National Institute
of Standards and Technology.

Voas, Jeffrey. Kuhn, Richard. Laplante, Phillip. Applebaum, Sophia. “Internet of Things (IoT) Trust
Concerns.” https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/nistir/8222/draft September 2018. NISTIR 8222,
National Institute of Standards and Technology.

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). “Good Practices for Security of IoT: Secure
Software Development Lifecycle.” https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/good-practices-for-
security-of-iot-1 November 2019.

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). “Baseline Security Recommendations for IoT
in the context of Critical Information Infrastructures.” https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/
baseline-security-recommendations-for-iot November 2017.

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41. “Internet of Things—Reference Architecture.”
https://www.iso.org/standard/65695.html August 2018.

Microsoft Azure. “Security best practices for Internet of Things (IoT).” https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
us/azure/iot-fundamentals/iot-security-best-practices October 2018.

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