EWC 333: Environmental Engineering II: Pour Flush Sanitation Option Design

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EWC 333: Environmental Engineering II

July 2018 Term

Level-3, Term II

Lecture 04:
Pour Flush Sanitation Option Design

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Professor of Civil Engineering
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Design of “Pour-flush Latrines”
Design Considerations:
• Shape of “leach pit”: Usually circular; could be square,
rectangular, or even triangular, depending on site
• Pit Lining: Pits may be lined with concrete rings (most
common), brick masonry, burnt clay, or even bamboo.
• Water use: varies from about 5 to 20 lpcd (depends on
number of user, frequency of flushing, flush volume,
water use for cleaning)
• Depth of leach pit: Pits should be shallow in depth for
avoiding groundwater pollution and ease of emptying
pit (≤ 1.8 m in most areas; high depths possible in dry

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design of “Pour-flush Latrines”:
Design Considerations (contd.)
• Free board: A free space of 0.5 m should be kept
above the inlet pit in offset pits. Hence,
For direct pit latrines: Effective Depth = Total depth – 0.5 m
For off-set pit latrines: Effective Depth = Total depth – 0.6 m
• Distance between pits:
The distance between two pits 0.5m
should be at least equal to the
effective depth of pits (see figure) Effectiv

• Groundwater protection:
Provision of “thumb rule” for
protection of ground water pollution
(2 m gap with groundwater table, 10 m with water source)
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Design of “Leach Pit”
for “Pour-flush Latrines”
Important Design Objectives:
Leach pits are designed to achieve the following
important objectives:
(1) “Sufficient Volume” for storage and digestion of
wastes/ fecal solids
(2) “Sufficient Area” for infiltration of liquid part
into the soil

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design of “Leach Pit”
(1) Volume required for storage and digestion of
fecal solids (waste):

Effective Volume of Pit, Vs = C x P x N

V = Effective volume of pit in m3
C = Solid accumulation rate (m3/person/yr)
P = Number of users
N = Design life (years)
Design Solids Accumulation Rate (C):
Wet pit: 0.04 m3/person/yr (Pour-flush latrines) Effective
Dry pit: 0.06 m3/person/yr (Pit latrines) pit volume

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design of “Leach Pit”
(2) Area Requirement for Infiltration of Liquid:
Side-wall area required for infiltration (m2), Ai = Q / I
Q = Flow of wastewater into pit (L/day)
I = Long-term infiltration rate of soil (L/m2.day)
(infiltration through the bottom is not D
considered, to keep a safety provision)

For circular pit of diameter D and height H, H

Vi = (π/4). D2.H
and Ai = π.D.H

∴ Vi = (Ai.D) / 4
Or, Vi = (Q.D) / (4 I)
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Design of “Leach Pit”
Design Effective Pit Volume (Veff):
(a) Alternating Twin-pit Latrine: Vs or Vi, whichever is larger

(b) Single-pit Latrine: Veff = Vs + Vi

(For a single-pit latrine, since the pit needs to be de-sludged or

covered/ abandoned at the end of design life, the size should
be as big as possible, in order to increase design life)

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Parameters
(a) Long-term infiltration rate of soil (I):
depends on soil type (see Table 9.2)

Soil Type I (L/m2.day)

Sand 50
Sandy Loam 30
Porous silty loam/
silty clay loam 20
Compact silty loam, clay 10

(b) Flow of wastewater into pit (Q):

depends on number of user, frequency of flushing, flush
volume, water use for cleaning
Q = 5 to 20 lpcd
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Design of “Vent Pipe/System”
(same as for “pit latrines)
Material: PVC; uPVC; GI; Brick
Choice depends on: durability,
availability, cost, ease of construction
Height/ Position (pipe top):
500 mm higher than roof (flat roof)
500 mm above highest point in roof (sloping roof)
Internal diameter:
• A ventilation rate of 20 m3/hr (depends on roughness of
pipe, length, head loss through fly screen, wind direction,
• Recommended size: PVC: 150 mm diameter
Brick: 230 mm square
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Others: 230 mm diameter
Design of “Vent Pipe/System” (contd.)
(same as for “pit latrines”)

Specification for Fly-screen:

Purpose: To prevent passage of mosquito, flies

Size: Aperture ≤ 1.2 mm x 1.5 mm

Material: Corrosion resistant, able to withstand intense

rainfall, high temperature, sunlight, preferably stainless

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Problems
(1) Design a latrine for a family of 8 members in a village, where
tubewell-based water supply is available. However, facilities
for mechanical desludging is not available in the area. The
average wastewater flow rate is about 10 lpcd. The soil is
“porous silty loam”, with long-term infiltration rate of 20
L/m2.day. The pit is to be constructed with concrete rings with
diameter of 1.2 m and depth 0.3 m. Groundwater table is at
sufficient depth, such that groundwater pollution is not a
concern at the site.

What kind of latrine would you suggest?

Design the latrine, estimate its design life, and draw a neat
sketch showing all elements of the designed pour-flush

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 1)
(1) Tubewell based water supply is available.
Hence, the latrine must be designed as a “pour-flush” latrine
(2) “Mechanical desludging” facilities are not available.
Hence, “twin off-set pit” pour-flush latrine is preferred option.

(3) For twin off-set pit latrines, the design life of each pit should
be at least 1.5 to 2.0 years. This ensures that the contents of
the pit decompose to safe, pathogen-free humus (when
covered with soil at the end of its design life)
Hence, initially select a design life (N) = 2.0 years
(any value between 1.5 to 2.0 years is fine)

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 1)
Leach Pit Design:
Volume with respect to “solids storage” (Vs):
Vs = CPN = 0.04 x 8 x 2.0 = 0.64 m3 [P = 8; C = 0.04 m3 /person/yr; N=2 yr]

Volume with respect to “infiltration” (Vi):

Wastewater flow (Q) = 10 lpcd x 8 persons = 80 L/day
∴ Area required for infiltration,
Ai = Q / I
= (80 L/day) / (20 L/m2.day) = 4.0 m2 0.5 m
0.1 m
Considering circular pit with diameter 1.2 m,
Vi = (Ai.D/4) 1.8 m 1.2 m
= (4.0 x 1.2)/4 = 1.2 m3

∴ Estimated effective volume of leach pit, Veff = Vi = 1.2 m3 1.2

(since it is a twin pit latrine, and Vi > Vs) m

∴ Depth of pit, Heff = Veff / A = 1.2 / [π/4 (D2) ] = 1.06 m

∴ Total depth of pit, considering 0.5 m clear space above inlet and 0.1 m below inlet
= 1.06 + 0.5 + 0.1 = 1.66 m
∴ Number of rings to be used in pit construction = 1.66 / 0.3 = 5.53 ≈ 6 rings (up to 6 rings OK)

Hence, total design depth of pit, H = 0.3m x 6 = 1.8 m

∴ Effective design depth of pit, Heff = 1.8 m – 0.5 m – 0.1m = 1.2 m
∴ Effective volume of pit, Veff = (π/4) (1.2)2 x 1.2 = 1.357 m3
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Solution (Problem 1, contd.)
Leach Pit Design:
For the designed leach pit,
Available solid storage volume = (π/4).(1.2)2 x 1.2= 1.357 m3
For the designed leach pit, 0.5 m
Area available for infiltration = π.D.Heff 0.1 m

= π x 1.2 x 1.2 1.8 m 1.2 m

= 4.52 m2
Area required for infiltration = Ai = 4.0 m2; hence OK

The design life of the pit will be governed by the available storage
Now, the available storage volume, Vs = 1.357 = CPN = 0.04 x 8 x N
Hence, Design Life, N = 4.24 years (higher than 1.5 years, hence OK)

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 1)
Vent Design:
• Use PVC pipe (common)
• Diameter: 150 mm
• Height/ position: 500 mm higher than highest point of roof
• Fly-screen: Aperture ≤ 1.2 mm x 1.5 mm

Neat Sketch of the Designed Twin-pit Pour-flush Latrine:

• Draw yourself (very important); draw both Plan and Section

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Problems
(2) Repeat the same problem if groundwater table is 3.7 m below
ground surface; and soil condition is such (consolidated) that
concrete rings are not required for construction of pit.

Take home practice problem

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Problems
(3) For the same problem (i.e. Problem 1), consider that enough
space is not available for construction of two pits. Therefore,
design the latrine as a single off-set pit pour-flush latrine.
Consider groundwater table is at sufficient depth, such that
groundwater pollution is not a concern at the site.

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 3)
Leach Pit Design:
Volume with respect to “solids storage” (Vs), considering a design life of 2
Vs = CPN = 0.04 x 8 x 2.0 = 0.64 m3 [P = 8; C = 0.04 m3 /person/yr; N=2 yr]

Volume with respect to “infiltration” (Vi):

As before, Vi = (Ai.D/4) 0.5 m
= (4.0 x 1.2)/4 = 1.2 m3 0.1 m

∴ Estimated effective volume of leach pit, 1.8 m 1.2 m

Veff = Vi + Vs = (1.2 + 0.64) = 1.84 m3
∴ Depth of pit, Heff = Veff / A = 1.84 / [π/4 (D2) ] = 1.63 m m
∴ Total depth of pit, considering 0.5 m clear space above inlet and 0.1 m below inlet
= 1.63 + 0.5 + 0.1 = 2.23 m
∴ Number of rings to be used in pit construction = 2.23 / 0.3 = 7.43 ≈ 6 rings; because
considering manual excavation, maximum six rings (usually) could be used.

Hence, total design depth of pit, H = 0.3m x 6 = 1.8 m

∴Effective design depth of pit, Heff = 1.8 m – 0.5 m – 0.1m = 1.2 m
∴ Effective volume of pit, Veff = (π/4) (1.2)2 x 1.2 = 1.357 m3
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Solution (Problem 3, contd.)
Leach Pit Design (as in Problem 1):
For the designed leach pit,
Available solid storage volume = (π/4).(1.2)2 x 1.2= 1.357 m3
For the designed leach pit,
Area available for infiltration = π.D.Heff 0.5 m
= π x 1.2 x 1.2 0.1 m

= 4.52 m2 1.8 m 1.2 m

Area required for infiltration = Ai = 4.0 m2; hence OK
Hence, design life of the pit will be governed by the available storage
Now, Vs = 1.357 = CPN = 0.04 x 8 x N
Hence, Design Life, N = 4.24 years (higher than 1.5 years, hence OK)

Thus, because of limitations associated with manual excavation, it

was not possible to construct a bigger/deeper leach pit for the
pour flush latrine.

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Problems
(4) For the same problem (i.e. Problem 1), consider that enough
space is not available for construction of two pits or even an
off-set pit. Therefore, design the latrine as a single direct pit
pour-flush latrine. Consider groundwater table is at sufficient
depth, such that groundwater pollution is not a concern at the

Take home practice problem

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Problems
(5) A VIP latrine was designed for an area with “limited” water
supply (i.e. tubewell based water supply was not available)
with concrete rings of 1.0 m diameter and 0.3 m depth. The
pit was designed for a family of 7, with maximum possible
design life. The soil was unconsolidated/ loose, and the
groundwater table is 5.0 m below ground surface.

After construction and use of the pit/VIP latrine for 1 year,

tubewell-based water supply becomes available in the area.
Now, the users want to convert it into a pour-flush latrine by
installing a “pan with water seal” or “sato pan”. Check the
adequacy of the pit for use as a pour-flush latrine. Consider
water use of 10 lpcd, and long-term infiltration rate of soil to
be 16 L/m2.day. Estimate the remaining design life of the

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 5)
Design of VIP/Pit Latrine (as done before):
Considering groundwater table,
Maximum permissible depth of pit = (5-2) = 3.0 m
Considering manual excavation,
Maximum practical depth of pit = 6 ring = 6 x 0.3 m = 1.8 m
1.8 m
Hence, total design depth of pit, H = 1.8 m
Total number of rings = 1.8 m/ 0.3 m = 6
∴ Effective depth of pit, Heff = 1.8 m – 0.5 m = 1.3 m 2m

∴Effective volume of pit, Veff = π/4 (D2) x Heff

= π/4 (1.0 m)2 x 1.3 m = 1.021 m3

Now, Veff = CPN = 0.06 x 7 x N = 1.021 [P = 7, C = 0.06 m3 /person/yr]

∴ N = 2.4 years

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 5)
After 1 year, if this pit is going to be used as a “leach pit”, then we need
to estimate whether there is enough area available in the pit for
infiltration of liquid.
Wastewater flow (Q) = 10 lpcd x 7 persons = 70 L/day
∴ Area required for infiltration,
Ai = Q / I
= (70 L/day) / (16 L/m2.day) = 4.375 m2
Now, Area available for infiltration of liquid,
Ai = π .D. Heff
= (π x 1.0 x 1.3) = 4.1 m2;
which is less than the required area, and the “pit” could overflow.

What can you do to ensure that the “pit” is able to drain/leach the
liquid coming into it.
One option could be to advise the users to use less water. For example,
if water use could be reduced to 9 lpcd (from 10 lpcd), then
Area required for infiltration,
Ai = Q / I
= (63 L/day) / (16 L/m2.day) = 3.94 m2;
which is lower than the area actually available for infiltration (4.1 m2); Hence, OK

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Solution (Problem 5)
Remaining design life:

Pit volume remaining after 1 year of use as VIP latrine = 1.021 m3 – CPN
= 1.021– 0.06 x 7 x 1 = 0.601 m3

Remaining design life of pit will be governed by solids storage:

Now, Veff = CPN [P = 7, C = 0.04 m3 /person/yr, for wet pit]

∴ 0.061 = 0.04 x 7 x N
Hence, remaining design life, N = 2.1 years

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Design Problems
(6) Pit design in “high water table area” (but not flood-prone
area): pit with sealed bottom and find sand layer around pit.

(7) Pit design in “high water table” and “flood prone area”: latrine
with raised pit.

Take home practice problems

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

Thank You

Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman

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