The Hadith: Its Meaning, Concept and Classification: Significance of The Ahadith in The Light of The Quran

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This Divine Guidance sent through Rasulullah (saw) consists of two parts:
1) The Quran, The Divinely Revealed Book; it is the actual Word of Allah (swt), both its
language and in the finality and truthfulness of its message.
2) The Sunnah of Rasulullah (swt) or Ahadith are his sayings, precepts, teachings and
actions which explained the Quran and further completed its message.

Rasulullah (saw) not only received the Quran, he was also its most authentic interpreter
and teacher. He received from Allah (swt) both the words of the Message as well as their
meanings. The Quran explains:

It is then We Who must explain It (The Quran) and make it clear.” (Al-Qiyamah 75:19)

The role of Rasulullah (saw) was to explain its meanings to others:

“We revealed to you the Reminder (The Quran), so you may explain to humankind what
was sent to them, so that they may mediate and reflect upon it.” (An-Nahl 16:44)

“Just as when We sent a Messenger to you from among yourself to recite to you Our
Signs, purify your lives, and teach you the Book and al-Hikmah (the Wisdom) and to
teach you what you did not know.” (Al-Baqarah 2:151)

The Quran is very closely associated with the life and teachings of Rasulullah (saw). He
was as the best and highest example for us to follow. The Quran says:

“You have indeed a good example in Allah’s Messenger.” (Al-Ahzab 33:21)

His life and teachings are Divinely Inspired:

“He does not speak from some whim, it is merely inspiration that is revealed (to him).”
(An-Najm 53:3-4)

The Hadith in its Literal Sense
The Arabic word Hadith in its real sense means a tale, speech, chat, conversation or
communication. Used as an adjective it means new, modern and recent
The Hadith in its Technical Sense
In our Islamic Studies class, Hadith or Tradition means all the sayings, deeds, decisions
of Rasulullah (saw), his silent approval of the behavior of his Sahabah (raa) and
descriptions of his personality.

The Hadith and The Sunnah

These two words are almost always used to describe the same thing by early scholars as
well as present ones, though there is a slight difference in their meanings. Hadith really
means a story or a report and so represents an account of what happened. The word
Sunnah means a practice, a way or course, a rule, a mode or manner of life, a precedent, a
custom. In its technical sense, it implies the doings and practices of Rasulullah (saw). The
Sunnah the actual embodiment of the Will of Allah (swt), shown in the actions of
Rasulullah (saw).

Main Division of The Hadith

The scholars of the Hadith literature have divided the Traditions into three categories
according to the degree of their reliability. These categories were based on:
(1) The perfection or imperfection of the chain of their transmitters.
(2) The freedom of the texts from any defects.
(3) Acceptance of any Hadith by the Sahabah (raa), their followers (At-Tabiun) and
their successors (At-Taba at-Tabiin)

1) As-Sahih: The Authentic Hadith

The True. This name is given to the absolutely correct Hadith in which there is no
weakness. Both its chain of transmission (Al-Isnad) and the text (Al-Matn) are sound and
its text does not contradict any established belief of Islam.

2) Al-Hasan
The Good. It is like As-Sahih Tradition, except for the fact that some of its narrators have
been found to have a weaker memory in comparison to the narrators of Sahih Ahadith.

3) Ad-Da’if
The Weak. This refers to that Tradition in which there is some problem in either the chain
of transmission, in the proper understanding of the transmitter or in its content, which
may be in disagreement with Islamic beliefs and practices.

4) Al-Mawdu, The Fabricated

A false Hadith made up by some misguided people. This class of Ahadith have been
carefully uncovered by our learned Islamic scholars in the past. They have no place in
true and authentic Ahadith collections.
(The Collection, Preservation and Compilation)
The Sahabah (raa) had three methods of learning:

1. Memorization
2. Recording
3. Practice

1. Memorization
In the early Muslim society, everyone’s major goal was to learn Islam directly from
Rasulullah (saw). Most Arabs of that time had excellent memories and they were known
to learn by heart many verses of their poets and their tribal histories. Similarly, the
Sahabah (raa) always tried to observe the actions of Rasulullah (saw), remember his
sayings and follow them in their everyday lives. By doing so, they developed a close
connection to Rasulullah (saw), no matter how distant in space or time he was.

2. Recording
In the beginning, the Ahadith were not written but were memorized because the Sahabah
(raa) feared that people would confuse the Hadith with the Quran. However, when the
written text of the Quran became widespread, many Sahabah (raa) started taking notes on
Ahadith. We know the names of many Sahabah (raa) who used to write down Ahadith
during the life of Rasulullah (saw). In several instances, Rasulullah (saw) himself dictated
to them.

The name of those Sahabah (raa) who transmitted Ahadith in large numbers are as
1. Abu Hurairah (raa): 5,374
2. Ibn Umar (raa): 2,630
3. Anas Ibn Malik (raa): 2,286
4. Umm al-Muminin Aishah (raa): 2,210
5. Ibn Abbas (raa): 1,660
6. Abu Saeed al-Khudri (raa): 1,170
7. Ibn Masud (raa): 748
8. Abdullah Ibn Amar Ibn Al-Aas (raa): 700
9. Umar Ibn al-Khattab (raa): 537
10. Ali Ibn Abi Talib (raa): 536
11. Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari (raa): 360
12. Al-Bara Ibn Azib (raa) 305

3) Practical Demonstration
Learning by practice is the most effective way to acquire any kind of knowledge. If we
go through the Hadith literature, we find that a great many Ahadith pertain to our
practical life. The knowledge of religion is something to be practiced and not simply
discussed. The Sahabah (raa) learned by observing the ways of Rasulullah (saw) and then
applying what they saw to their own practices.


The following is a summary of the rules and principles of Isnad (chain of transmission)

1. All the Ahadith must be traceable to the original reporter through a chain of
2. In addition to having a good memory, these narrators must be truthful, of
excellent character, and have high qualities of mind and heart.
3. Every Hadith which reported an event or a happening that occurred frequently in
the presence of a large number of people must have been originally reported by
several narrators.

As far as the Matn (text) is concerned, some of the following rules were laid down:
1. The Hadith should not contradict the text of the Quran, the teachings of the Quran
and the accepted basic principles of Islam
2. The Hadith should not contradict the Traditions already deemed reliable and
authentic by the authorities under these rules.
3. The Hadith which sings the praises and excellence of any tribe, place or persons
should sometimes be closely examined.
4. The Hadith that contains some remarks of Rasulullah (saw) which are not in
keeping with the Islamic belief and the position of Rasulullah (saw) or such
expressions as may not be befitting his honor.


1. The Muwatta’ of Imam Malik (93-179 A.H.)

2. The Musnad of Imam Ahmad (164-246 A.H.)

As-Sihah As-Sittah (The Six Authentic Books on Hadith):

1. Sahih Al-Bukhari (194-256 A.H.)
2. Sahih Muslim (204-264 A.H.)
3. Sunan At-Tirmidhi (209-279 A.H.)
4. Sunan Abu Dawud (202-275 A.H.)
5. Sunan An-Nisai (210-303 A.H.)
6. Sunan of Ibn Majah (209-273 A.H.)

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