United States Patent: Gitnes

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,600,297 B2

Gitnes (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 13, 2009
(54) POWERED HINGE WITH AUTOMATIC 6,186,595 B1* 2/2001 Ward et al. ............... 297 378.1
LOCKING FEATUREAT OPPOSITE ENDS OF 6,401,299 B1 6/2002 Schwarz ...................... 16,335
6,454,354 B1* 9/2002 Vossmann et al. ........... 297,367

(75) Inventor: Seth E. Gitnes, Everett, WA (US)

(73) Assignee: Moog Inc., East Aurora, NY (US) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 International Search Report, mailed Nov. 15, 2007, in corresponding
U.S.C. 154(b) by 602 days. PCT/US2007/017037 (copy attached).
(21) Appl. No.: 11/507,693 Primary Examiner Chuck Y. Mah
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Phillips Lytle LLP
(22) Filed: Aug. 22, 2006
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2008/OO471OO A1 Feb. 28, 2008
An improved powered hinge (20) with an automatic locking
(51) Int. C. feature proximate the ends of permissible relative angular
E05D I5/06 (2006.01) displacement of its two hinge sections broadly includes: a
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 16/358; 16/357; 16/331; stationary member (23) having a pivotal axis (X-X), and hav
16/362 ing a first slot (31) extending between opposite ends; a mov
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 16/358, able member (24) mounted for rotation about the pivotal axis
16/357, 362,324-326,331, 332; 297/.452.1, relative to the stationary member, and having a second slot
297/373, 366–367, 362.11,362. 12,376; (34) extending between opposite ends; a driving member (28)
49/345,339, 333-338,348, 349,350; 24.4/7A, adapted to be rotated about the pivotal axis relative to the
244/7 C, 8, 39, 49, 56, 3.27 stationary member from one angular position to another
See application file for complete search history. angular position, and having a third slot (36) extending
(56) References Cited between opposite ends; and an elongated pin (29) passing
through the first, second and third slots, the pin being con
strained for movement substantially parallel to the pivotal
2,867,839 A * 1/1959 Squire ......................... 16,358 axis; the first, second and third slots being so configured and
3,731,546 A * 5, 1973 MacDonald ................... T4?63 arranged that as the driving member is rotated from the one
4.768,400 A * 9/1988 McKay ....................... 475/330 angular position to the other angular position, the pin will be
4,848,873 A * 7/1989 Villar ......................... 359,230 moved from substantially one end of the each of the slots to
4.882,807 A * 1 1/1989 Frye et al. ..................... 16,225 substantially the other end of each of the slots, and the mov
5,172,969 A * 12/1992 Reuter et al. ................ 312,328 able member will be rotated about the pivotal axis relative to
5,201.479 A 4, 1993 Renzelmann
5,558,299 A 9, 1996 Viele
the stationary member.
5,669,107 A * 9/1997 Carlsen et al. ................ 16,348
6,032,418 A 3, 2000 Larson 15 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
US 7,600,297 B2
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 7,100.987 B2 * 9/2006 Volker et al. ................ 297,367

6,783,478 B2 8/2004 Larson
7,066,543 B2 * 6/2006 Yu ........................ 297378.12 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Oct. 13, 2009 Sheet 1 of 4 US 7,600,297 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 13, 2009 Sheet 2 of 4 US 7,600,297 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 13, 2009 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7,600,297 B2
U.S. Patent US 7,600,297 B2

US 7,600,297 B2
1. 2
POWERED HINGE WITH AUTOMATIC each of the slots, and the movable member will be rotated
LOCKING FEATUREAT OPPOSITE ENDS OF about the pivotal axis relative to the stationary member.
PERMISSIBLE RELATIVE ANGULAR The ratio of the angular movement of the movable member
DISPLACEMENT OF THE HINGE SECTIONS to the angular movement of the driving member may be
greater than 1:1.
TECHNICAL FIELD The hinge may further include driving means (21) for
selectively rotating the driving member relative to the station
The present invention relates generally to powered or ary member.
driven hinges, and, more particularly, to improved powered Each of the members may be a plate-like element. The
hinges having an automatic locking feature at the opposite 10 hinge may include a plurality of the stationary and movable
ends of the permissible relative angular displacement of the members arranged in an alternating series. The pin may be
hinge sections. arranged to transmit torque in double-shear. In the preferred
embodiment, there are at least two of the driving members. A
BACKGROUND ART shaft (35) may connect each of the driving members.
15 In the preferred form, the stationary member is provided
It is sometimes necessary to provide a driven hinge for with a plurality of the first slots, the movable member is
driving and powering the movement of one hinge section provided with a plurality of second slots, and the driving
relative to another. member is provided with a plurality of third slots, and the
For example, certain aircraft require a folding wingtip that improved hinge further includes a like plurality of pins.
must be locked in place while in flight and also on the ground One of the slots preferably has a recess proximate an end
with the wings folded. Carrier-based aircraft, such as the F-18 thereof to function as a detent to prevent the penetrant portion
and F-35, may require folding wingtips to minimize the space of the pin from moving in a radial direction with respect to the
required for aircraft storage. pivotal axis when the penetrant pin portion is Substantially at
The present F-18 wingfold utilizes a compound planetary such slot end. Each of the first and third slots may have this
hinge rotary actuator to form the hinge lock. One example of 25 recess, and the second slot may extend in a radial direction.
this is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,783,478. This device has Better yet, the one slot may have a recess proximate each
the inherent capability to handle the loads in the extended and end thereof to function as detents to prevent the penetrant
folded positions, but is relatively large, heavy and expensive portion of the pin from moving in a radial direction with
to manufacture. The F-35, with a thinner wing, cannot accom respect to the pivotal axis when the penetrant pin portion is
modate this type of hinge design due to a reduced envelope. 30 substantially at either end of the slot. Each of the first and third
Hence, a spline lock concept of driven hinge, such as shown slots may have the recess proximate each end thereof, and the
in U.S. Pat. No. 6,032,418, has been developed. This provides second slot may be oriented in a radial direction with respect
a smaller-profile hinge lock, and an overall lighter design. to the pivotal axis.
However, it also requires tighter tolerances and difficult Accordingly, the general object is to provide a powered
machining of the hinge actuator parts, as well as the mating 35 hinge.
aircraft structure. Another object is to provide a powered hinge having an
Accordingly, it would be generally desirable to provide an automatic locking feature proximate the ends of permissible
improved powered hinge that would have an automatic lock relative movement between the two hinge sections.
ing feature at either end of the permissible relative angular Another object is to provide a powered hinge having Such
displacements of its hinge sections, that would be lighter in 40 an automatic locking feature, which is less expensive to
weight, and that would be less expensive to manufacture. manufacture and produce.
These and other objects and advantages will become appar
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION ent from the foregoing an ongoing written specification, the
drawings and the appended claims.
With parenthetical reference to the corresponding parts, 45
portions or surfaces of the disclosed embodiment, merely for BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
purposes of illustration and not by way of limitation, the
present invention broadly provides an improved powered FIG. 1 is an isometric view of an improved powered hinge,
hinge (20) with an automatic locking feature proximate the with a driving unit located in the middle of two hinge por
ends of the permissible relative angular displacement of the 50 tions.
two hinge sections. FIG. 2 is a greatly-enlarged isometric view of a portion of
The improved hinge broadly includes: a stationary member the improved driven hinge, this view showing the stationary
(23) having a pivotal axis (X-X), and having a first slot (31) members, the movable members, the driving members, and
extending between opposite ends; a movable member (24) the pins.
mounted for rotation about the pivotal axis relative to the 55 FIG.3 is an isometric view of the driving members and pins
stationary member, and having a second slot (34) extending shown in FIG. 2.
between opposite ends; a driving member (28) adapted to be FIG. 4 is an isometric view of the stationary members and
rotated about the pivotal axis relative to the stationary mem pins shown in FIG. 2.
ber from one angular position to anotherangular position, and FIG. 5 is an isometric view showing the movable members
having a third slot (36) extending between opposite ends; and 60 and pins shown in FIG. 2.
an elongated pin (29) passing through the first, second and FIG. 6 is a schematic end view of the various members,
third slots, the pin being constrained for movement Substan showing the profiles of the first, second and third slots in the
tially parallel to the pivotal axis; the first, second and third stationary, movable and driving members, respectively, at
slots being so configured and arranged that as the driving various angular positions of the movable member relative to
member is rotated from the one angular position to the other 65 the stationary member.
angular position, the pin will be moved from Substantially one FIG. 7 is an end view of the powered hinge, schematically
end of the each of the slots to substantially the other end of showing the profile of the first, second and third slots.
US 7,600,297 B2
3 4
FIG. 8 is a top plan view of the improved hinge, without the 28 and movable members 24 have been removed from FIG. 4
driving means. to more clearly illustrate the stationary members and the pins.
FIG. 9 is a fragmentary longitudinal sectional view of the FIG.5 is an isometric view depicting the movable members
powered hinge, taken generally on line 9-9 of FIG. 8, and 24 and pins. In other words, the stationary members 23 and
principally showing the input shaft as connecting the various 5 the driving members 28 have been removed from FIG. 5 to
driving members. more clearly illustrate the structure of the movable members
and the pins.
DISCLOSURE OF THE PREFERRED Adverting now to FIG. 4, each stationary member 23 is
EMBODIMENTS shown as being a somewhat plate-like member, having a
10 central axial aperture 30, and having three circularly-spaced
At the outset, it should be clearly understood that like specially-configured first slots, severally indicated at 31.
reference numerals are intended to identify the same struc These slots, which are shown more clearly in elevation of
tural elements, portions or Surfaces consistently throughout FIG. 6, have a somewhat S-shaped appearance, and have
the several drawing figures, as such elements, portions or recesses 32 proximate either end thereof. These recesses
surfaces may be further described or explained by the entire 15 function as detents to receive the various pins at the ends of
written specification, of which this detailed description is an the permissible angular displacements of the stationary and
integral part. Unless otherwise indicated, the drawings are movable hinge members.
intended to be read (e.g., cross-hatching, arrangement of Referring now to FIG. 5, the various movable members 24
parts, proportion, degree, etc.) together with the specification, are shown as being plate-like elements having central axial
and are to be considered a portion of the entire written 20 through aperture 33, and having three radially-disposed sec
description of this invention. As used in the following ond slots, severally indicated at 34.
description, the terms “horizontal”, “vertical, “left”, “right'. Referring now to FIG.3, each driving member 28 is shown
“up' and “down, as well as adjectival and adverbial deriva as having a central axial aperture 35, and is provided with
tives thereof (e.g., “horizontally”, “rightwardly', three circularly spaced third slots, severally indicated at 36.
“upwardly', etc.), simply refer to the orientation of the illus- 25 As with the stationary members, slots 36 have recesses, indi
trated structure as the particular drawing figure faces the cated at 38 proximate either end, that function as detents to
reader. Similarly, the terms “inwardly' and “outwardly” gen receive and hold pins 29 proximate the end of their permis
erally refer to the orientation of a surface relative to its axis of sible angular displacements.
elongation, or axis of rotation, as appropriate. There are three pins, severally indicated at 29, that have
The present invention broadly provides an improved pow- 30 passed through the aligned first, second and third slots in the
ered hinge having an automatic locking feature proximate stationary, movable and driving members, respectively. These
either end of the permissible relative angular displacement of various pins are constrained to move in the various slots and
its hinge sections. The present invention may be used on an remain Substantially parallel to the pivotal axis X-X and all
aircraft wingfold. However, the invention has utility far permissible locations thereof.
broader then this one specific application. Accordingly, the 35 FIG. 6 is a schematic view showing the first, second and
invention should not be regarded as being limited to this third slots, and the position of a pin therein, at both extreme
particular end use. positions of movement of the movable member relative to the
Referring now to the drawings, the improved powered stationary member, as well as at an intermediate position. In
hinge is generally indicated at 20. As best shown in FIG. 1, the the 12 o'clock position, pin 29 is positioned at being in the
hinge is shown as having a driving means 21 operatively 40 recess adjacent the upper end of the third slot, and as posi
arranged in the middle of two hinge portions, severally indi tioned in the recess adjacent the upper end of the first slot, and
cated at 22. Each hinge portion has a plurality of axially as being at the upper end of the second slot.
spaced Stationary members, severally indicated at 23, and The driving means 21 may then be operated to selectively
movable members, severally indicated at 24. The driving rotate the driving members relative to the stationary mem
means 21 is operatively arranged to selectively rotate a shaft, 45 bers. In the 3 o'clock position of FIG. 6, the pin is shown as
described infra, by means of which the various movable hinge having moved to the other and inner end of the third slot, the
members 22 may be selectively rotated about the pivotal axis inner end of the second slot and the inner end of the first slot.
(X-X) relative to the various stationary hinge members 23, as More particularly, at the 3 o'clock position, the pin is shown
described infra. as being in the recesses of the first and third slots. At the 1:30
FIG. 2 is an isometric view of a portion of one of the hinge 50 o'clock position, the pin is shown as being at an intermediate
parts. Here again, the stationary members are indicated at 23, position between the two extremes shown at the 12 o'clock
and the movable members are indicated at 24. As can be seen, and 3 o'clock positions, respectively.
the powered hinge has a pivotal axis X-X. A plurality of sta The principal function of the recess proximate the ends of
tionary hinge sections 23 are spaced along axis X-X, and a the first and third slots is to provide a detent to prevent the pin
plurality of movable hinge sections 24 are positioned between 55 from moving in a radial direction (i.e., either inwardly or
the various stationary sections. Each of the stationary and outwardly) when the hinge sections are at there extreme per
movable sections are shown as having Suitable eyes, severally missible angular positions. This has the feature of practically
indicated at 25, by means of which the associated hinge locking the two hinge sections at their extreme positions.
section may be attached to other structure. In FIG. 2, the FIG. 7 is a view of the powered hinge, again showing the
stationary hinges are depicted as being attached to a Suitable 60 profiles of the first, second and third slots and the positions of
Support, generally indicated at 26. the pins therein. The position of the pin shown in FIG. 7
Asbest shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, the improved hinge is also corresponds to the position of the pin shown at the 12 o'clock
shown as further including a plurality of driving members, position in FIG. 6.
severally indicated at 28, and cylindrical pins, severally indi FIG. 8 is a top plan view of the driven hinge section 22,
cated at 29. 65 showing the stationary and movable members.
FIG. 4 is an isometric view showing the various stationary FIG. 9 is a fragmentary longitudinal sectional view, show
members 23 and pins 29. In other words, the driving members ing an input shaft 35 as being concentric with pivotal axis X-X,
US 7,600,297 B2
5 6
and is operatively connecting a plurality of driving members position to another angular position, and having a third
that are interspaced within the stack of the alternating station slot extending between opposite ends; and
ary and movable members, this view also showing one of the an elongated pin passing through said first, second and
pins. third slots, said pin being constrained for movement
Therefore, the present invention broadly provides an 5 Substantially parallel to said pivotal axis;
improved powered hinge which broadly includes a stationary said first, second and third slots being so configured and
member having a pivotal access and having a first slot extend arranged that as said driving member is rotated from said
ing between opposite ends; a movable member mounted for one angular position to said other angular position, said
rotation about the pivotal access relative to the stationary pin will be moved from substantially one end of said
member, and having a second slot extending between oppo 10 each of said slots to substantially the other end of each of
site ends; a driving member adapted to be rotated about the said slots, and said movable member will be rotated
pivotal axis relative to the stationary member from one angu about said pivotal axis relative to said stationary mem
lar position to anotherangular position, and having a third slot ber.
extending between the opposite ends; and an elongated pin 2. A hinge as set forth in claim 1 wherein the ratio of the
passing through the first, second and third slots, the pin being 15 angular movement of said movable member to the angular
constrained for movement substantially parallel to the pivotal movement of said driving member is greater than 1:1.
access; the first, second and third slots being so configured 3. A hinge as set forth in claim 1 and further comprising
and arranged that, as the driving member is rotated from one driving means for selectively rotating said driving member
angular position to another angular position the pin will be relative to said stationary member.
moved from substantially one end of each of the slots to 4. A hinge as set forth in claim 1 wherein each of said
substantially the other end of each of the slots, and the mov members is a plate-like element.
able member will be rotated about the pivotal axis relative to 5. A hinge as set forth in claim 4 and further comprising a
the stationary member. plurality of said stationary and movable members arranged in
In the disclosed embodiment, the ratio of angular move an alternating series.
ment of the movable member to the angular movement to the 25 6. A hinge as set forth in claim 5 wherein said pin is
driving member is greater than 1:1. arranged to transmit torque in double-shear.
Modifications 7. A hinge as set forth in claim 5 and further comprising at
The present invention expressly contemplates that various least two of said driving members.
changes and modifications may be made. For example, while 8. A hinge as set forth in claim 7 and further comprising a
it is presently preferred that the various stationary, movable 30 shaft connecting each of said driving members.
and driving members may be plate-like elements so that they 9. A hinge as set forth in claim 1 wherein said stationary
may be stacked as shown in the drawings, this arrangement member is provided with a plurality of said first slots, said
can be varied. The shape and configuration of first, second movable member is provided with a plurality of second slots,
and third slots may also be varied. As used herein, the word and said driving member is provided with a plurality of third
slot is intended to simply define a narrow opening which
35 slots, and further comprising a like plurality of said pins.
defines a path of movement for the pin. The various slots may 10. A hinge as set forth in claim 1 wherein one of said slots
or may not have recesses at either end that function as detents has a recess proximate an end thereof to function as a detent
to lock the pins against radial movement at the extreme ends to prevent the penetrant portion of said pin from moving in a
of the permissible movement of the hinge sections. radial direction with respect to said pivotal axis when said
Therefore, while the presently-preferred form of the
40 penetrant pin portion is Substantially at Such slot end.
improved powered hinge has been shown and described, and 11. A hinge as set forth in claim 10 wherein each of said
first and third slots have said recess.
several modifications thereof discussed, persons skilled in 12. A hinge as set forth in claim 11 wherein said second slot
this art will readily appreciate that various additional changes extends in a radial direction.
and modifications may be made without departing from the 45 13. A hinge as set forth in claim 10 wherein said one slot
spirit of the invention, as defined and differentiated by the has a recess proximate each end thereofto function as detents
following claims. to prevent the penetrant portion of said pin from moving in a
What is claimed is:
1. A hinge, comprising: radial direction with respect to said pivotal axis when said
penetrant pinportion is substantially at either end of said slot.
a stationary member having a pivotal axis, and having a 50 14. A hinge as set forth in claim 13 wherein each of said
first slot extending between opposite ends; first and third slots have said recess proximate each end
a movable member mounted for rotation about said pivotal thereof.
axis relative to said stationary member, and having a 15. A hinge as set forth in claim 14 wherein said second slot
second slot extending between opposite ends; extends in a radial direction.
a driving member adapted to be rotated about said pivotal
axis relative to said stationary member from one angular k k k k k

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