Treasury of The Orient

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of the Orient
Table of Contents
Alchemical Items •3•
Armors and Shields •4•
Weapons •4•
Rods •6•
Wondrous Items •7•
Magical Teapots • 14 •
Artifact • 16 •

Welcome to Adventure Path Plug-Ins!

This product is a part of our line of support materials for extended Adventure Path-style campaign play for use with
Paizo’s Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. When you see the “Adventure Path Plug-In” logo at the top of a Legendary
Games product, you can expect it is designed to fit directly with the themes of a particular Adventure Path
campaign. The all-star team of designers here at Legendary Games is committed to bringing you—the busy GM
or player—the absolute best third party support for your Pathfinder campaign. To deliver on that commitment,
we’ve assembled the best of the best of current gaming authors, designers and layout experts so that you can feel
comfortable that Legendary Games products will be the most creative, rules-legal and well-designed content you
can find. Though Adventure Path Plug-Ins all share a theme with a specific Adventure Path campaign, they are
designed to be easily incorporated into your home game regardless of what campaign you may be running.

Hey, What’s With the Names?

You will see us use phrases such as “Far East Adventure Path” instead of the title of the most recent Adventure
Path. Or, you may see us use names such as the “Destined Empress,” the “Elven Protector,” the “Caravan Master,”
the “Mystic Seer,” or even the “Emerald Shogun” or “Goddess of Love” instead of the proper names of specific
characters or places from those adventures or gods from the world setting. While we can create compatible
products under the Open Game License, we still have to be respectful of certain content Paizo owns. Because we
want to be very respectful of their content and work in partnership with them, we use these “replacement phrases.”
Plus, this helps the product have a more general appeal to those who may be running a home campaign that fits the
same themes. In any event, we are 100% confident you know what we are talking about and will have no problem
making the required connection. So, enjoy this adventure to supplement your “Far East Adventure Path,” helping
the “Destined Empress” claim her birthright in the “Eastern Kingdoms.” See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Authors: Alex Augunas, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, and Victoria Jaczko
Artists: Frank Hessefort, Michael Jaecks, Jason Juta, Tim Kings-Lynne, Dio Mahesa
Layout and Design: Richard Kunz
Editing and Development: Alex Augunas and Jason Nelson
Publisher: Jason Nelson
Executive Partner: Neil Spicer
Business Director: Rachel Ventura
Founder: Clark Peterson
The Legendary Games Design Team: Clinton J. Boomer, Benjamin Bruck, Matt Goodall, Jim
Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Alistair Rigg, Mark Seifter,
Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, Russ Taylor, Greg Vaughan, Linda Zayas-Palmer, and Clark Peterson

Special Thanks
Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, James Jacobs, and the Paizo staff, and to all the authors of the amazing
Jade Regent Adventure Path.

Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this Legendary
Games product designated as Open Game Content is the rules content (names of skills, etc., taken from the
Pathfinder Reference Document) as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). The front
and back cover, back matter, introduction and Credits page, as well all other parts of this product including
all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. No portion of this
work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without
written permission.

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open
Game License 1.0a, Seection 1(e), and are not Open Content: Legendary Games, the Legendary Games
Logo, Adventure Path Plug-In, Treasury of the Orient, as well as all trademarks, registered trademarks,
proper names (including the names of each character, location, item or monster unique to this product),
dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress, but excluding any content that
is Product Identity of Paizo Publishing, Inc. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game
Content are not included in this declaration.)

Reference in non-Open Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work to content
owned by others is not a challenge to their ownership and is used under Fair Use.

Treasury of the Orient © 2015, Legendary Legendary Games

Games; Author Alex Augunas, Tim 3734 SW 99th St.
Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, and Victoria Jaczko. Seattle, WA 98126-4026
First printing August 2015.
Printed in USA.

Special Electronic Features
We’ve hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links to the official
Pathfinder Reference Document as well as d20PFSRD. If it is in the core rulebook, we generally didn’t link to
it unless the rule is an obscure one. The point is not to supersede the game books, but rather to help support
you, the player, in accessing the rules, especially those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

About Legendary Games

Legendary Games is an all star team of authors and designers, founded by Clark Peterson of Necromancer
Games, Inc. Legendary Games uses a cooperative, team-based approach to bring you, the Paizo fan, the best
expansion material for your game. We are gamers and storytellers first, and we believe that passion shows in
our products. So check us out, and Make Your Game Legendary!

Visit us on our website at, on our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter


What You Will Find Inside Treasury of the Orient

This supplement brings you over 30 magical items ideal for Asiatic explorers, transcontinental caravans, and
any campaigns set in the exotic East. Exotic woods and jade, ivories and silks, the treasures of the Asian
lands are carved, embroidered, and embellished with a beauty to match form with function. Whether crafted
to maximize tranquil contemplation or to bring elegance to bloody executions, craftsmanship is devoted in
equal measure to the appearance of an item as to its mechanical effects. Whether PCs are themselves native to
Asian-inspired fantasy kingdoms or are outlanders venturing into strange and foreign kingdoms and empires
in search of wealth and glory in a land far from that of their birth, they may wrest these treasures from the
dusty tombs of exiles and emperors, uncover them in the kami-haunted spirit-forests that blanket the land, or
wrest them from the hoards and hands of oni, bakemono, weretigers, nagas, and wingless sovereign dragons.
This tome contains items perfect for followers of the paths of peace or the ways of war, from the teapot of
serenity and feathered mat of paradise to the stalking serpent, typhoon fan, and beheading blade. There are items
of great practical utility like the ink set of shifting, ki capstan, and samisen of the seven spheres, from the simple
alchemical kokowai salve up to the divine artifacts known as the lucky mallets. Some items carry great power
but potential danger, like the malicious skull and the circlet of the imperial dragon, while others bring great
beauty alongside deadly efficiency, like the sovereign lungguang, kimono of the honored ancestors, rod of the
monkey king, and the biting blade of ten thousand blossoms. From the sublime artistry of the cane of butterflies
and the rod of shadow puppetry to the simple brutality of the bloodthirsty blade, your heroes are going to love
what they find in the Treasury of the Orient.
The Legendary Games tradition is to combine rich story and background, innovative layout,
beautiful aesthetics, and excellence in design that is second to none, allowing you to enliven
and enrich your campaign in amazing and exciting ways. This product is the latest in that
tradition, and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it. Game on!

- Jason Nelson

robe of the fire rat 37,400 gp
TREASURY prayer scroll amulet 40,000 gp
OF THE ORIENT spiritworld flute
laughing spirit bow
43,200 gp
45,000 gp
koto of ki shards 46,000 gp
The magic items in this product are designed specifically
to fit within a campaign set in an Asian-themed samisen of the seven spheres 47,000 gp
campaign, including a journey from occidental cultures malicious skull 52,000 gp
similar to medieval Europe across the long and desolate rod of shadow puppetry 60,000 gp
wastes that lie between the continents. This book is ronin blade 70,000 gp
an ideal companion to the official Far East Adventure white peacock crown 80,000 gp
Path for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (#49-54), but
beheading blade 152,340 gp
it works equally well in any campaign where you want
to evoke the tropes of wide-ranging caravan journeys, sovereign lungguang 180,000 gp
merchant towns along the silk road, and exotic garden lucky mallet — (artifact)
cities and forbidden fortresses inspired by the panoply
of Asiatic cultures from nations large and small. The ALCHEMICAL ITEMS
items in this book are listed here by price, and their
descriptions follow organized by item type. Kokowai
Cost 30 gp; Weight —
Item Name Price Kokowai is a traditional protective salve made from
noh mask of the shapechanger varies red ochre mixed with shark oil. Originally made by
kokowai 30 gp tribal people who used it to paint mystic designs upon
ghost food 800 gp themselves which they believed could scare off demons,
clothes of the ever-ready explorer 2,500 gp the mixture possesses a putrid, nauseating stench nearly
identical to troglodyte musk. The user gains the stench
master’s bowl 4,400 gp
special quality (5 ft., DC 11, 1d6 rounds) for 1 hour,
teapot of inner flame 4,800 gp though the volatile mixture is burned away immediately
teapot of the mountain 4,800 gp if the user catches on fire or takes more than 10 points
teapot of serenity 4,800 gp of fire damage. It can also be washed off with soap and
feathered mat of paradise 5,400 gp water.
ink set of shifting 6,000 gp Create Craft (alchemy) DC 15
papercraft sheet 6,750 gp
unraveling silks 13,330 gp
monkey’s head charm 13,500 gp
stalking serpent 17,340 gp
circlet of the imperial dragon 18,000 gp
ki capstan 20,000 gp
biting blade of ten thousand blossoms 20,350 gp
sugegasa of rising waters 21,200 gp
bestial haramaki 25,153 gp
rod of the monkey king 25,300 gp
kimono of honored ancestors 26,700 gp
cane of butterflies 28,800 gp
bloodthirsty blade 30,350 gp
typhoon fan 35,837 gp

Bestial Haramaki Price 25,153 gp Beheading Blade Price 152,340 gp
Slot armor CL 9th Weight 1 lb. Slot none CL 18th Weight 12 lbs.
Aura moderate transmutation Aura strong evocation
This +1 spellstoringUE haramaki consists of a white silken This sinister +3 keen vorpal flying bladeUC is decorated
sash lined with articulated, featureless metal plates. If with the scowling face of a fire yai oni and connected to
bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, or cat’s grace is stored a wicked, black chain via a detachable vice. When the
within the haramaki, pictures of the animal named wielder makes an attack with a beheading blade as part
by the spell appear on each of the bestial haramaki’s of an attack action, the wielder can unhook the flying
metal plates and its sash transforms into a fur sash blade from its chain in order to launch the weapon at
that also matches this animal. While bear’s endurance, one target within 60 feet, functioning as an attack made
bull’s strength, or cat’s grace is stored within a beastial with a thrown weapon with the returning special ability.
haramaki, it grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus When attacking with a beheading blade in this manner,
to an ability score based upon which spell is stored the wielder uses her Strength modifier instead of her
within the armor, as follows: Strength (bull’s strength), Dexterity modifier on her ranged attack roll with the
Dexterity (cat’s grace), Constitution (bear’s endurance). weapon. Whenever the wielder makes an attack with
Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 a beheading blade as part of an attack action, she can
hours the bestial haramaki is worn. spend 1 ki point as a swift action in order to grant the
beheading blade the ability to attack on its own for 1
Construction Requirements Cost 12,576 GP
round as though it were a dancing weapon, except the
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bear’s endurance, bull’s
strength, cat’s grace, creator must be a caster of at least weapon attempts to share the same space as the struck
12th level opponent instead of the wielder. Should that opponent
move away from the beheading blade, it pursues to the
Unraveling Silks Price 13,330 gp best of its ability as though it had a 40-foot fly speed
Slot armor CL 5th Weight 4 lbs. with perfect maneuverability. After this round ends,
Aura faint transmutation the beheading blade returns to its wielder, as normal
for a returning weapon. The wielder can spend up to 4
This +2 slick silken ceremonial armor is lightly
additional ki points when using this ability, increasing
embroidered and always appears frayed and worn. As
the number of rounds that the beheading blade dances
a move action, the wearer can pull one of the many
for by 1 round per ki point spent. While the head is
frayed threads of the armor, causing it to unravel into a
detached, the beheading blade can be wielded as a +1
tangle of silken threads. The wearer and all she carries
whip with no other special abilities.
is transmuted into threads at the same time, and in this
form the wearer is treated as if in gaseous form, save Construction Requirements Cost 76,170 GP
that she cannot fly, instead gaining a base speed and Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, circle of
climb speed of 10 feet. If the wearer falls while in thread death, keen edge, returning weaponUC
form, she is treated as if using feather fall. Resuming her
normal form is a standard action. The wearer can remain
in thread form for up to 5 rounds per day, though these
rounds need not be consecutive.

Construction Requirements Cost 6,770 GP

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate rope, gaseous
form, grease

Biting Blade of Ten Thousand Blossoms Laughing Spirit Bow Price 45,000 gp
Price 20,350 gp Slot none CL 9th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
Slot none CL 10th Weight 6 lbs.
Aura moderate illusion Made from fine bamboo and wrapped in fine rattan
decorated with gold leaf, this +1 holy composite long
This flamboyant +1 holy katana possesses a bright, pink bow (+2 Str) is surprisingly lightweight for its nearly
grip. When wielded by a good creature, the blade pulses 7-foot length. Whenever an arrow from a laughing spirit
with pink light that lashes out at wicked foes. Whenever bow successfully hits a creature with the incorporeal
the wielder confirms a critical hit using a biting blade subtype, the wielder may choose to forego any damage
of ten-thousand blossoms, a spray of razor-sharp pink and instead afflict the target with wracking spasms of
cherry blossoms burst forth from the weapon, causing laughter and mirth that leave it unable to act (though it
all creatures that are adjacent to the critically hit creature is not considered helpless), for 3 rounds. If an invisible
to take damage equal to the weapon’s minimum damage target is affected in this way, then creatures attempting
(so if the katana would deal 1d8+4 damage, adjacent to pinpoint the invisible creature’s square receive a +20
creatures take 5 points of damage). Affected creatures can on Perception checks to locate it from the obvious noise.
attempt a Reflex save to negate this damage (DC 10 + the Construction Requirements Cost 22,500 GP
wielder’s base attack bonus) and the wielder can exclude a Craft Magic Arms and Armor hideous laughter, holy
number of creatures from this effect equal to her Charisma smite
modifier (minimum 1). If any creature damaged by the
biting blade of ten-thousand blossom’s burst attack are evil,
they take damage from the weapon’s holy special ability as
if they had taken a direct hit from the weapon.
Construction Requirements Cost 10,175 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy smite, mirror

Bloodthirsty Blade (Muramasa)

Price 30,350 gp
Slot none CL 9th Weight 6 lbs.
Aura moderate necromancy
These +1 keen vicious katanas are said to have been
crafted by a legendary swordsmith from another world
and age and often are referred to by his name: Muramasa.
These blades are reputed to possess an insatiable
bloodlust, and whenever a wielder makes an attack roll
against a living creature with a bloodthirsty blade this
curse is activated. Thereafter, the wielder cannot sheathe
the bloodthirsty blade or attack with any other weapon
until the wielder confirms a critical hit against a living
foe or reduces a living target below 0 hit points from
the weapon. Whenever the wielder confirms a critical
hit with a Muramasa against an opponent, she gains
1d8+10 temporary hit points and a +2 enhancement
bonus to Strength for 10 minutes, though these bonuses
end immediately if the wielder sheathes the Muramasa
or attacks with a different weapon.
Construction Requirements Cost 15,175 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death knell, enervation,
keen edge

Ronin Blade Price 35,837 gp air subtype are unaffected by this attack.
Slot none CL 7th Weight 6 lbs. Construction Requirements Cost 35,837 GP
Aura moderate transmutation Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cloak of windsAPG, river
The length of this undecorated +1 katana is dotted with pits of wind

and marks, and its sharp edge is lined by a permanent, dark RODS
crimson stain. The blade grows stronger when the wielder
faces multiple opponents. For every two opponents that Cane of Butterflies Price 28,800 gp
the wielder threatens that his allies do not, a ronin blade is
Slot none CL 9th Weight 2 lbs.
considered to have an additional +1 enhancement bonus Aura moderate transmutation
to attack and damage (to a maximum additional bonus of
+4). Once per day, whenever the wielder of a ronin blade This magical brass-tipped bamboo walking stick is
would be reduced below 0 hit points, he may continue to topped with a bone grip carved to resemble a twisting
act as though he had the ferocity ability. swarm of butterflies. The hollow handle is hides a small
secret compartment filled with dried lotus blossoms.
Construction Requirements Cost 35,000 GP When the owner of the cane taps the brass tip three
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater magic weapon, times upon the ground, it begins to radiate a dim
creator must have the ferocity ability
lavender glow that sheds dim light in a 120-foot radius.
Stalking Serpent Price 17,340 gp This effect lasts for 1 hour or until dismissed by again
rapping three times on the ground. In addition, three
Slot none CL 12th Weight 12 lbs. times per day the user can rap the cane four times to
Aura strong divination
magically change the owner’s appearance from young
This +1 heartseekerUE flying bladeUC is engraved with to old. This effect is purely illusory, as if using disguise
markings that make it resemble a humanoid face, self; however, if the wielder expends all three uses of
though colored in the hues of a naga’s scales. The wielder this power at once she can instead adopt a different age
of a stalking serpent does not take the usual penalty on category as if using threefold aspectAPG. As a side effect,
attack rolls for wielding a flying blade, though the attack whenever the canes user activates one of its powers, the
roll bonus on attacks of opportunity does apply, and its cane gives off the scent of lotus blossoms.
critical threat range is increased when used to make
attacks of opportunity, as if it were a keen weapon. Once per day, the user can use the cane to summon
a swarm of butterflies. Doing so requires the cane’s
Construction Requirements Cost 8,670 GP owner to prepare it by placing a small handful of dried
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death knell, divine favor, lotus blossoms into the handle. The cane’s owner can
true seeing command the butterflies to swarm a single target within
300 feet. The swarm completely obscures victim’s sight,
Typhoon Fan Price 35,837 gp including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5
Slot none CL 9th Weight 1 lb. feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance).
Aura moderate evocation Creatures farther away have total concealment (50%
Each of the half-dozen banana palm leaves are woven miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate
together to create this +1 fighting fan are as strong and the target).
sturdy as steel. Three times per day, a typhoon fan can Beyond obscuring the target’s sight the butterfly
create a massive torrent of wind as a swift action when its swarm is relatively harmless, unless the swarmed
wielder attacks with it using the attack action, creating victim attempts to injure or hurt the butterflies. Anyone
a 5-foot diameter line of wind that starts in the attacked attempting to injure the butterflies is itself transformed
creature’s square and moves away from the typhoon into a butterfly as baleful polymorph (DC 18 Fortitude
fan’s wielder. Any creature caught within this line takes negates). A successful save makes that creature immune
4d6 points of nonlethal damage and is knocked prone. to this effect for 24 hours.
A successful DC 16 Fortitude save halves the damage
Construction Requirements Cost 14,400 GP
and prevents being knocked prone. Creatures under the
Craft Wondrous Item, baleful polymorph, summon
effect of freedom of movement and creatures with the swarm, threefold aspectAPG

Rod of the Monkey King Price 25,300 gp Additionally, the wielder can attempt to control
Slot none CL 13th Weight varies the actions of a creature that she has paralyzed
Aura strong transmutation with a rod of shadow puppetry as a standard
This simple, iron rod is made in the likeness of action. As a move action, she can direct one
the sacred weapon of Sun Wukong and is caped such creature to take one move or standard action
with a golden band at each end with an inscription of her choice on her turn as though the creature
that reads “The Compliant Rod.” When in this state, wasn’t paralyzed. This action must be purely
the rod is the size of a sewing needle and weighs physical; she cannot force the creature to cast spells
nothing. While in this form, the wielder gains a +4 or spell-like abilities or use any supernatural abilities
bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the that require activation. The creature continues to
weapon. take this action until its directions are changed or
When the wielder issues the command word, a rod until it cannot do so anymore. If the creature is
of the monkey king grows in size to suit the wielder’s commanded to do something obviously harmful to
needs, becoming a club, greatclub, or quarterstaff itself, it immediately receives a new saving throw
appropriately sized for its wielder. The wielder with a +10 bonus.
chooses what kind of weapon that the rod of the Construction Requirements Cost 30,000 GP
monkey king transforms into and in this state, the rod Craft Rod, hold monster, marionette possessionUM
of the monkey king is a +1 impact weapon of the chosen
kind. Additionally, a rod of the monkey king can be
further commanded to extend as a swift action, giving
its wielder a reach of 10 feet, 15 feet, or 20 feet for 1 Circlet of the Imperial Dragon
round. While the rod is extended, the wielder does not Price 18,000 gp
threaten adjacent creatures or creature up to 10 feet
Slot headband CL 8th Weight 1 lb.
away if the wielder’s reach is 15 feet or 15 feet away if Aura moderate enchantment
the wielder’s reach is 20 feet.
Construction Requirements Cost 12,650 GP This green jade circlet is formed in the likeness of
Craft Rod, bull’s strength, lead bladesAPG, major a coiled imperial dragon biting its own tail and
creation is inlaid with shards of pure dragon horn. The
wearer is able to speak and understand Draconic
and gains darkvision 60 feet and immunity to the
Rod of Shadow Puppetry Price 60,000 gp frightful presence of imperial dragons. In addition,
Slot none CL 12th Weight 2 lbs. as a standard action the wearer may activate frightful
Aura strong enchantment presence similar to that of an imperial dragon in a
This simple, bamboo rod is dyed black using an ink 30-foot radius. The save DC of this frightful presence
perfected by the wayangs that causes it to absorb light is determined by the wearer’s Hit Dice and Charisma
and cast no shadow. Three times per day, the wielder modifier. The wearer can use this frightful presence
of a rod of shadow puppetry can paralyze a creature for for a number of rounds per day equal to his Charisma
10 rounds as a standard action by touching the rod to modifier. These rounds need not be continuous. In
its shadow. A DC 17 Will save negates this effect and a addition, a wearer with a ki pool can extend this
creature that failed its saving throw can attempt a new duration as a free action by expending one point from
saving throw as a full-round action each round to end his ki pool for each additional round. The construction
the condition. of this circlet makes the wearer vulnerable to the mental
influence of imperial dragons, however, affecting her as
mind fog (no saving throw) when interacting with them.
Construction Requirements Cost 9,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must speak Draconic,
darkvision, fear

Clothes of the Ever-Ready Explorer Feathered Mat of Paradise Price 5,400 gp
Price 2,500 gp Slot none CL 5th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura faint necromancy
Slot body CL 9th Weight 5 lbs.
Aura moderate transmutation Woven from red silk and brightly colored plumage of
a rare and magical fairy bird, this small sleeping mat
This set of sturdy, lightweight clothing is spun from provides it owner with a more restful slumber. In order
darkleaf cloth and consists of a shirt, a set of trousers, to use the mat, its must first be attuned to its owner
and a set of undergarments with a matching, visually who must perform a meditative trance upon the mat
pleasing aesthetic. In addition, you can also attune a set for 1 uninterrupted hour each day for 30 consecutive
of footwear (including magic items that occupy the foot days. Once attuned to its owner, every four hours of
slot) with the clothes by wearing them together for at uninterrupted sleep counts as an 8-hour sleep period
least 1 hour. By speaking a command word while the for the purpose of regain spells or class abilities and
entire set of clothing is worn, the wearer can transform recovering hit points, ability damage, as well as for
the clothes of the eveready explorer into any outfit, recovering from diseases, poisons, or other afflictions.
granting the wearer all mundane benefits that such an The mat can only be attuned to a single owner and
outfit provides, such as a cold-weather outfit’s bonus only the attuned owner gains the magical benefits from
on Fortitude saves against exposure to cold weather. resting on it. He cannot share the mat’s benefits with
The clothes (and any footwear that is attuned to them) others
are capable of gaining new articles of clothing and
accessories (including cleats), losing articles of clothing Construction Requirements Cost 2,700 GP
and accessories, or altering its current form to improve Craft Wondrous Item, nap stackAPG
its tactile and environmental comfortness. As part of
speaking the command word, the wearer determines all Ghost Food Price 800 gp
physical aspects of the clothes of the eveready explorer, Slot none CL 3rd Weight 8 lbs.
including its color and style. A set of clothes of the Aura faint necromancy
eveready explorer cannot create or destroy jewelry and This pitted iron pot has handles on each side and
it cannot transform into any set of clothing whose is sealed by a tight lid. Removing the lid unleashes
combined cost exceeds 1,000 gp. the wretched stench of molding, rotten food. This
If removed, the clothes of the eveready explorer meal, once comprised of rice, vegetables, and meat, is
maintain their current form, but a wearer must wear an unsuitable for living humans but is nearly irresistible to
entire set of clothes of the eveready explorer when she the undead.
speaks the command word or it fails to activate. If the To activate a pot of ghost food, the user removes the lid
wearer is in an antimagic field or a similar effect, the and stirs the foul concoction three times. Any undead
clothes retain their current form but cannot be activated creatures that come within a 40-foot radius of the ghost
to change their appearance again until the wearer leaves food is compelled to go to the pot and begin feasting.
the antimagic field. Mindless undead receive no Will save to resist the effect
Construction Requirements Cost 1,250 GP and ignore all other creatures in the interests of feasting.
Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate They will not take self-destructive actions to reach the
pot, such as walking through a cliff or into a fire, but will
get as close as they can and wait until they can safely eat
or the effect ends.
Intelligent undead receive one Will save (DC xx) to
resist the draw of the ghost food; if they succeed, they are
unaffected. Otherwise, they are drawn to the pot same
as mindless undead are, though if blocked from the feat
intelligent undead are allowed a new save each round
to resist.

A pot of ghost food contains 30 units of rotting Ki Capstan Price 20,000 gp
sustenance. Each Medium or smaller-sized undead Slot none CL 11th Weight 200 lbs.
consumes one unit of ghost food per round, while larger Aura moderate transmutation
undead consume an additional 2 units of food per This octagonal capstan must be mounted on a ship to
size category above Medium. Regardless of its size, an function. Once installed, it allows the sailors aboard to
undead creature becomes sated after eating the ghost channel their inner strength to power the vessel. Up to 8
food for 4 rounds and is no longer subject to its enticing creatures can push the capstan at once, and for each hour
effect. Once all the ghost food is gone, the effect ends and they turn it they can imbue 1 point from their personal
the undead can sense other creatures nearby as normal. ki pool into the ki capstan. If the ki capstan holds at least
If left uneaten, the effects of a pot of ghost food persist 10 ki points, any creature with a ki pool can touch it and
for 24 hours before the magic is lost and the food rots command the ship to move at up to one-half its normal
to ashes. Before being activated, ghost food does not rot oared or sailed speed, whichever is less. If the capstan
any further than it already has. contains at least 20 ki points, it can cause the ship to move
Construction Requirements Cost 400 GP at full speed. Each hour of ki movement drains 1 point
Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, hide from undead from the ki capstan if moving at half speed or 2 points if
moving at full speed. In addition to causing the ship to
Ink Set of Shifting Price 6,000 gp move, any creature touching a ki capstan can expend its
own ki to help the ship evade harm, granting the ship a +4
Slot none CL 8th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate enchantment dodge bonus to AC or a +4 bonus on a saving throw as an
immediate action. A creature can also use the ki capstan
This small wooden box contains an ink stone, six to help the ship maneuver by expending one point of ki
bamboo-handled brushes with different shaped tips, and to grant a +4 bonus on any Profession (sailor) check to
an ink stick formed from animal fat and soot fashioned the character steering the ship. A ki capstan can store up
into the shape of a blossoming orchid. The ink is of the to 80 points of ki at a time. If the ki capstan is removed
finest quality and absolutely silent when ground. When from the ship, all stored ki is lost.
used to create an ink wash painting, the painter may Construction Requirements Cost 10,000 GP
imbue any words written within finished work with the Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (ships) 5 ranks, Profession
ability to shift and change their meaning in response to a (sailor) 5 ranks, creator must have a ki pool
specific gesture or command word as designated by the
painter. The ink is often used to hide cryptic messages Kimono of Honored Ancestors Price 26,700 gp
that reveal themselves through patterns of motion or Slot chest CL 7th Weight 4 lbs.
stories in common parables. A newly crafted ink stick Aura moderate divination
has enough ink to create 20 messages.
Skilled embroidering depicts stylized trees branching
Construction Requirements Cost 3,000 GP along the edges of this one-layer white silk kimono. Once
Craft Wondrous Item, illusory script per day, the wearer of a kimono of honored ancestors can
spend 10 minutes in focused meditation to receive a
benefit of guidance and/or of knowledge from wisdom
of the wearer’s ancestors.
For guidance, the wearer may ask one specific
question about any topic that the wearer is involved in
directly, but the spirits can’t answer questions about
any subjects that will occur more than a week in
the future. The answers given are always accurate,
but the spirits may be cryptic, vague, or answer
in riddles, preferring to lead the wearer to think
carefully on the answer.
For knowledge, the wearer may be influenced by
their ancestors and gain a +2 competence bonus
to any two skills of the wearer’s choosing.

A samsaran using a kimono of honored ancestors
accesses fragments of their past lives and receives advice Effect Charges Perform check CL
from their own older, wiser selves. When a samsaran
shield* 1 DC12 1st
receives guidance, he or she gains a +2 competence
bonus for 24 hours on any skill check or non-combat- magic missile* 1 DC13 1st
related roll that is directly related to the question kinetic reverberation 1 DC14 3rd
asked. Additionally, when used by a samsaran to gain cloak of winds* 2 DC15 5th
knowledge, the competence bonus on two skills is shout 2 DC16 7th
increased to +4. sonic thrust 3 DC18 9th
Construction Requirements Cost 13,350 GP blade barrier* 4 DC20 11th
Craft Wondrous Item, divination Construction Requirements Cost 23,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (instrument-making),
Koto of Ki Shards Price 46,000 gp blade barrier, cloak of windsAPG, magic missile, kinetic
reverberationUC, shield, shout, sonic thrust UM
Slot none CL 11th Weight 7 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
Crafted from light, fine-grained wood the body of this
slender, 6-foot long zither is strung with 13 strings Malicious Skull Price 52,000 gp
stretch across adjustable sliding bridges. The instrument Slot none CL 8th Weight 3 lbs.
is designed to be played horizontally by plucking the Aura moderate enchantment
strings set of fingerpicks carved from the beaks for The top of this human skull has been sawed off such that it
hawksbill turtles, and can be either set upon a stand or can be open and shut like a cooking pot. The inside of the
laid across the performer’s lap. skull is black with soot and grease, and gives off the scent
When played by an accomplished performer, a koto of incense. While the skull appears as some sort of incense
of ki shards is capable of producing devastation sonic burner, it carries a curse. Whenever any non-evil creature
effects. All effects created by the performance are attempts to burn incense within the skull, all intelligent
created by the manipulation of sound and therefore creatures it begins spewing noxious vapors and any non-
gain the sonic descriptor if they don’t already have it. In evil creatures within a 60-foot-radius become filled with a
order to create specific effects, the performer must be fury and begin attacking the nearest creature (friend or foe)
of the appropriate caster level as list on the table below. as if confused. Should any one attempt to extinguish the
The performer then makes a Perform skill check, the vapors—such as by pouring water over the skull, it stops
difficulty of which is determined by the effect desired. smoldering for 1d4 rounds before erupting into a 60-foot
In the event the performer fails the performance check, cloud of noxious vapor. Any creatures within the cloud must
the power doesn’t work and the effects associate charges succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or become stricken with a
are spent. Characters with a ki pool can instead choose hideous and painful flesh rash. This is a supernatural disease
to expend daily uses of Ki instead of using charges when effect that deals 1d3 points of Dexterity damage with each
attempting to coax sonic effects from the instruments failed save, though a single successful save cures the disease.
with a performance. Again, the performer must expend Construction Requirements Cost 26,000 GP
the ki point(s) to attempt to create the effect and the Ki Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, contagion
is spent whether or not the performance succeeds. The
koto of ki shards must have at least one charge remaining
in order for a performer to utilize Ki.
A koto of ki shards can only hold seven charges, once
expended the instrument must be recharged as per the
rules for recharging staves. Ki points cannot be used to
recharge a koto of ki shards.

Monkey’s Head Charm Price 13,500 gp
Slot none CL 12th Weight —
Aura strong enchantment [evil]
This withered, shrunken monkey head possesses two
crude limbs that jut from within the monkey’s hollow
skull and can be set to cover the simian’s eyes, head,
or mouth. A monkey’s head charm counts as a thrown
weapon with a range of 10 feet that deals 1d4 points
of bludgeoning damage plus the user’s Strength to an
opponent on a successful hit. A monkey’s head charm
can be magically enhanced as though it were a thrown
Once per day, during an attack or full-attack action,
the wielder of a monkey’s head charm can speak a
command word as a free action that causes it to erupt
Master’s Bowl Price 4,400 gp with wild, cacophonous chatter and screeching, causing
all creatures within 30 feet of the square that the monkey’s
Slot none CL 3rd Weight 1 lb. head charm is currently in to become flat-footed and
Aura faint transmutation
take a –4 penalty on Reflex saves and initiative checks. A
This simple, unadorned metal bowl made is from successful Will save negates these effects. Additionally,
an alloy most resembling polished brass. When the if the monkey’s head talisman successfully hit a creature
rim of the bowl is lightly rubbed with a cloth covered as part of this attack, it deals an additional 4d6 points of
mallet it creates a perfect tone capable of aiding allies bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage as it wildly
by temporarily aligning all their thoughts into a single bites the struck target. A creature that is damaged in
universal and communal thought, providing all allies this way becomes permanently blinded or deafened
within 60 feet a +2 bonus to any Will saves for as long or permanently gains the caster croak spellblightUM; a
as the tone is being produced. While the bowl may successful DC 16 Fortitude save negates this condition.
be played as often as desired it can only produce the This condition is a curse effect.
meditative tone once per day. Properly producing the
Construction Requirements Cost 6,600 GP
tone requires the individual playing the bowl to make
Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness, steal voice UM,
a successful DC 10 Perform check for the first minute. unprepared combatantUM
Thereafter, producing the tone becomes more difficult
requiring a new Perform check each round, with the
DC of each new check increasing by +1. Once the check
fails, the tone becomes non-magical and cannot produce
another meditative tone for the next 24 hours regardless
of the duration the tone was produced. Similarly, if the
bowl player’s performance is interrupted, he loses the
ability to re-create the magical effect until the next day.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,200 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, aspect of the nightingaleISG

Noh Mask of the Shapechanger Price varies If an ability granted by a noh mask of the shapechanger
(Alter self (2,400 gp), beast shape I (6,000 gp), beast shape has a daily use limitation (such as the breath attack
II (11,200 gp), beast shape III (18,000 gp), beast shape IV granted by form of the dragon I), any uses of that ability
(26,400 gp), form of the dragon I (26,400 gp), form of the while transformed into that specific, individual form
dragon II (36,400 gp), form of the dragon III (48,000 gp), using either the mask’s powers or the change shape
giant form I (36,400 gp), giant form II (48,000 gp), vermin
ability count towards that ability’s daily limit.
shape I (18,000 gp), vermin shape II (26,400 gp))
Construction Requirements Cost varies:
Slot head CL 5th Weight — alter self (1,200 gp), beast shape I (3,000 gp), beast shape II (5,600
Aura faint transmutation gp), beast shape III (9,000 gp), beast shape IV (13,200 gp), form of
the dragon I (13,200 gp), form of the dragon II (18,200 gp), form of
Each of the hundreds of kinds of noh masks of the the dragon III (24,000 gp), giant form I (18,200 gp), giant form II
shapechanger is keyed to a specific spell from the (24,000 gp), vermin shape I (9,000 gp), vermin shape II (13,200 gp)
polymorph subschool and the mask itself is carved from Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph, creator must be able
cypress wood in the shape of a specific creature whose to cast the mask’s keyed polymorph spell
form can be assumed by the mask’s keyed spell. This spell
is chosen by the mask’s creator and cannot be changed. Papercraft Sheet Price 6,750 gp
While the mask is worn, the wearer can transform into Slot none CL 10th Weight —
the specific creature depicted by the mask for up to 5 Aura moderate transmutation
minutes per day, functioning as the mask’s keyed spell. A papercraft sheet is 1 square foot sheet of ornate
These minutes don’t need to be consecutive, but they parchment that is specifically designed for origami. A
must be spent in 1-minute increments. character with ranks in Craft (sculpting) can create any
If the wearer possesses the change shape ability, she nonmagical item or equipment from a papercraft sheet,
can use change shape to transform into the specific so long as the item weighs no more than 40 lbs. and
creature depicted by the mask instead of one of her its price is equal to or less than 4,500 gp. In order to
usual form choices. As with any other use of change create a papercrafted object, a character must succeed
shape, the wearer doesn’t gain the ability score bonuses on a Craft (sculpting) check against the item’s Craft DC.
of her new form unless her true form is smaller than
Small or larger than Medium, as detailed by the
polymorph subschool rules in the spell description
section of Chapter 9 in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Core Rulebook. Otherwise, this ability functions as the
chosen polymorph spell.
When transforming into a creature using a noh mask
of the shapechanger, the wearer transforms into a generic
creature of the mask’s kind with the exact features
depicted by the mask. If the mask has particularly
outlandish creatures, the bonus on Disguise checks that
the wearer gains from the polymorph spell to appear as
that specific creature is reduced to +5. The creator of a
noh mask of the shapechanger can spend an additional
1,250 gp in special pigments mixed with a piece of an
individual creature’s body in order to paint the mask
with a perfect recreation of that individual creature’s
face; this requires a DC 20 Craft (paintings) check. If
the check is successful, the mask perfectly
resembles that individual creature,
allowing the wearer to use the noh
mask to transform into that individual creature instead
of a generic creature of the mask’s kind. This choice
must be made when the noh mask of the shapechanger
is first created.

Objects created from a papercraft sheet function as in fire for 1 round. Any creature that strikes the wearer
mithral versions of their kind, yet because they have with a melee attack while the robe is enshrouded in
been crafted from folded paper they weigh half as flames takes 1d6+10 points of fire damage. A successful
much and are vulnerable to fire damage; fire damage DC 16 Reflex save negates the damage. A creature
deals its full damage plus 50% to a papercraft object. attacking with a reach weapon isn’t subjected to this fire
Objects created from papercraft sheets can be enhanced weapon. This ability can be used for up to 10 rounds
and crafted into magic items by a character with the each day. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.
appropriate item creation feats. Construction Requirements Cost 18,700 GP
Craft Wondrous Item endure elements, fire shield, resist energy
Construction Requirements Cost 5,625 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, creator must have at Samisen of the Seven Spheres
least 10 ranks in Craft (sculpting) Price 47,000 gp
Slot none CL 9th Weight 2 lbs.
Prayer Scroll Amulet Price 40,000 gp Aura moderate transmutation
Slot neck CL 9th Weight —
Aura moderate necromancy This traditional eastern string instrument
possesses seven strings rather than the
Contained within this cylindrical peachtree usual three, each tightly pulled across a
wood capsule is a small scroll filled with slab of darkwood. A samisen of the seven
sacred marks and signs. The capsule spheres can be strummed at will to create
hangs on a chain around the neck of the up to seven tangible music notes, as solid
wearer and provides protection against note, that last for 7 rounds. A samisen of
the devastating attacks of the undead. the seven spheres cannot have more than
Any undead creature attempting to one septuplet of solid notes in effect at one
directly attack the wearer, even with time. If the samisen of the seven spheres is used
a targeted spell, must attempt a DC 17 in this manner again, any existing solid notes
Fortitude save. If failed, the undead creature immediately end.
cannot follow through with that attack and that Once per day, a character that is trained in Perform
part of its action is lost. If the save succeeds, the (string) can use a samisen of the seven spheres to create
undead can attack normally, but any negative real objects with the instrument’s power. This
levels dealt by the attack are absorbed by the functions as though the character had cast fabricate,
prayer scroll amulet instead. The wearer is not substituting a Perform (string) check for any Craft
protected from any additional effects of these or Spellcraft check required by the spell. You must
attacks. provide the desired item’s original materials in
A prayer scroll amulet can absorb a total of 40 order to use a samisen of the seven spheres in this
negative levels before the cylinder cracks and the manner, which costs the same amount as the
scroll inside crumbles and all protection is lost. raw materials required to craft the item that you
Construction Requirements Cost 20,000 GP wish to create. Alternatively, you can use this ability
Craft Wondrous Item, sanctuary, spawn wardARG to generate 7 free Labor capital for use towards a single
downtime activity that you perform each day, if using
the downtime rules from Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Robe of the Fire Rat Price 37,400 gp Ultimate Campaign.
Slot body CL 7th Weight 5 lbs. Construction Requirements Cost 23,500 GP
Aura moderate abjuration Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, solid noteAPG, creator
This blazing crimson robe is woven from the hair and must possess 10 or more ranks in Perform (string)
fur of creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire. A robe
of the fire rat is immune to fire damage and grants its
wearer fire resistance 20. Furthermore, it protects the
wearer from temperatures up to 140 degrees without
needing to make Fortitude saves. As a swift action, the
wearer can speak a command word to shroud the robe

Sovereign Lungguang Price 180,000 gp Sugegasa of Rising Waters Price 21,200 gp
Slot none CL 17th Weight – Slot head CL 7th Weight 1 lb.
Aura strong transmutation Aura moderate conjuration
This regal crown is constructed from the overlapping The woven reeds of this intricate conical reed hat
scales of a young sovereign dragon held in place by (called a douli, do’un, or caping of rising waters in some
jade fasteners. While wearing a sovereign lungguang, cultures) smell faintly of saltwater and the brim’s edges
the wearer gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and sonic are painted with a continuous pattern of a rolling great
resistance 15. Three times per day, the wearer can use wave. The wearer of a rising waters sugegasa can tread
the sovereign lungguang to transform into an imperial across the surface of water as if it were normal ground,
dragon, functioning as form of the dragon III except the as if affected by a water walk spell.
wearer gains one gore attack instead of two wing attacks; By removing the sugegasa and speaking the command
this attack deals 1d6 damage if the wearer takes the form word, it can transform into a wide, circular raft capable
of a Medium dragon, 1d8 damage if the wearer takes the of holding up to four Medium creatures. The raft can
form of a Large dragon, or 2d6 damage if the wearer move up to 30 feet on the water and can be transformed
takes the form of a Huge dragon and the breath attack back into a sugegasa with the command word.
gained from this transformation deals sonic damage. Construction Requirements Cost 10,600 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation, water walk
Construction Requirements Cost 90,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, form of the dragon III, resist
energy, shield of faith MAGICAL TEAPOTS
Spiritworld Flute Price 43,200 gp
These exquisitely crafted teapots come in shapes and
Slot none CL 10th Weight 2 lbs. designs typical to the region of the crafter and allow a
Aura moderate enchantment
spellcaster to imbue tea with additional medicinal or
Fashioned from a 4-foot length of thick bamboo finished spiritual properties, which can then be shared with small
with deep red lacquer and painted with traditional groups of up to six individuals, as part of a ritualized tea
characters, this transverse flute is played by resting it ceremony. To use the teapot, a spellcaster casts the base
across the shoulder. Once per day the flute’s owner may spell upon it while the tea is brewing which transfers
use it to create a haunting and mystic drone capable of some of its spell effect to the tea. Magical teapots are
blurring reality and forcing those within range of the keyed to specific spells usually grouped by a theme
tone to make a DC 15 Will save against its effect or be such as healing or courage. A magical teapot can only
forced to pass through the spirit realms. For the next transfer keyed spells and any attempt to transfer a non-
1d4 rounds the individual turns ethereal where they keyed spell fails and is spent for the day.
immediately face the wrath of a swarm of angry spirits. Once the brewed tea is blessed, it may be consumed
When the duration ends, individual returns to the hot as part of a ceremony thereafter transferring the
Material Plane with the shaken condition and unable keyed spell effect to all imbibers like a potion. If the not
to clearly recall anything that occurred during last 5 consumed as part of a ceremony or the tea turns cold,
minutes as per the modify memory spell. it loses its magical properties. Similarly, the brewed tea
Construction Requirements Cost 21,600 GP cannot hold the spell effect for more than 10 minutes,
Craft Wondrous Item, blink, fear, modify memory even if kept hot by magical means. While one may
brew as much tea as desired in the magical teapot,
only a single batch of ceremonial tea can be enchanted
within 24-hour period and further attempts only yield
mundane tea.
Physical Properties: Teapots are small, spouted
vessels capable of holding no more than six cups of
water. They can be made of clay, ceramic, or cast iron
and a handle protruding from the side or back, or a
swing handle arching over the top.

Teapot of Inner Flame Price 4,800 gp Teapot of Serenity Price 4,800 gp
Slot none CL 8th Weight 1 lb. Slot none CL 8th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate enchantment Aura moderate abjuration
This black cast iron teapot is embossed with the stylized An elaborate green and white crackled glaze highlights
image of a lung dragon encircling the basin, as if the otherwise plain smooth, round teapot. Its small lid is
chasing its own tail. When used to brew tea as part of a topped with a single white bead of glass while a smooth
traditional tea ceremony, a spellcaster can imbue the tea handle twists gently out of the back. When used to brew
prepared in the pot with one of the following magical tea as part of a traditional tea ceremony, a spellcaster
effects. can imbue the tea prepared in the pot with one of the
life pact: as per the base spell with a duration of 1 hour.
following magical effects.
replenish ki: all imbibers gain +1 temporary Ki point sacred bond: all imbibers become connected to the
which lasts for the next 4 hours. teapot’s owner who for the next hour can heal them
remove fear: all imbibers gain a +2 moral bonus with any healing spell or power he possesses, at will,
against fear for 1 hour. within a range of 100 feet.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,400 GP sanctuary: all imbibers gain +4 temporary hit points
Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (pottery) 5 ranks, imbue but the damage of their attacks decreases as if they were
with spell ability one size category smaller.
unbreakable heart: all imbibers gain +1 morale bonus
on saving throws against mind-affecting effects that rely
Teapot of the Mountain Price 4,800 gp on negative emotions (such as crushing despair, rage,
Slot none CL 8th Weight 1 lb. or fear effects) or that would force him to harm an ally
Aura moderate abjuration (such as confusion) for 1 hour.
Fashioned from red clay finished with light gray glaze, Construction Requirements Cost 2,400 GP
this side-handled teapot has the image of a mountain Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (pottery) 5 ranks, imbue
painted on the side with crisp, bold strokes implying with spell ability
the work of the emperor’s scribe. When used to brew
tea as part of a traditional tea ceremony, a spellcaster
can imbue the tea prepared in the pot with one of the
following magical effects.
endure elements: all imbibers gain the ability to
endure heat and cold conditions as per the base spell for
a duration of 12 hours.
resistance: all imbibers gain a +1 resistance bonus to
all saves for 1 hour.
stone fist: all imbibers have their fists harden into
stone transforming their unarmed strikes into natural
attacks that deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage for 1 hour.

Construction Requirements Cost 2,400 GP

Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (pottery) 5 ranks, imbue
with spell ability

Construction Requirements Cost 40,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, detect undead, endure elements,
holy smite, scintillating pattern, see invisibility, summon
monster I, zone of truth

Lucky Mallet Minor Artifact
Slot none CL 20th Weight 4 lbs.
White Peacock Crown Price 80,000 gp Aura strong evocation

Slot head CL 15th Weight 1 lb. This unassuming +1 light mace is crafted entirely from
Aura strong abjuration, divination, evocation, and wood and is inscribed with the holy (or unholy) symbol
illusion of a specific deity that grants the Luck domain. Each
This ornate headpiece is crafted of white gold, inlaid such deity has created a single lucky mallet, and it travels
with lapis lazuli and spangled with dozens of jewels. around the world, bringing fortune to those that find
Similar to a helm of brilliance, this item is bejeweled it. Three times per day, the wielder of a lucky mallet
with enchanted stones that hold magical powers. A can request a miracle from this deity, functioning as
newly crafted white peacock crown holds 10 sapphires, the spell, either by striking the ground or an object as a
20 emeralds, 30 blue topaz, and 40 pearls. standard action or by striking a creature as swift action
• Sapphire: scintillating pattern that is made as part of an attack action. The wielder
• Emerald: holy smite (5d8 (10d6 vs. evil outsiders), DC 18) cannot make any requests that requires powdered
• Blue topaz: zone of truth (DC 16) diamond as a material component with this miracle. If
• Pearl: see invisibility the miracle is requested as part of an attack, the attack
Until its jewels are depleted, the white peacock crown must successfully hit the target and all effects produced
has the following magical properties: by the miracle only target that creature. Each time that
• The wearer can detect shapechangers at will. This a lucky mallet is used to evoke a miracle, there is a 25%
functions as detect undead but reveals creatures chance per miracle used during that day that the lucky
with the shapechanger subtype. 6 mallet will vanish in the middle of the night, similar to
• The wearer may command any weapon he wields a deck of many things when all of the deck’s cards are
to become a bane weapon against outsiders with drawn.
the shapechanger subtype and also suppresses the Destruction
regeneration of outsiders with the oni subtype. This If a lucky mallet is cursed with a major curse by 8 priests
is in addition to whatever abilities the weapon may of different deities (or different alignments), it shatters
already have (unless it already has this property). the next time its miracle power is called upon and the
This command takes 1 round to take effect and wielder is affected by a major curse (caster level 20th).
lasts 1 minute.
• The crown provides continuous endure elements.
Once all jewels have lost their magic, the crown loses
its powers and the gems turn to worthless powder.
Removing a jewel destroys it. Unlike a helm of brilliance,
the white peacock crown provides no fire resistance and
cannot explode as a result of fire damage.

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19 LG191JR08

Treasury of the Orient

The Riches of the Exotic East!

Treasury of the Orient brings you over 30 magical items ideal for Asiatic explorers, transcontinental
caravans, and any campaigns set in the exotic East. Exotic woods and jade, ivories and silks, the
treasures of the Asian lands are carved, embroidered, and embellished with a beauty to match
form with function. Whether crafted to maximize tranquil contemplation or to bring elegance to
bloody executions, craftsmanship is devoted in equal measure to the appearance of an item as to its
mechanical effects. Whether PCs are themselves native to Asian-inspired fantasy kingdoms or are
outlanders venturing into strange and foreign kingdoms and empires in search of wealth and glory in
a land far from that of their birth, they may wrest these treasures from the dusty tombs of exiles and
emperors, uncover them in the kami-haunted spirit-forests that blanket the land, or wrest them from
the hoards and hands of oni, bakemono, weretigers, nagas, and wingless sovereign dragons. This tome
contains items perfect for followers of the paths of peace or the ways of war, from the teapot of serenity
and feathered mat of paradise to the stalking serpent, typhoon fan, and beheading blade. There are items
of great practical utility like the ink set of shifting, ki capstan, and samisen of the seven spheres, from
the simple alchemical kokowai salve up to the divine artifacts known as the lucky mallets. Some items
carry great power but potential danger, like the malicious skull and the circlet of the imperial dragon,
while others bring great beauty alongside deadly efficiency, like the sovereign lungguang, kimono of
the honored ancestors, rod of the monkey king, and the biting blade of ten thousand blossoms. From the
sublime artistry of the cane of butterflies and the rod of shadow puppetry to the simple brutality of the
bloodthirsty blade, your heroes are going to love what they find in the Treasury of the Orient.

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