Tratos Fey

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Fey Types

Different fey can offer different things. Unlike devils, fey lack
a strict hierarchy, so they have been arranged into four broad
categories; Wild Fey, Minor Fey, Major Fey and Archfey. Some
of the fey listed are found in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
(MTF) and Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGM) . The catagories
listed here aren’t strict so feel free to assign fey as you see fit.
After all, fey take many forms, who’s to say that pixie isn’t an
archfey in disguise?
Wild Fey
Some fey do not make bargains either because they lack the

intelligence, cannot communicate or have no interest in Even if rescued,
bargaining with mortals. These include blink dogs, madcaps the enthralled mortal cannot
(VGM), meenlocks (VGM), yeth hounds (VGM), and the endure leaving the Feywild; finding
animalistic fey spirits summoned by the conjure animals the material plane a harsh and sickening place.
spell. Fey will only ask for you to become enthralled if they’re in a

strong negotiating position. If the fey cannot have all of you
Minor Fey then they might settle for a piece of you such as a lock of your
Sometimes called the wee folk, these more diminutive fey hair or your firstborn child. Fey, being chaotic creatures,
lack the great powers commanded by major fey but are delight in contradiction and paradox, thus enjoy taking things
nonetheless powerful in their own right. Their craftiness, that no one should be able to take like your shadow or your
stealth and sheer number make them valuable allies and memories.
incredibly irksome enemies. Minor fey include boggles
(VGM), darklings (VGM), pixies, quicklings (VGM), and Amusement
sprites. The interests of the fey are manifold and often change on a
whim, but above all other things the fey seek amusement.
Major Fey
The abilities of major fey are a step above those of minor fey,
especially when they gather together in courts and covens.
They possess powerful sorcery, long-forgotten magic items,
ancient knowledge, innumerable enchanting talents, and a
Unfortunately for mortals, the fey can have a very strange
sense of humour. Their idea of what’s amusing can swing
wildly between the benign and the sadistic. A fey might ask
for anything between a small prank and a kidnapping
depending on their alignment and mood.
very strange sense of humour. Major Fey include dryads,
eladrin (MTF), hags, korreds (VGM), and satyrs. Fealty (Archfey)
Archfey have schemes which stretch the length and breadth
Archfey of reality. Mortal servants can often be useful, even essential,
The lords and ladies of the fey, archfey command not only the to furthering their plans. A mortal may demonstrate their
power of a demigod but also whole courts of lesser fey fealty to an archfey by leading a mystery cult devoted to the
creatures. Few things are beyond there power; making both archfey. Such cults typically centre around wild celebrations
the prize and price of there bargains costly indeed. Examples or dark sacrifices depending on the archfey in question. A

of archfey include the Prince of Frost; the Queen of Air and character can also enter into an agreement to serve the
Darkness, ruler of the Gloaming Court; Titania of the archfey as a warlock. Such a character must take at least one
Summer Court; her consort Oberon, the Green Lord; level in the warlock class, choosing the Archfey as their
Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools; and ancient hags. otherworldly patron.

What Fey Want Taken by the Fairies


A character who has been enthralled by a fey

Fey have little interest in wealth or material goods, unless of becomes unquestioningly loyal; they obey all
course they think depriving someone of such things would be commands given by their fey master without
funny. Anyone who attempts to pay the fey in gold or jewels hesitation. When they’re not acting on orders from
will be met with laughter. These are what the fey truly desire: their fey master, the enthralled character enters a
dreamy, childlike state. While in this state they are
You incapacitated. They will only act to avoid harm or
Fey find nothing more entertaining than putting mortals return to their master. The character gains a level of
under their enchantments. Wicked fey enjoy having docile exhaustion for each day they spend outside the
servants to torment. More benevolent fey delight in keeping Feywild.
enthralled mortals as pets. Either way, the enchanted mortal A character enthralled by a minor fey can be cured
has no say in the matter. Those taken by the fey become by the remove curse spell. A character enthralled
content to live forever, glassy-eyed and delirious, by their by a major fey can only be cured by the greater
master’s side. restoration spell. A character enthralled by an
archfey can only be cured by a wish spell.

Fey Requests Major Fey Requests
Roll on or choose from the appropriate fey table to determine d20 Request
their request. These tables are intended to be inspirational 1 Give me your first-born child.
and to give an idea of what the fey want. Feel free to add your
own requests or use ones from different tables to raise or 2 Give me your voice. Characters who choose this will
be rendered mute.
lower the stakes.
3 Give me your sense of hearing.
Minor Fey Requests
4 Give me three spells of my choice. Characters who
d20 Request agree to this lose there ability to cast these three
1 Give me your hair. Characters who agree to this will spells, they cannot be relearned.
become permanently bald. 5 Give me your face. You’ll get a new one of course but

2 Give me a tooth. the experience isn’t pleasant.
3 Give me the colour from your eyes. 6 Give me your name. You and anyone who knows you
will forget it. Any written references to it will be lost
4 Give me the colour from your hair. over time.
5 Give me your sense of taste.

7 Give me a language you speak; this cannot be
6 Give me your sense of smell. relearned.
7 Give me your shadow. 8 Give me your skill. The fey takes three of your tool,
weapon, or skill proficiencies; these cannot be
8 Give me your reflection. relearned.
9 Give me a daily offering of food, equal to the amount 9 Give me a treasured memory; this cannot be recalled.
you eat, for a year and a day. Just leave it out in the
open, I'll find it. 10 Tell me your deepest secrets.
10 Throw away a silver coin into the nearest convinant 11 Replace a new-born baby with a fey child before the
body of water every day for a year and a day. next full moon. Do what you want with the baby but
never tell it its origins or return it to its parents.

11 Give me a year of your life, or about 1% of your life
expectancy if you’re of a long-lived race.
12 Give me your ability to distinguish between ropes
and serpents.
12 Destroy a temple which occupies former fey territory
before the next full moon.
13 Disguise a beggar as the local lord or lady and
convince their court that they’re the real one before
13 Speak only in rhyme until the next full moon. the next full moon.
14 Replace a statue at the local temple with a statue of 14 Steal the treasure hoard of a dangerous monster then
me before the next full moon. throw it all down a well.
15 Tar and feather an important official before the next 15 Hide near a wishing well and fulfil the wish of the
full moon. next child who throws in a coin.
16 Kidnap a sleeping noble and set them adrift on a river 16 Write a tale or song that promises riches to anyone
before the next full moon. who follows its directions and perform it at every inn

you visit. Anyone who follows these directions will

17 Sneak nine hundred and ninety-nine ferrets into the become lost in the Feywild.
home of a local wizard before the next full moon.
17 Get a goat elected as the mayor of a nearby town
18 Glue a local monster to the ceiling of its lair without before the next full moon.
harming it in any other way before the next full
moon. 18 Disguise yourself as a monster and scare travellers at
a crossroad. Keep doing this until the next full moon
19 Dig up all a framer’s crops and replant them on the without getting caught.
other side of the village before the next full moon.

19 Take this iron flask (see "Magic Items" in chapter 7

20 Kick the kingdom’s highest-ranking priest in the rear of the Dungeon Master's Guide) and open it in the
before the next full moon. middle of a city. Magic does not reveal its contents.
20 Take care of my blink dog until the next full moon.
Treat it well and don’t let it escape.

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