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3 As Scientific Streams 2020

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‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SCIENTIFIC STREAMS 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Common streams
Time devoted: 3 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner must produce written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

1- Ill Gotten Gains never prosper (Ethics in Business)

2- Safety First (Advertising, Consumers and safety)
3- It’s a Giant Leap for Mankind (Astronomy and the Solar system)
4- We are a Family (Feelings, emotions, Humour and related topics)

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SCIENTIFIC STREAMS 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Topics and Targeted Learning Assessment and

Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Theme Competency Objectives Remediation
- Making a public - Expressing condition: providing The tasks should be made 1- Assessment should
Interactive statement that/provided that/as long as. more communicative occur at regular intervals 8
Unit 1 : providing opportunities for during the sequence and weeks
“Ill Gotten - Expressing - Past wish, present wish, future speaking. For instance, at the end of the
Gains Never Interpretive wishes wish (desire) performing dialogues using sequence in addition to 24
Prosper” the target functions designated exam periods hours
- Writing an - Advising: had better/not, should such as : agreeing, 2- After 3/4 weeks of
Productive opinion article If I were you, I would... disagreeing, contrasting, teaching, learners must
- Ethics in expressing opinions be trained on how to
Business - Agreeing/ - Expressing desire: it’s high time, through writing newspaper mobilize their resources
disagreeing on the it’s about time. articles, debating, role-play, and reinvest them in a
issue of ethics in writing a charter, designing problem-solving
- fighting fraud, business - I totally agree, I agree but…, I a poster. situation, through pair
corruption and totally disagree... work or group work
money - Writing a policy
laundering statement - Cause/effect relationship
phrase+ that)

- Review of the passive form

- Making concessions

- Pronunciation of final “s”
Project Example: Writing a charter of ethics in business. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SCIENTIFIC STREAMS 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Topic and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Theme Competency Remediation
- Making hypotheses - May, Might, Could, Can The tasks should be made more 1- Assessment should occur
about future changes. used to express hypotheses. communicative providing at
- Interact orally - arguing for/against an - Dependent prepositions. opportunities for speaking. regular intervals during the 8 weeks
issue -Reporting statements, - Designing pie charts/ graphs/ sequence and at the end of
- interpreting, reacting questions and orders posters the sequence in addition to 24 hours
Unit 2 : - interpret an oral to and creating an - Present simple - Writing an argumentative designated exam periods
Safety First message / written advert - because, since, as, speech 2- After 3/4 weeks of
message - Writing a report for a because of,... - Prescribing a set of safety teaching, learners must be
consumers’ magazine - as a result, rules trained on how to mobilize
Advertising, - Writing a dialogue on consequently, - creating commercials their resources and reinvest
consumers and -produce a written pros and cons on therefore,… them in a problem-solving
safety message advertising Expressions of situation, through pair work
- Writing a letter of concession. or group work.
complaint - Expressions of certainty
- Making a survey on and doubt.
the impact of - Imperatives.
advertising on Algerian (positive/negative)
consumers - Vocabulary related to -
adverts and holidays.
- Opposite items related to
consumption and safety.
- Word stress / syllable

Project Outcome Example: Making a survey on the impact of advertising on Algerian consumers. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SCIENTIFIC STREAMS 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Topic and Theme Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
Unit 3 : “It’s a Interactive 1- Make suppositions - Review of the 1- Whole class discussion. 1- Assessment should occur
Giant leap for and set hypotheses. conditionals: unless, if+ 2-Sentence ordering at
Mankind” 2- Compare and not, etc. 3- Reference questions regular intervals during the 6 weeks
“Astronomy and Interpretive contrast. - Expressing similarities 4- Inference questions sequence and at the end of
the Solar System” 3- Use the metric and differences: whereas, 5- Information transfer the sequence in addition to 18 hours
system. while, like, unlike, etc. 6- Cohesion (reference) designated exam periods
productive 4-Predict the content - Vocabulary related to 7- sentence ordering 2- After 3/4 weeks of
of a text from the astronomy teaching, learners must be
headline. *If-conditional: type 2,3 1. Brainstorming trained on how to mobilize
5-Identify main ideas. - Word formation 2. Selecting relevant ideas and their resources and reinvest
6-Read and Affixation drafting them in a problem-solving
comprehend an article -Vocabulary related to 3. Using cohesive devices to situation, through pair work
about astronomy. dimensions, size and express: or group work.
1- Use deductive and weight. Cause/effect
concessive reasoning Phonology: Purpose
to write a short article. -Silent letters (review) Contrast
3. Editing

Project Outcome Designing an astronomy booklet (a short presentation of the history of space travel, ID cards about two major planets in our solar system, a short
imaginary dialogue with a famous astronomer). Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SCIENTIFIC STREAMS 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Topic and Theme Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
Unit 4 : - Interact orally *Developing * Present simple *Ordering statements as they 1- Assessment should occur
“We are a Family” - interpret an understanding of the *Past simple, past perfect occur in an interview at 6
Feelings, Emotions, oral message / concept of humour * Simple past, present With an humourist regular intervals during the weeks
Humour and written message * raising awareness of perfect. *Responding to a letter (writing sequence and at the end of
related topics -produce a others’ *Enjoy/like/dislike +gerund a letter of advice) the sequence in addition to 18
written message thoughts and feeling *I’d rather do… * Writing a newspaper article designated exam periods hours
*Raising awareness I’d rather do …than… about feelings and emotions 2- After 3/4 weeks of
about the importance I’d prefer …to… *Listening to a lecture about teaching, learners must be
of emotions/ feelings *Should, ought to, if I were friendship and ordering the notes trained on how to mobilize
for the development you * Re-ordering paragraphs to get their resources and reinvest
of the individual *articles: omission before a coherent public statement. them in a problem-solving
* Developing abstract nouns ( love, anger, situation, through pair work
understanding of the humour …) or group work.
expression of feelings *Quantifiers: a lot of, a great
across different deal of , few, little, some of
cultures and societies us , all of us …
*Exploring the *each other, one another
concepts of friendship, *forming adjectives from
love , patriotism , nouns with: -ful , -ic, -ous
generosity , courage *forming nouns with: -
*Forming verbs with -en
-Pronunciation of final “ed”

Project Outcome Writing a booklet coping with strong emotions. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

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