Chapter-2 - Group6

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Chapter 2

Research Design and Methodology

The researchers utilizes quantitative research through diagnostic research design in order for the
researcher to look and evaluate the underlying cause of a specific topic or phenomenon. This method
helps one learn more about the factors that create troublesome situations. 

The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the
social world. Quantitative research is used by the researchers, including communication researchers to
observe phenomena or occurrences affecting individuals. Researchers are concerned with the study of
people. Quantitative research is a way to learn about a particular group of people, known as a sample
population. Using scientific inquiry, quantitative research relies on data that are observed or measured to
examine questions about the sample population. The results of quantitative research specify an
explanation into what is and is not important, or influencing, a particular population. Quantitative research
also provides answers to questions about the frequency of a phenomenon, or the magnitude to which the
phenomenon affects the sample. (Mike Allen, 2017).

Population and Local of the Study

With a number of 50 students from various year levels as our respondents, the research that will be
conducted with the students of the University of the Cordilleras, College of Criminal Justice Education
will be in the form of a convenient sampling method through various social media platforms.
The research conducted will be through an online survey with the questionnaire containing, 35 questions.
Majority of the researchers are residing outside the city of Baguio, Benguet, therefore for convenience
purposes the questionnaires that will be distributed online will be conducted on the 25th of April, 2021.

Data Gathering Instrument

In this research, the researchers will gather data through surveys. The researchers will provide
questionnaire to 150 respondents, which are students of the University of the Cordilleras College of
Criminal Justice Education (UC-CCJE) particularly, those who have undergone the ROTC Program. The
questionnaires will be disseminated through online platforms as it is due to the fact that personally
distributing survey questionnaires is onerous on the side of the researchers due to the COVID-19
Pandemic Virus.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher made a letter for the approval to conduct the study. In designing their questionnaire in
order to satisfy the intended respondent, the researchers allocated vigorous time, commitment and
cooperation. The survey was generated using relevant questions adapted from similar research and the
researchers' individual questions. The purpose of the study and the instructions for responding to the
questionnaire were clarified to the respondents before the questionnaires were administered. The
procedure for distributing questionnaire to the respondents is the giving of survey questions individually.
Majority of the answers of the respondents is tallied collected and serve as the part of the procedure.

Treatment of Data

In the analysis of the data, questionnaire data will be analyze in accordance with thematic frame
analysis. The research where trying to find out something about people's views, opinions, knowledge,
experiences or values. This allow for themes to emerge from the data, alongside analyzing pre-existing
concepts suggested by the researcher (such as differences effect of ROTC). Analysis of questionnaire will
be considered; however, in view of the identical research question and predefined themes explored, this
appeared to produce little more than formal value.
While maintaining awareness of this context, data will be analyzed. Analysis will involve the
recorded interviews using questionnaire, and familiarization with the data through multiple readings of the
copies. Analysis will be undertaken manually. The transcript data will be combined and charted into the
table so that each key point contained details of each participant’s response. Interpretative analysis
involved grouping together similar key points will be applied to identify continual themes which revealed
attitudes towards the impact of ROTC among the criminology student of University of Cordillera.

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