Word Formation: A Morphological Analysis: English Department, Santo Thomas University
Word Formation: A Morphological Analysis: English Department, Santo Thomas University
Word Formation: A Morphological Analysis: English Department, Santo Thomas University
1 – April 2014
New words are required not only to increase our vocabulary but also to create new sentences.
New words are acquired by the process of word formation which can be done in several ways. One of
the most commonly used ways to form new words is affixation either through prefixation or
suffixation. Confixation or infixation is hardly ever used and is evidenced in the Indonesian
Language. Other methods of word formation include coining, clipping, blending, acronym, and
compounding. A difficulty arises when one has to decide which morpheme comes first, if he
encounters a word with bound morphemes at both sides, since the two bound morphemes are not
simultaneously attached to the root. Confixation occurs when morphemes are bounded both ends of
the root simultaneously. Confixation can be seen in the Indonesian language.
Viator Lumban Raja
meaning are assumed to be the words of a because they are not closely related in
language, then {un-} has the same meaning in meaning.
unlikely, untouchable,and unchangeable as it
has in undesirable because they all consists of How is a word developed?
two units of meaning: {un-} + desirable,
likely, touchable, changeable (Fromkin and We will have a limited number of
Robert, 1974: 103). However, {un-} is not a sentences if there are no new words
word because it cannot stand by itself. produced. This means that not all our needs
Although it constitutes a certain meaning, it can be expressed by a limited number of
can only be meaningful if it is attached to words. New words can be developed from
another word. Therefore, a word should be existing words or invented due to
distinguished from a morpheme. A word technological advancement. According to
must be a morpheme, that is a free Akmajian, et.al (1991: 21-24) new words can
morpheme, but a morpheme is not be formed by coining and compounding.
necessarily a word like in the example above Whereas Rachmadie 91985: 48-67) adds that
“undesirable”, {un-} is not a word but a words can also be formed by blending,
morpheme, a bound morpheme, which never clipping, and through acronyms. But the most
occurs on its own but it is always attached to commonly used way used to form new words
another morpheme. So, “undesirable” is one is affixation.
word but it has three morphemes.
Bauer (1983: 12-13) shows the 1. Affixation
difference between word form and lexeme.
The word form “shot” is a form of the lexeme Affixation is a process of attaching an
“shoot”. Likewise, the words “shoots”, affix to the root either to the left side or right
“shooting” and “shot” are all the from the side of the root. When an affix is attached to
lexeme “shoot”. In other words, it can be said the end of the root or to the right side of the
that the words, shoot, shoots, shooting and root, it is called a suffix. For example, free + {-
shot are all subsumed under the lexeme dom} - freedom. When an affix is attached
shoot. to the front of the root or the left side of the
Todd (1987: 49) states that we can root, it is called a prefix. For example, {dis-}+
isolate four of the most frequently implied continue discontinue. Prefixes and suffixes
meaning of “word”: the orthographic, the are affixes attached to the bases or to various
morphological, the lexical, and the semantic combinations of the morphemes
word. An orthographic word is one which has (Wardhaugh, 1977: 84). Wardhaugh further
a space on either side of it. For example, He states that English does not use infixes, the
had a book. There are four words in this nearest equivalent being the kind of situation
sentence because each has a space on either that occurs in the plural of man men. In
side of it. A morphological word is a unique general, suffix changes the category of the
form which considers only form not meaning. word, except those of inflectional
The word “table”, for instance, is one morphemes. Whereas hardly any prefix
morphological word, but “tables” are two changes the category of the word.
morphological words. A lexical word covers
the various forms of items which are closely {dis-} + continue (verb) discontinue (verb)
related by meaning. Thus, take, takes, taking , good (adjective) + {-ness} goodness (noun)
took, taken, are five morphological words but free (adjective) + {-dom} freedom (noun)
only one lexical word. This is really similar to leep (verb) + {-y} sleepy (adjective)
what Bauer (1983) defines as lexeme and {un-} + true (adjective) untrue (adjective)
word form. A semantic word involves
distinguishing between items which may be From the examples above, it can be seen that
morphologically identical but have a different suffixes change the category of the word,
meaning. The word table , for instance, can while prefixes do not. However, there is a
refer to a piece of furniture or to a schedule. prefix which can change the category of the
Thus, they belong to the same morphological word, that is the prefix {en-}.
word but they are also two semantic words {en-} + danger (noun) endanger (verb)
{en-} + rich (adjective) enrich (verb)
Vol. 14 No. 1 – April 2014
ke benar an ke benar an
If we are faced with successive
peripheral constituents on both sides of the
ke benar an root, we have two ways to analyze, (1) by
analyzing the meaningful relationship, and
X (2) by studying the structural parallels (Nida,
1949: 89). By meaningful relationship it can
be decided that in (1a) {-ment} as a modifier
The description in the middle is the correct of disagree, meaning “being disagreed”, or in
one because the confix {ke – an } should come (1b) {dis-} + agreement, meaning “no
together to the root “benar”, then we have agreement”. Likewise, in example (2a) {ful-}
kebenaran. There is no “kebenar”, then suffix functions as a modifier of “disgrace”, meaning
{-an} is attached, nor “ benaran”, then prefix “full of disgrace”; or in (2b) {dis-} + graceful,
{ke-} is attached to it. Because of the meaning “not graceful”. Whereas by
existence of confixation in Indonesian, words structural parallels, we have to compare
are not formed by adding a prefix then a various types of combination with {dis-} and
suffix or vice versa. {-ment}, and {dis-}{ and {-ful}.
The prefix {dis-} mostly occurs with a
On the contrary, confixation is not found noun and a verb, and the resultant
in English. It is sometimes difficult to decide combination remains such disagree, discolor,
which affix is attached to the root first if a disrespect, etc. They remain as verbs since the
word has affixes on both sides. Look at this prefix {dis-} does not change the category of
example below. the word. Although the prefix {dis-} may
Viator Lumban Raja
occur with a noun, it is not productive like forming new words. Since confixation is not
{dis-} + harmony disharmony. Whereas known in English, one has a difficulty to
the suffix {-ment} occurs with verb, and the determine how a word with bound
resultant combination is a noun such as morphemes on both sides of the root is
agreement, repairment, attonment, formed. A question may arise which
endowment, employment, etc. The suffix {- morpheme is firstly attached, the prefix or
ment} changes the category of the word to the suffix. The prefix and the suffix cannot be
which it is attached. Likewise, in example simultaneously attached because confixation
(2a) the suffix {-ful} occurs with the noun and is not available in English.
the resultant combination is an adjective such
as careful, tasteful, beautiful, handful, etc. In
other words, the suffix {-ful} changes the
category of the word to which it is attached.