Consistency of One-Class SVM and Related Algorithms
Consistency of One-Class SVM and Related Algorithms
We determine the asymptotic limit of the function computed by support
vector machines (SVM) and related algorithms that minimize a regu-
larized empirical convex loss function in the reproducing kernel Hilbert
space of the Gaussian RBF kernel, in the situation where the number of
examples tends to infinity, the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel tends
to 0, and the regularization parameter is held fixed. Non-asymptotic con-
vergence bounds to this limit in the L2 sense are provided, together with
upper bounds on the classification error that is shown to converge to the
Bayes risk, therefore proving the Bayes-consistency of a variety of meth-
ods although the regularization term does not vanish. These results are
particularly relevant to the one-class SVM, for which the regularization
can not vanish by construction, and which is shown for the first time to
be a consistent density level set estimator.
1 Introduction
Given n i.i.d. copies (X1 , Y1 ), . . . , (Xn , Yn ) of a random variable (X, Y ) ∈ Rd ×{−1, 1},
we study in this paper the limit and consistency of learning algorithms that solve the fol-
lowing problem: ( n )
1X 2
arg min φ (Yi f (Xi )) + λk f kHσ , (1)
f ∈Hσ n i=1
where φ : R → R is a convex loss function and Hσ is the reproducing kernel Hilbert space
(RKHS) of the normalized Gaussian radial basis function kernel (denoted simply Gaussian
kernel below):
′ 1 −k x − x′ k2
kσ (x, x ) = √ d exp , σ>0. (2)
2πσ 2σ 2
This framework encompasses in particular the classical support vector machine (SVM) [1]
when φ(u) = max(1 − u, 0). Recent years have witnessed important theoretical advances
aimed at understanding the behavior of such regularized algorithms when n tends to infinity
and λ decreases to 0. In particular the consistency and convergence rates of the two-class
SVM (see, e.g., [2, 3, 4] and references therein) have been studied in detail, as well as the
shape of the asymptotic decision function [5, 6]. All results published so far study the case
where λ decreases as the number of points tends to infinity (or, equivalently, where λσ −d
converges to 0 if one uses the classical non-normalized version of the Gaussian kernel in-
stead of (2)). Although it seems natural to reduce regularization as more and more training
data are available –even more than natural, it is the spirit of regularization [7, 8]–, there
is at least one important situation where λ is typically held fixed: the one-class SVM [9].
In that case, the goal is to estimate an α-quantile, that is, a subset of the input space X of
given probability α with minimum volume. The estimation is performed by thresholding
the function output by the one-class SVM, that is, the SVM (1) with only positive exam-
ples; in that case λ is supposed to determine the quantile level1 . Although it is known that
the fraction of examples in the selected region converges to the desired quantile level α [9],
it is still an open question whether the region converges towards a quantile, that is, a region
of minimum volume. Besides, most theoretical results about the consistency and conver-
gence rates of two-class SVM with vanishing regularization constant do not translate to the
one-class case, as we are precisely in the seldom situation where the SVM is used with a
regularization term that does not vanish as the sample size increases.
The main contribution of this paper is to show that Bayes consistency can be obtained for
algorithms that solve (1) without decreasing λ, if instead the bandwidth σ of the Gaussian
kernel decreases at a suitable rate. We prove upper bounds on the convergence rate of the
classification error towards the Bayes risk for a variety of functions φ and of distributions P ,
in particular for SVM (Theorem 6). Moreover, we provide an explicit description of the
function asymptotically output by the algorithms, and establish converge rates towards this
limit for the L2 norm (Theorem 7). In particular, we show that the decision function out-
put by the one-class SVM converges towards the density to be estimated, truncated at the
level 2λ (Theorem 8); we finally show that this implies the consistency of one-class SVM
as a density level estimator for the excess-mass functional [10] (Theorem 9).
Due to lack of space we limit ourselves in this extended abstract to the statement of the main
results (Section 2) and sketch the proof of the main theorem (Theorem 3) that underlies all
other results in Section 3. All detailed proofs are available in the companion paper [11].
Let (X, Y ) be a pair of random variables taking values in Rd × {−1, 1}, with distribu-
tion P . We assume throughout this paper that the marginal distribution of X is absolutely
continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure with density ρ : Rd → R, and that is has
a support included in a compact set X ⊂ Rd . We denote η : Rd → [0, 1] a measurable
version of the conditional distribution of Y = 1 given X.
The normalized Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) kernel kσ with bandwidth parame-
ter σ > 0 is defined for any (x, x′ ) ∈ Rd × Rd by:
1 −k x − x′ k2
kσ (x, x′ ) = √ d exp ,
2πσ 2σ 2
The minima of the three risk functionals defined above over their respective domains are
denoted by R∗ , Rφ,σ
and Rφ,0∗
respectively. Each of these risks has an empirical counter-
part where the expectation with respect to P is replaced by an average over an i.i.d. sam-
ple T = {(X1 , Y1 ) , . . . , (Xn , Yn )}. In particular, the following empirical version of Rφ,σ
will be used
∀σ > 0, f ∈ Hσ , R bφ,σ (f ) = 1 φ (Yi f (Xi )) + λk f k2Hσ .
n i=1
The main focus of this paper is the analysis of learning algorithms that minimize the em-
pirical φ-risk regularized by the RKHS norm R bφ,σ , and their limit as the number of points
tends to infinity and the kernel width σ decreases to 0 at a suitable rate when n tends
to ∞, λ being kept fixed. Roughly speaking, our main result shows that in this situation,
bφ,σ asymptotically amounts to minimiz-
if φ is a convex loss function, the minimization of R
ing Rφ,0 . This stems from the fact that the empirical average term in the definition of R
converges to its corresponding expectation, while the norm in Hσ of a function f decreases
to its L2 norm when σ decreases to zero. To turn this intuition into a rigorous statement, we
need a few more assumptions about the minimizer of Rφ,0 and about P . First, we observe
that the minimizer of Rφ,0 is indeed well-defined and can often be explicitly computed:
Second, we provide below a general result that shows how to control the excess Rφ,0 -risk of
the empirical minimizer of the Rφ,σ -risk, for which we need to recall the notion of modulus
of continuity [12].
Definition 2 (Modulus of continuity) Let f be a Lebesgue measurable function from Rd
to R. Then its modulus of continuity in the L1 -norm is defined for any δ ≥ 0 as follows
ω(f, δ) = sup k f (. + t) − f (.) kL1 , (3)
0≤k t k≤δ
Theorem 3 (Main Result) Let σ1 > σ > 0, 0 < p < 2, δ > 0, and let fˆφ,σ denote a
minimizer of the Rbφ,σ risk over Hσ . Assume that the marginal density ρ is bounded, and
let M = supx∈Rd ρ(x). Then there exist constants (Ki )i=1...4 (depending only on p, δ, λ, d,
and M ) such that, for any x > 0, the following holds with probability greater than 1 − e−x
over the draw of the training data:
r ! 2+p
[2+(2−p)(1+δ)]d 2+p
ˆ ∗ κ σ φ (0) 1 2+p
Rφ,0 (fφ,σ ) − Rφ,0 ≤ K1 L
λ σ n
r !2
κσ φ (0) 1 x
+ K2 L (4)
λ σ n
+ K3
+ K4 ω(fφ,0 , σ1 ) .
The first two terms in the r.h.s. of (4) bound the estimation error associated with the
gaussian RKHS, which naturally tends to be small when the number of training data
increases and when the RKHS is ’small’, i.e., when σ is large. As is usually the case in
such variance/bias splitings, the variance term here depends on the dimension d of the
input space. Note that it is also parametrized by both p and δ. The third term measures
the error due to penalizing the L2 -norm of a fixed function in Hσ1 by its k . kHσ -norm,
with 0 < σ < σ1 . This is a price to pay to get a small estimation error. As for the fourth
term, it is a bound on the approximation error of the Gaussian RKHS. Note that, once λ
and σ have been fixed, σ1 remains a free variable parameterizing the bound itself.
In order to highlight the type of convergence rates one can obtain from Theorem 3, let us
assume that the φ loss function is Lipschitz on R (e.g., take the hinge loss), and suppose
that for some 0 ≤ β ≤ 1, c1 > 0, and for any h ≥ 0, the function fφ,0 satisfies the
following inequality
ω(fφ,0 , h) ≤ c1 hβ . (5)
Then we can optimize the right hand side of (4) w.r.t. σ1 , σ, p and δ by balancing the four
terms. This eventually leads to:
2β !
Rφ,0 fˆφ,σ − Rφ,0 = OP
, (6)
for any ǫ > 0. This rate is achieved by choosing
− βǫ
σ1 = , (7)
2+β ǫ(2+β)
− 2β
2+β 1
σ = σ1 =2
, (8)
p = 2 and δ as small as possible (that is why an arbitray small quantity ǫ appears in the
Theorem 3 shows that minimizing the R bφ,σ risk for well-chosen width σ is a an algorithm
consistant for the Rφ,0 -risk. In order to relate this consistency with more traditional mea-
sures of performance of learning algorithms, the next theorem shows that under a simple
additionnal condition on φ, Rφ,0 -risk-consistency implies Bayes consistency:
Theorem 4 If φ is convex, differentiable at 0, with φ′ (0) < 0, then for every sequence of
functions (fi )i≥1 ∈ M,
lim Rφ,0 (fi ) = Rφ,0 =⇒ lim R (fi ) = R∗
i→+∞ i→+∞
This theorem results from a more general quantitative analysis of the relationship between
the excess Rφ,0 -risk and the excess R-risk, in the spirit of [13]. In order to state a refined
version in the particular case of the support vector machine algorithm, we first need the
following definition:
We are now in position to state a quantitative relationship between the excess Rφ,0 -risk and
the excess R-risk in the case of support vector machines:
Theorem 6 Let φ1 (α) = max (1 − α, 0) be the hinge loss function, and φ2 (α) =
max (1 − α, 0) , be the squared hinge loss function. Then for any distribution P with
low density exponent γ, there exist constant (K1 , K2 , r1 , r2 ) ∈ (0, +∞)4 such that for
any f ∈ M with an excess Rφ1 ,0 -risk upper bounded by r1 the following holds:
R(f ) − R∗ ≤ K1 Rφ1 ,0 (f ) − Rφ∗ 1 ,0 ,
and if the excess regularized Rφ2 ,0 -risk upper bounded by r2 the following holds:
R(f ) − R∗ ≤ K2 Rφ2 ,0 (f ) − Rφ∗ 2 ,0 ,
This result can be extended to any loss function through the introduction of variational
arguments, in the spirit of [13]; we do not further explore this direction, but the reader is
invited to consult [11] for more details. Hence we have proved the consistency of SVM,
together with upper bounds on the convergence rates, in a situation where the effect of
regularization does not vanish asymptotically.
Another consequence of the Rφ,0 -consistency of an algorithm is the L2 -convergence of the
function output by the algorithm to the minimizer of the Rφ,0 -risk:
This result is particularly relevant to study algorithms whose objective are not binary clas-
sification. Consider for example the one-class SVM algorithm, which served as the initial
motivation for this paper. Then we claim the following:
Theorem 8 Let ρλ denote the density truncated as follows:
2λ if ρ(x) ≤ 2λ,
ρλ (x) = (9)
1 otherwise.
Let fˆσ denote the function output by the one-class SVM, that is the function that solves (1)
in the case φ is the hinge-loss function and Yi = 1 for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Then, under the
general conditions of Theorem 3, for σ choosen as in Equation (8),
lim k fˆσ − ρλ kL = 0 .
An interesting by-product of this theorem is the consistency of the one-class SVM algo-
rithm for density level set estimation:
Theorem 9 Let 0 < µ < 2λ < M , let Cµ be the level set of the density function ρ at
bµ be the level set of 2λfˆσ at level µ, where fˆσ is still the function outptut by
level µ, and C
the one-class SVM. For any distribution Q, for any subset C of Rd , define the excess-mass
of C with respect to Q as follows:
HQ (C) = Q (C) − µLeb (C) , (10)
where Leb is the Lebesgue measure. Then, under the general assumptions of Theorem 3,
we have
lim HP (Cµ ) − HP C bµ = 0 , (11)
for σ choosen as in Equation (8).
The excess-mass functional was first introduced in [10] to assess the quality of density
level set estimators. It is maximized by the true density level set Cµ and acts as a risk
functional in the one-class framework. The proof ef Theorem 9 is based on the following
result: if ρ̂ is a density estimator converging to the true density ρ in the L2 sense, then
for any fixed 0 < µ < sup {ρ}, the excess mass of the level set of ρ̂ at level µ converges
to the excess mass of Cµ . In other words, as is the case in the classification framework,
plug-in estimators built on L2 -consistent density estimators are consistent with respect to
the excess mass.
+ Rφ,σ − Rφ,σ (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) (12)
+ [Rφ,σ (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) − Rφ,0 (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 )]
+ Rφ,0 (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) − Rφ,0 .
It can be shown that kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ∈ H√2σ1 ⊂ Hσ ⊂ L2(Rd ) which justifies the introduction
of Rφ,σ (kσ1 ∗fφ,0 ) and Rφ,0 (kσ1 ∗fφ,0 ). By studying the relationship between the Gaussian
RKHS norm and the L2 norm, it can be shown that
Rφ,0 fˆφ,σ − Rφ,σ fˆφ,σ = λ k fˆφ,σ k2 − k fˆφ,σ k2
L2 Hσ ≤ 0,
while the following stems from the definition of Rφ,σ :
Rφ,σ − Rφ,σ (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) ≤ 0.
Hence, controlling Rφ,0 (fˆφ,σ )−Rφ,0
boils down to controlling each of the remaining three
terms in (12).
• The second term in (12) is usually referred to as the sample error or estimation
error. The control of such quantities has been the topic of much research recently,
including for example [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 4]. Using estimates of local Rademacher
complexities through covering numbers for the Gaussian RKHS due to [4], the
following result can be shown:
Lemma 10 For any σ > 0 small enough, let fˆφ,σ be the minimizer of the R bφ,σ -
risk on a sample of size n, where φ is a convex loss function. For any 0 < p <
2, δ > 0, and x ≥ 1, the following holds with probability at least 1 − ex over the
draw of the sample:
r ! 2+p
[2+(2−p)(1+δ)]d 2+p
κ σ φ (0) 1 2+p
Rφ,σ (fˆφ,σ ) − Rφ,σ (fφ,σ ) ≤ K1 L
λ σ n
r !2
κσ φ (0) 1 x
+ K2 L ,
λ σ n
where K1 and K2 are positive constants depending neither on σ, nor on n.
• In order to upper bound the fourth term in (12), the analysis of the convergence of
the Gaussian RKHS norm towards the L2 norm when the bandwidth of the kernel
tends to 0 leads to:
Rφ,σ (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) − Rφ,0 (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) = k kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 k2Hσ − k kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 k2L2
≤ k fφ,0 k2L2
φ (0) σ 2
≤ .
• The fifth term in (12) corresponds to the approximation error. It can be shown that
for any bounded function in L1 (Rd ) and all σ > 0, the following holds:
k kσ ∗ f − f kL1 ≤ (1 + d)ω(f, σ) , (13)
where ω(f, .) denotes the modulus of continuity of f in the L1 norm. From this
the following inequality can be derived:
Rφ,0 (kσ1 ∗ fφ,0 ) − Rφ,0 (fφ,0 )
≤ (2λk fφ,0 kL∞ + L (k fφ,0 kL∞ ) M ) 1 + d ω (fφ,0 , σ1 ) .
4 Conclusion
We have shown that consistency of learning algorithms that minimize a regularized empir-
ical risk can be obtained even when the so-called regularization term does not asymptoti-
cally vanish, and derived the consistency of one-class SVM as a density level set estimator.
Our method of proof is based on an unusual decomposition of the excess risk due to the
presence of the regularization term, which plays an important role in the determination of
the asymptotic limit of the function that minimizes the empirical risk. Although the upper
bounds on the convergence rates we obtain are not optimal, they provide a first step toward
the analysis of learning algorithms in this context.
The authors are grateful to Stéphane Boucheron, Pascal Massart and Ingo Steinwart for
fruitful discussions. This work was supported by the ACI “Nouvelles interfaces des
Mathématiques” of the French Ministry for Research, and by the IST Program of the Eu-
ropean Community, under the Pascal Network of Excellence, IST-2002-506778.
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