CH 3 Worksheets-Practice Integumentary

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Worksheet Ch 3

New Combining Form,Prefix, and Suffix

Directions: For each new word part below, write out its meaning, then locate a term from the chapter that
uses the word part and its meaning.
Combining Forms Meaning New Term From Chapter Meaning
1. albin/o _______________ _______________ _______________
2. bi/o _______________ _______________ _______________
3. cry/o _______________ _______________ _______________
4. cutane/o _______________ _______________ _______________
5. cyan/o _______________ _______________ _______________
6. derm/o _______________ _______________ _______________
7. dermat/o _______________ _______________ _______________
8. diaphor/o _______________ _______________ _______________
9. electr/o _______________ _______________ _______________
10. erythr/o _______________ _______________ _______________
11. hidr/o _______________ _______________ _______________
12. ichthy/o _______________ _______________ _______________
13. kerat/o _______________ _______________ _______________
14. leuk/o _______________ _______________ _______________
15. lip/o _______________ _______________ _______________
16. melan/o _______________ _______________ _______________
17. myc/o _______________ _______________ _______________
18. necr/o _______________ _______________ _______________
19. onych/o _______________ _______________ _______________
20. pil/o _______________ _______________ _______________
21. phot/o _______________ _______________ _______________
22. py/o _______________ _______________ _______________
23. rhytid/o _______________ _______________ _______________
24. scler/o _______________ _______________ _______________
25. seb/o _______________ _______________ _______________
26. trich/o _______________ _______________ _______________
27. ungu/o _______________ _______________ _______________
28. vesic/o _______________ _______________ _______________
29. xer/o _______________ _______________ _______________

30. –derma _______________ _______________ _______________
31. –opsy _______________ _______________ _______________
32. –tome _______________ _______________ _______________

33. allo– _______________ _______________ _______________
34. xeno– _______________ _______________ _______________
Worksheet Ch 3
Medical Term Analysis
Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word
Building Table. Some may use word parts you have not learned yet. In those cases, use the Appendices to
translate those word parts. Analyze each term presented below and list and define the word parts used to
build each term.
Medical Term Word Part Analysis
1. cyanosis
2. dermatology
3. hyperemia
4. keratosis
5. hemangioma
6. albinism
7. carcinoma
8. ichthyosis
9. onychia
10. biopsy
11. cytology
12. dermatome
Worksheet Ch 3
Chapter Review
Anatomy and Physiology
1. The _______________ is the most superficial layer of the skin.
2. Sebaceous glands secrete _______________.
3. The subcutaneous layer is composed primarily of _______________ .
4. Another name for the skin is the _______________ membrane.
5. The accessory organs of the skin are the _______________, _______________, _______________, and
6. Sensory receptors are found in the _______________ layer of the skin.
7. _______________ is the pigment molecule that gives skin its color.
8. Hair and nails are composed of _______________.
9. The _______________ is the light-colored half-moon area at the base of the nail.
10. Sweat cools the skin by _________________.
Word Building
Directions: Build a term that means:
1. skin disease __________________________________________________________________________
2. black cell ____________________________________________________________________________
3. softening of nails______________________________________________________________________
4. oily discharge ________________________________________________________________________
5. scaly and dry skin _____________________________________________________________________
6. abnormal condition of hair fungus _______________________________________________________
7. abnormal condition of no sweat__________________________________________________________
8. pertaining to within the skin ____________________________________________________________
9. skin inflammation_____________________________________________________________________
10. hard skin ____________________________________________________________________________
For each of the numbered terms, place the correct definition, from the lettered list below, to the right side of
the lettered term
1. cicatrix
2. diaphoresis
3. ecchymosis
4. keloid
5. purulent
6. ulcer
7. vesicle
8. Kaposi’s sarcoma
9. decubitus ulcer
10. pediculosis
11. varicella
12. alopecia
13. furuncle
14. vitiligo
15. macule
16. fissure
17. scabies
18. biopsy
19. dermatoplasty
20. debridement
21. rhytidectomy
22. corticosteroid cream
23. antipruritic
24. MM
25. C&S
a. hypertrophic scar
b. remove tissue for diagnosis
c. open sore
d. reduces severe itching
e. lice infestation
f. mite infection
g. leukoderma
h. a scar
i. baldness
j. removal of dead tissue from a wound
k. lab test to identify bacteria
l. containing pus
m. crack-like lesion on the skin
n. bacterial infection of hair follicle
o. profuse sweating
p. powerful anti-inflammatory
q. chickenpox
r. blister
s. a bruise
t. cancer beginning in a melanocyte
u. flat discolored spot on the skin
v. skin cancer seen in AIDS patient
w. skin graft
x. face lift
y. bedsore
New Word Parts Practice
Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the spaces provided.
1. bi/o
2. cyan/o
3. kerat/o
4. lip/o
5. leuk/o
6. erythr/o
7. hidr/o
8. melan/o
9. necr/o
10. myc/o
11. seb/o
12. trich/o
13. xer/o
14. ungu/o
15. phot/o
16. py/o
17. scler/o
18. rhytid/o
19. albin/o
20. cutane/o
21. vesic/o
22. -opsy
23. -tome
24. allo-
25. xeno-
Practice Labeling Diagram
Directions: Label the structures of the skin.

Practice Labeling Diagram
Directions: Label the internal structures of the nail.

Word Building Practice
Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below.
1. surgical repair of skin
2. abnormal condition of no sweat
3. nail eating
4. pus forming
5. pertaining to nails
6. skin inflammation
7. study of skin
8. dry skin
9. hard skin
10. scaly and dry skin
11. red skin
12. oily discharge
13. abnormal condition of death
14. abnormal condition of excessive sweat
15. skin disease
16. skin specialist
17. pertaining to within the skin
18. pertaining to under skin
19. fat mass
20. black cell
21. removal of nail
22. surgical repair of wrinkles
23. abnormal condition of hair fungus
24. pus skin
25. white skin
Abbreviations Practice
Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands.
1. BCC
2. BX
3. C&S
4. decub
5. derm
6. FS
7. HSV
8. I&D
9. ID
10. MM
11. SCC
12. SG
13. SLE
14. STSG
15. subq
16. UV
Chapter Review
PART I: Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle/Highlight the correct answer.
1. A skin graft from one person to another is called a(n)
a. autograft.
b. homograft.
c. heterograft.
d. allograft.

2. The surgical procedure commonly called a face lift is a

a. rhytidectomy.
b. liposuction.
c. dermabrasion.
d. chemabrasion.

3. The viral skin infection commonly called German measles is

a. verruca.
b. varicella.
c. rubella.
d. scabies.

4. The sweat glands in the underarm and pubic area are called
a. sudoriferous glands.
b. sebaceous glands.
c. perspiration glands.
d. apocrine glands.

5. A skin discoloration or bruise caused by blood collecting under the skin is

a. ecchymosis.
b. erythema.
c. hirsutism.
d. acne.

6. Urticaria is the medical term for

a. ringworm.
b. lice.
c. hives.
d. ulcers.

7. The medical term for a dangerous form of skin cancer caused by an overgrowth of melanin-producing cells is
a. basal cell carcinoma.
b. Kaposi’s sarcoma.
c. malignant melanoma.
d. squamous cell carcinoma.

8. A burn that damages the epidermis and dermis causing redness and blisters is a
a. first-degree burn.
b. second-degree burn.
c. third-degree burn.
d. fourth-degree burn.
9. Build a medical term meaning softening of the nail.
a. onycophagia
b. rhytidoplasty
c. unguosis
d. onychomalacia

10. Which medication is used to treat bacterial infections?

a. antipruritic
b. antibiotic
c. antiseptic
d. antiparasitics

PART II: Matching

Directions: Match the term (numbered), with its definition(lettered).
1. fissure a. fungal infection
2. macule b. blister
3. abscess c. crack-like lesion
4. papule d. removal of lesion with a scraper
5. vesicle e. mite infestation
6. scabies f. flat discolored spot
7. tinea g. baldness
8. varicella h. collection of pus
9. alopecia i. small raised skin lesion

PART III: Abbreviations

Directions: Write the full meaning of the following abbreviations.
1. C&S
3. bx
4. I&D
5. derm

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