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Experiment on detection of monopole

charge radiation in vacuum electrodynamics

[email protected], website http://www.shipov.com

Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics relates the system’s charge radiation to dipole

nature [1]. This property of radiation is conditioned by the charge conservation law .
Meanwhile vacuum electrodynamics [2], where the particles’ charges and masses can be
variable, has got monopole charge radiation as well. Let us have a look at the solution
of vacuum equations [2]

∇[k eam] − eb [k T a|b|m] = 0, (A)

1 a 1
T am = (R m − g am R), (B.1)
ν 2

C abkm + 2∇[k T a|b|m] + 2T af [k T f|b|m] = −νJ abkm , (B.2)

which in non relativistic limit result in variable Coulomb-Newton potential and can
viewed as [2]:

Solution with variable Coulomb-Newton potential


1. Coordinates: x0 = u, x1 = r, x2 = θ, x3 = ϕ.
2. Components of Newman-Penrose symbols :

σ0i 0̇ = (0, 1, 0, 0), σ1i 1̇ = (1, U, 0, 0), σ0i 1̇ = ρ(0, 0, P, iP ),

σi00̇ = (1, 0, 0, 0), σi11̇ = (−U, 1, 0, 0), σi01̇ = − (0, 0, 1, i),

U (u) = −1/2 + Ψ0 (u)/r, P = (2)−1/2 (1 + ζζ/4), ζ = x2 + ix3 ,

Ψ0 = Ψ0 (u).
3 . Spinor components of the torsion field (Ricci rotation coefficients):

ρ = −1/r, α = −β = −α0 /r, γ = Ψ0 (u)/2r2 ,

µ = −1/2r + Ψ0 (u)/r2 , α0 = ζ/4.

4. Spinor components of the Riemannian tensor:
∂Ψ0 1
Ψ2 = Ψ = −Ψ0 (u)/r3 , Φ22 = Φ = −Ψ̇0 (u)/r2 = − .
∂u r2
Here we used the designations, introduced by E.Newman and R.Penrose in [3].

In quazi-Cartesian coordinates from the solution (1) the Riemannian metric, created
by variable charge Q(t), will be written as
! !
2 e 2Q(t) 2 2 e 2Q(t)
ds = 1 − 2
c dt − 1 + (dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 .) (2)
m rc m rc2
In quazi inertial reference system the relativistic motion equations of a prob charge e
will be presented as [2]

d2 xi e i dxj dxk
= E , (3)
ds2 mc2 jk ds ds
where E i jk = − c2 g im (ajm,k + akm,j − ajk,m ) -is intensity of the strong electromagnetic
field, gik = ηik + kaik - the metric of vacuum electrodynamics, ηik = η ik = diag(1 −
1 − 1 − 1) –the metric tensor of pseudo-Euclidean space, k = e/m specific charge of
a prob particle with a charge e and mass m as well as aik –tensor potential of the
electromagnetic field in vacuum electrodynamics [2].
Using the metric (2), we find from (3) nonrelativistic three-dimensional motion

d2 xα α α dx
m 2 = −eE 00 − eE α0 , α, β... = 1, 2, 3, (4)
dt cdt

c2 αα Q(t)
E α00 = η a00,α = − 3 xα (5)
2 r
presents Coulomb field of variable charge Q(t), and

c2 αα 1 ∂Q
E αα0 = − η aαα,0 = (6)
2 r c∂t
- is a scalar electric field, created by the charge variable in time (monopole radiation).
Let us write the motion equations (4) in vector form

dv v ∂Q(t)
m = eE − e . (7)
dt cr c∂t
From equations (7) we can see that the scalar field causes the force, which acts
only upon moving charges. The direction of action of this force depends upon the
velocity vector v of the prob charge. The monopole radiation decreases with distance
slower, than the Coulomb field, and, perhaps, has got higher permeability! The value
of monopole radiation depends upon the magnititude of the charge Q(t) as well as upon
the speed of change of the charge ∂Q(t)/∂t meanwhile the field’s sign depends upon the
increase or reduction of the charge.
On can observe the scalar field S = ∂Q/rc∂t in the following simple experiment
( Fig. 1). The charged metal sphere, suspended on the string, is surrounded by a
ring conductor with electric current (the electric current might be connected via the

Figure 1: The principal scheme for the experiment on detection of monopole radiation
of a metal sphere

pendant). The circuit ring is equipped with a mirror, where the light ray points at.
The circuit ring should be placed around the sphere’s equator area, which in its turn
positioned perpendicular to the sphere’s axis aligned along the hanging string.
If the charge of the sphere does not vary in time, then we obtain the static Coulomb
field at large distances from the sphere and in the equations (7) the scalar field that
equals zero. If the key, connecting the charged sphere with the Earth, is switched
on, then the sphere’s charge varies. In this case the sphere will be surrounded by the
vector variable electric field (5) and the scalar field (6, which acts upon the charged ring
conductor. From equations (7) it follows that the force acting upon each minor element
of the conductor will be directed as tangent towards the conductor and against the
velocity of electron motion in the ring conductor. As a result there will appear angular
momentum force relatively the axis aligned along the hanging string and the conductor
should twist the string, while the ray of light should from equilibrium state ( fig. 1).
The change of the current’s direction in the ring conductor will correspondingly change
the direction of the string’s rotation and then the ray of light should deviate from the
equilibrium state in the opposite direction.

[1] Landau L., Lifshits E. Field Theory, Moscow, Nauka, 1973 (in Russian).

[2] Shipov G.I. A Theory of Physical Vacuum. A New Paradigm M.: GART, 1998,
p.312 (in English).

[3] Newman E., Penrose R. // J. Math. Phys. 1962. Vol. 3, No 3. P.566 – 587.

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