Anatomy Notes Week3

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Tissues: group of cells, similar in structure & perform same specific function.

Types of tissues...
1- Epithelial Tissue (covers body surface & organs - lines body cavities)
2- Connective Tissue (binds & supports body parts)
3- Muscular Tissue (contracts producing movement)
4- Nervous Tissue (responds to stimuli & transmits nerve impulses)

Embryonic Tissue...
. Germ layers:
- Endoderm
. Inner layer
. Forms lining of digestive tract and derivatives
- Mesoderm
. Middle layer
. Forms tissues as muscle, bone & blood vessels
- Ectoderm
. Outer layer
. From skin & neuroectoderm
Epithelium Characteristics...
. Consists almost entirely of cells
. Covers body surface & forms glands
. Has free & basal surface
. Specialized cell contacts
. Avascular
. Undergoes mitosis (capable of regeneration)

Functions of Epithelial...
. Protecting underlying structures
. Acting as barriers
. Permitting the passage of substances (O2 & Co2 are exchanged between
air & blood by diffusion through the epithelium in the lungs), They also act as
filter in kidney
. Secreting substances (Mucous glands, sweat glands are composed of
epithelial cell and secrete their products)
. Absorbing substances (The plasma membrane of certain epithelial tissues
contain carrier proteins, which regulate the absorption of materials)

Classification of Epithelia...
# According to thickness..
- Simple
^ Single layer of cells, with each cell extending from the basement membrane to
the free surface *Diffusion, secretes, filters and absorbs*

- Stratified
^ More than one layer of cells, named according to the shape of the cells in the
apical layer*Protection is major function*
Classification of Epithelia...
# According to thickness..
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
^ Appears stratified but not, 1 layer of cells attached to BM, Cells are short and tall
that extend to free surface

- Transitional
^ Cuboidal to columnar when not stretched & squamous when stretched

# According to shape..
- Squamous “Wider than tall, Flat, Diffusion & filters“
- Cuboidal “As tall as wide, Cube, Secerete & absorbs”
- Columnar“Taller than wide, similar to column, Secrete & absorbs”

Types of Epithelium...
Location: Glands / Function: Secretion
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium: single layer of cube-shaped cells attached to a BM
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium: two or more layers of cube-shaped cells
Functional Characteristics...
. Cell layers & shapes
- Diffusion, Filtration, Secretion, Absorption, Protection
. Cell surfaces
- Microvilli: Increase surface area absorption or secretion
- Cilia: Move materials across cell surface

. Cell connections
- Mechanically binds cells together
- Help form a permeability barrier
- Provides mechanism for intercellular communication
^To know more..
- Desmosomes (Disc shaped structures with adhesive glycoproteins that binds cells together and intermediate
filaments that extend in to the cytoplasm)

- Tight junctions (Holds cells together and form permeability barrier)

- Gap junction (Small specialized contact region between cells containing protein channels that aid intercellular
communication and allow ions & small molecules to pass from one cell to another)
Glands are secretory organs, composed primarily of epithelium, with a
supporting network of connective tissue.
Exocrine: have ducts
Endocrine: have no ducts
. Epithelial cells form them
. Production & secretion of needed substances
. Are aqueous (water-based) products
. The protein product is made in rough ER
- packed into secretory granules by Golgi apparatus
- released from the cell by exocytosis

Classification of Glands...
- By where they release their product
- Exocrine: external secretion into body surfaces (skin) or into body cavities
- Endocrine: secrete messenger molecules (hormones) which are carried by blood to
target organs

. Exocrine Glands can be “Unicellular glands” or “Multicellular glands”

Exocrine Glands & Secretion Types...
# Based on how products leave the cell
. Merocrine (Products are released, but no cellular material
is lost) - sweat glands
. Apocrine (Secretory products are released as fragments
of the gland cells) - Mammary glands
. Holocrine (Shedding of entire cells)
- Sebaceous glands

Connective Tissue...
- Abundant, makes up part of every organ in the body
- Consists of cell separated by extracellular matrix
- Diverse in both structure and function

Connective Tissue Cells...

. Specialized cells produce the extracellular matrix
- Suffixes
* Blasts: create the matrix
* Cytes: maintain the matrix
* Clasts: break the matrix down for remodeling
. Adipose or fat cells (Contain large amount of lipid)
. Mast cells (Contain heparin, histamine & proteolytic enzymes, released in response to
injury) important role in inflammation

. WBC/leukocytes (respond to injury or infection)

. Macrophages (phagocytize or provide protection)
. Platelets (clotting process & reduce bleeding)
. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells (type of Stem cells, have the potential to form
multiple cell types, such as fibroblasts or smooth muscle cells in response to injury)
Extracellular Matrix...
# Components
- protein fibers (3types):
* Collagen Fibers: large fibers made of collagen protein & it’s the most common
in body /Function: promote tissue flexibility.
* Reticular fibers: fill spaces between tissues & organs\ branched fibers that have
same chemical composition of collagen
Function: forms structural framework for lymphatic organs such as spleen & lymph

* Elastic fibers: made of protein-elastin\ returns to its original shape after distension
or compression/Function: allow for stretch & recoil.
- Ground substance:
Shapeless background against which the collagen fibers are seen through
the microscope
- Hyaluronic acid: (a long unbranched polysaccharide gives a slippery quality to the
fluids, good lubricant for joint cavities)

Functions of Connective Tissue...

. Enclosing & separating other tissues (as capsules around organs)
. Connecting tissues to one another (as tendons & ligaments)
. Supporting & moving parts of the body
. Storing (as fat)
. Cushioning & insulating (as fat)
. Transporting (as blood)
. Protecting (as cells of the immune system)
Connective Tissue Categories...
. Embryonic or Mesenchyme
. Adult:
- Loose
- Dense
- Connective tissue with special properties
- Cartilage
- Bone
- Blood

1- Loose Connective Tissue..

* Also known as Areolar Tissue
* Loose packing material of most organs & tissues
* Attaches skin to underlying tissues
* Contains collagen, reticular, elastic fibers & variety of cells

2- Dense Connective Tissue..

* Dense regular - Has abundant collagen fibers
. Tendons: Connect muscles to bones
. Ligaments: Connect bones to bones
* Dense regular elastic - Ligaments in vocal folds
* Dense irregular - Scars
* Dense irregular collagenous - Forms most of skin dermis
* Dense irregular elastic - In walls of elastic arteries
Dense Regular Connective Tissue..

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue..

3- Connective Tissue with Special Properties..

* Adipose tissue
- Consists of adipocytes
- Types:
. Yellow(white) >> most abundant, white at birth and yellows with age
. Brown >> found only in specific areas of body as axillae, neck & near kidneys

* Reticular tissue
- Forms framework of lymphatic tissue
- Characterized by network of fibers & cells
4- Supportive Connective Tissue: Cartilage..
* Jelly-like, matrix containing collagen & elastic fibers & chondrocytes
* Surrounded by a membrane called the perichondrium
* Cartilage has NO blood supply or nerves except in the periochondrium, so it heals
* The strength of cartilage is due to collagen fibers
* Chondrocytes present within spaces in the matrix called lacunae
* Next to bone firmest structure in body
* Types of cartilage:
- Hyaline
- Fibrocartilage
- Elastic
- Founds in areas for strong support & some flexibility
. Rib cage & cartilage in trachea & bronchi
- Forms most of skeleton before replaced by bone in embryo
- Involved in growth that increases bone length

- Slightly compressible & very tough
- Found in areas of body where a great deal of pressure is applied to joints
. Knee, jaw, between vertebrae

- Rigid but elastic properties
. External ears, epiglottis
5- Bone..
* Hard connective tissue that consists of living cells & mineralized matrix
* Organic & Inorganic
* Types:
- Cancellous or Spongy bone >> Trabeculea of bone with spaces between, looks like a
sponge, FOUND inside bones

- Compact bone >> arranged in concentric circle layers (lamellar) around a central
canal that contains a blood vessel, FOUND on periphery of bones

6- Fluid Connective Tissue: Blood..

* Matrix between the cells is liquid
* Hemopoietic tissue:
- Forms blood cells
- Found in bone marrow
. Yellow
. Red
Muscle Tissue...
* Characteristics:
- Contracts or shortens with force
- Move entire body & pumps blood
* Types:
- Skeletal >> Striated & Voluntary
- Cardiac >> Striated & Involuntary
- Smooth >> Nonstriated & Involuntary

Nervous Tissue...
* Found in brain, spinal cord & nerves
* Ability to produce action potentials
* Cells:
- Nerve cells or Neurons
. Consist of dendrites, cell body, axons
. Consist of multipolar, bipolar, unipolar
- Neuroglia or Support cells

- Unique structure of neuron is: Neurons conduct impulses over relatively long distances
in the body, this is facilitated by their long cytoplasmic extensions

* Supporting cells of the brain, spinal cord & nerves
* Nourish, protect & insulate neurons
* They are 4 in number:
- Astrocyte
- Oligodendrocyte
- Ependymal cell
- Microglia
* Mucous:
- Line cavities that open to the outside of body
- Secrete mucus
* Serous:
- Line cavities not open to exterior
. Pericardial, pleural, peritoneal
* Synovial:
- Line freely movable joints
- Produce fluid rich in hyaluronic acid

* Response when tissues damaged or with an immune response
* Manifestations:
- Redness, heat, swelling, pain, disturbance of functional
* Mediators:
- Include histamine, kinins, prostaglandins, leukotrienes
- Stimulate pain receptor & increase blood vessel permeability
Tissue Repair...
* Substitution of viable cells for dead cells
* Skin repair:
- Primary union: Edges of wound close together
. Wound fills with blood
. Clot forms
. Scab
. Pus
. Granulation tissue
. Scar
- Secondary union: Edges of wound not close
. Clot may not close gap
. Inflammatory response greater
. Wound contraction occurs leading to greater scarring

Tissues & Aging...

* Cells divide more slowly in older than younger people
* Tendons & ligaments become less flexible & more fragile
* Arterial walls become less elastic
* Rate of blood cell synthesis declines in elderly
* Injuries are harder to heal in elderly

Raneem Almuaikel

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