3eso en Exercises Unit 0

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Refresh your memory

Travel Verbs and prepositions of movement. Life stages. Present Simple and Present
Continuous. Comparative and superlative adjectives. Past simple


Hyphen -


Cardinal numbers
0 zero, nill, “o” 10 ten 20 twenty 100 one/a hundred
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 101 one hundred and one…
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two… 200 two hundred…
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 1000 one thousand
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 1356 one thousand three
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty hundred and fifty-six
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 10000 ten thousand
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 100000 one hundred thousand
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 1000000 one million
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety

Ordinal numbers
10th tenth 20th twentieth
1 first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first
2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second
3rd third 13th thirteenth 30th thirtieth ….
4th fourth 14th fourteenth 100th one hundredth
5th fifth 15th fifteenth
6th sixth 16th sixteenth YEARS: BC/AD
7th seventh 17th seventeenth 1987 nineteen, eighty-seven
8th eighth 18th eighteenth 1600 sixteen hundred
9th ninth 19th nineteenth March 10thMarch the tenth
Charles V = Charles the fifth

GREETINGS Good morning (until 12) Good afternoon (from 12 to 18hr)

Good evening (from 18hr to bed time), Good night (bed time)
March 10/March 10th/10 March/10th March
March the tenth/ the tenth of March
8:00 eight o’clock 9:15 a quarter past nine
10:20 twenty (minutes) past ten 11:30 half past eleven
12:35 twenty five to one 14:45 a quarter to three

1. Write down the following numbers:

15 ________________ 33 ______________ 42 _____________ 55
834 _____________________ 7913 ___________________ 100000 _______________
2. Write the following times
example: 22:05 five (minutes) past ten in the evening
7:00 _________________________ 11:20 _________________________
11:40 _________________________ 13:15 _________________________
13:45 _________________________ 17:10 _________________________
18:35 _________________________ 21:30 _________________________

3. Write the following ordinal numbers:

3º ________________ 12º _______________ 16º________________
22º________________ 31º _______________100º________________
4. Dates.Write the following dates.
a. 20/10/2016 ___________________________________________________________
b. Yourbirthdate. ________________________________________________________


aux: do(does)+ V(inf)
Spelling “–s”

1. V + s works
2. V-ss,-sh,-x,-ch,-sh + es passes
3. V-ct-y +ies carries
( V-voc-y + s plays, rule 1)
exc: “do”, “go”, “have” does, goes, has

5a. Write the –s form (3rd person sing Present Simple) of the following verbs:
miss fish terrify disappear cover earn
match reach stay lie agree
send sell show shoot stand spend
teach think understand wear wake

BE (PRESENT)ser y estar
I am (‘m) I’m not am I (not)?
You are (‘re) You are not (aren’t) are(n’t) you (not)?
He/She/It is (‘s) He/She/It is not (isn’t) Is(n’t) he/she/it (not)?
We/You/they are (‘re) We/You/They are not (aren’t) Are(n’t) we/you/they (not)?
I/You have (‘ve) got I/you have not (n’t) got Have(n’t) I/you (not) got?
He/She/It has (‘s) got He/She/It has not (n’t) got Has(n’t) he/she/it (not) got?
We/You/They have(‘ve)got We/You/They have not (n’t) got Have(n’t)we.. (not) got?
5b. Complete the gaps with the correct form of “be” and “have (got)”.
1. When I _______ very tired I ________ a bath in the evening.
2. My mother ___________ a new computer. It ___________ quite expensive.
3. There ________ a book and some pencils on the table.
4. When my parents _______ at home we _______ dinner in the kitchen.
5. My sister ________ seventeen years old, and she ________ 1.70 m tall.
5c. Answer the following questions about Sean with the clues in brackets:
a. Where does he live? (house/Edinburgh)________________________________
b. How many floors has it got? (2)__________________________________________
c. How many bedrooms are there?(3)________________________________________
d. What do his parents do? (builder/teacher)__________________________________
e. How long does he take to go to school?(10 min)_____________________________
f. How does he go to school? (foot)_________________________________________
g. Who helps him with the homework? (mum)________________________________
h. Who does he live with?(parents/brother/sister)______________________________
i. How often does he have a Spanish class?(3/week)____________________________
5d. Place the adverbs in the appropriate place.
1. Pete leaves home (usually/at eight o'clock in the morning)
2. I do not stay in bed until late. (often/on Saturdays)
3. My father goes to the hairdresser.(normally/once every month)
4. Pam drinks coffee. (rarely/in the evening)
5.We speak Spanish in the English class. (from time to time)
6.Jane is at school. (always / from 9am to 3pm)

6. Use a dictionary. Write the missing COUNTRY or NATIONALITY

Country Nationality Country Nationality
Greece ____________ Holland ___________
___________ Korean ____________ Vietnamese
___________ Scottish Wales ___________
Sweden ____________ _____________ Swiss

7. NATIONALITY :Example:a person from China>a Chinese person

1. the literature from England ____________ 2.a person from America ______________
3.a region of Spain ____________4.a man from Morocco ______________
5.a child from Russia ____________6.a town of Ireland ______________

8. Write the questions for the underlined answers:

1. ____________________________________?/ That girl is Mary.
2. ____________________________________?/ Mary lives in Newcastle.
3. ____________________________________?/ She’s from Kenya.
4. ____________________________________?/ She’s 1.60 m tall.
5. ____________________________________?/ She was born on May 17th1992.
6. ____________________________________?/ She has got the British nationality.
7. ____________________________________?/ She is 20 years old.
Countable uncountable
aff Sing plural sing
a bottle some bottles somewine
an orange some oranges some fruit
neg/int (a/an) (not...any) (not...any)

Except in ... Favours: Do you want some wine?

Offers: Can I have some wine?
one some/any some/any
the the the
Except in.... Generalizations: I like the music, books,
Titles :the Dr/Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs Jones
Expressions: be at the home, hospital
-el artículo “a(n)” (pero no el plural “some”) se utiliza para indicar identidad o profesión.
She is an engineer (but: they are engineers)

9. ARTICLES. Write the correct article a, an, some

_______ cat _______ apple _______ school ________ English people
_______ cousin _______ aunt _______ doors ________ dream
_______ food _______ hotel _______ money ________ water
_______ friends _______ hour _______ students ________ Irish man
_______ videos _______ uncle _______ milk ________ interesting book
10. Put in: the, a(n)/one, some/any, -.
a.Have you got ____ brothers or sisters? b. I want _____ food.
c. Tim hasn’t got ____ friends at his new school. c. Do you want _______ coffee?
d. Is there _____ tea in the pot? / Yes, there’s ________.
e. ____ Dr Jones is waiting for you? f.There isn’t ____ blackboard in the class.
g. I have classes on_____ Monday. h. Tim is ____ architect.
i. Have you got ____ table in your room? / Yes, I’ve got ______.
Nouns (regular)
1. N +s books, dogs
2. N "-s","-ss" "-sh", "-ch", "-x" +es buses, passes, coaches,boxes
3. N -consonant- y + ies lorries, ladies (days toys rule 1)
Nouns (irregular)
Some N-o +es tomato/tomatoes, potato/potatoes (but: piano-s 1)
Some N-f(e) + ves half/halves, wife/wives (but: roof-s 1)
man men woman women child children person people
tooth teeth foot feet mouse mice fathers and mothers parents
fish fish
Demonstrative adjectives
This boy >These boys That girl >Those girls
Distributive adjectives
Another book ->Other books the other book >the other books (the) other > (the) others
Adjectives. No tienen plural, y van delante del sustantivo si lo acompañan.
This American boy > These American boys The girls are intelligent
My book is red > My books are red.
11. Write the plural of the following nouns:
lamp girl father foot
hobby key city tooth
garage house practice man
church box class woman
tomato piano potato child
knife wife wolf person
brush miss kilo mouse

12. Fill in the gaps with the corresponding distributive adjective or pronoun.

Adjective (+ Noun)
ANOTHER friend/one OTHER friends/ones
THE OTHER friend/one THE OTHER friends/ones

a. Do you want ________ cup of coffee?

b. I don’t want these shoes. I want _________.
c. One friend is cooking. _________ is cleaning.
d. I have got two brothers. One is an architect. ________ is a plumber.
e. There are three doors. One is at the front. ________ doors are at the back.
f. Which picture do you like of these two? / I don’t like this one. I like ___.

13. Write the plural of the following phrases.

a white tooth _some white teeth that high shelf ________________________
this black mouse ____________________ the basketball match___________________
a small child________________________ another big country____________________
the red box ________________________ a nice toy ___________________________
that photo album ___________________ a tall woman _______________________
this large lorry _____________________ my mountain bicycle_________________
an old potato _____________________ the other American boy ______________

14. Fill in the gaps with the correct Possessive Adjective.

Possessive Adjectives
This is my book
These are my books
I my
You your
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
they their

a. Priscilla has _____ breakfast in the garden. b. I and you can eat ______ lunch here.
c. Brian speaks to _____ teacher everyday. d. Isobel and I live with _____ parents.
e. Paul and you finish _____ exercises soon f. I phone _____ mother everyday.
g. The cat is eating _____ soup. h. The books are in _____ boxes.
Examples: the door of the kitchen - the kitchen door
a cake made with almonds - an almond cake
a. a competition of chess ____________ b. the entrance of the school ______________
c. the streets of the city _____________d.a book of history ______________
e. an album of photos _____________ f. a pot for tea ______________

16. SAXON GENITIVE.Make sentences like in the example.

The book / The boy > The boy's book

Thebooks / The boys > The boys' books
Thebooks / The children > The children's books
The friend / John >John's friend
The sister / James > James's sister

example: Mark has got a cat. His cat is black. Mark’s cat is black
a. Rebecca has got a friend. He is a singer _______________________________
b. My father has got a brother. He is a teacher _____________________________
c. Robert has got a dog. His dog is very big _______________________________
d. The child has got a book. His book is red. ______________________________
17. PLACE PREPOSITIONS. Write the correct preposition: At, in, on, -, from, to,
a. I live _____ London. I live ______ 37 Valley Road. I live _____ the second floor.
b. Where do you work? / _____ the university _____ Boston.
c. When I finish school, I go _____ home and have lunch _____ the kitchen.
d. Jake lives ________ a big old house _______ Washington.
e. How are you going ____ Paris? / ____ air. I’m catching a plane ____ the airport.
f. Frank left ________ home at six and arrived ______ the station at 6:30.
g. Tim always goes _____ work _____ bus. He gets _____ his office at 9.
h. My parents are staying ____ home today. My father is sitting ____ the sofa and my
mother is having a cup of tea ____ the table.
18. Write the negative, interrogative and inter.-negative of the following sentences.
Lucy has got a new mobile phone. __________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
Your apartment is very big. __________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
Robert gets up at eight in the morning. ________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
There are two windows in my room ________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
Paul is working in his room __________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
You usually leave home very early _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________
Paul has to take his brother to school _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________
Robert and Susan like playing tennis. _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________
I. Yes/No questions Aux + Subject + Verb…….. ?
II. Wh- Questions Wh + Aux + Subject + Verb…….(prep)?
III. Questions about the subject Wh + (Aux) + Verb…………………… ?

19. YES/NO QUESTIONS, SHORT ANSWERS. Write appropriate questions.

1. _______________________________________? Yes, I have two brothers
2. _______________________________________? No, I live in Madrid.
3. _______________________________________? Yes, I have got one sister.
4. _______________________________________? Yes, she goes to my school.
5. _______________________________________? No, she is in her third year of the
20. Answer the questions in exercise 19 with short answers
1. _____________________ 2. ____________________ 3.___________________
4._____________________ 5._____________________

Who quién
What qué /cuál (what colour are your eyes? What colour eyes have you got?)
Which cuál (which book do you want? The white one or the red one?)
Whose de quién (whose is this book? / whose book is this?)
Where (a/en) dónde
When cuándo
What time a qué hora
Why porqué (why are you here? Because I want to see you)
How cómo

How + adjectivecómo de... Qué edad/altura/distancia/duración/longitud….

How old are you? / I am 17 years old
How high is the Mulhacén? / The Mulhacen is over 3000 metres (high)
How tall is your sister? / My sister is 1.70m
How far is your school? / My school is 2km from my house
How long do you take? / I take 10 min to go to school
How long is the table? / The table is 2 m long.
How often do you brush your teeth? / I brush my teeth three times a day.
How + much/many + Noun
How many brothers and sistershave you got? / I have gottwo sisters
How much money was the book?/ It was 7.50 pounds.

21. Write the appropriate questions for the following answers.

a. __________________________________? / Monica is seventeen years old.
b. __________________________________? / She does judo three times a week.
c. __________________________________? / She arrives home at four o’clock
d.___________________________________? / She goes to school on foot
e. __________________________________? / Her mother wakes her up everydayç

Go! Don’t go!
Be quiet! Don’t be noisy!
22. Use the imperative (affirmative or negative) in the following sentences.
a. Teacher :____________ (be ) quiet! b.Doctor : ________________(not/smoke)!!
c. Dad: ______________(not/be) late! d. Mum: _________ (eat) your soup now!
e. Teacher: _________ (not/do) exercise 2.f. Teacher: ___________ (go) out!!!
g. Teacher: _____________ (do) the rest of the exercises for tomorrow.

Spelling “-ing”
1. V + ing work> working
2. V-e + ing live> living
(V-ee + ing see>seeing , rule 1)
3. V-ie + ying lie> lying
4. V-ct-vóc-ct (duplica) stop> stopping
begin> beginning
(reveal> revealing,1)
exc: “travel” travel>travelling

23. Write the –ing form (gerund) of the following verbs:
mix prefer produce lie hurry
surprise interview offer introduce agree
bring choose draw dream feel
hithurt lend ride die

24.Put in the correct verb forms (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

a. He ________________ (smoke) twenty cigarettes a day.
b. What ________________________ (you/ look) at?
c. Look! It __________________ (rain).
d. I __________________ (go) dancing every Friday night.
e. _________________________ (your grandmother/often/ go) on holidays?
f. _________________ (you/like) tea? / No, I ____________(hate) it.

25. Complete with the past forms os BE (was/were) or Had.
1. My sister ________ born on July the 17th, 1998. It ________ a very hot day.
2. It _______ very cloudy yesterday and there ________ a horrible storm.
4. Paul and Peter _______ here yesterday night. They ______ dinner with us.
5. My mother ________ twenty years old when she finished university.
6. My brother and I _____________ a bicycle when we ______ children.
7. There ______ many people at the cinema yesterday. We _____ to queue to get in.
8. I ______ very hungry this morning and I ______ some breakfast in the canteen.

26.Write the Past (-ed) of these regular verbs and the rule number.
miss fish terrify disappear cover
match reach stay lie agree
mix prefer produce look hurry
surprise interview offer introduce agree
27. Write the verbs in the correct tense: Present Simple or Past Simple:
a. Tom _______ (want) to visit you today.
b. Noah __________ (break) a glass yesterday.
c. ___________(you/ see) a film on TV last Saturday?
d. They _________(not/usually/sell) clothes in this shop.
e. ________ (your mother/not/learn) maths at school when she was young?
f. My brother ________ (hurry) to school every day. He always ________ (get) up late.

28.Write the negative, interrogative and interrogative-negative of the following.

There were some posters in my bedroom__________________________________
______________________________ ____________________________________
My friends had a motorbike accident ____________________________________
______________________________ ____________________________________
Lucy likes rock music very much. ____________________________________
______________________________ ____________________________________
Pam was sending you a letter ____________________________________
______________________________ ____________________________________
Paul must run 100 metres in 13 seconds ____________________________________
______________________________ ____________________________________
My sister flew to Paris yesterday ____________________________________
______________________________ ____________________________________

29. Write questions for the following answers:

1. ________________________________?/ Yes, Susan studied Medicine.
2. ________________________________?/ He gets up at seven.
3. ________________________________?/ Lucy saw Mary in the street.
4. ________________________________?/ John is working in his office.
5. ________________________________?/ I invited John
6. ________________________________?/ Jane bought a book
7. ________________________________?/ She took the history book
8. ________________________________?/ She goes to school in the morning.
9. ________________________________?/ This table is 1 metre long.
10. ________________________________?/ Peter has got 20 euros.
11. ________________________________?/ There are two bedrooms in my house.
AT + times/moments IN + periods ON + days
-At three o’clock - in the middle ages - on Mondays
At half past eight in the Renaissance on October the first
At this moment in the twentieth century on my birthday
At lunchtime in the 90’s on Christmas day
in 1995
-At Christmas, Easter in autumn, October -on holidays
At the weekend in the week on the weekend (AmE)
-At night in the morning, afternoon - on Monday morning
in the early hours
-At the time of in those times
-in time -on time
-in/within three days
AFTER: He arrived home after one o’clock
BEFORE: I will go to bed before midnight.
IN(WITHIN): The class will finish in a few minutes.
AGO: The class started an hour ago
30. TIME PREPOSITIONS. Complete with: at, in, on, -, from, to, ago.

a. I'm not free now, but I can see you _____ half an hour.
b. Galileo was born ______ the 16th century.
c. We are having a party ______ next Friday.
d. Why don't you come and visit us_______ Easter?
e. I had a drink with Peter _______ Tuesday.
f. Jane is working ___ ten___ five in the afternoon. We'll go and see her then.
g. Five years ________, Frank bought a new car.

31. QUESTIONS. Ask questions for the following answers.

1. John gets up at 7 everyday
2. he’s waking his brother up now.
3. they are late to school because they watched a video last night.
4. Theywatched a horrorfilm
5. John has to hurry to go to an exam
6. They went to school on foot.
7. the school is 1 km from his house.
8. they had to take a bus today.
9. the ticket cost1 euro.
10. John had two exams yesterday.
32. Place prepositions. Complete with: At, in (=inside), on, from, to, -
a. Mary went ___ her house. When she was ___ the door, she couldn’t open the door.
b. My books were ___ my bag, but my pen and my pencils were ___ the pencil case.
c. Jenny is studying ___ the library. She is sitting ___ a table.
d. Paul’s mother is not ___ England. She’s French. She came___ Spain five years ago.
e. Tim’s cats were playing ___ the garden. There was a bird ___ a tree.
f. There’s a painting ___ the wall and three chairs ____ the room.
g. It was very hot and the children were waiting ___ a tree.
h. The bus stopped ___ the bus stop. The bus took the children ___ school.

in(to), out (of), on /off, up/down, behind/in front of, next to/beside, on the right/left,

be stay
(stand lie sit etc...)
in(to) out (of)/ (outside)

go/ get (cortos) on off under

(continue , etc...) up down

in front of behind opposite beside/next

take / put (cortos) , get
carry (en la mano) something from to
bring/fetch somebody
(drive , reach, etc...)

at/in the front/the back

33. Translate into English
1. Entra en la habitación. _________________________________________
2. Él salió de su casa. _________________________________________
3. El niño está de pie frente al televisor. _________________________________________
4. Mete el lápiz en la caja. _________________________________________
5. Ella sacó dinero. _________________________________________
6. La niña se sentó delante de su amiga. _________________________________________
7. Pon el póster en la pared. _________________________________________
8. El se puso la camisa. _________________________________________
9. El está quitando el vaso de la mesa. _________________________________________
10. Ella se quita el sombreo siempre. _________________________________________
11. Métete debajo de la mesa. _________________________________________
12. El está bajando por la calle. _________________________________________
13. Ella subió por las escaleras a su cuarto. _________________________________________
14. El se subió al barco. _________________________________________
15. Bájate del autobús en la próxima parada._________________________________________
16. Él niño se monta en su bicicleta. _________________________________________
17. Saca la leche del frigorífico. _________________________________________
18. Mete tu clave. _________________________________________
19. El gato se ha subido a la silla . _________________________________________
20. El jardín está en la parte de atrás. _________________________________________
21. Firma en la parte de abajo de la página. _________________________________________
22. La casa está a la izquierda. _________________________________________
23. Ella se ha caído de la bici. _________________________________________
24. Tráeme mi libro de mi habitación. _________________________________________
25. Ponte de pie detrás de esa persona. _________________________________________
26. Me he sentado junto a mi amigo. _________________________________________

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