Mard Noun Clause

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NOUN CLAUSE 1. The man was wearing a blue shirt. He witnessed the accident.

The man w ho w as w earing a blue shirt w

2: The boy was studying in the library. I talked to him very quietly.

3: The book is about the history of Mexico. I bought it yesterday.

4: The house is still standing. Abraham Lincoln was born there.

5: The man reported the accident. His car was damaged.

6: The research paper must be finished by Friday. David is working on it.

7: The church is very old. My grandparents were married there.

8: 1910 is the year. The revolution began then.

9: The people are very kind. I am staying in their house.

10: The students passed the exam. They studied hard.

The Adjective Clause Recognize an adjective clause when you see one. An adjective clausealso called an adjectival or relative clausewill meet three requirements:

First, it will contain a subject and verb. Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why]. Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? or Which one?

The adjective clause will follow one of these two patterns: relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb relative pronoun as subject + verb Here are some examples: Whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie Whose = relative pronoun; eyes = subject; pleaded = verb. Why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie Why = relative adverb; Fred = subject; can stand = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb]. That bounced across the kitchen floor That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; bounced = verb. Who hiccupped for seven hours afterward

Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; hiccupped = verb. Avoid writing a sentence fragment. An adjective clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. To avoid writing a fragment, you must connect each adjective clause to a main clause. Read the examples below. Notice that the adjective clause follows the word that it describes. Diane felt manipulated by her beagle Santana, whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie. Chewing with her mouth open is one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie. Growling ferociously, Oreo and Skeeter, Madison's two dogs, competed for the hardboiled egg that bounced across the kitchen floor. Laughter erupted from Annamarie, who hiccupped for seven hours afterward. Punctuate an adjective clause correctly. Punctuating adjective clauses can be tricky. For each sentence, you will have to decide if the adjective clause is essential or nonessential and then use commas accordingly. Essential clauses do not require commas. An adjective clause is essential when you need the information it provides. Look at this example: The vegetables that people leave uneaten are often the most nutritious. Vegetables is nonspecific. To know which ones we are talking about, we must have the information in the adjective clause. Thus, the adjective clause is essential and requires no commas. If, however, we eliminate vegetables and choose a more specific noun instead, the adjective clause becomes nonessential and does require commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Read this revision: Broccoli, which people often leave uneaten, is very nutritious.

The bike which I borrowed last week was sold. 2. Relative Adverb Pelajaran tentang ini dibahas lebih lengkap pada Relative Clause. Hal-hal yang perlu ditambahkan di sini,yaitu:1. Kata Why (yang menunjukkan alasan) yang menjadi Adverb penghubung, mungkin (kadangkadang)dapat digantikan dengan that atau kadang-kadang dapat dihilangkan dalam kalimat. The reason (that) I came should be obvious to you. The reason (why) I came should be obvious to you. The reason I came should be obvious to you.2. When

atau Where Bering dapat Baling ditukarkan dengan Preposition yang menunjukkan tempat (apreposition of Place) ditambah dengan Which. The small town in which (= where) I was born has grown to a large metropolis. The day on which (= when) they were to leave finally arrived.Kadang-kadang that dapat menggantikan where atau when. The day that (or when, on which) the trial was to take place was a stormy one. Please suggest a good place that (or where) we can meetBeberapa Hal Penting yang Berkaitan dengan Adjective Clause1. Perubahan dari Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase. a. Adjective Clause dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase yang menjelaskan noun tanpa adaperubahan arti kalimat. b. Hanya Adjective Clause yang mempunyai subjek pronoun: who, which atau that yang dapatdirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase. c. Adjective Clause dengan subjek: whom tidak dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase.Perhatikan Contoh berikut:a. Adjective Clause The girl who is sitting next to me is Lisa. The boy is playing the piano is Bent.b. Adjective Phrase The girl sitting next to me is Lisa. The boy playing the piano is Bent. 2. Cara mengubah Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase. a. Subjek pronoun dan verb be dihilangkan. Adjective Clause : The man who is talking to Taylor is from Japan. Adjective Phrase : The man talking to Taylor is from Japan. a. Adjective Clause

: The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.

b. Adjective Phrase : The ideas presented in that book are interesting. Adjective Clause : Ali is the man who is responsible for preparing the budget. Adjective Phrase : Ali is the man responsible for preparing the budget. a. Adjective Clause : The books that are on the shelf are mine.b. Adjective Phrase : The books ' on the shelf are mine.b. Jika tidak ada verb be dalam Adjective Clause , seringkali subjek pronoun dapat dihilangkan danmengubah kata kerja dalam Clause itu menjadi bentuk -ing a. Adjective Clause : English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters. b. Adjective Phrase : English has an alphabet consisting of 26 letters. Adjective Clause : Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome. Adjective Phrase : Anyone wanting to come with us is welcome.

3. Seringkali Adjective Clause digunakan dalam pola: noun + of which. Pola ini terutama digunakanuntuk tulisan bahasa Inggris resmi (formal written English). Dalam pola ini biasanya AdjectiveClause menerangkan "sesuatu". Contoh:# We have an antique table. The top of it has jade inlay. We have an antique table, the top of which has jade inlay.# We toured a 300-year-old house. The exterior of the house consisted of logs cemented with clay. We toured a 300-year-old house, the exterior of which consisted of logs cemented withlay.4. Adjective Clause sering digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kuantitas dengan of. Ungkapan kuantitasmendahului pronoun, dan hanya whom, which, dan whose yang digunakan dalam pola ini. Ungkapan kuantitas dengan of antara lain: some of, none of, both of, one of, many of, two of, all of, each of, most of, dll Contoh:# There are 20 students in my class. Most of them are from the Outside Java. There are 20 students in my class, most of whom are from the Outside Java.# He gave several reasons. Only a few of them were valid.He gave several reasons, only a few of which were valid. 5. Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clauses Pedoman umum dalam Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clauses yaitu:1. Jangan menggunakan tanda koma bila Adjective Clause diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi nounyang dijelaskan olehnya.2. Gunakanlah tanda koma bila Adjective Clause hanya berfungsi untuk memberi informasi tambahandan tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi noun yang dijelaskan olehnya.Contoh: Henry whose wife works at a bank came to my house yesterday Alex, whose wife works at a bank, came to my house yesterday


Contoh pertama menggambarkan bahwa Henry memiliki lebih dari 1 istri. Pada kalimat tersebutpembicara ingin mengindentifikasikan istrinya yang bekerja di Bank, bukan yang lainnya. Sedangkan pada kalimat kedua, kita sudah jelas, kalau Alex memiliki hanya 1 orang istri. Fraseyang berada di antara koma hanya memberikan keterangan tambahan saja. Tanpa frasetersebut pun orang lain sudah mengetahuinya kalau istrinya Alex memang bekerja di sebuahBank karena memang istrinya cuma 1 itu. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini untuk lebih jelasnya dalam penggunaan tanda koma dalam Adjective Clause . o Soekarno, who is the first President of Republic of Indonesia, could deliver speech well. 6. Perbedaan antara Adjective Clause dan Noun Clause Karena adanya kesamaan dalam beberapa kata pendahulunya, maka kadang-kadang antara NounClause dan Adjective Clause sering membingungkan.Ada 2 macam perbedaan yang penting antara dua jenis Clause tersebut: perhatikan contoh berikutini:1. Adjective Clause biasanya didahului oleh noun atau pronoun yang diterangkan. Adjective Clause I know the house where he lives.( where he lives mempunyai antecedent the house, yang merupakan objek dari kataknow ) Noun Clause I know where he lives.( where he lives adalah objek dari kata know )2. Preposisi yang mendahului introductory word adalah milik Adjective Clause dan bukan milikNoun Clause. Adjective Clause The woman to whom he has been giving money is a poor relative of his.(Adjective Clause dimulai dengan to yang merupakan bentuk a prepositional phrase denganwhom dalam Adjective Clause itu. Dan To dapat diletakkan di bagian belakang Adjective Clause . The woman, whom he has been giving money to, is a poor relative of his.

Noun Clause He gives money to whoever needs it.(The Noun Clause dimulai dengan whoever, seluruh Noun Clause itu adalah objek dari to,y a n g t i d a k d a p a t d i p i n d a h l e t a k n y a . D a n j u g a - e v e r m e r u p a k a n b e n t u k y a n g h a n y a bergandeng (mengikuti) dengan Noun Clause < Sebelumnya.


Adjective Clause adalah clausa yang fungsinya menerangkan kata benda. Pengertian Adjective Clause di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu : - Adjective adalah Part of word clause that modifies noun - Clause adalah kombinasi dari subjek dan predikat tetapi tidak dapat berfungsi. adjective clause adalah klausa yang digunakan sebagai adjective. Sebagai adjective, adjective clause digunakan sebagai modifier yaitu untuk menerangkan noun dan pronoun, tetapi tidak pernah digunakan sebagai object kalimat. Adjective clause dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu: 1. Important (defining) adjective clause, yaitu adjective clause yang merupakan informasi penting bagi antecedent. 2. Unimportant (undefining) adjective clause, yaitu adjective clause yang merupakan informasi yang tidak penting bagi antece Clause ini digunakan untuk memberi keterangan, identitas, dan informasi lain kepada katabenda (Antecedent). Dalam struktur Adjective Clause ditandai dengan Relative Pronoun, yaitu: who, whom, whose, which. - Who digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi subjek (human as subject). - Whom digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi objek (human as object). - Which digunakan untuk benda, baik dalam posisi subjek atau objek (non-human as subject/objek) - Whose digunakan untuk kepemilikan Contoh dari Adjective Clause : 1. Who The student who doesnt study seriously will not pass. 2. Whom The girl whom I introduce to you last week is my student 3. Which The animal which runs quicly named lion. 4. Whom The student whose hat is yellow is lazy student Contoh: * what she is reading * that she is reading * what you did last summer * that you did last summer

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