A War of Their Own

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The book discusses the development and use of air tactics by US bombers over the Southwest Pacific during World War 2.

The book is about the development and use of air tactics by bombers of the US 5th Air Force over the Southwest Pacific region during World War 2.

The book discusses prewar air tactics and the development of tactics like low-altitude bombing, skip bombing, and strafing that were used in the Southwest Pacific.

A War of Their Own

Bombers over
the Southwest Pacific

Captain, USAF

Air University Press

Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

April 2005
Air University Library Cataloging Data

Rodman, Matthew K.
A war of their own : bombers over the Southwest Pacific / Matthew K. Rodman
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58566-135-X
1. World War, 1939 –1945 —Aerial operations, American. 2. United States. Army
Air Forces. Air Force, 5th. 3. Military doctrine—United States—History. I. Title.


Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Air University, the United States Air
Force, the Department of Defense, or any other US government agency. Cleared for public
release: distribution unlimited.

Back cover photo courtesy of Dan Cohen.

Air University Press

131 West Shumacher Avenue
Maxwell AFB AL 36112–6615

For Uncle Phil

Chapter Page

DISCLAIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

ABOUT THE AUTHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

1 PREWAR DOCTRINE AND TACTICS . . . . . . . . . . 1

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2 DECEMBER 1941–NOVEMBER 1942 . . . . . . . . 21

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3 NOVEMBER 1942–MARCH 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4 MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5 AUGUST 1943–JUNE 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

6 JUNE 1944–SEPTEMBER 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

EPILOGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161



Figure Page

1 Southwest Pacific Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 SWPA battle map,
December 1941–November 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3 Low-altitude bombing,
63d Bombardment Squadron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4 Skip bombing, 63d Bombardment Squadron . . . . 33
5 Parafrag bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6 Parafrag-bomb fuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7 Phosphorous bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
8 SWPA battle map,
November 1942–March 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
9 Cutaway view of the B-25G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10 SWPA battle map,
March 1943–August 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
11 Matching tactic to target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
12 SWPA battle map,
August 1943–June 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
13 Airdrome attack with covered flanks . . . . . . . . . 105
14 Two-plane approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
15 Diversionary feints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
16 SWPA battle map,
June 1944–September 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
17 Multiple armament packages
for the A-26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
18 Parademo: bent fins stop vane,
prevent arming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
19 Strikes on Formosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131


Photo Page

Wrecked A-20A with modified nose . . . . . . . . . . 42

Early modification of B-25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B-25s drop bombs from 5,300 feet
against January Lae convoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
A-20 strafes Lae Airdrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Cargo vessel under attack from 6,000 feet . . . . . 66
Cargo vessel under attack at mast height . . . . . 70
100-pound parademo bomb with
nose fuse and tail-mounted chute . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Original 250-pound parademo
chute/fuse configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
B-25 bracketing a cargo vessel, Wewak . . . . . . . 87
Results of bracketing a cargo vessel, Wewak . . . . 88
Line-abreast, staggered-altitude
B-25s strafing Wewak area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Tube rocket launchers on
an A-20G, Hollandia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Smoke and fire protect
Rabaul Harbor raid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Machine guns on an A-20G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
B-25 element attacking
cargo vessel, Sorong area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
C-47s deliver paratroops to Nadzab . . . . . . . . . . 112
Second major assault on
Wewak-area airdromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
B-24s over Hollandia area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115


Photo Page

A-26 Invader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Parafrags failing to arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Two modified 250-pound parademos . . . . . . . . . 127
500-pound parademo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
B-32 Dominator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
A-20s attacking Philippine rail targets . . . . . . . . 133
Phosphorus bombs and
parafrags over Clark Airdrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
A-20 attacking oil-storage
facilities on Ceram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
B-25 attacking Japanese warship,
Ormoc Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
B-25 attacking Japanese warship,
Amoy area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Parafrags and .50-caliber casings . . . . . . . . . . . 141
B-25 attacks cargo vessel in
South China Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142


Bomb strikes during

the Battle of the Bismarck Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


Capt Matt Rodman’s book is an intriguing study of a moment

in history when combat airpower played a key role in achieving
victory. He expertly recounts how Fifth Air Force quickly devel-
oped new tactics and procedures that “saved the day.” The per-
fection of low-altitude bombing, strafing, and skip bombing
made differences that in hindsight are easy to recognize and
quantify. Without them the Fifth would have found itself in a
longer, costlier fight with an uncertain outcome. However, these
new tactics hurt the enemy to the extent that the Allies even-
tually prevailed.
The real value of Captain Rodman’s study, however, lies not so
much in his excellent retelling of significant developments in air-
power as in his pushing the need for us to be flexible, adaptive,
opportunistic, and entrepreneurial while safeguarding our core
values and capitalizing on our core competencies. He therefore
helps us take some of the uncertainty out of the largely unpre-
dictable future by stressing the importance of “effective adapt-
ability.” Obviously, many components determine success—
preparation, resources, knowledge, and determination, to name
just a few. None of these, however, have nearly the importance
as the creative ability to adapt effectively in order to confront the
threat and deliver victory. By telling us the story of Fifth Air
Force in the Southwest Pacific, Captain Rodman schools us on
our need to employ all of our resources creatively, no matter their
limitations. Our future battles will be new and different, as will
the actions we take, even though they derive from our past suc-
In the mid-1980s, experts would have had difficulty forecast-
ing the effectiveness of the precision and near-precision aerial
strikes we executed in Iraq just a few years later. In the mid-
1990s, almost no one could have envisioned allied and joint
ground forces, some riding on horseback, communicating
through satellites to a multitude of aircraft that produced effects
leading to our triumph in Operation Enduring Freedom. Today
we can only venture a guess—and probably not very accurately—
at what we will confront in the coming years. But this much is
certain: we will face challenges unlike those of the past, and


victory will go to the team that can best adapt its resources to
stop the enemy. Captain Rodman’s great effort convinces us that
it is our legacy to maintain and even enhance that ability.


Deputy Director, Plans and Programs
Air Combat Command
Langley AFB, Virginia

the Author

Capt Matt Rodman was born on 1 April 1971 in Lovington,

New Mexico. Growing up primarily in the Texas Panhandle, he
was drawn to flying from an early age, attending local warbird
shows at every chance. He obtained the rank of Eagle Scout
and later graduated with honors from Lubbock High School in
1989. From there he went on to earn both a bachelor of science
degree in radio-television-film and a bachelor of arts degree in
history from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994. In May
1995, the author received his commission as a second lieu-
tenant in the Air Force and then completed a master of arts
degree in history from Texas Tech University while on active
duty in 1998. His first assignment was as a television producer-
director in the 436th Training Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base,
Texas, graduating from both Basic Communications Officer
Training and Combat Camera Officer Training while fulfilling
this role. Following this first tour, he was selected to attend
Joint Specialized Undergraduate Navigator Training at Naval
Air Station Pensacola, Florida. After earning his wings in March
2000, Captain Rodman attended Squadron Officer School and
then moved back to Texas to begin training as a B-1B weapon
systems officer at Dyess. Since 2001 he has served with the
9th Bomb Squadron of the 7th Bomb Wing, and is now an
instructor weapon systems officer with over 1,000 hours in the
B-1B. At press time, Captain Rodman is on his third deploy-
ment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, having accu-
mulated over 600 combat hours on more than 50 combat mis-
sions thus far.


Without question, attack and bombardment aviation during

World War II is a huge topic. To cover it all would quickly become
a monumental task. A very interesting piece of the larger pic-
ture, however, lies tucked away in a small corner of that war.
Focusing mainly upon Fifth Air Force, I have done my best to
present an accurate account of the nature of the air war in the
Southwest Pacific Area. This study does not presume to be an
all-encompassing operational summary; instead, it aims to
provide a representative picture of American bombardment in
that area.
To maintain focus, I discuss Army and Navy engagements only
when absolutely necessary. This limitation in no way discredits
their importance to the war effort but simply allows me to con-
centrate upon Air Force tactics. Also, by no means was Fifth Air
Force the only numbered air force to make things up as it went
along. But the frequency and fervor with which the Fifth con-
fronted tactical challenges warrant study. Furthermore, I am
interested in exploring its relationship to the prewar Army Air
Corps and to the Air Force that followed. I believe that the Air
Corps establishment never anticipated the success of the under-
manned Fifth Air Force and that the postwar Air Force never
truly appreciated it.
It is impossible, of course, to divorce the Fifth from Gen
George Kenney. Without question, his background and per-
sonality shaped the air war in the Southwest Pacific. But I did
not design this book as a biography. Frankly, it would pale in
comparison to works already available. Instead, I hope my study
illustrates what airpower can accomplish under inspired leader-
Finally, I think it is critical that we consider Fifth Air Force
in light of current events because we can easily establish par-
allels between its experiences and those of the modern Air
Force. Ours is not a world in which the next war is obvious.
The challenge, met so well by the Fifth over 60 years ago, lies


in establishing an air arm capable of responding quickly and

effectively to whatever combat environment presents itself when
war does come.


Dyess AFB, Texas
February 2005


This book is based upon the master’s thesis I wrote at Texas

Tech University. Although there’s no doubt that, as a gradu-
ate of the University of Texas, I bleed burnt orange, I owe a
great deal of thanks to faculty and friends who helped me at
Tech, particularly Dr. James Reckner. My thesis director and
academic mentor, he never took it easy on me. He is the driv-
ing force behind a burgeoning history department and a trusted
friend to all of his students. Thanks for pushing me to publish.
Thanks also go to my compatriots in Holden Hall: Lt Col Doug
Campbell, USAF, retired; Ryan Lovell; and Craig Hannah not
only made my studies better, but also became fast friends.
I had the good fortune to visit several research facilities dur-
ing the preparation of my thesis. I am indebted to countless
staffers at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland
(National Archives II), the Air Force History Support Office, and
the National Air and Space Museum. They willingly spent an
inordinate amount of time assisting a hapless graduate stu-
dent who most often showed up unannounced. I also thank
the 436th Training Squadron for introducing me to Air Force
life and for providing several opportunities to conduct research
after temporary-duty assignments near those archives. A spe-
cial thanks to Lt Col Mike Green, USAF, retired, and Lt Col
Jon Langford, as well as fellow lieutenants (at the time) Dawn
Koegler, Mark Nelson, and the rest of the Multimedia Flight. Of
course, no Air Force book would be complete without at least
a few visits to Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. I am indebted
to both the Air Force Historical Research Agency and Air
University Press. In particular, I extend thanks to Dr. Marvin
Bassett at the press for keeping up with me and sticking with
this project while I spent so much of the past three years shut-
tling among forward operating locations. I’m glad we finally got
it all together from halfway around the world!
Thanks certainly go out to Col Jonathan George for taking
the time to write the foreword to this book. I have yet to see a
finer wing commander. Your impending star is well deserved. I
wish you continued success, both for you and our Air Force.


Obviously, since I now fly bombers for a living, this book has
become much more personal. My time as a “Bat” in the 9th
Bomb Squadron has been nothing short of phenomenal.
Although not happy about what motivated the deployments,
I’ve been proud to be part of America’s response to 9/11 and
will always be thankful to Col Eldon Woodie for having the
faith in me and a handful of other new guys when it came time
to go out the door and off to war. I have no doubt that I experi-
enced the highlight of my career under his leadership on that
first trip to the desert. Thanks also to squadron commanders
Lt Col Robert Gass and Lt Col Robert Maness for ably carrying
on the best traditions of the 9th—and for letting me play my
small part. There are too many Bats to thank individually; just
know that I’m proud to have shared the squadron with all of
you. Shape, Roadkill, Rotorhead, Crew 13: that means you too.
Of course, a few fellow history buffs have made my time in the
9th even more enjoyable. Thanks to Maj Michael “Pugs” Pugsley,
Maj Tony “Rivet” White, Maj Allen “Stump” Wilson—and even
Reapers Capt Dave “SARDOT” Marten, Capt Dave “Fodre”
Pafford, and Capt Todd “Eddie” Moenster—for talking about
history or touring sites whenever we had the chance. Stump,
Rivet, and Pugs—a special thank-you for lending your time,
editing skills, and historical perspectives to the completion of
this book.
Of course, none of this would have been possible without
friends and family. Jeff, Dan, and Harv: it seems that we’ve
been friends forever, yet I can’t wait to get back to Austin for
some more Mexican food and football! Thanks for being such
good friends for so long. Thank you Stephanie not only for
being one of my best friends, but also for helping me complete
research both at Maxwell and from a distance. Chuck, thanks
for being a great family friend and for always talking about air-
planes with me, even as a kid. Paul, I also thank you for feed-
ing the airplane habit as our careers have progressed. Many
thanks go to all of my friends at Hyde Park and Aldersgate
United Methodist churches for shining a light on the path,
walking it with me, and making the way just a little bit
straighter. For my family that has traveled the road ahead of
me, I thank you for your influence. Great-Grandparents Phillips,


Great-Grandmother Mason, Great-Grandparents Killingsworth,

Grandparents Rodman, Grandaddy Killingsworth, Uncles Phil
and Ronny—I wish you were here to see this book come to
fruition because I know it wouldn’t have happened without
you. Thanks. The rest of us miss you all. Big thanks to Great-
Uncle Keith, a former A-20 gunner, for opening my eyes to this
part of Air Force history and creating the spark that led to this
book. I continue to stand in awe of you, Grandaddy, and the
other men and women who won World War II. I hope this book
is a small measure of thanks and admiration. Mom, you are a
constant inspiration, and I can never thank you enough for all
you’ve done. You’re simply the best. Dad, thank you for giving
me a vision of military service, an appreciation for its history,
and an example to follow. Jennifer and Tim, I truly feel sorry for
people not blessed to have grown up with such a great sister
and brother. I treasure every minute we spend together. The
same goes for you, Brandon. I couldn’t have asked for a better
brother-in-law. And Aidan, well, you’ve been a blessing to all
of us. I think I’m going to like being an uncle! Granny, thank
you for being the rock upon which the rest of the family
stands. Thanks, indeed, to all of my family. Mr. Guy, Gwen,
Brian, Laura, Amber, Josh, Denise, Henry, James, Gina, Max,
Dustin, Courtney, Gay, Richard, and Katie: each and every one
of you means the world to me. Thank you all, much love, and
God bless.

Chapter 1

Prewar Doctrine and Tactics

The story of Fifth Air Force and the US Army Air Forces (AAF)
in general begins well before the outbreak of World War II. The
interwar years offer a record of doctrinal struggle, divergent
ideas, and aspirations. The AAF that entered World War II in
1941 was no stranger to battle, but this conflict was among
the Army, Air Corps, and War Department.
Before the war, bombardment and attack aviation were very
distinct entities. In the Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), the lines
would blur. Fifth Air Force under Gen George C. Kenney was
a “hodgepodge” air force in an unanticipated environment and
often lacked the option of using either attack or bombardment
aviation. The tools in-theater had to meet the mission at hand.
Kenney used equipment and doctrine without concern for their
bomber or attack origins.
The Army Air Corps’ search for identity during the interwar
years hinged on doctrine. Prewar air officers had no intention of
fighting the next war on the enemy’s terms—and little inten-
tion of doing so on the US Army’s terms either. In the 1920s and
1930s, the Air Corps was keenly aware that defining doctrine
would prove critical not only to its performance in future wars,
but also to its identity as a fighting force. A small cadre of offi-
cers shaped interwar doctrine, always keeping independence
in mind. The struggle to create this doctrine within an Army
establishment left an indelible mark on the ideas that followed
the AAF into the war. This battle occurred both in public and
in private. Airpower advocates, staff organizations, professional
military schools, and limited Depression-era budgets all played
a role in the creation of an air doctrine before America’s entry
into World War II.
Airpower in the 1920s was heralded by a small but influen-
tial group of military leaders and theorists. Born before World
War I, military aviation learned to crawl over the trench-lined
battlefields of “the war to end all wars.” The critical question
after that war involved the direction aviation would take. The


Army saw the airplane as another weapon in service to the

ground war. Postwar air leaders, however, saw a weapon of
boundless potential. The airplane’s inherent freedom of move-
ment could theoretically allow it to bypass the bloody trenches
altogether. It had the potential to attack an enemy where he
had never been attacked before—at home. The interwar years,
in many ways, were more about the competition between these
two factions than about military innovation.
The Air Corps and its AAF descendant remained part of the
Army until 1947, developing many of their “non-Army” theories
unofficially and, for the most part, quietly. Col William “Billy”
Mitchell, however, was anything but quiet.1 He and other avia-
tion advocates like Giulio Douhet proposed that an air force
deserved to be an independent arm of any country’s military
Air power has completely changed the method of applying military
power. While its effect has been very great on land operations, it has
not yet changed the character of land forces or their general methods
of operation. The use of an air force at the inception of a war may be
decisive and not require the use of one army against another to obtain
the decision; but if the use of armies becomes necessary they will still
use the infantry, artillery, possibly some cavalry, and many of the
auxiliaries that have heretofore been employed.
Air power’s effect on a navy, however, will entirely change all methods
and means formerly used by sea forces. To begin with, no surface ves-
sels can exist wherever air forces acting from land bases are able to at-
tack them.2

Mitchell earned a bad reputation among the military estab-

lishment early in his postwar career because of his increas-
ingly strident assertions of airpower’s superiority—and espe-
cially because of his “battleship bombing trials.” Leading the
First Provisional Air Brigade against anchored battleships in
1921, Mitchell easily navigated his aircraft to captured Ger-
man and mothballed American warships, damaging or de-
stroying them. For Mitchell, his success signaled a death knell
for the Navy. Such notions were exaggerated, especially given
the state of aviation in the 1920s, but they found support in a
public fascinated with the new planes and eager to find a
cheaper, less overt means of defending America’s shores. By
promoting the Air Service as a defensive, shore-based weapon,


Mitchell sought to funnel a progressively bigger share of

America’s defense budget into the development of truly offen-
sive weapons. His spirited pronouncements upset senior offi-
cers in the Navy and the Army, both of which were fighting for
the same money. Bitter arguments ensued, and Mitchell was
given a series of far-flung assignments, away from much of the
American press and the Washington establishment.
But he was not content to remain silent. Tireless in his as-
sertions, Mitchell pushed the military leadership too far: “In
September 1925 he responded to the news of two recent naval
aviation disasters by denouncing the ‘incompetency, criminal
negligence, and almost treasonable administration of the Na-
tional Defense by the Navy and War Departments.’ ”3 Mitchell
was court-martialed for conduct prejudicial to good order and
military discipline and conduct that discredited the military
service. The number of high-ranking enemies he had accumu-
lated almost assured his conviction. Instead of being relieved
from duty, he left the Air Service in 1926. Even out of the ser-
vice, he trumpeted airpower’s independence:
[The] advent of air power which can go straight to the vital centers and
entirely neutralize or destroy them has put a completely new complex-
ion on the old system of war. It is now realized that the hostile main
army in the field is a false objective and the real objectives are the vital
centers. The old theory that victory meant the destruction of the hos-
tile main army, is untenable. Armies themselves can be disregarded by
air power if a rapid strike is made against the opposing centers, be-
cause a greatly superior army numerically is at the mercy of an air
force inferior in number.4

Before he died in 1936, Mitchell produced volumes of airpower

theory that air officers eagerly read, studied, and preached—
even if unofficially.
Among air leaders, Mitchell became a martyr, his theories lay-
ing the foundation on which most future leaders silently built
their own ideas. In many ways, his belief in the inherent vul-
nerability of the Navy and the importance of attacking an
enemy’s “vital centers” accounts for the strategic bias of the
pre–World War II Air Corps. Airmen saw the ideas embodied in
Mitchell as the genesis of air force independence. Even the
bastion of attack aviation, General Kenney, was part of Mitchell’s
bandwagon: “If Billy Mitchell said the moon was made out of


green cheese—it was made out of green cheese as far as most

of us were concerned. We were all highly enthusiastic about a
separate air department. . . . Most of us were quietly working
and getting in trouble with the general staff and everybody else.
Writing bills and button-holing congressmen—trying to help
Billy put the thing across.”5 For all their fervor, however, young
Air Corps officers were still part of an Army whose leadership
was primarily concerned with using the airplane as a ground-
support tool. Army and Air Corps leaders thought along dif-
ferent lines, a split most clearly seen in the divergent tracks of
bombardment and attack aviation.
As the Air Corps entered the 1930s, it was becoming clear that
the bomber was the cornerstone around which independence
could be built. For the Air Corps, strategic platforms amounted
to a foot in the door toward a separate service. If the bomber
could realize its potential, it might take the battle straight to
the enemy’s industries and cities, bypassing his naval and
ground defenses altogether. This untested idea, based upon a
nonexistent bomber force, drove Air Corps officers in every
theory they developed.
A subtle battle ensued between the Army establishment and
Air Corps air leadership. Much of the junior Air Corps leader-
ship cycled through and reflected the teachings of the Air Corps
Tactical School (ACTS). As bombers grew closer to becoming
capable combat aircraft, so did the cadre of air officers grow in
size and doctrinal sophistication. Despite strategic bias and
the financial realities of the 1920s and 1930s, the doctrinal basis
for attack aviation did not suffer.6 Although a growing number of
ACTS graduates and instructors preferred to focus on bombard-
ment, the influence of the Army kept tactical aviation in the pic-
ture. Consequently, the battle between the Army and the Air
Corps helped to establish a relatively balanced air doctrine.
Budgets in interwar America forced both the Army and the
Air Corps to be very selective about the platforms and ideas
they developed and funded: “Post-WWI budget constraints and
force demobilization presented serious challenges to Air Ser-
vice leaders inhibiting the development of aviation as a whole.”7
The Army wanted its attack planes built, and the Air Corps
wanted its own planes built. The desire for ground support


drove the Army leadership, whereas independence increasingly

motivated the Air Corps.
There was a hidden agenda at ACTS: “Although its mission
was the training of air officers for higher staff duties, the chief
value of the school to the Air Corps lay in its extra-legal func-
tion of serving as a sounding board for ideas concerning the
critical issue of the role of airpower in war.”8 It “proved to be
the only common location of experienced Air Corps officers who
had enough time for creative thinking.”9 Through its class-
rooms at Langley Field, Virginia (1920–31), and Maxwell Field,
Alabama (1931–40), passed the officers who led the AAF through
World War II.
Although one might say that ACTS was the birthplace of big-
bomber mentality, quantifying such a statement would prove
very difficult. In truth, the Tactical School was many things,
chief among them a grooming school for future service leaders.
Students received instruction in a myriad of different topics—
bombardment only one of them: “Only part of the 50 percent
of the curriculum devoted to air matters focused on strategic
bombing. . . . In the 1935 curriculum, for example, 44 out of
494 class periods (8.9 percent) were devoted to ‘bombardment.’
The school allocated far more time—158 periods—to ‘equi-
tation’ (horseback riding) that year.”10 ACTS also conducted at-
tack classes. Attack aviation lacked the romance of bombers
and fighters, but it demanded doctrinal attention as well. Even
in attack doctrine, the fundamental disagreement between the
Army and the Air Corps becomes clear:
From the earliest origins, attack theory and doctrine evolved primarily
along two paths—direct and indirect support of ground and air force
objectives. The direct support approach was based on fundamental be-
liefs by the Army that attack aviation was an auxiliary combat arm to
be used directly on the battlefield against ground forces and to further
the ground campaign plan. The indirect support approach, or air in-
terdiction, was derived from the fundamental beliefs by the Air Corps
that attack aviation was best used beyond the battle line and artillery
range, against targets more vulnerable and less heavily defended, to
further both the Air Force mission and the ground support mission.11

For the Army, attack aviation was the purest form of aerial
support, with results most evident on the battlefield. An Army
ground commander could expect low-flying aircraft to pummel


the enemy directly in front of his lines—often at his own com-

mand. For Airmen, attack aviation became another way of iso-
lating the battlefield, and it should be theirs to command.
Even without the range of the big bombers, the ideal attack
aircraft—when not in direct support of troops on the ground—
could still press behind the lines to interdict supplies on bridges
and roads leading to the front lines. The ability to engage tar-
gets on the battlefield and just beyond was essential. The
gravity of each view became a matter of debate between the
Army and its Air Corps. In 1929 Capt George Kenney was part
of a three-member board convened to determine future develop-
ment requirements in attack aircraft. The principal missions
constraining their inquiry came directly out of the ACTS attack
curriculum: “the destruction of hostile aircraft on the ground,
the destruction or immobilization of hostile reserves, and re-
inforcements of personnel and materiel and the destruction or
neutralization of hostile antiaircraft establishment.”12 The ACTS
curriculum, prepared by aviators, sought to further establish
the attack aircraft’s role beyond the immediate battlefield:
The present conception of a deep defensive zone, allows for no worth-
while targets for attack aviation within the effective range of friendly
medium artillery. Attack aviation must therefore look for its targets be-
yond that range. Only under extraordinary circumstances, when every
other means has been employed without avail to gain the desired end,
may attack aviation be called upon legitimately to operate against hos-
tile front line troops.13

The fundamental disagreement in the employment of attack

aviation wouldn’t change, but, in truth, it didn’t have to. Attack
aircraft were capable of satisfying both Army and Air Corps de-
mands before war broke out. Having developed from oversized
fighters, attack aircraft would come to fruition in the Douglas
A-20 (design work started in 1936, and production aircraft
began rolling off the line in 1939). With the arrival of the A-20,
the Air Corps gained a solid aircraft—essentially a light bomber.
Its dual role was exemplified by the fact that units flying this
attack aircraft were designated as bombardment, albeit light-
bombardment, squadrons. Fifth Air Force widely exploited this
capability in the Southwest Pacific.


Despite the strides made in the years before the war, attack
aviation languished somewhat at ACTS in the 1930s: “The
theory of attack objectives and tactics remained virtually what
it was when Captain Kenney wrote the text in the late ’20’s.”14
Regardless of the disparaging attitude toward attack, it stayed
on the books. Because the Army considered it important, it was
important to ACTS.
The Army saw ACTS as simply another one of its many
schools. If it had perceived the school for what it was—the
training ground for almost all of the important and influential
leaders in the Air Corps—the Army may have been more con-
cerned with the growing cadre of big-bomber advocates. In spite
of the scant time dedicated to the topic, strategic bombard-
ment planted a seed in the minds of many ACTS graduates.
But since the senior service did not see the rising tide and
since it controlled all official doctrine and budgets in the first
place, the machinery of the Army was not overly concerned.
The textbooks that ACTS published yearly for all of its classes
became standards of doctrine and employment. Published in
1926 for the Air Service Tactical School, while Kenney was a
student there, Bombardment became the first major work to
define the bomber’s mission. In it, heretofore random musings
would find the first hints of doctrinal foundation. With it, the
rift between the Army and its Air Corps grew a bit wider. Fur-
thermore, the cult of the bomber began to push aside internal
competition within the Air Corps itself.
As early as 1926 the Tactical School took the view that bombardment
constituted the basic arm of an air force. This assumption was rejected
by the Office of the Chief of Air Corps, on the ground that the situation
would determine which arm was basic. When the issue at stake was
air supremacy, pursuit must be regarded as basic. OCAC opposed the
designation of any one branch as basic, but contended that if any were
to be so designated, it should be pursuit. This, however, was the last
occasion on record when any authoritative Air Corps statement recog-
nized pursuit as basic. There was increasing emphasis upon the of-
fensive principle in war, especially in air war, and the bomber pushed
to the fore as the chief offensive air weapon.15

Since mainland defense drove the allotment of Air Service

funding in an isolationist and Depression-stricken America,
Bombardment keenly dealt with the battle between bomber


and ship. Consequently, one cannot overestimate the impor-

tance of the bombing trials conducted by Billy Mitchell in 1921
and 1923. Air Service leadership saw in these trials a glimpse of
a seemingly invincible antishipping weapon that would give fly-
ers the advantage in the battle for coastal-defense dollars: “Con-
sider the effect of a direct hit by a single bomb on the battleship
Virginia during the bombing maneuvers of 1923. The results of
the explosion of that 1,100-pound bomb were such that any
attempt to deny or minimize the potential destructive power of
bombardment is pure sophistry.”16 Although they were far from
conclusive as realistic military tests, the trials gave air advo-
cates both a glimmer of promise and a public-relations gem.
Mitchell’s tests helped drive the Air Service’s interwar assump-
tion of aerial omnipotence; hence, they were an early step in
the eventual push for independence.
Bombardment, like many other interwar works, was long on
theory but short on tactics. Although accurate bombsights
would elude the air arm for years to come, doctrine continued
to assume that they would appear before war broke out. This
assumption, as well as faith invested in the creation of a
strategic bomber, meant that the Air Service put its antiship-
ping efforts into medium-altitude attacks: “The altitude of the
attack should be between 5,000 and 8,000 feet [which would
increase before the war]. At a lower altitude than 5,000 feet
the danger from 50-caliber machine-gun fire increases rapidly
and bombing accuracy little if any; above 8,000 feet there is a
decrease in bombing accuracy, while antiaircraft artillery fire
becomes more effective.”17 The intricate balance between of-
fensive efficiency and defensive survivability has always been
a key equation for airpower. Although markedly different in
outcome, this process of matching tactic to target is precisely
what would happen in the forgotten stretches of the Southwest
Pacific. The Air Service also considered which weapons to put
against shipping targets. The interesting assumption is not
necessarily the size of the weapons tasked but the faith that
an accurate targeting mechanism would emerge and allow the
weapons to find their mark:
Either 1,100 or 2,000 pound bombs should be used on battle cruisers,
dreadnaughts [sic] or battle ships, and armored cruisers. The 600-pound


bomb is ideal for other types of cruisers, airplane carriers, fuel and sup-
ply ships. Submarines and destroyers may be destroyed and sunk with
300-pound bombs. These sizes of bombs are chosen because, in any
given case, a single hit by one of them, either directly on or within a
reasonable distance of the target, will almost surely render that ship
hors de combat.18

The Air Force has always been preoccupied with control of

the air. In the years prior to the war, however, the Air Corps put
relatively little developmental effort into the creation and train-
ing of a pursuit air force. In fact, both the champion of American
attack aviation (Kenney) and American pursuit aviation (Claire
Chennault) were essentially outcasts during their time at
ACTS as both students and teachers. Bombardment, however,
made occasional nods to their areas of expertise. Pursuit air-
dromes became key targets, especially in the SWPA, a theater
void of vital centers: “It is generally conceded that control of
the air will be one of the deciding factors in any future war.
Bombardment can assist materially in securing that control by
attacking the enemy’s airdromes, particularly his pursuit air-
dromes, since supremacy in the air depends upon pursuit.”19
Interestingly, Bombardment also foreshadowed the means by
which Fifth Air Force would attack these airdrome targets. The
methods varied somewhat, but many of the choices of weapons
were the same. The recommended 100-pound and 25-pound
(or thereabouts) bombs became mainstays in the SWPA:
The 100-pound bombs are too small except for targets which can be
easily destroyed. They can be used very effectively against airdromes, par-
ticularly hangars. They should produce good results in attacks upon
wagon or motor-truck trains. Light wooden buildings are not difficult to
demolish, and this size bomb should be used with success against can-
tonments or even munition plants of temporary war-time construction.
[Fragmentation bombs] are sometimes called personnel bombs, as they
are designed for use against personnel targets, such as troops in action,
on the march, in camp, or in unprotected cantonments. They are also
effective against exposed personnel on the decks of ships, against air-
dromes, motor convoys, searchlights, field artillery units, antiaircraft bat-
teries, and similar targets easily damaged or destroyed by fragments. . . .
It has been found that the greatest number of men can be killed per unit
weight by a bomb weighing about 25 pounds.20


Indeed, Kenney had worked with these smaller bombs, claim-

ing credit for attaching parachutes to the 23-pound bombs
while he served as an instructor at ACTS. By retarding the
speed of the falling weapon in relation to that of the aircraft,
this bomb allowed for the safe escape of aircrews entering and
bombing a target zone at the lowest possible levels.
Harking back to Billy Mitchell, Bombardment promoted the
attack of vital centers. The “air force idea” had always called
for the destruction of the enemy on his home front, at the cen-
ter of his industry and war-making capability. Bombardment
put it this way: “The destruction of an ammunition dump should
reduce the amount of ammunition which the enemy can use
against us immediately, while the destruction of an ammuni-
tion factory may be expected to reduce his supply for future
use.”21 The industrial countries of Europe fit this mold. Thus,
this doctrine was far better suited to the European battlefield
than it was to the jungle-laden Southwest Pacific.
Prewar thought regarded tactical-attack aviation as such a
minor facet of the air war that the Tactical School text actually
suggested handing control of some of these assets to Army

It follow[ed] logically that, as a general rule, [General Headquarters Air

Corps] reserves for itself the employment of bombardment to accom-
plish strategical missions and allots to the various army commanders
the units which a general knowledge of the situation indicates are re-
quired to carry out the tactical missions necessary to success of the
ground forces [attack]. This is a fundamental principle of the employ-
ment of bombardment aviation.22

The fundamental principle of airpower conducted and led by

Airmen, however, was part of the ongoing fight between the Army
and its Air Corps, the latter perhaps willing to placate the Army
with attack aviation. This stemmed from the growing belief that
direct support of fielded troops remained a second priority to
preparing the battlefield by eliminating the enemy’s industries
and supplies behind his borders via a properly designed and
executed bomber campaign. In fact, the consensus among mem-
bers of the Air Corps held that attack aviation remained inher-
ently subordinate to bombardment.


“‘If a ground campaign developed, tactical air operations . . .

might be carried out by the entire air force.’ However, the be-
lief was expressed that only rarely would all the air force be en-
gaged in work of a tactical nature.”23 This view of the air arm’s
role rapidly developed into what one can only term an institu-
tional faith that solidified itself throughout both the school
and the Air Corps. Held in check only by its little-brother sta-
tus to the Army, the Air Corps spent much of its time and ef-
fort developing the strategic bomber and perfecting the meth-
ods of its employment. Attack was seen as a supporting element
that “coordinates its actions with, and subordinates its efforts
to, those of bombardment. The mission of attack aviation is now
solely to insure to the best of its ability, regardless of losses to
itself, the success of the bombardment mission.”24
Strategic bombing was seen as a way to win a war without
resorting to the trenches and grinding battles that characterized
the bloody Great War: “When instructors at the school began
to graft the concept of the primacy of the bomber onto the con-
cept of air warfare and strategic air operations, they were con-
sciously or unconsciously providing the covering for the skeleton
built by Mitchell.”25 They believed that Mitchell’s court-martial
did not stem from insubordination but that it amounted to per-
secution for his belief in and defense of airpower. This notion
only lengthened the shadow of his influence. Many of the officers
who joined in the 1920s spent the better part of their careers
trying to prove him right.
“By 1930 the concept of the primacy of bombardment was
firmly established. . . . The text for the ‘Air Force’ course left no
doubt that in their opinion pursuit could not guarantee immu-
nity from hostile air attack, and consequently that the only way
to gain control of the air was through a determined bomber of-
fensive.”26 With the turn of the decade, modern bombers started
to evolve from theory into production. Still, the Air Corps “had
to be very careful not to openly defy the Army. . . . U.S. military
policy was based on defense. Any weapon system designed for
offensive operations would never have been approved. The long-
range bomber, including the B-17, was therefore developed . . .
under the guise of coastal defense.”27


If the Air Corps sought to make the bomber its centerpiece,

however, it would have to convince the Army and War Depart-
ment General Staff (WDGS). Understandably, this would prove
to be a major challenge. Army leaders still saw the airplane as
a subordinate weapon:
The concept that the air force would not attack objectives on or in the
immediate vicinity of the battlefield except in the most unusual cir-
cumstances was expressed far more positively [in 1930] than in earlier
school manuals. The manual [ACTS text The Air Force] recognized that
the air force on occasion would be required for direct support of the in-
fantry, but warned that even an army was too small a unit to utilize to
the maximum the great range and flexibility of an air force. As the
bomber grew in importance in the minds of the Bombardment and Air
Force instructors at the school, increasing emphasis was placed on its
use against targets in rear areas and in the interior of enemy nations.
Nevertheless, in 1930, and for the next two years, the strategic em-
ployment of bombardment still hinged on surface strategy; for targets
were vaguely defined as those whose destruction would impede mili-
tary operations.28

On the one hand, the bomber had become the machine prom-
ised by air leadership; on the other, it still had to provide ground
support for the Army. The effort to maintain this balance be-
came critical as the Air Corps began to field the tactical and
strategic bombers that would enter the war. With capable
medium bombers and light attack aircraft starting to roll off
the production line, the Air Corps saw the potential to divorce
its strategic bombers from direct support of the Army.
Assuring the bomber’s ability to actually deliver its payload
at extraordinary distances and return safely—on its own—rep-
resented a formidable obstacle. Since the Air Corps cared more
about the success of the bomber—and, therefore, the Air Corps’
claim to independence—less effort went into the development of
complementary fighter aircraft. Before long, the idea of bomber
invincibility became a set of blinders for the Air Corps: “In-
structors had also begun to endorse the theory of bomber in-
vincibility. The 1931 version of Bombardment guardedly ex-
pressed this theory in the statement that bombers could operate
. . . with or without support of other aviation. Bomber defense
against hostile pursuit was based on the mutually supporting
fire of machine guns of airplanes flown in close formation.”29


The AAF would pay dearly for this concept in World War II. The
time preceding the arrival of adequate fighter support, espe-
cially in Europe, became the bloodiest in Air Force history be-
cause formations of bombers could seldom defend themselves
as adequately as envisioned against determined attacks.30
Midway through the 1930s, the Army softened its stance
somewhat, but the official message of ground primacy remained
clear. The WDGS felt the occasional need to reiterate its position
by “putting the Air Corps in its place”:
As far as the General Staff was concerned the primary function of the
air force still was support of ground operations. In brief, “Air opera-
tions, like many other military operations, are governed by the same
fundamental principles that have governed warfare in the past,” and
consequently, “Air Forces constitute a highly mobile and powerful ele-
ment which conducts the operations required for carrying out the
Army mission.”31

In fact, when the commanding officer of ACTS suggested in

1938 that the Air Corps thought of the texts and theories pre-
sented at the school—strategic bombardment among them—
as doctrine, he was quickly reminded where the Tactical School
stood within the bigger Army picture:
When Brig. Gen. Henry C. Pratt, commandant of the Tactical School,
ventured to suggest that the ACTS texts dealing with air subjects were
accepted throughout the Air Corps as the guiding doctrine of tactical
units, he was reminded by The Adjutant General that school texts were
in no way to be considered an announcement of the official tactical
doctrine or procedure; such official announcement appeared only in
the field service regulations, training regulations, and field manuals.32

This ongoing battle between the Army and the Air Corps flared
up occasionally, but General Pratt was essentially correct.
Most Air Corps officers came much closer to subscribing to the
teachings of ACTS than to the tenets of official Army doctrine.
Most of the officers at ACTS and throughout the Air Corps
believed in the doctrine of strategic bombardment because in
it lay the Air Corps’ best chance for independence. If they
could only scrape enough money out of the defense budgets,
air leaders believed it simply a matter of time before technol-
ogy caught up to doctrine. “Instructors were convinced that
the extreme accuracy required for knocking out small targets
could be achieved with the improved planes and bombsights . . .


[and] that air power should be employed against small vital tar-
gets during the initial phase of hostilities, because only in this
way could a long costly surface war be avoided.”33 The Air Corps
theoretically offered this unique capability. Through bombard-
ment it could exert an inordinate amount of pressure on critical
targets beyond the Army’s reach—indeed, before soldiers could
set foot on enemy territory. Even if Airmen couldn’t win a war by
themselves, the Air Corps believed they could shape and dra-
matically shorten the battle. Billy Mitchell wrote, “As air power
can hit at a distance, after it controls the air and vanquishes
the opposing air power, it will be able to fly anywhere over the
hostile country. The menace will be so great that either a state
will hesitate to go to war, or, having engaged in war, will make
the contest much sharper, more decisive, and more quickly
But the strategic bomber would not take the starring role in
the Pacific. Fifth Air Force fought in an area that could scarcely
have been further removed from the European battlefield and its
vital centers. Even the biggest of bombers couldn’t reach Japan
from Australia or New Guinea—not to mention the fact that Fifth
Air Force wouldn’t have had enough of them to begin with.
Ironically, the demands of the Army and the consequent de-
velopment of attack and smaller bombardment aircraft proved
critical to ensuring that the Fifth had a fighting chance in the
SWPA. Especially in the early battle for New Guinea, where
Japanese airdromes and their lines of supply were strategic tar-
gets, these aircraft and their tactics offered a perfect fit.
By the time of the publication of Air Corps Field Manual
(ACFM) 1-10, Tactics and Techniques of Air Attack (1940), the
split between the Army and the Air Corps had become even
wider. Although neither gave much ground regarding its ex-
pectations of airpower, the field manual clarified both strate-
gic and tactical missions by spelling out the means and ends
of light bombardment and attack aviation more clearly than
ever before. Furthermore, the growing reality of war forced the
military establishment away from theory and into serious con-
cern over a military picture that was becoming increasingly
clear—and increasingly frightening. By the mid-1930s, bombers
like the B-17 began to roll off the production lines and into


service. Attack aircraft did not garner nearly that sort of an-
ticipation, but the arrival of the A-20 more than met the re-
quirements of ACFM 1-10. That aircraft boasted “high speed,
moderate size, maneuverability, provision for loads of various
types of fire, and . . . provision for some defensive fire forward
to cover low altitude attack approaches.”35 The field manual not
only defined the requirements for aircraft, but also dealt with
their employment. It far surpassed the generalities and untested
theorems of the early ACTS texts and was now firmly rooted in
real planes and capabilities. The A-20—a functional attack air-
craft that easily doubled as a light bomber platform—met the
requirements of both the Army and Air Corps.
Whereas Bombardment advocated high-altitude attacks on
ships, ACFM 1-10 came much closer to the practices actually
used in the SWPA: “Naval objectives free to maneuver are
bombed from the lowest altitude consistent with bombing ac-
curacy and proper security measures. Obviously, the lower the
bombing altitude, the smaller the opportunity of the vessel to
avoid the bombs by maneuver.”36 This, however, remained a
point of contention. Through the 1930s, most of the Air Corps
preferred high-altitude bombardment, but proper high-altitude
employment against ships required large formations of bombers.
If Kenney had been predisposed to maintain this tactic, he would
have found himself hard pressed to do so in the SWPA, if for
no other reason than the limited number of heavy bombers.
The inability to form adequate flights of bombers negated the
tactic of bracketing a surface target within a bombing pattern
to prevent its maneuver and ensure the best odds of a hit.
ACFM 1-10 also defined the methods of attack against smaller
targets: “Minimum altitude attacks with fragmentation bombs,
machine guns, and toxic chemicals are effective against expedi-
tionary forces.”37 These more vulnerable targets included the
“softer” island airdromes all over the Southwest Pacific—pre-
cisely the job for which attack aviation had been designed. It
was no mistake, then, that Kenney most often used light-attack
and medium-bombardment aircraft against these targets. Fur-
thermore, one should note that he did not perceive the lack of
strategic bombers as a showstopper in the early SWPA, seeking


to suit his tactics and equipment to the battle at hand rather

than to prewar doctrine.
By 1941 it had become clear that America was very close to
entering the war. Like ACFM 1-10, Training Circular no. 52,
“Employment of Aviation in Close Support of Ground Troops,”
clarified the means of attack aviation. The circular broke the
problem of altitude into four factors: character and extent of
opposition, nature and base of target identification, type of bomb
used, and accuracy of bombing.38 Training Circular no. 52 ap-
proached war in something more than generalities, reflecting
the fact that leadership had given an official nod to flexibility
and in-theater improvisation: “The plan of action and scheme
of maneuver covering the attack of any assigned objective vary
with the situation and conditions existing at the moment. The
characteristics of combat aviation make it impracticable to de-
termine and prescribe a standard procedure for these forces to
cover the diverse conditions under which these operations
may be conducted.”39 Fifth Air Force would capitalize upon
this flexibility, at least a partial by-product of the doctrinal
split between the leadership of the Army and the Air Corps.
In the end, the battles over the creation of doctrine and the
desire for independence created an Air Force more doctrinally
balanced than is typically believed. Given a free hand, the Air
Corps would have centered its force structure more thoroughly
around the heavy bomber. Army officers, however, wanted an
attack air force dedicated to the direct support of ground units
in the field. By the time war became almost inevitable at the
turn of the decade, the seeds of strategic bombardment had
taken hold. The Air War Plans Division’s tasking to provide a
realistic assessment of what it would take to achieve victory in
a future war with the Axis powers presented a golden chance
to turn theory into reality: “In FDR’s request [lay the] oppor-
tunity to sneak ACTS doctrine into a major War Department
planning document via the back door. . . . Because he needed
a working group to start on the project immediately, [Lt Col
Harold] George recruited former colleagues from ACTS—bomber
enthusiasts Lt Col Ken Walker, Maj Haywood Hansell, and Maj
Laurence Kuter.”40 But what took only a matter of weeks—writ-
ing strategic doctrine firmly into America’s war plans—could


not totally undo years of interservice battles over equipment and

tactics. The resulting posture was a strange mixture not fully
vested in either the Army or Air Corps ideal.
The Allied policy of “Germany first” justified the big-bomber
perspective and allowed the AAF to funnel the vast majority of
its resources into this effort—the one for which the Air Corps
had envisioned a fleet of bombers in the first place. But the
SWPA demanded a different approach to aerial warfare. A
strategic campaign was out of the question in the Pacific, if for
no other reason than the distances from Allied territory to any-
thing approaching an industrial target were simply too great
for the contemporary bomber. The task became the destruc-
tion of small island bases and naval convoys that kept those
bases connected to the rest of the Japanese Empire—a com-
pletely different problem than fighting an enemy with a vul-
nerable industrial infrastructure.
As a subordinate service, the Air Corps didn’t have free rein
over its doctrine or budgets. It did have, however, a small cadre
of leaders who believed in the aircraft as a unique weapon of
war. This sometimes subtle but tireless march toward inde-
pendence set the stage for air war—not as either the Army or
the Air Corps would have chosen but, perhaps, exactly as they
needed it. The prewar struggle between the Army and the Air
Corps guaranteed a balanced doctrine, even though neither
side was completely happy with the result. The key element
was flexibility. On the one hand, air leaders in Europe had
enough doctrinal background to carry out the strategic cam-
paign they had envisioned since the end of World War I. On the
other hand, the balance struck between the Army and its air
forces was almost a perfect fit on the other side of the world.
The targets and geography of the Southwest Pacific campaign
would demand methods far removed from the set-piece strate-
gic campaign played out in Europe. The battle for the South-
west Pacific would be a different kind of war.

1. Mitchell was certainly not alone, but he had the greatest influence upon
American air leaders in the interwar years.


2. Aircraft: Hearings before the President’s Aircraft Board, vol. 2 (Washing-

ton, DC: Government Printing Office, 1925), 497–98.
3. Ronald H. Spector, Eagle against the Sun: The American War with Japan
(New York: Free Press, 1985), 14.
4. Quoted in Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, eds., The Army
Air Forces in World War II, vol. 1, Plans and Early Operations, January 1939
to August 1942 (1948; new imprint, Washington, DC: Office of Air Force His-
tory, 1983), 42.
5. Gen George C. Kenney, interview by Col Marvin M. Stanley, 25 January
1967, transcript, 9, US Air Force Historical Research Agency (hereafter
AFHRA), Maxwell AFB, AL, K239.0512-747.
6. Truthfully, Mitchell should have received more credit for promoting a
balanced air approach among attack, bombardment, and pursuit. As his
reputation grew, however, friends and foes tended to focus on his strategic
ideas, helping to create the popular “monster” image of Mitchell.
7. Maj Gary C. Cox, Beyond the Battle Line: US Air Attack Theory and Doc-
trine, 1919 –1941 (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1996), 3.
8. Robert T. Finney, History of the Air Corps Tactical School, 1920 –1940
(1955; repr., Washington, DC: Center for Air Force History, 1992), 56.
9. Robert Frank Futrell, Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: Basic Thinking in the
United States Air Force, vol. 1, 1907–1960 (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University
Press, 1989), 62.
10. Col Phillip S. Meilinger, USAF, retired, Airpower: Myths and Facts
(Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2003), 18.
11. Cox, Beyond the Battle Line, v.
12. “Proceedings of a Board of Officers for the Purpose of Determining
the General Requirements for an Attack Airplane at Langley Field, Virginia
on April 8, 1929,” 3, AFHRA, Maxwell AFB, AL, 248.222-52.
13. Air Corps Tactical School, Attack Aviation (Langley Field, VA: ACTS,
1930), 37.
14. Thomas H. Greer, The Development of Air Doctrine in the Army Air
Arm, 1917–1941 (Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1985), 67.
15. Ibid., 55.
16. Air Service Tactical School, Bombardment (Washington, DC: Govern-
ment Printing Office, 1926), 2, National Archives, W87.24 B63.
17. Ibid., 81.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid., 58–59.
20. Ibid., 11–12.
21. Ibid., 5.
22. Ibid., 6.
23. Finney, History of the Air Corps Tactical School, 63.
24. Air Corps Tactical School, Attack Aviation, 63.
25. Finney, History of the Air Corps Tactical School, 57. Kenneth Walker
and Robert Olds, both of whom served as aides to Mitchell, became perhaps
the key figures in bombardment instruction at ACTS.


26. Ibid., 64.

27. Maj Anthony D. White, “The Air Corps Tactical School and the De-
velopment of U.S. Strategic Bombardment Doctrine,” student paper (Charles
Town, WV: American Military University, 2004), 21–22.
28. Finney, History of the Air Corps Tactical School, 64–65.
29. Ibid., 66–67.
30. Fifth Air Force had a huge advantage in terms of fighter escort. By
virtue of the relatively short distances to targets and the high number of P-38s
available (since they were shunned by other theaters), the bombers and at-
tack aircraft rarely flew on major missions without significant fighter cover.
Comparatively flimsy Japanese aircraft made for easier targets than the
tougher Luftwaffe aircraft encountered by Eighth Air Force in Europe.
31. Finney, History of the Air Corps Tactical School, 69.
32. Ibid., 69–70.
33. Ibid., 71.
34. William Mitchell, Winged Defense: The Development and Possibilities
of Modern Air Power—Economic and Military (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons,
1925), 16.
35. Air Corps Field Manual (ACFM) 1-10, Tactics and Techniques of Air
Attack, 1940, 6.
36. Ibid., 108.
37. Ibid., 102.
38. United States War Department, Training Circular no. 52, “Employ-
ment of Aviation in Close Support of Ground Troops” (Washington, DC: War
Department, 1941), Air Force History Support Office, Bolling AFB, Washing-
ton, DC.
39. Ibid., 12.
40. Col Phillip S. Meilinger, ed., The Paths of Heaven: The Evolution of Air-
power Theory (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1997), 224.

Chapter 2

December 1941–November 1942

The SWPA was not the battlefield for which the prewar AAF
had prepared itself. Geographically, the Southwest Pacific was
immense, extending from the Philippines to Australia, north to
south, and from the Solomon Islands to Java, east to west. Be-
fore the war ended, Fifth Air Force would press another 1,000
nautical miles (nm) north to attack the Japanese mainland. If
one considers Darwin, Australia, the lower center of the SWPA,
the eastern edge lay 1,300 nm away, the western edge 1,650
nm, and the northern edge of the Philippines 2,000 nm. By com-
parison, Eighth Air Force’s distance from London to Berlin was
only about 600 miles (fig. 1).
Japan’s industry—hence, its defense—relied on the import
of raw materials to the home islands. This otherwise powerful

Figure 1. Southwest Pacific area


nation was vulnerable because it lacked sufficient materials to

sustain itself as a world industrial or military power. Control
of oil, rubber, and metal resources, therefore, became the strate-
gic objective for Japan’s invasion of mainland Southeast Asia
and the vast archipelagos of the SWPA.
The ability to transport raw materials from captured territories
to the Japanese home islands became paramount. Sea-lanes as-
sumed critical importance. Although military forces provided
poor protection for these lanes, a vast defensive area surrounded
them. Capturing island after island in the Pacific, the Japanese
effectively created a huge defensive perimeter around the home
islands, their sources of supply, and the sea-lanes that ran be-
tween them. By taking almost every island within this line, they
established a system of defense in depth. If an outer circle of is-
lands were to fall, several more inner circles awaited an attacker
before it could reach Japan itself. The sheer size of the theater
worked to the advantage of the Japanese.
American plans were not so simple. The military launched a
two-pronged approach to Japan. Adm Chester Nimitz led forces
in the Central Pacific, and Gen Douglas MacArthur directed
those in the Southwest Pacific—a study in contrasts, to say the
least. Nimitz’s goal was to move through the heart of the Pacific,
from Hawaii to Japan, using a force composed primarily of Navy
and Marine Corps assets. MacArthur would take his Army
troops and Airmen from Australia through New Guinea and the
Philippines into Japan.
The Army and Navy fought amongst themselves for the re-
sources to fuel their divergent Pacific routes. This clash was
exacerbated by the broader battle between theaters. Both
services had no choice other than fighting for supplies in the
Pacific because of the Allies’ avowed “Europe First” policy. For
the AAF, Europe presented the ideal battlefield for strategic
airpower. Advocates of heavy bombardment had progressively
established and woven big-bomber doctrine into the Air Corps
before the war and took what steps were available to shape it
into a strategic air force. Army command of the Air Corps pre-
vented the creation of the strategic force envisioned by most
Air Corps thinkers, but it had not been able to prevent the doc-
trinal foundation in strategic airpower that most air leaders


brought with them. For the AAF, Europe was a perfect proving
ground for their ideas. For this reason, as well as the Europe
First policy, other theaters that did not lend themselves to a
strategic air war had to make do with whatever was left after
the European theater attained full strength.
Far removed from Europe, the command structure in the
SWPA was most assuredly Army-centric. General MacArthur
did not have high regard for his air forces, especially after their
poor performance in the wake of Japan’s initial attacks. Thus,
he was less than inclined to allow airpower a starring role in
his theater. Additionally, a tight coterie of Army officers sur-
rounded MacArthur, creating a barrier between the commander
and anyone outside the inner circle. These staffers routinely
denied AAF officers access and filtered all plans and policies sub-
mitted to the general. They were “a group of loyal and deferen-
tial—critics said sycophantic—subordinates who served as his
key staff officers and assistants throughout the war. . . . The as-
cendancy of ‘the Bataan gang’ was never challenged.”1
The AAF had not endeared itself either to the Army or
MacArthur early on in the Southwest Pacific. It had suffered a
sound defeat in the Philippines and proved almost totally inef-
fective against Japanese shipping targets in the first nine
months of the war—a less than stellar performance. General
Kenney’s assignment to the Southwest Pacific came in direct
response to this situation. In the interim, MacArthur and his
staff developed an almost inherent distrust of the AAF, and ca-
reer Army officers positioned themselves to run the air war:
MacArthur didn’t know anything about airpower—he was not satisfied
with what the Air Force had done for him so far. His first knowledge,
really, was when we got clobbered at Clark Field [Philippines] when the
Japs came in there and busted everything up. And they hadn’t done
much for him ever since then. So he was kind of off the Air Force. Then
his staff—there were two or three guys on the staff that had done a little
flying, you know in a training plane with some pilot in the back seat, and
so they knew all about aviation. They liked to write the orders and they
had been writing the orders. . . . Writing operations orders right down to
detail. Prescribing sizes of bombs and altitudes and all the rest of this
stuff. They didn’t like the Air Force. . . . We were told to go out and do
our flying and shut up. They would build the airdromes as they saw fit.
They would furnish the supplies. They would do all this stuff.2


Kenney found himself in the uncomfortable position of com-

manding an air effort that he did not fully control and having
his every move subject to question from MacArthur’s inner cir-
cle. Kenney bucked at this pressure several times before he
won control:
When [Maj Gen Richard K.] Sutherland attempted to browbeat Kenney
in the way he had done to so many of MacArthur’s other commanders,
Kenney seized a piece of blank paper from the chief of staff’s desk and
drew a tiny black dot in the corner. “The blank area represents what I
know about air matters,” growled Kenney, “and the dot represents
what you know.” Sutherland soon backed down and, from then on,
Kenney had little trouble from the chief of staff’s office in running his
air force.3

Kenney’s job was not easy. He had to challenge the AAF’s

strategic predispositions in the same manner he had handled
General Sutherland. The targets in the SWPA, especially in the
early days of the war, were anything but strategic: “In Europe,
the mission of strategic bombers was to destroy Germany’s war
economy. In the Southwest Pacific there were no typical strate-
gic targets other than a few oil refineries. Thus, in the Pacific the
air mission was to interdict Japan’s sea supply lanes and enable
the ground forces to conduct an island-hopping strategy.”4
Until Allied forces could make major advances, the heart of
Japanese industry and supply remained out of reach for Fifth
Air Force and its minimal bomber contingent:
Kenney held no grand strategic illusions. He wished “to own the air
over New Guinea primarily so that MacArthur’s ground troops, Aus-
tralian and later American, could push the Japanese over the Owen
Stanley Mountains back to Buna and out of New Guinea. Co-operation
with the ground forces would be essential to this design. ‘Tanks and
heavy artillery can be reserved for the battlefields of Europe and
Africa,’ Kenney wrote to his chief, [Gen Henry H.] Arnold. ‘They have
no place in jungle warfare. The artillery in this theater flies.’ ”5

Tactical airpower was Kenney’s forte as a career attack pilot

and advocate within the prewar Air Corps. He was particularly
suited to this type of warfare and the limited weapons at his dis-
posal. So were his subordinates: “The fact that Kenney was a
long-time proponent of attack aviation and that [Gen Ennis C.]
Whitehead spent the bulk of his operational career in fighters
must have made the transition away from strategic airpower


easier. But the second step—finding the appropriate weapons to

match the new doctrine—was accomplished primarily by instill-
ing a spirit of innovation throughout the command.”6
Kenney drew upon this innovation and flexibility to fight the
war in the Southwest Pacific. Outside help was minimal, inter-
nal expectations were high, and prewar tactics were insuffi-
cient to win the war. Rethinking tactics, if not doctrine, became
Kenney’s only option for winning the air war in the Southwest
Logistics also shaped the battle that would be fought. Ameri-
can and British leaders had formally discussed the prioritiza-
tion of the European battle since January 1941. By the time
America entered the war almost a full year later, the decision
had been made and formally recognized in the ABC-1 agree-
ments of August. This decision would hamper the movement
of men and equipment into the Pacific through most of the war.
It envisioned the Pacific theater as a defensive war, holding the
Japanese long enough to win the conflict in Europe and real-
locate supplies for a full effort against the enemy.
The Philippines—and General MacArthur—were promised
the equipment necessary to defend against the coming Japa-
nese invasion. But by virtue of European priority and the poor
estimation of Japanese attack dates, the Philippines were not
adequately supplied to meet the invaders in early December.
In addition, MacArthur had ordered his American and Filipino
troops to prepare a broad island defense before these supplies
even arrived. As a result, MacArthur’s limited resources were
caught in the open and poorly defended when the Japanese at-
tacked. Last-minute scrambling to redeploy a smaller defense
proved futile. The limited air contingent found itself in the
same situation, unprepared and underequipped to fight off an
invasion of the Philippines.
Surviving AAF units withdrew toward Australia, beginning
the retreat less than two weeks after the initial Japanese at-
tack. The planes and crews that escaped became the foun-
dation of the air effort in the SWPA. Ragged and poorly
equipped, their flight from the Philippines was haphazard at
best (fig. 2).




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000







Figure 2. SWPA battle map, December 1941–November 1942

When General Kenney arrived in Australia on 28 July 1942,

his first task entailed creating an effective fighting order out of
the chaos that was the Far East Air Forces, a sloppy amalga-
mation of several national air forces with different priorities.
To make it work, he had to make it “his” air force. He requested
the designation of a new numbered air force, and by 3 Septem-
ber 1942, Fifth Air Force was officially constituted with Ken-
ney in command.
After winning the confidence of MacArthur, Kenney moved to
restructure: “His top priority would be to get rid of the ‘dead-
wood’ and replace it with operators. With this in mind he in-
quired about two brigadier generals, Kenneth N. Walker and
Ennis C. Whitehead, who had been sent to Australia before him.
Kenney had plans for them.”7
One of the staunchest proponents of strategic bombardment
before the war and one of four men responsible for preparing
Air War Plans Division, Plan 1 (AWPD-1), General Walker had
served his time at ACTS as one of the chief instructors in the


subject. Kenney made him commander of Fifth Bomber Com-

mand, resulting in an odd combination of attack aviator in Ken-
ney and strategic bomber in Walker. They worked well together,
but disagreement over the application of bombers would cost
Walker his life.
Kenney appointed Whitehead, a career fighter pilot, deputy
commander of Fifth Air Force, operating out of Port Moresby,
New Guinea. More importantly, he also commanded its ad-
vanced echelon, a simplified command structure designed to
operate American forces staging out of New Guinea. Because
Kenney’s duties compelled him to remain in Australia in charge
of both Fifth Air Force and the Allied Air Forces, controlling
the war in the New Guinea area from 1,000 miles away proved
impractical. For that reason, Whitehead had full authority
over his forces.
Spread out in front of Fifth Air Force, the Pacific theater
hinged upon shipping. Freedom of shipping for the Americans
meant maintaining lines of communications and supply into
Australia and the rest of the Allied-controlled Southwest Pa-
cific. For the Japanese, freedom of shipping was essential to
maintain their far-flung perimeter of tiny island bastions. In-
deed, their offensive success relied upon shipping. Without it,
Japan would have no chance to extend or maintain its power.
Accordingly, Japanese shipping became a primary target of
American airpower.
The long-standing Air Corps tactic of attacking shipping called
for large formations of high-altitude bombers. Smaller bombers
and attack aircraft were meant for support, specifically “the
neutralization or destruction by machine gun fire, light bombs,
and chemicals, of the antiaircraft deck defenses of those vessels
which are able to fire on the bombardment formation during its
final approach and during the actual dropping of bombs.”8 Com-
pared to the number of bombs dropped from formations at alti-
tude, hits were few and far between. But with enough mass, ac-
cording to Air Corps theory, bombers not only would bracket
any ship with walls of bombs, but also do so out of effective
reach of the ship’s antiaircraft fire.
The 19th Bombardment Group (BG), survivor from the
Philippines, operated almost exclusively with these high-altitude


antishipping tactics. Its missions early in the conflict were

textbook studies of prewar doctrine. On 25 October 1942, six
B-17s attacked a large warship in a six-abreast, high-altitude
formation: “The attack took place at 1700 and the ship sank at
2100, according to the shore watchers on Santa Isabel. It was
variously identified as a battleship of the Kongo class and a
heavy cruiser. . . . Twenty-two 500-lb. HE [high-explosive or
demolition] bombs were dropped from 13,500 feet.”9 Whether
or not the B-17s actually sank this ship remains questionable,
but the tactics were typical.10 Bombardment squadrons (BS)
had operated and would continue to operate in this manner for
months: “Most of our [93d BS, 19th BG] bombing during this
period was done from 20,000 to 30,000 feet and we usually
carried eight 600 pound demolition bombs.”11 Even when the
proper number of bombers was not available to perform
these attacks according to tactics, crews used medium- to
high-altitude bombing as the default method of attack. Fa-
vorable odds and large formations of American bombers, how-
ever, did not guarantee success—witness the situation en-
countered by bombers trying to halt a convoy moving into the
Buna, New Guinea, area during July and August 1942: “Allied
aircraft attempted to counter the enemy landings by bombing
the Japanese convoys from 25,000 feet. Despite meeting no air
opposition, 10 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses, five North Ameri-
can B-25 Mitchells, and six Martin B-26 Marauders could hit
only one transport. One of the bombers and several of the
fighters attempted low-altitude strafing and bombing attacks,
meeting with slightly more success, but by the afternoon the
troops were safely ashore.”12 Certainly, high-altitude attacks
met with some success, but more often than not, bombing
ships from altitude simply proved ineffective.
When the opportunity for a more conventional terrestrial tar-
get presented itself, the considered decision was still to bomb
from altitude: “On one mission against an airfield at Penang
[Malaysia] it was reported the Japs had concentrated approxi-
mately 100 to 150 airplanes on this field. With three B-17’s we
took off for Palembang, Sumatra, and arrived over the target
at 30,000 feet.”13 Bomber aviation had been designed and doc-
trinally expected to bomb from high altitude and in formation.


Theoretically, a sufficiently large formation releasing all of its

weapons at once would be able to negate the effects of poor
aiming, ballistic dispersion, and a host of general inaccuracies
associated with bombing in World War II. If for no other rea-
son, the tactic generally did not work early on in the SWPA be-
cause Fifth Air Force didn’t have the appropriate number of
bombers to place into formation.
The primacy of high-altitude bombardment, preached for
years in the prewar Air Corps, had made it to the Pacific. First
among these prewar thinkers was Kenneth Walker, who lost
his life trying to prove the effectiveness of high-altitude bom-
bardment in January 1943. He disobeyed orders by going on
a mission himself and further disobeyed General Kenney by
rescheduling the attack to arrive over Rabaul at noon instead
of early morning. Trying to prove that bombers could destroy
shipping from altitude while defending themselves against
enemy fighters, Walker and his crew were shot down and never
recovered. His loss was a setback, but the high-altitude work
he believed in would eventually find its place in Fifth Air Force’s
scheme. In large part, though, these early attempts at uncoor-
dinated bomber attacks were a dying breed in the Southwest
Pacific before the 19th BG returned to the United States in De-
cember 1942.14
Soon, follow-on bomb groups like the 43d supplemented the
battle-weary 19th. They would not be bound to the same tac-
tics. Kenney, in fact, saw to it because “the 19th Bomb Group
(B-17s) had arrived in Australia from the Philippines in March
1942. . . . Their bombing continued to be from altitudes above
25,000 feet. The percentage of hits on Japanese shipping, how-
ever, was less than one percent.”15 According to General Kenney,
from these altitudes everyone thought that was the thing to do—get up
around 25 to 30,000 feet and do your bombing. Well, it didn’t make
any difference whether you had this marvelous Norden sight or what
sight you had—you don’t hit from that altitude. You don’t hit moving
targets or maneuvering targets like a ship, and so then everybody says,
“Oh, let’s go to pattern bombing. We’ll get a whole formation and bunch
them up together, and maybe out of all those bombs we drop, one of
them will get on the deck.” Well, I didn’t have enough airplanes to do
that kind of stuff. If I put 20 bombers over a target—why, that was a
maximum effort there for almost the first year in the Pacific.16


It became clear to the Japanese that American bombers using

traditional tactics presented more of an annoyance than a
credible threat. Targets would no doubt be destroyed, but so
infrequently that the Japanese infrastructure and logistical
system could easily recover. Early in the war, heavy four-engine
bombers were the only offensive American aircraft with the “legs”
to reach targets like Rabaul. If their tactics were predictable or
ineffective and if the enemy maintained air superiority, the
Japanese could build up and stage from the harbor without
Before the 43d BG had time to settle into the SWPA, it be-
came obvious that the enemy had the upper hand. Rabaul
Harbor in particular embodied this confidence: “The place-
ment of the vast number of ships also indicated little fear of
bombing raids. They were lined up so that accurate bombing
would have created many losses. I now understood perfectly
what it meant to have air, sea, and ground superiority.”17 It
was unlikely that enough heavy bombers would arrive to give
prewar tactics an honest shot, even if General Kenney had
been so inclined. Early in the war, the need for innovative so-
lutions to problems with supply and tactical matters became
obvious because innovation was the only commodity that Ken-
ney and his Airmen did have in abundance.
Before the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor, it was clear that
the SWPA would be a special case. At best, prewar tactics had
only a mild effect in this underequipped theater. Fifth Air
Force did not have the luxury of hundreds of bombers flying
in giant formations over land and sea targets; nor did it have
the option of dropping tons of bombs to score what amounted
to a few lucky hits. In a pattern that became very familiar,
Fifth Air Force would have to make do with what it had.
For a few weeks early in the war, A-24 dive-bombers—in-
stead of high-altitude, large-formation bombers—attacked
enemy shipping. A simple machine, the A-24 required only a
two-person crew instead of the six to 12 crew members in the
heavy bombers. Initial results were promising. “We could have
done it all easier with dive bombers. We could have gone in
earlier. You wouldn’t need such highly trained personnel as a
bombardier. (You can’t train them overnight.) You can train a


dive bomber pilot in no time at all. I think it is really the dope

for that business where you are against surface craft.”18 Al-
though the Navy used its version of the A-24 (Douglas SBD
Dauntless) well into the war, the AAF replaced it as quickly as
possible. A limited number of these aircraft served with the
27th BG out of Australia and Java in early 1942. They experi-
enced some success versus ships in Bali harbors and off the
waters of Java, but the loss of or irreparable damage to most
of the aircraft proved too much to overcome. Without a sub-
stantial amount of fighter support, the handfuls of A-24s were
quickly decimated. As the Japanese secured their influence in
the region, and until Fifth Air Force established a foothold in
New Guinea, the vast distances of the Pacific left few options
besides the big bombers. The short-ranged A-24 attack air-
craft was an anomaly in the AAF. Even before war broke out,
the faster and better-equipped A-20 Havoc began replacing
the A-24. The idea of Air Force dive-bombing in the SWPA
passed from thought as the A-20 came online early in the war.
Prewar doctrine acknowledged that attack aviation was sup-
posed to be “down and dirty.” The A-20 had this mission in mind
from its very inception. Although the Havoc was not designed as
an antishipping weapon, logic demanded that it attack those
ships “on the deck” if the need arose. Kenney’s genius lay in
pushing the design envelope of every bomber platform. If a
bomber did not have enough firepower to strafe, he added guns.
And even if a bomber were designed to approach, bomb, and
egress a target from over 25,000 feet, nothing guaranteed that it
would stay at that altitude under his command.
General Kenney expanded the possibility of using even the
heavy bombers in low-level roles on his way to Australia in
July 1942. This idea preceded publication of the report of low-
level tests then under way in Florida. Kenney “fired” Maj
William Benn, his aide, with whom he had discussed the pos-
sibilities of low-level tactics on the trip to Australia. Benn was
given command of the 63d BS, the first unit in the theater to
adopt these low-level tactics.
Benn’s crews developed two such tactics in the fall of 1942:
low-altitude bombing and skip bombing. “Every time we had a
few moments while we were in Port Moresby, we would load


our aircraft with ten 100-pound bombs, using a 4- to 5-second

delay, and drop them by the skip bombing method on the reef
off Port Moresby. The reef had a hull of a sunken ship.”19 At this
point, the distinction between low-altitude and skip bombing
is important. Low-altitude bombing (fig. 3) involved a bomb
run at 2,000 feet or less and at about 200 nautical mph, drop-
ping two to four bombs over the ship. Low-altitude attacks af-
forded better accuracy with smaller formations—typically just
two bombers.

4,000 feet

2,000 feet
20-second bomb run

Figure 3. Low-altitude bombing, 63d Bombardment Squadron. (Adapted

from James T. Murphy with A. B. Feuer, Skip Bombing [Westport, CT:
Praeger Publishers, 1993], 26.)

As initially developed in the Southwest Pacific, skip bombing

(fig. 4) called for B-17s to approach the target at between 200
and 250 feet and about 200 knots. The aircraft released bombs
with delay fuses of four to five seconds so that they would hit 60
to 100 feet short of the ship. A perfect skip would take them the
remaining distance and either send the bombs into the side of
the ship or up against it, sinking and detonating underwater.
Both outcomes proved effective, and the percentage of hits


turned out substantially better than those from high-altitude

attacks.20 Hull penetration was only a secondary outcome.

2,000 feet
200–250 mph

Bombs with delay fuse of four

to five seconds dropped from
200 –250 feet

200–250 mph

Figure 4. Skip bombing, 63d Bombardment Squadron. (Adapted from

James T. Murphy with A. B. Feuer, Skip Bombing [Westport, CT: Praeger
Publishers, 1993], 25.)

By 2 October 1942, the planes and crews were ready to put

their new tactics to the test. The 43d BG took off for Rabaul.
Jim Murphy and his crew were among the first trained in low-
altitude B-17 work. That night they
broke out [of the weather] at 2,500 feet. Dawn was just breaking and
[they were] flying east right into the sun. . . . [The] bombardier and navi-
gator both saw the huge transport about forty degrees off to our left, I
[Murphy] dropped down and angled into the biggest ship I had ever
seen. I told Lombard [the bombardier] to drop the four 1,000-pound
bombs simultaneously when we reached the target. . . . [We] had a
good 20-second run, straight and level. The bombs went exactly as we
hoped—one hit the ship directly, with the other three very close to it.
Major fires broke out all over the ship. The results were fantastic. I
[Murphy] had hit a 15,000-ton transport. McCullar hit a cargo ship,
7,000 tons, setting it on fire; Sogaard hit a destroyer. . . . At 2,000 feet,
we just couldn’t miss!21


Three weeks later, on 23 October 1942, seven B-17s from

the 63d BS, Jim Murphy’s included, attacked shipping in the
harbor a little after 0300. This time, they used both low-altitude
and skip bombing against the ships. Forty-eight 500-pound
demolition bombs, fused for instantaneous and 10-millisecond
delayed fusing were dropped between 5,000 and 8,000 feet.
Released from medium altitude, these bombs served as a di-
version this night. Twelve more were dropped from 4,200 feet
all the way down to just above the water, sinking one cruiser,
one destroyer, and two large merchant ships.22 The moon was
one day shy of full—enough light to attack by, yet still provide
the cover of darkness.
Unconventional and more than a little nerve-wracking, low-
altitude and skip bombing had worked. B-17s, designed to at-
tack targets from high altitudes in large formations, had changed
their tactics to match their targets. Lower altitudes offered
greater accuracy without the need for large formations. Properly
executed, these tactics surprised the Japanese—and they had
worked. Experiments continued through the fall of 1942. The
primary target was Rabaul Harbor, where a few months earlier
the Japanese had felt so secure that they disregarded the
bomber threat and indiscriminately packed the harbor full of
warships and supply ships.
On 15 November 1942, the 43d BG again launched on Rabaul
at night:
McCullar bombed from 1,200 feet and hit the one destroyer he was
after. Lieutenant Anderson made one run at 7,000 feet with no hits. On
his second run, at 1,200 feet, he had a direct hit on a light cruiser with
one bomb. The cruiser began to burn and exploded. . . . Thompson also
dropped all his bombs from an altitude of 1,200 feet on [a] destroyer
and scored three direct hits. That ship was seen to break in half and
sink. This again was a demonstration of low-altitude bombing versus
the ineffectiveness of trying to hit maneuvering ships from a much
higher altitude.23

The B-17s, whose long range worked to their benefit, did the
job but had to compensate in other areas. For one, they flew
largely at night and used diversionary attacks from higher al-
titudes. After all, a single lumbering B-17 just a few hundred
feet above the water made an easy target for antiaircraft fire.
Fifth Air Force could not afford to lose bombers or their crews


on a routine basis. High-altitude formation bombing may well

have been safer than low-altitude attacks, but attacking at
night afforded a measure of protection while increasing accu-
racy and essentially “force-multiplying” the minimal bomber
Before the year ended, the record of low-altitude tactics
translated into operational doctrine: “Following the success of
the B-17’s at Rabaul last November, operational training got
under way on a thorough scale in the Southwest Pacific. . . .
[The] success fired up the squadrons of the Fifth Bomber Com-
mand and one by one they began to develop the low-level tech-
nique with various types of aircraft.”24 Such results inspired
low-altitude development in other squadrons and platforms.
Clearly, the leadership of Fifth Air Force and Fifth Bomber
Command saw in the attacks on Rabaul the way of the future.
If one could not provide a sky full of bombers, tactics would
compensate for the shortage. Thus, low-altitude attack be-
came a logical choice for commanders—one that Fifth Bomber
Command would continue to use in coordinated efforts as it
grew in strength.
Low-altitude bombing and skip bombing developed concur-
rently, but the latter became the trademark of Fifth Air Force
and remains one of the great mysteries of World War II. Many
questions linger about the technique’s origins and application,
creating a convoluted picture that becomes murkier with each
successive study.
The earliest reference to skip bombing dates to the 1920s
and George Kenney himself. Although it is not certain and,
frankly, doubtful that Kenney was solely responsible for skip
bombing, he apparently did have early experience from his
days at ACTS:
So I started in with this skip bombing idea which meant low altitude
work, and Bill Ben [sic], an aide of mine, and I started in playing with
this thing—using dummy bombs against coral knobs around New
Guinea until we developed the tactics of the thing. You had to come to
a certain altitude and a certain attitude, and deliver the thing a certain
distance away from the target to get your skips right, and so on.
[Interviewer:] But all of this had its origin in the Air Tactical School
thinking and experimenting at that time?


Yes. I had done some skipping there on land and then had decided—
that—that thing wasn’t quite right, and unless you had a time fuse on
the bomb because, otherwise, the bomb went off just underneath where
the airplane was. So I put the time fuse on there. But for attacking a
land target that didn’t turn out so well, because the bomb proceeded to
bury itself and then all you got was a cloud of dirt coming up when it
went off. So—but on the water, you see, that was just right.25

Although these early attempts were less than completely suc-

cessful, they say something for Kenney’s predisposition to the
technique. At a Tactical School more concerned with bom-
bardment from high altitude, low-level skipping on land was
much more closely aligned with attack tactics. Skipping didn’t
find its way into the mainstream of the prewar Air Corps.
Actually, the first use of low-altitude bombing in the war be-
longs to the British: “Though Fifth Air Force can deservedly
take credit for skip bombing’s first decisive use, the concept did
not originate in the SWPA. . . . On 4 September 1939, 15 [British]
Bristol Blenheim bombers assaulted enemy vessels [including
the pocket battleship Admiral Scheer] near the entrance to Wil-
helmshaven [Germany].”26 In fact, these low-altitude attacks
were the first ones made against the Germans, taking place a
day after Germany’s invasion of Poland. From 100 feet above
the ships, aircraft intended to drop the weapons straight onto
the deck—not skip them up to or into the hull of the warships.
These first efforts failed, likely because the low altitude offered
insufficient time for the weapons to arm before impact. They
did, however, demonstrate the uncanny precision available
from low altitude.27 The British continued to use low-altitude
techniques and eventually began to incorporate skip bombing
into the mix. At an Allied conference in England, Gen Henry
“Hap” Arnold heard details of such an attack:
I learned about skip bombing that night [26 August 1941]. The talk
brought out the fact that while comparatively few British and Allied
ships had been sunk during April, many German ships had been sunk
by a new method which the British Coastal Command was using. Light
bombers, flying low over the water, released their bombs just as the
bomber approached the target; the bombs were in an almost horizon-
tal position when they hit the water. When they struck the sea, they
bounced and if close to the ship penetrated at the water line. The
British claimed to have had wonderful success with that method and
to have made far more hits than with high-altitude bombing.28


Upon his return from England, General Arnold charged de-

velopmental teams with the task of creating an American ver-
sion of skip bombing. By January 1942, Col Sargent Huff and
Col Edgar P. Sorenson, both at Eglin Army Airfield, Florida,
assumed command of the program.
Before their tests could be completed, interim Training Cir-
cular no. 46, Minimum Altitude Attack of Naval Objectives, ap-
peared in July of 1942. Augmenting Air Corps Field Manual
1-10, Tactics and Technique of Air Attack, 20 November 1940,
and foreshadowing the work at Eglin, the circular suggested
that pilots using modified gun sights on visual bomb runs
would obtain the best results at minimum altitude. Making
such attacks should depend upon the size of the vessel:
Point of aim—(1) Vessels having 1 inch or less armor plate.—Side of ves-
sel. (2) Vessels, such as battleships and heavy cruisers, having armor
plate over 1 inch thick.—In this case the 4-second delay tail fuze must
be used unless the vessels are lying in a harbor less than 70 feet deep.
Bombs should be so released as to strike the water from 50 to 100 feet
from the side of the vessel attacked. Caution should be used not to
strike the armored side directly as the bomb case will then rupture, re-
sulting in a low order detonation with but little damage to the ship.29

In December 1942, exactly one year after Pearl Harbor, the

official results of the Eglin tests were released in a document
called Final Report on Minimum Altitude Attack of Water-Borne
Surface Vessels with Aircraft Bombs. The Eglin conclusions
were very similar to those of Training Circular no. 46:
The report fully endorsed the concept and recommended that “training
of pilots in these techniques be initiated at the earliest possible mo-
ment.” Two of the attacks were deemed highly effective:
(1) Quartering front attack on armored surface vessels (more than
one [1] inch of side armor plate) at maximum level flight speed
and one hundred-fifty (150) feet to three-hundred (300) feet al-
titude, dropping one-thousand (1,000) pound or two-thousand
(2,000) pound demolition bombs.
(2) Broadside attack on unarmored or lightly armored surface
vessels (less than one [1] inch of side armor plate) at maxi-
mum level flight speed and at the minimum altitude necessary
to clear the target, dropping demolition bombs of any appro-
priate size.30


Kenney’s former aide, Major Benn, had witnessed some of the

testing at Eglin during the summer and was in prime position to
try it out. Having arrived in-theater only recently, the squadron
and its crews did not favor one tactic over the other. In late
September 1942, Major Benn and the 43d BG were testing this
method against a wrecked ship sitting on a reef outside Port
Moresby Harbor: “Captain Ken McCullar was especially good.
He tested ten shots and put six of them up against the wreck.
At 200 mph, altitude 200 feet, and releasing about 300 yards
away, the bomb skipped along like a stone and bumped nicely
into the side of the ship.”31 The tactics developed at Eglin and in
the Southwest Pacific were a good fit for the big bombers. Low
altitudes led to terrific accuracy. Even though skipping would
become a secondary tactic later, it remained a valid method.
Eventually, smaller bombers would drive the attacks lower, but
for a B-17, 200 feet over a target was low enough. Unable to
pull itself above the target if it released bombs from perhaps
less than 100 feet away, the aircraft thus could not safely at-
tack at true mast heights.32
The issue is further confused by battle reports composed of
half-truths. The same intelligence report that described the Eglin
tests in detail described Fifth Air Force’s first low-level attack
but with key errors: “On a moonlight night in November 1942,
six B-17’s roared along the deck at full speed into Rabaul Har-
bor. . . . This was not the first USAAF masthead attack against
shipping, but was No. 1 in the Southwest Pacifc. . . . Since even
before last November, the masthead technique—popularly
known as ‘skip bombing’—has been used with excellent results
in a number of theaters.”33 It may well be true that others used
it first, but again, the B-17 attacks against Rabaul shipping
were a combination of both low-altitude and skip-bombing—
not mast-height—techniques. The report stated that “the idea
behind masthead bombing is not new. The tactical plans of
United States attack aviation years ago contemplated such
tactics, against both land and sea targets.”34 That is true. As
mentioned earlier, Kenney was one of the officers who tested
these tactics. In reality, mast-height attack would develop
later in the SWPA.


The truth of the matter is that the first real skip bombing in
the SWPA occurred in the fall of 1942. The 63d BS had been
training for this mission along with the more conventional low-
altitude bomb runs since Major Benn became its commander
on 24 August 1942. The method developed by the squadron
did not attack at mast height and did not aim to place bombs
directly into the hulls of ships—it was true skip bombing:
The bombs would fall anywhere from 60 to 100 feet short of the vessel,
skip into the air, and hit 60 to 100 feet beyond. If perfect, the bomb
would hit the side of the boat [ship] and sink it. At that time, I would
fly directly over the ship, retaining my same airspeed and altitude
[200–220 mph, 200–250 ft.]. With the 4- to 5-second delay fuze in the
bomb, I had time to get away while the bombs sank by the side of the
ship. The explosion underwater often broke the ship in half, and it
created almost immediate fire and explosions.35

Skip bombing is one of the most important but confusing

topics in the history of Fifth Air Force. Most histories of World
War II give the Fifth the lion’s share of credit for the tactic be-
cause it accounted for some of that unit’s most spectacular
victories. More correctly, American skip bombing started with
the prewar attack doctrine espoused by Kenney. The British
revived low-level tactics in 1939 in the first antishipping at-
tacks of the war. They continued to use and modify low-altitude
and skipping tactics before America entered the fight. General
Arnold heard of their success and put American research
teams into action at Eglin Field between January and Decem-
ber 1942. After the publication of Training Circular no. 46 but
before the release of the Eglin report, the 63d BS had already
put low-altitude and skip bombing into practice. With the
squadron’s success against shipping in Rabaul Harbor in Oc-
tober and November of 1942, the term skip bombing, even if
only partially correct, caught on. The picture has remained
cloudy ever since. Low-altitude bombing sought to deliver
weapons onto a ship in a standard stick but took advantage of
the greater accuracy afforded by lower altitude. Skip bombing
typically took place between 200 and 300 feet above the water
with the intent of ricocheting a bomb up to the side of an
enemy vessel, with or without hull penetration. Mast-height
bombing (see later chapters for a detailed discussion) had not
even been used in the SWPA up to this point. Although Allied


aircraft conducted all of these methods in the low-altitude en-

vironment, low-altitude, skip, and mast-height bombing were
very much distinct tactics.
One of the keys to the success of bombing in the low-alti-
tude, antishipping environment was the fuse. A four- to five-
second delay fuse became the primary means of regulating the
explosion, allowing the bomb time to either skip to and sink
under or penetrate the hull of Japanese warships. By that
time, the attacking aircraft would have flown clear of the ship
and out of danger from fragmentation/secondary explosions.
At first, these fuses were not easy to come by, and those in
supply often proved unreliable. For these reasons, Kenney
turned to another source of supply: “We couldn’t get anything
out of the United States for some time, so we were modifying the
Australian eleven-second delay fuzes into four- to five-second
delay. So far they worked pretty well. Sometimes they went off
in three seconds, sometimes in seven, but that was good
Despite the importance of attacking enemy shipping in the
SWPA, Kenney’s first priority was always air superiority, the
foundation of all Air Force doctrine. Even the most adamant
prewar strategic-bombing theorists believed in this fundamen-
tal concept. The air superiority theoretically provided by the
bombers’ formational fields of fire inspired enough confidence
in the majority of prewar planners that they de-emphasized
fighter protection and, thus, fighter development. The as-
sumption of air superiority within bomber formations became
a given.
Air superiority in the Southwest Pacific meant freedom of
action. To attain the status of “greatest among equals,” air-
power required freedom from enemy attack. Kenney quickly
realized that the Japanese lay within easy striking range of his
tenuous New Guinea airdromes:
Soon after he arrived, Kenney flew up to Moresby, which was prepar-
ing itself for the assault from the enemy forces inching their way down
the Kokoda Trail. He arrived during an enemy air raid. The plane
stopped rolling just long enough to let him out and take off before the
Jap planes could catch it helpless on the ground. Kenney ran off the
field as the enemy planes came in and strafed the strip from one end
to the other, a sarcastic greeting to the new air boss.


“I may have had a lot of plans and ideas,” Kenney said later, “but that
attack crystallized one of them, the determination to clear the enemy
off our lawn so we could go across the street and play in his yard.”37

Since the end of World War I, Air Corps theory dictated the
destruction of enemy airpower on the ground and en masse.
To this end, Kenney made a conscious decision to target
Japanese airdromes, the key to the enemy’s chance for air su-
periority; indeed, this mission became a specialty of Fifth Air
Force. Kenney’s tactics relied on the creation of attack aircraft
that were little more than flying gunships. A-20s in particular
had been designed to conduct ground attack in direct support
of troops, but neither the A-20 nor the B-25 had sufficient for-
ward firepower in their original configurations.
Paul “Pappy” Gunn, one of Kenney’s most important lieu-
tenants, essentially redesigned the medium bombers and light
attack aircraft in the SWPA, giving them the forward firepower
that transformed these planes into strafing machines. Strafing
tactics became an integral part of Fifth Air Force’s repertoire.
The secret of forward firepower lay in replacing prewar glass
noses armed with only a single .30- or .50-caliber gun with
metal or painted-over noses that incorporated multiple .50-
caliber machine guns:
Pappy . . . managed to get hold of some 50-caliber machine guns, de-
signed a package mount of four of them, and[,] by rebuilding the entire
nose of an A-20[,] had installed them. He tested the installation him-
self by conducting a one man raid at treetop level on a Jap airdrome
on the north coast of New Guinea [July 1942]. He had done a good job,
too. A couple of Jap airplanes that had just landed had gone up in
smoke, a gasoline dump was left ablaze, and from all the explosions
after Pappy had finished his strafing run, it looked as though he had
also hit an ammunition dump.38

The addition of two 450-gallon fuel tanks in the forward

weapons bay changed the A-20 from a short-range ground-
support/interdiction aircraft to a medium-range attack plat-
form. Distant airdromes became easier to hit, and the Havoc
became an integral part of Fifth Air Force’s campaign for con-
trol of the air. By August 1942, improved A-20s from the 89th
BS were strafing airdromes in Lae, New Guinea. The extended
range and firepower of these planes late in 1942 facilitated the


Wrecked A-20A with modified nose. (AAF photo from Jim Mesko, A-20 Havoc in
Action [Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1983], 19.)

Army/AAF drive up New Guinea, establishing new airdromes

within range of the enemy’s major bases and supply lines.
Just as Pappy Gunn and his experimental workshop at the
81st Depot Repair Squadron in Townsville, Australia, had modi-
fied the A-20, so did they add a series of .50-caliber machine
guns to the B-25 bomber around November 1942. Again, the
idea was to add an extra offensive dimension to the aircraft,
and the process itself says something about the “we’ll try any-
thing” attitude of Gunn and his men:
In November he [Kenney] had sent word to Pappy Gunn to pull the bom-
bardier and everything else out of the nose of a B-25 and fill the space
with .50-caliber machine guns. For good measure, more guns were to
be strapped around the nose to give as much forward firepower as the
plane could carry. If it still flew, the Fifth would have a low level bomber
which could clear the decks of a Japanese ship as it made its run. With
this “commerce destroyer,” the aerial blockade could be enforced any-
where within their range. It was the morning of November 29 when
Kenney first went to look over the job. A package of four guns, similar
to those on the A-20, fitted neatly in the nose, and two more were being
mounted in packages on each side of the fuselage just under the cabin.
Three more were going underneath the fuselage, but the ammunition feed
was causing difficulties, and it seemed they would have to be discarded.


Pappy Gunn reported that firing the guns had popped some rivets, but
that could be cured with longer blast tubes and stiffer mounts. Kenney
thought the plane looked nose-heavy, and asked Gunn about the cen-
ter of gravity. Pappy’s lined face was impassive: “Oh, the C.G. Hell, we
threw that away to lighten the ship.”
Kenney returned about ten days later, and since the aircraft was still
nose-heavy, it was decided to move the gun packages on each side of
the fuselage back about three feet. They were still popping rivets even
though the fuselage had been stiffened with steel plates, so felt was put
between the plates and the skin to soak up the shock. However, the felt
dried hard after it was wet and the vibration was tremendous. Sponge
rubber was the answer. Every time the troublesome bottom guns were
fired the door that folded up behind the nosewheel fell off, so Kenney set-
tled for the four nose guns, the two on each side, and wanted the top tur-
ret guns fixed so they could be locked to fire forward. He told Gunn to fire
twenty thousand rounds through the installation and if the plane was still
holding together he would put together a squadron.39

Early modification of B-25. (AAF photo from Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelli-
gence, US Army Air Forces, “First Hand Accounts Make Minimum Altitude Bombing
Lessons More Specific,” Impact! 1, no. 3 [June 1943]: 44.)

B-25s in the SWPA had their tail guns and belly turrets re-
moved. After all, the use of low-level tactics eliminated the need
to defend against fighter attacks from below. In addition, any
crew member riding in a belly turret during a raid literally put


his head on the line because many B-25s returned to base

with tree damage to the bottom of the fuselage. The new for-
ward firepower, however, had occasion to make up for the loss
of such defensive fire: “We added 50 cals. in there. (Most of
them came out of cracked up P-40’s.) . . . That is essential be-
cause the Japanese pilots figure things out very rapidly. They
found the most vulnerable spot was a frontal attack. They
would come right in. After the 50 cals. with tracers were fired
out a few times, their aggressiveness fell off a little bit.”40
For the A-20s and B-25s, the addition of forward firepower
amounted to more than simple defense or offense. Strafing
would become an integral part of attack and bomber tactics—
and often an end unto itself. As the war progressed, strafing grew
both in capability and application. Forward firepower created
strafers out of light- and medium-bombardment aircraft, and
the choice of bombs for those planes also changed their role in
combat. If the targets in the SWPA were airdromes, then the
bombs applied against them needed to fit the target. Kenney
contemplated the problem of destroying airdromes carved out
of the jungle and protected by log and soil berms instead of
improved concrete bunkers. To attack these “soft” targets, he
reached back to his ACTS days:
While I was down at Langley I developed this parachute bomb—this
fragmentation bomb with a little parachute on it so that you would be
able to get away from the thing at the time it exploded, and as soon as
I got out there [SWPA] I got the 3,000 of those bombs that were left over
from early testing—back about 1929 or 30 and which nobody wanted—
they were stored in some forgotten warehouse. I got them out there and
put them to work and the first time we used them we destroyed 12
Japanese airplanes and killed about 50 men that were on the airdrome
around the airplanes, and so that resulted in a wire to Hap Arnold to
make me about five million of those things right away.41

The explosive power of the 23-pound parafrag bomb (fig. 5)

was relatively small, but the nature of the target determined its
effectiveness. The bomb would fall slowly above exposed tar-
gets such as airplanes and ground crews, its extremely sensi-
tive fuse (fig. 6) detonating on first contact. The explosion scat-
tered approximately 1,600 pieces of shrapnel, lethal to the
unsheltered targets and personnel in the crude jungle air-


Figure 5. Parafrag bomb. (Reprinted from Bombardiers’ Information File,

March–May 1945, 7-1-3.)

To facilitate the use of these weapons, Pappy Gunn “came up

with the ‘squirrel cage’ for the B-25. This was a metal rack that
looked just like a cage with columns of rods. It held parafrags in
fours stacked on top of the other, nose to tail. I recall that the
cage carried about 200 23 pounders and the idea was that when
you were over a target you toggled the whole lot.”42 By late Au-
gust 1942, planes from the 3d BG were equipped with bomb
racks for parafrags, and less than a month later, these bombs
made their first operational appearance:
An experiment using parachute bombs was tried in a carefully coordi-
nated attack on Buna. On 12 September 1942, seven B-17’s swept
through rain squalls and heavy antiaircraft fire to drop 300-pound demo-
lition bombs from 3,000 feet on the airdrome. These were followed by
additional demolition bombs dropped by five B-26’s from 5,000 feet. Fi-
nally, and under cover provided by [Bell] P-40’s, A-20’s roared over the
target area at 70 feet pouring .30- and .50-caliber bullets into parked


enemy planes and loosing over 300 x 23-pound parachute bombs. In

spite of poor visibility, all antiaircraft fire was silenced, and the A-20
group commander claimed 17 Zeros destroyed on the ground. . . . This
was the first reported use of parachute bombs in the Southwest Pacific.43

Figure 6. Parafrag-bomb fuse. (Reprinted from Army Air Forces Training

Command, Aircraft Armament for Bombardiers, “Bombardiers’ Information
File,” 1 January 1942–1 January 1945, 2-17, Air Force Historical Research
Agency, Maxwell AFB, AL, file no. 220.716-6.)


Parafrags proved just as capable of killing ground troops as

shredding exposed planes and equipment: “When the para-
chutes blossomed, some of the Nips evidently thought it was a
paratroop landing for they rushed out with their rifles and
began to shoot. . . . The Nips found out their mistake. The frag-
ments from that bomb will cut a man’s legs off below the knees
a hundred feet from the point of impact.”44
The bombardment group also learned that strafing and
parafragging made for a very effective combination. Dropping
parafrags just above the enemy’s head was one thing, but
strafing a clear path on the approach was another. More and
more guns were added to light and medium bombers, “mainly
for the purpose of covering the approach to drop the bombs,
by forcing the man on the ground to seek cover, and to render
hurried and ineffective any fire that he may open in return.”45
Crews found, just as prewar tactics had suggested, that fire
from their new guns kept the enemy under cover, away from
their antiaircraft weapons, and generally minimized the dan-
ger of the crews themselves getting shot.
Immediately after that first attack on Buna, Kenney “wired
Arnold for 125,000 more parafrag bombs and sent word to
[his] ordnance officer at Brisbane to get together with the Aus-
tralian ordnance people to convert our standard fragmentation
bombs into parafrags and fast as possible.”46 Soon after it
began using parafrags, Fifth Bomber Command ran out of
them. Before supply could catch up, the only choice was to
use these same fragmentation bombs without the parachutes,
but doing so reduced the offensive capability of the attacking
A-20s and necessitated dangerous secondary passes: “We had
to drop 25 lb. [actually 23 lb.] fragmentation bombs from 2500
feet. You couldn’t use the guns at that altitude. So that would
mean making two passes; which is costly in that section. It
has to be parachute bombing for a single pass.”47 The parafrags’
success convinced Kenney and Whitehead that Japanese air-
dromes were vulnerable targets. Fifth Bomber Command had
just found the weapons to effectively attack Japan’s airpower
in the region.48
Fifth Air Force also experimented with incendiary bombs,
first used in 1942. Kenney and his crews employed them


throughout the war: “We tried incendiary bombs; and they were
pretty good against the type of structure they had in those
places. Their huts are very inflammable [sic] and burn up in a
hurry.”49 Deciding whether or not to use incendiaries became
a matter of matching weapon to target—grass huts and ex-
posed fuel dumps called for such weapons.
Their construction was simple. The “ ‘Kenney Cocktail’ . . .
was a standard M-47 100-pound bomb loaded with white
phosphorus which, when it burst, flung out streamers of
burning incendiary material in all directions for 150 feet [fig. 7].
Its effect upon man and machine was deadly.”50 Even before
the end of 1942, “the Beast,” as Radio Tokyo dubbed Kenney
and his air force, would give the Japanese in the Southwest
Pacific more cause for concern.

Figure 7. Phosphorous bomb. (Reprinted from Bombardiers’ Information

File, March–May 1945, 7-1-4.)


Fifth Air Force modified larger bombs from those on hand to

create weapons known as daisy cutters. “To cut up aircraft on
the ground we had wrapped these bombs [300 lb. and 500 lb.]
with heavy steel wire, and we dropped them with instanta-
neous fuzes on the end of a six-inch pipe extension in the nose.
They looked good. The wire, which was nearly one-quarter
inch in diameter, broke up into pieces from six inches to a
couple of feet long, and in the demonstration it cut limbs off
trees a hundred feet away which were two inches thick.”51 Un-
like well-constructed industrial complexes, exposed targets in
the open did not necessarily require attacks by large forma-
tions of bombers laden with high-explosive bombs. Smaller
fragments proved more than enough to ignite aircraft and ma-
chinery as well as absolutely devour ground personnel un-
lucky enough to be within the fragmentation pattern.
Despite Fifth Air Force’s creative use of new weapons and
tactics, it still held on to the past in meaningful ways. During
this first phase of the war, the attacks upon the enemy’s New
Guinea airdromes clearly indicated that strategic bombers
would play a significant role. As with the first parafrag attack
on Buna, medium-altitude attacks by B-17s and B-26s pre-
ceded the strafers/parafraggers—contrary to prewar tactics,
which assumed attackers were sent ahead of bombers to clear
a flight path of antiaircraft artillery. To say that Fifth Air Force
abandoned (instead of modified) traditional bombing is popu-
lar but incorrect. The pattern of coordinated high-, medium-,
and low-altitude bombing followed the Fifth to the end of the
war. Modification and reutilization of medium bombers and
light attackers like the B-25 and A-20 were only part of the
bigger bombing picture, one that had its roots in prewar at-
tack tactics. From the beginning, Fifth Air Force exploited the
full range of bombing like no other numbered air force in
World War II.
The first year of the war was a defining one for Fifth Air
Force. Faced with an impossible situation at the end of a
nearly nonexistent supply line, those men and aircraft that
remained in the Philippines for the first months of war beat a
hasty path for Australia. There they carried out only minor
bombing and support operations until General Kenney assumed


command. Bringing with him sharp officers and a keen eye for
discerning their talents, Kenney demonstrated his ability to
“think out of the box.” His years as an attack aviator in a
strategically minded Air Corps taught him resourcefulness
and open-mindedness. But perhaps his greatest gift was im-
pressing upon his Airmen the need to be just as creative as
he—and giving them the freedom to do so.
During those first months, Fifth Air Force battled to estab-
lish the offensive, keep the enemy out of the sky, and start the
long process of cutting his vulnerable lines of supply on the
open ocean. Since the AAF had paid very little real attention to
the possibility of battle in the Pacific, Fifth Air Force had to
create its own way of war—and write its own book.

1. Ronald H. Spector, Eagle against the Sun: The American War with
Japan (New York: Free Press, 1985), 146.
2. Gen George C. Kenney, interview by Col Marvin M. Stanley, 25 Janu-
ary 1967, transcript, 21–22, AFHRA, K 239.0512-747.
3. Spector, Eagle against the Sun, 227.
4. Herman S. Wolk, “George C. Kenney: The Great Innovator,” in Makers
of the United States Air Force, ed. John L. Frisbee (1987; repr., Washington,
DC: Air Force History and Museums Program, 1996), 139–40.
5. Edward Jablonski, Airwar, vol. 2, Tragic Victories (Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1971), 13.
6. Lt Col Timothy D. Gann, Fifth Air Force Light and Medium Bomber
Operations during 1942 and 1943: Building the Doctrine and Forces That
Triumphed in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea and the Wewak Raid (Maxwell
AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1993), 30.
7. Steve Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers: The Illustrated Story of Kenney’s
Fifth Air Force (New York: Doubleday, 1977), 8.
8. Air Corps Tactical School, Attack Aviation (Langley Field, VA: ACTS,
1930), 66.
9. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Destroyer
to Battle Wagon: They Can Be and Are Hit,” Impact! 1, no. 1 (April 1943): 8.
10. Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United States Naval Operations in
World War II, vol. 5 (1947; repr., Boston: Little, Brown, 1984), 196–97. Mori-
son claims that Navy dive-bombers were responsible for the sinking.
11. Capt William J. Bohnaker, interview, 29 April 1942, transcript, 6,
AFHRA, 142.052.
12. Gann, Fifth Air Force, 3.
13. Bohnaker, interview, 10.


14. Interestingly, one prewar idea proved very accurate in the SWPA. B-17s
were virtually invincible against fragile Japanese fighters: “The first two
B-17-E’s we sent out were attacked by fifteen Zero fighters. They immediately
started the old trick of coming in and setting on our tail, firing a burst and
dropping off. As you know, the B-17-E’s have twin .50’s in the tail and of the
fifteen Zeros that tried this manoeuver, the two B-17-E’s shot down eleven.”
Ibid., 9. This also helps to explain why B-17s became so valuable in the lone
long-range reconnaissance role throughout the war in the Pacific.
15. James T. Murphy with A. B. Feuer, Skip Bombing (Westport, CT:
Praeger Publishers, 1993), 22.
16. Kenney, interview, 7.
17. Murphy, Skip Bombing, 8.
18. Col John Davies, interview, 23 November 1942, transcript, 13,
AFHRA, 142.052.
19. Murphy, Skip Bombing, 30.
20. Ibid., 23–27.
21. Ibid., 42.
22. Headquarters V Bomber Command, Office of the Intelligence Officer,
“Target Report No. 9, Attacks on Rabaul—Lakunai—Vunakanau, 8/10/42
to 20/11/42,” 1942, 8, AFHRA, 732.3331-9.
23. Murphy, Skip Bombing, 68.
24. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mast-
head Attacks against Shipping,” Air Force General Information Bulletin 13
(July 1943): 22.
25. Kenney, interview, 7–8.
26. Gann, Fifth Air Force, 9. Also described in Max Hastings, Bomber
Command (New York: Dial Press/J. Wade, 1979), 17.
27. Dave Birrell, “Sgt. (Pilot) Albert Stanley Prince: The First of the Ten
Thousand,” 2004, http://www.lancastermuseum.ca/prince.html; and Royal
Air Force, “Royal Air Force Bomber Command 60th Anniversary: Bristol Blen-
heim,” 2002, http://www.raf.mod.uk/bombercommand/aircraft/blenheim.
html (accessed 21 September 2004).
28. Henry Harley Arnold, Global Mission (New York: Harper and Brothers,
1949), 230–31.
29. Training Circular no. 46, Minimum Altitude Attack of Naval Objec-
tives, 25 July 1942, 1.
30. Reprinted in Gann, Fifth Air Force, 9.
31. George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the
Pacific War (1949; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1987),
32. The terms mast height and masthead were used interchangeably
during World War II. I use mast height in this study.
33. “Masthead Attacks against Shipping,” 20.
34. Ibid.
35. Murphy, Skip Bombing, 24.
36. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 105.


37. Capt Donald Hough and Capt Elliott Arnold, Big Distance (New York:
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1945), 49.
38. George C. Kenney, The Saga of Pappy Gunn (New York: Duell, Sloan
and Pearce, 1959), 48.
39. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 50–51.
40. Davies, interview, 15.
41. Kenney, interview, 8.
42. Al Behrens [of the 822d BS, 38th BG], “Secret Weapon,” in B-25
Mitchell at War, ed. Jerry Scutts (London: Ian Allan, 1983), 51.
43. Maj Richard L. Watson Jr., Air Action in the Papuan Campaign, 21
July 1942 to 23 January 1943, AAF Historical Study no. 17, 1944, 45,
44. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 93.
45. Air Corps Tactical School, Attack Aviation, 39.
46. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 94.
47. Davies, interview, 6.
48. In General Kenney Reports, Kenney talked about the reaction of the
theater commander: “General MacArthur wanted to know all about the para-
chute frag-bomb attack on the Buna airdrome. I told him of the success and
that I was so sure that it had proved the value of the bomb, I had radioed
Arnold for 125,000 of them. In the meantime, we had started converting our
regular fragmentation bombs to parafrags. That afternoon the General
awarded me a Purple Heart [sic] for meritorious service in developing the
bomb and utilizing it successfully for the first time in warfare” (98).
49. Davies, interview, 10.
50. Jablonski, Airwar, vol. 2, Tragic Victories, 12. For using such weapons,
the text goes on to say that “by the end of 1942 Kenney’s name was known
in Tokyo, whose radio referred to him as ‘the Beast’ and one of the ‘gangster
leaders of a gang of gangsters from a gangster-ridden country’ ” (12–13).
51. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 106.

Chapter 3

November 1942–March 1943

Tactical development and innovation became the standard in

the Southwest Pacific. Fifth Air Force created new weapons and
tactics, improved airplanes, and changed missions. Experience
there refined Air Force doctrine in somes cases, replaced it in
others. The Battle of the Bismarck Sea in March 1943 was one
of the Fifth’s finest hours. In a few short days, the Fifth severed
Japanese supply lines into eastern New Guinea and changed
the shape of war in the SWPA. In the first months of the new
year, Fifth Air Force took the offensive in the theater and kept
it for the rest of the war (fig. 8).
The Fifth expanded incendiary operations in the first months
of 1943, particularly in February. On the 14th and 15th, for
example, 32 B-17s and four B-24s released 50 tons of demolition

Figure 8. SWPA battle map, November 1942–March 1943


bombs and over 4,000 incendiary bombs into and around the
town of Rabaul and its military facilities.1 The vulnerability of the
less-than-hardened targets prompted the use of the large num-
ber of incendiaries. This attack foreshadowed Fifth Air Force’s
city bombing on the island of Formosa and the “fire raids” con-
ducted later in the war by the B-29s of Twentieth Air Force
against cities on the Japanese home islands.
Also in February, the 43d BG attacked the Vanakanau air-
drome near Rabaul with incendiaries and fragmentation bombs.
The strike was part of the ongoing campaign to establish air
superiority by hitting the center of enemy airpower and its sup-
port infrastructure: “It took them three days to repair the run-
way. We did return immediately with seven airplanes to drop
daisy cutters on both ends of the field. Many fires were started
off the northeast end of the runway. The fires became visible
for over 100 miles.”2
Working in coordination with the incendiaries, the crude frag-
mentation bombs known as daisy cutters began to play a larger
role in the war. Such locally modified bombs proved especially ef-
fective against exposed targets like troops, planes, and ma-
chinery. By 1943 the 63d BS and 64th BS (43d BG) had begun
to use them regularly: “The 500-pound bombs were wrapped
with wire and the fuze was set for instantaneous explosion. The
package was the most positive method we had to ensure de-
struction of everything within a hundred yards. . . . The bombs
really did damage [against parked planes on 1 January 1943], as
there were a number of explosions following our bomb impacts.”3
Before Allied forces claimed Buna in January 1943, daisy cut-
ters helped clear out enemy troops. These weapons were ideally
suited for use against soldiers and their light machines. Thou-
sands of fragments from each bomb ripped apart anything ex-
posed within a 100 yards of impact. These attacks represented
not just harassment but full-fledged assault: “The first tactic em-
ployed was the air bombardment of the enemy defense. Bombs
wrapped with wire (‘daisy cutters’) were dropped continuously for
over twenty-four hours,”4 ripping through the soft defensive lines
(and even softer defenders) with ease.
As big bombers tore up the jungles of New Guinea, improve-
ments to medium and light bombers continued. The ability to


add extra firepower to more maneuverable platforms justified

the adaptation of these aircraft to low-altitude work. They were
better suited to lower altitudes than the big bombers, and their
limited range became less of a factor as the Allies advanced.
One of the new weapons—the 75 mm cannon—began to arrive
in the SWPA around this time. The addition of this cannon to
a typical B-25C produced a B-25G—most easily distinguished
by a muzzle protruding from the large, concave area on the
lower left side (pilot’s perspective) of the nosepiece, made of solid
metal as opposed to the glass of earlier B-25s (fig. 9). Although
Fifth Air Force personnel did not invent the B-25G, they were
happy to try it out.

Figure 9. Cutaway view of the B-25G. (Reprinted from North American Avi-
ation, “Train Dispatcher,” Saturday Evening Post, 4 November 1944, 107.)

Initial success with the weapon bred optimism. As early as

February 1943, reports of the cannon began emerging from
the SWPA: “They carry about thirty-two rounds of ammunition
in the middle racks, convenient to the gunner. They could
carry more if they wanted to. The gun fires at a rate of—well,
in a 1,500 yard approach they could get in three shots—but
they don’t try to do that. They just try to shoot once, then pull


off and shoot again.”5 Making its appearance at the same time
low-level tactics really began to find favor in the SWPA, the
cannon held great promise despite limited application: “Both
the cannon in this airplane and the minimum altitude bomb-
ing, furnish us with weapons with which I believe we can make
a decisive turn in the war against the enemy. We have the means
in our hands if we can get enough people educated to the use
of them to take advantage.”6
Fifth Air Force also made significant improvements to de-
fensive firepower between November 1942 and March 1943.
Like the B-25, the B-26 was designed as a medium bomber,
but unlike the B-25, the B-26 primarily remained in that role.
Because the B-26 had no belly turrets—which had been re-
moved from the B-25s to accommodate the low-level mission—
the underside of the B-26 became its greatest vulnerability.
The Japanese were quick to discover and exploit this weak-
The Jap finally resolved on the idea of coming in at one o’clock and
below, where we had no protection whatsoever. The only tactics to use
against that was to turn into the Zero, and use the .30 calibre gun that
sticks out of the nose, and that worked fairly well—because, when you
banked up to turn into the Zero, your turret could get on him then and
usually hit him. But, then they started in on having a decoy. They would
send two Zeros up front and when one Jap would turn in, and we would
turn into him, the other one would rake us from the bottom. So, to
counteract that, we put in two ball sockets in the nose and made three
guns altogether in the nose. That worked out fairly well, and we knocked
down quite a few of them that way.7

Heavy bombers also ran into the problem of frontal attacks.

The 63d BS added .50-caliber machine guns to the nose of
their B-17s, easily the most vulnerable part of the airplane.
Operated by the pilot, these guns allowed the plane to charge
headlong into attacks while the rest of the crew, particularly
the bombardier, carried on without interruption. The B-24
added defensive firepower as well in 1943. The solution for the
Liberator, however, lay not in front but behind:
There were four fifty-caliber guns in the nose of the B-24, but, as they
shot through individual “Eyeball” sockets, only one could be fired at a
time. It was a clumsy arrangement and didn’t give the protection we
needed, so I started Lieutenant Colonel Art Rogers [who had toyed with


defensive firepower in Hawaii] of the 90th Bombardment Group in-

stalling a turret, which we took off the tail of a wrecked B-24, in the
nose. This would give us a pair of power-operated fifty-calibers and
should surprise the Nip the next time he tried a head-on attack against
a B-24 so equipped.8

The challenge did not lie in adding extra firepower to the big
bombers—that proved relatively easy—but in coping with de-
pleted numbers and uncommon targets. Prewar planning had
counted on high-altitude bombers to attack shipping. Despite
the 43d BG’s early success in its attempts at low-altitude and
skip-bombing attacks on ships, official Fifth Air Force doctrine
maintained higher-altitude tactics for its heavy bombers:
Single ships at anchor. The best altitude for horizontal bombing is ap-
proximately 8000–10,000 ft. Bombardment aircraft should fly an ap-
proach course of approximately 30 [degrees] to the fore-and-aft line of
the ship, and drop a stick of eight bombs. . . .
Highly manuevverable [sic] shipping targets. . . . Past experience shows
clearly that the ineffectiveness of B-17 type aircraft bombing attacks
on fast moving enemy shipping has been due largely to the small num-
ber of aircraft bombing one objective. . . . From experience gained in
other theatres (given a greater number of bombers) . . . the bombing
run must be made at from 8000–10,000 feet (underscore in original).9

In a theater where bombers couldn’t be easily replaced, the

Fifth had little choice other than using them conservatively.
Extreme tactics in the low-altitude environment could produce
very successful results, but one had to employ them only at
the most advantageous moments. Such tactics could not become
the standard for B-17s and B-24s, especially since better suited
platforms were capable of accepting the baton. Spectacular low-
altitude tactics in and of themselves would not be enough to
guide the war against shipping, and the heavies began to move
back toward their original role. Prewar tactics relied heavily upon
these bombers in formation and at altitude, but in truth, Fifth
Air Force was rarely able to place enough bomber formations
over fleet targets at any given time to ensure a high probability
of success:
During January, Rabaul had been hit thirteen times, but never by more
than a dozen bombers, because Kenney had no choice but to guard care-
fully the heavy bombers at his disposal. His Fortresses in the 43rd Bomb
Group were well worn and of their fifty-five B-17Es and B-17Fs, twenty


were usually being overhauled or repaired. With their heavy involvement

in reconnaissance, this left the group with perhaps twelve or fourteen
Fortresses available for strikes. The 90th Group’s B-24s took over
much of the work during January, but maintenance of the Liberators
was difficult and there were modifications to carry out. So of the sixty
B-24s in the group, only about fifteen were available for any combat

These formation attacks enjoyed only limited success. It be-

came clear that (1) the effectiveness of prewar high-altitude tac-
tics did not live up to expectations and (2) the number of
bombers required to launch a substantial raid proved too in-
dulgent for the Southwest Pacific. Heavy bombers were a scarce
commodity in the SWPA. Their dramatic low-altitude success in
the fall of 1942 spurred tactical development in-theater, but the
emergence of medium and light bombers sharply reduced the
need for heavies in the low-altitude mission.
The different bombers, however, would not work alone. The
upcoming Battle of the Bismarck Sea played an important role
in the combination of low- and high-altitude attacks on shipping.
Having more of the smaller bombers gave Kenney a choice. Even
when relegated to higher altitudes and standard tactics, how-
ever, big bombers would play a tremendous supporting role in
the antishipping battle.
Meanwhile, low-altitude tactics continued to develop among
the light and medium bombers. Ships at anchor within Rabaul
harbor proved juicy targets upon which tactical teeth could be
At the very beginning of our Rabaul raids . . . we took off from Moresby,
went up past New Britain and came into Rabaul. We usually made our
raids at 1500 feet—as we could not get up high enough to get away
from the ack-ack [flak]. We’d stay at 1500 feet where we stood a better
chance than at any other altitude. As a result, we ran into quite a bit
of fighter opposition, shot down a few, and lost a few ships. The runs
were made at 1500 feet, usually about 240 miles an hour—which was
as much speed as we could get out of the B-26.11

As Allied troops moved further into New Guinea, Rabaul be-

came more susceptible to medium-bomber attacks: “Through-
out January the Fifth Air Force had kept up small but sharp at-
tacks on Rabaul. . . . At both medium (5,000- to 9,000-foot) and
low (250-foot) altitudes, the heavies hit the town, the airfields,


and shipping in the harbor.”12 Attacks combining high-,

medium-, and low-altitude bombing highlight the increasingly
important role of the coordinated assault. Low-level attacks
against Rabaul also reflected a growing faith in the unique tac-
tics and practice of low-altitude work. The lower the missions
became, the higher the success rate: “Accomplish bombing at
the lowest altitudes consistent with the type and amount of hos-
tile anti-aircraft and fighter defenses. . . . In many cases it will
be found that the losses from a single medium altitude mission
will be less than the cumulative losses from the numerous high
altitude missions required to produce comparative results.”13
Having made his inclination toward low-level attack known
even before assuming command, Kenney saw to it that his low-
level attack bombers —the B-25s and A-20s—were the first to
have their firepower modified. In fact, Pappy Gunn had already
been hard at work adding guns to bombers. When the first A-20s
arrived in-theater, he took it upon himself to modify them. Re-
placing the original glass nose, Gunn installed four .50-caliber
guns in the front and one on each side for a total of six. The
added ability to strafe proved crucial to the success of the low-
level mission against shipping. The firepower-laden aircraft
negated the enemy’s defensive fire: “The strafing attack is an es-
sential element in minimum-altitude bombing of enemy vessels.
To minimize losses from antiaircraft fire it is necessary to cover
the enemy’s decks with .50-caliber fire which will keep gunners
away from their positions and greatly hamper the efforts of any
gunners who do remain at their posts.”14 These strafing attacks
were carried out simply “by ruddering slightly during the bomb-
ing approach . . . [making] it possible to sweep the entire deck of
an enemy vessel with machine-gun fire.”15
After the success of the modified A-20, work on the B-25
started in late 1942. Gunn directed the addition of four .50-
caliber guns in the nose and two on each side for a total of
eight forward-firing .50s, excluding the two in the top turret,
which could also be fired forward (under control of the gunner,
not the pilot). Designed to be the ultimate strafing machines,
B-25Cs with these modifications earned the nickname “com-
merce destroyers” and began flight-testing in December 1942.
Two factors drove the evolution of the commerce destroyer. First,


it represented the logical progression of a strafer. The more guns

one could fit onto an airframe, the more damage it could in-
flict.16 Second, more firepower meant a safer attack corridor
for low-level bombers. Given the increased availability of modi-
fied B-25s and A-20s, it became clear that they would take the
lead in the antishipping campaign and that low-altitude tac-
tics would continue to evolve.
Despite its prowess, The B-17 had been a stopgap weapon
in the art of low-level antishipping attack. Vulnerable to the
fire of Japanese ships, the Fortress made an easy target, es-
pecially without the forward firepower to keep enemy gunners
ducking for cover. B-25s and A-20s carried more than enough
firepower to eliminate the need for the cover of darkness in
low-level attacks. Once Fifth Air Force deployed these modified
aircraft on its New Guinea bases and Japanese shipping came
within their range, the use of B-17s against ships fell off.17
“On the 29th [of December] Captain Ed Larner flew the B-25
eight-gun job to Port Moresby. I made him a Major and put him
in command of the 90th Squadron of the 3rd Attack Group,
which I had designated to specialize in low-altitude work, in-
cluding skip bombing. I told Larner I wanted him to sell the air-
plane and the strafing tactics to his squadron.”18 The B-25s had
to deal with a learning curve. Just as the B-17s and B-25s dif-
fered, so did their methods of skip bombing. At first, the
Mitchells had some difficulty with the bombs, which had a
propensity for skipping right back at the plane: “The problem
was solved, in the end, by adjusting the balance of the bombs
themselves so that they would hit the water with the nose just
slightly down, so that the first bounce was in the nature of a
shallow dive. It was found, as experiments progressed, that the
Mitchells, with their speed, could drop bombs from as high as
two or three hundred feet and still skip them forcibly into the
sides of ships.”19 The idea of sending bombs “forcibly into the
sides of ships,” was a critical one that would develop into a fun-
damental objective. It represented the essence of mast-height
bombing and a tactic distinct from skip bombing.
Approaching a target at 50 feet or less somewhat ham-
pered the pilot’s ability to take lateral evasive action, but it
made attacking aircraft difficult to spot and more precise with


their forward firepower. In practice, Fifth Air Force attacks in

the low-altitude environment became a synthesis of skip bomb-
ing and mast-height attacks. Even with an imperfect release,
the percentage of hits was impressive:
If you could get through the firepower they threw up [precisely the ad-
vantage of the heavily armed B-25s and A-20s], it was pretty much of
a sure thing provided that you could just get close enough to let the
bomb hit the water, as you had a large margin of error. The bomb
would be released really prematurely, aiming directly at the target; if
you were a little off you would still usually get a direct hit. A bit short
and the bomb would hit the water, skip and still hit the target. Even if
you dropped close, the bomb would tend to go in amidships and you
still ended up with a hit.20

It became standard practice in the Southwest Pacific to drop

at least two bombs per target ship, the first intentionally dropped
short. Because bombs skipping off the water tended to be less
than completely predictable in either their flight path or capa-
bility to penetrate the hull, crews abandoned this technique as
the primary objective. But as a secondary tactic, it offered an
excellent backup. Ideally, the first bomb would skip to its tar-
get, and the second (primary) bomb would penetrate the ship
at the waterline. Even though this tactic of bracketing—nei-
ther skip bombing nor purely mast-height bombing—was not
fully developed, Fifth Air Force took it into the Bismarck Sea
on March 1943.
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea is the most famous struggle
in the history of Fifth Air Force. It represented the culmination
of bomber antishipping tactics. The Fifth pulled out all the stops,
attacking from all altitudes in a model of coordination. Per-
haps the greatest combined aerial effort of the war, the battle
drew upon the doctrinal and tactical development of almost
every bombing platform.
A few weeks earlier, from 7 to 10 January 1943, bombers had
failed to stop a resupply convoy moving from Rabaul into Lae.
B-17s, B-24s, B-26s, and B-25s attacked from altitude without
the cover of darkness and without much success. Notably, the
B-25s had not undergone modification for low-altitude work:
B-25s and B-26s could not come to close quarters with the enemy ves-
sels because they lacked forward-firing guns that would have given
them at least an even break against shipborne AA. No one expected a


B-25 to make a masthead run with only one gun in the nose, and the
top turret hoping to get in a shot now and then. The first B-25 run on
the convoy was made at 1100 feet. One B-25 crashed into the sea, two
were holed, two had their turret canopies shot away, and they were
forced to jettison their bombs. This demonstration of the potency of Nip
AA caused later runs by B-25s to average over 4300 feet. B-26s averaged
8400 feet for their runs throughout the entire action.21

B-25s drop bombs from 5,300 feet against January Lae convoy. (Reprinted from
Air Evaluation Board, Southwest Pacific Area, “Battle of the Bismarck Sea and De-
velopment of Masthead Attacks,” 1 July 1945, 3, Air Force Historical Research Agency,
Maxwell AFB, AL.)


Unfortunately for the Americans, most of the shipping from

the Lae convoy arrived safely ashore, off-loading in the neigh-
borhood of 5,000 ground troops and an untold amount of sup-
plies. Obviously the tactics of open-water engagement would
have to change. Kenney began to stress the minimum-altitude
tactics of the B-25s and A-20s, particularly the 90th BS (B-25s)
and the 89th BS (A-20s). They spent much of their time prac-
ticing on the wreck outside Port Moresby with other aircraft,
including coordinated attacks with B-17s and Australian Beau-
fighters. The next resupply convoy would have a major sur-
prise waiting for it.
When the Bismarck convoy was sighted on 1 March 1943, it
was initially out of the range of the B-25s and the A-20s—only
the four-engined bombers could reach it. The next morning,
B-17s began the attack from various heights, making the first
successful attack from medium altitude:
Now the wounded transport plied in a dizzy, uncontrollable gait. A third
B-17 wasted no time. The pilot brought the big bomber to a dangerous
3,000 feet, despite the rattle of 5-inch guns. The Flying Fortress came
within a thousand yards of the ship before the pilot ordered the bom-
bardier to release four one-thousand-pound bombs. . . . The desperate
helmsman could not maneuver the ship and bombs raked the wounded
vessel from stern to bow. The first explosion opened the stern; the second
tore apart the bridge and its staff, including the commander; the third
detached the smoke stacks; and the fourth hit the ack-ack magazine
storage area. The vessel fell apart in a series of disintegrating explo-
sions. When the concussions ended, the ship was enveloped in smoke
and fire, listing fatally to starboard.22

This dramatic hit, however, was the only kill of that first at-
tack: “Thus, while 28 heavy bombers had unleashed over 50
tons of bombs, they had sunk but one ship.”23 The second B-17
attack of the day proved more effective. Together, the four
squadrons of the 43d BG claimed five ships. Although trained
in low-level tactics, these B-17s were reticent to use the tactic
without the cover of night and thus attacked from medium al-
Flying in loose formation, they reached the target area and the first
three planes stayed together. . . . Crossing the ships diagonally the three
Fortresses dropped their bombs, and Scott’s string of four neatly caught
his target, three striking amidship near the funnel and the fourth


falling in the water. Staley’s first three hit the water, but the fourth landed
on the deck near the bow. Denault’s first hit the stern and the other
three exploded in a row less than forty feet away. The big transport was
lost in a vast puff of smoke and boiling spray, followed by a series of
internal explosions.24

Most of the B-17s crossed diagonally over the length of the

ship. At least one plane, Captain Murphy’s, attacked the broad-
side of a cargo ship, hitting and splitting it in two. He also
claimed that he made this hit from 1,000 feet. By the end of
the day,
three ships, an 8,000 –10,000-ton merchant ship or transport, a
6,000– 8,000-ton cargo ship and a 500-ton cargo ship were sunk from
5,000 feet at about 1000. Another mission of 11 B-17s at about the
same time accounted for another cargo ship with 1,000-lb. bombs and
instantaneous fuses, also from 5,000 feet.
The final ship of the day’s bag was sunk at about 1830 from 6,000 feet,
also with 1,000-lb. bombs of instantaneous fusing. A number of ships
were hit and left burning during the day’s five bombing missions, all
from medium altitudes.25

The next day, 3 March, brought the convoy into the range of
all of the bombers. That night, B-25 and A-20 crews prepared
to put practice into action: “Colonel Strickland [3d BG com-
mander] assembled the airmen of his 90th and 89th Squadrons.
He told them he planned to hit the Japanese convoy with skip
bombs in the morning. ‘However, we’re only asking for volun-
teers. Nobody has to fly on a skip bomb [mast-height] run if he
doesn’t want to.’ Nobody declined.”26 Before attacking the con-
voy, A-20s, B-25s, and Australian Beauforts—British-made
light attack aircraft—flew against all Japanese airdromes tasked
with air defense of the convoy: “Twelve B-25’s of the 38th Bomb
Group and twenty light bombers of the Australian 9th Opera-
tional Group suddenly zoomed in at low level over Lae Harbor,
their bellies loaded with frag clusters and napalms. The abrupt
arrival of low-level enemy planes completely surprised the Lae
garrison. Not a man was in his antiaircraft gunpit and not a
single fighter plane was in the air to meet the aerial in-
Knocking out these airdromes helped establish local air su-
periority and afforded significant freedom of action to the convoy


National Air and Space Museum

A-20 strafes Lae Airdrome

attackers. With two squadrons of P-38s assigned as top cover to

deal with any enemy aircraft that did become airborne, bombers
attacked without fear of fighter harassment. “Leading the attack,
B-17s dropped 1000 lb. bombs from medium altitude followed by
B-25s bombing at low altitude [actually medium altitude] of
3000–6000 feet. Next came Beaufighters strafing personnel and
antiaircraft guns in preparation for the knock-out punch of B-
25C-1s and A-20s making masthead attacks.”28 The orders read
as follows:
Order of assembly and approach to target one squadron of B17’s at
9000 feet, one squadron of B25’s 8000 feet, one squadron B25’s 7000
feet, one squadron Beaufighters 6000 feet, one squadron B25’s 5500
feet, one squadron B25-C1’s 5000 feet, one squadron A20’s 4500 feet,
one squadron of Bostons [Australian A-20s] 4000 feet[.] Order of at-
tack[.] First Beaufighters strafing, the B25’s, then B25’s-C1, followed
by A20’s and Bostons all mast head—then B17’s from 7000 feet to
10,000 feet, followed by one squadron B25’s 3000 to 6000 feet[.] Bombs


medium bombers 1000 lb. demolition and instantaneous fuse, high

bombers 1000 lb. demolition instantaneous fuse, mast head attack
500 and 250 lb. 5 second delay[.]29

Cargo vessel under attack from 6,000 feet. (AAF photo from Assistant Chief of Air
Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Battle of the Bismarck Sea,” Impact! 1, no.
2 [May 1943]: 5.)

Flying Fortresses and some of the unmodified B-25s led the

way at medium altitudes. Their bombs were perhaps less likely
to hit Japanese ships but forced the vessels to initiate evasive ac-
tion and break formation. These maneuvers spread the convoy
to all points of the compass, separating cargo ships from their es-
corts. Four B-17s from the 63d BS took part in the day’s first
convoy attack: “Three planes in formation bombed two ships at
1020/L from 7000 feet. One B-17 dropped 2 x 1000 inst demo
on small AK [cargo ship]. No hits observed. Formation continued
and dropped 6 x 1000 inst demo on large AK. Observed very near
misses. . . . Fourth B-17 flying about 1000 feet above three plane
formation and to the rear of same dropped 4 x 1000 inst demo
bombs on same. Very near misses.”30 More importantly, perhaps,
the attacks from above distracted antiaircraft fire coming from
the ships. Without having to weave through coordinated enemy
defenses, the low attackers struck the vulnerable ships at will.


From the outset, the value of additional firepower quickly

proved its worth against ship-based antiaircraft fire. A B-25C
piloted by 1st Lt Robert Reed attacked an 8,000-ton cargo ship
from low altitude. He and his crew were just above the surface
of the water when they encountered defensive fire from the
ship: “When I opened fire with my guns the firing ceased. I fired
two or three short bursts from about 1500 yards and from
1,000 to 400 yards I was firing continually, dispersing the fire
well over the decks. Before I started firing I had gone up to an
altitude of about 100 feet and was diving slightly.”31 Another
3d BG B-25 crew experienced similar results. Piloted by 1st Lt
Harlan Reid, the aircraft
started [its] run about 11⁄2 miles from the ship in a broadside attack
slightly to the stern from the port side. As evasive action I was changing
course and altitude as rapidly as possible. When about 1800 yards from
the target [7,000 –8,000-ton cargo ship] and at an altitude of about 150
feet I opened fire with a short burst. It fell short but a few rounds skipped
into the side of the ship. The second burst from 1200 yards was on tar-
get. By diving slightly and using rudder I was able to concentrate the fire
on the deck and sweep the deck from stem to stern. The only defensive
fire encountered was small caliber fire which ceased when I started my
second burst. I held my fire as long as possible and leveled off at twenty
feet at an air speed of 260 MPH. The co-pilot opened the bombay and I
ceased firing and dropped all four bombs as close together as possible
[four 500-pound bombs with five-second delayed fusing]. . . . I dropped
the bombs, pulled up sharply to miss the masts and dived for the water
in a turn to the left. I looked back and observed one near miss and one
direct hit on the port side and two misses on the starboard side.32

To maximize their firepower, B-25s did not go in alone. Two-

plane attacks became standard. “One plane strafed the vessel
from stern to stem . . . while the other strafed the vessel as it
came in on its beam and bombed it. As the result of prolonged
practice, pairs of B-25’s learned to attack a vessel at a gliding
speed of 250 to 275 m.p.h., and knew the fire power of one B-25
would be raking the side of the vessel during the split second
that the other strafed and bombed the beam.”33
A-20s used very similar tactics. Often led into the target be-
hind a pair of strafing Australian Beaufighters, their plan was to
“attack at least in pairs . . . since it doubles the strafing fire-
power for neutralizing deck gunfire, divides the enemy AA fire-
power and gives a much better chance of getting at least two


bomb hits.”34 These two-ship elements loitered at 6,000 feet, ap-

proximately a mile outside the edges of the convoy and its war-
ships. As the aircraft turned toward the ships, they let down to
200 feet above the water. At 1,000 yards, the A-20s would de-
scend even further (to mast height) and begin strafing the target
ships with their six forward-firing guns. Unlike the B-25s, A-20s
were armed with only two 500-pound bombs. They released
them at a distance of 300 yards and at speeds of 265 to 275 mph
with the primary objective of skipping bombs up to the side of the
enemy vessel.35 Their rate of success was outstanding, but expe-
rience in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea would bring the A-20s
closer in line with the B-25s: “Continuous programs of training
in ‘Skip-Bombing’ were carried out by our Squadron [89th BS],
and we have developed what should properly be called ‘Mast-
Height’ Bombing as best suited to the A-20A. . . . [After their Bis-
marck Sea experience,] the bomb is aimed at the near-side of the
ship, timed to hit at the water-line, or just a few feet short, the
reason being that the greatest damage can be obtained in the
lower section of the ship.”36
All of the B-25 postmission reports indicate that bombs
were released with the intent of putting one in the water and
one on the deck. As such, the aircraft dropped weapons very
close to the targets themselves:
Various types of approach were made by the B-25C-1s. Some letting
down to about 500 to 200 feet and then lowering to masthead elevation
about 4 to 600 yards from the target. Others made for water surface im-
mediately and stayed at this elevation for the entire run on the target.
Each aircraft began strafing the target from about 1000 yards and con-
tinued strafing until about 100 yards away. Emphasis should be placed
on the fact that in every case the intensity of the fire from the enemy ves-
sels was decreased when the B-25C-1s opened fire on them. The bomb-
ing run made by each aircraft was at an altitude of about 10 to 15 feet at
an average speed of about 250 MPH. In most cases the bombs were tog-
gled in rapid succession in order that one bomb would skip into the side
of the vessel attacked and the other bomb would be placed on the deck.
This method of releasing the bombs almost positively assures a hit. If the
first bomb falls short of the target, the second bomb will skip into the side
of the vessel and if the target is overshot slightly the first bomb will, in
most cases, fall upon the deck of the vessel. In the attack on the morn-
ing of March 3, every aircraft that released its bombs scored a direct hit
and in many cases two direct hits, on one bombing run. 37 bombs were
dropped with 17 hits observed. 500 lb 5 sec. delay bombs were used.37


Despite the phenomenal success of the mast-height attacks,

it was clear to the aircrews who made them that “the success
of the mission was due to the carefully planned coordinated
attack. The high level bombers dispersed the convoy and at-
tracted most of the anti-aircraft fire. Their hits and near misses
prevented accurate fire from heavy guns while the Beaufight-
ers must have knocked out a lot of the small caliber fire. The
defensive fire at my ship was practically nil.”38
Taken in two parts, the attack on the morning of 3 March
destroyed half of the supplies destined for Lae. The second at-
tack of the afternoon sank two more ships and left another
seven sinking. B-25s at mast height got credit for six of these
ships; a B-25 at medium altitude claimed one; and B-17s sank
the remaining two from high altitude. The following day, a B-25C
at mast height sank one more destroyer. Only four Japanese
warships escaped; the cargo ships under their protection were
all sunk, and the enemy’s effort to reinforce New Guinea failed
Clearly, Fifth Air Force had won a major tactical and strategic
victory. Above anything else, the Battle of the Bismarck Sea was
a triumph of coordinated bomber assault against a determined
and well-defended enemy convoy. With the incorporation of
modified medium and light bombers designed specifically for
low-altitude attack, other platforms could move back to higher
altitudes. As a result, the Japanese convoy found it almost im-
possible to mount a proper defense, simply overwhelmed by the
multiaxis, multialtitude bomber attacks. Thanks in part to the
fact that the Japanese navy had never seen such strikes before,
mast-height attacks highlighted the battle.39 The Battle of the
Bismarck Sea vindicated these new tactics and all of the effort
that had gone into developing them. Of the 137 500-pound
bombs dropped at mast height, 48 found their target. Less than
10 percent of the bombs dropped from all platforms at medium
altitude scored hits, while the squadrons attacking at mast
height recorded a much better percentage (table). Clearly, mast-
height tactics had reached maturity in the Southwest Pacific.
Combined with the defensive benefits of well-armed small planes
at low altitudes, these tactics became the modus operandi
against shipping in the Southwest Pacific.


Cargo vessel under attack at mast height. (AAF photo from “Battle of the Bismarck
Sea,” Impact! 1, no. 2 [May 1943]: 8.)

The destruction wrought upon the Japanese convoy exacted

only minimal cost for the Fifth. During the entire series of at-
tacks, “the 5th lost 1 B-17 and 3 P-38s in combat and a B-25
and a Beaufighter through other causes. Total Air Force person-
nel losses came to 13 while the Japs lost approximately 12,700
officers and men.”40 These impressive results prompted many
AAF personnel to reiterate, consciously or unconsciously,
decades-old assertions: “It is our feeling that the air force can
establish a complete blockade of an area which must depend
for its supplies by sea which, of course, is the case with prac-
tically every Japanese base in the area.”41 The notion, plainly,

Table. Bomb strikes during the Battle of the Bismarck Sea

Squadron Plane No. of No. of Bombs Percentage

No. Type Missions Sorties Dropped Hits of Hits

63 B-17 2 21 50 x 1,000 6 12

65 B-17 4 19 68 x 1,000 5 7.4

64 B-17 1 11 44 x 1,000 1 2.3

408 B-17 1 1 2 x 1,000 – –

64–408 B-17 3 24 87 x 1,000 7 8

321 B-24 1 2 12 x 1,000 – –

13 B-25 2 12 44 x 500 4 9.1

71 B-25 2 10 60 x 500 4 6.6

22 A-20 1 5 10 x 250 2 10

10 x 500

17 105 387 29 7.5


Squadron Plane No. of No. of Bombs Percentage

No. Type Missions Sorties Dropped Hits of Hits

405 B-25 3 11 50 x 500 11 22

90 B-25C-1 3 33 67 x 500 25 37.3

89 A-20 1 12 20 x 500 12 60

7 56 137 48 35

Adapted from Air Evaluation Board, Southwest Pacific Area, “Battle of the Bismarck Sea and Development
of Masthead Attacks,” 1 July 1945, 47, Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell AFB, AL.

was very much overstated and simplistic. Much fighting lay

ahead, and attacks on shipping would rarely be so dramatic.
“[However,] the fact remains that the Japs didn’t reinforce Lae,
and they had a meeting of the naval staff up in Tokyo a few
days afterwards and decided that they were going to send no
more surface vessels into Lae—that was the last attempt to
send surface vessels down to Lae.”42 By giving up on the con-
voy strategy after the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, the Japanese
inadvertently played right into the Fifth’s hands. Single-ship
resupply efforts became easy prey, and a massive, coordinated
attack like the Bismarck Sea would no longer be necessary in
the fight for New Guinea.
This battle was a testament to adaptability. The heavy
bombers that decisively established low-altitude and skip-
bombing tactics moved back up in altitude as modified B-25s
and A-20s took over. With the help of forward firepower, they
created the Fifth’s own peculiar blend of skip bombing and
mast-height attack. Used in coordination, low-altitude bracket-
ing produced impressive results, saving American lives and
ending those of the Japanese with heretofore unimagined fre-
quency. The weapons and tactics perfected in the first months
of 1943 were a tremendous success because Fifth Air Force’s
Airmen quickly and willingly adapted themselves and their air-
craft to the battle at hand.

1. George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pa-
cific War (1949; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1987), 192.
2. James T. Murphy with A. B. Feuer, Skip Bombing (Westport, CT:
Praeger Publishers, 1993), 95.
3. Ibid., 81.
4. Ibid., 84.
5. Brig Gen Howard C. Davidson, interview, 26 February 1943, tran-
script, 1, AFHRA, 142.052.
6. Ibid., 3–4.
7. Maj Dill Ellis, interview, 22 May 1943, transcript, 4, AFHRA, 142.052.
8. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 182.
9. Fifth Air Force, “B-17 and B-24 Bombing Attacks—Shipping,” Tactical
Bulletin, no. 1 (20 February 1943): n.p., Bolling AFB, Washington, DC, file
A7474 (index 0479).


10. Steve Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers: The Illustrated Story of Kenney’s

Fifth Air Force (New York: Doubleday, 1977), 49.
11. Ellis, interview, 2.
12. Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, eds., The Army Air Forces in
World War II, vol. 4, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, August 1942 to July
1944 (1950; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1983), 138.
13. Fifth Air Force, “Bomb Accuracy Requirements,” n.d., Bolling AFB,
Washington, DC, file A7491 (index 0425).
14. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mini-
mum Altitude Attacks on Japanese Shipping,” Informational Intelligence
Summary 43, no. 53 (20 December 1943): 5.
15. Ibid., 6.
16. Of course, an urge existed to put more and more guns on the aircraft:
“In my best judgment the caliber .50 gun is adequate for strafing such tar-
gets. The 8-gun B-25C-1 has, however, only half enough fire power. From 15
to 20 caliber .50 guns firing forward would give a suitable covering fire for
attack bomber operations against warships.” Headquarters Advanced Eche-
lon, Fifth Air Force, Office of the A-2, “Report on the Battle of Bismarck Sea,”
6 April 1943, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC, file A7491 (index 0420). But a
B-25 could carry only so much firepower—considerably fewer than 15 to 20
forward-firing guns. This is part of the reason that two-ship formations
began to find favor in the SWPA. Additionally, low-level bombers often fol-
lowed close behind other American bombers or Australian attack aircraft,
pummeling the decks of ships with their own significant firepower.
17. Major Benn, who led the development of B-17 skip bombing, died in
an accident in January 1943. Kenney wrote that “Benn’s loss hurt. He was
the one who put across skip bombing out here, and if it hadn’t been for that
63rd Squadron of his, we might have been fighting the war in Australia in-
stead of New Guinea. No one in the theater has made a greater contribution
to victory than Bill Benn.” Quoted in Murphy, Skip Bombing, 91.
18. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 173. According to General Kenney,
Larner had a penchant for low-altitude work. In November 1942, “the boy
Captain Ed Larner was at it again. He came back from a strafing attack
around Buna with his tail bumper all scratched up where he had dragged it
through the sand making a ‘low’ pass at a Jap machine-gun position which
had a heavy coconut-log overhead covering. Larner said he had to ‘look in
the windows of the bunker to see what to shoot at’ ” (ibid., 146).
19. Capt Donald Hough and Capt Elliott Arnold, Big Distance (New York:
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1945), 66.
20. Jerry Scutts, ed., B-25 Mitchell at War (London: Ian Allan, 1983), 52.
21. Air Evaluation Board, Southwest Pacific Area, “Battle of the Bis-
marck Sea and Development of Masthead Attacks,” 1 July 1945, 5, AFHRA,
22. Lawrence Cortesi, Operation Bismarck Sea (Canoga Park, CA: Major
Books, 1977), 128.
23. Ibid., 138.


24. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 53.

25. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Battle
of the Bismarck Sea,” Impact! 1, no. 2 (May 1943): 3.
26. Cortesi, Operation Bismarck Sea, 153.
27. Ibid., 171.
28. Air Evaluation Board, Southwest Pacific Area, “Battle of the Bis-
marck Sea and Development of Masthead Attacks,” ii.
29. No. 22 Squadron RAAF, “Report of Attack Carried Out by Boston Air-
craft of No. 22 Squadron—R.A.A.F.,” March 1943, 1, in V Bomber Command
Office of A-2, “Tactical Reports of Attack on Bismarck Sea Convoy March 2,
3, and 4, 1943,” 20 March 1943, AFHRA, 732.306-2.
30. Office of the Intelligence Officer, 63d Bomb Squadron, “Narrative Re-
port and Sketches of Attacks on ‘Lae Convoy,’ March 3, 1943,” 9 March
1943, 1, in V Bomber Command Office of A-2, “Tactical Reports of Attack.”
31. 1st Lt Robert Reed, “Tactical Study of Attack on Convoy Near Lae,
New Guinea,” March 1943, 2, in V Bomber Command Office of A-2, “Tacti-
cal Reports of Attack.”
32. 1st Lt Harlan Reid, “Tactical Study of Attack on Convoy Near Lae,
New Guinea,” March 1943, 1, in V Bomber Command Office of A-2, “Tacti-
cal Reports of Attack.”
33. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, Historical Division, “Bis-
marck Sea Action, Episodes in [the] History of [the] Army Air Forces,” 1
March 1943, 242, AFHRA.
34. Capt Rignal Baldwin, “Detailed Mission Report Covering Plane
A20A#40-89 of 89th Sq., 3rd Bomb Group, Piloted by Captain Edward J.
Chudoba of 8th Sq., 3rd Bomb Group, in Attack on Japanese Convoy in
Huon Gulf on 3 March, 1943,” 9 March 1943, 2, in V Bomber Command Of-
fice of A-2, “Tactical Reports of Attack.”
35. 89th Bombardment Squadron Office of the Intelligence Officer, “Re-
port on Convoy [Captain Chudoba],” 11 March 1943, 1, in V Bomber Com-
mand Office of A-2, “Tactical Reports of Attack.”
36. 89th Bombardment Squadron, “Mast-Height Bombing Tactics,” n.d.,
Bolling AFB, Washington, DC, 1–2, file A7491 (index 0428).
37. 2d Lt Ivan Head, “Tactical Study of Attack on Convoy Near Lae, New
Guinea,” 10 March 1943, 1, in V Bomber Command Office of A-2, “Tactical
Reports of Attack.”
38. Reid, “Tactical Study of Attack,” 2.
39. Headquarters Advanced Echelon, Fifth Air Force, Office of the A-2,
“Report on the Battle of the Bismarck Sea,” 1.
40. Jack H. Bozung, ed., The 5th over the Southwest Pacific (Los Angeles:
AAF Publications Company, n.d.), 4.
41. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Inter-
view with Lt Colonel Harold Brown, 5 November 1943,” Informational Intelli-
gence Summary 43, no. 50 (20 November 1943): 17.
42. Gen George C. Kenney, interview by Col Marvin M. Stanley, 25 January
1967, transcript, 35, AFHRA, K239.0512-747.

Chapter 4

March 1943–August 1943

The Battle of the Bismarck Sea firmly established Fifth Air

Force in the antishipping role and disrupted the flow of Japa-
nese supplies into New Guinea. In essence, the marriage of old
and new tactics had one critical effect: it helped to isolate the
battlefield. Because Japanese supplies and reinforcements
could not reach eastern New Guinea without the threat of sig-
nificant losses due to air attack, the Japanese went on the de-
fensive, and the initiative passed to the Americans (fig. 10).

MINDANAO 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


Balikpapan (But, Dagua, and
Babo Borum Airfields) Bismarck Rabaul
Cape Gloucester
Marilinan NEW
Port Moresby


Figure 10. SWPA battle map, March 1943–August 1943

After changing the enemy’s maritime methods of supply,

Fifth Air Force turned to land targets. The first major air raids
against Wewak did for airdrome attacks just what the Battle of
the Bismarck Sea had done for attacks on shipping. Some of
the tactics had been used previously, but Wewak would set the
standard in terms of both scale and success.

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

The Allied supply pipeline still flowed directly to Europe first.

In the Southwest Pacific, Kenney and his men had to push them-
selves and their machines in new directions. They also had to
simplify. The more complicated a plan or tactic, the more re-
sources and time required to achieve it. Kenney emphasized
simplicity, not only because it made good tactical sense, but
also because the situation in the theater demanded it: “Set
rules and methods [were] eliminated in that they limit the
imagination and initiative so essential to the successful prose-
cution of air support in actual operations. Complicated missions
and exercises [were] avoided and simple tactics and plans en-
couraged . . . embracing all the elements of surprise.”1 Imagina-
tion, innovation, and surprise added an element of protection
to the unorthodox tactics of Fifth Air Force.
The Fifth, however, was not a rogue agent but part of the
larger AAF and subject to its basic principles. War Department
Field Manual 100-20, Command and Employment of Air Power
(1943), echoed Fifth Air Force’s priorities. Unable to reach major
strategic targets, SWPA flyers concentrated on “tactical” mis-
sions, assigning first priority to the establishment of air supe-
riority and second priority to preventing “the movement of hos-
tile troops and supplies into the theater of operations or within
the theater.”2 Fifth Air Force bombers and fighters focused at-
tacks upon enemy airdromes because “airplanes destroyed on
an enemy airdrome and in the air can never attack our troops
[or our own airdromes].”3
Just as the Bismarck Sea operation highlighted the effort to
cut Japanese supply lines, so did the next five months exem-
plify the drive to destroy enemy airpower. The goal of Fifth Air
Force was for bombers to destroy concentrations of enemy air-
craft on the ground. But as the spring of 1943 turned into sum-
mer, Kenney’s air force remained dreadfully underequipped:
“The official count of groups and squadrons was still words,
and numbers on paper. Real combat strength until May was
really one light, three medium, and seven heavy bomber
squadrons.”4 Further, the demands of escort and patrol duty
left only one squadron of B-25s (medium) and one squadron of
A-20s (light) for attacks on airdrome targets.5

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

Limited assets meant tighter control. Prewar attack doctrine

implied that a measure of authority be given to the supported
ground commander, but the Fifth would have none of it: “The
limited aviation forces available require that these forces be re-
tained under centralised [sic] control for employment against
objectives which are most important in furthering the plan of
the Theater Commander.”6 The finite number of airplanes de-
manded the retention of all air assets under AAF control and
also necessitated the cross utilization of these platforms.
With Airmen in charge, Kenney gave his officers, such as
General Whitehead, a free hand in the way they ran operations.
Whitehead, in turn, gave his commanders authority to operate
as they saw fit. Kenney and Whitehead allowed their subordi-
nates to fight the battles, using tactics as they wished. In the
spring of 1943, for example, the Dobodura airdrome in New
Guinea began conducting operations without direct communi-
cation with Headquarters Advanced Echelon (ADVON) in Port
Moresby. Even with communications established, forward units
usually received combat assignments without direct ADVON
contact. The autonomy granted to lower headquarters allowed
great operational flexibility. The system escaped the inherent
dangers of overdirection and provided the necessary latitude
for operating units that had carved airdromes out of the New
Guinea jungle.7
Operationally, Fifth Air Force continued to experiment with
new weapons and their application, chief among them the in-
cendiaries. These four- to 250-pound bombs proved very ef-
fective against vulnerable targets in the Southwest Pacific dur-
ing the spring and summer of 1943. The thermite bomb was
designed to be carried in large numbers and spread over wide
areas. Weighing a mere four pounds each, “they are stick-like
in form and have no fins to direct them and are thrown out the
waist window by hand [or in clusters from the bomb bay].
Thus they are effective only in area bombing and may start
isolated fires that are easily brought under control. However,
their burning temperatures is [sic] very high and they can
burn through almost any substance.”8
The same report described another type of incendiary bomb,
one created by the Australians: “[The] Australian 250 lb. benzol

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

and rubber bombs have proven satisfactory where precision

bombing has been needed and where the target was unpro-
tected, i.e. ordinary wood buildings and houses. These bombs
have a relatively low burning temperature.”9 They had “a large
effective area (50 yds.) and to produce maximum destruction
[they] should be dropped at intervals over 200 [feet].”10 During
an attack on the naval facility near Babo, New Guinea, in April
1943, aircraft dropped a total of 12 250-pound benzol and
rubber bombs in coordination with a total of 744 four-pound
thermite bombs.11
In August 1943, further modifications began with standard
demolition bombs. Safe escape from weapons effects was a pri-
mary concern for low-level bombing. Traditional demolition
bombs equipped with delay fuses and released at low altitude
could ricochet and threaten the bomber. The parachute demoli-
tion (parademo) bomb, an overgrown cousin of the parafrag, was
the answer: “Para Demos are the product of Yankee ingenuity at
work in a field of combat—New Guinea. Starting in August 1943,
with the idea of preventing ricochet of bombs by means of a para-
chute, [and] a parachute adapter capable of field production . . .
[the parademo] was developed and first used on a combat mis-
sion in September 1943.”12 The fact that parademos took their
parachutes directly from 23-pound parafrags simplified the
process of creating a new weapon. A 100-pound bomb had one
chute; the 250-pound version carried two; and the 500-pounder
carried either two or four of the standard tail-mounted chutes.
Developed late in the summer of 1943, the parademo allowed
Fifth Air Force to combine the speed and surprise of the medium
and light bombers with the effectiveness of heavy bombs not
otherwise used in low-level attacks. From the beginning, it was
a homegrown effort: “The development of the Para Demos had to
be kept simple because of limited materials on hand, the prob-
lems of field manufacture, and a shortage of personnel. Some
help in the manufacture of straps and plates has come from Aus-
tralia, but the biggest part of the job has been done on jigs and
simple machines made from scrap materials by Ordnance Per-
sonnel.”13 The addition of low-altitude capability to the bigger
demolition bombs was a logical one. From this early start, the

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

100-pound parademo bomb with nose fuse and tail-mounted chute. (Reprinted
from Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number 7: Fuze,
Bomb, Nose, S-1 Four to Five Second Delay,” 1945, 9.)

field-modified weapons would play an especially large role later

in the battle for the Philippines.
Arriving before the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, Fifth Air
Force had also experimented with cannon-equipped B-25s.
Pappy Gunn was one of the first to give it a try. Flying with the
90th BS, Gunn even scored an aerial victory with the cannon
in July 1943:
In Colonel Don Hall’s element there was a B-25 named Li’l Fox, the
first B-25 in the theater to be fitted with a 75-mm. nose cannon. Pappy
Gunn was piloting the flying artillery piece, and he had been waiting to
try it out. Gunn also saw the Japanese transport plane turning toward
the Cape Gloucester airstrip. Hall, not wanting to get in front of that
cannon, was following Li’l Fox into the attack. The B-25s went in low
just as the transport was about to touch down.

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

Original 250-pound parademo chute/fuse configuration. (Reprinted from Head-

quarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number 6: Parachute Demoli-
tion Bombs, Fourth Report,” 1945, 13, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC, file A7491
[index 0066].)

The big cannon boomed, the B-25 shuddered, and the Japanese plane
burst into smoking wreckage. A second shell exploded among a group
of about fifteen Japanese.14

Despite the dramatic aerial victory, however, the cannon

was not particularly well suited for many of Fifth Air Force’s
missions. With Pappy Gunn still at the controls, his attacks on
shipping targets proved much less successful:
Two Jap destroyers just off Cape Gloucester looked to Pappy as if they
were placed there for his especial benefit. Picking out the largest of the
two vessels, Pappy scored seven hits with his 75-mm. cannon, but much
to his disgust, the destroyer didn’t even slow down. A 75-mm. gun,
which, after all, fires a shell that is only about three inches in diame-
ter, was not enough to worry a destroyer. The two B-25s flying on his
wings then told Pappy please step aside while someone did the job who
knew how it should be done.15

The consensus of opinion in the SWPA was that the B-25s

were better off with the extra .50-caliber machine guns that

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

the 75 mm cannon had replaced. The collection of .50 calibers

was easier to aim and fire, putting more iron on the target.16
The cannon required significant sighting time, whereas pilots
could aim the machine guns while they fired them. Additionally,
the tremendous recoil of the cannon stressed the airframe,
often causing it to buckle.
By August 1943, Fifth Air Force still claimed three heavy
bomb groups. Even though the ever-present need to harass
Rabaul and monitor the sea-lanes with long-range reconnais-
sance patrols dictated their use, B-24s got one of their first
real chances at strategic bombardment in August 1943: “The
first Allied strikes against the strategic oil target at Balikpapan
in Borneo were made by the 380th Group staging out of Broome,
Australia in August 1943 [a round-trip distance of about 2,100
nm].”17 The 380th BG replaced the 319th BS, spread desper-
ately thin in the effort to place some type of pressure on strate-
gic targets on the western flank. The 380th required 17 hours
and 3,500 gallons of fuel per plane to complete the mission,
but it was one for which the group’s B-24s were designed. As
they approached their target, the B-24 crews made the pleas-
ant discovery that the town of Balikpapan was well lit—testi-
mony to the element of surprise. The Japanese did not expect
bombers this far from Allied bases. Aircraft arrived around
0200 under the cover of darkness. Half of the 12 aircraft as-
signed to the mission [nine arrived over target] were directed
to bomb harbor shipping from low altitude. The others at-
tacked the oil refineries from above. Combined with two re-
connaissance missions on the 15th and another full-squadron
assault on the 17th, “in 20 sorties the group had temporarily
shut down the refineries, destroyed many tons of stored fuel,
sunk 30,000 tons of shipping, and forced the Japanese to re-
deploy elements of their defense forces from New Guinea to Bor-
neo.”18 The Balikpapan attack had essentially opened the door
for major strategic bombardment in the Southwest Pacific.19
At the other end of the theater, B-17s of the 43d BG made
perhaps the most notable series of delay-fuse attacks of the
entire war in March and April of 1943:
We continued bombing Rabaul. On this series of missions in the mid-
dle of March, many different types of bombs were introduced to the

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

Japanese. I dropped 500-pound bombs with a twelve-hour delay fuze

on the runway and other 500-pound bombs with advance fuzes that
were set to explode almost 100 feet above the ground. Those set to ex-
plode above ground were aimed at the searchlights and antiaircraft in-
stallations. They proved to be very effective. On the first run, I was able
to put the searchlights out of commission for at least twenty-four
hours. Our twelve-hour delay bombs, which we dropped on the run-
way, were also just as effective. . . . It was concluded repairs would
continue another day. The Japanese had no idea of the time set on the
delay bombs or whether all had detonated. You can be sure that a lot
of worried workers hesitated to be near that area.
We also had a plan to drop a couple of 2,000-pound bombs with a
45-second delay into the active volcano that was located on a higher
level and quite near the town of Rabaul. We had anticipated that we
might cause this volcano to become very active again. It had been flow-
ing lava until 1937. Since then, the volcano had only belched smoke.
An occasional fire was seen emanating from the crater called Ra-
batana. Everyone hoped that the bombs could cause the lava to flow
again. That, of course, would necessitate the evacuation of the town as
well as the runway and aircraft. The plan was excellent.
I flew one of ten airplanes that were sent out. I was loaded with more
time-delay bombs with the delays set from forty-five seconds to five
minutes. Some were carrying advanced time bombs. In addition, they
carried wire-wrapped demolition bombs. Each of the 100 bombs hit in
its target area. The target area included shops, barracks, and commu-
nication storage. Jimmie D dropped four 500-pound advance-fuze
bombs that exploded over searchlight emplacements. The searchlights
were knocked out immediately. No antiaircraft in that area tried to fire
at our airplanes.
Carl Hustad was the pilot with two 2,000-pound bombs, and he dropped
those directly into the Rabatana Crater. They waited around the target
for over ten minutes, but there was no explosion. The plans to get the
lava flowing failed. The incendiary and fragmentation bombs that were
dropped were very damaging to much of the town. Fires were seen in
many areas and were observed to be still burning eight hours later.20

These attacks on Rabaul typified the willingness of Fifth Air

Force to try new methods and weapons. As crazy as some of
the ideas seemed, the Fifth ruled nothing out.
After the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, both Kenney and Gunn
had returned to the States to exploit the victory. Gunn went to
the North American plant to transform that company’s B-25
into his B-25. Working with the North American engineers for
three weeks, Gunn created an aircraft designed specifically for

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

the Southwest Pacific. The four fuselage-mounted machine guns

remained, but a six-gun nose replaced the four-gun version,
thus producing a 10-gun B-25.21
General Kenney went to Washington to meet with senior
staff and discuss the recent victory. In a lighter moment, Air
Force experts informed the general that his commerce de-
stroyer could not work:
One day, during a lull in the conferences, [Gen Hap] Arnold told me to
come to his office. On arrival there I found a battery of engineering ex-
perts from Wright Field who explained to me that the idea was im-
practicable. They tried to prove to me that the balance would be all
messed up, the airplane would be too heavy, would not fly properly,
and so on.
I listened for a while and then mentioned that twelve B-25s fixed up in
this manner had played a rather important part in the Battle of the
Bismarck Sea and that I was remodeling sixty more B-25s right now at
Townsville. Arnold glared at his engineering experts and practically ran
them out of the office.22

Kenney and Gunn returned to Australia with both moral and

physical support for the new low-altitude tactics of the medium
bombers and light attack planes.
After the success of March, these tactics had become com-
monplace. Low-altitude attack, when available, was an excel-
lent choice against shipping. Coordinated assaults that used
different bombers from different altitudes maximized the low-
level attacker’s chance of getting into a formation of ships and
singling out victims. But sometimes, especially because of the
limited range of smaller planes, coordinated assaults were not
an option. In these cases, especially with the B-17s of the 43d
BG and the B-24s of the 90th BG, Fifth Air Force still chose
low-level attacks on occasion. In April 1943, B-17s attacked a
number of ships anchored off New Ireland, making their most
successful attacks at low level: “In a period of four days be-
ginning on 1 April, twenty-one B-17’s and nine B-24’s harassed
the ships at anchor, attacking from medium and low altitude.
The greatest damage was claimed by B-17’s skip-bombing from
75 to 250 feet.”23 It is interesting that, given enough aircraft
and perfectly motionless targets, the attacking bombers still
chose to attack shipping at low level. Once they learned this
tactic, the bombers did not unlearn it. Certainly, heavy bombers

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

would pick and choose their low-altitude engagements, but

they would continue to revisit them until the end of the war.
B-17s had started low-altitude and skip bombing for Fifth
Air Force, but by mid-1943 the tactical picture started to
change. Low-level antishipping efforts by their smaller coun-
terparts began to take their place, primarily for three reasons:
(1) the development of mission-specific aircraft, (2) their newly
found proximity of these aircraft to targets, and (3) a change
in Japanese shipping strategy. The Battle of the Bismarck Sea
demonstrated the potency of B-25s and A-20s in the low-level
role, making good on all of Pappy Gunn’s promises about in-
creased firepower and Kenney’s instinctive belief in the effi-
cacy of bombing eye-to-eye with the target. Gaining the offen-
sive in New Guinea meant forward basing for these light
attackers and medium bombers, thus putting Japanese sup-
ply lines and airdromes at risk. When the enemy replaced
valuable warships and merchant vessels with smaller barges,
precisely because of their high losses in the Bismarck Sea, the
enemy played right into the hands of Fifth Air Force.
At this point, low-level lessons were turned into operational
standards. The months following Bismarck Sea allowed air-
crews to think about what had happened and draw conclusions
from the results. The 3d BG became the first to formalize these
tactics for the lighter aircraft. Mast-height bombing rather than
skipping received the emphasis: “If the pilot tries ‘skip-bombing,’
the bomb as a rule will not skip true, frequently skipping over
the entire ship.”24 According to the 3d BG,
the following procedure in attacking shipping is recommended. High
speed approach from medium altitude to a point about three miles
from the target at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 feet. Then start violent
“butterflying” at full throttle (side slips and rapid changes in altitude).
At 1,500 yards from the target heavy A/A ceases to be effective and at
that point, the plane should be at about 500 feet altitude. Fire one
short sighting burst at 1,500 yards, then fire continuously from 1,200
yards in a full throttle, straight beam approach on the target; drop the
bombs from between 500 feet and at masthead height when the previ-
ously selected reference point (a point on the airplane’s nose) crosses
the waterline of the ship. The pilots should remember that 50 caliber
fire will drop about 100 feet in 1,000 yards when the plane is indicat-
ing 240 mph at sea level.25

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

A line was drawn between skip bombing and mast-height at-

tack, the latter becoming the preferred method in the SWPA
because it offered more precision than skip bombing. It also
required less finesse and, therefore, less training. Finally, im-
proved accuracy meant that aircraft required fewer bombs per
target, allowing them to attack more ships in one assault.
But Fifth Air Force did not totally abandon skip bombing.
Even if a bomb did not penetrate the hull, it could still prove
highly effective: “A bomb which has been skipped may hit the
target at a bad angle and fail to penetrate. However, if the
bomb settles down in the water underneath the ship and then
explodes, it has a lethal effect similar to that of a torpedo.”26
Indeed, this was the goal when aircraft attacked heavily ar-
mored ships, whose hulls were much more difficult to pene-
trate (fig. 11).
In practice, even though mast-height bombing was the pri-
mary method, skip bombing was a useful backup plan. Rarely
did an attacking B-25 or A-20 release just one bomb. Failure
would have necessitated a second, more dangerous pass: “[Two
or] three were toggled in a compact train, with the center of the
train aimed at the side of the vessel. In no case did this method
fail to produce at least one hit.”27 If one bomb missed, there was
a good chance that one of the others would skip up to the ship,
sink along its side, and explode underneath.
It was a complex timeline of discovery, rediscovery, and re-
finement. Skipping bombs at terrestrial targets in the 1920s
had long passed out of thought until the British resurrected
low-altitude tactics against German ships early in the war.
This, in turn, sparked the interest of General Arnold, who put
AAF developers onto the project in 1941. Eglin personnel con-
cluded that for ships with less than an inch of armor—such as
those running into and out of New Guinea—direct penetration
of the hull at the waterline was the primary objective. They
recommended maximum speed at minimum altitude. Before
the results of those tests were officially released in December
1942, Kenney’s B-17s attacked ships in Rabaul Harbor (Octo-
ber). Unable to obtain very fast speeds or low altitudes, they
literally skipped the bombs up to and underneath the vessels
or dropped a standard stick from a slightly higher altitude. By

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

Figure 11. Matching tactic to target. (Reprinted from Assistant Chief of Air
Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Masthead Attacks against Ship-
ping,” Air Force General Information Bulletin 13 [July 1943]: 23.)

1943 the use of medium bombers and light attack aircraft led
to the semiautonomous resurrection of mast-height bombing
and direct hull penetration. After the Battle of the Bismarck
Sea, these lessons were finally solidified into low-altitude brack-
eting—the amalgamation of skip bombing and mast-height at-
Bracketing sought to perform both a skip-bombing and mast-
height attack simultaneously. The pilot toggled the first bomb
short of the aiming point so that it would skip to the vessel, or,
if he misjudged the aiming point, the bomb would penetrate the

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

National Air and Space Museum

B-25 bracketing a cargo vessel, Wewak

hull without skipping. He then aimed the second, primary

bomb for hull penetration. This simple tactic provided a degree
of insurance in that at least one bomb would damage the ship.
Mast-height bombing remained the first objective of bracketing,
but skip bombing had already emerged as a catch-all term for
these tactics, thus blurring the line between distinct methods of
attack in the low-altitude environment.
Directly after the Bismarck Sea action, the Japanese made a
critical mistake. Because they did not want to lose so many valu-
able warships or large merchant ships, they redeployed them
from the battle in New Guinea. In their place, thousands of
smaller and less costly barges began to appear. These barges
were even more susceptible to attacks by the same B-25s and
A-20s that had played such a key role during the Battle of the
Bismarck Sea. These modified planes now had free range over
many of the ocean approaches in which these barges operated.

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

National Air and Space Museum

Results of bracketing a cargo vessel, Wewak

A combination of tactics emerged in the so-called barge hunt.

American bombers could attack either with machine guns alone
since the smaller hulls were vulnerable to their fire28 or by some-
times dropping bombs onto, instead of into, the ship since their
lower profile made them harder to hit at mast height.29 Or, more
commonly, they could combine the strafing attacks with the
standard mast-height attack.30 Whatever the means of attack,
the results were just as successful as those in the Bismarck Sea:
The barge hunt really got results. During the week ending August 4th,
in addition to the two Jap destroyers sunk off Cape Gloucester on July
28th, we had sunk two motor torpedo boats, a patrol vessel, two large
motor launches, destroyed ninety-four large motor-driven barges, and
badly damaged probably a hundred more. The majority of these barges
were capable of transporting a load of around seventy-five tons of sup-
plies, so that the Jap had not only lost his barges but somewhere
around 15,000 tons of supplies had been destroyed or prevented from

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

getting to Lae. While the low-altitude boys were shooting up the barges,
the escorting P-38 fighters had bagged nineteen Jap aircraft. The week’s
work had cost us one B-25, and two P-38s had been damaged.
The hunt continued, and during the following ten days the Japs had
another 125 to 150 barges destroyed or out of action. The kids were
beginning to complain, however, that the Nip was not replacing his
barges fast enough to keep them supplied with targets.31

While the Fifth firmly controlled the oceans around eastern

New Guinea, the other key battle was the continued destruction
of Japanese airpower on the island. Airdromes in the Lae area
had already come under significant—almost daily—attack. Fur-
ther along the coast, Wewak became the main staging area for
Japanese aircraft in the area. As with the Bismarck convoy, the
attacks on Wewak were coordinated assaults in which the low-
altitude mission produced spectacular results.
The tactics used against Wewak were extensions of prewar
attack/ground-support doctrine. Emphasizing the Army’s in-
sistence on ground support, they exploited the ability of attack
aircraft to hit low, fast, and hard. Just as the Battle of the Bis-
marck Sea established the A-20’s versatility as a bomber, Wewak
would affirm the attack capability of the B-25.32 A medium
bomber such as the B-25 fit into this scheme perfectly when
outfitted with additional firepower:

Attack aviation is an integral part of any Air Force. For ground support it
plays a distinctive role, a role which no other type of aviation can usurp.
But low altitude operations are not limited only to ground support. It has
a definite and destructive part to play in any aerial offensive. At low al-
titude, attack aviation has no rival for engine efficiency, speed and ma-
neuverability, devastating strafing power, accurate placing of parachute
fragmentation bombs, and elusion of radar detection. Hence, attack
aviation provides terrific striking power with maximum safety.33

For these reasons, attack aviation became the primary means

of hitting the airdromes around Wewak. The central issue in the
struggle was air superiority. During the last month of the sum-
mer, the Japanese moved 500 airplanes, 10,000 personnel, and
the flag of the Fourth Air Army to Wewak from Rabaul.34 This for-
tification of Wewak threatened Allied airpower throughout the
area. The Fifth’s new airdrome at Marilinan was both the most

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

dangerous one to the Japanese and the most vulnerable to their

attack, as Kenney well knew.
The Japanese situation had its problems also. The influx of
aircraft and personnel strained the physical limits of the Wewak
airdromes. According to Col Koji Tanaka, a Japanese staff of-
ficer recently moved from Rabaul, “Wewak was the end of the
plane ferry route. Its fields were accordingly loaded with
planes. . . . The fields at Wewak were too small at this time and
there was no possibility of dispersal. The reason all the planes
were assembled there is that we thought we were out of your
fighter range.”35 Col Rinsuka Kaneko, another staff officer of
the Fourth Air Army, agreed: “We were not able to provide an
area large enough to disperse our planes and had to keep
them all in a narrow confined area.”36
By mid-August, the two opposing forces were poised to meet,
and the Marilinan and Wewak airdromes were both packed
with airplanes. The side registering the first blow would likely
win the battle for air superiority over central New Guinea.
Both sides were ready to attack on 17 August, but Fifth Air
Force won the race. After early-morning attacks from B-17s
and B-24s,
thirty-three B-25s with eighty-three P-38s as cover made a simulta-
neous attack on Borum, Wewak, and Dagua [all airdromes in the Wewak
area]. Sixteen B-25s, scheduled to hit But [also in the Wewak area],
had run into bad weather and did not make the rendezvous. Lieu-
tenant Colonel Don Hall, [who had] first used my parafrag bombs at
Buna in September 1942, led the B-25 line abreast attack on Borum.
Coming in over the tops of palm trees, Don saw a sight to gladden the
heart of a strafer. The Jap bombers, sixty of them, were lined up on ei-
ther side of the runway with their engines turning over, flying crews on
board, and groups of ground crewmen standing by each airplane. The
Japs were actually starting to take off and the leading airplane was al-
ready halfway down the runway and ready to leave the ground. Off to
one side fifty Jap fighters were warming up their engines ready to fol-
low and cover their bombers. Hall signaled to open fire. His first burst
blew up the Jap bomber just as it lifted into the air. It crashed imme-
diately, blocking the runway for any further Nip take-offs. The B-25
formation swept over the field like a giant scythe. The double line of
Jap bombers was on fire almost immediately from the rain of fifty-caliber
incendiaries pouring from over 200 machine guns, antiaircraft de-
fenses were smothered, drums of gasoline by the side of the runway
blazed up, and Jap flying crews and ground personnel melted away in

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

the path of our gunfire, in the crackle of a thousand parafrag bombs,

and the explosions of their own bomb-laden aircraft. We hit them just
in time. Another five minutes and the whole Jap force would have been
in the air on the way to take us out at Marilinan.37

Fifth Air Force scored an almost total victory that day, be-
ginning five days of domination. This first, most important low-
altitude strike encountered ideal conditions: as General Kenney
related, the Japanese airplanes were crowded together and in
the process of assembling for their own attack. The exposed
assets—bomb-laden airplanes, ground crews, fuel drums, and
so forth—proved easy targets for the parafrags and .50-caliber
gunfire, exactly the type of attack for which the modified B-25
was created. During the first day’s action, about 30 B-25s
armed with parafrags and machine guns destroyed an esti-
mated 120 aircraft at three separate airdromes: “We found out
that the Japs referred to the attack as ‘the Black Day of Au-
gust 17th’ and that they had lost over 150 aircraft, with prac-
tically all the flight crews and around three hundred more
ground personnel killed. All our P-38s and strafers returned to
their home airdromes.”38
Without the element of surprise, the following days could
not compare to 17 August, but they were deadly to the Japanese
nevertheless. On 18 August, about 50 B-25s escorted by al-
most 100 P-38s attacked the Wewak area, setting ablaze three
1,500-ton ships and sinking several barges in the harbor.
Using the same tactics as they did the day before, Fifth Air
Force planes destroyed approximately 80 Japanese aircraft on
the ground and in the air (about 65 of them destroyed by B-25s)
at the cost of two B-25s and one P-38. On 20 August, about
25 B-24s substituted for the B-25s, and their 45 P-38 escorts
destroyed 20 enemy fighters, with one B-24 shot down. On 21
August, the final day of the attack, 20 B-25s and 60 P-38s
went in again, the former destroying 35 enemy planes on the
ground, and the latter claiming another 35.39 These attacks
“resulted in a total of 309 enemy aircraft destroyed or crippled
(208 on the ground and 81 in combat [sic]), with a loss of only
10 allied planes.”40 Even in the unlikely event that these fig-
ures are off by as much as 25 percent, the results are still

Line-abreast, staggered-altitude B-25s strafing Wewak area. (AAF photo from
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Battle of the Bismarck
Sea,” Impact! 2, no. 2 [February 1944]: 29.)
MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

remarkable, and the fact remains that Wewak was a devastating

blow to Japanese airpower.
The Wewak attacks established air superiority over all of
New Guinea; thus, any Japanese airdrome in range of Ameri-
can bombers was in serious danger. Fifth Bomber Command
destroyed most of the Japanese Fourth Air Army before it
could even get off the ground. Fifth Air Force aircraft routinely
harassed enemy airdromes and denied Japanese air forces
freedom of operation, much as they had done with the Japanese
navy. By taking the offensive and applying decisive firepower,
the Fifth ensured that it ruled both the skies over and the seas
around New Guinea, thereby removing the most dangerous
obstacles for the rest of MacArthur’s forces and eventually al-
lowing them to secure the island. At Wewak the Japanese lost
New Guinea.
More enemy planes would come, and airdromes still re-
quired attack—but the total defeat of the Japanese at Wewak
set a precedent. Heavy bombers now reached strategic targets
more regularly, and old targets began to show the strain of
constant harassment. Throughout the theater, American air-
power now had the offensive. Backed by a year and a half of
in-theater tactical development and an increasing influx of air-
craft from the United States, Fifth Air Force would maintain
this initiative for the rest of the war.

1. General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area, “Standing Operating
Procedure for Attack Aviation in Close Support: Southwest Pacific Area,”
1943, 16, Air Force History Support Office, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC,
file no. 710.4501.
2. Field Manual 100-20, Command and Employment of Air Power, 1943, 10.
3. Ibid., 12.
4. Steve Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers: The Illustrated Story of Kenney’s
Fifth Air Force (New York: Doubleday, 1977), 64.
5. Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, eds., The Army Air Forces in
World War II, vol. 4, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, August 1942 to July
1944 (1950; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1983), 161.
6. General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area, “Standing Operating
Procedure,” 9.
7. Craven and Cate, Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, 157.

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

8. 319th Bombardment Squadron, Office of the Statistical Officer, “In-

cendiary Bomb Information,” 30 April 1943, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC,
file A7491 (index 0409).
9. Ibid.
10. Headquarters Fifth Bomber Command, A-2 Section, “Incendiary
Bombs,” 4 May 1943, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC, file A7491 (index 0412).
11. 319th Bombardment Squadron, Office of the Statistical Officer, “In-
cendiary Bomb Information.”
12. Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number 6:
Parachute Demolition Bombs, Fourth Report,” 1945, 1, Bolling AFB, Wash-
ington, DC, file A7491 (index 0066).
13. Ibid.
14. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 80.
15. George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pa-
cific War (1949; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1987), 272.
16. Birdsall notes that General Kenney was not pleased when he received
cannon-equipped B-25s instead of strafers from the United States. Birdsall,
Flying Buccaneers, 82. But as the Japanese switched to the smaller barges
along the sea-lanes, the cannons found a comfortable, though imperfect,
niche. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mini-
mum Altitude Attacks on Japanese Shipping,” Informational Intelligence
Summary 43, no. 53 (20 December 1943): 7.
17. Brig Gen J. V. Crabb, Fifth Air Force Air War against Japan: Septem-
ber 1942–August 1945 (n.p.: 1946), 8.
18. John L. Frisbee, “First at Balikpapan,” Air Force 71, no. 6 (June
1988), http://www.afa.org/magazine/valor/0688valor.asp.
19. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 83–84.
20. James T. Murphy with A. B. Feuer, Skip Bombing (Westport, CT:
Praeger Publishers, 1993), 129–30. “Advance fusing” worked by attacking
from a set altitude—and thus a set time of fall. This allowed weapons to be
set to detonate just prior to impact with a time (rather than an impact) fuse.
Proximity fuses consisting of a small radio-frequency transceiver were also
used during World War II. As an appropriate Doppler-shift return arrived at
the nose-mounted unit, the weapon was initiated so as to detonate, typically
between 50 and 100 feet in the air. Although used more often for naval anti-
aircraft artillery, this highly classified device was also occasionally employed
on bombs released from aircraft. Fifth Air Force records do not indicate ex-
tensive use of these devices.
21. George C. Kenney, The Saga of Pappy Gunn (New York: Duell, Sloan
and Pearce, 1959), 66.
22. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 214.
23. Craven and Cate, Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, 162.
24. Third Attack Group, “Exchange of Information between Groups in
Active Theatres and Groups in Training,” 15 June 1943, 6, Bolling AFB,
Washington, DC, file A7474 (index 0210). The B-25s and A-20s of the 3d

MARCH 1943–AUGUST 1943

Attack Group were actually part of the 3d Bomb Group. The two units were
one and the same.
25. Ibid., 3.
26. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mini-
mum Altitude Attacks,” 6.
27. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mast-
head Attacks against Shipping,” Air Force General Information Bulletin 13
(July 1943): 23.
28. Headquarters Advanced Echelon, Fifth Air Force, Office of the A-2,
“Effective Attack on Japanese Barges,” 13 July 1943, Bolling AFB, Wash-
ington, DC, file A7491 (index 0389).
29. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mini-
mum Altitude Attacks,” 6.
30. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Japanese
Barges,” Informational Intelligence Summary 43, no. 41 (20 August 1943): 2–3.
31. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 275.
32. In fact, because of their inferior range, the prewar A-20s did not par-
ticipate in the attacks on Wewak.
33. Third Attack Group, “Exchange of Information,” 9–10.
34. Lt Col Timothy D. Gann, Fifth Air Force Light and Medium Bomber
Operations during 1942 and 1943: Building the Doctrine and Forces That
Triumphed in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea and the Wewak Raid (Maxwell
AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1993), 24.
35. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 91.
36. United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Naval Analysis Division, In-
terrogations of Japanese Officials, vol. 2 (Washington, DC: Government Print-
ing Office, 1946), 407.
37. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 277.
38. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “De-
struction of Enemy Planes at Wewak,” Informational Intelligence Summary
43, no. 43 (10 September 1943): 2; and Kenney, General Kenney Reports,
39. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “De-
struction of Enemy Planes,” 2; and Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence,
US Army Air Forces, “309 Planes Destroyed on Wewak Fields in Five Days,”
Impact! 1, no. 7 (October 1943): 2–3.
40. Jack H. Bozung, ed., The 5th over the Southwest Pacific (Los Angeles:
AAF Publications Company, n.d.), 4.

Chapter 5

August 1943–June 1944

The spectacular attacks on Wewak-area airdromes defined

the battle for air superiority in New Guinea. Continuing attacks
on Rabaul and advances along the New Guinea coast forced the
Japanese to spread their assets thin in the Southwest Pacific.
After the summer of 1943, a growing Fifth Air Force had posi-
tioned itself to rout Japanese land-based airpower. During the
next 11 months, Fifth Air Force concentrated on assisting the
Army’s advance along the New Guinea coast and continuing the
aerial neutralization of Rabaul (fig. 12).

Figure 12. SWPA battle map, August 1943–June 1944

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

The period from August 1943 to June 1944 was one of refine-
ment since Fifth Air Force had already adopted most of the
theater-specific tactics it needed in the SWPA (e.g., mast-height
attacks, airdrome raids, strafing, and so forth). During the year
and a half that transpired between the first Wewak raids and the
shift to the Philippines, the Fifth emphasized logistical and tacti-
cal fortification rather than innovation.
The successful attacks on the Wewak airdromes established
the capability of Fifth Air Force over enemy airfields just as the
Battle of the Bismarck Sea had established American domi-
nance over the enemy’s sea-lanes. Kenney’s air force was be-
coming MacArthur’s weapon of choice. Naval power in the
Southwest Pacific under MacArthur’s command played only a
limited role in New Guinea, and his ground troops had to fight
bitterly for every inch of jungle terrain. Only the air forces of-
fered unique freedom of movement and an increasingly perva-
sive mastery of their own element.
By the time of the attacks on Wewak, operations involving the
air arm were common in New Guinea: “Land operations were
planned in conjunction with the Wewak Raid but not until two
weeks afterward and in an area well to the south [Lae/Nadzab].
By detaching air campaigns from the ground effort, Kenney and
Whitehead elevated air power to a position of ‘greatest among
equals’ in the SWPA. MacArthur affirmed the preeminence of
the Fifth Air Force when he declared that ‘the purpose of his
surface operations was to advance his bomb line.’”1
Since logistics remained a limiting factor in the Southwest
Pacific, Kenney operated with just a fraction of the planes and
personnel he needed—he had only “one light, three medium
and three heavy bomb groups” at his disposal.2 The number of
groups grew in 1944, but Fifth Air Force continued to com-
pensate for the small number of bombers with specialized tac-
tics and weapons.
The 75 mm cannon still provoked disagreement in the SWPA.
Throughout the war, opinions about the cannon-equipped B-25
shifted back and forth. Although the 75 mm shells did little
damage to most shipping, at least one report claims that they
worked well against smaller land targets:

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

We found that the cannon was more precise than a bomb for some tar-
gets, particularly bridges. The supply roads over the hills were only
two-lane dirt tracks for most of the way, but occasionally they had to
cross a small ravine or stream. A small bridge between 25 and 50ft
long is not a very big target when you’re making a sighting run from
more than a mile away at treetop height of 50–70ft, but the 75mm gave
us the opportunity of getting off anything from 3–10 rounds before we
were too close in. Then we would start .50 cal strafing, winding up by
toggling out whatever bombs we carried.3

North American—the cannon’s manufacturer—claimed that

it could fire higher numbers of rounds within a mile. Accord-
ing to one source, “all 21 rounds, the normal ammunition load
carried, have been fired in one 5,000-yard approach.”4 Opera-
tionally, “the crews in the Fifth still could not fire more than
four rounds during a pass with the cannon, and the aiming re-
quirements made it too vulnerable to ground fire.”5 Even the
increased accuracy offered by a well-aimed cannon round ex-
posed crew members to unacceptable risk. A barrage of .50-
caliber fire seemed preferable to a few well-placed cannon
rounds, especially against ships:
I understand that you are anxious to find out what we think of the B.25G,
particularly in regard to the 75 mm. cannon installation. . . . The airplane
came to us with only two .50 calibre guns mounted forward to help out
the 75 mm cannon. I did not consider that this gave us enough volume
of forward fire power to take on the deck armament of destroyers, light
cruisers or the armed merchant vessels which constitute most of our
shipping targets, so we have installed two more machine guns on the
sides. Even this number is insufficient for the purpose and accordingly
these two squadrons are being restricted to attacks on barges and luggers
along the north coast of New Guinea and to furnishing support to ground
troops. While one or two of our naturally crack shots are rather en-
thusiastic about the cannon arrangement, the rank and file of the pilots
are not. We have just about come to the conclusion that unless the 75
mm cannon is flanked by a minimum of six and preferably eight .50
calibre machine guns, the cannon installation is not worthwhile. . . . I am
not enthusiastic about the 75 mm cannon. I would rather have the same
amount of weight in .50 calibre machine guns. They throw much more
weight of metal in a single run and so far we have had little trouble in
beating down the deck fire of anything we attacked, up to and including
the Japanese light cruiser.6

The addition of machine guns to the overall offensive pack-

age at least partially allayed Kenney’s fears, but this solution

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

proved insufficient. The power of forward-firing machine guns

had become a Fifth Air Force standard, and the cannon sim-
ply could not match them. Many crews replaced the cannons
themselves. B-25Hs “were soon modified to carry a nose ar-
mament of six machine guns, two replacing the cannon in its
gaping tunnel. Cannon-armed B-25s were not only unpopular
with aircrews, but also with the ground crewman who had to
swarm over them tightening up screws after the gun had been
fired on missions.”7
Similarly, the civilian-designed rocket system fell out of favor
with Fifth Air Force aircrews. The launching tubes housing the
rockets caused problems: “At Hollandia in July 1944 there were
experiments using the A-20 as a rocket-carrying plane, but the
launching tubes reduced cruising speed by fifteen miles an hour
and the cut in range was too great a sacrifice.”8 Mounted under
the wings, the tubes created a disproportionate amount of drag
that sacrificed the speed and range of their aircraft.
Incendiary bombs did not disappoint, however. In addition to
benzol bombs, Fifth Air Force continued to use 100-pound
bombs packed with highly flammable white phosphorus. Upon
impact, the explosion shot out hundreds of fireballs, setting
anything in their path on fire: “Detonation on hard surface
under normal conditions . . . results in a burst with a radius

National Air and Space Museum

Tube rocket launchers on an A-20G, Hollandia

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

of 150 feet for the central portion, with streamers shooting in

every direction as much as 100 feet more.”9
The Fifth used these weapons successfully against Rabaul
air defenses in November 1943, when B-25s loaded with these
“Kenney cocktails” prepared the invasion path to the harbor
for later attacks on anchored Japanese shipping. The smoke
and fire generated by the bombs either destroyed or impeded
enemy antiaircraft fire that could hamper a second approach:
On November 2nd, with his bomber strength reduced to approximately
forty and his fighter strength assumed to be around a hundred, we put
seventy five B.25 attack bombers over on a low altitude attack on the
shipping and covered them with eighty P.38’s operating from Kiriwina.
Two squadrons of B.25’s opened the attack by dropping one hundred
pound phosphorous bombs around the northern half of the horseshoe
which is Rabaul Harbor, in order to blanket the anti-aircraft defense.
Coming in at minimum altitude through the passes to the northeast
and northwest, seven squadrons of B.25’s then started to work on the
shipping. The phosphorus bomb attack was a distinct success, creat-
ing a wall of smoke and setting fires in the town which burned for several
hours, thereby blanketing out practically all the anti-aircraft defenses
in the town area.10

Fifth Air Force crews continually created and modified fuses

for use in the Southwest Pacific, using both instantaneous and
delay fuses. The Kenney cocktails were most effective when
detonation was initiated above the ground. Standard impact
fusing on the M47 phosphorus smoke bomb produced more
than enough smoke but limited the effectiveness range of the
phosphorus fragments. By combining a timed flare fuse and a
standard general-purpose fuse, crews were able to “airburst”
the standard M47. Hot fragments covered a greater area and
could easily debilitate enemy ground troops. Crews deter-
mined the altitude of attack—and, therefore, the weapon’s
time of fall—so that the bombs would explode just above the
target surface. “Since the time setting ranges from five to 93
seconds, these bombs can be dropped from various altitudes.
Because a foxhole is no protection from destructive effects of
the antipersonnel bombs[,] their use has been designated as
‘fiendish warfare’ by the Japs.”11 This particular fuse also
turned larger demolition bombs into antipersonnel weapons.
An airburst just above the heads of ducking soldiers was more

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

Smoke and fire protect Rabaul Harbor raid. (AAF photo from Edward Jablonski,
Airwar, vol. 3, Outraged Skies [Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971], 35.)

than enough to silence any enemy gun battery. Detonating

weapons a few feet above the ground maximized the fragmen-
tation radius. In a theater whose primary targets consisted of
exposed aircraft and their crews, proper fusing became a valu-
able tool.
Aircraft attacking at lower altitudes, however, did not want
to contend with airbursts. The design of the 23-pound parafrag
with the small parachute, for example, not only allowed the
plunging-type fuse to impact almost perpendicularly, but also
allowed the attacking aircraft to move further outside the frag-
mentation envelope before detonation. But these were not the
only low-altitude weapons. With the bigger bombs, crews had
two choices. First, they could use demolition bombs with four-
to-five-second-delay fuses. These weapons often skipped along
the ground, eventually coming to rest against or near the in-
tended target. Like its employment on water, this technique

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

was an imperfect, dangerous science for low-flying aircraft try-

ing to avoid their own bouncing weapons. Second, they could
choose the parademo bomb, modified in-theater with borrowed
chutes from parafrag assemblies. In addition to letting aircraft
escape safely, these weapons also enhanced capabilities against
targets deeper in the jungles: “Since the parafrags are likely to
hang in trees and thus become duds, the 100lb parademo is
substituted for the parafrag against such targets as aircraft
and fuel dumps situated in wooded areas. The parachute as-
sembly . . . will also probably snag in trees, but the bomb will
tear loose without affecting the desired non-skipping feature.”12
Parademos, modified in-theater, came online in greater and
greater numbers from 1943 to 1944. They would become a stan-
dard option for low-altitude attack against less-than-open ter-
restrial targets.
On 10 October, Fifth Air Force received its first batch of radar-
equipped B-24s. By matching large geographical-chart fea-
tures to the presentation on a radar scope, aircraft could bomb
targets with a fair amount of accuracy at night or in bad weather.
The first dozen arrived at the 63d BS, the unit responsible for
the first skip-bombing and low-altitude attacks. These modi-
fied bombers would play an increasingly large role as the war
moved from New Guinea toward the Philippines and Formosa.
One of the more interesting bombardment missions occurred
without radar in the early summer of 1944 during the battle for
Biak Island, which featured B-24s in a ground-support role:
Artillery pounded these positions [caves above a new American air-
drome] for four weeks. Long after we were operating from the strips,
the Nip was still in the caves, still making it unhealthy to move on the
airfields. During the construction and improvement of the strips, the
engineers had to put down their instruments and pick up rifles to
shoot back at snipers. . . . One afternoon, he [Col David W. Hutchison]
and Major General Jens Does, commander on Biak, were watching the
artillery attempt its noisy but futile endeavor to clear out the caves.
[Colonel Hutchison came up with an idea.] The next day nine B-24s
took off from Owi on the usual daily workout on targets in the Halma-
heras. Instead of proceeding on course, however, as usual, they flew
low over the coral ridges of Biak. They formed, and then flew in perfect
order, four thousand feet above the ridge. They circled for fifteen min-
utes. Then they left on their mission. [The routine continued for the
next two days. Each day, more Japanese came out to watch the

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

bomber formations fly harmless patterns over the field.] The fourth day
the planes came again. They circled over the ridge in formation. They
stayed there for their fifteen minutes. But they didn’t go off on any mis-
sion. They opened their bombay [sic] doors suddenly and from the low
altitude of four thousand feet they dropped sixty-four one-thousand-
pound bombs. Thirty-two tons of explosives on an area three hundred
yards long and seventy-five yards wide. And then the infantry attacked.
When they reached the ridge they waited. Not a shot was fired at them.
They clambered onto the ridge. There were one hundred dead Japs
sprawled on the ground. There were seventy-five more who were alive,
but they were motionless, stunned.13

Closer to the ground, tactics continued to develop as the Fifth

gained experience. Strafers who concentrated on parked air-
craft often left themselves vulnerable to peripheral antiaircraft
fire. To counter this threat, Fifth Air Force began to place ad-
ditional strafers outside the attack formations, specifically task-
ing them to deal with these enemy defenses (fig. 13):

A recent attack against an enemy airfield confirmed the advisability of

having the flanks of the center planes protected. On this attack eight
planes strafed the enemy airfield and dispersal areas in line abreast. The
four center planes bombed and strafed the field while weaving slightly in
course, the two planes on each flank being assigned the task of dealing
with machine-gun fire which came from either side of the runway. This
mission was very successful due to the effective protection given by the
two planes in each flank, which harassed the enemy ground gunners and
left the center planes free to concentrate on the targets.14

With all of the antishipping and antiairdrome attacks in the

Southwest Pacific, Fifth Air Force did not overlook the low-
level ground-support role. A-20s, in particular, continued to
perform ground support, which kept them at forward bases in
easy striking range of enemy troops, often performing multiple
missions on the same day. The Havocs had flown beside the
B-25s in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, but lack of numbers
limited their use until the final months of 1943. Until this
time, only one squadron (89th BS) of the 3d BG was allotted
to Fifth Air Force. By January 1944, the entire 3d BG con-
verted to A-20s (A-20Gs and A-20Hs); the 417th BG arrived
with its A-20s in the same month; and the 312th BG began
converting to the A-20 the following month.15 The new Havocs,
which came factory equipped with six nose guns for strafing

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

Figure 13. Airdrome attack with covered flanks. (Reprinted from Assis-
tant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Tactics of Medium
Bombardment Units [Southwest Pacific Area],” Informational Intelligence
Summary 43, no. 51 [30 November 1943]: 3.)

targets, would continue as the primary ground-support plat-

form; it would also conduct the interdiction role that occupied
every bomber in-theater.
The Fifth continued to modify these aircraft as well. Air-
frames, however, were reaching their structural limits:
Lt. Tom Jones of the 389th [389th BS, 312th BG, June 1944] . . . de-
scribes his being a guinea pig for one of Pappy Gunn’s novel ideas. Pre-
viously Pappy had experimented with the installation of twelve forward
firing .50 cal. machine guns in a B-25. Now he introduced an even
more powerful armament combination. Taking one of the 312th A-20’s,
with the help of crew chief and armament men he installed fourteen
forward firing .50 cal. machine guns in the aircraft. . . . Tom pressed
the trigger to fire all fourteen machine guns simultaneously. As Tom
recalls, and as substantiated by fellow flyers of the 312th, the recoil
shock of the simultaneous continuous explosions of fourteen guns
seemed to halt the plane’s forward motion. . . . Landing quickly after

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

Machine guns on an A-20G. (AAF photo from Jim Mesko, A-20 Havoc in Action
[Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1983], 44.)

the demonstration it was the consensus of Tom and the 312th ob-
servers, as well as Pappy Gunn (though reluctantly) that the spirit of
the A-20 was willing but the body (frame) was unable to accommodate
the tremendous recoil vibrations of such an arsenal.16

Unfortunately, even the perfect number of guns on these

aircraft did not automatically make them effective. A negative
trend began in 1944 that followed Fifth Air Force all the way
to the Philippines. As aircrews rotated home, new crews often
had to relearn lessons, chief among them the need to achieve
surprise. For example, low-level bombers were extremely vul-
nerable to antiaircraft fire—precisely the reason that surprise
and quick escape had become priorities in the first place. Ear-
lier aircrews had learned “that after three low level attacks,
any job remaining . . . could be accomplished better and far
more satisfactorily by medium or high level bombardment.
Largely by reason of continuance of such low level attacks over
the same target my squadron lost over one-third of its pilot
personnel between 28 May and 17 June, 1944.”17 Low-altitude
tactics did not change within the Fifth, but they couldn’t be

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

taken for granted. They were a skill that demanded not only
practice, but also careful execution. The closing months of the
New Guinea campaign would pale in comparison to the up-
coming battles. Fifth Air Force would have to renew its focus
on the procedures of low-altitude tactics.
Less affected were low-altitude attacks against shipping. Fifth
Air Force was close to converting to or receiving every B-25
and A-20 in the strafer/commerce-destroyer configuration in
late 1943. As in the months following the Battle of the Bis-
marck Sea, late 1943/early 1944 became a period of tactical
solidification. These tactics effectively closed New Guinea to
resupply and essentially sealed its fate: “The Nips could not at-
tempt any movement of major shipping into the area for we
had established an air blockade over the place. . . . The air
force can establish a complete blockade of an area which must
depend for its supplies by sea which, of course, is the case on
practically every Jap base in the area.”18
Typically, Fifth Air Force medium bombers and light attack-
ers approached shipping targets in two-plane elements, which
allowed maximum maneuverability during the attack. They
flew between and around ships, waiting for the opportunity to
strike. Staying out of a ship’s weapons range, the attacking
planes resembled stalking wolves.
Turning into a target, the planes opened up with heavy
machine-gun fire to disable a ship’s defenses. One plane lined
up for a bomb release while the other covered with machine-
gun fire. Three-plane elements were used occasionally but not
often. Despite additional firepower, “a three-plane element
cannot make a quick, sharp turn to the right or left and, there-
fore, has very limited maneuverability. . . . In the two-plane ele-
ment, on the other hand, each aircraft can, if necessary, make
a full turn.”19
The two-plane elements proved especially effective against
warships (fig. 14). Because of these ships’ heavier firepower,
the aircraft used a bow or stern approach, which effectively re-
duced the number of hull-penetrating hits since the narrow
aspect offered a smaller target. But by attacking a heavily de-
fended warship from the front or rear instead of the broadside,
the planes minimized the amount of antiaircraft fire brought

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

Figure 14. Two-plane approach. (Reprinted from Assistant Chief of Air

Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “The 5th Air Force Keeps Davy
Jones Busy,” Impact! 3, no. 6 [June 1945]: 9.)

to bear against them. A front or rear approach exposed them

to roughly one-quarter of the antiaircraft fire.
Once the attack commenced, bombers would turn into the
target, reduce altitude, and cover their approach with machine-
gun fire. To distract the ship’s defenses, other elements danced
around the outside, threatening their own attacking runs: “Di-
versionary feints and maneuvers are carried out by any extra
elements which are not used in the initial strafing and bomb-
ing attack. These planes remain about 2,000 yards away from
the enemy convoy at a point outside the range of their medium
caliber, automatic weapons fire. Their turns and runs further
confuse enemy gunners, for they cannot be certain whether
these planes are coming in for an attack or not and must con-
tinually keep an eye on them.”20 Before the end of a day’s at-
tack, all of the planes would have made bomb runs. After the
first elements finished their runs, “extra planes which have
been carrying out diversionary tactics may then turn and
make a run over any ships which appear not to have been
mortally hit or which may have been missed entirely”21 (fig.
15). When coordinated attacks weren’t used, diversionary
feints divided the attention of the ships and their defensive
fire. Offering the same benefits as coordinated attacks, they

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

National Air and Space Museum

B-25 element attacking cargo vessel, Sorong area

were easily performed by only one squadron or even a handful

of elements within that squadron.
The approach to transport ships differed. Because they pre-
sented less of an antiaircraft threat, they could be attacked on
the broadside without necessarily using a two-plane element,
yielding a greater percentage of hits with fewer bombs. Regard-
less, one rule remained in effect: the more surprise achieved
and the fewer the bomb runs on a target, the better: “It is im-
portant that the pilots observe the old fighter maxim, ‘Make
your pass and get the hell out!’ Circling for additional passes
increases the hazards of the operation and the results are sel-
dom worth the risks involved.”22
The record was impressive. As time passed, aircraft sank
more and more Japanese ships in the Pacific: “In December,
1941, the AAF sank only 4,000 tons. In December, 1942, the
score was boosted to 12,969 tons. In December, 1943, all

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

Figure 15. Diversionary feints. (Reprinted from Assistant Chief of Air Staff, In-
telligence, US Army Air Forces, “Minimum Altitude Attacks on Japanese Ship-
ping,” Informational Intelligence Summary 43, no. 54 [20 December 1943]: 4.)

monthly records were topped with 110,000 tons of Jap ship-

ping officially credited to the AAF.”23
Coordinated bombing attacks, however, remained the pre-
ferred tactics in Fifth Air Force. The increasing number of
bomb groups and the shrinking distance to major targets fa-
cilitated the coordinated assault. Missions in support of
ground operations in the vicinity of Lae, New Guinea, in the
beginning of September 1943 are included among some of the

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

more uncommon bomber efforts of the war. August’s attacks on

Wewak, in large part, sought to enable the Lae operation. Elim-
inating Japanese airpower at Wewak was the key to initiating the
Lae campaign. That objective met, all of Fifth Bomber Com-
mand joined the fight for the well-established bases in and
around Lae. One day before the amphibious invasion and two
days before the American airdrop inland at Nadzab, heavy
bombers began to attack the area, concentrating on the head-
quarters facilities. B-24s from the 90th BG dropped a total of
167 1000-pound demolition bombs in either instantaneous or
.1 second delay. On the first day of attacks, they encountered
“intense, heavy, accurate” antiaircraft fire.24 The B-24s re-
ceived support from nine B-25D-1s from the 345th BG, which
dropped fragmentation bombs and expended almost 40,000
rounds of .50-caliber ammunition from 1,000 to 2,000 feet.
The following day, B-24s attacked Lae from altitudes greater
than 11,000 feet. B-25D-1s hit the landing-beach grounds
northeast of Lae, attacking from 300 feet and below, expend-
ing 20,500 rounds of .50-caliber ammunition to suppress
enemy fire. Because the attacks predated the full incorpora-
tion of parademos into the Fifth’s inventory, low-altitude at-
tackers used demolition bombs with delayed-action fuses. The
3d Attack Group employed 60 300-pound weapons equipped
with four-to-five-second-delay fuses against the landing beach
on 4 September. Much like the mast-height attacks in the Bat-
tle of the Bismarck Sea, the delays allowed aircraft enough
time to exit the detonation area after release. Furthermore, the
loosely packed beach sand helped inhibit any skipping ten-
dencies of the weapons. A-20s followed the B-25s, laying down
a screen of smoke to protect the Allied landings on the beach.
Like the day before, on 5 September—the main day of the
operation—A-20s were used primarily to create a smoke screen
for American and Australian paratroopers landing at Nadzab,
approximately 15–20 nm west-northwest inland from Lae. Com-
bined with a low-altitude paradrop—the first airborne operation
in the Pacific—the operation featured extraordinary coordina-
tion between light bombers and cargo aircraft, producing some
of the more recognizable photographs of the war. Twenty-four
B-24s and one B-17 dropped 188 1,000-pound bombs on a

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

nearby plantation (occupied by the Japanese) to prevent enemy

reinforcements from reaching the drop zone. Sixty-four B-25s
from the 38th and 345th BGs dropped just over 3,200 20-pound
fragmentation bombs as well as 420 23-pound parafrags, and
expended over 60,000 rounds of .50-caliber ammunition as
they strafed the landing zone in 16-abreast formation. Finally,
seven A-20s from the 3d Attack Group surrounded the Allied
drop zone in a thick veil of smoke. By the afternoon’s end, over
1,700 paratroopers were safely on the ground.
Air attacks in support of the ground operation, including
“barge hunts” up and down the coast, continued until 16 Sep-
tember. Of note, 48 B-25D-1s from the 345th BG dropped 246

C-47s deliver paratroops to Nadzab under the cover of an A-20 smoke screen.
(AAF photo from Edward Jablonski, Airwar, vol. 3, Outraged Skies [Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1971], 29.)

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

500-pound demolition bombs from low altitude on the planta-

tion and airdrome at Malahang on 6 September. Two hundred
thirty-four of the weapons had four-to-five-second-delay
fuses, simply allowing for low-altitude escape. Twelve of the
bombs were fused for six-hour delays, presumably to explode
after Japanese work crews began making repairs on the field.
B-25D-1s of the 38th BG employed a similar tactic on 8 Sep-
tember. Attacking the Markham Valley Road at or below 200
feet, they dropped 120 parafrags, 28 300-pound demolition
bombs with four-to-five-second-delay fuses, 12 500-pound
demolition bombs with like delays, and an additional four 500-
pound demolition bombs fused to explode 12 hours after im-
pact. Hundreds of heavy-, medium-, and light-bomber sorties
were conducted in support of ground operations until Allied
troops occupied the Lae area midday on 16 September. The
Lae/Nadzab operations represented a showpiece of bomber,
airlift, and ground-support coordination.25
In October and November of 1943, the Fifth led two note-
worthy series of raids on Rabaul. New B-24s had replaced the
B-17s, and the proliferation and forward basing of B-25 units
facilitated their application: “On October 12, the largest attack
yet made in the theater began. . . . The mission would be a
one-two blow—the B-25s would go in low to neutralize the air-
fields, then the B-24s would destroy shipping in the harbor.”26
The second attack, which occurred during the first week of
November 1943, showcased the low-level B-25s. As before,
some aircraft occupied the enemy shore defenses and air-
dromes while the rest of the force attacked shipping in the
harbor at mast height. The Kenney cocktails dropped on the
shore defenses created huge areas of smoke and flame that
covered the attacks in the harbor: “[A] Rabaul inferno rages
during attack at mast height by 75 B-25s, with cover of 80
P-38s, on 2 November. Harbor area was sprayed with 125,000
rounds of fire and struck with 65 thousand-pound and 204
hundred-pound [high-explosive] bombs and 822 frags.”27
The attack was a great success: “More Jap tonnage was
sunk in one half hour than was sunk during the whole four
days of the Bismarck Sea operation.”28 No longer did Rabaul
come under only occasional attack from a few bombers; it now

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

National Air and Space Museum

Second major assault on Wewak-area airdromes

lay vulnerable to combined raids of heavy and medium units

in significant numbers. From this point forward, Rabaul would
no longer function as an important base. Allied airpower,
naval blockade, and the progression of ground troops up the
coast of New Guinea had neutralized the Japanese outpost,
leaving it to rot on the vine.
These coordinated assaults extended over the sea as well. As
in the attack on the Bismarck Sea convoy, B-24s, B-25s, and
A-20s struck a convoy bound for Wewak on 19 March 1944 at
carefully timed intervals: “Forty Liberators [at 9,500 feet] were
directed to this target [sinking one ship]. . . . The B-25s and
A-20s finished the job: the 345th [B-25s] went in first, like a
swarm of bees. In a few minutes, the strafing and bombing left
nothing but bobbing debris and alive and dead Japanese float-
ing in huge slicks of oi1.”29 Because these constant attacks,
combined with the destruction of seaborne resupply efforts,
effectively neutralized Wewak as a base of operations, Japa-
nese airpower moved further west up the coast to Hollandia. A
series of coordinated assaults on Hollandia followed, with

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

heavy bombers flying in first to destroy the defensive firepower

and fuel areas. The next day’s attack, also from high altitude,
targeted parked aircraft. Finally, a heavy/strafer attack con-
cluded the raid.
These strikes began on 30 March 1944. The B-24s carried
fragmentation bombs—the same 23-pound bombs used so
successfully at low altitude against enemy airdromes. These
bombs, however, had no parachutes (weighing 20 pounds
each with fins instead of chutes) and were dropped from alti-
tude. That morning “sixty-five B-24s, dropping over 14,000 20
[sic]-pound fragmentation bombs, destroyed twenty-five planes
and badly damaged another sixty-seven on the ground.”30 Fly-
ing over the target with relative safety, waves of Liberators re-
peated the attack the following day, dropping 140 tons of frag-
mentation bombs from 10,000 to 13,000 feet.31
As skies cleared on 3 April, B-25s/A-20s joined the attacks,
making for a truly coordinated assault. B-24s (along with their

National Air and Space Museum

B-24s over Hollandia area

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

P-38 escorts) concentrated on the defenses, drawing off enemy

fighters, while almost 100 A-20s unexpectedly screamed in
over the trees to attack parked aircraft and equipment. A second
wave of B-25 strafers dropped parafrags and parademos.
Like the raids on Wewak, these attacks decimated Japanese
airpower at Hollandia: “On 30 March, 288 aircraft were parked
on Hollandia, Cyclops and Sentani, three major fields in the
area. After two B-24 attacks on consecutive days, a third at-
tack on 3 April by heavies coordinated with low-level bombing
and strafing by B-25s and A-20s, all 288 aircraft had been de-
stroyed or probably destroyed.”32 Postwar interviews with Japa-
nese officers confirmed these terrific losses: “During the period
between May 1943 and April 1944, including the HOLLANDIA
Operation, the losses were divided as follows: result of aerial
combat, 30%; destroyed on ground, 50%; operational losses,
20%. . . . For planning purposes it was estimated that during
big operations 50% of the fighters, 40% of bombers and 20%
of the transport planes would have to be replaced. However,
due to low production and shipping and ferry losses this plan
was not followed; and consequently, the NEW GUINEA Air
Force was destroyed.”33
For all practical purposes, the destruction of Hollandia
ended the air battle for New Guinea. The Allies still had to deal
with surrounding islands such as Biak, but in those three
days of American bombing, Japan lost its last aerial foothold
on the main island of New Guinea. With Allied forces in con-
trol of New Guinea and the surrounding islands, the stage was
set for the impending attacks on the Philippines. Before that
operation commenced, General Kenney took command of the
provisional Far East Air Forces —a combination of both Fifth
and Thirteenth Air Forces—while General Whitehead assumed
command of the Fifth. Together, these air forces would push
toward Japan through the Philippines and along the coast of
China, leaving scores of destroyed airdromes and sunken
ships in their wake.
By the summer of 1944, victory in New Guinea was at
hand. Starting with next to nothing, Fifth Air Force had cre-
ated new tactics, adapted others, modified aircraft, and trained
a highly specialized air force. Boasting an unprecedented series

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

of victories extending back to its creation in 1942, the Fifth

moved on to the Philippines campaign and a totally new battle.

1. Lt Col Timothy D. Gann, Fifth Air Force Light and Medium Bomber Opera-
tions during 1942 and 1943: Building the Doctrine and Forces That Triumphed
in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea and the Wewak Raid (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air
University Press, 1993), 31.
2. Steve Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers: The Illustrated Story of Kenney’s
Fifth Air Force (New York: Doubleday, 1977), 109.
3. Al Behrens, “Secret Weapon,” in B-25 Mitchell at War, ed. Jerry Scutts
(London: Ian Allan, 1983), 51.
4. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “A Bulls-
eye by Cannon Packing B-25,” Impact! 2, no. 3 (March 1944): 31.
5. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 205.
6. Gen George C. Kenney to Gen H. H. Arnold, letter, 6 November 1943, 6,
AFHRA, 706.311.
7. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 154.
8. Ibid., 206.
9. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Kenney
Cocktails,” Impact! 2, no. 1 (January 1944): 10.
10. Kenney to Arnold, letter, 1.
11. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Ken-
ney Cocktails,” 10.
12. Headquarters V Bomber Command, Office of the Ordnance Officer,
“First Phase Recommendations on Bomb Loading for Various Primary Tar-
gets,” 18 April 1944, 1, AFHRA, 732.804-1.
13. Capt Donald Hough and Capt Elliott Arnold, Big Distance (New York:
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1945), 142–45.
14. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Tactics
of Medium Bombardment Units (Southwest Pacific Area),” Informational In-
telligence Summary 43, no. 51 (30 November 1943): 3.
15. Jim Mesko, A-20 Havoc in Action (Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal
Publications, 1983), 42.
16. Russell L. Sturzebecker, The Roarin’ 20’s: A History of the 312th Bom-
bardment Group, U.S. Army Air Force, World War II (West Chester, PA: Sturze-
becker, 1976), 83–84.
17. Capt Rignal W. Baldwin, interview, 28 September 1944, transcript, 2,
AFHRA, 706.609.
18. “Interview with Lt Colonel Harold Brown, 5 November 1943,” Infor-
mational Intelligence Summary 43, no. 50 (20 November 1943): 15 –17.
19. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Mini-
mum Altitude Attacks on Japanese Shipping,” Informational Intelligence
Summary 43, no. 53 (20 December 1943): 4.
20. Ibid.

AUGUST 1943 – JUNE 1944

21. Ibid.
22. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces,
“Medium Bomber Attacks against Shipping (China Theater),” Informational
Intelligence Summary 43, no. 54 (30 December 1943): 11.
23. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Our
Bombs Whittle Down Jap Shipping,” Impact! 2, no. 3 (March 1944): 26. The
US Strategic Bombing Survey confirms these results, but for November and
December combined—not just December.
24. V Bomber Command, “Intelligence Report of Operations, September
3–16 1943, Lae Area,” 1, AFHRA, 732.307-1.
25. Ibid., 1–20.
26. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 113.
27. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Flying
Claws Close on Japs,” Impact! 1, no. 9 (December 1943): 2.
28. Kenney to Arnold, letter, 2.
29. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 159.
30. George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the
Pacific War (1949; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1987),
31. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Hol-
landia,” Impact! 2, no. 5 (May 1944): 22.
32. Ibid., 23.
33. Col Rinsuka Kaneko, interview by Cdr T. H. Moorer, in United States
Strategic Bombing Survey, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, vol. 2 (Wash-
ington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1946), 407.

Chapter 6

June 1944–September 1945

The first priority of the battle for New Guinea, which lasted
over two-and-a-half years, was the establishment and mainte-
nance of air superiority. Isolation of the battlefield became the
second priority. Although Fifth Air Force aircraft hit a few strate-
gic targets during the campaign, the battle was essentially a tac-
tical one. The move to the Philippine Islands and on toward
Japan opened the scope of war for the Fifth. Strategic targets
such as the industrial complexes on Formosa now lay within
bomber range. Combined with a new set of tactical targets and
challenges, the last year of the war was an appropriate finale for
the Fifth (fig. 16).
The battle for the Philippines and Formosa, almost out of
necessity, utilized old tactics and weapons in a new campaign
with new rules. Fifth Air Force saw formidable convoys for the
first time since the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Airdrome raids
remained much the same, but a substantial interdiction cam-
paign would have to supplement the ground-support mission. In
many ways, the campaign sparked a new spirit of innovation and
highlighted a pressing need to revitalize older tactics.
The debate over the cannon-equipped B-25 had raged almost
as long as the war itself. By the end of 1944, the machine gun
had finally prevailed over the cannon: “The B-25Hs were being
turned in. The cannon in the nose, despite the efforts of our ord-
nance and engineering departments, caused too much vibration.
In their stead, we were getting planes with twelve fixed forward
firing fifties [B-25Js].”1 The cannon had met with some success,
but Fifth Air Force preferred forward-firing .50-caliber guns. Air-
crews valued the volume of fire offered by these machine guns
more than the precision of the cannon. Three to five hits by the
relatively small 75 mm shell in a typical run could not compare
to the hail of bullets that destroyed a lightly armored target and
kept all enemy gunners ducking for cover. The cannon proved
very successful elsewhere in the world but never truly caught on
in the Southwest Pacific.

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Clark Airdrome
Ormoc Bay



Figure 16. SWPA battle map, June 1944 – September 1945

The rocket tubes added to A-20s in the summer of 1944 also

had been abandoned. The drop in aircraft speed and range with
rocket tubes slung underneath the wings proved unacceptable.
New nontube systems took their place as the war drew to a close:
“Late in the war both men [Kenney and Whitehead] favored the
new Zero-rail-type rockets which did not need the cumbersome
launching tubes. . . . This equipment was mounted on fighters
and on the new A-26’s [as well as a few A-20s and B-25s].”2
Created as the replacement for the A-20, the A-26 saw little
combat in World War II, but its design says much about the

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

A-26 Invader. (AAF photo from Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air
Forces, “An Airscoop for Mr. Ripley,” Impact! 2, no. 6 [June 1944]: 36.)

lessons learned in the Pacific. Like the A-20, it had a midwing,

two-engine, and bomber/strafer design. Taking at least part of
their cue from Fifth Air Force and recognizing that not every
theater or mission was the same, Douglas designers installed
easily interchangeable firepower packages on the Invader (fig.
17), which allowed theater commanders to choose from com-
binations of bombs, machine guns, cannons, and howitzers.
In October 1944, napalm—a new incendiary bomb—made its
appearance. This weapon combined gas with a metallic salt to
create a highly flammable gelatin substance that stuck to its tar-
get. With less than a year of war left, Fifth Air Force used napalm
sporadically, but the weapon quickly found its niche in the
ground-support mission: “In January only 23.5% of all Napalm
bombs employed were expended on personnel, the remainder on
buildings, airdromes, ground installations and 8 other kinds of
targets. Experience proved that Napalm was effective in ground
support, and in April 94% of these bombs were expended for this
purpose. . . . There is no doubt that Napalm has been found by
Army Ground and Air Forces to be the most effective weapon we
have against well dug-in personnel.”3
Many attacks were even carried out by fighters, including
those on the Ipo Dam area. Orders came down for a quick
ground attack to unseat the Japanese, whose control of the

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

Figure 17. Multiple armament packages for the A-26. (Reprinted from As-
sistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “An Airscoop for Mr.
Ripley,” Impact! 2, no. 6 [June 1944]: 37.)

water supply for Manila threatened the spread of disease in

the newly reclaimed capital city. Napalm attacks played a criti-
cal role in dislodging the enemy: “The particular ground coopera-
tion target of Ipo Dam attacked by five fighter groups, 16–18
May 1945, consisted of five enemy strongholds of 3,000,000
square yards each. This target was effectively neutralized in 646
fighter sorties dropping 200,000 gallons of Napalm.”4 Further-
more, A-20s of the 312th BG conducted numerous raids against
troops and equipment as well as strategic targets on Formosa:
“Our first long mission of the month [March 1945] occurred on
the 29th when we hit a sugar refinery at Eiko on Formosa. . . .
We carried an unusual bomb load having three 100 lb. napalms
on each wing.”5 Napalm attacks were most often made in concert
with strikes using other weapons. Primary targets included troop
concentrations, but the Fifth did not overlook targets of oppor-
tunity. A-20s of the 312th BG launched against troop concen-
trations in the central Luzon area on 20 January 1945. Unable
to reach their initial target, they switched to a backup: “Railroads
and highways from CALAUAG to LEGASPI were bombed and
strafed . . . by 34 airplanes which dropped a total of 232 x 100

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

lb. parademos and 30 x 100 lb. Napalm bombs and expended

22355 x 50 cal. in strafing.”6
Similar attacks were conducted throughout the area against
troop and light-structure targets. Within the first few months of
napalm’s introduction to the Southwest Pacific, Fifth Air Force
had adopted it with fervor, dropping nine tons in December
1944; 89 in January 1945; 390 in February; 602 in March; 487
in April; 4,052 in May (3,400 against Ipo Dam targets); and 1,609
in June.7 Although it arrived late in the war and never really had
time to mature tactically, napalm proved to be an excellent
Conversely, by the time Fifth Air Force moved into the battle
for the Philippines, it had used parafrag bombs for years. The
Fifth would also employ the newer parademos extensively in the
campaign: “The use of Para Demos has increased to their being
carried on 58% of the A-20 and 37% of the B-25 missions in
January 1945 . . . during the reconquest of the Philippines” (em-
phasis in original).8 These weapons had not been without their
problems, chief among them the failure to arm. Captured
Japanese documents confirmed this trend: “A substantial num-
ber of parachute bombs have proved to be duds.”9 Unlike the
veteran pilots they replaced, new pilots in a new theater had not
yet become experts in the timing and altitude of their releases, so
the expedient solution called for modifying the fuses:
The statement as to duds among parachute (frag.) bombs is correct.
The principal cause—release of parafrags from altitudes below 100
feet, which did not allow bomb fuzes sufficient time to arm completely.
To remedy this, the following action was taken: Time of fuze arming
was changed from 2.5 +/- .25 seconds to 1.90 +/- .15 seconds and
fuze standardized as AN-M 120 Al. This allows altitude of release to be
reduced to approximately 60 feet for individual bombs, but clusters re-
quire 100 feet altitude.10

Fuse timing was not the only issue. Released below 60 feet, the
small parafrags didn’t have time to achieve proper impact angles
before striking the ground. In addition to giving the attacking air-
craft time to escape its own weapons effects, the small parachute
was designed to change the weapon’s impact angle so that the
fuse striker plate hit at an almost perpendicular angle. Anything
less, and the parafrag could easily malfunction.

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

National Air and Space Museum

Parafrags failing to arm

For the bigger parademos, arming failure often resulted from

tail deformation. In particular, 250-pound bombs produced a
high number of duds. Two chutes were placed outside the fins.
Inside of the chutes and fins, the vane of the fuse was supposed
to spin freely. Unfortunately, the force of the chutes, especially
when combined with a high degree of initial pitch down, often
bent the tail assembly into the fuse, stopping vane rotation and
preventing detonation (fig. 18). The Fifth’s ordnance teams cor-
rected the problem in one of two ways: either they custom
made and installed thicker chute mounting brackets, or they
used a specialized fuse produced in-theater. The S-1 four-to-
five-second-delay nose fuse was created out of existing fuses for
specific use in parademos. As the weapon entered the airstream,
the vane began to rotate. At 18 to 21 rotations, even before the
chutes opened, the fuse was fully armed: “When the parachute

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

catches the air, the retardation is sufficient to function the fuze.

. . . Since the primer functions when the parachute opens, the
bomb will detonate at the end of the delay period of 4 to 5 sec-
onds whether it hits the ground or not. In this time the bomb will
fall between 250 and 400 feet below the plane. Thus if released
from an altitude greater than 250 feet above the target, the bomb
will probably be an air burst [which was better against soft tar-
gets in the first place].”11 Because of the S-1 fuse, the fin as-
sembly on the 250-pound parademo could be eliminated alto-
gether and simply replaced with two chutes. Similarly, the
500-pound parademo required in-theater modification. The ad-
dition of two chutes “effectively prevent[ed] ricochet if the bomb
was dropped from above 150 feet. At the more frequent combat
altitude of 50 feet, the bomb would skip 200 to 300 feet.”12 The
solution was simple: add more chutes. With the S-1 fuse in the
nose and four-place adapter plates in the tail, the 500-pound pa-
rademo became a viable low-altitude weapon. Since the A-20
could carry either four 250- or four 500-pound parademos on its
internal racks, the modification could effectively double the
weapons potential of the light bomber yet still provide for safe es-
cape from the effects of its own weapons. One could produce
the same result, although skipping remained a possibility, with
four-to-five-second-delay fuses. This method had the advantage
of flexibility. Without a parachute assembly, aircraft could
drop weapons from higher altitudes while maintaining a degree
of accuracy. Sometimes they were used in combination: “The
area around the SOUTH ECHAGUE DROME was bombed and
strafed on the 30th [of May 1945] by 36 A-20s from the 387th
and 389th Squadrons between 0830/I and 0915/I with a total of
487 x 100 lb parademos and delay demos dropped and 39950
x 50 cal expended in strafing.”13
The first few months away from New Guinea demonstrated,
among other things, Fifth Air Force’s inherent willingness to
adapt tactics to targets. The new campaign for the Philippines
pushed men and their ingenuity, as had the early days in the
battle for New Guinea.
High-altitude bombers played an increasingly important role
in the Southwest Pacific as the war drew to a close. Allied ad-
vances brought the bombers closer to industrial targets, allowing

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

Figure 18. Parademo: bent fins stop vane, prevent arming. (Reprinted
from Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number 6:
Parachute Demolition Bombs, Fourth Report,” 1945, 6.)

them to take on strategic attacks more closely resembling those

under way in the European theater. Furthermore, Kenney and
Whitehead no longer found themselves perpetually short of

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

Two modified 250-pound parademos above one 100-pound parademo. (Reprinted

from Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Parachute Demolition Bombs, Fourth Report,”
1945, 8.)

Some heavy bomber attacks were unconventional at best. On

at least three separate occasions in January 1945, B-24s were
called upon not to destroy targets but to create landslides: “[On
21 January 1945,] 4 B-24’s of the 64th Squadron took off from
base to bomb area in BELETE PASS in an attempt to cause a
landslide resulting in a road block. Airplanes were over target be-
tween 1200/I and 1234/I at altitudes of 6200 to 8200 feet
dropping a total of 15 one tonners on highway between MINULI
and point 2 miles North of SANTA FE. 3 large land slides were
caused resulting in 3 separate road blocks and at least three
direct hits were scored on road.”14
Radar-equipped B-24s became a standard fixture of Fifth
Air Force operations as the war drew to a close. Often termed
“bombing through overcast” (BTO), radar bombing was not
unique to the Southwest Pacific. Given radar-significant targets,
these bombers led formations of regular bombers on attacks

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

500-pound parademo with nose fuse, two adapter plates, and four chutes.
(Reprinted from Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Parachute Demolition Bombs, Fourth Re-
port,” 1945, 9.)

across the globe. Such strikes were not considered as accurate

as those performed under clear conditions with visual bomb-
sights, but they were precise enough for formation work and

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

certainly beat returning to base with a retained bomb load. In

the SWPA, B-24s with radars in place of belly turrets most often
saw use as single-ship or small-formation scouts against both
terrestrial and maritime targets:

On the night of 14/15 [January 1945], 2 XB-24s of the 63rd Squadron

and 1 H2X B-24s [sic] of the 90th Group carried out an armed recco of
Airplanes bombed through undercast at 0045/I, 0125/I and 0228/I and
0251/I with each airplane dropping 144 X 20 lb. frags and 2 X 136 lb. in-
cendiary clusters. All 3 airplanes hit the primary and 1 airplane hit the
secondary target, APARRI AIRDROME, at 0355/I from an altitude of 2500
feet dropping 48 X 20 lb. frags.15

These radar-equipped B-24s spent much of their time flying at

night, searching for shipping. They had the unique capability to
attack such targets from low or high altitudes, with or without
radar, and easily switch to secondary land targets before return-
ing home:
On the night of 30/31 [April 1945], 2 XB-24’s of the 63rd Squadron com-
pleted 100% [of] an armed recco of the south and east CHINA SEAS and
of the YANGTZE RIVER area. 1st a/p dropped 1 quarter-tonner and 2 x
250 pounders at 0155/I from 1000 feet in a radar run on shipping target
at position 3115N-12150E. Bombs were dropped through haze and un-
dercast with unobserved results. Sam [sic] a/p dropped 1 quarter-tonner
at 3 Junks at position 3126N-12145E at 0315/I from 1000 feet. . . . [Also]
on the night of 30/31, 2 XB-24’s of the 63rd Squadron completed 100%
[of] an armed recco of the SOUTH CHINA SEA and FORMOSA area. The
dock area at KIIRUN was hit by both a/p’s when nil shipping was

The lack of belly turrets made the B-24s more vulnerable to

fighter attack. In Europe, these bombers operated in concert
with larger formations that offered joint protection. In the SWPA,
flying the bombers at night usually provided enough security.
More importantly, small numbers of bombers with radar allowed
Fifth Air Force to conduct round-the-clock operations, now over
the entire southern portion of the maritime approach to the
Japanese islands.
At the same time, Kenney tried to acquire the new B-29
bomber, arguing that its increased range and bomb load could
open up targets that even his B-24s could not hit. Writing to
General Arnold, Kenney pointed out that with the B-29’s bomb

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

load “of 20,000 pounds, as compared with the 8000-pound

capacity of the B-24, and with double the range, [he] could de-
stroy the oil refineries of the Netherlands East Indies and the
Japs would be unable to keep the war going.”17 In fact, after mov-
ing beyond New Guinea, Allied bombers launched routine as-
saults against the material-rich Netherlands East Indies. Kenney
opened an essentially strategic effort against these islands with
the planes he had on hand—the first such campaign of the war.
Given the chance, Kenney was more than willing to conduct a
strategic air war against the Japanese and their sources of raw
material. During the previous years, Fifth Bomber Command’s
lack of heavy bombers, its focus on New Guinea, and the insur-
mountable distances in the Southwest Pacific had prevented him
from waging a substantial, strategic battle. Formosa and the
Netherlands East Indies, however, would match real strategic
targets with real Allied bomber strength for the first time in the
Southwest Pacific (fig. 19).
Twenty-first Bomber Command, moving toward Japan via the
central route, got the B-29s. As the war in Europe drew to a
close, the final campaign against Japan offered another chance
to prove the value of strategic bombers. They had worked in Eu-
rope, but the struggle proved difficult. Now, the full force of the
most modern bomber available could be thrown against Japan,
notably in a theater that made full-scale land invasion much
more arduous and therefore less likely than the invasion of Eu-
rope. In effect, it served as a model for the looming Cold War:
confronting an enemy at a distance where ground forces were
the last resort. As such, Gen Curtis Lemay’s bombers operated
under the auspices of Twentieth Air Force, reporting directly to
General Arnold in Washington. Since the campaign against
Japan was the AAF’s final chance to prove the validity of strate-
gic bombers (hence, the service’s best chance for eventual inde-
pendence), the B-29s stood little chance of ever being turned
over to a numbered air force so closely intertwined with a lifelong
Army man like General MacArthur. Fifth Air Force continued to
conduct strategic strikes but directed them against Japan’s pe-
ripheral empire rather than the homeland itself. The B-24s and
(new) B-32s could reach Japan’s four home islands by the time

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

Figure 19. Strikes on Formosa. (Reprinted from Brig Gen J. V. Crabb, Fifth
Air Force Air War against Japan: September 1942–August 1945 [n.p.: 1946],
plate 6.)

Kenney’s forces moved into Okinawa, but by then it was too late
to have any great effect upon the outcome of the war.
Herein lies perhaps one of the great ironies of World War II.
Just as Fifth Air Force and the rest of the Far East Air Forces
found themselves on the verge of opening a truly strategic cam-
paign, the AAF denied them the opportunity in favor of Twenti-
eth Air Force. After years of slogging out a tactical war, fighting
to protect Australia and its neighbors from the Japanese by
virtue of nonstrategic missions, Fifth Air Force saw the heavy
bombers given to a new numbered air force well outside of its ju-
risdiction. Most public and Air Force attention on the Pacific air
war now focused squarely on the strategic missions of the B-29s.

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

B-32 Dominator. (AAF photo from Steve Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers [New York: Dou-
bleday, 1977], 288.)

Regardless of the B-29 decision, Fifth Air Force fought the re-
mainder of the war with distinction. With the invasion of the
Philippines, low-altitude work again took center stage. The
Philippines campaign tied Fifth Air Force’s bombers closely to the
ground offensive:
They just paralyzed all movement on all the roads, and there wasn’t a lo-
comotive in the Philippines that was running; they were all full of holes.
They blew up railroad tracks and destroyed bridges. The armored
crowd—of course, their particular target for a while was Yamashita’s ar-
mored division, which we didn’t want to get moving around, because an
armored division is a nuisance to have fiddling around with your ad-
vance—and their armored division never moved. It was stopped right
where it parked.18

At times, bombers acted at the direct behest of ground troops

in what could be called close air support. On 17 March 1945, for
example, a B-25 of the 499th BS was called off its mission by
ground troops: “Ground Forces requested a/p to knock out
enemy tank in house which was holding up advance. House was
strafed with 1200 x 50 cal resulting in a large fire and explosion
with black smoke. Tank was destroyed and Ground Forces con-
gratulated pilot on excellent job done.”19 Attackers and bombers
not otherwise assigned to fixed targets or ground-support mis-
sions performed opportunistic interdiction attacks. Essentially,
they isolated the battlefield, cutting off incoming supplies and

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

National Air and Space Museum

A-20s attacking Philippine rail targets

support: “Between 25 December and 16 January, Fifth Air Force

units destroyed 79 locomotives, 466 railroad cars, 67 staff cars,
[and] 486 motor trucks.”20 “Of the 55,585 sorties flown and
45,744 tons of bombs dropped on Luzon, more than 85% were
in ground cooperation.”21
The Fifth also directed low-level attacks against Japanese air-
fields in the Philippines. Clark Field, the former American base
and central airdrome in the islands, held most of the enemy air
strength in the area. Without it, the Japanese stood little chance
of thwarting American advances with any sort of airpower. An
onslaught of aerial firepower destroyed Clark’s airplanes in
January 1945: “The Air Apaches [345th BG] and part of the
312th [Bomb] Group were to execute a low-level strafing and
parafrag attack on the airdromes, flying from northwest to
southeast in a sixty plane front. They were to be followed by a
similar force of A-20s from the 312th and 417th Groups, flying
abreast, from northeast to southwest.”22 “On the 9th [of January]
a climatic [sic] assault was made by 20 heavies, accompanied by
low-flying, hard-hitting A-20s and B-25s, flying a total of 707
sorties. A minimum of 228 Jap aircraft were destroyed on the
ground, while out of a total of 203 enemy planes in the air, 139
were shot down. Capture of Clark by U.S. troops was proclaimed
on 26 January.”23

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

National Air and Space Museum

Phosphorus bombs and parafrags over Clark Airdrome

After the attacks on Clark, Fifth Air Force turned its attention
to Formosa: “The first Heavy strike on FORMOSA by the 5th Air
Force was carried out on the 22nd [of January 1945] when 21
Liberators of the 22nd Bomb Group bombed HEITO Airbase at
1245/I dropping 105 half-tonners at assembly area scoring
approx 69 hits. At least 6 large fires were started with black and
red smoke to 7000 feet and huge explosions were caused.”24
High-altitude heavy bombers carried out many of the attacks on
Formosa’s industrial capability, but low-level bombers accom-
panied them on a fair number of coordinated raids. Low-level
attackers had performed a similar role months before on the
island of Ceram. The fact that Fifth Air Force also targeted air-
craft on Formosa accounted for the marked decrease in the
enemy air garrison’s strength on the island: “A steady decrease
[in aircraft strength] was due mainly to the continuous daily
attacks from the PHILIPPINES based landplanes on bases in
FORMOSA.”25 The low-level attacks also destroyed Formosa’s
rail system and shipping.

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

National Air and Space Museum

A-20 attacking oil-storage facilities on Ceram

When the battle shifted to the Philippines and Formosa, Fifth

Bomber Command’s antishipping effort redoubled. Airmen had
refined the tactics in practice since the Battle of the Bismarck
Sea, but they were essentially the same. However, one critical

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

difference existed between New Guinea and the Philippines—

inexperienced crews. The crews that had sealed off shipping in
New Guinea were present in fewer numbers as Fifth Air Force
moved toward the Philippines. The old hands had gone, often
leaving ill-prepared crews fresh out of stateside flight school:
At the present time, numbers of pilots do not get anywhere near enough
training in dropping the great variety of bombs used in low level attack.
The system seems to me like training a hunter to walk or ride to the game,
but nothing about wing shooting. Formerly the Moresby and Gona
wrecks were used in skip bombing. The other practice by them has been
nothing familiar for new pilots who have come in to Nadzab and Hollan-
dia. I have noted that the skip and parachute bombing of small vessels in
the Vogolkop area last spring was far more eratic [sic] than similar earlier
bombing by pilots with more training.26

Moreover, the intensity of battle compounded the problem. For

months, American bombers and attackers ruled the skies over
enemy shipping almost unchallenged. The Japanese had relied
on barges and small ships to resupply New Guinea since March
1943, but the convoys around the Philippines and Formosa were
anything but minor. The closer American forces drove toward
Japan’s inner defenses and its sources of raw materials, the
bigger the number of naval and supply vessels became.
In the Philippines, Fifth Air Force first tested itself against
Japanese naval power at Ormoc Bay. On 10 November 1944,
B-25s attacked a mixed convoy of cargo and warships at mast
height: “The mediums’ 86 500-lb. bombs sank at least three of
the convoy’s transports and six escorting ships, while damaging
several others.”27 Postwar analysis gave the bombers credit for
sinking only three ships;28 whatever the success of the attack, it
was tempered by the egregious loss of American airplanes: “The
822nd had lost five of their eight planes. The 823rd Squadron,
last over the target, lost two.”29
Several factors contributed to these losses. Because Japanese
fleets had become accustomed to low-level tactics, Fifth Air Force
could no longer use them with impunity. Additionally, these tac-
tics proved much more dangerous against a well-armed Japa-
nese convoy bent upon reinforcing a major element of the impe-
rial defensive strategy. The Battle of the Bismarck Sea effectively
ended major convoy and warship movement into New Guinea,
but the Philippine Islands campaign marked the first time since

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

National Air and Space Museum

B-25 attacking Japanese warship, Ormoc Bay

the Bismarck engagement that Allied aircrews had faced such a

well-armed opposing force—and now they did so with relatively
inexperienced crews.
By the turn of the year, Fifth Air Force had relearned some of
the basics. Although this reeducation in antishipping tactics was

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

painful (peaking in October and November of 1944), it ultimately

proved beneficial. Specifically, by the time the Allies secured the
Philippines, the largest arteries of Japanese shipping that ran
into Japan itself lay spread out before Kenney’s air forces. The
sea-lanes were rich with targets, and the Japanese could with-
draw their shipping no further.
All available bombing platforms, including B-24s, B-25s, and
A-20s conducted attacks on enemy shipping:
On the night of March 27 a B-24 of the 63rd Squadron piloted by Lieu-
tenant William Williams answered a call from an unarmed search plane
which had found a large convoy. Reaching the target at about eleven
o’clock in the morning, after a seven-hour flight, Williams made his
bombing run at three hundred feet through heavy antiaircraft fire. Three
bombs bracketed a ship he thought was a tanker, but did not explode.
Williams turned his damaged plane around for a second run and got two
hits which set fire to the vessel.30
We were then equipped with the J-32 model strafer with 12 forward-
firing .50 calibre guns which were depressed 6 degrees and vortexed
600 feet ahead, each gun firing 750 rounds a minute. With that kind
of firepower we could knock down a building, sink a ship or just cre-
ate merry hell on the ground ahead of us. We alway [sic] considered
that two B-25J-32s flying wingtip to wingtip and strafing and skip
bombing were an even bet against a destroyer.31
31 B-25’s had a field day with a Nip convoy off the INDO CHINA COAST
on the 29th [of January 1945]. A/p’s were over the target between 1100/I
and 1210/I and dropped a total of 26-1/2 tons of quarter-tonners and ex-
pended 74000 x 50 cal in strafing. 15 a/p’s of the 498th Squadron made
initial contact with the convoy of 10–12 vessels at position 1435N-10930E
at 1100/I. A/p’s attacked 2 DD’s or DE’s, 1 PC and 1 SBS, definitely sink-
ing both of the DD’s or DE’s, one of which was down in the bow and other
with stern under water. The PC was sinking and the SBS was on fire and
sinking. 16 a/p’s of the 499th and 500th Squadrons contacted the con-
voy at position 1500N-10930E and attacked between 1130/I and 1210/I.
1 Sugar (2 stacks of approx 10000 tons), 2 SBL’s and a DE were sunk
and 1 DE and 1 DD were probably sunk.32
On April 5 three Grim Reapers [of the 13th BS] carried out a unique strike
against shipping: Colonel Richard Ellis, commanding the 3rd Attack [3d
BG], had rigged up extra wing tanks for his A-20s, and he asked permis-
sion to test his long-range planes against enemy shipping. Neither White-
head nor Kenney were enthused about the idea, but unknown to them
Ellis had also approached Colonel David Hutchison of the 308th Bomb
Wing at Lingayen. Hutchison agreed to trying the A-20s on the next con-
voy, on condition that the B-25s worked it over before they went in. When

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

enemy shipping was reported off Hong Kong on April 5 the B-25s left Lin-
gayen, followed thirty minutes later by Colonel Ellis with his three A-20s.
. . . While his wingmen attacked the escorts, Ellis sank a cargo ship in
shallow water, and one of the escorts was dead in the water and the other
was damaged before the A-20s went home. When Kenney heard the story
he didn’t know whether to reprimand Ellis or decorate him.33

Generally, the tactics were the same as they had been for the
past two years: “The strike force is divided into two waves of 12
airplanes each. The second wave will take off 15–20 minutes
after the first wave. Thus, the first wave can search and locate
the convoy, saving the second wave vital gas supply and in-
creasing its potential time over the target.”34 Like the goal of the
medium-altitude attacks during the Battle of the Bismarck Sea,
the first wave killed what it could and dispersed the rest for
easier dispatch: “If this primary run is effective, the vessels will
usually be dispersed, confused, damaged or straggling—an easy
prey to a methodical follow-up attack on single ships.”35
Within a matter of months, the Fifth had effectively cut off the
area around Formosa to shipping: “By the end of January, large
ships could only come to KIIRUN, and coast traffic around
FORMOSA was limited to very small craft moving at night.
TAKAO was completely closed to large ships. . . . The attacks on
small boats plying between the PESCADORES and FORMOSA
Area at night were very severe.”36
Fifth Air Force encountered vital targets all along the Japa-
nese supply system. Essentially, Kenney had the opportunity to
attack the source, route, and destination of supply within a few
months of each other. Thus, the Fifth launched coordinated
assaults against the Netherlands East Indies that focused on the
Japanese source of supply. Oil, metals, refineries, rubber, and so
forth all lay within about a 1,000-mile radius at the southern
end of Japanese control. Although Kenney could not attack with
either the frequency or volume he would have liked (hence his
pleadings for the B-29), Fifth Air Force kept the islands under
constant pressure.
Fifth (and Fourteenth) Air Force attacks on Formosa, a major
Japanese industrial and airdrome center, aimed to eliminate the
kamikaze threat to the American Navy and destroy industries
such as the sugarcane refineries, capable of producing large
quantities of fuel for the Japanese. Again, the Fifth chose to use

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

B-25 attacking Japanese warship, Amoy area. (AAF photo from Edward Jablonski,
Airwar, vol. 3, Outraged Skies [Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971], 39.)

coordinated assaults: “Strikes on Takao were perfectly coordi-

nated between all units of the 5th. While heavies pattern-
bombed main industrial targets, the B-25s, A-20s and fighters
tackled gun positions or targets of opportunity. Sometimes the
roles were reversed, as on 30 May when B-24s laid 350 tons of
frags on Takao’s heavy [antiaircraft] batteries.”37 Finally, Fifth Air
Force took part in trying to sever Japanese supply lines com-
pletely, all the way to the coast of China. In their now familiar
style, B-24s and B-25s ran a one-two battle with the Mitchells
attacking at mast height.

National Air and Space Museum

Parafrags and .50-caliber casings fall toward Mitsubishi Ki-21 “Sally” bomber,
Boerce Island
JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

USAF photo

B-25 attacks cargo vessel in South China Sea

By the summer of 1945, Fifth Air Force had helped cut Japan
off from most of its supply and external industrial system. The
final year of the air war proved that Kenney’s air force was as
willing and capable as any to conduct a strategic campaign.
Staging out of newly captured Okinawa, the Fifth began to press
home limited attacks against Japan itself. It had taken nearly
four years, but Kenney’s planes had reached Japan.
The final months of World War II were both a challenge and an
affirmation for Fifth Air Force. No one guaranteed that the tac-
tics created or adapted in the battle for New Guinea would work
outside that small piece of the war. In essence, the Fifth found a
totally different war when it left New Guinea. The final push for
Japan became a far more dynamic battle than the one for New
Guinea: ground support was faster paced, naval convoys were
bigger, and the opportunity to conduct major strategic strikes
appeared for the first time. The transition was difficult and had

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

cost lives, but Fifth Air Force met the challenge with the same
adaptability that had seen it through the earlier campaigns.

1. John C. Hanna and William R. Witherell, eds., Warpath: The Story of the
345th Bombardment Group in World War II (San Angelo, TX: Newsfoto Publish-
ing Co., 1946), 44.
2. Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, eds., The Army Air Forces
in World War II, vol. 5, The Pacific: Matterhorn to Nagasaki, June 1944 to Au-
gust 1945 (1948; new imprint, Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History,
1983), 336.
3. 19th Historical Unit, “Napalm,” 1945, 1, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC,
file A7491 (index 0434).
4. Brig Gen J. V. Crabb, Fifth Air Force Air War against Japan: September
1942–August 1945 (n.p.: 1946), 26.
5. Russell L. Sturzebecker, The Roarin’ 20’s: A History of the 312th Bom-
bardment Group, U.S. Army Air Force, World War II (West Chester, PA: Sturze-
becker, 1976), 174.
6. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 21, 21 January
1945, 2, AFHRA, 732.606 1–25 Jan 1945.
7. 19th Historical Unit, “Napalm,” 1.
8. Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number 6:
Parachute Demolition Bombs, Fourth Report,” 1945, 1, Bolling AFB, Washing-
ton, DC, file A7491 (index 0066).
9. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Jap Opin-
ion of AAF Bombing Tactics,” Informational Intelligence Summary 44, no. 26 (20
August 1944): 3.
10. Ibid., 4.
11. Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number 7:
Fuze, Bomb, Nose, S-1 Four-to-Five Second Delay,” 1945, 5, Bolling AFB,
Washington, DC, file A7491 (index 0101).
12. Headquarters Fifth Air Force, “Ordnance Technical Report Number
6,” 9.
13. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 151, 31 May
1945, 3, AFHRA, 732.606 16–31 May 1945.
14. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 22, 22 January
1945, 2, AFHRA, 732.606 1–25 Jan 1945.
15. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 15, 15 January
1945, 3, AFHRA, 732.606 1–25 Jan 1945.
16. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 91, 1 April
1945, 3, AFHRA, 732.606 1–15 Apr 1945.
17. George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pa-
cific War (1949; repr., Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1987), 342.
18. Gen George C. Kenney, interview by Col Marvin M. Stanley, 25 January
1967, transcript, 36, AFHRA, K239.0512-747.

JUNE 1944 – SEPTEMBER 1945

19. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 77, 18 March
1945, 4, AFHRA, 732.606 16–31 Mar 1945.
20. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “FEAF in
the Philippines Campaign,” Impact! 3, no. 3 (March 1945): 45.
21. Crabb, Fifth Air Force Air War, 24.
22. Steve Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers: The Illustrated Story of Kenney’s Fifth
Air Force (New York: Doubleday, 1977), 250.
23. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “FEAF in
the Philippines Campaign,” 46.
24. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 23, 23 January
1945, 1, AFHRA, 732.606 1–25 Jan 1945.
25. Rear Adm Shigetada Horuichi, interview by Capt Teller Steadman, 30
October 1945, in United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Interrogations of
Japanese Officials, vol. 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office,
1946), 196.
26. Capt Rignal W. Baldwin, interview, 28 September 1944, transcript, 3,
AFHRA, 706.609.
27. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Pacific
Milestones,” Impact! 3, no. 4 (April 1945): 35.
28. Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United States Naval Operations in
World War II, vol. 7 (1947; repr., Boston: Little, Brown, 1984), 352.
29. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 232.
30. Ibid., 276.
31. Bill Goodrich, “Have Guns, Will Travel,” in B-25 Mitchell at War, ed.
Jerry Scutts (London: Ian Allan, 1983), 87.
32. V Bomber Command, “A-2 Periodic Reports,” report no. 89, 30 March
1945, 2, AFHRA, 732.606 16–31 Mar 1945.
33. Birdsall, Flying Buccaneers, 279.
34. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “The 5th
Air Force Keeps Davy Jones Busy,” Impact! 3, no. 6 (June 1945): 9.
35. Ibid.
36. Horuichi, interview, 196.
37. Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces, “Formosa,”
Impact! 3, no. 8 (August 1945): 40.


Unlike the long-anticipated European battlefield, the South-

west Pacific demanded radical approaches to aviation—bom-
bardment in particular. Although AAF doctrine—establishing
air superiority and then pressing the battle against the enemy’s
vital centers—remained the same throughout the globe, the
Southwest Pacific’s targets, geography, and logistics required
different tactics.
That the air war in the Pacific differed greatly from the one
in Europe became both the biggest challenge and greatest
blessing for Fifth Air Force. The AAF focused its attention and
resources squarely on the battle for Europe, relegating all
other theaters to secondary status while attempting to validate
the precious ideal of strategic bombardment. In this environ-
ment, however, General Kenney had the freedom and require-
ment to operate his own bomber war differently.
In the fall of 1942, low-altitude and skip-bombing attacks
ran contrary to prewar tactics, aircraft design, and aircrew
training—but they worked. B-17s set a precedent for attacking
ships from low altitude, increasing accuracy without dramati-
cally increasing danger to the crews. In a theater where ships
and shipping lanes represented the closest thing to a vital cen-
ter that Kenney’s planes could reach, these methods justified
modifying bomber tactics throughout the Southwest Pacific.
In the following months, the Fifth trained more bombers for
the low-level antishipping role. This training culminated in the
spectacular victory in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, the first
time land-based aircraft had single-handedly decimated an
enemy convoy on the open ocean. The victory itself, however,
proved only as important as its effect on Japanese supply
strategy. The coordinated, multialtitude attack destroyed the
convoy and kept the Japanese from sending further major
convoys into harm’s way, isolating eastern New Guinea and
simplifying the Allied campaign.
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea also marked a turning point
in the battle for air superiority. To prevent Japanese fighters
from reaching and protecting the incoming convoy, squadrons
of Allied bombers raided enemy airdromes at treetop heights


to catch enemy planes at their most vulnerable—on the ground

and armed. Low-level massed attacks became a model for Fifth
Air Force: squadrons of aircraft arrived unexpectedly, strafing
their way into the target and littering it with parafrags and para-
demos that would destroy any exposed aircraft, equipment,
and personnel. This is how the Fifth all but eliminated the
Japanese Fourth Air Army at the airdromes around Wewak in
August 1943 and how it would attack other airdromes, with the
help of high-altitude bombers, as the war progressed. Using
the tactics of the Bismarck Sea and those of Lae and Wewak,
Fifth Air Force paved the way for victory in New Guinea. With-
out scores of heavy bombers, the prewar division of responsi-
bilities among light, medium, and heavy bombers was less than
clear cut, and bombers of all types found new ways to conduct
business. Creativity and adaptivity, as well as a fundamental
grounding in prewar, groundcentric tactics—rather than a
strategic-bombardment campaign—won battles for the Fifth.
Despite the success over New Guinea, the battle for the Philip-
pine Islands was different. The proven tactics employed in New
Guinea had rusted somewhat by 1944. The constant influx of
new, untrained aircrews to the Southwest Pacific, combined
with Japan’s withdrawal of its first-class warships and cargo
ships since 1943, weakened Fifth Air Force. Finding these enemy
troop and convoy concentrations again in the Philippines, the
Fifth had some lessons to relearn. After doing so, Fifth Air Force
resumed its successful efforts and carried on the battle for the
Philippines with equally impressive results. Interestingly, the
recovery of the Philippine Islands meant that the Fifth could
now conduct a strategic air campaign against industrial targets
in the north—Formosa and Okinawa.
This final chapter of the air war in the Pacific says much
about the Fifth. General Kenney pleaded to have B-29s as-
signed to his command, envisioning the destruction of indus-
trial targets and supply lanes throughout the Southwest Pa-
cific. Although he didn’t receive the Superfortresses, Kenney
still conducted this campaign as best he could with what he
had. Known for spectacular, low-level victories, Kenney’s Air-
men committed themselves to high-altitude strategic attacks
when opportunities presented themselves. Better yet, they still


routinely used high and low coordinated attacks. In the end,

Fifth Air Force cared less about rebelling against typical AAF
ideas than it did about applying tactics that suited the situa-
tion and maximized the effectiveness of the aircraft on hand.
The Fifth made air superiority its first concern and attacks on
the enemy’s vital centers its second priority. Never deviating
from these AAF goals, it simply found innovative means of
achieving them in a vast theater that did not offer conven-
tional targets.
General Kenney, whose leadership set the tone, rightly de-
serves a huge share of credit for Fifth Air Force’s performance.
MacArthur said that “‘of all the commanders of our major Air
Forces engaged in World War II, none surpassed General Ken-
ney in those three great essentials of successful combat lead-
ership: aggressive vision, mastery over air strategy and tactics,
and the ability to exact the maximum in fighting qualities from
both men and equipment.’”1
Kenney’s brilliance, in large part, lay in his attack background
and the ability to adapt it as the basis for a solid air campaign.
Not tied to proving the efficacy of strategic airpower (and ill
equipped to do so in the first place), he used smaller aircraft
and attack tactics to his advantage. He also used his bigger
bombers in nontraditional roles. But Kenney’s was a hands-off
approach that provided direction and then let others perfect
weapons and tactics in the field. “The Fifth AF adopted opera-
tions designed to readjust to tactical situations occurring from
the all-out aggressive action of forces operating on little or no
reserve. This led to tactics and methods of controlling aircraft
to make them all-purpose. In a war of maneuver a high degree
of ‘force flexibility’ is important, a point adopted as policy by
the Fifth AF.”2
Simple logistical realities also drove Fifth Air Force. Because
it could not expect the AAF to take great numbers of airplanes
or men away from the European battle, innovations were used
as force multipliers. If the Fifth had received the same number
of heavy bombers that operated in the European theater, many
of their new tactics may not have emerged. Kenney realized that
prewar doctrine minus logistical priority was destined to fall
short in actual global conflict. As historian Michael Howard


observed, “ ‘I am tempted indeed to declare dogmatically that

whatever doctrine the Armed Forces are working on now, they
have got it wrong. I am also tempted to declare that it does not
matter that they have got it wrong. What does matter is their
capacity to get it right quickly when the moment arrives.’ ”3
Kenney realized this concept better than any of his contempo-
raries, and he shaped his air force accordingly.
In many ways, Fifth Air Force was able to conduct the war
as it did by virtue of the prewar struggle over airpower. Despite
the prominence and influence of the bombardment propo-
nents, they were balanced by an Army establishment. Infight-
ing between the Army and Air Corps ensured that America en-
tered the war with a diverse fleet of aircraft. Regardless of the
amount of time and effort spent by Air Corps planners to de-
fine a strategic mission before the war, the Army controlled the
purse strings. Its insistence upon aerial support of ground
operations kept attack planes in the budget and attack theory
on the books. The Army saw to it that the tactical mission re-
mained at least part of the Air Corps’ doctrinal and fiscal in-
vestment prior to war.
The AAF put its biggest stake upon the air war in Europe,
basing that fight primarily upon strategic-bombardment theory.
Fifth Air Force’s attacks on shipping and airdromes, however,
more closely mirrored the methods of the ground-support mis-
sion laid out by the Army, even if usually conducted well be-
yond the immediate battle lines. Thus, the progressively inde-
pendent AAF viewed the Southwest Pacific as a secondary
theater both during and after the war.
The Army and the AAF, each too poor to buy weapon sys-
tems at will and too stubborn to invest in flexibility, instead
met in the middle almost by accident. Had either side won the
internal battle before the outbreak of war, the AAF quite pos-
sibly could have lost the air battle in one of the two theaters.
Certainly, the battles would have been much different if num-
bered air forces had traded places. Eighth Air Force would
have been as out of place in the SWPA as Fifth Air Force in the
skies over Europe.
But the battle over Germany became the one to which the
Air Force would point and claim as the hard-fought proof of


strategic bombardment. Furthermore, it was the trump card

the service had long waited to play in its bid for independence.
The Air Force minimized the contributions of Fifth Air Force
and other “minor” numbered air forces in favor of keeping Eu-
rope in the spotlight. Indeed, in the nuclear world of the Cold
War, attack well beyond an enemy’s borders, again, was what
the Air Force anticipated.
As atomic weapons punctuated the end of the war, they also
single-handedly overshadowed the rest of the Pacific air war,
quickly reducing the Fifth’s legacy in the public eye and in the
mind of the Air Force to a quaint, atypical relic of the war.
Atomic bombs vindicated prewar thinking: destroying the enemy
with strategic airpower could negate both his ability and will
to fight with minimal involvement of the other services. It seemed
only logical to consider Hiroshima and Nagasaki as models of
modern warfare. As was the case before World War II, only
without a direct Army counterbalance, this had the cumula-
tive effect of making the now independent Air Force (established
in 1947) dangerously one-dimensional. The new Air Force was
so devoted to its hard-fought independence—and its strategic
nuclear mission—that joint endeavors failed, the service found
itself tactically underprepared entering Korea and Vietnam,
and bombers had to reinvent themselves as conventional
weapons several times throughout the Cold War.
In many ways, operations unencumbered by ground or
naval support remain the Air Force’s siren song. The Air Force
is still the only service able to attack any point on the globe
rapidly and en masse. In times of economic frugality and inter-
service rivalry, if the Air Force makes an effective case that it
can win a fight cheaply or alone, it garners a bigger cut of the
defense budget. But even then, the Air Force runs the risk of
becoming one-dimensional as airframes and their production
programs cost more and more.
Although the principles of war remain constant, tactics and
employment must remain fluid among the aircraft that are left.
For all of our progress and technical prowess, not every con-
flict will be the same, and no single mission will define the Air
Force. Consequently, Fifth Air Force should be remembered as
the all-important exception to the rule, the unexpected player


in a long-anticipated campaign. A balanced Air Force, prepared

for all aspects of battle, was and is a formidable weapon.
Bombers, fighters, and attack aircraft all bring combat capa-
bilities to the table and have crucial strike roles to play. More
importantly, though, they must be prepared to work together
and assume missions for which they weren’t (technically) de-
signed. General Kenney and the Fifth contributed to victory in
the Southwest Pacific because they created and applied theater-
specific tactics in an alien environment with the aircraft they
had at their disposal. More than ever, in a world where a smaller
number of airframes is often in the inventory for a quarter
century or more, we must base the application of airpower
upon its inherent adaptability. An Air Force that creates an
overly specialized pattern of engagement or an inadequately
diverse arsenal lays the groundwork for its own demise.

1. Quoted in Herman S. Wolk, “George C. Kenney: The Great Innovator,”
in Makers of the United States Air Force, ed. John L. Frisbee (1987; repr.,
Washington, DC: Air Force History and Museums Program, 1996), 145.
2. Military Analysis Division, United States Strategic Bombing Survey,
The Fifth Air Force in the War against Japan (Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1947), 3.
3. Quoted in Lt Col Timothy D. Gann, Fifth Air Force Light and Medium
Bomber Operations during 1942 and 1943: Building the Doctrine and Forces
That Triumphed in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea and the Wewak Raid
(Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1993), 30.


Primary Sources
Air Command Solomons. “Intelligence Report,” 3 June 1943.
Bolling AFB, Washington, DC. File A7491 (index 0386).
Air Corps Field Manual 1-10. Tactics and Technique of Air At-
tack, 1940.
Air Corps Tactical School. Attack Aviation. Langley Field, VA:
ACTS, 1930.
Air Evaluation Board, Southwest Pacific Area. “Battle of the Bis-
marck Sea and Development of Masthead Attacks,” 1 July
1945. United States Air Force Historical Research Agency
(AFHRA), Maxwell AFB, AL.
Air Service Tactical School. Bombardment. Washington, DC: Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1926. National Archives. W87.24
Army Service Forces. “Night Skip Bombing Technique,” 23 Au-
gust 1945. Bolling AFB, Washington, DC. File A7474.
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, Historical Division.
“Bismarck Sea Action, Episodes in [the] History of [the]
Army Air Forces,” 1 March 1943. AFHRA.
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, US Army Air Forces. “A-
20s in the Southwest Pacific.” Informational Intelligence
Summary 43, no. 28 (30 April 1943): 3–4.
———. “AAF in the Pacific: 1944 Review.” Impact! 3, no. 1 (Janu-
ary 1945): 10–11.
———. “An Airscoop for Mr. Ripley.” Impact! 2, no. 6 (June
1944): flyleaf.
———. “Air Victory over Japan.” Impact! 3, no. 9 (September–
October 1945): 1–31.
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3d Attack Group, 111–12 111–12, 114–16, 120–23, 125, 133,

3d Bombardment Group, 45, 64, 67, 84, 135, 138–40
104, 138 A-24, 30–31
9th Operational Group (Australian), 64 A-26, 120 –22
13th Bombardment Squadron, 138 attack, 6, 12, 15, 27, 31, 41, 49, 64,
19th Bombardment Group, 27–29 83–84, 86, 89, 107, 116, 147, 150
22d Bombardment Group, 134 B-17, 11, 14, 28 –29, 32–35, 38, 45,
27th Bombardment Group, 31 49, 53, 56 –57, 60 –61, 63–66,
38th Bombardment Group, 64, 112–13 69–71, 81, 83 – 85, 90, 111, 113,
43d Bombardment Group, 30, 33–34, 38, 145
54, 57, 63, 81, 83 B-24, 53, 56 –58, 61, 71, 81, 83,
63d Bombardment Squadron, 31, 34, 39, 90–91, 103, 111, 113 –16, 127,
54, 56, 66, 103, 129, 138 129–30, 138, 140
64th Bombardment Squadron, 54 B-25, 28, 41– 45, 49, 55 –56, 59 –72,
81st Depot Repair Squadron, 42 76, 79 – 80, 82 – 85, 87, 89–92, 98,
89th Bombardment Squadron, 41, 100 –101, 104 –5, 107, 111–16,
63–64, 68, 104 119–20, 123, 132–33, 136–40, 142
90th Bombardment Group, 57–58, 83, B-25C, 55, 67, 69
111, 129 B-25C-1, 65, 68, 71
90th Bombardment Squadron, 63 –64, 79 B-25G, 55
93d Bombardment Squadron, 28 B-25H, 100, 119
308th Bombardment Wing, 138 B-26, 28, 45, 49, 56, 58, 61–62
312th Bombardment Group, 104 –5, 122, B-29, 54, 129–32, 139, 146
133 B-32, 130
319th Bombardment Squadron, 81 Beaufighter, 63, 65, 67, 69–70
345th Bombardment Group, 111–12, 133 Beaufort, 64
380th Bombardment Group, 81 bomber, 1, 4–8, 10 –17, 24, 27–32,
387th Squadron, 125 34–36, 38, 40 – 42, 44, 47, 49,
389th Squadron, 105, 125 54–61, 63–66, 69, 72, 76, 78, 81,
417th Bombardment Group, 104, 133 83 – 84, 86, 88 – 90, 93, 98, 101,
498th Squadron, 138 103 – 8, 111, 113, 115 –16, 119,
499th Bombardment Squadron, 132 121, 125–27, 129–32, 134–36, 141,
499th Squadron, 138 145–47, 149–50
500th Squadron, 138 fighter, 5 – 6, 12–13, 24, 27–29, 31,
823d Squadron, 136 40, 43, 58 –59, 64 –65, 76, 89–91,
101, 109, 116, 120–22, 129, 140,
ABC-1 agreements, 25 145, 150
Admiral Scheer, 36 P-38, 65, 70, 89–91, 113, 116
Air Corps, 1–7, 9–17, 22, 24, 27, 29, P-40, 44–45
36–37, 41, 50, 148
Air Corps Field Manual (ACFM) 1-10, airdromes, 9, 14–15, 23, 40– 42, 44–45,
14–16 47, 49, 54, 64–65, 75–77, 84, 89 – 91,
Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS), 4 –7, 93, 97–98, 103, 105, 113 –16, 119,
9–10, 12–13, 15 –16, 26, 35 –36, 44 121, 129, 133–34, 139, 145– 46, 148
aircraft Air Service, 2 – 4, 7– 8, 17
A-20, 6, 15, 31, 41– 42, 44 – 47, 49, Air Service Tactical School, 7
59–61, 63 – 65, 67 – 68, 71–72, 76, air superiority, 30, 40 – 41, 54, 64, 76,
84 – 85, 87, 89, 100, 104 –7, 89–90, 93, 97, 119, 145, 147


Air War Plans Division, 16, 26 cannon, 75 mm, 55, 79, 81, 98–99
Air War Plans Division, Plan 1 (AWPD-1), Ceram, island of, 134
26 Chennault, Claire, 9
antiaircraft artillery, fire, etc., 6, 8 –9, 27, Clark Field, Philippines, 23, 133
34, 45–47, 49, 59, 64–67, 82, 90, 101, close air support, 132
104, 106 –9, 111, 138, 140 Cold War, 130, 149
antishipping, 8, 28, 31, 39–40, 58, control of the air, 9, 11, 41
60–61, 75, 84, 104, 135, 137, 145
Army, 1–7, 10–17, 22–23, 37, 41–43, 46, daisy cutter, 49, 54
66, 86, 89–90, 92–93, 97, 105, 108, Darwin, Australia, 21
110, 121–22, 130, 146, 148–49 Dobodura airdrome, New Guinea, 77
Army Air Forces (AAF), 1–2, 5, 13, 17, doctrine, 1–19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, 39–40,
21–25, 31, 41–43, 50, 66, 70, 76 –77, 53, 57, 77, 89, 145, 147–48
85, 92, 102, 106, 109–10, 112, 121, Douhet, Giulio, 2
130 –32, 140, 145, 147–48
Eglin Army Airfield, Florida, 37–39, 85
Arnold, Henry “Hap,” 24, 36 –37, 39, 44,
Eighth Air Force, 21, 148
47, 83, 85, 129–30
atomic weapons, 149 Europe, 10, 13, 17, 22–25, 76, 129–30,
attack aviation, 1, 3–7, 9–11, 14 –16, 24, 145, 148–49
31, 38, 89 European theater, 23, 126, 147
Australia, 14, 21–22, 25 –27, 29, 31, 42, Europe First policy, 22–23
49, 78, 81, 83, 131 Far East Air Forces, 26, 116, 131
Axis, 16 FDR [Franklin Delano Roosevelt], 16
Babo, New Guinea, 78 Fifth Air Force, 139
Balikpapan, Borneo, 81 Fifth Bomber Command, 27, 35, 47, 93,
barge hunt, 88 111, 130, 135
Battle of the Bismarck Sea, 53, 58, 61–63, First Provisional Air Brigade, 2
66, 68 –72, 75, 79, 82–84, 86 – 89, 92, flexibility, 12, 16–17, 25, 77, 125,
98, 104, 107, 111, 113 – 14, 119, 147–48
135 – 36, 139, 145 – 46 Formosa, 54, 103, 119, 122, 129–31,
Benn, William, 31, 38 –39 134–36, 139, 146
Biak Island, 103, 116 forward firepower, 41–42, 44, 60–61, 72
bombing through overcast (BTO), 127 Fourteenth Air Force, 139
bombs, 8–10, 15, 23, 27–30, 32–39, Fourth Air Army, 89–90, 93, 146
44–49, 54, 57, 60–69, 71, 77–78, fuses, 36–37, 39–40, 44, 46, 66, 79–80,
80–82, 84–85, 88 –91, 99 –102, 104, 82, 101–2, 123–25, 128
109, 111–13, 115, 121, 123–24,
126–29, 133–34, 136, 138, 149 George, Harold, 1, 6, 16, 35
fragmentation, 9, 15, 47, 54, 82, 89, Germany, 17, 24, 36, 148
111–12, 115 Germany First policy, 17
incendiary, 47–48, 53–54, 77, 82, 90, ground support, 4–5, 10, 12–13, 16, 41,
100 –101, 121, 129 89, 99, 103 –5, 110, 113, 119, 121,
parachute demolition/fragmentation 132, 142, 148
(parademo/parafrag), 44 – 47, 49, Gunn, Paul “Pappy,” 41–43, 45, 59,
78–80, 89–91, 102–3, 111–13, 116, 79–80, 82–84, 105–6
123 –28, 133 –34, 136, 141, 146
Hall, Don, 79, 90
bracketing, 15, 61, 72, 86 – 88 Hansell, Haywood, 16
Broome, Australia, 81 Hawaii, 22, 57
Buna, New Guinea, 24, 28, 45, 47, 49, Headquarters Advanced Echelon (AD-
54, 90 VON), 77


high-altitude attack, 15, 27–30, 33, Marilinan, New Guinea, 89–91

35–36, 57–59, 69, 115, 125, 134, 146 Marine Corps, 22
Hollandia, Indonesia, 100, 114–16, 136 mast-height attack, tactics, 38 – 40,
Huff, Sargent, 37 60–61, 64, 68 –70, 72, 84 – 88, 98,
Hustad, Carl, 82 111, 113, 136, 140
Maxwell Field, Alabama, 5
independence, Air Force, 1–5, 8, 12–13,
minimum-altitude attack, 15, 37, 43, 56,
16–17, 130, 149
85, 101, 110
industrial targets, 17, 125, 140, 146
Mitchell, William “Billy,” 2–3, 8, 10–11, 14
industry, Japanese, 21, 24
innovation, 2, 25, 30, 53, 76, 98, 119, 147 Nadzab, New Guinea, 98, 111–13, 136
interdiction, 5, 41, 105, 119, 132 napalm, 64, 121–23
interwar years, 1–2 Navy, 2–3, 22, 31, 69, 93, 139
Ipo Dam, 121–23 Netherlands East Indies, 130, 139
New Guinea, 14, 22, 24, 27–28, 31, 35,
Japan, 14, 17, 21–25, 27–31, 34, 40–42,
40–42, 49, 53–54, 58, 60, 69, 72, 75,
44, 47–48, 53–54, 56, 60, 64, 66,
77–78, 81, 84–85, 87, 89–90, 93,
69–70, 72, 75 –76, 79–82, 84, 87,
97–99, 103, 107, 110, 114, 116, 119,
89–91, 93, 97, 99, 101, 103, 109–14,
125, 130, 136, 142, 145–46
116, 119, 121, 123, 129–31, 133,
New Ireland, 83
136–40, 142, 145–46
Nimitz, Chester, 22
Japanese Fourth Air Army, 93, 146
Java, 21, 31 Okinawa, 130–31, 142, 146
Ormoc Bay, 136–37
kamikaze, 139
Kenney cocktail, 48, 101, 113 Pearl Harbor, 30, 37
Kenney, George C., 1, 3, 6 –7, 9–10, 15, Philippine Islands, 21–23, 25, 27, 29,
23–27, 29–31, 35 –36, 38 –44, 47–50, 49, 79, 98, 103, 106, 116 –17, 119,
57–59, 63, 76 –77, 82–85, 90 –91, 123, 125, 132–36, 138, 146
98–99, 101, 113, 116, 120, 126, Port Moresby, New Guinea, 27, 31–32,
129 –31, 138–39, 142, 145–48, 150 38, 60, 63, 77
Kuter, Laurence, 16 Pratt, Henry C., 13
prewar tactics, 18, 25, 30, 47, 49,
Lae, New Guinea, 41, 61–65, 69, 72, 89,
57–58, 145–46, 149
98, 110–11, 113, 146
pursuit, 7, 9, 11–12
Langley Field, Virginia, 5, 44
Larner, Ed, 60 Rabaul, New Guinea, 29–30, 33 – 35,
LeMay, Curtis, 130 38–39, 54, 57–59, 61, 81–82, 85,
Lingayen, Philippines, 138–39 89–90, 97, 101–2, 113–14
logistics, 25, 98, 145 Reed, Robert, 67
low-altitude attack, tactics, 15, 31–32, Reid, Harlan, 67
34 –36, 38 –39, 43, 49, 56, 59–60, rockets, 100, 120
63–64, 69, 78, 83–84, 89, 101,
103–4, 106–7, 111, 113, 116, shipping, 8, 23, 27, 29 –30, 34, 38 – 40,
133–34, 136, 145–46 57–60, 63, 69, 72, 75, 80–81, 83–84,
Luzon, Philippines, 122, 133 86, 98–99, 101, 107, 110, 113, 116,
129, 134, 136, 138 –39, 145, 148
MacArthur, Douglas, 22–26, 93, 98, 130, skip bombing, 31–39, 57, 60–61, 68, 72,
147 83–87, 103, 111, 125, 136, 138, 145
machine gun, 12, 15, 41–42, 44, 56, 59, Solomon Islands, 21
80–81, 83, 88, 90–91, 99–100, 105–6, Sorenson, Edgar P., 37
119, 121, 138 Southwest Pacific, 1, 6, 8, 10, 15, 17,
Malahang, New Guinea, 113 21–25, 27, 29, 32, 35, 38, 40, 46, 48,


Southwest Pacific (continued) tactical airpower, 4, 24

53, 58, 61–62, 69, 71, 76–77, 81, 83, Takao, Formosa, 139–40
97– 98, 101, 104 –5, 119, 123, 125,
127, 130, 145–46, 148, 150 theater-specific tactics, 98, 150
Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), 1, 9, Twentieth Air Force, 54, 130–31
14–15, 17, 21–26, 29–31, 36, 38–41,
Twenty-first Bomber Command, 130
43–44, 53, 55–56, 58, 75–76, 80, 85,
97–98, 120, 129, 148
strafing, 28, 41, 44, 47, 59–60, 65, Vanakanau airdrome, New Guinea, 54
67–68, 88–90, 92, 98–99, 104, vital centers, 3, 9–10, 14, 145, 147
107–8, 114, 115 –16, 121, 123, 125,
133, 138, 146
Walker, Kenneth N., 16, 26–27, 29
air force, 22 War Department General Staff (WDGS),
airpower, 22, 24, 147, 149 12–13
air war, 23, 130
Wewak, New Guinea, 75, 87–93, 97–98,
bombardment, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 26,
81, 145, 149 111, 114, 116, 146
campaign, 17, 131, 142, 146 Whitehead, Ennis C., 24, 26–27, 47, 77,
targets, 14, 24, 76, 81, 93, 119, 122,
130 98, 116, 120, 126, 138
Sutherland, Richard K., 24 World War I, 1, 11, 17, 41

A War of Their Own
Bombers over the Southwest Pacific

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