09 EffShip Handout

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Welcome to the final

EffShip Seminar
The EffShip project began in December We are now ready to present the conclu-
2009 and is based on the vision of a sus- sions from the EffShip project. Welcome
tainable and successful maritime industry to this Final Seminar.
that has a minimal environmental impact. 21 March 2013.
EffShip Structure
The work packages (WP)

WP1 Project Management

SSPA Sweden AB / ScandiNAOS

WP2 Present and Future Maritime Fuels


WP3 Exhaust Gas Cleaning

DEC Marine

WP4 Energy Efficiency and Heat Recovery


WP5 Energy Transformers


WP6 System Impact when Using

Wind, Wave and Solar Energy
SSPA Sweden AB

WP7 Logistic System Analysis

SSPA Sweden AB

WP8 Demonstration of Findings


WP9 Final Reporting, Dissemination and

Future Projects

Sjösäkerhetens Hus, Långedrag
(Svenska Sjöräddningssällskapet)
Talattagatan 24, Västra Frölunda

WGS 84 (lat, lon):

N 57° 41.773’, E 11° 54.142’
08.30 Registration

09.00 Welcome Björn Allenström,

SSPA, EffShip Coordinator

09.05 Presentation of the agenda Bengt-Olof Petersen,

Lighthouse, Moderator

09.10 Keynote speech Carl-Johan Hagman,

CEO, Stena Rederi AB

09.30 Background, structure & Per Fagerlund and

objectives of the EffShip project Bengt Ramne, ScandiNAOS,
EffShip Technical Manager

10.00 Exhaust gas emissions & Love Hagström, DEC Marine

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Future fuels Lennart Haraldsson, Wärtsilä

11.30 End users aspects Per Stefenson, Stena Rederi AB

12.00 Lunch

13.30 Optimal use of energy Thomas Stenhede, Wärtsila

14.15 Wind propulsion Björn Allenström, SSPA

14.50 Reflections from the class Jens Ole Christensen and

Zbigniew Kurowski,
Lloyds Register

15.15 Project conclusions & Bengt Ramne, ScandiNAOS

visions for the future

16.00 Conclusions and discussion Bengt-Olof Petersen,

Lighthouse, Moderator

16.30 End of seminar

Note: Presentations will be given in Swedish, written material presented in English.

The ongoing globalization and development •“abrupt decoupling between sea-
of international trade, which is key to im- borne trade and global economic
proving our standard of living, wealth and growth”
quality of life, is dependent on maritime • rates of global economic growth
transport. In 2011, the seaborne transport significantly lower than the lowest
work was around 43,000 billion ton-miles. impact scenario considered in the
There is no alternative to this enormous study
contribution by the shipping industry. There • extreme shortages of fossil energy
are drawbacks, however, from all transport compared to the Special Report on
activities, in the form of negative environ- Emission Scenarios published by
mental impacts. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change)
Regulations and targets have been set to • “introduction of unexpected tech-
improve environmental performance of nologies”
shipping including:
• Emission control areas (such as in the These conclusions signal the need for
Baltic and North Sea), where SOx and fundamental change in order to achieve
NOx must be substantially reduced by such reductions.
• EU targets for transport sector green-
house gas (GHG) emission reductions
of 20% below the 2008 level by 2030
and by 70% below the 2008 levels by
• Swedish targets for the transport sec-
tor to use 10% renewable fuel and
have a 40% GHG reduction
• Mandatory energy efficiency meas-
ures for international shipping adopt-
ed by the International Maritime
Organization, with the goal to reduce
emissions of GHGs.

The second IMO GHG study, completed in

2009, identified and evaluated a number
of possible future scenarios and conclud-
ed that reductions in emissions below the
minimum scenarios would require radical
changes such as: North European ECA

The EffShip project has investigated a way to fulfilling GHG reduction targets in
range of solutions and concludes that 2030/2050, because it can be produced
the “unexpected technologies” that the from renewable feedstocks.
IMO GHG study identified for future
scenarios exist in other industries or as Medium term: GHG targets for 2030 can be
research prototypes. EffShip identified fulfilled by lower CO2 fuels such as metha-
specific technologies and solutions that nol (conventional production combined
could achieve fundamental change if with renewable production such as from
industrialized and implemented in the forest industry residuals or by carbon cap-
shipping industry. They would lead to ture and recycling).
sustainability for the shipping industry
and also be commercially beneficial, and EffShip studies on wind propulsion showed
of benefit to the rest of the world. that for some conditions savings in fuel use
of up to 40% could be achieved. Wind pro-
Suggestions for the way forward are as pulsors can give a significant reduction in
follows: engine power, but this varies for different
routes and wind conditions. Reduction in
Short term: Upcoming SOx/NOx regu- power must, however, also be considered
lations for 2015/2016 set the agenda. from operational safety aspects. The EffSail
Available solutions such as end of pipe concept was found to have a shorter pay-
abatement technologies for heavy fuel back time than kites and rotors, based on
oil (both SOx and NOx reduction) and simplified economic estimates.
low sulphur marine diesel (NOx reduc-
tion), and the use of alternative fuels in- Efficient transport system design and heat
cluding natural gas, LNG, methanol, and recovery were also investigated within Eff-
dimethyl ether (DME) were investigated Ship and found to have good potential for
and compared within the project. improving the energy efficiency of marine
EffShip concluded that from an overall
perspective, methanol is the best alter- Long term: From the perspective of fu-
native fuel when considering prompt els, GHG targets can be fulfilled by gradu-
availability within existing infrastructure, ally increasing the amount of GHG neutral
low price, and simple engine and ship methanol produced from captured CO2 and
technology (shore applications have ex- hydrogen produced with wind, water, sun
isted for many years). Further develop- and geothermal energy. This technology ex-
ment on the regulatory side and marine ists but the cost is currently high. Ongoing
engine testing is being addressed in a improvements in energy efficiency, heat re-
spin-off project, SPIRETH, which be- covery, and the use of wind propulsors will
gan in 2011. Methanol also paves the also play a role in meeting the targets.

WP2 Present and Future Maritime Fuels
Objectives nol is available on spot markets in the
The purpose of Work Package 2 was to US, Southeast Asia, China and Europe,
identify and present possible future fuels but can also be purchased directly from
for maritime use. An overview level inves- established methanol suppliers such as
tigation with a focus on a wide picture of Methanex, SCC Helm, Sabic or Mitsu-
maritime fuel over short term, medium bishi. The biggest supplier is Methanex
term and long term perspectives was to be with a market share corresponding to
conducted. Logistic and risk aspects of the 15%. Even though the annual produc-
supply and storage of the fuels were also to tion of methanol is limited to 50 million
be assessed. tons, the available production capacity
is higher - close to 90 million tons. The
Summary 60% utilization rate means that a sud-
With the boundary conditions used in the den, reasonable, increase in demand of
study, most of the possible candidates for methanol can be handled. However, it
alternative fuels dropped out quite early in should be clear that the lower heat value
the selection process. What becomes obvi- of methanol compared to traditional fu-
ous is that besides the existing alternatives, els such as HFO, MGO or MDO will lead
which are Heavy Fuel Oils (HFO) and diesel to approximately double the consump-
distillate fuels (MGO, MDO), only Liquefied tion expressed in weight in relation to
Natural Gas (LNG), methanol and conventional fuels.
Di-Methyl-Ether (DME) could be realistic
alternatives due to competitive price, Methanol is used in the chemical indus-
possible technologies, ethical aspects and try and as fuel substitute in the energy
availability. sector. Due to the increasing interest in
methanol as a fuel substitute the energy
Looking further and adding in the cost sector will very soon overtake the chemi-
aspects for building up associated infra- cal sector. The fastest growing market in
structure, possible conversion of the exist- the world is China, where blending of
ing fleet at a reasonable cost and dual-fuel methanol into gasoline is increasing
properties, the answer is that the fuel we rapidly.
are looking for is methanol, produced at
least as a start, from natural gas. Production of methanol
Methanol is today mainly produced from
Methanol basis natural gas, but other feedstocks such
Methanol is the most basic alcohol, CH3OH, as coal, biomass and waste may also be
and one of the most heavily traded global used. In a future scenario methanol may
chemical commodities. It is a liquid at also be produced in a carbon neutral
ambient temperature and pressure and form from renewable electricity, carbon
can be stored in steel fuel tanks. Metha- dioxide and water. Methanol can there-

fore be a bridge to a future sustainable Use of methanol
transportation system. Today’s produc- in marine applications
tion of methanol from natural gas is con- The recommended initial engine con-
nected to a significant energy loss in the cept for marine applications will be diesel
syngas process. The best methanol pro- combustion of methanol ignited by pilot
duction plants have an efficiency close to fuel. This concept will give a cost effec-
70%, which means that more than 30% tive robust dual-fuel solution which will
of the energy content in natural gas will fulfil the 2015 SECA
be lost during the conversion of natu- requirements without
ral gas to methanol. In this respect LNG aftertreatment. In the
has a very clear advantage compared to future, surface-ignited
methanol, as big LNG plants consume concepts could very *Hydrogen/Carbon
less than 10% of the energy content cool- well be introduced into the market, since
ing down natural gas to LNG. A life cycle the presence of a hot surface has been
assessment comparing methanol from shown to trigger pre-ignition of methanol
natural gas and methanol from biomass to a greater extent than for other fuels. This
with some other shipping fuels shows is likely due in part to the dissociation of
that methanol will reduce the environ- methanol at higher temperatures to carbon
mental impact compared to heavy fuel monoxide and hydrogen, with the latter
oil for most areas. It is also shown that breaking down into various radicals trigging
the life cycle environmental impact from pre-ignition.
use of methanol produced from natural
gas and use of LNG is comparable. Summary of the life
cycle environmental per-
formance for a number of
areas for for marine gas
oil (MGO), liquefied natu-
ral gas (LNG), methanol
produced from natural
gas (MeOH), dimethyl
ether produced from nat-
ural gas (DME), liquefied
biogas (LBG), methanol
produced from biomass
(BioMeOH) and dimethyl
ether produced from
biogas (BioDME)
compared with heavy
fuel oil (HFO) as shipping
fuel (represented by the
dashed line).

WP3 Exhaust Gas Cleaning
Objectives and therefore reduction of NOx emis-
The purpose of WP3 was to identify and sions. EGR technology may achieve re-
evaluate existing methods as well as those ductions up to 70% but in combination
under development for emission reduction, with sulphur fuels it requires an internal
especially with regards to NOx, SOx, CO, scrubber system.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and PM SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) is
(Particulate Matter). a catalytic exhaust gas after-treatment
system. Urea solution is injected into the
Possible interactions between the different exhaust gas upstream of a catalyst. NOx
methods are observed and areas for future is then transformed into nitrogen and
development are identified and described. water and reduction rates above 95% are
possible. No engine modification or fuel
NOx abatement penalty is involved.
In the diesel process, NOx is formed dur-
ing peak temperatures in the combustion The power consumption of an SCR sys-
chamber. Primary NOx reduction refers to tem is typically less than 0.1% of the in-
methods that reduce the formation of NOx stalled power, and the urea consumption
while secondary methods refer to after- is about 1.5 litres per kg NOx reduced,
treatment of the exhaust gas. typically 5% of the fuel consumption.

Internal engine modifications lower the SOx abatement

peak temperature by altering injection and Wet scrubbers use scrubbing liquid
valve timing which results in NOx reduction which is introduced into the exhaust
up to 25% but yields loss of fuel efficiency stream to “wash” the SOx out of the
and increased PM emissions. gas. In wet scrubbers the exhausts are
Water methods add water to the combus- cooled, and the preferable position is
tion process, resulting in increased heat downstream of any SCR and/or EGB (Ex-
absorption, which lowers the combustion haust Gas Boiler).
temperature. Various methods are possible Open loop scrubbers use sea water,
such as direct water injection, scavenge air which contains CaCO3 (calcium carbon-
humidification and water-fuel emulsifica- ate) that forms CaSO4 (gypsum) with
tion. Water methods can reduce NOx by up the SOx in the exhaust. The used water
to 50% but have a fuel penalty, increased is then diluted with sea water to an ac-
PM emissions and may cause corrosion re- ceptable pH level before discharge to the
lated wear. sea. Combustion residues are separated
EGR (Exhaust Gas Re-circulation) works on from the wash water in a separator and
the principle of using exhaust gases to di- drained to the ship’s sludge tank (<1kg/
lute the oxygen concentration in the scav- MWh). Approximate sea water flow
enge air. This leads to a slower combustion through an open loop scrubber is 50 m3/

MWh for 3.5% S Fuel. Power consump- between reacted and fresh granules is ap-
tion is typically 2% of the installed power. proximately 1.2. The power consumption
Closed loop scrubbers re-circulate the is typically 0.1% of the installed power. The
wash water and use fresh water boosted operational temperature is 240-440°C and
with NaOH (Caustic soda) for SOx ab- the preferable position is upstream of any
sorption. Only a small bleed-off flow is EGB.
extracted (<0.5%) and discharged to sea
through a water treatment plant. For VOC and CO abatement
short term operation, the bleed-off can There are currently no rules for VOC or CO
be stored in a holding tank for later dis- emissions from marine combustion engines.
posal. Power consumption is typically 1% CO and VOC emissions may be reduced up
of the installed power. to 90% with SCR combined with OXI (oxida-
Hybrid wet scrubbers can use either tion catalyst).
open or closed loop cycle.
Dry scrubbers use a dry adsorbing me- PM abatement
dia instead of liquid. The SOx molecules PM reduction is currently not required by
adsorb onto solid granules consisting of IMO rules, but considering EPA rules for the
CaOH (limestone) which is introduced North American ECA, future regulations are
to the exhaust gas in a dry stack. The re- likely. PM removal of between 60-80% is
acted granules are then stored onboard claimed by the manufacturers of wet and
for onshore disposal. The weight factor dry scrubbers, 50% PM reduction has been
observed for SCR combined with OXI. When
ultra low sulphur fuels are used, CDPF (Cat-
alytic Diesel Particulate Filter) combined
with OXI can remove over 90% of PM.

Areas for further development

Marine wet and dry scrubbers exist on the
market but there are only a few pilot in-
stallations. More experience is required to
reach a “proven maritime design” stage.
Tests using closed loop scrubbers confirm
that the effluent can be discharged in re-
stricted waters according to the discharge
water criteria within IMO MEPC 184(59).
Rules for water discharge within ECA (Emis-
sion Control Areas) are still unclear, since
there is a possibility that port and flag
states will impose stricter regulations.

WP4 Energy Efficiency and Heat Recovery
Objectives to this. A substantial amount of energy
The purpose of WP4 was to identify and (fuel) could be saved if auxiliary pumps
establish an overview of existing methods could be adapted to follow the load.
and techniques under development for im- Installation of frequency converters is
proving energy efficiency (i.e. minimising an option that is currently available at
the energy consumption) of the machinery, a cost that should be economically vi-
accommodation and outfitting systems and able. Applicable power consumers for
for heat recovery of exhaust gas and cool- this include seawater pumps, freshwater
ing water energy. Areas for potential future pumps, lubricating oil pumps and engine
development were identified and ways to ventilation fans. For emergency, stand-
achieve this described. by or intermittently operated pumps it
would be questionable to install variable
Summary speed systems.
For identifying the energy consumption of
an operating vessel, two trips were made Engine cooling: Around 20% of the fuel
with the roro-vessel M/S Spaarneborg, energy passes the engine cooling sys-
which operates in the SECA area. The ob- tem and is rejected to the sea. The tem-
jective was to determine the operating perature of the outgoing water of a two
conditions and measure performance un- stroke engine is around 85°C, which is
der various load conditions at sea. Auxiliary low for heat recovery. It was investigated
consumption and the hotel load of the ves- whether the temperature of the cooling
sel at sea were assessed. M/S Spaarneborg water could be raised to 95°C to feed an
has a two-stroke 10 MW engine directly ORC system that could generate around
connected to a fixed pitch propeller. The 250 kWe at full load. Such an ORC is not
engine runs on HFO, has a deNOx system commercially available as a marine sys-
installed, and is equipped with a gearbox tem and thus it is not viable to install one
for a shaft generator. At quay the vessel is on an existing vessel.
connected to shore with a high voltage flex-
ible cable. The vessel also has a saturated Exhaust gas: The engine exhaust gas
steam boiler for heating fuel and accommo- passes a boiler with a capacity of 2 ton/h
dation areas. saturated steam at 7 bar at full load. Oc-
casionally the steam generation is too
Energy savings low for keeping the fuel oil warm enough
Auxiliaries: Measurements were made on so donkey (auxiliary) boilers have to be
the main power consumers. Pumps are nor- started. Measurements of the boiler out-
mally operated at design conditions, which going exhaust gas temperature indicate
assume full engine load, but actual engine that more heat could be recovered or
load is usually lower, so pumps should be that the boiler is heavily fouled.
operated at an off-design point in relation

If the vessel shifts from HFO to sulphur ing time less than 4000 h/year that use
free fuel and the boiler surface is extend- MGO as the auxiliary fuel, assuming space
ed, then around 3 ton/h saturated steam is available for water tanks.
could be generated. From this amount
of steam around 200 kWe could be gen- If air conditioning is required absorption
erated, dependent on turbine type and chillers that use engine cooling heat can
back pressure. replace electrically powered compressors.

The roro vessel M/S Spaarneborg was used
as a platform vessel to determine what
could be modified on board a modern ves-
sel to improve the energy efficiency and
heat recovery.

The vessel already has a very efficient en-

gine and auxiliaries and minor modifica-
tions can result in improvements. However,
Steam generation from M/S Spaarneborg some of them will be very costly. If the ves-
sel switches to a cleaner fuel more heat
When steam is available in abundance could be recovered and the pay-off period
saving is not an option. However, if steam is shortened due to higher fuel costs.
can be used for power generation, quan-
tities may be short for other uses such as
accommodation heating and freshwater
generators, and other energy sources
have to be found.

Engine cooling water could be used for

accommodation heating. The donkey
boiler has to be started to heat the ac-
commodation when the ship is at quay.

The possibility of using a heat accumu-

lator to store engine cooling heat dur-
ing operation for subsequent discharge
while at port was investigated. This could
be an option for ferries with an operat-

WP5 Energy Transformers
The purpose was to identify, describe
and evaluate technologies suitable for
heat recovery methods. Examples of
transformers are Rankine machines,
boilers, coolers and heat exchangers.
Alternative use of recovered energy
(electricity generation, propulsion,
auxiliary, etc.) has been investigated
and the potential described. Areas
for future research and development
were to be identified and described.
Organic Rankine Cycles: To recover heat
from the engine, a fluid other than water
The basic goal is to convert as much as pos-
has to be used as the cooling water tem-
sible of the fuel (chemically bound) energy
perature is too low for boiling. Various
to mechanical energy for propelling the
organic compounds have lower boiling
vessel. Shipping already applies the most
temperatures and could potentially be
efficient energy transformation system by
using a direct driven two-stroke diesel en-
gine at low speed and big high pitched fixed
propellers. Modern two-stroke engines are
already well above 50% efficiency and to
transform the waste heat from exhaust gas
and engine cooling is becoming more dif-
ficult as the driving temperature is getting
lower. There are several ways to recover the
heat for more electrical/mechanical power.
If more power is generated than required
for own consumption the balance has to be
transferred to the propeller shaft.

Steam generation: A 10 MW engine can

It is estimated that an engine cooling ORC
generate another 900 kWe from exhaust
system will increase the output by 2%.
gas using a steam turbine. This output cor-
responds to an efficiency improvement of
Thus total heat recovery from engine
4%-units. An engine with 45% efficiency will
waste heat can increase the output by
now have 49% efficiency.

11% for an efficiency improvement of The investment cost has not been scruti-
5-6%-units. nized but for special applications this could
become a viable option.
Absorption chiller: Air conditioning can
be provided by an absorption chiller
which can be driven by the engine cool-
ing water or better still with steam. If
steam is already utilized, then engine
cooling remains as a heat source.

Auxiliaries: If the vessel

energy output is increased by 10% thanks
to improved heat recoveries how will
this energy be applied? The vessel itself
may only use half of the generated pow-
er; shaft and auxiliary generators will be
switched off and the power supply relies
on turbo-sets. The remaining power will Conclusion
then be transferred to the propeller. An energy distribution diagram indicates
where the most viable heat recovery could
Such a system gives high operational take place. Such sources are those with the
flexibility and low energy consumption. highest available temperature.

WP6 System Impact when Using Wind, Wave & Solar Energy
Objectives flies on the spherical surface along a
The main objective was to investigate the predefined track. It performs span-wise
possibilities of using alternative renewable rotation to achieve an optimum angle
energy sources to propel a ship. The focus of attack. A NACA 4415 wing profile was
was on wind energy but solar and wave en- adopted as the cross section of the kite.
ergy were also considered. For wind energy, Aerodynamic forces were calculated
in addition to fuel savings, the overall ship based on the effective relative wind ve-
performance was studied. locity and the optimum angle of attack.

Short summary The radial component of the aerody-

Even if there is a theoretical possibility to namic forces provided a traction force in
use wave energy there is for the time be- the connection line. The traction force
ing no real practical solution seen for this contributed to forces and moments act-
concept. Solar energy is already proven to ing on the simulated ship. Throughout
be a possible means to propel special ships the simulations, forces, moments, and
and large scale attempts have been made motions of the tanker were recorded,
on conventional ships. However, for con- as well as rudder angle and propeller
ventional ships the amount of solar energy efficiency. These output variables were
that is possible to produce is in the order of plotted and analyzed to describe the in-
a few percent or less of the energy need- fluence of the auxiliary kite propulsion
ed onboard. Wind propulsion is therefore on ship performance.
more promising and gives a direct thrust, as
compared to solar energy which normally The result shows that auxiliary kite pro-
produces electricity. In the EffShip study pulsion can play a significant role in re-
fixed sails, Flettner rotors and kites were ducing engine power in beam and follow-
studied. Their overall operational effective- ing sea conditions. The course keeping
ness can be judged to be in the same order. ability of the simulated Panamax tanker
was under control while using the kite.
Wind propulsors
For all wind propulsors studied, extensive Flettner rotor
computer simulations using SSPA’s in house The Flettner rotor studies were carried
time domain maneuvering and seakeeping out using a rotor with aspect ratio 6
software code SEAMAN have been carried (height versus diameter) and with an end
out. For each wind propulsor a detailed disk of 2 times the rotor diameter. The
mathematical model of its lift and drag rotor rotated with a spin ratio (perpheral
properties have been established. speed over apparent inflow wind speed)
between 2 and 4. The major problem
Kite: The kite model was created as a sub- for the Flettner rotor simulations was to
routine to the SEAMAN software. The kite determine the proper full scale lift and

drag versus rotational speed. Therefore the same lift force the sail needs about 8
a survey of previously conducted model times more area compared to the rotor.
tests were carried out and results were
compared with results from CFD calcula- Comparison kite, rotor and sail
tions using FLUENT. From the study it has been seen that sub-
stantial fuel saving are possible using wind
It could be seen that the lift force as- propulsors if there are long enough periods
sumed in many previous studies was in of high wind speed and a favorable wind
agreement with the CFD calculations direction. In the diagram below possible re-
while the drag was significantly higher ductions in power for a panamax tanker at
when calculating the full scale case. different speeds are shown.
Therefore a more conservative drag co-
efficient was used for the simulations
using SEAMAN. This gives, for a typi-
cal spin ratio of 3, a lift coefficient of
8.4 and a drag coefficient of 2.7. The
simulations were carried out in the
same way as for the kite described

The Flettner rotor showed, like the

kite, substantial reduction in engine
power, not only in beam winds but
also in bow and stern quartering

Fixed sail: The third and perhaps

the most promising wind propulsor
studied in EffShip was a fixed sail
that is symmetric around its mid
cord, has a camber and is rotatable
so that it can be positioned to give a
maximum lift force in any headings
towards the wind.

The sail was developed in the EffShip

project and is called EffSail. The assumed
lift coefficient was set to 1.0, and the
drag to 0.1. This means that to achieve

WP7 Logistic System Analysis
Objectives vessels’ energy consumption curves and
The objective was to investigate logistic Statement of Facts (SoF) for two ship-
aspects of waterborne transport from the ping services were combined with infor-
perspective of design and operation for a mation obtained from interviews with
greener and more efficient maritime sys- onshore managers and operators at the
tem. The work was to include analysis of shipping company, ship crew members
different factors that affect the perfor- and managers in ports.
mance of sea transport and the ship-shore
interface, such as faster turnaround time, The study found that the largest sources
changed speed at sea, and fleet manage- of unproductive time in port that could
ment. The focus of the work was to inves- be minimized to improve turnaround
tigate the possibilities for reducing speed time were waiting time due to the ports’
at sea when the turnaround time in port is hours of operation, as well as waiting
decreased and determine how this can af- time at berth before loading and dis-
fect the total energy consumption. charging due to early arrival. Two major
sources of potential for increased port
Summary efficiency identified in this research are
The main route discussed for mitigating a more just-in-time arrival and longer
CO2 emissions from shipping is through in- open hours in ports.
creased energy efficiency. Many operation-
al measures that cost-efficiently decrease A conservative scenario developed in the
the energy consumption for shipping study involves a reduction in turnaround
companies are available - however, assess- time between one and four hours. With
ments indicate that they have not been a corresponding speed reduction at sea,
fully implemented. Speed reduction due the energy efficiency potential for the
to improved port efficiency has previously study vessels is 1-5%. This is substantial-
been highlighted as a measure with high ly lower than other assessments found
potential for increased energy efficiency at in the literature, but is still impressive.
a low investment cost. The low investment costs could be con-
firmed qualitatively, but the transaction
The research focused on energy efficiency costs involved for communication and
in bulk shipping with a geographical cov- monitoring between stakeholders could
erage of ports around the North Sea and contribute to the slow implementation
the Baltic Sea. The research was based on of this measure.
a case study of a bulk shipping company
operating in Northern Europe. A case study
approach based on both quantitative and
qualitative data was selected for the study.
Quantitative analyses of voyage reports,

WP8 Demonstration of Findings
The objective of WP8 was to apply the energy, i.e. electrical energy or propulsive
findings from the other EffShip work energy.
packages to actual ship designs, evaluate
their potential, and make cost benefit In general, the best way to utilise the en-
assessments of the applied systems. The ergy recovered from the exhaust is to gen-
work has focused on relevant designs for erate superheated steam in the exhaust
heat recovery, energy transformation, gas boiler and generate electrical energy
wind propulsion and alternative fuels. or additional propulsion power via a steam
Heat recovery and energy
transportation Making good use of the lower temperature
The largest energy losses from a diesel energy from the cooling system is more of
engine are found in: a challenge. A two stage air cooler will en-
1. the escaping exhaust gases and able the cooling water to be raised above
2. the cooling of the combustion 100˚C which will make it useful for driving
air after the turbo charger. an Organic Rankine Cycle, ORC.

Recovering heat with exhaust gas boilers Wind propulsion

is a well-established technology. With The largest source of free energy available
sulphur free fuel the exhaust gas tem- for ships is of course the wind. The energy
perature can be lowered more without potential in wind far exceeds any other
the risk of corrosion. This means that,
from a technical perspective, more en-
ergy can be recovered. The first kW is
the cheapest to recover and the cost
to increase the energy recovery grows
exponentially. The effectiveness of the
exhaust gas boiler and the fuel price will
determine whether more energy will ac-
tually be recovered.

The recovered heat needs to be utilized

in the best possible way. If MGO, LNG
or methanol is substituted for HFO, the
need to heat the fuel in the tanks, fuel
3 500 m2 EffSail on a Panamax tanker
separators and booster modules will be
eliminated. The remaining need for heat-
ing is quite small so there will be heat
available that can be converted to useful

bio energy that can be made available for Installation of a scrubber system also
shipping. New concepts are continuously adds weight to the ship but only a frac-
being developed. New, better material tion compared to the LNG tanks. The
and increased fuel prices make wind as- added weight will be located high up and
sisted propulsion look very attractive for might influence the stability and cargo
certain applications. A number of concepts carrying capacity. A scrubber installation
were evaluated in the EffShip project: kite, will add a quite complex piece of equip-
Flettner rotor and a new rigid sail telescopic ment for the crew to handle and will
system, the EffSail concept. The first appli- require resources for operation, mainte-
cations for commercial sail assisted propul- nance and handling of process chemicals
sion of large ships will probably be on low and residuals. This is a major difference
speed bulk or oil tankers on intercontinen- compared to a shift to MGO, LNG or
tal voyages. For a Panamax tanker of the methanol since in those cases, instead of
type used as one of the EffShip platform adding a system you will be able to elimi-
vessels, 20% savings in fuel costs would be nate one system, i.e. the HFO separators.
reasonable to expect.
In EffShip work package 2 it was conclud-
Alternative fuels ed that methanol could be an attractive
A significant part of the work in EffShip has fuel for marine applications. The com-
been to identify the best way to fulfil the bustion characteristics and emissions
upcoming emission requirements and in are quite similar to LNG but the distribu-
particular the 2015 SOx requirements. A tion system and the handling on board
number of the alternative fuels were evalu- the ship is significantly simpler. For a
ated and compared to the current HFO conversion to methanol as fuel, existing
operation. The HFO bunker capacity is ap- ballast tanks can be converted and used
proximately 880 m3 on the EffShip platform for methanol storage.
vessel 1 - this is a short sea roro vessel.

Conversion to LNG operation would require

independent C-type tanks to be placed
above the cargo deck aft of the deck house.
Six tanks with a capacity of 1600 m3 will
be needed to provide the same range for
LNG as for HFO. The dry weight of these
tanks would be approximately 500 tons.
The weight together with the high location
would significantly reduce stability and car-
go carrying capacity. Comparable fuel cost including consumables
and conversion cost based on 3 years pay-
back time

HFO tanks:
Capacity 880 m3

Methanol tanks
Capacity 1800 m3
Weight new steel: appr 20 ton

LNG capacity: 1600 m3

Tank weight: appr 500 ton
LNG weight: appr 670 ton

Closed loop scrubber

Equipment weight:
15 ton dry
30 ton wet

WP9 Final Reporting, Dissemination and Future Projects
Some suggested projects for industrializa- Storage and handling of low
tion of the Effship findings: flashpoint fuels
• Harmonized rules are under devel-
Methanol fuelled marine engines opment by the class and the national
• Development and evaluation of alter- authorities (note I)
native engine technologies. Otto or • Practical and efficient solutions
diesel? If diesel – methanol with igni- to be developed in harmony with
tion fuel or methanol with glow plug these rules (note I)
ignition? (note I + note II)
• Development and evaluation of com- Trade and logistics
ponents such as fuel pumps, injection • Creation of a market for “Bunker
valves, glow plugs, etc. (note I + note II) Methanol” which will be separated
• Development of retrofit kits for exist- price-wise from the more expensive
ing engines (note I) “Chemical Methanol” (note I)

Retrofit technologies for heat Complementary propulsion

recovery from sulphur free fuels • Development of the “Effsail” concept
• ORC technologies and transmissions (patent granted), including full scale
for electrical power generation and for test mast for onboard verifications
propulsive improvement (note III) (note II)
• Heat exchangers
• Heat storage arrangements (note III) Trade pattern and fuel efficiency
• Development of a commercial
Gas based marine fuels structure of agreements for sea
– especially methanol transports promoting fuel efficiency
• Development of the fuels as such with and low emissions – especially for
regards to ignition properties, lubrica- big bulk and tank.
tion ability, safety aspects, etc. (note II)

Methanol fuel
– sustainably produced
• Improved production methods out of a
wide range of feedstocks Notes:
I Presently dealt with within the application
• Carbon Capture and Recycling (note II)
and demo project “Spireth”
• Methanol produced out of fossil free www.spireth.com
produced hydrogen and captured car- II Detailed research project has been
bon dioxide formulated
III Detailed project under discussion

Participants at the EffShip Final Seminar
Abrahamsson Susanne SSPA Sweden AB
Ahlgren Fredrik Sjöfartshögskolan
Ahnger Anders Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Algell Johan White Smoke Consulting
Allenström Björn SSPA Sweden AB
Andersson Karin Chalmers universitet
Andersson Kent Innovatum AB.
Asp Kenneth Energimyndigheten
Backlund Ove Ove Backlund Konsult
Baldi Francesco Chalmers universitet
Bengtsson Selma Chalmers universitet
Bergman Bernt Finnish Shipowners’ Association
Bergstrom Marcus St1 Energy AB
Bernsro Stellan Binnacles AB
Borggren Stefan Det Norske Veritas Sweden AB
Brax Gustav Brax Shipholding Rederi
Brax Sven-Olof Brax Shipholding Rederi
Brax Johan Brax Shipholding Rederi
Brodin Alf Trafikverket
Bäckström Ulf MAN Diesel & Turbo Sverige AB
Carlsson Carl Sveriges Redareförening
Christensen Jens Ole Lloyd’s Register EMEA
Christiansson Philip Det Norske Veritas Sweden AB
Critti Patrick
Dahlberg Carl-Otto Imperial Shipping
Danbratt Johan Wärtsilä
Davidsson Fredrik Sjöfartstidningen
Efraimsson Anders Stena Line / Stena Management
Ellis Joanne SSPA Sweden AB
Emanuelson Mats Rederi AB Gotland
Engström John Engström shipping
Engström Dag Engström shipping
Fagergren Carl Wallenius Marine AB
Fagerlund Per ScandiNAOS
Fenevall Alexander DEC Marine
Forssén Thomas Gard (Sweden) AB
Fougelberg Lennart Breakwater Publishing AB
Freudendahl Ulf T. ScandiNAOS AB
Furubacke Kristina Wärtsilä Sweden AB
Fürstenberg Sofia A.P. Moller – Maersk A/S
Gillberg Nicklas Consilium Marine & Safety AB
Graugaard Claus Winter Det Norske Veritas, Danmark A/S
Grundevik Peter SSPA Sweden AB 21
Grönhult Jan-Olof Det Norske Veritas Sweden AB
Gustafsson Anders Chris-Marine AB
Göthberg Lena Institute of Shipping Analysis
Hagman Carl-Johan Stena Rederi AB
Hagström Love DEC Marine
Haraldsson Lennart Wärtsilä
Hartmann Pontus
Hellstrom Jan Cronos Container Scandinavia
Hemming Jan-Gerhard
Hjortberg Mats CORIOLIS AB
Holm Håkan ABB AB
Holmberg Lars Viking Supply Ships
Holmström Per DEC Marine
Hynynen Jonna
Höfnell Anders Lloyd’s Register EMEA
Inberg Lars-Arne Swedish Orient Line AB
Jaan Roy Sjöfartsverket
Jansson Helén SSPA Sweden AB
Jansson Peter Waxholmsbolaget
Johansson Jeanette Consat Sustainable Energy Systems AB
Johansson Osborne FKAB Marine Design
Johansson Jan L Wärtsilä
Johnsson Stefan FKAB Marine Design
Karlsfred Alessandro DEC Marine
Karlsson Roger SSPA Sweden AB
Karlsson Bertil Volvo Penta
Kempe Philip Transportstyrelsen
Klintenberg Henrik Svenskt Marintekniskt Forum
Koneru Venkata DEC Marine
Kronudd Lotten ADS Insight
Kullas-Nyman Britt-Mari Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Kurowski Zbigniew Lloyd’s Register EMEA
Landälv Ingvar Chemrec
Landälv Henrik Volvo Group Trucks Technology
Larsson Adam Det Norske Veritas AS
Liljegren Karin DEC Marine
Lindfors Bjarne WE Tech Solutions Oy
Lindgren Bo Stena Line Scandinavia AB
Linnér Karina Swedish Maritime Technology Forum
Ljungmark Klas Transportstyrelsen
Löfberg Carl-Johan Wärtsilä
Magnusson Ingemar Volvo GTT, Advanced Technology and Research
Mörnesten Ossi KrisMa AB
Nilsson Håkan Falkvarv AB
Petersen Bengt-Olof Lighthouse
Peterson Bertil BRP Shipping AB
Peterson Mattias BRP Shipping AB
Qvist Hans-Gunnar Federal Mogul Göteborg AB
Ramne Bengt ScandiNAOS
Rittedal Morgan
Rokka Martin Göteborgs Energi
Rosén Carl-Göran Transportstyrelsen
Ryckenberg Tomas Know-Hub Services AB
Rydbergh Torbjörn Rydbergh Marine Benchmark AB
Shakib Hamed TTS Marine AB
Soininen Harri VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Stefenson Per Stena Rederi AB
Stenfelt Staffan Stena RoRo
Stenhede Thomas Wärtsilä
Stephanson Ola Idea Marine AB
Storbacka Mårten WE Tech Solutions Oy
Sundquist Lena Alfa Laval Tumba AB
Svenner Monica DAMEN
Svensson Hans-Ivar
Södahl Björn Lighthouse
Taljegård Maria Chalmers universitet
Teusch Michael Haldor Topsøe A/S
Thamsborg Mikkel MAN Diesel and Turbo
Thor Mikael Wilhelmsen Technical Solutions
Tyvik Kristoffer Marininvest Shipping AB
Westermark Henrik TTS Marine AB
Westlund Rolf Volvo Penta Corporation
Wexell Ragnar Wärtsilä Sweden AB
Widström Jacqueline Svenskt Marintekniskt Forum
Wigren Per DEC Marine
Wiklund Stig Stora Enso Logistics
Wilske Åsa Göteborgs Hamn
Wimby Per Stena Teknik
Wingård Sture Consat Sustainable Energy Systems AB
Värmby Göran Värmby Consulting
Ågren Johan Södra Cell International AB
Österdahl Göran Wärtsilä Scandinavia & West Europe

SSPA Sweden AB Website: www.sspa.se
Björn Allenström Contact: [email protected]

ScandiNAOS Website: www.scandinaos.com

Bengt Ramne Contact: [email protected]

Wärtsilä Website: www.wartsila.com

Lennart Haraldsson Contact: [email protected]

Stena Rederi AB Website: www.stenateknik.com

Per Stefenson Contact: [email protected]

DEC Marine Website: www.decmarine.com

Venkata Koneru Contact: [email protected]

Chalmers Website: www.chalmers.se/en/

Karin Andersson departments/smt
Contact: [email protected]

S-MAN Website: www.s-man.se

Fredrik Lewerth Contact: [email protected]

StoraEnso Website: www.storaenso.com

Anders Heldemar Contact: [email protected]

Göteborgs Energi Website: www.goteborgenergi.se

Martin Rokka Contact: [email protected]

Svenska Orient Linjen Website: www.sollines.se

Carl-Otto Dahlberg Contact: www.imperialshipping.com

Associated Partner
Lloyd’s Register Website: www.lr.org
Copenhagen Design Support Contact: [email protected]


www.EffShip.com The EffShip project thanks you for your interest in our findings.

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