Heological Belief Roman Catholic Church Conservative Protestants

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heological Belief Roman Catholic Church Conservative Protestants

Believe that present-day priest ordinations can all

Apostolic succession  be traced back to the original apostles and thus to Concept rejected as historicall
The church considers Protestants to be Christians,
Attitude towards each other Some consider Catholics to be
but possessing only part of the truth.
Within the believer (soul freed
the congregation and the deno
Authority within the church Vested in the hierarchy of the church.
according to their interpretati
of the meaning of the Bible.
Testimony of a prior regenera
Baptism, significance of Sacrament which regenerates and justifies.
after trusting Jesus as Lord an
Usually done in infancy; may be done later in life Usually done later in life after
Baptism, timing 
when the person joins the church. person is "born again."
The original writings of the bi
Historically teaches that the original writings by
Bible, status of authors' writings are inerrant
Bible authors are inerrant. This is being debated.
They are the Word of God.
The church includes the original 73 books in the Some Anglicans  include all 73
Bible, content Bible as specified by the  Councils of Hippo and ther protestants delete the 7 b
Carthage late in the 4th century. of the Apocrypha.
Relatively free discussion allo
Debate and dialogue is sometimes forbidden --
Changing of beliefs, practices except, in some denomination
particularly on human sexuality topics.
on matters related to homose
Usually democratic, except am
Church, structure Hierarchical.
some new religious movemen
Clergy, selection of Appointed; all male; almost all unmarried. Elected; mostly male; single o
Pressure from the clergy and l
Pressure from the clergy and laity. In serious cases,
Various denomination have fo
Discipline of members errant members can be denied the sacraments or
policies of shunning, disfellow
and excommunication.
Some view Catholics as non-C
The Church views the fragmentation of Christianity Thus they are to be treated as
into thousands of faith groups to be a sin. They lost souls, on a par with Buddh
Ecumenical action
want non-Catholic Christians join the Catholic Muslims, Wiccans, etc. Others
Church. as brothers in Christ and enga
projects on social matters.
Achieved through personal repentance to a priest,
Normally achieved through pr
and -- in emergencies -- sometimes in a public
the Father or Jesus directly w
communal ritual.
human intercessor. However,
Forgiveness of sin Lutherans confess to their the
In some Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic
Members of
churches, confession is done to one's spiritual
The Church of Jesus Christ of
advisor. However, only an ordained priest may
sometimes confess to their pr
pronounce the absolution.
Hell More than a physical place, hell is a state of being Many conservatives believe th
involving "the pain, frustration, and emptiness of physical place of unbearable t
which lasts for all eternity wit
of mercy, relief or cessation.
life without God."
Others define it as a place whe
separated from God.
They generally downplay the
of sexual orientation, and con
A homosexual orientation is generally unchosen homosexual behavior which th
and thus is not, in itself, sinful. It is a disordered to be a major sin. They differ
Homosexuality, nature of state. However, all homosexual behavior is sinful. lesbians, religious liberals, an
God and the church expect lesbians and gays to majority of human sexuality r
remain celibate for life. therapists by viewing homose
chosen, unnatural, abnormal &
Immaculate Conception of The Church requires belief that at the time of
Mary, circa 20 BCE. (Note 1) Mary's conception circa 20 BCE, she was conceived Denied.
[See also: virgin birth] without sin.
in rare circumstances, members are required to
Infallibility of the Pope believe in matters of religious doctrine and faith as Denied.
stated by the Pope.
A place for infants who die before being baptized,
and for Old Testament saints. 6 Concept is not
Limbo Existence denied.
officially taught. 8 Most Catholic theologians have
abandoned belief in limbo. 7
A sacrifice. Christ's body, blood, soul, and divinity
Memorial meal. Christ's body
Lord's supper/Eucharist are physically present and are consumed by
blood are present symbolicall
Mary's status is below Jesus', but above that of the The Virgin Mary plays a relati
Mary's status saints. Some regard Mary as co- redemptrix with minor role. Only trust in Jesus
Jesus; this is not currently taught by the church. Lord and Savior saves a perso
Have some value for the truth that they contain. Some consider them worthles
Non-Christian religions
However, some rituals can inhibit salvation. dangerous, and demon-led.
To God. Also may ask Jesus, Mary, or a saint to
Prayer Prayer is addressed to God, no
intercede on their behalf.
A state of being in which souls are cleansed by
Purgatory purifying punishments before they can enter Does not exist.
Sacraments The means of grace. The symbols of grace.
Saints do not form a major pa
Saints form a major part of the religion. People can
Saints religion. One prays to God the
pray to saints and ask them to intercede with God.
and/or Jesus, not to saints.
Dispensed by God; dependent
Dispensed by God; dependant on faith, and church
Salvation, achieving on an individual's repentance
trust in Jesus as Lord and Savi
Salvation, losing It is lost whenever a responsible person knowingly Usually, once a person is save
commits a mortal sin via free choice. It can be teach that one can lose one's s
regained through repentance and church
It is possible that those outside the Roman Catholic
Salvation among non- Church can be saved in spite of the errors in their Opinions differ. Most feel that
Christians religious beliefs. However, some religion's beliefs eternity being tortured in Hel
and practices make this unlikely.
Statues and images of Jesus, Mary and of individual
saints are commonly found in Catholic sacred
Many consider the mere prese
Statues, venerating spaces. However, believers are expected to
violation of the "graven image
venerate the persons represented by the statues,
not the statues themselves.
Mainly found in scripture, as interpreted by the
Most believe it is found only in
Truth church. It is also found in church tradition, and the
of the Holy Spirit within the sa
valid findings of scientific research.
Virgin birth (actually virgin
conception; circa 5 BCE) See Required belief. Nearly universal belief.
Note 1.
The hierarchy of the Church, including the laity,
Invisible fellowship of all save
Visibility of the Church plus the Church's Spirit, referred to as the "Spotless
exact makeup of the Church.
Bride of Christ." 

Definitions of the fenians on the Web:

The Fenians, both the Fenian Brotherhood and Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), were
fraternal organisations dedicated to the establishment of an independent Irish Republic in
the 19th and early 20th century.

The Celts were a diverse group of tribal societies in Iron Age and Roman-era Europe who
spoke Celtic languages.
The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J. and S.I. or SJ, SI) is a religious order of men
called Jesuits, who follow the teachings of the Catholic Church. Jesuit priests and
brothers[2] — also sometimes known colloquially as "God's Marines"[3] and as "The
Company", this terminology because of founder Ignatius of Loyola's military background —
are engaged in evangelization and apostolic ministry in 112 nations on six continents
reflecting the Formula of the Institute (principle) of the Society. They are known in the fields
of education (schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, theological faculties), intellectual
research, and cultural pursuits in addition to missionary work, giving retreats, hospital and
parish ministry, promoting social justice and ecumenical dialogue.

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