Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop

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For The Course

EL-101 Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop
(Batch 2013-14)

Name: ________________________

Roll No. : ______________________

Batch: ________________________

Year: ________________________


Department of Electronic Engineering

N.E.D. University of Engineering & Technology,
Karachi –75270, Pakistan
for the course

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop



Mr. Danish Mahmood Khan (Sr. Lab. Engineer)

Ms. Komal Masroor (Lecturer)


Dr. Syed Shoaib Hasan Zaidi (Chairman)


The Board of Studies of Department of Electronic Engineering

We owe thanks to a number of people who helped and supported us in the compilation of this
work book.

We would like to pay our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Madiha Shabbir, Lecturer (dept. of
Electronic engineering), who has played an important role in project assignment and its
evaluation. Our deepest thanks to Ms. Tooba Khan for structuring lab sessions based on
LabView. Also, we sincerely appreciate Mr. Zeeshan Nafees, hardware technician (dept. of
Electronic engineering), for extending his support to re-engineer practical work related to PCB
designing using OrCAD.

We are also grateful to Prof. Dr. Shoaib Hasan Zaidi for being a wonderful guide to encourage
implementation of problem based learning.

Above all, we would like to acknowledge resources from the INTERNET, cited in the
bibliography section, that have been helpful in assembling this workbook.

This document has been divided into four sections:

• Computer Aided Designing
• Soldering
• Data Visualization and Analysis
• Data Acquisition and Control
Each of these segments has been designed to enhance essential hands-on learning and application
skills. Lectures and demonstrations are supplemented with project based learning. This process
introduces critical thinking and problem solving skills.

• Computer Aided Design (CAD) software are now a very common method of producing
technical drawings. OrCAD is one such tool which is used for designing Printed Circuit Boards
(PCBs). The sequence of steps, starting from simulating an electronic circuit, converting this to
a pattern for the PCB using the software, transferring this pattern to the PCB and subsequently
processing the PCB are taught in this segment.
Note: Tasks covered in this manual may not cover all the features of a tool. The emphasis
however, is on the steps that you will need to perform in each OrCAD tool so that your design
works smoothly through the flow.

• Hands-on Soldering will allow students to make sophisticated and permanent Electronic
circuits easily, efficiently and accurately which will help them in their hardware based Term
Projects as well as in their Final Year projects.

• The availability of technical computing environment such as MATLAB is now reshaping

the role and applications of computer laboratory projects.
It is a powerful and accessible tool for data visualization (both 2D and 3D graphing) and for data
analysis. Also, it gives the students an opportunity to easily conduct numerical experiments and
to tackle realistic and more complicated problems. The lab sessions have been designed to
familiarize students with a computer software (e.g. MATLAB) to address real world problems.

• L abVIEW is a graphical programming language which is widely utilized for data

acquisition and process control. This manual therefore, will help the students to get started with
the graphical programming.


Lab # List of Experiments Remarks

Section 1: Project Based Learning

1 Introduction to Breadboard

a) To learn how to solder

b) To learn how to de- solder

3 Projects


a) Introduction to Orcad Capture

4 b) Generation of schematic
c) Generation of Netlist

a) Introduction to Layout Tool.

5 b) Creation of Layout Board.

a) Introduction to component foot prints.

6 b) Editing and creating new footprints.

a) Overview of Autorouting using Orcad Layout.

7 b) Defining DRC.
c) Making Copper Pour.
Introduction to Manual Routing using OrCAD Layout Tools.

a) Introduction to Post Processing

b) Introduction to Gerbtool

a) Practical on the identification of Drill Bits and Drilling on the

Manual Drill Machine.
b) Practical to understand the electroplating processes on ABC
plating line in COMPACTA machine BUNGARD.
c) Practical on plotting, fixing and developing a film for exposing of


a) Introduction to MATLAB and MATLAB GUI

b) Introduction to basic operations

Introduction to Mathematical functions, Variables and Matrix

12 operations

13 Array Operations And Programming in MATALB

14 Introduction to Graph plotting in MATLAB

15 Introduction to Control Flow and Loops in MATLAB



16 Introduction to LabView

17 To learn how to create subVI and use it in another VI

18 To learn how loops are designed and work in LabVIEW.

To write a VI for the Multiplication of a random number with 10 and
displaying the result continuously, until it is stopped.

19 To learn how for loops are designed and work in LabVIEW

20 To learn different functionalities of arrays

21 To display quantities on waveform charts and waveform graphs

22 To learn the use of structures in LabVIEW for decision-making

23 To learn how to build clusters and their various functions.

To learn the use of various functions to edit and manipulate strings

To learn the use of basic file I/O functions

25 Bibliography

Note: All the contents of this manual have been extracted from internet; the links have been cited
where possible. If any of the references have been missed, we would be more than pleased to add
it to the list of citations in the revisions of this manual.

Thank you

Dr. Shoaib Zaidi

Department of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering
Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 01
Introduction to Breadboard


A breadboard is used to make up temporary circuits for

testing or to try out an idea. No soldering is required so
it is easy to change connections and replace
components. Parts will not be damaged so they will be
available to re-use afterwards. Thus, a breadboard is
used to check whether the circuit works as intended.

The photograph shows a typical small breadboard

which is suitable for beginners building simple circuits Small Breadboard
with one or two ICs (chips). Photograph © Rapid Electronics

Connections on Breadboard
Breadboards have many tiny sockets (called 'holes') arranged on a 0.1" grid. The leads of
most components can be pushed straight into the holes. ICs are inserted across the central
gap with their notch or dot to the left.
Wire links can be made with single-core plastic-coated wire of 0.6mm diameter (the
standard size). Stranded wire is not suitable because it will crumple when pushed into a
hole and it may damage the board if strands break off.
The diagram shows how the breadboard holes are connected:

The top and bottom rows are

linked horizontally all the way
across as shown by
the red and black lines on the
diagram. The power supply is
connected to these rows, + at the
top and 0V (zero volts) at the

Use upper row of the bottom pair

for 0V, then you can use the
lower row for the negative supply
with circuits requiring a dual
supply (e.g. +9V, 0V, -9V).

The other holes are linked vertically in blocks of 5 with no link across the centre as
shown by the blue lines on the diagram. Notices how there are separate blocks of
connections to each pin of ICs.

On larger breadboards there may be a break halfway along the top and bottom power
supply rows. It is a good idea to link across the gap before you start to build a circuit,
otherwise you may forget and part of your circuit will have no power!

Building a Circuit on Breadboard

Converting a circuit diagram to a breadboard layout is not straightforward because the
arrangement of components on breadboard will look quite different from the circuit
When putting parts on breadboard you must concentrate on their connections, not their
positions on the circuit diagram. The IC (chip) is a good starting point so place it in the
centre of the breadboard and work round it pin by pin, putting in all the connections and
components for each pin in turn.
The best way to explain this is by
example, so the process of
building this 555 timer circuit on
breadboard is listed step-by-step
The circuit is a monostable which
means it will turn on the LED for
about 5 seconds when the 'trigger'
button is pressed. The time period
is determined by R1 and C1 and
you may wish to try changing
their values. R1 should be in the
range 1kΩ to 1MΩ.
Time Period, T = 1.1 × R1 × C1 Monostable Circuit Diagram

IC pin numbers
IC pins are numbered anti-clockwise around the IC
starting near the notch or dot. The diagram shows the
numbering for 8-pin and 14-pin ICs, but the principle
is the same for all sizes.

Building the example circuit

Begin by carefully insert the 555 IC in the centre of the breadboard with its notch or dot
to the left.
Then deal with each pin of the 555:

1. Connect a wire
(black) to 0V.
2. Connect the 10k
resistor to +9V.
Connect a push
switch to 0V
(you will need
to solder leads
onto the switch)
3. Connect the 470
resistor to an
used block of 5
holes, then...
Connect an
LED (any Monostable Circuit on Breadboard
colour) from that block to 0V (short lead to 0V).
4. Connect a wire (red) to +9V.
5. Connect the 0.01µF capacitor to 0V.
You will probably find that its leads are too short to connect directly, so put in a
wire link to an unused block of holes and connect to that.
6. Connect the 100µF capacitor to 0V (+ lead to pin 6).
Connect a wire (blue) to pin 7.
7. Connect 47k resistor to +9V.
Check: there should be a wire already connected to pin 6.
8. Connect a wire (red) to +9V.


• Check all the connections carefully.

• Check that parts are the correct way round (LED and 100µF capacitor).
• Check that no leads are touching (unless they connect to the same block).
• Connect the breadboard to a 9V supply and press the push switch to test the

If your circuit does not work disconnect (or switch off) the power supply and very
carefully re-check every connection against the circuit diagram.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 02(a)

Objective: To learn how to solder

What is solder?
Solder is an alloy (mixture) of tin and lead, typically
60% tin and 40% lead. It melts at a temperature of about
200°C. Coating a surface with solder is called 'tinning'
because of the tin content of solder. Lead is poisonous and
one should always wash his/her hands after using solder.

Solder for electronics use contains tiny cores of flux,

like the wires inside a mains flex. The flux is corrosive, like
an acid, and it cleans the metal surfaces as the solder melts.
This is why solder must be melted actually on the joint, not Reels of solder
on the iron tip. Without flux most joints would fail because Photograph © Rapid Electronics
metals quickly oxidize and the solder itself will not flow properly onto a dirty, oxidized,
metal surface.
The best size of solder for electronics is 22swg (swg = standard wire gauge).

How to Solder
Few safety precautions:

Never touch the element or tip of the soldering iron.

They are very hot (about 400°C) and will give a nasty burn.
Take great care to avoid touching the mains flex with the tip of the iron
The iron should have a heatproof flex for extra protection. An ordinary
plastic flex will melt immediately if touched by a hot iron and there is a
serious risk of burns and electric shock.
Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use
Never put it down on the workbench, even for a moment!
Work in a well-ventilated area
The smoke formed when solder is melting mostly from the flux and quite
irritating. Avoid breathing it by keeping head to the side of, not above, the
Wash hands after using solder
Solder contains lead which is a poisonous metal.

Preparing the soldering iron:
Place the soldering iron in its stand and plug in
The iron will take a few minutes to reach its operating temperature of
about 400°C.
Dampen the sponge in the stand.
The best way to do this is to lift it out the stand and hold it under a cold
tap for a moment, then squeeze to remove excess water. It should be
damp, not dripping wet.
Wait a few minutes for the soldering iron to warm up.
Check if it is ready by trying to melt a little solder on the tip.
Wipe the tip of the iron on the damp sponge.
This will clean the tip.
Melt a little solder on the tip of the iron.
This is called 'tinning' and it will help the heat to flow from the iron's tip to
the joint. It only needs to be done when the iron is plug in and
occasionally while soldering if the tip is cleaned on the sponge.

Start Soldering:
Hold the soldering iron like a pen, near
the base of the handle.
Remember to never touch the hot
element or tip.
Touch the soldering iron onto the joint
to be made.
Make sure it touches both the
component lead and the track.
Hold the tip there for a few
seconds and,
Feed a little solder onto the joint.
It should flow smoothly onto the lead and track to form a volcano shape as
shown in the diagram. Apply the solder to the joint, not the iron.
Remove the solder, then the iron, while keeping the joint still.
Allow the joint a few seconds to cool before the circuit board will be
Inspect the joint closely.
It should look shiny and have a 'volcano' shape. If not, reheat it and feed in
a little more solder. This time ensure that both the lead and track are
heated fully before applying solder.
Using a heat sink
Some components, such as transistors, can be damaged by heat when soldering so
it is wise to use a heat sink clipped to the lead between the joint and the
component body. One can buy a special tool, but a standard crocodile clip works
just as well and is cheaper.

Soldering Advice for Components
1. Stick all the components onto a sheet of paper
using sticky tape.
2. Identify each component and write its name or
value beside it.
3. Add the code (R1, R2, C1 etc.) if necessary.
Many projects from books and magazines label the
components with codes (R1, R2, C1, D1 etc.)
4. Note down the values of Resistors and Capacitors
by decoding schemes.

Some components require special care when soldering.

Many must be placed the correct way round and a few are easily damaged by the heat
from soldering. Appropriate warnings are given in the table below, together with
other advice which may be useful when soldering.

For most projects it is best to put the components onto the board in the order given

Components Pictures Reminders and Warnings

Connect the correct way round by
IC Holders making sure the notch is at the correct
(DIL sockets) end.
Do NOT put the ICs (chips) in yet.
No special precautions are needed with
2 Resistors
These may be connected either way
Small value capacitors
3 Take care with polystyrene capacitors
(usually less than 1µF)
because they are easily damaged by
Connect the correct way round. They
Electrolytic capacitors
4 will be marked with a + or - near one
(1µF and greater)
Connect the correct way round.
Take care with germanium diodes (e.g.
5 Diodes
OA91) because they are easily
damaged by heat.
Connect the correct way round.
The diagram may be labelled a or + for
anode and k or - for cathode; The
6 LEDs
cathode is the short lead and there may
be a slight flat on the body of round

Connect the correct way round.
Transistors have 3 'legs' (leads) so extra
7 Transistors care is needed to ensure the
connections are correct.
Easily damaged by heat.

Use single core wire; this is one solid

wire which is plastic-coated.
Wire Links between If there is no danger of touching other
points on the circuit board. single core wire parts tinned copper wires can also be
used, this has no plastic coating and
looks just like solder but it is stiffer.
Battery clips, buzzers and
9 other parts with their own Connect the correct way round.
Wires to parts off the use stranded wire which is flexible and
circuit board, including plastic-coated.
10 switches, relays, Do not use single core wire because
variable resistors and stranded wire this will break when it is repeatedly
loudspeakers. flexed.
Connect the correct way round.
Many ICs are static sensitive.
Leave ICs in their antistatic packaging
until they are needed, and then earth
hands by touching a metal water pipe
11 ICs (chips) or window frame before touching the
Carefully insert ICs in their holders:
make sure all the pins are lined up with
the socket then push down firmly with

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 02(b)

Objective: To learn how to de-solder

In order to de-solder a joint to remove or re-position a wire or component, there are two
ways to remove the solder:
1. With a de-soldering pump
(solder sucker)

Set the pump by pushing the

spring-loaded plunger down
until it locks.
Apply both the pump nozzle
and the tip of soldering iron to
the joint.
Wait a second or two for the
solder to melt.
Then press the button on the
pump to release the plunger Using a de-soldering pump (solder sucker)
and suck the molten solder into the tool.
Repeat if necessary to remove as much solder as possible.
The pump will need emptying occasionally by unscrewing the nozzle.

2. With solder remover wick (copper braid)

Apply both the end of the wick and the tip of

soldering iron to the joint.
As the solder melts most of it will flow onto the wick,
away from the joint. Solder remover wick
Remove the wick first, then the soldering iron. Photograph © Rapid Electronics

Cut off and discard the end of the wick coated with solder.

After removing most of the solder from the joint(s) one may be able to remove the
wire or component lead straight away (allow a few seconds for it to cool). If the joint will
not come apart easily apply soldering iron to melt the remaining traces of solder at the
same time as pulling the joint apart, taking care to avoid burning .

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 03
 Introduction to OrCAD Capture
 Generation of schematic
 Generation of Netlist

This software is used for complete design and fabrication of PCB(Printed Circuit Board).

It is a schematic design tool.

• It is a symbolic representation of electronic components which are connected with
virtual wires
• Schematic provides input (Netlist) to the layout tool.

A Netlist is a file, usually ASCII text, which defines connections between the
components in your design.

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) represents text in
computer & communication equipment.

It is OrCAD’s simulation tool.

This OrCAD tool is used for routing of tracks.

Creating Project Wizard provides framework for creating project.
Follow these steps:
1. Open OrCAD 16.0→Capture CIS
2. OrCAD_Cpture_CIS_Option_with_Capture→ok
[CIS: Component Information System]
3. OrCAD Capture CIS – [Session Log] *// window will appear
4. From Menu bar select File→New→Project.

• Give name to your project.
• Either select Analog or Mixed A/D or select Schematic.
• Select the location where you want to save your project
[Note: This folder must be unique.]

[* If you have chosen Analog or Mixed A/D.]


7. Two frame-works will appear:
A. OrCAD Capture CIS-[/-(SCHEMATIC1:PAGE1)].
B. OrCAD Capture CIS-[D:\NEDUET\Project1.opj]. *// .opj is the project

A. First we Select: OrCAD Capture CIS-[/-SCHEMATIC1:PAGE1] to work

and making Schematic Circuit.

• Select Place Part tool from Menu bar.
[Place Part window will appear.]

• If you are a beginner then click on Add Library.

[Browse File window will appear]

• Library file extension is .olb.

After adding library files .olb we can select parts (electronic) to make our schematic

[Note: Select all the file of Libraries then we can easily search component by writing its

• After adding required component on schematic page we join these
components by virtual “wires”.
• Click Place Wire from place menu.


Use “I” and “O” keys to zoom in and out it will help you to connect the
components correctly.

After finally making Schematic diagram on schematic page select File→Save→Close.
• We are now out from the Schematic page.
• Enter into the project page. *// .opj is project extension
• .dsn is the schematic file format.

B. Now we have OrCAD Capture CIS-[D:\NEDUET\Project1.opj] framework


Select .dsn file by mouse cursor and then go to Tools→Create Netlist.
[Create Netlist Window will appear]

• Select Layout
• Select ‫סּ‬User properties are in inches.
• Put .MNL in a unique folder. *// It will automatically
• Click OK.
• Go to File→Save→Close Project.
• The Netlist file .MNL is used as input for Layout.
• This .MNL file will be used to make .MAX file.

[Note: If we make any changes in our schematic then we always make update using
Netlist option.]

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 4
 Introduction to Layout Tool.
 Creation of Layout Board.

OrCAD Layout tool is used for PCB routing and floor planning.

Layout Tool accepts Netlist as input (created in Capture CIS) and generates output layout
file that suitable for PCB fabrication.


When we create a new board file in OrCAD Layout, we merge the electrical information
from the Layout Netlist (.MNL) and physical information from template file (.TPL) or a
technology file (.TCH) to create a new board design (.MAX). To be able to create a board
file for a new design in Layout, we need to provide template file & netlist.

• A template (.TPL) file describes the characteristics of a physical board. A

template includes information such as board outline, layer definition, grid
settings, spacing &track width.
• A layout Netlist file (.MNL) describes the parts & interconnection in a schematic.
• A technology file (.TCH) can be considered as a subset of the template, but don’t
provide physical characteristic information of board.
1. Open OrCAD Layout→File→New.
[Auto ECO framework window will appear]


• In the input layout TCH or TPL or MAX file text box, specify the name &
the location of the technology file to be used for your board.
• In the input MNL netlist file text box, specify the location of
Project1.MNL created in layout netlist section.
• The output layout MAX file text box will automatically generate the name
and location of file, Project1.MAX.

[Note: The Layout board file (.MAX) contains complete electrical & physical
information of board.]
3. Apply AutoECO.
4. To create the Layout board file with the settings specified by you, click Apply
• The Layout progress box appears indicating that the board file is being
• The process of creating a board file will be completed only if the footprint
information is available for all the components in the design.
[At this stage beginner students may face some difficulty consult your

• Once AutoECO completed, AutoEco dialog box appears with the report, click
Accept this ECO button.
• Click OK.
• Now the framework window of .MAX file will be appeared.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 05
 Introduction to component foot prints.
 Editing and creating new footprints.


• Go to→OrCAD 16.0→OrCAD Layout
• Select Tools from Menu bar→Library Manager (On left side Library Manager
Window will appear.)
• Select “Create New Footprint”.
[This will open Create New footprint Window.]
I. Give name to your footprint “TO-220 REGULATOR IC” which will be
saved with unique identity.
II. Select “English” unit system because most of the designs uses mils &
inches unit. [Note: 1mm= 39.4mils]
• After pressing/clicking “OK” some text with one pin will be appear in Library
Manager Framework window.

We are designing a “Regulator IC” having 3-pins, first of all we will define one padstack
(pin) which is already present in Library Manager framework window.
• Select View Spreadsheet→Padstack.

Padstack spreadsheet will be open. We will edit the padstack T1, which is already used
by Pin1.
• Double click the padstack name T1, this will open the Edit Padstack dialog box
for all the layers in Padstack.
• Change the name of the Padstack to something like PSU_HOLE. Next select ʘ
undefined radio button. Click “OK”. In Spreadsheet you will see Padstack name
change from T1 to PSU_HOLE & all the layers become undefined.

We will now set each layer individually. We can also select multiple layers at a time by
holding CTRL key when you click the layer name.
First, let’s define the size of the drill used for this part. The datasheet tells us that the pin
diameter can vary from 0.027inches to 0.037 inches. So we use a drill bit (for drilling
PCB) of 40 mils. [Note: mils is very small unit.]
• Now select layers DRLDWG & DRILL from Padstack Spreadsheet. Press right
click →Properties→Edit Padstack window will appear.
• Select ʘRound & give value of “40” to Pad Width & Pad Height. Press “OK”
changes will be appear in Spreadsheet(Padstack).

Now we will define the amount of metal on the routing layers beyond the size of the drill.
This is called the “Annular Ring”. Each board shape will hace requirements on the
minimum “Annular Ring” size based on the drill diameter. In most cases 20 mils is a safe
• Select the Top & Bottom layers→Right Click→Properties→Edit padstack dialog
box will appear. Here we can select different shapes for instance we select
ʘRound & giving the Pad Width 60 & Pad Height 60.
[60=40(Drill) + 20 (Annular Ring)]

The last thing we need to define is the “Solder Mask”. This is usually defined as slightly
larger (about 5mils) then the “Annular Ring” on the Top & Bottom layers.
• Select “SMTOP” & “SMBOT” and make round pads with height & width of
[65=60(Annular Ring)+5(Solder Mask)]

We can notice the value change in spreadsheet.

We just define those layers which are used to define parts of THT( Through-Hole
Technology) & SMT( Surface Mount Technology).
 THT Components: Top, Bottom, SMTOP, SMBOTTOM, DRLDWG, DRILL.
 SMT Components: Top, SMTOP, SPTOP.

As far as padstack are concerned, SMT’s are handled easily but requires special
equipment’s for soldering.
• Now Click “Save” in “Library Manager”. Since you have designed a new
footprint and saving it first time, you will be asked to select the library to keep the
footprint in. We have not yet created a footprint library, so you will need to click
the “Create NEW Library” button. Browse libraries directory & name the library

Let’s now clean up a few things before adding the rest of the pins. You will see a lot of
text on your screen. Most of it is on the layers “ASYTOP” which we will not use. This
text is safe to delete.
• Click Spreadsheet→Text.
[Now five text items will be appear in text dialog box]
• Select all text on “ASYTOP” layers by clicking mouse cursor on “ASYTOP”
layers. Right click→Delete This will leave the “reference designator” text on the
“SSTOP” layer. We will use it later.

Before creating all the pins of our “Regulator IC”, please note few things. The name of
the pad is very crucial. It “MUST MATCH” the number property of the corresponding
pins in the Schematic Symbol.
• To open the schematic of “Regulator IC”. Go to →OrCAD 16.0→OrCAD
Capture CIS→File→New→Project→ Give name Regulator→click ʘAnalog or
Mixed A/D→OK→ʘCreate a blank project→OK.

• Click Place Part
• To search any component, click Part search, write *LM317* in part name box and
then click begin search.
[Important Note: library Path:
• Double Click on the Schematic of LM317, Click on Pins tab at the bottom side of
framework window.
[Property Editor framework will appear]
• The numbering of pins of Regulator IC are 1,2,3 but this is not always the case.
• Refer to the datasheet of “Regulator IC” the adjacent pins space is given from 90
mils to 110 mils. We are using the mean spacing i.e. 100 mils.
• Open the spreadsheet→Foot-prints.

It is shown that pin1/pad1 (x,y) location is (0,0). Always place pin1/pad1 at (0,0).
• To create a new pin, just highlight/select pin1 in spreadsheet footprint & type
CTRL+C this will open Add Pad dialogue box.
• Type “2” in the pad name because the next pin number in schematic symbol is 2.
Type “100” as the X-Coordinate & “0” to Y→OK.
• This will create second Pad 100mils apart from origin i.e. pad1.
• Choose the PSU_HOLE padstack for the pin. In most cases, you will leave the
other settings as they are by default. Add the third pin in similar way by making X
“200 mils” & Y “O”.
• The spreadsheet should now look like this:
[Footprints framework window will appear]
• To place the outline of “New Footprint”, select Obstacle tool from Menubar→go
to Tools→Obstacle→New→Make outline around the three pins/pads then double
click mouse→Edit Obstacle window will appear.
 Select Obstacle Type : Place Outline
 Select Obstacle layer : Global Layer
 Click “OK”→ End Command.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 06
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 06


 Overview of Autorouting using Orcad Layout.

 Defining DRC.
 Making Copper Pour.


OrCAD Layout supports Automatic Routing (Autorouting) of components, board and

• Component routing will help to route the nets associated with the selected
• Board autorouting will route all the nets on the complete board.
• DRC will implicate that all the nets within the DRC box which is defined by the
user are routed.


1. From the Auto menu, choose Autoroute > Component.

2. Select the component that you want to route. All the nets connected to that
component are routed.
3. Similarly, to automatically route a complete board, choose Board from the
Autoroute submenu. To autoroute region choose DRC from the Autoroute

Auto route helps us in complex circuits to show the suggested path of nets.


By using DRC box, we can define the place where we want to initiate routing. Once we
initiate the autoroute (available in Layout and Layout Plus) it w ill automatically start
routing the board at the area you designate. If we are manually routing, Layout zooms in
to the area encompassed by the DRC box and centers it on the screen.


1. If the current DRC box is not showing, choose the online DRC from toolbar
buttons, and then choose the refresh all from toolbar buttons. The current DRC
box displays.

2. From the View menu, select Zoom DRC/Route Box. The cursor will change to
3. Click the left mouse button at one corner of the box you would like to define, and
while holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor to the opposite corner
of the area you would like to define, and then release the left mouse button.
4. Layout zooms in on the area, centering it on the screen.


1. If the current DRC box is not displaying, choose the online DRC toolbar button,
then choose the refresh all toolbar button. The current DRC box displays.
2. From the View menu, choose Zoom DRC/Route Box. The cursor changes to“Z.”
3. Move the cursor to the target location and click the left mouse button. Layout
zooms in at the new location, centering it on the screen.


A copper-filled zone on the board that features automatic voiding where there are tracks
or pads. Tracks can pass through it. Copper pour can be used for noise suppression,
shielding, to draw heat away from components that tend to get hot, or to isolate signals. It
can be assigned to a net or attached to a component pin. It doesn’t affect placement. It
can be filled with hatched lines or it can be solid. It re-pours when you choose the refresh
all toolbar buttons.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering
Lab Session 07

 Manual Routing using OrCAD Layout Tools.


• By using add/edit route mode we can make new tracks from a ratsnest. Without
using unroute option we can edit or modify already existing tracks by placing the
cursor on any routed segment or vertex and then click the left mouse button.
• By using edit segment mode we can move existing segments of tracks, can create
new segments, or can remove the segment.
• The Any Angle Corner option allows us to make an angle of any kind. When we
select this option, the connection segment attached to the routing tool’s crosshairs
rotates freely through 360°.
• The 135° Corners option allows us to create angles of 90° or 135° while we route.
• The 90° Corners option restricts angles to 90° only.
• The Curve Corners option allows us to place curved tracks on our board while we
route manually. While routing using this tool we can create vertical, horizontal
and curved tracks (however, we cannot freely create 135° angles with this option
Select Edit Segment Option from Menu Bar →Then from Options (Menu Bar) →
Route Settings from drawing method selects the type of Corner (Any angle
Corners/135 Corners/90 Corners/Curve Corners).
• We can practice the add/edit route mode to route new tracks and edit tracks
already exists. If we select a partially routed track, we can continue routing the
track, one segment at a time, at an angle of 90° or 135°. When you select a track
at a location where there is copper on more than one layer, the router edits the
track that is on the current layer.
• If you choose an existing track, press the SPACEBAR button, and type a layer
number (for example1or 2), the track switches to the new layer, and vias will be
installed automatically where necessary. If it is not possible to clear room for the
vias, the router reacts with beeps and does not switch the track. (Note: By default,
DRC (Design Rule Check) is always on for routing.)


• Choose the add/edit route toolbar button.

• Choose the zoom in toolbar button, and then click the left mouse button to
magnify the area to route. Press ESC to exit zoom mode.
• Select a ratsnest with the left mouse button. The ratsnest attaches to the pointer.
• Drag the pointer to draw a track on the board.

• Click the left mouse button or press the SPACEBAR to create vertices (corners)
in the track.
• When drawing the last segment for the connection, choose Finish from the popup
menu. The track automatically connects to the centre of the pad. A complete
connection is indicated by the cursor changing size and the ratsnest disappearing
from the pointer.


Layout requires exactly one board outline, on the global layer.


1. From the Tool menu, choose Dimension, and then choose Datum. Click on the
lower left corner of the board outline to place the datum (to provide a starting grid
for component placement).Press HOME to redraw the screen.
2. Choose the obstacle toolbar button.
3. From the pop-up menu, choose New, then from the pop-up menu; choose
Properties. The Edit Obstacle dialog box displays.
4. From the Obstacle Type drop-down list, select Board outline.
5. In the Width text box, enter a value for the outline’s width.
6. From the Obstacle Layer drop-down list, select Global Layer, then choose the OK
button. The Edit Obstacle dialog box closes.
7. Move to the point on the board at which you want to start drawing the outline,
then click the left mouse button to insert the first corner.
8. Continue clicking the left mouse button to insert corners. After you click to insert
the last corner, choose Finish from the pop-up menu.
9. Layout automatically completes the board outline.


Open your board in Layout.
1. From the Options menu, choose System Settings. The System Settings dialog box
2. Select the measuring’s to mils, inches, microns, millimetres, or centimetres.
3. Choose the OK button.


Using the System Settings dialog box, you can set five distinct grid settings.

Here are some rules of thumb for setting the grids:

• For efficient routing performance, the routing grid and via grid should have the
same value.
• The place grid must be a multiple of the routing and via grids.
• The routing grid should never be less than 5 mils.
• The detail grid can be set as low as 1 mil for better resolution.
• Components are placed on the place grid using the component datum, which is
typically pad 1 (unless the component has been modified).

1. From the Options menu, choose System Settings. The System Settings dialog box
2. Set these options, and then choose the OK button.

 Visible grid assigns a display grid based on the X and Y coordinates (for
example, if you’re using mils, a setting of 200 would place a grid dot at every 200
 Detail grid assigns a drawing grid (for lines and text) based on the X and Y
 Place grid assigns a component placement grid based on t he X and Y
coordinates. For greatest routing efficiency, this value needs to be a multiple of
the routing grid. The datum, or origin, of footprints is constrained to this grid.
 Routing grid assigns a grid used for routing (see the routing grid chart below for
suggested settings).
 Via grid assigns a grid upon which you or the router can place vias.


Global spacing values set rules for spacing between the various objects on the board.


Choose the spreadsheet toolbar button, choose Strategy, then choose Route Spacing. The
Route Spacing spreadsheet displays.
1. Double-click on the layer you want to modify. The Edit Spacing dialog box
2. Set these options, and then choose the OK button.

 Track to Track Spacing: Tracks are defined as any routed connections and
copper obstacles (such as keep outs and place outlines). Track-to-track spacing
specifies the minimum space required between tracks of different nets, and
between tracks and obstacles of different nets.
 Track to Via Spacing Track-to-via (and obstacle-to-via) spacing specifies the
minimum space required between vias and tracks of different nets.
 Track to Pad Spacing Track-to-pad (and obstacle-to-pad) spacing specifies the
minimum space required between pads and tracks of different nets.
 Via to Via Spacing Specifies the minimum space required between vias of
different nets.
 Via to Pad Spacing Specifies the minimum space required between pads and vias
of the same net (as well as different nets, which is the usual case). For instance, to
keep a distance of 25 mils between your SMT pads and the fanout vias connected
to the pads, set Via to Pad Spacing to 25.
 Pad to Pad Spacing Specifies the minimum space required between pads of
different nets.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 08
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 08 (a)


Introduction to Post Processing


This section introduces some of the tasks that are not a part of the placement and routing
process, but are related and can be performed using OrCAD Layout.

Renaming components:
After you have completed the placement and routing of your PCB board, you can rename
the components on the PCB board in a specific order.

1. From the Options menu, choose Components Renaming. The Rename Direction dialog
box appears.
2. Select one of the renaming strategies. For the full adder design, select Right, Down.
3. Click OK.
4 From the Auto menu, choose Rename Components. Layout renames the components.
The reference designators for the component on the board changes.

Back annotation:

While creating a PCB board, you might make some changes in the layout board (.MAX)
file. As a result, the board file and the design file in Capture may be out of sync. To
ensure that both these file are in sync, you can backannotate the changes in the PCB
board file to the Capture.
When you backannotate, information, such as component location and component names
(changed due to renaming) gets added on to the schematic in Capture.
To generate the backannotation file:

1 From the Auto menu in Layout, choose Back Annotate.

2 A message box indicating the location of FULLADD.SWP file appears. Click OK.
The .SWP file generated by Layout after backannotation is read by OrCAD Capture.

To backannotate the changes to the schematic:

1 Open FullAdd.opj in Capture
2 In the Project Manager window, select fulladd.dsn.
3 From the Tools menu in Capture, select Back Annotate.

4 In the Backannotate dialog box, select the Process entire design option button.
5 Select the Update Occurrences option button.
6 Specify the location of the .SWP created by Layout.
7 Click OK.

The schematic is updated with the changes in the board file. Similarly, if the board file is
open in Layout and you make changes in the schematic design, you can ensure that these
changes are forwarded to the board during Layout netlist creation.
To do this:

1 In the Project Manager window, select thefulladd.dsn.

2 From the Tools menu, choose Create Netlist.
3 In the Layout tab of the Create Netlist dialog box, select the Run ECO to Layout check
4 Click OK. The changes in the schematic design will appear in the board file.

Generating output:
The final task in creating a board design is to generate output files. You can create Gerber
files, drill files, DXF files, and printer/plotter files.
Before you generate reports and output files, you should clean up the design. To clean up
your design:

1. From the Auto menu, choose Cleanup Design. The Cleanup Design dialog box
2. In the Cleanup Routing section, click the Select All button.
3. In the Cleanup Database section, select all three check boxes, to ensure that unused
padstacks, footprints, and Nets are removed.
4. Click OK. Message boxes appear indicating the cleanup process being performed. You
can now generate the desired output files and reports.

Output files:
Using OrCAD Layout, you can generate various files that can further be used with
various third-party tools, such as GerbTool, IntelliCAD, VisualCAD, AutoCAD, and so
To generate these output files, complete the following steps:

1. From the Options menu, choose Post Process Settings.

The Post Process spreadsheet appears.

2. Select the Device column.
3. Right-click and select Properties from the pop-up menu. The Post Process Settings
dialog box appears.
4. Select the required options.
• To create files to be used with Gerber tools, select Gerber RS-2740 or extended
• To create files with mechanical information that is to be used with the CAD tools,
select DXF.
• To create HPGL files select Print Manager. To create HPGL file, you must have
the HPGLprinter installed.
• In the Post Process Settings dialog box, select theExtended Gerber check box.
5. Select the Create Drill Files, Overwrite Existing Files, and Enable for Post Processing
option buttons.
6. Click OK.

Gerber files are generated.

7. Close the Post Process spreadsheet. You can also generate output files using the Run
Post Processor command.

i. From the Auto menu, choose Run Post Processor.

ii. A message box appears indicating the generated filename. Click OK.

After Layout creates the post processing files, a post processing log file displays.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 08
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering
Lab Session 08 (b)
Introduction to Gerbtool

GerbTool provides a powerful set of Windows-based CAM tools, including a feature-rich
and robust Gerber/NC editor for ensuring a s eamless link between PCB design and
manufacturing. GerbTool is designed to provide CAD/CAM professionals with the tools
they need for complete control over their CAM databases.
From visual verification to high-level CAM tools, GerbTool simplifies and automates
your PCB layout post processing and pre-manufacturing tasks. GerbTool’s consistent and
intuitive graphical user interface, and programmable mouse buttons and function keys,
allow you to focus on accomplishing tasks, rather than on the technical details of
operating the software.

GerbTool features:
• Easy to use, Fast and unlimited file sizes.Accurate to 1/100 mil (.00001 in.).
• Fully automatic panelization and venting.
• Complete undo to beginning of session.
• Full design rule checking (DRC), including annular ring checking and stub
detection. Snoman™ pad/trace filleting.
• Teardrop pads. Isolated pad removal.
• NC drill optimizing, including step and repeat.
• Automatic removal of silkscreen data from pads.
• Full support for true multilayer netlists, including net highlighting.
• Scalable check plots to HPGL, PostScript®, Laser printers, and all
printers/plotters supported by Windows.
• Conversion of drawn pads to flashes.
• Macro language allows the addition of new commands.
• Metric and Imperial formats supported.
• Photoplotter support includes extended Gerber, FIRE9xxx, EIE, BARCO DPF
and IPC-D-350.
• Accurate display of power and ground plane composites.
• Allows aperture scaling to create soldermasks, shrink/expand traces, and so on.
• Ability to scale layers to shrink or expand the database.
• Merge a complete design or a single Gerber file into another.
• Import NC Drill, HPGL, or BARCO files.
• View up to 999 layers simultaneously.
• Handles over 4000 apertures in up to 999 aperture lists.
• Aperture list conversion tools allow the addition of custom aperture list
• Easily created custom apertures and custom fonts.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 09
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 09 (a)

Practical on the identification of Drill Bits and Drilling on the manual drill Machine

Upon the completion of the experiment, you will be able to:
1. Know about the sizes of the different drill bits for drilling holes in PCB.
2. Perform the drilling of holes of any suitable size on a PCB.

The drill bits come in different sizes as the boards vary in the size too. The drill bit can be
less than a fraction of mm to any No. of millimeters. The minimum size of the drill bit is
related to the technology. It the technology is so précised than the drill bit size go on
reducing to the limitations permitted by the resources at hand and the machiner4y
involved. As the drill bit size is reduced and the automation is introduced so is the size
increased. If someone wants perform the drilling on t he CNC (COMPUTER
PNEUMATIC CONTROL) machine, it is more précised, especially in the working of IC
pads. As the sizes involved are mils only.
So it also depends upon how you plan to go ahead. First of all, the person whole wants
tool drill must do sketches on the copper board if he is performing the drilling manually.
If he is do p rcise4d at the handling of the machine than he can work without the
sketching and can sue any other method foe getting the exact point where he has to drill a
Normally the manual machine has a motor attached to it that revolves around and there is
a slot vacant for inserting the drill bit.

The techniques for drilling copper clad for double-sided and multilayer PCBs with
automated equipment are identical, with the exception that multiple drilling steps will be
needed if your multilayer design includes buried or blind vias. Refer to the
documentation that came with your drilling machine for more information (standard
boilerplate cop-out). Items to remember include:

• Set the STACK HEIGHT parameter to clear all dowel pins during traverse

• Set the SPINDLE FEED (inches per minute) and SPINDLE SPEED (RPM for
each drill size to values consistent with drilling standard 0.062” (1.6mm) FR-4
cooper clad.

• Set the SPINDLE PLUNGE DEPTH so that the tip of the largest diameter drill bit
fully enters the backing material. Otherwise, these large diameter holes will not
totally penetrate to bottom laminate and exit foil.

• DO NOT contour route the board immediately after drilling the stack. This should
only done after all other processing is complete.


• With the laminate stack formatted as detailed above, manual drilling is a

straightforward, if somewhat mind-numbing process. Items to consider include.

• When using a conventional drill press, hole placement accuracy can be improved
and drill breakage minimized through the sue of a “sensitive drilling” or “finger”
chuck. Small format, precision high speed drill precision, ideal for PCB
fabrication, is also available from a number of sources.

• Regardless of the type of drill press being used, a pressure foot should be
employed if available.

• If available, position a work lamp on a flexible mount as close to the work surface
as possible.

• Although more brittle than conventional high speed steel (HSS) drills, tungsten
carbide bits designed specifically for PCB drilling will yield far superior hole wall
quality. Minimize burr formation, and outlast HSS bits almost 10 to 1. T he
downside is t that, with smaller break and must be handled carefully.

• Always use drill bits that have been fitted with depth setting rings. This will allow
you to set the plunge depth stop on your drill press to a single value that will work
for all bit

• Diameters.

• Prepare a chart that links the various diameter bits with the symbols used in the
drill master.


1- Load the largest diameter bit to be sued into the drill chuck, making sure that the
depth ring is pressed firmly against the ends of the chuck jaws when they are fully

2- Using a piece of scrap backing material as a gauge, adjust the spindle travel stop
on your drill press to a depth that insures that the entire tip of the drill bit penetrates
at least half of the material’s thickness. You can also use tow pieces of entry foil as a
feeler gauge” to set the depth. Under no circumstances allow a PCB drill bit to drill
into the table of your drill press. PCB bits are specifically designed to drill copper
clad and will shatter if plunged into cast iron, steel, or aluminum.

3- Starting with largest diameter drill bit, drill all of the through holes, stopping
periodically to insure that the drill bit have not snapped off and that the spindle travel
stop has not slipped.

4- As you drill each hole size (from the largest to the smallest) check off that
diameter on t he drilling chart. This is a good bookkeeping technique that will help
you keep track of your progress and insure that no hole size is missed.

5- After all of the holes have been drilled, remove the backing material from the
stack and re-tape the remaining sheet with the dowel pins in places.

6- Hold the stack up to the light for visual inspection. Ascertain that all of the holes
have been drilled through and that \none are blocked by drill debris. If some debris is
seen, remove by carefully pushing a smaller diameter drill bit through the hole.

7- If all of the holes ;in your circuit design go all the way ;through the board, you are
now ready to activate hole walls to prepare for through-hole plating.


Designs that sue blind or buried vias (vias that do not penetrate through the PCB) need
supplementary drilling operations before proceeding. Unfortunately, they are also quite a
bit more difficult to activate and through plate since each must be processed singly.

1. Fully disassemble the drilled stack.

2. Reassemble a sub stack consisting of the backing sheet, one of the copper clad
substrates that need additional drilling, and the entry foil that carries the

3. Re-pin with the dowels and tape as before.

4. Playing close attention to the drill master symbols representing the holes needed
by the included substrate, drill the sub stack.

5. Disassemble the sub stack and repeat steps 2 through 4 for each layer that needs
further drilling.

6. Inspect each layer after it is drilled and remove any debris that might be blocking
the holes.

7. If all of the holes are drilled to your satisfaction, the individual layers are now
ready for activation.


• When using a conventional drill press, hole placement accuracy can be improved
and drill breakage minimized through the sue of a “sensitive drilling” or “finger”
chuck. Small format, precision high speed drill presses, ideal for PCB fabrication,
is also available from a number of sources.

• Regardless of the type of drill press being used, a pressure foot should be
employed if available.

• If available, position a work lamp on a flexible mount as close to the work surface
as possible.

• Although more brittle than conventional high speed steel (HSS) drill, tungsten
carbide bits designed specifically from PCB drilling will yield far superior hole
wall quality, Minimize burr formation, and outlast HSS bits almost 10 to 1. The
downside is that, with smaller diameters [0.018” (0.46mm) and less], the carbide
drills are easier to break and must be handled carefully.

• Always use drill bits that have been fitted with depth setting rings. This will allow
you to set the plunge depth stop on your drill press to a single value that will work
for all bit diameters.

• Prepare a chart that links the various diameter bits with the symbols used in the






1. Always wear safety classes when operating a drill press, especially if you are
drilling with carbide PCB drill bits.

2. If available, always use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris and collect airborne
dust during the drilling operation.

3. The dust generated during PCB drilling can pose a very; serious health hazard and
should not be inhaled or ingested under any circumstances.



1. Load the largest diameter bit be used into the drill chuck, making sure that the
depth ring is pressed firmly against the ends of the chuck jaws when they are fully
2. Using a piece of scrap backing material as a gauge, adjust the spindle travel stop
on your drill press to a depth that insures that the entire tip of the drill bit
penetrates at least half of the material’s thickness. You can also sue two pieces of
entry foil as a “ feeler gauge” to set the depth. Under no circumstances allow a
PCB drill bit to drill into the table of your drill press. PCB bits are specifically
designed to drill copper clad and will shatter if plunged into cast iron, steel, or
3. Starting with the largest diameter drill bit, drill all of the through holes, stopping
periodically to insure that the drill bit have not snapped off and that the spindle
travel stop has not slipped.
4. As you drill each hole size (from the largest to the smallest) check off that
diameter on the drilling chart. This is a good bookkeeping technique that will help
you keep track of your progress and insure that no hole size is missed.
5. After all of the holes have been drilled, remove the backing material from the
stack and re tape the remaining sheets with the dowel pins in place.
6. Hold the stack up to the light for visual inspection. Ascertain that all of the holes
have been drilled through and that none are blocked by drill debris. If some debris
is seen, remove by carefully pushing a smaller.
7. If all of the holes in your circuit design go all the way through the board, you are
now ready to activate the hole wall to prepare for through-hole plating.


8. Designs that sue blind or buried vias (vias that do not penetrate through the PCB)
need supplementary drilling operations before proceeding. Unfortunately, they are
also quite a bit more difficult to activate and through plate since each must be
processed singly.
9. Fully disassemble the drilled stack.
10. Reassemble a sub stack consisting of the backing sheet, one of the copper clad
substrates that need additional drilling, and the entry foil that carries the

11. Re-pin with the wholes and tape as before
12. Playing close attention to the drillmaster symbols representing the holes needed
by the included substrate, drill the sub stack.
13. Disassemble the sub stack and repeat steps 2 through 4 from each layer that needs
further drilling.
14. Inspect each layer after it is drilled and remove any debris that might be blocking
the holes.
15. If all of the holes are drilled to your satisfaction, the individual layers are now
ready for activation.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 09
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 09 (b)

To understand the electroplating processes on ABC plating line in


To learn the principles and methods involved in electroplating.

There is a sequence of Baths involved in plating system:
The total No. of bathes is six (6).
Bath = 1: This Bath is for cleaning and conditioning
Bath = 2: This bath is for Pre-Dip. We must use the pre-Dip solution for cleaning tank 3.
Bath = 3: Catalyst: To stir the bath, always use a very clean glass or plastic rod.
Bath = 4: Intensifier.
Bath = 5: Spare bath.

This spare bath can be used for electro less tin plating at the room temperature. If not in
use, please fill this tank with water.
Bath = 6: Copper plating: Fix both anode holders, use anode bags to cover anodes and
use the strings to form a knot so that the bags are kept in place.
For proper copper plating results, it is necessary to run the anodes under working
conditioned but with reduced current of 1 A/dm .sq.
The COMPACTA ABC unit is equipped with triple cascade rinse section. Pre rinse
always in the bath with the highest water level followed by the one with the lower level.

We must connect the proper supply to the plating unit. The cable should be placed in a
proper way, Remove the plug if you are not using the machine. Take special care that the
liquid must not pass the housings, set up the appliance in a proper room. Close the drain
valves before filling the tanks. The temperature of the solution can differ from the actual
Wear goggles and protective glasses for work. In the system, the conveyer arms are
removable and adjustable. Here is a front rinsing system for the rinsing of PCB at
different stages. There are five treatment tanks in the system. They can be divided into
1. Treatment tanks
2. Electroplating tanks
3. Control section


1. The treatment Dimensions:

Internal Dimensions:
300*100*400 mm (D*W*H)
Content: approx. 10 Liters
Two tanks are equipped with PTFE coated heating elements: 220 V, 400Watt
The first tank can be heated upto: 70 Degree Celsius

The first tank can be used upto: 50 Degree Celsius

2. Electroplating Tank:

Internal Dimensions:
400*275*400 (D*W*H)
Capacity: Approx 30 Liters.

3. Control Section:

Two thermostats with a switch, one air pump 400I/h with switch, main switch, 5
electronics timers, Conveyor potentiometer with switch, rectifier adjustable up t o 6V,
40A. And switch, internal fuses.
The cleaning unit is made of PVC.

Safety Instructions:
• Do not uses for any other application than through hole plating.
• Read all safety instructions. Take extra care that there is no extra humid or wet.
• To avoid electric shock do not remove the housing.
• Keep the safety and operating instructions somewhere safe in use.
• In your interest, pay attention to all safety warnings.
• Whenever you use the unit ensure that there is the sufficient ventilation in the


• Cut the PCB to size with board cutter .The blank size must be 20mm larger.
• Drill your PCB board to required hole pattern. Allow 0.05 to 0.01 mm extra dia
for the drill bits.
• Fix the cleaned board in the MACHINE. Fix it in the three-finger board holder.
Start from bath 1 (Left side)
• Process the board as per instructions from bath 1 to 6 with the sequence and
timings as per the instructions in the machine manual.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 09
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 09 (c)



Upon the completion of this experiment we will be able to
1. Plot the film using photo plotter unit for exposing of PCB.
2. The fixing and development of the film.

For plotting of film a photo plotter unit is used. It exposes the film using a diode laser.
The unit has an external power supply and is connected to PC via parallel port.
For photo plotting a dark room must be arranged, with a special green safe light
illumination for standard development and fixing process. Therefore a unit must be
installed for development and fixation of the film, consisting of three tanks one each for
development, fixation and rinse.
The extent of delivery of photo plotter comprises of three software programs. The 1 ,
Gerb2Bitmap, serves for data preparation. This software exports the data in a proprietary
FPF format for use on t he plotter driver software. Further use of this software is i.e. o
mount several layouts on one sheet of film, creation of step and repeat artwork. The
second Run Plotter takes the so prepared data to control the plotter via the parallel port of
your PC. It reads bitmap data in the above mentioned FPF format or at user’s choice in
windows BMP or EAGLE TIFF format. In Run Plotter, you may select the output
resolution as well as positive or negative, direct or mirrored output.
The third application supplied is View Mate, a Gerber viewer and aperture converter tool.
A built-in aperture converter helps transform the aperture tables of all CAD and CAM
software into a standard format suitable for use with Gerb2Bitmap.

Material Size( sq. mm) Plot Area (sq. mm)

Fixing and development:

Chemical Concentration

Enter the dark room mount the film in line with white arrow on the drum of the photo
plotter, with some tape. The emulsion side must be facing the drum and sheet edges must
be parallel to drum axis. Close the lid and leave the dark room.
Start the “Run_ Plotter” software, set image quality and size, and run the photo plotter
software. The drum starts rotating and the plotting starts. The computer shows the
estimated time countdown i.e. how much time is left in completion of plotting. After
plotting is complete, enter the dark room, open the lid and remove the film from the drum
and start the development of the film.
The next part is the development and fixing of the film. Place the film removed from the
photo plotter in the tank containing fixer. The film in then rinsed for 10 sec in tank
containing water and after rinsing the film is dried. The film is then placed in developer
solution for 30 seconds. After it rinse again and expose it to sunlight for few seconds.


• Light Source (Laser Diode):____________; λ =____________

• Resolution X:__________________.

• Resolution Y:__________________.

• Light Source (Dark room):___________________.

• Speed of Plotting (per second):________________.


1. The film must not be exposed to normal light before its development and
fixing, because the film consist of crystals of silver halides, which when exposed
to light form an image, and as normal light falls on the screen all the crystals are
exposed to light and the film gets black.
2. The film must not be twisted or bent and must be parallel to drum axis
otherwise the image will be distorted.
3. The parallel port connecting PC to photo plotter unit must not be loose.
4. Film from different manufacturers show different light intensity. Therefore it is
necessary to adapt that light intensity.
5. Keep the drum surface clean. Do not use spray cleaners for removing residues
of tape.
6. During plotting process the film is exposed to the laser light. The light can
injure the human eye. Never open the plotter lid during operation.
7. The emulsion side must be facing the drum.

a) Plotting:

Enter the dark room turn the green safe light ON and make sure there is no extra light
from outside dropping in take a sheet pf film from its box and mount it in line with white
arrow on the drum of the plotter, with some tape, which itself is in line with white arrow
on the left of the drum housing.
The emulsion side as mentioned earlier must be facing the drum, under green light, the
emulsion side of the film normally looks grey, and the opposite side is darker. After
fixing upper edges turn the drum by hand and sweep over the sheet so it goes tightly on
the drum, and is parallel to it and that the upper and the lower sheet corners are facing
each other.
Close the lid and leave the dark room. Start the “Run Plotter” software, set image quality
and size, (the output X resolution that can be set is 1016, 1355, 2032 and 4064, t he Y
resolution is fixed on 3000dpi) and run the photo plotter software. The drum starts
rotating and after reaching normal speed the computer starts plotting with red diode laser.
The red LED blinks according to the ON/OFF condition of the laser head. The compute
shows the estimated time countdown i.e. how much time is left in completion of plotting.
After plotting is complete, enter the dark room, open the lid and remove the film from the
drum and start the development of the film.

b) Film Development and fixing:

The next part is the development and fixing of the film. Place the film removed from the
photo plotter in the tank containing fixer.(with a concentration of 1 part of fixer chemical
and 2 pa rts of water) for 30 s ec. The film in then rinsed for 10 s ec in tank containing
water. This step is taking because the developer will be destroyed if fixer drops in it.
After rinsing the film dry it, place it o n the smooth surface; wipe the 1 side with a
smooth fresh tissue and similarly the 2 side. The film is then placed in developer
solution (with concentration 1 part of developer and 3 part of water) for 30 sec. After it,
rinse again and expose it to sunlight for few seconds.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 10
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 10(a)

Objective: Introduction to MATLAB and MATLAB GUI

The name MATLAB stands for MATrixLABoratory. M ATLAB was written
originally to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK (linear
system package) and EISPACK (Eigen system package) projects.
MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates
Computation, visualization, and programming environment. Furthermore, MATLAB is
a modern programming l anguage environment: i t has s ophisticated data structures,
contains built-in editing and debugging tools, and supports object-oriented programming.
These factors make MATLAB an excellent tool for teaching and research.
MATLAB ha s m any a dvantages c ompared t o c onventional c omputer
languages (e.g., C, FORTRAN) for solving technical problems. M ATLAB is an
interactive system whose basic d ata element i s an array that d oes n ot require
dimensioning. The software package has been commercially available since 1984 and is
now considered as a standard tool at most universities and industries worldwide.
It ha s pow erful built-in r outines t hat enable a ve ry w ide va riety of
computations. It also has easy to use graphics commands that make the visualization of
results immediately available. Specific applications are collected in packages referred to
as toolbox. T here are toolboxes for signal processing, symbolic computation, control
theory, simulation, optimization, and several other fields of applied science and

Starting MATLAB
After logging into account, double-click on the MATLAB shortcut icon
(MATLAB) on W indows desktop. A special window called the MATLAB desktop
appears. The desktop is a window that contains other windows. The major tools within
or accessible from the desktop are:

The Command Window

The Command History
The Workspace
The Current Directory
The Help Browser
The Start button

Clear Command Window

GUI Alternatives: As an alternative to the clc function, select Edit > C lear
Command Window in the MATLAB desktop.

Syntax: clc

Description: clears all input and output from the Command Window display,
giving a " clean screen. “After using clc, the scroll bar to see the history of
functions cannot be used, but use of the up arrow to recall statements from the
command history is still possible.

Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory

GUI Alternatives: As an alternative to the clear function, use Edit > Clear
Workspace in the MATLAB desktop.

clear variable

Description: clear removes all variables from the workspace. This frees up
system memory.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 10
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

LAB Session 10(b)

Objective: Introduction to basic operations

Basic Arithmetic Operators:

Symbol Operation Example
+ Addition 2+3
- Subtraction 2-3
* Multiplication 2*3
/ Division 2/3
^ Power 2^3

Creating MATLAB variables

MATLAB variables are created with an assignment statement. The syntax of
variable assignment is
Variable name = a value (or an expression)
For example,
>> x = expression

Where, expression is a combination of numerical values, mathematical operators,

variables, and function calls. On other words, expression can involve:

manual entry
built-in functions
user-defined functions

Precedence is the order of performing arithmetic operations

Q1. Calculate:

• Manually

a. Compare the outputs.

b. If there is a difference in the two outputs, explain why it is so and how it can be

Q2. Implement following in MATLAB

a. Fahrenheit to Celsius formula
b. Lens formula
c. 3-Equations of motion

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 11
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

LAB Session 11
Objective: Introduction to Mathematical functions, Variables and Matrix operations

Mathematical functions
MATLAB offers many predefined mathematical functions for technical computing
which contains a large set of mathematical functions. Typing help elfun and help
specfun calls up full lists of elementary and special functions respectively. There is
a long list of mathematical functions that are built into MATLAB. These functions
are called built-ins. Many standard mathematical functions, such as sin(x), cos(x),
tan(x), ex, ln(x), are evaluated by the functions sin, cos, tan, exp, and log
respectively in MATLAB.

Following are some commonly used functions, where variables x and y can be
numbers, vectors, or matrices.

Types of Variables:
A MATLAB variable is essentially a tag that assign to a value while that value
remains in memory. The tag gives a w ay to reference the value in memory so that
programs can read it, operate on it with other data, and save it back to memory.
MATLAB provides three basic types of variables:

Local Variables
Global Variables

Local Variables
Each MATLAB function has its own local variables. These are separate from those
of other functions (except for nested functions), and from those of the base workspace.
Variables defined in a function do not remain in memory from one function call to the
next, unless they are defined as global.
Scripts, on t he other hand, do not have a separate workspace. They store their

variables in a workspace that is shared with the caller of the script. When called from the
command line, they share the base workspace. When called from a function, they share
that function's workspace.

Global Variables
If several functions, and possibly the base workspace, all declare a particular name
as global, then they all share a single copy of that variable. Any assignment to that
variable, in any function, is available to all the other functions declaring it global.

Matrix Generation:
Matrices are the basic elements of the MATLAB environment. A matrix is a two-
dimensional array consisting of m rows and n columns. Special cases are column vectors
(n = 1) and row vectors (m = 1).

Entering a vector
The elements of vectors in MATLAB are enclosed by square brackets and are
separated by spaces or by commas. For example, to enter a row vector, v, type
>> v = [1 4 7 10 13]
1 4 7 10 13

Column vectors are created in a similar way; however, semicolon (;) must
separate the components of a column vector,
>> w = [1;4;7;10;13]

Entering a matrix
A matrix is an array of numbers. To type a matrix into MATLAB

begin with a square bracket, [

separate elements in a row with spaces or commas (,)
use a semicolon (;) to separate rows
End the matrix with another square bracket, ].

Here is a typical example. To enter a matrix A, such as,

>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

Matrix indexing
If i and j are two indices, then element of row i and column j of the matrix A is
denoted by A(i,j). Thus, A(i,j) in MATLAB refers to the element Aij of matrix A. The
first index is the row number and the second index is the column number.

For example, A(1,3) is an element of first row and third column.

Here, A(1,3)=3. Correcting any entry is easy through indexing. Here we substitute
A(3,3)=9 by A(3,3)=0. The result is
>> A(3,3) = 0

Matrix Operations:
Colon Operator:
To enter a vector k from say x to z having step size of y then colon operator is
used instead of typing whole matrix manually.
>>k= x : y : z

The colon operator can also be used to pick out a certain row or column. For
example, the statement A(m:n,k:l ) specifies rows m to n and column k to l. Subscript
expressions refer to portions of a matrix.
Only ‘:’ shows whole row or column to be extracted i.e A(m:n,:) specifies rows from m
to n with all columns.

Deleting row or column

To delete a row or column of a matrix, use the empty vector operator, [ ]
>> A(3,:) = []
Third row of matrix A is now deleted. To restore the third row, we use a technique for
creating a matrix
>> A = [A(1,:);A(2,:);[7 8 0]]
Matrix A is now restored to its original form.

Dimension (size)
To determine the dimensions of a matrix or vector, use the command size. For example,
>> size(A)

ans =
means 3 rows and 3 columns. Or more explicitly with,
>> [m,n]=size(A)

Transposing a matrix
The transpose operation is denoted by an apostrophe or a single quote ('). It flips a matrix
about its main diagonal and it turns a row vector into a column vector. Thus,
>> A'
ans =

1. Construct a matrix containing tables of numbers 2 to 10.

2. Solve the following system of Equations using MATLAB

a) x + 2y + 3z = 1 ; 3x + 3y + 4z= 1 ; 2x + 3y + 3z = 2
b) 3x – 4y + 5z = 6 ; -4x + 9y +8z = 2 ; 0.6x + 1.9y – 2.2z = -10

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 12
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

LAB Session 12
Objective: Array Operations
Introduction to Programming in MATALB

Array arithmetic operations

Array arithmetic operations or array operations for short, are done element-by-
element. The period character ‘ . ‘ distinguishes the array operations from the matrix
operations. However, since the matrix and array operations are the same for addition (+)
and subtraction (¡), the character pairs (:+) and (:¡) are not used. The list of array
operators is shown below in Table 3.2. If A and B are two matrices of the same size with
elements A = [aij ] and B = [bij ], then the command
>> C = A.*B
Produces another matrix C of the same size with elements cij = aijbij . For example, using
the same 3 x 3 matrices,


>> C = A.*B

Programming In MATLAB:

M-File Scripts
A script file is an external file that contains a sequence of MATLAB statements.
Script files have a filename extension .m and are often called M-files. M-files can be
scripts that simply execute a series of MATLAB statements, or they can be functions that
can accept arguments and can produce one or more outputs.

M-File functions
Functions are programs (or routines) that accept input arguments and return
output arguments. Each M-file function (or function or M-file for short) has its own area
of workspace, separated from the MATLAB base workspace.

Input and output arguments

The input arguments are listed inside parentheses following the function name.
The output arguments are listed inside the brackets on t he left side. They are used to
transfer the output from the function file. The general form looks like this
function [outputs] = function_name(inputs)

Input And Output to a script file

input Taking input from keyboard

Variable = input(‘string’) ;

Description The response to the input prompt can be any MATLAB expression,
which is evaluated using the variables in the current workspace

disp Display text or array


Description disp(X) displays an array, without printing the array name. If X

contains a text string, the string is displayed.

1. Write a MATLAB program to find the average of two numbers input by the
2. Write a program to prepare HSC marksheet.
3. Write a function to calculate geometric mean of three numbers input by the
user in separate program and display the output.
4. Implement three equations of motion as separate MATLAB functions and
write a program to calculate Vf, S1 and S2 through these functions.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 13
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

LAB Session 13
Objective: Introduction to Graph plotting in MATLAB

Basic Plotting
MATLAB has an excellent set of graphic tools. Plotting a given data set or the
results of computation is possible with very few commands

Creating simple plots

The basic MATLAB graphing procedure, for example in 2D, is to take a vector of
x = (x1,…., xN), and a vector of y-coordinates, y = (y1,…., yN), locate the points (xi; yi),
with i = 1,2…., n a nd then join them by straight lines. Prepare x and y in an identical
array form; namely, x and y are both row arrays and column arrays of the same length.
The MATLAB command to plot a graph is plot(x,y).

>> x = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
>> y = [3 -1 2 4 5 1];
>> plot(x,y)

Plotting a Sine Wave:

To plot the function sin (x) on the interval [0; 2 𝜋], first create a vector of x values
ranging from 0 to 2 𝜋, then compute the sine of these values, and finally plot the result
>> x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
>> y = sin(x);
>> plot(x,y)

Adding titles, axis labels, and annotations

MATLAB enables to add axis labels and titles. For example, using the graph from
the previous example, add x- and y-axis labels. Now label the axes and add a title. The
character \pi creates the symbol 𝜋
>> xlabel('x = 0:2\pi')
>> ylabel('Sine of x')
>> title('Plot of the Sine function')

Specifying line styles and colors

It is possible to specify line styles, colors, and markers (e.g., circles, plus signs . .)
using the plot command:
where style_color_marker is a triplet of values from the Table.

Q. Write MATLAB code for following output.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 14
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

LAB Session 14
Objective: Introduction to Control Flow and Loops in MATLAB

Control flow and operators

MATLAB is also a programming language. Like other computer programming
languages, MATLAB has some decision making structures for control of command
execution. These decision making or control flow structures include for loops, while
loops, and if-else-end constructions. Control flow structures are often used in script M-
files and function M-files. MATLAB provides several tools that can be used to control
the flow of a program (script or function). In a simple program the commands are
executed one after the other. But the flow control structure that make possible to skip
commands or to execute specific group of commands.

Relational and logical operators

A relational operator compares two numbers by determining whether a
comparison is true or false.

a) For Loop
Execute block of code specified number of times

Syntax/General Format:
for variable = initval:endval

Description for statement repeatedly executes one or more MATLAB

statements in a loop. Loop counter variable x is initialized to value initval
at the start of the first pass through the loop, and automatically increments

by 1 each time through the loop. The program makes repeated passes
through statements until either x has incremented to the value endval, or
MATLAB encounters a break, or return instruction, thus forcing an
immediately exit of the loop

b) While Loop
Repeatedly execute statements while condition is true

while expression, statements, end

Description repeatedly executes one or more MATLAB statements in a

loop, continuing until expression no longer holds true or until MATLAB
encounters a break, or return instruction. thus forcing an immediately exit
of the loop

Conditional Statements
If else statement
Execute statements if condition is true

if expression, statements, end

Description evaluates expression and, if the evaluation yields logical 1

(true) or a nonzero result, executes one or more MATLAB commands
denoted here as statements. expression is a MATLAB expression, usually
consisting of variables or smaller expressions joined by relational
operators or logical functions.
Simple expressions can be combined by logical operators (&&, ||, ~) .

1. Write a program to generate counting from 1 to 20 and then 20 to 1.
2. Write a program which takes two numbers from the user and displays the
relationship b/w them.
3. Write a program which takes three numbers input from user, and displays
them in ascending order.
4. Write a program to take 10 numbers input from user using ‘For Loop’ and
display the Sum of all numbers, even numbers and odd numbers separately.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 15
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 15
Objective: Introduction to LabView
LabVIEW programs are called virtual instruments, or VIs, because they appear as
physical instruments, such as oscilloscopes and multi-meters. LabVIEW VIs contain
three components-the front panel, the block diagram, and the control and function palette.
You can use LabVIEW to communicate with hardware such as data acquisition, vision,
and motion control devices
In this Lab, you will build simple VIs to incorporate basic programming structures in
LabVIEW. This section will teach you fundamentals of LabVIEW front panel, block
diagram and tool palette, and also explains data flow in the block diagram.
Front Panel
In LabVIEW, you build a user interface, or front panel, with controls and indicators.
Controls are knobs, push buttons, dials, and other input devices. Indicators are graphs,
LEDs, and other displays.

Block Diagram
After you build the user interface, you add code using different functions to control the
front panel objects. The block diagram contains this code. In some ways, the block
diagram resembles a flowchart.

Building a VI
1. Start ‘LabVIEW’ program.
2. Open a ‘blank VI’
3. You will have two screens available. One is the ‘front panel’ and the second is
called ‘block diagram’. Front Panel will always have the ‘controls’ and
‘indicators’ required by the program to show the input and output parameters.
‘Block diagram’ will have the detailed graphical representation of the actual
4. Go to the ‘Front Panel’. The proposed program needs two numbers as inputs for
‘addition’ and ‘multiplication’. Remember all inputs are ‘controls’ and all outputs
are ‘indicators’.
5. Right click your mouse keeping the cursor anywhere on t he front panel. That
opens the ‘controls’ palette. Then select ‘Numerical controls’ and a ‘Numeric
control’, which brings a numeric control display onto the front panel. This can be
used to input the required number as input 1.

6. These steps may be repeated to obtain a second control input, where you can input
the second number. This will be your input2.

7. Now shift over to the ‘Block diagram’ by pressing CTRL+E characters on your
8. You will see the icons representing the two numeric control displays provided on
the front panel. They are called control terminals. Right click the mouse (keeping
the cursor in the free space on the block diagram). That opens up the ‘functions’
9. Select Arith/compare palette. This opens up the Arithmetic/comparison palette.
Select ‘Numeric’ palette. This opens up the ‘express numeric’ palette, which
shows all the arithmetic functions. Select and drag the ‘add’ and ‘multiply’
functions on to the block diagram.
10. Right click on out put side of the ‘add’ and ‘multiply’ functions and create
indicator by selecting Create>>Indicator. This provides the display indicators for
showing the results of the respective functions.
11. Get wiring tool and wire both the numeric controls to both the input terminals of
the ‘add’ and ‘multiply’ functions. The block diagram will then show the
following graphical program on the screen.

12. Go to the front panel. Your program is now ready for execution. Input the
numbers you want to add and multiply in the respective numeric input boxes. Hit
the run button on the tool bar and the output display boxes will show the results of
addition and multiplication functions. Save the VI using the ‘File’ pull down
menu as ‘example1-add+multiply.

Exercise 1: Build a VI to convert Rupees to Dollars. Take input from the user by using

Exercise 2: Solve the given equation x2–9x+20 = 0 b y using quadratic formula x=

−𝑏±√𝑏 2 −4𝑎𝑐

Exercise 3: Verify De Morgan’s laws;

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 16
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 16
To learn how to create subVI and use it in another VI
Building subVI
Build a VI to convert temperature from degree centigrade to degree Fahrenheit.

Icon and Connector Pane

1. Right-click the icon in the upper right corner of the front panel window and select
Edit Icon from the shortcut menu. The Icon Editor Dialog box appears.
2. Double-click the Select tool, shown in pg 65, on the left side of the Icon Editor
dialog box to select the default icon.
3. Press the <Delete> key to remove the default icon.
4. Double-click the Rectangle tool, shown in pg 65, to redraw the border.
5. Create the icon in Figure.

a) Double-click the Text tool, shown in pg 66, and change the font to Small
Fonts .
b) Use the Text tool to click the editing area where you will begin typing.
c) Type C a nd F. While the text is active, you can move the text by pressing the
arrow keys.
d) Use the Pencil tool, shown in pg 66, to create the arrow.
e) Note: To draw horizontal or v ertical straight lines, press the <Shift> key while
you use the Pencil tool to drag the cursor.
f) Use the Select tool and the arrow keys to move the text and arrow you created.
g) Select the B & W icon and click the 256 Colors button in the Copy from section
to create a black and white icon, which LabVIEW uses for printing unless you
have a color printer.
h) Select the 16 Colors icon and click the 256 C olors button in the Copy from

i) When you complete the icon, click the OK button to close the Icon Editor dialog
box. The icon appears in the upper right corner of the front panel and block

6. Right-click the icon on the front panel and select Show Connector from the
shortcut menu to dene the connector pane terminal pattern. LabVIEW selects a
default connector pane pattern based on the number of controls and indicators on the
front panel. For example, this front panel has two terminals, deg C a nd deg F, so
LabVIEW selects a connector pane pattern with two terminals.
7. Assign the terminals to the numeric control and numeric indicator.
a) Select Help>>Show Context Help to display the Context Help window.
b) Click the left terminal in the connector pane. The tool automatically changes to
the Wiring tool, and the terminal turns black.
c) Click the deg C control. A marquee highlights the control on the front panel.
d) Click an open space on the front panel. The marquee disappears, and the terminal
changes to the data type color of the control to indicate that you connected the
e) Click the right terminal in the connector pane, and click the deg F indicator.
f) Click an open space on the front panel. Both terminals of the connector pane are
g) Move the cursor over the connector pane. The Context Help window shows that
both terminals are connected to double-precision,floating-point values.
8. Save and close the VI. You will use this VI later in the course.

Using SubVIs
After you build a VI and create its icon and connector pane, you can use the VI as a subVI.
To place a subVI on t he block diagram, select Functions>>AllFunctions>>Select a VI.
Navigate to the VI you want to use as a subVI and double-click to place it on the block
diagram. You also can place an open VI on the block diagram of another open VI. Use the
Positioning tool to click the icon in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram
of the VI you want to use as a subVI and drag the icon to the block diagram of the other VI.

Exercise 1
Use the VI built to calculate square root and convert it into subVI.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 17
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 17
To learn how loops are designed and work in LabVIEW.
To write a VI for the Multiplication of a random number with 10 and displaying the result
continuously, until it is stopped.

Structures are graphical representations of the loops. Loops use structures on t he block
diagram to repeat code and to execute code conditionally or in a specific order.
Like other nodes, structures have terminals that connect them to other block diagram nodes,
execute automatically when input data are available, and supply data to output wires when
execution completes.
• For Loop Executes a code a set number of times.
• While Loop Executes a code until a condition is met.
• Case structure executes depending on the input value passed to the structure.
• Sequence structure Contains one or more sequential code, which execute in
sequential order.

In text base programming Do Loops repeat-until a condition is met. While loop iterates until
the condition is true. The condition can be tested at the beginning or the end of the loop. In
LabVIEW, the while Loop executes a graphical code while a condition is true or unt il a
condition is met. A LabVIEW while loop always executes at least once.
Look at the Loop and identify the iteration index, conditional terminal and Boolean operator
from the figure.
Stop If True hen a conditional terminal is in the Stop If True state, the While Loop
executes its Block diagram until the conditional terminal receives a TRUE value from the
front panel. The VI checks the conditional terminal at the end of each iteration.
Continue If True . When a conditional terminal is in the Continue If True state, the
While Loop executes its sub-diagram until the Conditional Terminal receives false value.

Building the VI:

1. Open LabVIEW and start a new VI. A blank VI opens the front panel and block
diagram simultaneously. If you save one VI, second one will be saved automatically.
Put a while loop from the function palette on t he block diagram. This comes from
Functions >>Structures >>While Loop
2. Right click on the conditional terminal and Select Create>>Control. This provides a
True or False Control for the conditional terminal.

3. Get a random number function by right clicking on blank space from All
function » Functions » Numeric » Random number. Same way get multiply
function from the numeric palette.
4. Get wiring tool and wire the random number function to one input of ‘multiply’
function. [By default, you are in automatic tool selection mode, which provides you
as soon as you bring the cursor near input/output terminal of any functional operator.
In case, you can’t get the wiring tool automatically, go to windows pull down menu
and click on the ‘show tools palette’. Then click on ‘connect wire’ tool on the
palette.] Right click on 2nd input terminal of the multiply function and select
Create>>Constant, and type 10 in the blank box.
5. Right click on the output side of the multiply function and create an indicator by
selecting Create>>Indicator. Your block diagram will now show:
This step will show the output value from the multiply function. Right click on t he
iteration and create indicator to see number of iterations so far done. [Follow the
same procedure you did for creating the indicator in the last step].

6. Double click on the stop button, this will show you location of the stop button in front
panel. Identify the indicator of the number of iterations and Output number indicator
and change the title of these indicators, if necessary.

7. Hit the run button on the tool bar and observe the running program. It will be too fast
to see the numbers.

8. Stop the program by pressing the button and go to block diagram. Use CTRL-E
whenever you want to move from front panel to block diagram and vice versa. Get a

metronome by right clicking Functions »All Function »Time & Dialog » Wait

until next ms multiple. Right click on left hand side (at its input) of and create
a constant and type 800 in blue box.

9. Your block diagram should look like the diagram below

Exercise 1: Generate random numbers and multiply it with 10. If the answer is in
between 4 and 6, t hen program should automatically abort. Also introduce a delay of
500ms after each iteration and display the number of iterations that it to ok till the
condition is met. As soon as the condition is met, a dialogue box should appear indicating
that your required instance has occurred.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 18
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 18
To learn how for loops are designed and work in LabVIEW

A For Loop executes a sub-diagram a set number of times specified by a constant or control
at its count terminal (N).

Procedure to write ‘generate Random values .vi ’

1. Open LabVIEW and start a new VI. A blank VI opens the front panel and block
diagram simultaneously. If you save one VI, second one will be saved automatically.
Put a while loop from the function palette on t he block diagram. This comes from
Functions >>Structures >>For Loop
2. Get ‘all functions’ from the ‘Functions’ palette and connect all wire as given in the

3. Connect all the wires properly and create the bock diagram as shown.

4. Save this VI as ‘Generate Random Values.VI’. Open the front panel. Run the
program and see the results.

Exercise 1: Add 5 repeatedly in a number and display result in the form of an array after ten

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 19
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 19
To learn different functionalities of arrays

Arrays group data elements of the same type. An array consists of elements and dimensions.
Elements are the data that make up the array. A dimension is the length, height, or depth of
an array. You can build arrays of numeric, Boolean, path, string, waveform, and cluster data
types. Consider using arrays when you work with a collection of similar data and when you
perform repetitive computations. Arrays are ideal for storing data you collect from
waveforms or data generated in loops, where each iteration of a loop produces one element of
the array.
If you wire an array to a For Loop or While Loop input tunnel, you can read and process
every element in that array by enabling auto-indexing. When you auto-index an array output
tunnel, the output array receives a new element from every iteration of the loop. The wire
from the output tunnel to the array indicator becomes thicker as it changes to an array at the
loop border, and the output tunnel contains square brackets representing an array, as shown in

Array Functions
• Array Size - Returns the number of elements in each dimension of an array.
• Initialize Array - Creates an n-dimensional array in which every element is
initialized to the value of element.
• Array Subset - Returns a portion of an array starting at index and containing length
• Build Array - Concatenates multiple arrays or appends elements to an n-dimensional
• Index Array - Returns the element or sub-array of n-dimension array at index.

Building a VI
Front Panel
Build your front panel as shown in the following figure.

Block Diagram
Build a block diagram as shown in figure.

Exercise 1: Create a two-dimensional array of the order5x5..

Exercise 2: Verify that integral of constant is a ramp and integral of ramp is a square.
Display the two results in separate arrays.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 20
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 20
To display quantities on waveform charts and waveform graphs

Waveform Charts
The waveform chart is a numeric indicator that displays one or more plots. The waveform
chart is located on t he Controls>>Graph Indicators palette. You can wire a scalar output
directly to a waveform chart. The data type in the waveform chart terminal matches the input
data type.
Waveform charts can display multiple plots. Bundle multiple plots together using the Bundle
function located on the Cluster palette.
Waveform graphs
VI with graphs usually collects the data in an array and then plot the data to the graph.
Waveform graph accept data in the form of array.

Building a VI
Front Panel
1. Put a waveform chart selecting from Control>>Graph indicators.

Block Diagram
1. Select a random number generator from numeric palette.
2. Multiply it with 10
3. Put this VI inside WHILE loop.
4. Join the output of the multiplier to the input of waveform chart terminal.
5. Click RUN

Exercise 1: Generate a sine wave and plot it on a w ave form chart. Also double the
amplitude of the generated sine wave and plot the two sine waves on t he same waveform

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 21
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 21
To learn the use of structures in LabVIEW for decision-making
Select The Select function, located on t he Functions>>Express>>Comparison palette,
selects between two values dependent on a Boolean input.

Case A Case structure has two or more subdiagrams, or cases. Only one subdiagram
is visible at a t ime, and the structure executes only one case at a time. An input value
determines which subdiagram executes. You must wire an integer, Boolean value, string, or
enumerated type value to the selector terminal. You can specify a default case for the Case
structure. You must specify a default case to handle out-of-range values or e xplicitly list
every possible input value.
Square Root VI
Front Panel
1. Open a blank VI and build the front panel shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Block Diagram
1. Build the block diagram shown in Figure 2

Figure 2

a) Place the Case structure, located on the Functions>>Execution Control

palette, on the block diagram. Click the decrement or increment button to select
the False case.

b) Place the Greater or E qual to 0? function, located on t he
Functions>>Arithmetic & Comparison>>Express Comparison palette, on the
block diagram. This function returns True if Number is greater than or equal to 0.
c) Right-click the numeric constant and select Properties from the shortcut
menu. Select the Format and Precision tab. Set Digits of precision to 1, s elect
Floating point notation, and click the OK button to ensure there is no d ata
conversion between the constant and the numeric indicator outside the Case

d) Place the One Button Dialog function, located on the Functions>>All

Functions>>Time & Dialog palette, on the block diagram. This function displays
a dialog box that contains the message “Error...Negative Number”.
e) Right-click the message terminal of the One Button Dialog function, select
Create>>Constant from the shortcut menu, type Error...Negative Number in the
constant, and click the Enter button on the toolbar or click outside the control.
f) Complete the diagram as shown in Figure 2.
2. Select the True case of the Case structure. Place the Square Root function, located on
the Functions>>Arithmetic & Comparison>>Express Numeric palette, on the block
diagram. This function returns the square root of Number. Wire the function as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Exercise 1: Build a VI to convert temperature from o C to o F and o F to o C depending upon
the user’s choice and display the result using a single indicator for both conversions. Develop
a mechanism to distinguish between the results by their respective units.

Exercise 2: Build a VI to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on two

numbers taken as input from the users. Only one of the functions can be performed at a time
according to user’s wish.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 22
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 22
To learn how to build clusters and their various functions.

Clusters group data elements of mixed types, such as a bundle of wires, as in a telephone
cable, where each wire in the cable represents a different element of the cluster.
Bundling several data elements into clusters eliminates wire clutter on the block diagram and
reduces the number of connector pane terminals that subVIs need.
Creating Cluster Controls and Indicators
To create a cluster control or i ndicator, select a cluster on t he Controls>>All
Controls>>Array &Cluster palette, place it on the front panel, and drag controls or indicators
into the cluster shell.

Cluster Order
Cluster elements have a logical order unrelated to their position in the shell. The first object
you place in the cluster is element 0; the second is element 1, and so on. If you delete an
element, the order adjusts automatically.

Cluster Functions
Assembling Clusters
Use the Bundle function to assemble a cluster from individual elements or to change the
values of individual elements in an existing cluster without having to specify new values for
all elements.

Replacing or Accessing Cluster Elements

Use the Bundle by Name function to replace or access labeled elements of an existing cluster.
Bundle by Name works similarly to the Bundle function, but instead of referencing cluster
elements by their cluster order, it references them by their owned labels.

Disassembling Clusters
Use the Unbundle function to split a cluster into its individual elements.

Exercise 1
Make a cluster control containing one numeric control, two toggle buttons and one slider
control. Increment numerical control by one and invert the logic of second toggle button and
display the modified cluster. Also display the values of slider and first toggle button by in a
separate cluster indicator.

Electronic Engineering Drawing & Workshop Lab Session 23
NED University of Engineering and Technology- Department of Electronic Engineering

Lab Session 23
To learn the use of various functions to edit and manipulate strings
To learn the use of basic file I/O functions

A string is a sequence of displayable or non-displayable ASCII characters. Strings provide a
platform independent format for information and data.
String Functions
• String Length - Returns in length the number of characters (bytes) string, including
space characters.
• Concatenate Strings - Concatenates input strings and 1D array of strings into a
single output string.

• String Subset - Returns the substring of the input string beginning at offset and
containing length number of characters.
• Match Pattern - Searches for regular expression in string beginning at offset, and if
it finds a match, splits string into three substrings.
• Format into string-

Exercise 1: Replace the string “brown” with “yellow” in the sentence “The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog”.
Exercise 2: Sort the characters in the string “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”

File I/O VIs and Functions
File I/O operations pass data to and from files. Use the File I/O VIs and functions located on
the Functions>>All Functions>>File I/O palette to handle all aspects of file I/O, including the
• Opening and closing data files
• Reading data from and writing data to files
• Reading from and writing to spreadsheet-formatted files
• Moving and renaming files and directories
• Changing file characteristics

Basics of File I/O

A typical le I/O operation involves the following process:
1. Create or ope n a le. Indicate where an existing le resides or where you want to create a
new file by specifying a path or responding to a dialog box t o direct LabVIEW to the file
location. After the file opens, a refnum represents the file. A reference number, or refnum, is
a unique identifier for an object, such as a file, device, or network connection.
2. Read from or write to the file.
3. Close the file.

Exercise 4: Verify that integral of constant is a ramp and integral of ramp is a square as done
in lab 5. Display the two results in separate arrays. Write results to a spread sheet and plot
them on graphs.



By David Houcque (Northwestern University)
 http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/breadb.htm
 www.mathworks.com
 www.rapidonline.com
 http://en.wikipedia.org/
 http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/solder.htm
 Lab View : LabVIEW Graphical Programming Course
Collection edited by:National Instruments


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